Phe Mock E-Portfolio Task 2 Specific Clarification Planning For Performance: 5 Pages Max
Phe Mock E-Portfolio Task 2 Specific Clarification Planning For Performance: 5 Pages Max
Phe Mock E-Portfolio Task 2 Specific Clarification Planning For Performance: 5 Pages Max
Statement Of Inquiry: Perspectives of our identity can change through physical activity.
Inquiry Questions:
How can involvement in activity and sport improve our social health?
What is the connection between physical and mental well-being?
In what ways can movement or participation in a physical activity transform us?
Possible areas to address when creating client’s profile:
Why do we exercise. Physical, Mental and social benefits of exercise
Show or demonstrate an understanding of components of fitness (health and skill related)
Differentiating between health and fitness
Factors that Influence fitness development (+/-)
Short term and long-term benefits of exercise
Principles and methods of coaching
How does activity impact identity?
How can the activities you pursue affect the way others see you?
Possible queries to address:
Factors affecting participation in physical activity
What influences your client’s identity: culture /religion /education/economic status/ neighborhood
What impact does your choice of team/individual sport have to your identity
Is regular activity as essential for mental, social and spiritual health as it is for physical health
What to address: Yes or No with a reason.
Inquirers Knowledgeable Principled
Leaner Profile: Reflective Thinkers Communicators
Open-minded Caring Courageous
Develop meaningful goals towards improving performance that extend beyond your physical
development and include growth in the areas of physical and social and/or mental and/or spiritual well-
being. You will need to develop:
● ONE physical goal that will improve your performance and change how you feel about yourself
● One psychological goal that will improve your performance and change how you feel about
NB: Refer to Task 1 where you initially identified your TWO goals (one physical and psychological
i. SMART Goal(s): Using the physical and health profile created in Task 1 and your benchmark
testing/ survey results, you need to explicitly apply the SMART Goal Principle (Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) to:
● Develop ONE physical goal that will improve your performance and change how you feel
about yourself. Focus on health related AND sports specific fitness components
● Develop ONE psychological goal that will change your performance and change how you
feel about yourself.
● Don’t forget to explain/justify why? (Make sure you refer to the fitness tests, observations,
and survey).
d. At the end of the program implementation, retest your client using the original tests to
identify if they have improved in performance.
Task 2 Checklist
1 Develop meaningful goals towards improving performance that extend beyond your
client’s physical and social development and include growth in the areas of physical and
social and/or mental and/or spiritual well-being (Bi)
One Physical Goal that will improve the client’s performance and change how the
client’s feels about themselves.
One Psychological goal that will improve the client’s performance and change how the
client feels about themselves. (Criterion B i)
2 Justification of each goal based on your client’s ability- relate how you will use
Presents specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely goals relating to
their client’s personal development. (SMARTER) (Criterion B i)
3 Design, explain and justify the initial plan for the Performance development
plan over the course of the coaching sessions (Bii)
Produce a Performance Development Plan in consultation with your
client that includes:
write up before your plan to justify how effective your plan will be
(show understanding of principles of training- (overload has FITT,
methods of training, -
Suggest strategies for working with your client- interpersonal skills
(Communication and feedback; Negotiation; Problem solving;
Decision making; Understanding individual traits),
Principles of Coaching
Risk assessment (Minimizing injuries)
(Criterion Bii)