Animal Physiology Pearson
Animal Physiology Pearson
Animal Physiology Pearson
Animal Physiology
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. i C/M/Y/K
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Title: Principles
of Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. ii C/M/Y/K
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Title: Principles of
Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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Brief Contents
Part One Part Two Part Three
Introduction to The Cellular Basis of Integrating Physiological
Physiology 2 Animal Physiology 98 Systems 256
Photo source: Scott Nielsen/Bruce Coleman Inc. Photo source: Francois Paquet-Durand / Science Source Photo source: Image Quest Marine
Respiratory Systems 442
Locomotion 498
Ion and Water Balance 542
Digestion and Energy
Metabolism 592
Thermal Physiology 634
Reproductive Physiology 668
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. iii C/M/Y/K
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Title: Principles
of Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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About the Authors
Christopher D. Moyes, Ph.D. Patricia M. Schulte, Ph.D.
Queen’s University University of British Columbia
Chris Moyes received his Ph.D. Trish Schulte received her Ph.D. in
in Zoology from the University Biological Sciences from Stanford
of British Columbia in the area of University in the area of evolution-
comparative muscle physiology. ary physiology. After graduating,
After postdoctoral fellowships in she took a position as an assistant
molecular physiology at the U.S. professor in the Department of
National Institutes of Health and Biology at the University of
Simon Fraser University, he took Waterloo, and then moved to the
a position at Queen’s University, where he is a Full Profes- Department of Zoology at the University of British Columbia
sor in the Department of Biology, and Department Head in Vancouver where she is currently a Full Professor.
(2013–2015). He teaches a spectrum of courses in animal Research in her laboratory focuses on the mechanisms
physiology, comparative biochemistry, and cell biology. Us- that fish use to respond to environmental stressors such as
ing a wide range of comparative and traditional models, his high temperature, hypoxia, and altered salinity. She is particu-
research addresses questions in molecular physiology and larly interested in understanding how genetic variation among
metabolic biochemistry. One major theme of his research individuals contributes to variation in their stress response
is the study of the evolutionary and developmental origins across multiple levels of biological organization, and assess-
of variation in muscle structure and function. Another ma- ing the consequences of this variation for performance and
jor area of his research is the response of animals to envi- fitness in variable environments. Dr. Schulte’s research group
ronmental stress. In all of his research he emphasizes the also conducts applied research in fisheries, aquaculture, and
integration of physiological processes, from molecular to aquatic toxicology. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed
organismal levels. papers, including contributions to several books.
Dr. Moyes is a recipient of the Ontario Premier’s Re- Dr. Schulte was the President of the Canadian Society of
search Excellence Award. He is a member of the American Zoologists (2007–2008), and is a member of the Society for
Physiological Society and the Canadian Society of Zoologists Integrative and Comparative Biology, The Society for Exper-
and has served on research grant panels for the N atural Sci- imental Biology, and the American Physiological Society. She
ence and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the was the co-editor in chief of the journal Physiological and Bio-
U.S. National Science Foundation. He is also Editor-in-Chief chemical Zoology (2009–2014), and is a member of the editorial
of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B Biochemistry. board of the journal Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology.
He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, Dr. Schulte has taught physiology courses at multiple
including contributions to four books. levels, including introductory physiology, comparative phys-
More of his research is detailed on his homepage at iology, and human physiology. She is a recipient of a several teaching awards, including the UBC Science Undergraduate
Society Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Faculty of
Science Achievement Award for Teaching. She is currently
the departmental director for Life Sciences for the Carl Wie-
man Science Education Initiative at UBC, which is dedicated
to promoting the use of evidence-based approaches to sci-
ence education for undergraduates.
You can learn more about her research and teaching
activities on her homepage at
Thanks to our families, friends, colleagues, and students for their influence and support during the development of this textbook. We
dedicate this textbook to the memory of Peter Hochachka, an inspiration to comparative physiologists and valued mentor to both of us.
