Análise Crítica de Um Artigo Científico
Análise Crítica de Um Artigo Científico
Análise Crítica de Um Artigo Científico
Realizado por:
Unidade curricular:
Nutrição e Exercício
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Ano letivo:
Pertinência do tema.....................................................................................................3
Aplicações práticas........................................................................................................18
Pertinência do tema
Endurance athletes will regularly train in the morning, but for many, the logistics
of consuming carbohydrate 1 to 4 hours prior to exercise may be difficult and therefore
result in some sessions completed in a fasted state. Training in a fasted state and thereby
reducing carbohydrate availability has been shown to potentiate cellular and molecular
adaptations to endurance training (9- Van Proeyen, K., et al., 2011).
Despite increasing the muscle adaptive response and reducing the reliance on
carbohydrate utilization during exercise, there is no clear evidence that these strategies
enhance exercise performance.
Although these results are based on feeding during exercise, it appears that there
is more likely to be a placebo effect when the exercise bout is short in duration and
muscle glycogen use is not the limiting factor.
Work output at 5,10, and 15 min was significantly enhanced during trial
M+SCHO compared with all other trials. In addition, ingestion of CHO in the
fasted state (LCHO and SCHO) resulted in a significant improvement in
performance over trial.
For a cycling time trial lasting ~20 minutes (i.e., comparable to a 10-mile time
trial), a placebo effect may therefore be of substantial significance, with those
consuming carbohydrate or breakfast potentially perceiving this to be advantageous and
increasing self-selected intensity.
For exercise lasting less than 45 minutes there appears to be little evidence, if
any, to suggest pre-exercise carbohydrate ingestion will enhance performance.
Despite increasing the muscle adaptive response and reducing the reliance on
carbohydrate utilization during exercise, there is no clear evidence that these strategies
enhance exercise performance.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the effect of pre-exercise
carbohydrate intake (i.e. breakfast) on cycling time trial performance compared to a
taste and flavor matched placebo and a water control.
The aim of the study was to examine the effect of a pre-exercise carbohydrate
intake in the form of maltodextrin (i.e breakfast) on a short duration high intensity
cycling time trial, compared to a placebo and water control.
The time trial was completed in silence, in an enclosed area of the laboratory
with no additional feedback provided.
Thirteen well-trained male cyclists, idade media de 25 anos, peso médio de 71kg
e altura media de 1,76 metros. Thirteen were recruited to provide adequate power and
account for dropouts
During the first visit, subjects performed a VO2peak test using a continuous
incremental protocol on an electronically braked cycle ergometer (Lode Excalibur; Lode
BV, Groningen, Netherlands). Commencing at 95 W, subjects completed three minutes
stages increasing by 35 W until exhaustion.
During the final minute of each stage and the final minute of the test, expired
gases were collected into a Douglas bag and analysed for oxygen and carbon dioxide
concentration (Servomex 1400 Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Analyser; Servomex,
Crowborough, UK).
Subjects arrived overnight fasted and right on arrival, subjects provided a urine
sample, and had their body mass measured. A heart rate monitor (Polar Vantage;
Kempele, Finland) was fitted before the subject sat for 5 minutes and resting heart rate
At the end of the rest period a capillary fingertip blood sample (20 µl) was
collected and later analyzed for whole blood lactate and glucose concentrations.
Subjects were also asked to rate their gastrointestinal (GI) comfort (1 = neutral;
12 = painful).
Subjects were then asked to consume one of three breakfasts within 5 minutes:
Xanthan gum was used to produce a semi-solid meal and increase the perception
of ‘energy intake’. When provided with either the PLA or CHO breakfast, subjects were
told, “this is one of the two breakfast drinks”. At 15-, 30-, 60- and 90-minutes post-
ingestion, heart rate and GI comfort were measured, and blood samples were collected.
Subjects were recruited on the premise that the investigation was examining two
breakfast drinks. Trials were performed in a randomised cross-over design. The PLA
and CHO trials were administered in a double-blind manner, although it was impossible
to blind the WAT trial from either experimenters or subjects.
Final measurements (blood and GI comfort) were collected at the end of the
time trial. After the final trial, subjects were asked a series of questions: “Was there a
difference between the drinks?” and “Do you ever complete aspects of your training in
the morning after an overnight fast?”
Pre-trial urine osmolality was similar between trials (WAT: 670 ± 195
mOsmol·kg-1 , PLA: 801 ± 199 mOsmol·kg-1 , CHO: 754 ± 226 mOsmol·kg-1 ; P =
0.158), suggesting subjects arrived in a similar state of hydration.
Performance measures
Time to complete the time trial was quicker in both the CHO (1120 ± 69 s; P =
0.005) and PLA (1112 ± 50 s; P = 0.030) trials compared to the WAT trial (1146 ± 74 s;
figure 2), however, there was no difference in performance between the CHO and PLA
trial (P = 0.544).
