Steno Module
Steno Module
Steno Module
Foundations of Shorthand
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
There are three required reading resources for this module. For
comprehensive readings I included the URL for each material. To facilitate
greater understanding, you can use the following e-
books and pdf copies with URL that I listed below. You
can look for other related resources if you have the
means to do so. Note that our school library has online resources that you can
General Reference
Zoubek, Charles E. Gregg Shorthand College Book 1
Shorthand Translator
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Reading Material 1
Definition of Shorthand
Shorthand, also called stenography, a system for rapid writing that uses
symbols or abbreviations for letters, words, or phrases. Among the most
popular modern systems are Pitman, Gregg, and Speedwriting.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
well-written shorthand you will become not only a fluent reader, but
you will enlarge your writing vocabulary. Unconsciously you will
imitate in your own work the easy execution of the forms shown in
the printed plates. All expert writers have devoted much time to
reading shorthand.
2. way in which you practice- Before you begin, select a quiet place in
which to practice. Do not try to practice while listening to music,
watching television, or carrying on a conversation.
Your future success depends to an exceptionally large extent on the
way you do your work now. In order that your progress may be sure and
rapid, master each lesson before you proceed with the next.
1. Using the typed word and shorthand outline, spell – aloud if possible,
s-e see
f-e fee
r-i-t right
reading aloud will help impress the shorthand outlines firmly on your
mind read shorthand outlines in the list in this way – with the typed word
exposed – until you feel you can read the shorthand outlines without referring
to the typed word.
2. Cover the typed word with a piece of paper and read aloud from
shorthand. After you have read all the words in the list, read them again if
time permits
Your materials
1. Your Notebook
You can use shorthand notebook, that measures 6 by 9 inches and has
a vertical rule down the center of each page. It should have a spiral binding
so that the pages always lie flat
2. Your Pen
A pen is a satisfactorily instrument for writing, a pencil is not
recommended. Because writing with a pen requires little pressure, you can
write for long periods of time without becoming fatigued. A fine ballpoint pen
facilitates the fastest writing for most people. Pen-written notes remain legible
almost indefinitely while pencil notes become blurred and hard to read.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Reading Material 2
1. Shorthand is written by sound; thus aim is written am (long sound of a), cat is
written kat, knee is written ne. Since we are learning shorthand to save time in writing,
it is necessary to ignore those letters that aren't pronounced.
2. The consonants are arranged in pairs, according to their similarity of sound, and
are distinguished by a difference in length. For instance, k and g are both produced
in the same place in the mouth and likewise resemble each other in shorthand.
The characters for the consonants in this lesson are derived from this elliptical
3. All these consonants are written forward from left to right; th and t and d are
struck upwards from the line of writing. The g given in this lesson is called gay, being
the hard sound as in game, get, and not the soft sound heard in gem, magic. The
aspirate h is indicated by a dot placed over the vowel.
Many frequently recurring words are represented by simple alphabetic
characters. These abbreviations are called brief forms. Some of these signs represent
two and even three words; for example, the sign for r represents are, our, hour. A dot
on the line of writing represents the articles a, an. A dot at the end of a word
expresses -ing. The pronoun I is expressed by a large circle (written
counterclockwise); he, by a small circle.
The student should practice all these characters until he or she can write them
without the slightest hesitation. Let us examine more closely the curve letters k, g, r,
and l.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Each of these strokes begins and ends on the same plane. The beginning and the
end of k and g rest on the line of writing. R and l rest on the line of writing as a saucer
would rest on a table.
The deep part of the curve in k and in g is at the end; in r and l, at the beginning,
as indicated by arrows.
K and r are the same size. The same is true of g and l.
Correctly written, r and l look like k and g when the paper is turned upside down.
The sounds represented by lines are n, m, t, and d:
Even though d is about twice the length of t, d should only go up about two thirds
of the line of writing.