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. iv C/M/Y/K
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Title: Principles of
Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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Preface xix
Acknowledgments xxxiii
Introduction to Physiological Evolution
Physiological Principles 2 of Animals 20
Integration in Physiology 5 Multicellularity and the Invention of Tissues 23
Animal physiologists study phenomena at multiple levels Placozoans and sponges lack discrete tissues 24
of organization 6 Cnidarians possess true tissues 24
Animal physiologists address basic and applied Bilaterians are triploblastic with some degree of cephalization 25
questions 7 Protostomes and deuterostomes differ in the embryonic origins of
Physics and Chemistry: The Basis the mouth and anus 25
A coelom forms by enterocoely or schizocoely 25
of Physiology 7
Platyhelminthes include parasitic and free-living worms 26
The laws of diffusion help to explain the evolution of animal
Mollusks possess a calcareous shell 27
form and function 7
Annelids have segmented bodies 27
Mechanical theory helps us understand how organisms
work 8 Arthropods show metamerism and tagmatization 27
Electrical potentials are a fundamental physiological Deuterostomes include echinoderms and chordates 28
currency 9 Vertebrates 28
Temperature affects physiological processes 9
Different agnathan ancestors gave rise to modern agnathans
Biochemical and physiological patterns are influenced and fish 28
by body size 9
Cartilaginous fish evolved from placoderms 29
Form, Function, and Evolution 11 Several groups of bony fish evolved in the Devonian period 29
Form and function are the products of evolution 11 Sarcopterygians gave rise to tetrapods 31
Animals have many traits in common 12 Amphibians must return to water to breed 31
What is adaptation? 12 Reptiles and their ancestors have dominated land for 300 million
years 31
Not all differences are evolutionary adaptations 13
Mammals evolved from therapsid reptiles 32
Phenotypes may be homologous or analogous 14
Birds are modern reptiles 32
Regulation and Homeostasis 15
Animals can be physiological conformers or
Homeostasis is the maintenance of internal Molecular Innovations 33
constancy 15 The myosin gene family divergence underlies much of animal
Feedback loops control physiological pathways 16 diversity 33
Negative feedback loops maintain homeostasis 17 Na+/K+ ATPase is essential for ion homeostasis and excitable
Positive feedback loops cause explosive responses 17 tissues 33
Acclimation and acclimatization result in reversible phenotypic The appearance of collagen coincided with tissue formation 35
changes 17 Hormones extended the range of cell-to-cell signaling 35
Animals can also irreversibly alter their phenotype 17
Integrative Processes 36
Summary 18 • Review Questions 19 • Synthesis The evolution of complexity was accompanied by an increase
Questions 19 in cephalization 36
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Title: Principles
of Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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vi contents
Lipids 66
Fatty acids are long aliphatic chains produced from acetyl CoA 66
Fatty acids are oxidized in mitochondrial b-oxidation 67
Fatty acids can be converted to ketone bodies 68
Chemistry, Biochemistry, Triglyceride is the major form of lipid storage 68
Phospholipids predominate in biological membranes 69
and Cell Physiology 38 Steroids share a multiple ring structure 70
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contents vii
The endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus mediate DNA is organized into genomes 91
vesicular traffic 85 Transcriptional control acts at gene regulatory regions 91
The extracellular matrix mediates interactions between cells 86 RNA degradation influences RNA levels 92
Most tissues are composed of multiple cell types 88 Global changes in translation control many pathways 93
Epithelial tissues share four specialized properties that affect Cells rapidly reduce protein levels through protein
solute movements 88 degradation 93
Solutes move across epithelial tissues by paracellular and Protein variants arise through gene duplications and
transcellular transport 89 rearrangements 93
Ancient genome duplications contribute to physiological
Physiological Genetics and Genomics 90 diversity 95
Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides 90
DNA is a double-stranded a-helix packaged into Summary 96 • Review Questions 96 • Synthesis Questions 97
chromosomes 90 • Quantitative Questions 97
Endocrine Regulation 98
Ligand-receptor binding obeys the law of mass action 114
Receptor number can vary 114
Receptor affinity for a ligand can vary 115
Ligand signaling must be inactivated 115
Ligand-Receptor Interactions 116
General Features of Cell Signaling 101
Indirect signaling systems form a continuum 102
The structure of the messenger determines the type of signaling Intracellular Receptors 119
mechanism 103
Ligand-Gated Ion Channels 121
Peptide Messengers 104
Signal Transduction via Receptor-Enzymes 121
Peptide messengers are released by exocytosis 104
Receptor guanylate cyclases generate cyclic GMP 122
Peptide messengers dissolve in extracellular fluids 105
Receptor tyrosine kinases signal through Ras proteins 123
Peptides bind to transmembrane receptors 105
Receptor serine/threonine kinases directly activate
Steroid Messengers 106 phosphorylation cascades 124
Steroids bind to carrier proteins 107 Signal Transduction via G Protein–Coupled
Endocrine Disruptors 108 G protein–coupled receptors are extremely diverse 125
Steroids bind to intracellular receptors 109 G proteins can act through Ca2+-calmodulin 126
G proteins can interact with amplifier enzymes 126
Biogenic Amines 109
Amplifier enzymes alter the concentration of second
Thyroid hormones diffuse across the membrane 110 messengers 126
Thyroid hormones are hydrophobic messengers 110 Guanylate cyclase generates cGMP 127
Other Classes of Messenger 111 Phospholipase C generates phosphatidylinositol 127
Eicosanoids are lipid messengers 111 Cyclic AMP was the first second messenger discovered 128
