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Rock Band

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Rock band
Learn how to code your own musical instruments

Step 1 Introduction

Learn how to code your own musical instruments!

What you will make
You will make a game where you can click on the singer or the drum to hear singing or drum sounds.

What you will learn

Use code to change a sprite’s costume in Scratch
Use code to make sprites react to input in Scratch
Add sounds to a sprite in Scratch

What you will need

A computer capable of running Scratch 3
Scratch 3 (either online (https://rpf.io/scratchon) or offline (https://rpf.io/scratchoff))
Additional information for educators
You can find the completed project here (https://rpf.io/p/en/rock-band-get).
Step 2 Sprites

Before you can start coding, you’ll need to add in a ‘thing’ to code. In Scratch, these ‘things’ are called sprites.

Open a new Scratch project.

Online: open a new online Scratch project at rpf.io/scratch-new (http://rpf.io/scratch-new).

Offline: open a new project in the offline editor.

If you need to download and install the Scratch offline editor, you can find it at rpf.io/scratchoff (http://
It looks like this:

The cat sprite that you can see is the Scratch mascot. You don’t need it for this game, so get rid of it by
clicking on the X in the corner.
Next, click on Choose sprite from library to open up a list of all the Scratch sprites.

Scroll down until you see a drum sprite. Click on a drum to add it to your project.

If you are signed in to your Scratch account, type the title of your project into the project title box at the
top of the screen:

Tip: Give your projects helpful names so that you can easily find them when you have lots of projects.
Next, click on File, and then on Save now to save your project.
If you are not online or don’t have a Scratch account, you can save a copy of your project by clicking on
Save to your computer instead.
Step 3 The Stage

The Stage is the area on the right, and is where your project comes to life. Think of it as a performance area, just
like a real stage!

At the moment, the stage is white and looks pretty boring! Add a backdrop to it by clicking on Choose a

Click on Indoors in the list at the top. Then click on a theatre backdrop.

Click and drag the drum to the bottom of the Stage.

Your stage should now look similar to this:
Step 4 Making a drum

Now you will add code to your drum so that the drum makes a sound when it’s clicked.
You can find the code blocks in the Scripts tab, and they are all colour-coded!

First add the Music extension so you can play instruments.

Click on the Add extension button in the bottom left-hand corner.

Click on the Music extension to add it.

Click on the drum sprite, and then drag these two blocks into the code area on the right:

when this sprite clicked

play drum (1) Snare Drum for 0.25 beats

Make sure that the blocks are connected together (like LEGO bricks).

Click on the drum to try out your new instrument!


Challenge: improving your drum

Can you change the sound that the drum makes when it’s clicked?

Can you also get the drum to make a sound when the space bar is pressed? You’ll need to use this event block:

when space key pressed

If you want to copy your existing code, right-click on it and then click on duplicate.
Step 5 Making a singer

Now you will add a singer to your band!

Add a singer sprite to your Stage.

Add a sprite from the Sprite Library

Click on Choose a Sprite to open the Sprite Library:

You can search for a sprite, or browse for one by category. Click on a sprite to add it to your project.
Before you can make your singer sing, you need to add a sound to your singer sprite. Make sure that you
have selected your singer sprite, then click on the Sounds tab, and click on Choose a sound:

Click on Voice in the list at the top, and then choose a sound to add to your sprite.

To use the sound, add the following code blocks to your singer sprite:

when this sprite clicked

play sound singer1 until done

Click on your singer on the stage and see what happens. Does she sing?
Step 6 Costumes

Now you will make your singer look like she’s singing!

You can change how your singer sprite looks when it’s clicked by creating a new costume. Click on the
Costumes tab, and you’ll see the singer costume.

Right-click on the costume and then click on duplicate to create a copy of it.

Click on the new costume (called ‘Singer2’), and then select the line tool and draw lines so it looks like
your singer is making a sound.
The names of the costumes aren’t very helpful at the moment. Type into the text boxes of the costumes
to change their names to ‘not singing’ and ‘singing’.

Now that you have two different costumes for your singer, you can choose which costume is displayed!
Add these two code blocks to your singer sprite:

when this sprite clicked

switch costume to singing

play sound singer1 until done

switch costume to not singing

The code block for changing the costume is in the Looks section.

Click on your singer on the stage. Does she look like she is singing?

Now make your drum look like it’s being hit!

Use the instructions for changing your singer sprite’s costume to help you.

Remember to test that your new code works!


Challenge: improve your band

Use what you’ve learnt in this project to make your own band! You can create any instruments you like — look at
the available instrument sprites and sounds to get some ideas.

when this sprite clicked

set instrument to (1) Piano

play note 60 for 0.25 beats

Your instruments don’t have to be realistic though. For example, you could make a piano made out of muffins!

You can use more sprites from the library, and you can also paint your own sprites!
Why is my sprite 'jumping' when it changes costume?
When creating your own sprite, you may find that when you click the sprite, it ‘jumps’ as it changes costume.
This is because the two costumes aren’t centered in the same place.

To fix this, make sure that the centres of your sprite’s costumes are the same.
If you have a microphone, you can record your own sounds, and you can even use a webcam to hit your
Step 7 What next?

Now that you’ve built your first Scratch project, why not take a look at the Lost in space (https://projects.raspber
ects) Scratch project?

Published by Raspberry Pi Foundation (https://www.raspberrypi.org) under a Creative Commons

license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
View project & license on GitHub (https://github.com/RaspberryPiLearning/rock-band)

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