Analysis of pacing strategy showed a time effect, with the first 25% TT section
of all trials completed quicker than the 25-50% and 50-75% sections (P < 0.0001; figure
3) but similar to the final 25% (P = 0.141). The second 25% section was also completed
faster than the third section (P = 0.004). There was a significant trial effect (P < 0.0001)
but no interaction effect (P = 0.298).
Heart rate was similar between trials at baseline, during the rest period and in the
10-minute steady state period of cycling. Mean heart rate was slightly lower during the
TT in the WAT trial (174 ± 8 bpm) compared to the PLA (175 ± 6 bpm; P = 0.006) and
CHO (177 ± 9 bpm; P = 0.003) trials.
Blood analysis
Due to problems with expired gas analysis, respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
and substrate utilization during the period of steady state cycling were only available for
10 out of 13 subjects. RER was greater in the CHO trial (0.94 ± 0.03) compared to the
PLA trial (0.89 ± 0.04). RER during the WAT trial was not different to the other trials
(0.92 ± 0.03; P = 0.112 v PLA; P = 0.117 v CHO).
Carbohydrate oxidation was greater in the CHO trial (3.10 ± 0.17 g·min-1 )
compared to the PLA trial (2.41 ± 0.53 g·min-1) however during the WAT trial (2.82 ±
0.48 g·min-1 ), carbohydrate oxidation was similar to the two other trials (P = 0.088 v
PLA; P = 0.148 v CHO).
Fat oxidation was greater in the PLA trial (0.52 ± 0·23 g.min-1 ) compared to
the CHO trial (0.26 ± 0.17 g·min-1 ; P = 0.003), but similar in the WAT trial compared
to the two other trials (0.36 ± 0.16 g·min-1 ; P = 0.108 v PLA; P = 0.121 v CHO).
Questionnaire data
Out of thirteen subjects, five stated they felt there was a difference in the drinks,
with all these subjects correctly identifying the CHO trial as either containing
‘carbohydrate’ or ‘energy’. Of the remaining eight subjects, four correctly guessed the
order of the PLA and CHO trials.
Seven subjects completed little to none of their training in a fasted state, with the
remaining six subjects performing a fraction (1-2 rides per week) of their training in a
fasted state
Performance was improved in both the CHO and PLA trials suggesting there
was a placebo effect of ingesting breakfast. This would indicate that with the length and
intensity of the exercise used in the current study, nutritional intake may be of
psychological benefit, rather than physiological.
The placebo effect has been observed in 60-minute performance trials (14),
however, when exercise is of longer duration and the metabolic benefits of carbohydrate
intake are clearer, no placebo effect was observed (15).
Although more commonly practiced during exercise, this effect is not too
dissimilar from the suggested mechanistic action of carbohydrate mouth rinsing, where
oral sensing of carbohydrate has enhanced endurance performance (16-17).
It has been proposed that there is an increase in central motor drive rather than
any metabolic effects (16). In the present study the increased viscosity of the drink may
have contributed to the sensing or perception of substrate and an increase in central
motor drive.
In the current study, this did not appear to influence performance, either because
the time trial was too short in duration for substrate utilization to have a meaningful
influence or the placebo effect of breakfast was greater than any metabolic effects and
had greater regulation over pacing.
It therefore seems that for short duration exercise carbohydrate ingestion close to
exercise may improve performance through a partial metabolic effect, however, when
ingested around 90 minutes before exercise the improvement in performance is likely
psychological hence the similar performance observed between the PLA and CHO
Aplicações práticas
Many athletes will complete some training sessions in a fasted state; however,
these are often limited to recovery and low intensity sessions. Typically, athletes will
ingest a pre-exercise meal or source of carbohydrate prior to engaging in high quality
and intense bouts of exercise, even if guidelines do not necessarily suggest consumption
when exercise duration is less than 60 minutes (7). The results of this study suggest that
from a physiological perspective this is not necessary; however, the act of ingesting a
perceived breakfast improved performance regardless of energy content. Studies
examining alternative methods of low carbohydrate availability (i.e. training after an
overnight fast or in a depleted state – in both situations the athlete is not blinded to the
condition) have repeatedly demonstrated a reduction in self-selected intensity (11-12),
yet also beneficial cell signalling responses and the increasing of mitochondrial
biogenesis (9-12-22).
This study poses the question of the possibility that the benefits of both high
(maintained self-selected intensity) and low (increased cellular adaptations)
carbohydrate availability can be achieved through a placebo breakfast.
The placebo effect is unlikely to last chronically so a carefully planned approach
by the coaching team is required to maximise adaptations by selecting key sessions for
acute implementation.