There are three known gaseous chemical messengers 111 Signal transduction pathways can interact 130
Purines can act as neurotransmitters and paracrines 112 INTRODUCTION TO ENDOCRINE SYSTEMS 130
Communication of the Signal to the Target Cell 112 Characteristics of Endocrine Systems 130
Ligand-receptor interactions are specific 113 Hormone levels are regulated by feedback loops 133
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Title: Principlesof Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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viii Contents
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Contents ix
Neurons can be classified based on their structure 180 • Box 6.1 APPLICATIONs
Neurons are associated with glial cells 182 Pharmaceutical Uses of Microtubule Disruptors 215
Diversity of Signal Conduction 184 Kinesin and dynein move along microtubules 215
Cilia and flagella are composed of microtubules 216
Voltage-gated ion channels are encoded by multiple genes 184
Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels can also be involved in action Microfilaments 217
potentials 185 Microfilaments are polymers of actin 217
Conduction speed varies among axons 185 Actin polymerization can generate movement 218
The cable properties of the axon influence current flow 185 Actin uses myosin as a motor protein 218
• Box 5.3 CHALLENGES TO HOMEOSTASIS The sliding filament model describes actino-myosin activity 219
RNA Editing of Potassium Channels as an Adaptation Myosin activity is influenced by unitary displacement and duty
to Cold Environments 186 cycle 222
Intracellular and membrane resistance influence conduction
speed 188
Membrane capacitance influences the speed of General Features of Striated Muscles 223
conduction 189 Muscle cells possess thick and thin filaments 224
Giant axons have high conduction speed 191 Striated muscle thick and thin filaments are arranged into
Myelinated neurons evolved in the vertebrates 192 sarcomeres 224
Myelination increases conduction speed 193 Myosin II has a unique duty cycle and unitary displacement 226
Sarcomeric organization determines contractile properties of the
Diversity of Synaptic Transmission 194 muscle cell 226
Electrical and chemical synapses play different roles 194 Actino-myosin activity is activated by Ca2+ 228
Chemical synapses have diverse structures 195 Thick filaments also influence contractile properties 229
There are many types of neurotransmitters 196 Muscle contraction can generate force 230
Neurotransmitters can be excitatory or inhibitory 198 Cardiac and skeletal muscle cells differ in some structural
Neurotransmitter receptors can be ionotropic or properties 231
metabotropic 198
Acetylcholine receptors can be ionotropic or metabotropic 198 • Box 6.2 MATH IN PHYSIOLOGY
Factors Affecting Force, Work, and Power 232
The biogenic amines play diverse physiological roles 199
Neurons can synthesize more than one kind of Excitation in Vertebrate Skeletal and Cardiac
neurotransmitter 201 Muscles 234
Neurotransmitter release varies depending on physiological
Striated muscles are all activated by an action potential 234
state 201
Striated muscles differ in the time course of the action
Evolution of Neural Signaling 203 potential 235
Many organisms use electrical signaling 203 Cardiac and skeletal muscles differ in refractory periods 236
Action potentials in nonmetazoans involve Ca2+ 204 Skeletal muscle excitation is triggered by neurotransmitters 237
Animals have unique voltage-gated Na+ channels 204 T-tubules enhance action potential penetration into the myocyte 238
Neurotransmitters evolved from ancient signaling Cardiac muscle cells are stimulated by other muscle cells 238
molecules 204
Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Striated Muscles 239
Summary 205 • Review Questions 205 • Synthesis Questions 206 Depolarization leads to an increase in cytoplasmic [Ca2+] 239
• Quantitative Questions 207 DHPR activation induces Ca2+ release from the SR 240
Relaxation follows removal of Ca2+ from the cytoplasm 241
Many factors contribute to differences in properties of striated
muscles 242
Cellular Movement AND FUNCTION 243
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Title: Principlesof Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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x Contents
CHAPTER 7 Coding differs between the olfactory and gustatory systems 272
Taste reception differs between vertebrates and
Sensory Systems 256 invertebrates 272
Nociceptors detect noxious chemical stimuli 273
Touch and Pressure Receptors 274
GENERAL PROPERTIES OF SENSORY Vertebrate tactile receptors are widely dispersed 274
RECEPTION 257 Vertebrate proprioceptors monitor body position 275
Classification of Sensory Receptors 259 Insects have several types of tactile and proprioceptors 275
Receptors can be classified based on stimulus location or Equilibrium and Hearing 276
modality 259
Statocysts are the organ of equilibrium for invertebrates 276
Receptors may detect more than one stimulus modality 260
Insects use a variety of organs for hearing 276
Stimulus Encoding in Sensory Systems 260 Vertebrate organs of hearing and equilibrium contain hair cells 277
Sensory pathways encode stimulus modality 260 Tip links are critical for mechanosensory transduction 280
Receptive fields provide information about stimulus location 261 Hair cells are found in the lateral line and ears of fish 280
Sensory receptors have a dynamic range 261 Vertebrate ears function in hearing and equilibrium 280
There is a trade-off between dynamic range and The vestibular apparatus is the organ of equilibrium in
discrimination 262 vertebrates 280
Range fractionation increases sensory discrimination 262 The inner ear detects sounds 282
Sense organs can have a very large dynamic range 263 In terrestrial vertebrates, hearing involves the inner, middle,
Many receptors encode signals logarithmically 263 and outer ears 284
Tonic and phasic receptors encode stimulus duration 264 Cetaceans have highly modified ears 285
The inner ear of mammals has specializations for sound
CHEMORECEPTION 265 detection 286
The Olfactory System 265 Outer hair cells amplify sounds 286
The ears can detect sound location 287
The vertebrate olfactory system can distinguish thousands of
