Smoking Status
Smoking Status
Smoking Status
0 39
3 authors, including:
Songul Kamisli
Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi
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Frontline nurses caring for COVID-19 patiens: Experiences from the perspective of Turkish Nurses View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Songul Kamisli on 18 February 2022.
Cite this article as: Kamisli S, Guner P, Hayran KM. 1. Smoking status, health beliefs and thoughts about smoking of
nurses in an oncology hospital. J Basic Clin Health Sci 2022; 6: 164-172.
Purpose: Few studies are available that evaluate oncology nurses’ health beliefs related to smoking and
smoking status. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the health beliefs regarding smoking among
nurses and status working in a cancer hospital.
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among 152 nurses in a cancer hospital in Turkey. Data
were collected by using The Self-Report Questionnaire Regarding Health Beliefs and Smoking Cessation
Self-Efficacy Questionnaire
Results: Median age, body mass index, and working duration with cancer patients of the oncology nurses
are 34.0, 23.9, and 9.0, respectively. Of the nurses, 54.1% stated that they have never smoked, while
27% smoke every day. Among regular smokers, 32.1% are in precontemplation stage. Of the participants,
91.9% noted that ‘smokers are more likely to have cancer, 45.9% that ‘it is difficult for smokers to quit
smoking, and 52.3% that ‘tobacco bans are effective on quitting smoking.
Conclusion: The majority of oncology nurses think that a healthy lifestyle is very important but a few of
them follow the advice. Also even though the nurses mostly have healthy living beliefs they can’t reflect
these on their behaviors. Nurses working with cancer patients must also be considered as risk groups
when planning cancer prevention and tobacco control studies. It is important that nurses should be
informed and supported to take part in smoking cessation interventions.
J Basic Clin Health Sci 2022; 6: 164-172 Kamisli et al Oncology nurses and health beliefs related to smoking
nurses are admirably standed to advise patients and internal consistency of the Turkish version of the
their families to quit smoking by providing effective scale was high (Cronbach's Alpha=.92). Range of the
brief intervention (10). SCSEQ was 25-125, with higher scores indicating
Oncology nurses constitute the largest group of strong belief about refraining from smoking. It
oncology health care professions in Turkey. As consists of 25 items. SCSEQ assesses participants'
frontline health workers, oncology nurses are perceptions of their ability to refrain from smoking in
expected to promote healthy lifestyles among various situations. The grade of certainty in being
patients and families. Oncology nurses can also play able to refuse smoking in each situation was rated by
a crucial role in managing the smoking-cessation the respondents, using a five-point scale ranging from
behaviors of patients and their families, but no studies (1) completely unsure that I will be able to refrain from
have explored their perspectives on these issues and smoking to (5) completely sure that I will be able to
how they should be managed. Their thoughts and refrain from smoking. It assesses self-efficacy to
perceived relation to smoking status remain keep from smoking in diverse circumstances such as
unknown. Also, limitation is known between health negative affect, positive affect, social situations, and
belief and smoking perceptions in oncology nurses in cravings (14).
Turkey. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the
health beliefs, perceptions, and self-efficacy toward Procedure
cigarette smoking of oncology nurses working in a All oncology nurses working in the cancer hospital
cancer hospital. Thus, this study is expected to reveal were invited to this study. The oncology hospital
the current situation and contribute to tobacco control where this study was conducted has implemented
and cancer prevention studies. smoke-free policies since 2010. A list of oncology
nurses working in the hospital was received from the
METHODS hospital nursing administration. The data were
In this cross-sectional and descriptive study, all 152 collected between 1 December 2019 and 21
nurses working in the oncology hospital were December 2019 in all shifts in the cancer clinical
reached. Data were collected using a self-reported departments. Detailed information about the aim of
questionnaire prepared by researchers, and the the study was given to all oncology nurses before
Smoking Cessation Self-Efficacy Questionnaire asking them to join the study.
(SCSEQ). Incomplete questionnaires were not
included in the study. After distributing the Ethical considerations
questionnaires, the participants were asked to return Ethical approval was obtained from the ethics
them within three days. committee of the university (Number: GO 19/1096).
All nurses voluntarily provided their written informed
Instruments consent.
