Electrolytes Summary
Electrolytes Summary
Electrolytes Summary
Clinical Chemistry
Sodium (Na+)
Function -Major extracellular cation in the body
-Most important in determining the osmolality of the ECF
-Contributes to 90% of normal plasma osmolality
-Effects water distribution between body compartments
-Effects CSF volume
-Effects the size of cells
-Involved significantly in the:
~Active transport
~Counter transport
of various molecules in and out of cells.
-Major contributor to electrochemical balance in the body
-Major role in transmitting nerve and muscles impulses, by the cycle of
depolarization (influx of sodium) and repolarization (efflux on potassium)
Regulation at -By Na+ K+ ATPase pump, pumps 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in to the cell.
-Active transport process that requires ATP and Mg2+ as a cofactor enzyme.
cellular level -Low intercellular Na+
-High intercellular K+
→This creates an electro-chemical gradient that allows other substances to be
transported across the membrane such as: glucose, amino acids and fatty acids inside
the cell with the sodium (co-transport or counter-transport)
-Water also follows the movement of sodium in to the cell, regulating the size and
shape of cell and preventing osmotic rupture.
Regulation at -Kidney is the major site for Na+ regulation.
-Under normal conditions:
body level ~47% of filtered Na+ is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
~25% in the loop of Henle
~25% in the distal tubule
~3% in the collecting duct
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Detection Methods
Method FES ISE
Principle -When aspirated into a flam, Na -A glass membrane separates the
emits light at a specific sample from the electrode. It allows
wavelength (589nm). the selective diffusion of Na from the
-This light can be measure by sample into the electrode. Originally a
comparing with the standard, constant potential is maintained. The
after separating it from the difference in the potential of the
interfering light. electrode in the buffer chamber
-Lithium is used as an intern (standard/reference electrode) and the
standard. electrode in the sample is directly
proportional to the activity of Na.
-The activity of Na in the sample is
compared to the activity of the
standard in order to determine the
concentration of the Na in the unknow
Key points -Dilution is done in order to
decrease the concentration of
proteins and prevent the
plugging of the atomizer with
the large particle.
hyperglycaemia and
hyperlipidaemia all causes
falsely low Na because the size
of these substances are similar to
water so they will displace a
certain amount of the water
~Require flame (fire hazard)
~Specimen requires dilution
(dilution error could occur)
~Interference substances may be
present in sample.
~System set up and optimization
are important but time
Notes -No dilution is required for direct ISE but must be done for indirect ISE
and FES
-Hyperproteinaemia specimens can only be used in direct ISE
-Hyperlipidaemia specimens must be centrifuged and excess lipids are
removed before dilution in indirect ISE or straight away used in direct
-Hyperglycaemia must be corrected as it falsely decrease Na+ value, it
draws water from intercellular spaces and into ECF and vascular spaces.
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Potassium (K+)
Function -Major Intercellular cation in the body (20x greater inside)
-Important in many regulatory mechanisms:
~Regulation of neuromuscular excitability
~Regulation of co-transport of substances into the cell indirectly (Na+ K+ ATPase
~Regulation of heart contractions (Repolarization phase)
~Regulation of intracellular fluid volumes with NA+
~Regulation of H+ concentration (pH balance)
~Maintenance of electrochemical balance inside the cell
Regulation at -By Na+ K+ ATPase pump, pumps 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in to the cell.
-Active transport process that requires ATP and Mg2+ as a cofactor enzyme.
cellular level -Low intercellular Na+
-High intercellular K+
~This maintains a negative intracellular potential (resting potential)
~Also, the conduction of impulses and maintenance of electrochemical gradient are
dependent on this type of mechanism.
Regulation at -Kidney is the major site for K+ regulation.