odorants 265 PHOTORECEPTION 287
Odorant receptors are G protein coupled 265
Photoreceptors 287
An alternative chemosensory system detects pheromones 267
The structure of photoreceptor cells differs among animals 287
Invertebrate olfactory mechanisms differ from those
in vertebrates 268 Mammals have two types of photoreceptor cells 288
Chromophores allow photoreceptors to absorb light 290
• Box 7.1 APPLICATIONs The mechanisms of phototransduction differ among
Using Pheromones to Alter Behavior 269 organisms 291
The Gustatory System 270 The Structure and Function of Eyes 291
Taste buds are vertebrate gustatory receptors 270 There are two major types of compound eyes in arthropods 293
Vertebrate taste receptors use diverse signal transduction Structurally diverse eyes share underlying molecular
mechanisms 270 similarity 294
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Contents xi
The structure of the vertebrate eye relates to its function 294 Brain size varies among vertebrates 321
The lens focuses light on the retina 295 • Box 8.1 MATH IN PHYSIOLOGY
Vertebrate retinas have multiple layers 295 Brain Size and Brain Complexity 322
Information from rods and cones is processed differently 296
The relative sizes of brain regions vary among vertebrates 324
Signal processing in the retina enhances contrast 297
The hindbrain supports basic functions 325
The brain processes the visual signal 298
The midbrain is greatly reduced in mammals 325
Color vision requires multiple types of photoreceptors 300
The forebrain controls complex processes 325
Color vision evolved secondarily in primates 301
The corpus callosum allows communication between
Some photoreceptors are not involved in vision 302 hemispheres 325
Other Sensory Modalities 302 The hypothalamus maintains homeostasis 327
Thermoreceptors detect temperature 302 The limbic system influences emotions 327
The thalamus acts as a relay station 328
The cortex integrates and interprets information 328
Circadian Rhythms in the Modern World 303
The cortex exhibits topographic organization 330
Electroreceptors detect electrical fields 304 Mirror neurons fire in response to observed behaviors 330
Magnetoreceptors detect magnetic fields 305
Communication in Weakly Electric Fish 306 OF VERTEBRATES 331
The Autonomic Nervous System 331
Summary 308 • Review Questions 308 • Synthesis Questions 309 The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches act together to
• Quantitative Questions 309 maintain homeostasis 332
The anatomy of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches
differs 333
The neurotransmitters of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
systems differ 334
Some effectors receive only sympathetic innervation 335
Functional Organization The central nervous system regulates the autonomic nervous
system 336
of Nervous Systems 310 The enteric nervous system regulates the gut 337
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xii Contents
The hypothalamus regulates food intake 349 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF VERTEBRATE
The hypothalamus is involved in the stress response 349 HEARTS 376
The hypothalamus regulates circadian rhythms 350
Heart Anatomy 376
The hypothalamus regulates sleep-wake cycles 351
The myocardium can be spongy or compact 377
Sleep is divided into phases 353
Fish heart chambers are arranged in series 378
Summary 354 • Review Questions 354 • Synthesis Questions 355 Amphibian hearts have three chambers 379
• Quantitative Questions 355 Most reptiles have five heart chambers 379
Crocodilians have completely divided ventricles 380
Birds and mammals have four heart chambers 381
Cardiac anatomy is related to respiratory mode 382
CHAPTER 9 Cardiac anatomy changes during development 383
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Contents xiii
The Circulatory System During Exercise 410 Integration with Other Physiological Systems 435
The cardiovascular control center of the brain regulates the Allergic responses are stimulated by mast cells 435
circulatory system 410 Increases in body temperature impede pathogen replication 436
Cardiac output increases during exercise 410 The GI tract has immunological defenses 436
Patterns of blood flow change during exercise 411
Blood pressure changes only slightly during exercise 411 The Immune System and Thermoregulation 438
Higher brain centers are also involved 411
Some species can transfer immunity to offspring 438
Summary 412 • Review Questions 412 • Synthesis Questions 412 Steroid hormone levels affect the immune system 439
• Quantitative Questions 413
Summary 441 • Review Questions 441 • Synthesis Questions 441
• Quantitative Questions 441
Immune Systems 414
Respiratory Systems 442
Recognition of Pathogens 418 RESPIRATORY STRATEGIES 444
Pattern-recognition receptors detect pathogen-associated
The Physics of Respiratory Systems 444
molecular patterns 418
Gases exert a pressure 445
Toll-like receptors activate immune responses 419
Henry’s law describes how gases dissolve in liquids 445
Phagocytic Cells 420 Gases diffuse at different rates 446
Phagocytic cells engulf and digest foreign cells 420 Fluids flow from areas of high to low pressure 447
Opsonins promote phagocytosis 421 Resistance opposes flow 447
Complement molecules promote other immune processes 422
Types of Respiratory Systems 448
Executing Pathogens in the Innate Immune Very thin animals can rely on diffusion alone for gas exchange 449
System 423 Most animals use one of three major respiratory strategies 449
Granulocytes and natural killer cells secrete cytotoxic Gas-exchange surfaces are often ventilated 450
compounds 423 Perfusion of the respiratory surface affects gas exchange 450
Antimicrobial peptides can be secreted by many cell types in all
multicellular organisms 423 VENTILATION AND GAS EXCHANGE 452
Inflammation is an early response to pathogens and tissue Ventilation and Gas Exchange in Water 453
damage 423 Most mollusks ventilate their gills using cilia 453
ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY OF VERTEBRATES 425 Crustacean gills are located on the appendages 454
Echinoderms have diverse respiratory structures 454
Transgenic Mosquitoes 426 Feeding lampreys ventilate their gills tidally 455