The oncology nurses were asked to answer three
parts of the self-reported questionnaire, which Data analysis
consisted of: (1) descriptive characteristics, (2) Data of the studywere analyzed through using the
thoughts regarding health beliefs and smoking status statistical package program SPSS (IBM), version 21.
of the nurses, and (3) Smoking Cessation Self- Descriptive statistics were presented by using
Efficacy Questionnaire (SCSEQ). median, minimum, maximum, and interquartile range
Questions for the second part were adapted from the (IQR) values for continuous variables (age, body
Health Belief Model (11). Cancer and smoking mass index, years working as an oncology nurse) and
relationship and smoke cessation counseling items percentages for categorical variables (education
were added to this part. The second and third parts of level, having a child, shift type, health beliefs,
the questionnaire consist of self-report items with a smoking status, and self-efficacy thoughts regarding
three-point Likert format (1=disagree; 3=agree). smoking). Statistical significance was set to p<0.05
The validity and reliability of the SCSEQ (12) for for all analyses. Chi-square or Fisher’s Exact Test
Turkish smokers were made by Karanci (13). This and Mann Whitney U Tests were used when
form used the psychometric properties to assess comparing groups.
smoking cessation self-efficacy. As this sample, the
J Basic Clin Health Sci 2022; 6: 164-172 Kamisli et al Oncology nurses and health beliefs related to smoking
Table 1: Characteristics of Oncology Nurses (n=111). they are smokers. Among current smokers, 35.8%
Characteristics n % were in the pre-contemplation stage. Among past
Age (years old) smokers, some nurses (n=5) stated that their
Median=34, percentiles 25-75 (31.0-39.0) smoking-cessation decision was affected by working
Min=23 Max=57
in the cancer hospital. The median age for starting
Marital Status
smoking was 20 (min 13; max 34) years old (see
Married 80 72.1
Unmarried 31 27.9
Table 2).
Educational Level
Bachelor degree 101 91.0 Health beliefs related to smoking among the
Master’s degree 10 9.0 oncology nurses
Having a child Of the oncology nurses, 91.9% noted that “smokers
Yes 68 61.3 are more likely to have cancer;” 45.9% stated, “it is
No 43 38.7
difficult for smokers to quit smoking,” and 52.3% said,
“tobacco bans are effective for quitting smoking.” The
Median=23.9, percentiles 25-75 (22.0-
26.8) majority of them (89.2%) noted that “smoking is one
Min=17.4 Max=33.1 of the most hazardous behaviors that increases the
Years as a nurse risk of cancer,” and 87.4% of them stated, “smoking
Median=12, percentiles 25-75 (7-15) causes cancer.”
Min=1 Max= 40 Almost a quarter (25.2%) of the participants noted
Years as a oncology nurse
that “the tobacco laws have a positive effect on
Median=9, percentiles 25-75 (6-13)
smoking cessation.” Of the oncology nurses, 60.4%
Min=1 Max=27
Shift type agreed with the statement, “I accept healthy lifestyle
Straight days 60 54.1 suggestions for health,” and 39.6% of them reported
Rotating shift 51 45.9 exercising at least three times a week.
Job title/position Nearly two-thirds (64.3%) disagreed with the opinion,
Inpatient clinic nurse 50 45.0 “increasing cigarette prices reduces the incidence of
Outpatient clinic nurse 30 27.0 smoking” (see Table 3). Demographic factors such as
Clinic management nurse 12 10.8
age, education, and years working in cancer hospitals
Administrative nurse 8 7.2
Branch nurse (nutrition, pain 11 10.0
were not associated with health beliefs about
management, psychosocial, bone smoking (p>0.05).
marrow transplantation, education)
SCSEQ scores
We found that the median SCSEQ score of the
RESULTS smoker nurses was 77.50 (IQR 25:55.75; IQR 75:
Characteristics of the oncology nurses 100). These nurses stated that they could not be
From the 152 oncology nurses invited, 111 nurses completely sure they will not smoke when their
(73.2%) completed and returned the questionnaires. spouse or friends smoke, when they feel work-related
Their median age was 34.0 years, ranging from 23 to pressure and strain, during coffee or tea breaks, and
57 years. Most of the nurses were female (96.4%), especially in the event of a death or an accident in
married (%72), and had children (61.3%). The nurses' their family. They cannot manage to avoid smoking in
height and weight measurements were used to the these situations, and their self-efficacy scores
body mass index (BMI). The median BMI of the decrease (Table 4).
nurses was 23.9, ranging from 17 to 33 (22.0-26.8).
