Basic Principles of Ecology

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1. It is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between
organisms and their environment – ecology.

2. "Ecology" is often used more loosely in such terms in common parlance as a synonym for the word:
natural environment.

3. It is the biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area, as well as
all the nonliving, physical components of the environment: ecosystem.

4. The major regional groupings of plants & animals discernible at a global scale composed not only of
the climax vegetation, but also of associated successional communities, subclimax communities,
fauna, and soils - biomes.

5. It refers to the non-living elements and physical components of the environment – abiotic.

6. The government agency tasked to protect the environment and natural resources of the country –

7. The process that involves predicting and evaluating the likely impacts of a project – environmental
impact assessment.

8. A certificate issued to which the proponent conforms with by signing the sworn undertaking of full
responsibility over implementation of specified measures which are necessary to comply with
existing environmental regulations – Environmental Compliance Certificate.

9. The law that governs the protection of the environment, particularly covering the pollution control
of the atmosphere in the country: The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

10. The certificate issued by the EMB certifying that, based on the submitted project description, the
project is not covered by the EIS System and is not required to secure an environmental compliance
certificate or ECC: Certificate of Non-Coverage

11. It refers to projects belonging to project types declared thru Proclamation No. 2146 and
Proclamation No. 803 which may pose significant negative environmental impact at certain
thresholds of operation regardless of location: Environmentally critical project

12. A general area declared thru Proclamation 2146 as environmentally sensitive such that significant
environmental impacts are expected if certain types/thresholds of proposed projects are located,
developed or implemented in it. Environmentally critical area
13. An ECC shall contain specific measures and conditions that the project Proponent has to undertake
before and during the operation of a project, and in some cases, during the project's -
abandonment stage

14. The most problematic sources of pollution are air, water and: solid waste.

15. It means any matter found in the atmosphere other than oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor, carbon
dioxide, and the inert gases in their natural or normal concentrations, that is detrimental to health:
Air pollutant.

16. The general amount of pollution present in a broad area, and refers to the atmosphere's average
purity: ambient air quality.

17. The certificate issued by the DENR to a vehicle manufacturer certifying that a new vehicle meets
the requirements under the law. – Certificate of Conformity

18. Gases that can potentially or can reasonably be expected to induce global warming, which include
carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, chloroflourocarbons, and the like – Greenhouse gases.

19. In case of medical wastes, it means that portion of medical waste that could transmit an infectious
disease: infectious waste.

20. The geographic-based instrument for planners and decision makers which present an evaluation of
the environment quality and carrying capacity of an area: Eco-profile

21. Materials generated as a result of patient diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings
or animals: medical wastes.

22. The substances that significantly deplete or otherwise modify the ozone layer in a manner that is
likely to result in adverse effects of human health and the environment: Ozone depleting substance.

23. It is defined as the burning of municipal, bio-medical and hazardous waste, which process emits
poisonous and toxic fumes. Incineration

24. Called the traditional small-scale method of community/neighborhood sanitation- siga.

25. The following is not considered as part of the solid waste reduction
and avoidance scheme: Treatment.

(a. Composting
b. Re-use
c. Recycling
d. Treatment)

26. In the hierarchy of solid waste management, the following is the last method considered: disposal.

27. Material waste generated from planting or harvesting of crops, trimming or pruning of plants and
wastes: Agricultural wastes.

28. The waste materials which cannot be appropriately placed in separate containers because of either
its size, shape or other physical attributes: Bulky wastes.

29. It is the controlled decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms, mainly bacteria and fungi,
into a humus-like product: Composting.

30. A disposal site at which solid waste is deposited in accordance with the minimum prescribed
standards of site operation: controlled dump.

31. The systematic administration of activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated
transportation, storage, transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste: Ecological solid
waste management.

32. It is the liquid produced when waste undergo decomposition, and when water percolate through
solid waste undergoing decomposition: Leachate

33. A solid waste transfer station or sorting station, drop-off center, a composting facility, and a
recycling facility: Materials recovery facility

34. A disposal area wherein the solid wastes are indiscriminately thrown or disposed of without due
planning and consideration for environmental and health standards: Open dump.

