What Does Adaptation Mean
What Does Adaptation Mean
What Does Adaptation Mean
Desert Adaptations
Deserts, where the environment is generally hot and extremely dry, provide many
striking examples of how plants and animals are adapted to their surroundings.
Plants have many adaptations to cope with the lack of water. Some desert plants,
such as the barrel cactus, have expandable stems for storing water. Other plants
have adaptations that reduce water loss from their leaves, the part of a plant
through which most of the water is lost. Still others have a waxy coating on the
leaves, or have small leaves, that reduce the surface area exposed to the drying
elements. In many cases, desert plants have no leaves at all. Photosynthesis, which
normally occurs in green leaves, is carried out in the stems, which are themselves
green with the pigment chlorophyll.
Desert animals also have many adaptations as well to help them survive in the
desert climate. Many are nocturnal, meaning active during the cool night rather
than the hot daylight hours. The kangaroo rat conserves water by excreting a solid
urine rather than liquid.
Tropical rainforest plants also have adaptations to take in what little sunlight is
available on the dark forest floor. Large leaves are common; they increase the
amount of sunlight a plant can capture. Other plants, like orchids, bromeliads and
ferns, grow as epiphytes high up in the canopy where there is more sunlight.
Other Adaptations
The adaptations discussed above are all adaptations to specific climatic conditions,
but organisms have also developed adaptations to other aspects of their
environment. Some animals have adapted to eat a certain type of food; others have
adapted to avoid being eaten themselves. Most animals have behavioral
adaptations which help them attract a mate. In the plant world, many flowers have
evolved specific structures that help ensure pollination by the insects they attract.