4. Phrasing. The joining of simple words is a great help to accuracy and speed in
writing shorthand, and its acquirement should not be deferred until the habit of
writing common words separately has been formed.
6. Sentence Drill
7. In shorthand there are twelve distinct vowel sounds, which are arranged in four
groups, and three closely related sounds are placed in each group. In this lesson we
have the first two groups, which for convenience are named the A group and the E
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Note: The first sound in the E group of vowels is the short i, heard in din, and should
not be confused with long i, heard in dine, which will be given later.
8. Marking Vowels. The vowels are grouped according to similarity in sound. The
large circle expresses three sounds of a. The short sound is unmarked, the medium
sound is marked with a dot, and the long sound with a short dash, as shown in
paragraph 7. This system of marking is used in all vowel groups uniformly.
The dot and dash are occasionally needed to indicate the exact sounds in
unfamiliar or isolated words, but otherwise they are seldom used.
9. Frequently we shall have to refer to writing motion. The curved characters in this
lesson are taken from horizontal ovals, one written with right motion, the other
with left. The right motion is clockwise; the left, counterclockwise.
10. Characters taken from the left-motion oval are called left-motion, because
the rotation is from left to right; characters taken from the right-motion oval are
called right-motion for a like reason; thus:
The terms "left motion" and "right motion" refer to the rotation in movement, and
not to the direction.
The following movement drills are intended to develop skill in the joining of circles.
11. Circles Joined to Single Strokes. At the beginning or end of a single curve, the
circle is placed inside the curve. Let us examine more closely how to join a circle to a
curve, using a-k, a-g, r-a, and l-a.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
The dotted line shows the position of the circle in relation to the curve. (Remember,
the dotted line in r-a and l-a does not represent the line of writing. The base of
the r and of the l rests on the line of writing.) The circle joins at a right angle, shown by
the arrows above.
12. At the beginning or end of a single straight stroke, the circle is written
with right motion. Observe closely the joinings a-d, d-a, a-m, and m-a.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
In joining the circle to a straight line, start and finish as shown by the dotted lines.
Keep straight lines absolutely straight.
14. Circles Between Strokes. Where an angle, or a point, is formed at the junction of
consonants, the circle goes outside the angle. Observe how the circle joins the
strokes in r-a-n and k-a-n:
The straight line begins in the circle, as indicated by the arrows. The dotted line
shows the position of the circle in relation to the other strokes. If the page is turned
upside down, the word ran will become the word knack.
Observe how the circle joins in n-a-l and m-e-l:
To accommodate the circle in these joinings, the n and the m are written slightly
longer than they would normally be written. The arrow shows how the n is extended
in the word nail. The dotted line indicates the position of the circle in relation to the
other strokes.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
15. Where straight strokes and curves join without an angle, or where two similar-
motion curves join without an angle, the circle is placed inside the curve. Observe
how the circle joins the strokes in r-a-t and t-a-k:
In joinings of this type, the blending of the curve with the straight line should be so
smooth that the circle appears to have been inserted afterward. The dotted line
shows the position of the circle in relation to the other strokes.
16. Some vowels are so obscure or neutral that they are omitted when they do not
contribute to speed or legibility. For example, the e in the words taken and maker is
absolutely useless, and is omitted. Any vowel which does not contribute to the
legibility of an outline may be omitted. Any vowel which does not contribute to the
legibility of and outline may be omitted if its omission gives a more facile outline.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
17. Between straight strokes in the same direction the circle is written
with right motion. See the following outlines of m-a-m and d-e-d:
The joining should be so smooth and snug that, if the circle were eliminated, the
two straight lines would blend into one stroke. Avoid forming points on the circles in
the places indicated by the arrows.
18. Between opposite curves the circle is turned back on the first curve.
If the circle were erased, the curves should blend into a continuous stroke. Avoid
forming points on the circles in the places indicated by the arrows.