Elasmobranchs use a buccal pump for ventilation 455
Humoral Immunity 426 Teleost fishes use a buccal-opercular pump for ventilation 456
Antibodies are composed of variable and constant regions 427 Fish gills are arranged for countercurrent flow 458
Diversity in immunoglobulins arises through gene
recombination 428 Ventilation and Gas Exchange in Air 458
Antibody classes differ in the C regions 429 Arthropods use a variety of mechanisms for aerial gas
Complement molecules interact with immunoglobulins 430 exchange 459
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xiv Contents
Tracheal systems are inefficient in water 460 Air breathers can experience high-altitude hypoxia 488
Some aquatic insects breathe through siphons 460 High altitude can cause pathological responses in lowland
Some aquatic insects carry bubbles of air 461 animals 490
Many insects actively ventilate the tracheae 461 Some human populations have colonized high altitudes 490
Air breathing has evolved multiple times in vertebrates 462 High-altitude mammals have various adaptations to function well
Amphibians ventilate their lungs using a buccal force pump 463 in hypoxia 490
Reptiles ventilate their lungs using a suction pump 465 Birds have a greater tolerance of high-altitude hypoxia than do
mammals 490
Birds unidirectionally ventilate their lungs 466
Metabolic suppression is a common response to hypoxia 491
The alveoli are the site of gas exchange in mammals 467
Mammals ventilate their lungs tidally 468 Diving 491
The work required for ventilation depends on lung compliance Anaerobic metabolism takes over at the aerobic dive limit 491
and resistance 469
Surfactants increase lung compliance 469
Adaptations to High Altitude in Bar-Headed Geese 492
Airway resistance affects the work required to breathe 470
Aspiration-based pulmonary systems have substantial dead Diving animals have increased body oxygen stores 494
space 470 Nitrogen narcosis is a problem at depth 494
Pulmonary function tests measure lung function and Decompression sickness can occur on ascent 495
volumes 470 Marine mammals decrease oxygen demand during a dive 495
Diving animals have modified responses to CO2 495
Treating Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature Summary 496 • Review Questions 496 • Synthesis Questions 496
Infants 471
• Quantitative Questions 497
Ventilation-perfusion matching is important for gas
exchange 472
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xvi Contents
Recycling of urea helps to establish the osmotic gradient in the Digestion of specific nutrients requires specific enzymes 597
medulla 574 Many animals incorporate symbiotic organisms into their digestive
The vasa recta maintains the medullary osmotic gradient via physiology 597
a countercurrent exchanger 574 Enterosymbionts play multiple roles in digestive physiology 598
Micturition is regulated by reflex and higher pathways 575
Finding and Consuming Food 598
Roles of the Kidney in Homeostasis 575 Animals sense food using chemical, electrical, and thermal
Aldosterone regulates sodium and potassium balance 575 cues 598
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway regulates blood • Box 14.1 APPLICATIONs
pressure 575
The Human Microbiome 599
Natriuretic peptides also play a role in sodium balance 576
The respiratory system and excretory system contribute to Simple animals digest food within phagocytic vesicles 600
acid-base balance 576 Feeding structures are matched to diet 600
Bird beaks are composed of keratinized tissue 601
Water Intake and Excretion 577
Mammals have bony teeth 602
Hypothalamic factors regulate thirst 577
The excretory system interacts with the cardiovascular system to DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION 603
regulate blood pressure 578 Digestive Systems 603
Evolutionary Variation in the Structure and Function of Gut complexity is linked to the appearance of the coelom 605
Excretory Systems 580 The digestive systems of complex animals maximize surface
Invertebrates have primitive kidneys called nephridia 580 area 605
Insects use Malpighian tubules and the hindgut for ion and water Specialized compartments increase the efficiency of
regulation 581 digestion 607
Chondrichthian kidneys produce hypoosmotic urine and retain Salivary glands secrete water and digestive enzymes 608
urea 582 The stomach secretes acid and mucus 608
The role of the fish kidney differs in freshwater and The intestine is where most nutrients are hydrolyzed and
seawater 583 absorbed 609
The amphibian kidney changes in metamorphosis 583 Assimilation 611
Terrestrial animals have kidneys that help conserve Carbohydrates are hydrolyzed in the lumen and transported
water 584 by multiple carriers 611
Fish gills transport ions into and out of the water 584 Proteins are broken down into amino acids by proteases
Digestive epithelia mediate ion and water transfers 586 and peptidases 612
Reptiles and birds possess salt glands 586 Lipids are transported in many forms 613
Conservation Physiology of Salmon 587
Regulating Digestive Systems in Individuals 615
Elasmobranch rectal glands excrete Na+ and Cl−, while retaining
urea 588 Hormones control the desire to feed 615
Hormones and neurotransmitters control gastrointestinal
Summary 590 • Review Questions 590 • Synthesis Questions 590 secretions 617
• Quantitative Questions 591 Retention time affects the efficiency of nutrient uptake 618
Gut motility is regulated by nerves and hormones that act on
smooth muscle 618
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xviii Contents
Insect eggs are surrounded by a chorion 679 REGULATING REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT
Egg structure differs in aquatic and terrestrial IN MAMMALS 688
vertebrates 680
Coordinating the Ovarian and Uterine Cycles 688
Spermatogenesis requires production of motile
gametes 680 Hormones control the ovarian and uterine cycles 688
Leydig cells and Sertoli cells control spermatogenesis 681 The follicular phase of ovulation is driven by FSH 689
Reproductive hormones interact with other hormones 682 Ovulation and the luteal phase follow an LH surge 689
The endometrial cycle parallels the ovulatory cycle 691
Mating, Fertilization, and Embryonic
A placenta forms after a fertilized ovum implants in the uterine
