Analog Display Digital VFO
Analog Display Digital VFO
Analog Display Digital VFO
Si5351A module
3,3V 2.2k
GND 3.3V
vcc 1
ST7735 (128"160)
3.3V 150
2,2.k 2,2k
~ C- -_"! rc-;i ~: D
Parts List
• ESP32 OevKitC(38 Pin) Microcontroller
• Si 5351aClock Generator
• TFTType SPI ST7735 1.Bin 12Bx160 or OLEO
• CNC RotaryEncoder 100pulse
• 4x2.2k0 1/4W Resistors
• DuPont Female·to-FemaleConnectors(20mm and10mm)
• SMA Sockets
• Power Socket
• StandardDiecast Box 120x95x57mm
• Single sidedCopper Cladboardapprox. 70x50mm
• 12V to SVBuckConverter (if required)
Rotary Encoder
On the circuit diagram, it is recommended that a
40-pulse rotary encoder is used as a minimum.
1tested mine with a 24-pulse encoder and
found that it is too slow. 1 decided to look for
an alternative and came across some very nice
100-pulse CNC Rotary Encoders. These are
available in two sizes, 60mm and 80mm, either
Black or Silver and are very reasonably priced .
They are made of solid aluminium and are quite connectors where they connected to each of ming can further develop and customise this pro-
heavy, ideal for a VFO project. Connecting to the the ESP32 and si5351 a boards. Later, spots of ject and add other useful features such as band
CNC Rotary Encoder is straightforward, simply hot glue were applied to hold everything still. switching . lt can be used to drive an SDR receiver
connect to A, B, VCC and GND marked on the The loops are soldered to the underside of the or transceiver by using the clock outputs (CLKO
encoder. 1 connected the VCC to 3.3V and found copper-clad board, Fig. 5. and CLKl) for I and Q. 1 have tried to keep thi s
that it does not require the two pull-up resistors 1 reduced the length of the DuPont connectors project as simple as possible so as not to put off
shown on the circuit. lt is also easy to remove the to 10mm and also added a buck converter to anyone wish ing to try building one of these. My
detents (clicks) making the drive very smooth . provide the SV to the ESP32 USB from a 12V thanks to Ross G6GVI for helping me out with the
This link shows a video of how it is done: supply. The TFT Display and Bezel is mounted to software. the front panel using spots of hot glue, Fig. 6. On
The CNC Encoder works a treat and really the back is a si ngle SMA socket for the LO output References
shows how useful the adaptive step control can and a 12V power socket. T.J. Uebo JF3HCB, Main Project Software and
be, especially when changing bands. Circuit:
Mountingthe VFO The JF3HZB VFO provides a very smooth and ac- SADARC (Australia):
Now that we have a working VFO it needs tobe curate digital/analogue display. The VFO works
mounted in a screened box. 1 used a standard at frequencies up to 150MHz. The CNC Rotary WA2FZW - lt's not just another Digital VFO :
diecast box size 115 x 90 x 55mm. To mount the Encoder looks and feel s like that used on an ex-
modules I used a piece of single-sided copper pensive transceiver, Fig. 7. The VFO could also Removing the detent (clicks) on the CNC Encoder:
clad board bolted to the base of the box (copper be integrated into a larger project such as a multi-
side underneath). Small holes were drilled in band receiver or transceiver. JF3HZB Video of the VFO:
order to make wire loops to hold the DuPont l'm sure that anyone with skills in program-