Consonant Combinations
19. Kr and Gl Combinations. K and r, and g and l, are equal curves and are made
a little flatter than usual when joined, as the following outlines k-r, g-l, and r-
k demonstrate:
In these combinations, the curves are rather shallow. They have a wavelike
appearance and are very fluent. Kr (or rk) is slightly shorter than the combined length
of r and k when standing alone. The same is true of gl (or lg).
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
21. Rk and Lk Combinations. Since r and k are of equal length, the curves are
somewhat flatter, as with kr and gl. Lk is very infrequent.
22. The Signs for Th. The sign for t is curved to express th, thus:
As seen in earlier examples, these letters are very small—only about a third of the
space between the writing lines. The curve on the left starts outward at the
beginning. Consequently, the curve is deep at the beginning and flattens out
toward the end. The curve on the right starts on the right then swings upward. There
should be no hook at the beginning or the end. The dotted line shows the slant of the
strokes. Note the similarity between these curves and their parent stroke, the t.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
*In some phrases they is written the same as the, as in they will.
Note: Refer to the alphabet page for explanation of characters.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
26. By blending d and t into one long stroke the syllables ted, ded, and det are
27. By blending m and n into one long stroke the syllables men, mem are
expressed. In addition to men, mem this blend represents similar sounds, such
as min in minute, mun in money:
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Note: W is omitted in the word were, and wh in where, when, what; other is
expressed by uth; all, by aw placed on its side; time, by the tem blend; into, by
blending in and to. For convenience, the long i in my is expressed by a large circle.
Reading Material 3
30. Phrase Drill. The simple phrases given in the drill below are of very high frequency
and will serve as models for other phrases:
34. The characters for the consonants in this chapter are derived from another
elliptical figure:
35. All these character are written downward. Ch is named chay, and sh is
named ish. The signs for sh and s are very small. As s is one of the most frequent
sounds in the language, two signs are provided for it to facilitate joining in various
combinations. The following memory aids will be useful:
Let us have a closer look at the curve strokes left s, p, b, right s, f, and v:
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
The dotted line shows the slant of the strokes as well as the relation of the
beginning of the outline to the end. The deep part of the curve comes at the end
of left s, p, and b; at the beginning of right s, f, and v as indicated by arrows. In your
writing, observe very carefully the proportion of these strokes. B and v should span
most of the space between the lines, but not all of it. The middle
stokes p and f should span about half of the space between the lines. Both strokes
for s only span a quarter of the space. Practice the proportions with the following
Observe how to join a circle to these consonants with b-a, a-v; a-b, v-a:
The a in b-a and a-v is fairly round; in a-b and v-a, it is more of a loop. Be sure that
the a joins as indicated by the arrows and does not retrace any part of the
consonant. If you turn the page upside down, b-a will look like a-v; a-v, like b-a; a-b,
like v-a; and v-a, like a-b.
Let us examine how to join a circle between same-motion strokes like p and r and
between k and f:
The dotted line indicates the relation of the circle to the other strokes. The circle
should join so smoothly that if it were removed, the consonants would form a
continuous curve. If you have written an accurate outline, when you turn your page
upside down, k-a-f will look like p-a-r; p-a-r, like k-a-f.
Let us examine how to join a circle between opposite-motion strokes
like f and r and like f and l:
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
As the a is being completed, it should start to come down before it reaches the f.
In other words, the r or l should be started before the circle is completed as indicated
by the arrow.
Let us examine how to join a circle between very acute angles, looking at d-a-
sh and sh-a-d:
The vowel here becomes a loop, or a more elongated circle. Both the sh and d
are slightly extended in order to accommodate the loop. If you were to turn these
outlines upside down, shade would become a perfect copy of dash, and vice versa.
Consonant Combinations
37. Pr and Pl. In writing pr and pl, start to the left. These combinations are written
with one sweep of the pen. At the beginning of these combinations, the hand moves
from the right to the left; it does not move immediately down.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
38. Br and Bl. In writing br and bl, start down. These combinations are also written
with one sweep of the pen. At the beginning of these combinations, the hand starts
immediately down instead of to the left, as pr and pl do.