Development 682 wall 691
• Box 16.2 CHALLENGES TO HOMEOSTASIS Maternal changes in physiology accompany pregnancy 692
Reproduction and Stress 683 Contractions of uterine smooth muscle induce parturition 693
Mating is under physiological control 684 Postnatal Growth and Development 693
Male copulatory organs increase the efficiency of sperm Prolactin also controls parental care of offspring 693
transfer 684 Milk is a secretory product of mammary glands 694
Erection is controlled by vascular changes in the penis 685
Mammary gland secretions include two novel products, casein
Sperm alter activity in response to chemokinetic and chemotaxic and lactose 695
molecules 686
Females use sperm storage to ensure uninterrupted • Box 16.3 MATH IN PHYSIOLOGY
reproduction 686 Scaling of Milk Production 696
Individual sperm can compete for the opportunity to fertilize Milk energy output influences infant growth rate 697
the egg 686 Early postnatal development requires remodeling of each
Some animals delay embryonic development 686 physiological system 698
Postfertilization development relies on maternal factors 687
Amniotes produce four extraembryonic membranes early Summary 698 • Review Questions 699 • Synthesis Questions 699
in development 687 • Quantitative Question 699
Glossary 700
Animal Index 723
Subject Index 729
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. xviii C/M/Y/K
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Title: Principles of Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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The 21st century is an incredibly exciting time to be a biolo- • Physiological processes are based in the laws of chemis-
gist. Animal biologists now have access to data from a range of try and physics.
complete animal genomes covering a broad spectrum of the • Physiological diversity among animals is the result of
diversity of animals. At the time of writing this preface, com- evolutionary processes.
plete genomes already exist for several hundred species of in-
• Physiological processes are homeostatically regulated.
vertebrates and over two hundred species of vertebrates; in the
next few years, we expect that genome sequences will be avail- Every chapter revisits these key themes, providing a uni-
able for thousands of species of animals. But the fundamental fying thread that ties together our concept of animal
questions about how the genes in these genomes work to- physiology.
gether to allow animals to perform their diverse physiological
Orientation Around Learning. To promote comprehension,
functions and to go about their daily lives are still largely unan-
each chapter begins with Learning Objectives that connect
swered. Animal physiologists are at the forefront of integrating
directly with the headings in the chapter and with the Review
this new genome sequence information into a functional and
Questions at the end of the chapter. To assist with the integration
evolutionary framework as part of their efforts to understand
of material across chapters, many chapters feature a new
how animals work. Our goal in writing this textbook is to con-
Looking Back section that identifies the critical background
vey a sense of this excitement to students who are approaching
material found in earlier chapters.
the study of animal physiology for the first time.
One of the challenges that students face when they ap- An Emphasis on Animal Diversity and Evolution. We
proach their first course in physiology is the great breadth are strongly committed to the importance of teaching
and diversity of the subject matter. Physiology is among the about the physiological diversity of animals, because we
most integrative of the life sciences, drawing on ideas from feel that this diversity is a fundamental property of the
chemistry, physics, mathematics, molecular biology, and cell natural world. We also believe that books focusing only
biology for its conceptual underpinnings. In addition, to fully on humans can cause students to form the erroneous
appreciate the physiological diversity of animals, students impression that physiological processes in humans are
must have a working knowledge of environmental biology, typical of those in all animals, and thus we provide diverse
ecology, systematics, and evolutionary biology. We have writ- examples in their evolutionary context. As a result, we
ten this book to give students a well-organized and engaging include extensive discussion of physiological processes in
treatment of the fundamental principles of animal physiology. both vertebrates and invertebrates throughout the book
Throughout the book, we integrate concepts from all levels of and attempt to interweave evolutionary thinking into these
biological organization to explore the nature of diversity in discussions. Our new Chapter 2 discusses the major events
biological molecules, cells, physiological systems, and whole in the evolution of animals, with a focus on the evolution of
animals. We hope that this approach will spark the interest of physiologically significant traits and how they contributed to
all students, whatever their background preparation. the evolutionary diversification of the major animal groups.
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. xix C/M/Y/K
A01_MOYE8179_03_SE_FM.indd 19
Title: Principles
of Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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xx Pr eface
In Part Two, we discuss the cellular basis of animal phys- for the 3rd Edition, you will find the following in each
iology. The goal of Part Two is to provide students with a chapter:
general context for understanding animal physiology and to
• A short and engaging chapter-opening essay that intro-
show how, at a cellular level, animals are both similar to and
duces an animal or scenario that epitomizes the impor-
different from other organisms. We hope that this treatment
tance of the physiological system discussed in the chapter.
will help students begin to see how the somewhat abstract
processes that they study in other courses have direct rele- • Learning Objectives that organize ideas into major
vance to the understanding of animal physiology. themes for students.
