A Study of NPQS and Structure Coding

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A study of NPQS and its structure coding

NPQS National Productivity and Quality Specifications NPQS project is jointly led and managed by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA), Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) and Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore (ACES) The NPQS is a set of standard specifications for building projects, Architectural, Civil & Structural and Mechanical & Electrical works. NPQS aims to harmonise the industry building specifications and provide a standard platform for achieving greater efficiency and quality in the design and construction process. The complete set of project specifications consist of two documents:
the base NPQS is a set of reference document that sets out the common specifications and requirements Project Specific Data are templates to allow the architects and engineers to input their project specific requirements which cannot be standardised in bse NPQS

NPQS has into 8 main groupings

Listing of 4 Groups
01 General Requirements 02 Architecture 03 Civil & Structure 04 Mechanical & Electrical

Detail of Groups (1of2)

01 General Requirements 02 Architecture A1 FAADE A2 ROOFING A3 EXTERNAL WORKS A4 INTERNAL APPLIED FINISHES A5 INTERNAL PARTITIONS A6 DOOR SYSTEMS A7 Fixtures & Fittings 03 Civil & Structure C1 Site Preparation Works C2 Groundworks C3 Concrete Works C4 Piling Works C5 Structural Metalwork C6 Drainage & Sewerage Works C7 Driveways and Footways C8 Structural Timber

Detail of Groups (2of2)

04 Mechanical & Electrical E. ELECTRICAL E1 High Voltage Switchgear E2 Power Transformers E3 Earthing & Bonding E4 Low Voltage Switchgear & Distribution Boards E5 Electricity Generating Plant E6 Cables & Wiring E7 Drawpits,Manholes,Cable Ladders,Cable Trays,Trunking & Conduits E8 Busbar Trunking E9 Luminaires & Lamps E10 Wiring Accessories E11 Lightning Protection Systems E12 Uninterruptible Power Supply E13 Communication Systems E14 Access & Security Systems E15 Miscellaneous Systems L. LIFTS, ESCALATORS & MOVING WALKWAYS L1 Lifts L2 Escalators & Moving Walkways L3 Platforms for the disabled L4 Dumb Waiters M. AIR CONDITIONING AND MECH VENTILATION M1 Piped Distribution Systems M2 Cooling Equipment M3 Air Distribution Systems & Equipment M4 Building Management System F. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS F1 Sprinkler Systems F2 First Aid System Appliances F3 Wet & Dry Rising Main Systems F4 Fire Hydrant System F5 Fire Detection & Alarm System F6 Gas Flooding System P. PLUMBING, SANITARY & MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES P1 Hot & Cold Water Systems P2 Compressed Air Services P3 Boiler & Steam Services P4 Soil, Waste & Vent Services P5 Drainage Services P6 Gas Distribution P7 Swimming Pool Filtration & Sterilisation Plant

Format of NPQS format

Consist of alpha-numeric numbers as listed in website http://www.corenet.gov.sg/eNPQS/

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