Their median experience working with cancer DISCUSSION
patients was nine years, ranging from one to 27 years In this descriptive study among oncology nurses
(see Table 1). working in an oncology hospital, we evaluated the
health beliefs, perceptions, and self-efficacy toward
Cigarette smoking status of the oncology nurses cigarette smoking. In our study, 91% of the nurses
Table 2 shows the cigarette smoking status of the stated that a healthy lifestyle is important for them,
participants. Almost half of the participants (54.1 %) and 60.4% of them stated that they have a healthy
stated that they are nonsmokers, and 27% stated that diet. Their median BMI of 23.9 shows that their weight
J Basic Clin Health Sci 2022; 6: 164-172 Kamisli et al Oncology nurses and health beliefs related to smoking
is within normal weight limits, which confirms their Table 2: Cigarettes Smoking of the oncology nurses
healthy habits. Previous studies conducted among Smoking Status (n=111) n %
nurses showed them to have similar BMI values such Non smoker 60 54.1
as 25.1 or within the healthy weight range (15, 16). Past smoker (quit within past twelve months) 12 10.8
These studies report that nurses with a healthy weight Occasionally smoker 9 8.1
Current smoker 30 27.0
engage significantly more in health-enhancing
Cigarettes smoked per day (n=30)
behaviors with the desired frequency. 1-5 9 30
The results show that about one-third of the oncology 6-10 9 30
nurses in our study are cigarette smokers. However, 11 and more 12 40
studies on the smoking status of oncology nurses are Age of first cigarette (n=28)
limited; there are similar studies on nurses working in Median= 20 (min=13; max=34)
general practice. Previous studies have shown that SCSEQ scores (n=28)
Median=77.50 (min=25; max=116)
smoking prevalence differs among nurses, 7.9% (17)
Reasons of smoking (n=51)*
to almost 50%1, respectively (15). Based on these
Psychologically 12 23.5
results, it can be said that the smoking rates of Dependency 13 23.5
oncology nurses in our hospital are not different from Work load 10 19.6
other nurses. However, the prevalence of smoking Other** 6 11.8
should be investigated in a large oncology nurse Smoking stage of change (n=28)
population. Precontemplation 10 35.8
In our study, the beliefs of nurses related to smoking Contemplation 6 21.4
Preparation (in next 6 months) 3 10.7
are analyzed. Most of the nurses stated that they
Action 9 32.1
agree that “smoking is harmful to health and causes
* Multiple answers are marked. The number of the participants
cancer,” “being healthy is very important” for them, (n=51) includes those who current smokers and ex-smokers.
and they are “afraid of getting cancer.” However, one- **Economic and habit reasons
third of them are smokers. Thus, the perception that
smoking is harmful does not prevent smoking.
Table 3: Percentage distribution of health belief-related smoking of the oncology nurses (n=111)
Items Disagree Neither Agree
1. Smokers have a greater risk of cancer. 3.6 4.5 91.9
2. If members of my family smoke, I feel bad for them. 17.1 6.3 76.6
3. Having a person in my family diagnosed with cancer can increase my cancer risk. 9.0 7.2 83.8
4. I would like to detect my health problems associated with cancer. 4.5 7.2 88.3
5. I feel afraid of having cancer risk. 8.1 9.0 82.9
6. If I am diagnosed with cancer, I may suffer from depression. 8.1 14.4 77.5
7. Smoking is one of the most significant risk behaviors to increase the risk of cancer. 4.5 6.3 89.2
8. Not smoking cigarettes or quitting smoking prevents many cancer-related diseases. 7.2 9.9 82.9
9. People who are nonsmokers feel more healthy. 9.0 15.3 75.7
10. It is very difficult for smokers to quit smoking. 36.0 18.0 46.0
11. I think that smoking is responsible for cancer. 2.7 9.9 87.4
12. I am able to assist patients and their family in quitting smoking. 9.9 12.6 77.5
13. I inform my patients and their family about the harms of cigarette smoking 4.5 7.2 88.3
14. The tobacco law has a positive effect on smoking cessation. 25.2 22.5 52.3
15. A healthy lifestyle is very important for me. 3.6 5.4 91.0
16. I try to discover my health problems early. 8.1 13.5 78.0
17. Even if I am not sick, I get health checks regularly. 30.6 22.5 46.8
18. I adhere to healthy lifestyle recommendations to be healthy. 9.9 23.4 60.4
19. I eat healthily. 19.8 19.8 60.4
20. I get some exercise three times a week. 39.6 20.7 39.6
21. Nurses who work in the oncology hospital can provide support and information to cancer 16.2 19.8 64.0
patients and their families about smoking cessation.
J Basic Clin Health Sci 2022; 6: 164-172 Kamisli et al Oncology nurses and health beliefs related to smoking
Table 4. Percentage distribution of self-efficacy for smoking cessation of the oncology nurses (n=28)
Completely Unsure Neither Sure Completely
In the following situations, I am confident that I will not smoke: unsure sure nor sure
1-When I wake up in the morning, although I know that a hard day 25.0 7.1 21.4 3.6 42.9
is waiting for me.
