A Study of NPQS and Structure Coding
A Study of NPQS and Structure Coding
A Study of NPQS and Structure Coding
NPQS National Productivity and Quality Specifications NPQS project is jointly led and managed by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA), Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) and Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore (ACES) The NPQS is a set of standard specifications for building projects, Architectural, Civil & Structural and Mechanical & Electrical works. NPQS aims to harmonise the industry building specifications and provide a standard platform for achieving greater efficiency and quality in the design and construction process. The complete set of project specifications consist of two documents:
the base NPQS is a set of reference document that sets out the common specifications and requirements Project Specific Data are templates to allow the architects and engineers to input their project specific requirements which cannot be standardised in bse NPQS
Listing of 4 Groups
01 General Requirements 02 Architecture 03 Civil & Structure 04 Mechanical & Electrical