Providing a strong foundation in cellular and molecular • Looking Back sections that direct students to specific
physiology is critical for students because our understanding material earlier in the text.
of animal physiology has changed dramatically in the last 10 • More succinct chapter summaries that focus on the ma-
years due to advances in fields such as genomics, transcrip- jor points.
tomics, proteomics, and cell biology, and a solid understand-
ing of these disciplines is central to the modern concept of From Chapter 4 onward, each chapter showcases these
physiology. feature boxes:
In Part Three, we discuss how cells and tissues interact • Math in Physiology takes a quantitative approach to
to form the integrative physiological systems of animals. We physiological principles.
consider each of the major physiological systems in turn, • Challenges to Homeostasis discusses how animals re-
building on the twin themes of conservation and diversity to spond to physiological challenges.
address the question: How do different animals use funda-
• Applications addresses how physiology can be used or
mentally similar building blocks to construct unique phys-
studied to solve real-world problems.
iological systems to meet the challenges imposed by the
environment? Throughout the third part of this book, we In addition, we revised the narrative and the figures exten-
integrated the discussion of the cellular and molecular pro- sively with the goal of helping students to master some of the
cesses that underpin physiological processes, at a depth that most difficult concepts in physiology. The highlights of these
will encourage students to understand the relevance of these changes in the 3rd Edition include:
disciplines to animal physiology.
Chapter 1, Introduction to Physiological Principles
Integrated Treatment of Endocrine Regulation. The
• A new opening feature on Porcelain crabs to emphasize
treatment of endocrine systems is one unique element in the
environmental physiology and the applications of phys-
book’s organization. Rather than relegating these systems to
iology to conservation biology.
a single isolated chapter, we discuss endocrinology in Part
Two in the context of the various means of cellular signaling • A new focus on exploring the unifying themes that tie
and communication, and then integrate the presentation of together both the basic and applied aspects of the disci-
its various physiological roles throughout the chapters in Part pline of animal physiology.
Two. We find that students better understand how hormones • An expanded discussion of the relationship between
control systems once they have been introduced to all the diverse form and function, the concepts of homology and anal-
ways in which cells send and receive signals. By establishing ogy, and scaling as a unifying principle in physiology,
the foundation of cellular control early in the text, we are able including several new Figures
to discuss the impact of specific hormones and glands in the
Chapter 2, Physiological Evolution of Animals
context of each physiological system, increasing the integrative
nature of the discussion. This approach places the endocrine • New to the 3rd Edition! This chapter provides a survey
system in its appropriate evolutionary framework—as one of animal diversity, focusing on the origins of physiolog-
of several means of intercellular communication that are ical traits and the significance of phylogenies.
available to multicellular organisms—and clearly demonstrates • This chapter introduces the critical events in animal
how communication and coordination are critical for the evolution and the role of environment in the selective
functioning of essentially every organ system. process.
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. xx C/M/Y/K
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Title: Principles of Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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Preface xxi
and thermal effects, clearing up ambiguity about these • A reorganization of the discussion of EC coupling that
topics. more clearly distinguishes between cardiac and skeletal
• A reorganized and expanded discussion of metabolic muscle.
rate determinants, collecting information from dispa- • A new feature on muscle remodeling in exercise, combin-
rate 2nd Edition chapters into a single section. ing the themes of structural changes and cellular regulation.
• A more complete discussion of the membrane potential/ Chapter 7, Sensory Systems
Nernst equation/Goldman equation, with this impor-
tant information in the body of the chapter, rather than • New sections on topics including nociception, hearing
in a boxed feature. in whales and dolphins, and the photoreceptors involved
in circadian rhythms.
• A discussion of tissue types and the roles and regu-
lation of epithelial tissues, including transport and • A new boxed feature on using pheromones to alter behavior.
transporters. • An expanded discussion of electroreception, including a
new Figure.
Chapter 4, Cell Signaling and Endocrine Regulation • An updated discussion of magnetoreception.
• A substantial reorganization of the second half of the Chapter 8, Functional Organization
chapter to provide a more focused discussion of the fun- of Nervous Systems
damental shared principles of endocrine regulation, us-
ing selected examples from vertebrates to illustrate these • An expanded treatment of the organization and evolu-
principles. tion of nervous systems.
• An expanded section discussing endocrine systems and • Increased coverage of the general anatomy of the central
how they evolved, including a new Figure showing the nervous system, with more information about the spinal
major endocrine glands of mammals. cord.
• A new section on the evolution of the vertebrate pitu- • New boxed features examining (1) the scaling of brain
itary gland. size, neuron number, and behavioral complexity; (2) how
ocean acidification affects fish behavior by disturbing
Chapter 5, Neuron Structure and Function brain homeostasis; and (3) functional magnetic reso-
nance imaging and brain plasticity.
• A more comprehensive explanation of the Nernst and
• New sections on the corpus callosum, mirror neurons,
Goldman equations, including a new Figure and boxed
and language acquisition in birds.
• An expanded discussion of the enteric nervous system.
• A revised discussion of saltatory conduction, including
a new Figure. • A new section focusing on the role of the hypothalamus
in regulating bodily functions such as circadian rhythms
• An expanded discussion of molecular events at the
and sleep-wake cycles.