2-When driving or traveling by car. 21.4 3.6 14.3 10.7 50.0
3-When I am alone and feel sad. 39.3 14.3 14.3 17.9 14.3
4-When I feel happy and while celebrating something. 21.4 14.3 17.9 21.4 25.0
5-When I am with my husband or smoker friend. 39.3 10.7 7.1 14.3 28.6
6-When having a drink at home or outside. 35.7 21.4 3.6 3.6 35.7
7-When talking with a friend on the phone. 28.6 14.3 10.7 10.7 35.7
8-When talking about a difficult subject on the phone. 39.3 14.3 17.9 7.1 21.4
9-When I am with a friend or at friendly meeting. 35.7 14.3 7.1 21.4 21.4
10-When I feel difficulty or pressure in my work. 35.7 14.3 17.9 7.1 25.0
11-When I go home from work. 35.7 14.3 7.1 10.7 32.1
12-When chatting with my friend. 28.6 14.3 10.7 17.9 28.6
13-When I wake up in the morning and think that a hard day is 25.0 14.3 14.3 3.6 42.9
waiting for me.
14-When I am at my workplace without any particular difficulty or 21.4 7.1 21.4 10.7 39.3
15-When I see that I am gaining weight. 25.0 21.4 10.7 7.1 35.7
16-When I am immobile or do sports. 17.9 25.0 14.3 7.1 35.7
17-When I'm bored and can't find anything to do. 35.7 21.4 14.3 7.1 21.4
18-When having coffee or tea, relaxing, or chatting. 42.9 10.7 14.3 10.7 21.4
19-When I have emotional problems or a serious crisis (for 50.0 7.1 7.1 14.3 21.4
example, an accident or death in the family).
20-After a meal. 39.3 3.6 7.1 32.1 17.9
21-When I take a break from working at home or the workplace. 32.1 17.9 7.1 21.4 21.4
22-When I visit friends at their home. 28.6 17.9 7.1 28.6 17.9
23-When I feel nervous. 39.3 14.3 3.6 21.4 17.9
24-When I go to the toilet. 28.6 7.1 3.6 14.3 46.4
25-When I am resting or watching TV. 17.9 14.3 7.1 10.7 50.0
Previous studies found that a lack of smoking health behaviors. The reason for this gap is that
cessation support for nurses is a key barrier to the health care staff do not have enough time, skills, of
policy's success (18, 19). Their recommendations sufficient belief and motivation to implement these
include the establishment of smoking-cessation practices (23).
services as a standard component of the policy. Nurses who smoke know that smoking is harmful, but
Despite perceived personal health risk, still choosing they have difficulties in stopping smoking. One of the
to smoke does not connect with certain health- reasons for the gap between behavior and belief is
protective behaviors. It is known that personal found in addiction psychology. It is known that
barriers may make it difficult for individuals to form a smoking cessation is difficult because nicotine
relation between their personal cancer risk attitude causes physical and psychological addiction. In our
and beneficial health behavior (20). Similarly, a study, although almost half of the oncology nurses
previous study conducted among nurses showed that think it is difficult to quit smoking, most of them stated
protective health measures taken by oncology nurses that they can help their patients and their families quit
who are preparing and applying chemotherapy were smoking and inform patients and their families about
insufficient (21). Another study about nurses’ the harms of smoking.
adaptation to health behaviors such as smoking, In our study, more than half of the nurses stated that
physical activity, and diet is insufficient (22). These working with cancer patients and a rise in cigarette
studies show that engagement in preventive health price did not change the number of cigarettes they
behaviors is poor among nurses. However, although smoke. Nurses’ smoking behavior is affected by
nurses know the significance of healthy behaviors, multiple factors related to both social and workplace
there is a gap between knowledge and practice of characteristics (24). Working in a cancer hospital
J Basic Clin Health Sci 2022; 6: 164-172 Kamisli et al Oncology nurses and health beliefs related to smoking
does not act as a deterrent to smoking attitudes in Education about smoking cessation is rarely
nurses. prioritized as part of nursing education. In Turkey,
Although nurses who participated in our study noted smoking cessation training does not occur in the
that they can provide information about the harms of nursing education curriculum. The survey identifies
smoking, most oncology nurses in Turkey do not that nurse did not feel they had the knowledge, skills,
receive formal education in smoking-cessation or confidence to deliver successful smoking-
counseling. Previous studies evaluating the cessation interventions to cancer patients (27).