39. Fr and Fl. In writing the combinations fr and fl, the angle is rounded to give
fluency. The motion is just the same as in writing a part of the longhand y.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
*The sign for the prefix over written above a following character is used to express
the word over.
43. The word been following have, has, had is phrased and is expressed by b:
Note: The h dot in has, had, him, himself, her, and herself may be omitted in fast
46. The signs for s, written downward, are taken from a small elliptical
figure, thus:
47. In practical writing the sound of z is expressed by the sign for s, since no
confusion arises from using the same character from both sounds in connected
writing. We already are accustomed to writing and reading s for z in English, as
in rays, praise.
It is seldom necessary to make a distinction between s and z, but when it is, a short
dash is struck at a right angle to the sign for s to show that it has the sound of z, thus:
48. The base of the first consonant of a word rests on the line or writing, but
when s precedes another consonant, the base of the consonant following the s is
placed on the line.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
49. Initial and Final S. 1. Before and after p, b, r, and l, and after t, d, n, m, and o,
the left s is used:
A circle placed outside the angle in any of these joinings does not change the
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
52. The Ses Sign. The ses sound as heard in faces, basis, races, cases, census, etc., is
expressed by joining the two s signs as a blend:
Note: In rapid writing, the first s in ses may become obscure, and yet the second s,
being written contrary to the rule for writing a single s, clearly indicates the plural
form. Compare the following:
*The sign for the prefix under written above a following character is used for the
word under.
55. Plurals of Brief Forms. The plurals of brief forms ending in s are formed by
adding another s of the same motion, thus:
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
There are four exceptions to this rule. The brief forms force, course, invoice,
and office—which you will learn later—use the ses blend to express their plurals.
In other brief forms the plurals are formed by adding s to the singular forms, thus:
57. The Letter X. When x occurs at the end of or within words, it is expressed
by s slightly modified in slant, thus:
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
The Th Joinings
62. The left-motion th is used before and after o, r, l. In other cases the right-
motion th is used:
63. When th is the only consonant stroke, as in the brief forms for that or they, or is
in combination with s, the right-motion th is used, as in these and seethe.
64. The prefixes con, com, coun, cog, followed by a consonant, are expressed
by k. The suffix ly is expressed by a small circle, ily and ally, by a loop.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
65. In words beginning with comm or conn, the second m or n is written, thus:
66. After a circle vowel, ly is written on the opposite side from the vowel, thus:
67. To express the plural of some brief forms ending in a circle and of some words
ending in a loop, a slight change is made in the manner of joining s, thus:
Phrasing Principles
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Learner Task 1
Direction: Read the paragraph below. Copy and transcribe in longhand using your
steno notebook. Screenshot and submit in google classroom under Learner Task 1
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Learner Task 2
Direction: Read the sentences. Copy and transcribe in shorthand using your steno
notebook. Screenshot and submit in google classroom under Learner Task 1
Writing Practice
1. You will need a keen memory when you go to the market today.
2. When you take the grain to the mill you can get your money.
3. Many of our men will go to the train in the rain to greet the team.
4. I am not any more eager to be in debt to you than you are.
5. I am ready to go the limit in getting you the money you need.
6. He had a great desire to read, but he had little time and his reading
was limited.
7. I am not willing to go by train, but you can make me a minimum rate by
air and rail.
8. The data you need will be ready by the middle of the month.
9. The mill was then making a good metal tag at the rate of eighty a
10. In his dream he was being attacked in the dark by an enemy.
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College
Learner Task 3
Direction: Read the paragraph below. Copy and transcribe in longhand using your
steno notebook. Screenshot and submit in google classroom under Learner Task 1
Zoubek, Charles. Gregg Shorthand. College Book 1
OAC1 – Foundations of Shorthand
School of Business, First Semester, SY 2021-2022