• An updated discussion of the evolution of neurons that Chapter 9, Circulatory Systems
reflects the recent cloning of bacterial voltage-gated Na+ • New discussions of orthostatic hypotension and space
channels. flight, physiology of dinosaur circulatory systems, the
development of the human heart, and the coevolution of
Chapter 6, Cellular Movement and Muscles circulatory and respiratory systems.
• New Figures to illustrate topics including (1) skeletal • Revised and clarified discussion of the evolution of the
muscle structure, explaining how all of the muscles fit lymphatic system, amphibian circulatory systems, ion
together; (2) the impact of arrangement (series ver- channels and pacemaker currents, and the cardiovascu-
sus parallel) on muscle structure; and (3) muscle fiber lar physiology of giraffes.
mosaics. • A new boxed feature dealing with the use of EKG tech-
• An expanded feature on force and work, which consoli- nology to diagnose heart conditions.
dates the force/work/power material in a single location. • New Figures to illustrate the evolution of vertebrate cir-
• New and revised Figures that help distinguish between culatory systems and cardiac anatomy, the development
muscle fiber types, expanding the discussion of smooth of the mammalian heart, and the effect of elevated blood
muscle. pressure on risk of cardiovascular disease.
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. xxi C/M/Y/K
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Title: Principlesof Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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xxii Pre fac e
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. xxii C/M/Y/K
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Title: Principles of Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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Companion Website need at a lower cost for students. And even as students save
money, you can save time and hassle with a digital eTextbook
This student resource features answers to the Review Ques- that allows you to search for the most relevant content at the
tions and Concept Checks that appear in the text, chap- very moment you need it. Whether it’s evaluating textbooks or
ter-specific quizzes, links to physiology labs and other creating lecture notes to help students with difficult concepts,
relevant websites, an interactive glossary, and more. Please CourseSmart can make life a little easier. See how when you
visit visit
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Title: Principles
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18/12/14 8:00 PM
Preparing the 3rd Edition of our textbook required a team of Reviewers
dedicated people to bring it to fruition. The Pearson Canada
We would also like to thank the instructors who reviewed the
team conducted the extensive research needed to identify
3rd Edition manuscript:
the strengths and weaknesses of our 2nd Edition. They also
helped us revise the chapters, developing the manuscript into Eli Asem, Purdue University
the finished product. A team of three editors managed the Adam Oliver Brown, University of Ottawa
three-year revision process. Maurice Esses, Lise Dupont, and Julian Christians, Simon Fraser University
Lisa Rahn managed to keep us on track, successfully main- Reyniel Cruz-Aguado, Douglas College
taining the delicate balance between motivation and persis- Rosa da Silva, McMaster University
tence. It is impossible to imagine how the 3rd Edition could Jeff W. Dawson, Carleton University
have been completed without their support. Heidi Englehardt, University of Waterloo
The 3rd Edition continues to benefit from the work David H. Evans, University of Florida
done by the developmental team in place for the 1st and Corey Flynn, University of Calgary
2nd Editions, notably Catherine Murphy, the developmental Wei Ge, Chinese University of Hong Kong
editor, Laura Southworth, our art development editor, and Kathleen Gilmour, University of Ottawa
Susan Malloy and Marie Beaugureau, our project editors at Helga Guderley, Université Laval
Benjamin Cummings. Raymond P. Henry, Auburn University
We would particularly like to thank various friends Kelly S. Johnson, Ohio University
and colleagues who have provided input and suggestions Kevin S. Kinney, Depauw University
on specific chapters. CDM would like to thank his col- Heather Koopman, University of North Carolina
leagues at Queen’s for their contributions to the new chap- at Wilmington
ters on evolution of physiological systems (Steve Lougheed, Roswitha Marx, University of Victoria
Vicki Freisen) and comparative immunology (Bill Bendena, Joanne Nash, University of Toronto at Scarborough
Virginia Walker), and to thank Doug Symes (University of Linda Ogren, University of California, Santa Cruz
Calgary) for his advice on the Cost of Transport feature. PMS Robert J. Omeljaniuk, Lakehead University
would like to thank her colleagues in the comparative phys- Sushama Pavi-Denver, University of Michigan
iology group at UBC for their advice and support through- Scott D. Reid, University of British Columbia
out this project, with particular thanks to Tony Farrell for Gregory Schmaltz, University of the Fraser Valley
suggestions regarding cardiac physiology, Bill Milsom for Jason Schreer, State University of New York at Potsdam
his advice on respiratory physiology, and Doug Altshuler James Staples, University of Western Ontario
for helpful discussions regarding ways to approach teaching Jonathon Stillman, San Francisco State University
neurophysiology and the nervous system. Marva Sweeney-Nixon, University of Prince Edward Island
Steven Swoap, Williams College
Keith Tierney, University of Alberta
Helene Volkoff, Memorial University
Tracy L. E. Wagner, Washburn University
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. xxiv C/M/Y/K
A01_MOYE8179_03_SE_FM.indd 24 Animal
Title: Principles of Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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Principles of
Animal Physiology
# 153477 Cust: Pearson Au: Moyes Pg. No. xxv C/M/Y/K
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Title: Principles
of Animal Physiology Short / Normal / Long
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