associations between perceptions and behaviors are However, nurses can be educated through web-
not consistent with the present study. Besides the based training related to smoking-cessation
perceptions of nurses, their behavior is also counseling. They have requested opportunities for
important. It seems obvious that the smokers among dialogue and interaction with colleagues or topic
nurses and physicians would not advocate for their experts (10). Thus, training nurses in smoking
patients’ smoking cessation, despite agreeing that cessation interventions can increase their confidence
smoking is harmful to health, and would not advise and delivery of such services. Once trained, oncology
young adults to cease smoking (25). Other surveys nurses can appraise patients’ perceived difficulty in
found that nurses are confident in helping smokers quitting smoking and tailor cessation advice to
quit smoking, but their sense of responsibility and motivate them to accept in smoking cessation
determination of the appropriateness of smoking- programs. Nurses intervention that assist smokers in
cessation interventions remains inadequate (26, 27). overcoming their perceived difficulty in quitting may
Support for nurses’ health promotion behaviors improve participation (32, 33).
enhances their quality of life. Health promotion Oncology nurses are in an important position to
requires appropriate policies, planning, and provide smoking cessation interventions for cancer
interventions. To tackle serious health problems patients and their families. They can play in effectively
arising from smoking, all health care providers are promoting quiting and preventing relapse is focused
reaasured to be actively involved in smoking in the clinical practice guideline (34). It is supposed
cessation employement (22, 28). The increased that smoking is highly relevant to the etiology,
educational status of nurses working in hospitals in treatment, and prognosis of the cancers in these
Turkey positively affects their health beliefs link with patients, the reported rates of assistance with
breast cancer. Being promote the long-term smoking cessation in this setting is troubling (35).
persistence of this effect, postgraduate training will be According to the result of another study health
beneficial in updating link with breastcancer health providers declared in assisting patients with a
care knowledge of nurses and enabling the continuity cessation plan and arranging follow-up, suggesting a
of beneficial health behavior (9). A study was reported need for developed tobacco control program (36).
that nurses’ health-related behaviors were better than
the general population, but non-adherence to public Smoking cessation self-efficacy
health guidelines was regarding (29). To maximize In this study, the self-efficacy scores of smoking
their impact, health care providers have to prioritize nurses were also evaluated. The nurses reported that
increasing access to healthy food and it is difficult to avoid smoking, especially in times of
smokingcessation programs. Some previous health emotional distress and loneliness. It is recognized
behavior studies found different results. A cross- that friends and close relationships are associated
sectional survey showed the relationship between with the onset of smoking and maintenance (37).
knowledge, risk perceptions, opinion of health toward Cessation pertinent self-efficacy and withdrawal
seasonal influenza and vaccination, and the symptoms during abstinence robustly affect smoking
vaccination behaviors of nurses. Insight and and risk cessation conlusions (38). Studying the possible
perception predict uptake of vaccination in nurses interactions between these two factors could be
(30). Female smokers demonstrated significantly less important in understanding nicotine addiction and
knowledge of breast cancer and mammography, improving smoking cessation interventions. In case of
reported more barriers to screening, had less self- smoking cessation, withdrawal symptoms like
efficacy, and had a lower perceived risk of breast irritability, anxiety and depression candeeply affect
cancer than did nonsmokers (31). smokers’ self-efficacy to quit smoking or maintain
abstinence during or after cessation (39). A study
J Basic Clin Health Sci 2022; 6: 164-172 Kamisli et al Oncology nurses and health beliefs related to smoking
offered that although high levels of withdrawal smoking prevalence in the general population. In
symptoms did not predict low levels of self-efficacy, addition, oncology nurses can receive training or
low levels of self-efficacy after 24 hours of abstinence psychosocial interventions to promotion health
predicted high levels of withdrawal symptoms after 2 behaviors.
days of abstinence (40). The study suggested that
Author contributions: SK: Conceptualisation, designed the
smokers with low self-efficacy might have study, method, data acquisition and writing. PG: Data collection,
unfavorable expectations about smoking cessation, performed the analytic calculation KMH:Supervision, article
which enhances their sensitivity toward withdrawal revision and all authors discussed the results and contributed to
the final manuscript.
symptoms. Although this provides great insight Conflict of interests: The authors have no conflicts of interest to
toward the link between self-efficacy and withdrawal disclose
symptoms, further research is required to provide Ethical approval: Ethical approval was obtained from the ethics
committee of the university (Number: GO 19/1096).
more comprehensive findings. Accordingly, some Funding: No funding or sources of support was received.
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