35. It is the treating of used or waste materials through a process of making them suitable for beneficial
use and for other purposes. Recycling

36. A process of recovering materials intended for the same or different purpose without the alteration
of physical and chemical characteristics. Re-use

37. The waste disposal site designed, constructed, operated and maintained in a manner that exerts
engineering control over significant potential environment impacts. Sanitary landfill
38. All discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous institutional/industrial waste, street
sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.
Solid waste

39. A discipline associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport,
processing/disposal of solid wastes. Solid waste management

40. Considered as wastes such as paints, thinners, household batteries, lead-acid batteries, spray
canisters and the like. Special wastes

41. Facilities utilized to receive solid wastes, temporarily store, separate, convert, or process the
materials in the solid wastes, or to transfer the solid wastes directly from smaller to larger vehicles
for transport. Transfer stations

42. The solid waste container depending on its use shall be properly marked and for non-biodegradable
wastes, the color code is: Red
(Biodegradable: green
Non-biodegradable/recyclable: red
Non-recyclable/residual: blue
Special/hazardous: black)
(DENR MO No. 2001-11)

43. The following shall be the minimum criteria for the siting of sanitary landfills, except: (d)

(a. The site should have an adequate quantity of earth cover material
b. Tile site must be accessible from major roadways
c. The site chosen should facilitate developing a landfill that will
satisfy budgetary constraints
d. The site should at least be 5 hectares)

Site should only be large enough.

44. The largest source of water pollution comes from – domestic sources.

45. An identifiable source of pollution with specific point of discharge into a particular water body.
Point source

46. Cropland runoffs, animal wastes, construction sites, mining and logging operations, landfills, spills
are considered as what kind of source. Non-point source
47. Under the Clean Water Act, it is defined as water intended for human consumption or for use in
food preparation. Drinking water

48. Freshwater means water containing dissolved common salt, sodium chloride containing less than
500 ppm.

49. It is the subsurface water that occurs beneath a water table in soils and rocks, or in geological
formations. Groundwater

50. Means water-borne human or animal wastes, excluding oil or oil wastes, removed from residences,
building, institutions, industrial and commercial establishments discarded. Sewage

51. It is the discharge from known sources which is passed into a body of water or land, or wastewater
flowing out of a manufacturing plant, industrial plant including domestic, commercial and
recreational facilities. Effluent

52. It is all water, which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff. Surface water

53. This government agency shall have exclusive jurisdiction to issue permit for the use of all surface
water for any projects or activities in or affecting the said region including navigation, construction,
and operation of fish pens. Laguna Lake Development Authority

54. No cutting, destroying, or injuring of planted or growing trees, flowering plants and shrubs or plants
of scenic value along public roads, in parks, school premises or in any other public ground shall be
permitted save. Necessary for public safety

55. No person, natural or juridical, government office/agency, or public corporation shall undertake a
subdivision development within the Laguna de Bay Region without first securing clearance from the

56. "Laguna de Bay Region" shall refer to the Provinces of Rizal and Laguna; the Cities of San Pablo,
Pasay, Caloocan, Quezon, Manila and Tagaytay, and also includes: town of Carmona, Cavite.

57. Refers to any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste or residue generated from a wastewater treatment
plant, water supply treatment plant, or water control pollution facility, or any other such waste
having similar characteristics and effects. Sludge

58. For biodegradable solid waste containers, the same shall be properly marked and for biodegradable
wastes, the color code is: green
59. To effectively regulate and monitor activities in the Laguna de Bay region, this agency shall have
exclusive jurisdiction to issue permit for the use of all surface water for any projects affecting the
said region. LLDA

60. It is the primary government agency that formulates and implements policies, plans and programs
for the recognition, promotion and protection of the rights and well-being of Indigenous Peoples.
National Commission on Indigenous Peoples

61. The total number of ethnolinguistic groups of indigenous people is estimated to be at least: 110.

62. It refers to a group of people or homogenous societies identified by self-ascription and ascription by
other, who have continuously lived as organized community on communally bounded and defined
territory. ICC - Indigenous cultural communities

63. This is a remedy available to non-governmental organization whose constitutional right to a

balanced and healthful ecology is violated – Writ of Kalikasan

64. It is the consensus of all members of the ICCs/IPs (indigenous peoples) to be determined in
accordance with their respective customary laws and practices. Free and prior informed consent

65. Under the rules of procedure on environmental cases, a petition for protection of the environment
shall be filed with the Supreme Court.

66. A title formally recognizing the rights of possession and ownership of ICCs/IPs over their ancestral
domains. Certificate of ancestral domain title

67. A TEPO is an order which may be issued for the preservation of the rights of the parties pending an
environmental case proceeding, which means – Temporary Environmental Protection Order

68. In the hierarchy of solid waste management, this is the highest in priority: Waste avoidance and

69. The highest major source of water pollution in the country is due to domestic waste.

70. It is an order issued by the court directing or enjoining any person or government agency to
perform or desist from performing an act in order to protect, preserve, or rehabilitate the
environment. EPO – Environmental Protection Order

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