A Brief History of Shorthand

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Shorthand systems have been developed since ancient times to enable quick writing. Some of the earliest systems include hieratic and demotic scripts developed by ancient Egyptians and stenography systems used by Greeks. Modern systems like Pitman and Gregg shorthand use phonetic writing and abbreviations to increase writing speed.

Some of the earliest shorthand systems developed include hieratic and demotic scripts used by ancient Egyptians as simplified forms of hieroglyphs. Greeks also devised stenography systems in the 4th century BC that used single strokes to represent letters and symbols for common words. Romans later used the Tironian notes system.

Pitman shorthand is a phonetic system - it records sounds rather than spellings. Vowel sounds are optional. Stroke thickness, length and position are significant. There are many abbreviations to increase speed. It can transcribe 15 languages.


Shorthand is any system of rapid handwriting which can be used to transcribe the spoken word.
Shorthand systems use a variety of techniques including simplifying existing letters or characters
and using special symbols to represent phonemes, words and phrases.

A brief history of shorthand systems

Ever since the invention of writing scribes have used various techniques to enable them to take
notes quickly and efficiently.

The Ancient Egyptians devised two scripts, Hieratic and Demotic, as alternatives to their
complex Hieroglyphic script, which was used mainly for monumental inscriptions. Both Hieratic
and Demotic worked on the same principles as the Hieroglyphs but the symbols were
considerably simplified.

During the 4th century BC, the Greeks devised a number of symbol systems which reduced
letters to a single stroke and which could also be used to represent common words, suffixes and
prefixes. Such systems are generally referred to as stenography (narrow writing), brachygraphy
(short writing) or tachygraphy (swift writing). Their purpose was to make writing more compact
and/or faster.

One shorthand system popular with the Romans was Tironian Notes or Notae Tironianae, which
was invented by Cicero's secretary Tiro in order to record Cicero's speeches. It used a
combination of simplified letters and special symbols and was used in Europe in various forms
until the Middle Ages.

During the Han Dynasty (207BC - 220AD) the Chinese devised two methods of rapid writing
known as xíngshū (running script) and căoshū (draft script). In the Running script some of the
strokes that make up characters are joined and others are left out. In the Draft script each
character is written with a single continuous stroke and there is considerable variation in how
this is done. As a result, the Draft script is very difficult to read without special training.
Attempts have been made to standardise the way the characters are written in the Draft script but
they have not met with popular acclaim.

Modern shorthand systems

There are a number of different shorthand systems currently in use. The most popular ones

Pitman Shorthand

Pitman Shorthand was devised by Sir Isaac Pitman (1813-1897) and was first published in 1837.
Over the years is has been gradually improved and has been also adapted for 15 different
languages. The system was widely used in the UK and USA by secretaries, reporters and writers,
but lost popularity with the invention of pocket tape recorders.

Notable features

 Pitman is phonetic: it records the sounds of speech rather than the spelling. For example, the
sound [f] in form, elephant and rough is written in the same way for each word.
 Vowel sounds are optional and are written with small dots, dashes or other shapes next to the
main strokes. This helps increase writing speed because most words can be identified from their
consonants only.
 The thickness, length and position of the strokes are all significant.
 There are many special abbreviations and other tricks to increase writing speed.
 The record for fast writing with Pitman shorthand is 350 wpm during a two-minute test by
Nathan Behrin in 1922.

Pitman consonants

Pitman vowels
Pitman abbreviations

Sample text in Pitman


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Gregg Shorthand

Gregg was invented by John Robert Gregg (1867-1948) and was first published in 1888. Since
then many different versions have appeared, including some for languages other than English.
Gregg is still used, particularly in the USA.

Notable features

 Gregg is phonetic: it records the sounds of speech rather than the spelling. For example, the
sound [f] in form, elephant and rough is written in the same way for each word.
 Vowels are written as hooks and circles on the consonants.

Gregg consonants
Gregg vowels

Gregg punctuation

Gregg sample text


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Gregg illustrations provided by Andrew Owen.

Information about Shorthand | Tower of Babel in Pitman Shorthand | Tower of Babel in Gregg
Shorthand | Books about Shorthand


Informationa about Shorthand


Pitman Shorthand

Gregg Shorthand

Teeline shorthand

Groote shorthand - a Dutch shorthand system designed for take notes while on horseback

Deutschen Einheitskurzschrift (German Unified Shorthand)


Shorthand converter

Digital library of shorthand materials


Shorthand community of Google+


Keyscript Shorthand

Other notation systems

Shorthand is any system of rapid handwriting which can be used to transcribe the spoken word.
Shorthand systems use a variety of techniques including simplifying existing letters or characters
and using special symbols to represent phonemes, words and phrases.

A brief history of shorthand systems

Ever since the invention of writing scribes have used various techniques to enable them to take
notes quickly and efficiently.

The Ancient Egyptians devised two scripts, Hieratic and Demotic, as alternatives to their
complex Hieroglyphic script, which was used mainly for monumental inscriptions. Both Hieratic
and Demotic worked on the same principles as the Hieroglyphs but the symbols were
considerably simplified.

During the 4th century BC, the Greeks devised a number of symbol systems which reduced
letters to a single stroke and which could also be used to represent common words, suffixes and
prefixes. Such systems are generally referred to as stenography (narrow writing), brachygraphy
(short writing) or tachygraphy (swift writing). Their purpose was to make writing more compact
and/or faster.

One shorthand system popular with the Romans was Tironian Notes or Notae Tironianae, which
was invented by Cicero's secretary Tiro in order to record Cicero's speeches. It used a
combination of simplified letters and special symbols and was used in Europe in various forms
until the Middle Ages.

During the Han Dynasty (207BC - 220AD) the Chinese devised two methods of rapid writing
known as xíngshū (running script) and căoshū (draft script). In the Running script some of the
strokes that make up characters are joined and others are left out. In the Draft script each
character is written with a single continuous stroke and there is considerable variation in how
this is done. As a result, the Draft script is very difficult to read without special training.
Attempts have been made to standardise the way the characters are written in the Draft script but
they have not met with popular acclaim.

Modern shorthand systems

There are a number of different shorthand systems currently in use. The most popular ones
Pitman Shorthand

Pitman Shorthand was devised by Sir Isaac Pitman (1813-1897) and was first published in 1837.
Over the years is has been gradually improved and has been also adapted for 15 different
languages. The system was widely used in the UK and USA by secretaries, reporters and writers,
but lost popularity with the invention of pocket tape recorders.

Notable features

 Pitman is phonetic: it records the sounds of speech rather than the spelling. For example, the
sound [f] in form, elephant and rough is written in the same way for each word.
 Vowel sounds are optional and are written with small dots, dashes or other shapes next to the
main strokes. This helps increase writing speed because most words can be identified from their
consonants only.
 The thickness, length and position of the strokes are all significant.
 There are many special abbreviations and other tricks to increase writing speed.
 The record for fast writing with Pitman shorthand is 350 wpm during a two-minute test by
Nathan Behrin in 1922.

Pitman consonants
Pitman vowels

Pitman abbreviations

Sample text in Pitman


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

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