-Has no renal threshold, so even low levels of K is found in the urine.
body level -K filtered by the glomerular is nearly all reabsorbed by the proximal tubule and loop
of Henle
-At distal tubule and collecting duct, 10-20% of the filtered K will be secreted and
excreted due to the action of aldosterone, in exchange for Na+
-Increase in K in the body → Increase in aldosterone secretion→Increase secretion of
K in urine.
-Decrease K in the body →No aldosterone secreted →Increase in K reabsorption and
decrease in K excretion.
(At a body level)
As the [H+] is low → the kidney excrete K+ in exchange for H+ → K+ decrease in
the body.
(At a cellular level)
As the [H+] is low → the K+ enters the cell in exchange for H+ to enter the
circulation → K+ decreases in circulation.
Low K+ → K leaves the cell and enters the circulation in exchange for H+ and Na to
enter the cell → decreases [H+] in the circulation → Alkalosis
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
C)K redistribution:
~Metabolic alkalosis
~Insulin (stimulates Na+ K+ ATPases → pumps K in the cell)
~Decrease Mg (decreases activity of Na+ K+ pump, therefore high K in the
body→the kidney will get rid of all that K → causes a decrease in K in the body)
Symptoms -Variable and not specific:
~Weakness in muscles ~Cramps
~Convulsions (increase repolarisation time period)
~Anorexia (due to low neuromuscular impulses → weakness of smooth GI muscle.
~Irregular heart beat (cardiac arrhythmias)
~Irregular ECG pattern
~Hypotension ~Circulatory failure
Treatments -Replacing lost K:
~Oral or intravenous injection
~Increase intake of K rich food (bananas, orange juice, dates…)
Hyperkalaemia A)Excessive or rapid administration of K
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~Na depletion (Na+ K+ ATPase pump can’t function, causes K to remain outside the
~Severe haemolysis
~Tissue ischemia (No blood supply to dying tissues→No O2→No ATP
formed→Inactive Na+ K+ ATPase →K remains outside the cell)
C)K Redistribution:
~Massive haemolysis (transfusion problems)
~Metabolic acidosis
~Severe tissue damage
~Epilepsy (hyper kinetic energy – fast repolarisation)
~Dehydration (low blood volume→ low pressure→ low K filtered in the kidney)
~Massive transfusion of store blood (K leaks from RBC while it is stored, effects
infants and children as they have a small blood volume.
Symptoms -Irregular heartbeat and ECG patterns
-Muscle weakness
-Cardiac arrest (constant state of depolarization due to high K inside the membrane
and outside, making repolarization hard, muscle can’t instead of returning to resting
membrane potential)
Treatments -Cause must be known:
~Ca infusion (antagonist to K in the heart- allows normal pattern of depolarization
and repolarization) e.g. NaHCO3, Ca gluconate, etc…
~Insulin (moves K back into the cell by pump)
~Glucose (to stimulate insulin production)
-If all fails, peritoneal dialysis or haemodialysis is done.
Sample -Heparinized plasma is preferred to serum (Clotting process: K leaks from platelets
and RBC, causing falsely elevated K.
-Store at room temperature (cold causes K to leak)
-Avoid haemolysis (ruptured RBC release K)
-Prolonged tourniquet and clenched fists causes falsely decrease K due to the
movement of K back into the cell due to high pressure.
-Urine (24 hour urine sample)
Detection -Flame Emission spectrophotometer (FES)
~Reference method
-Ion Selective Electrode (ISE)
~Valinomycin membrane is selective to K
-Ion Selective Conductometry
~Or indirect ISE
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Chloride (Cl-)
Function -Major extracellular anion
-Involved in many vital (important) body functions:
~Maintaining osmotic pressure
~Maintaining proper body hydration
~Maintaining electric neutrality
~Maintaining electrolyte balance
-Due to its passive roles, it acts as a rate limiting factor for:
~Reabsorption of Na and K (could bind to them forming NaCl or KCl)
~Exchange in bicarbonate
Key Points -Is abundant in many dietary sources, especially in salty food (NaCl)
-Chloride is filtered by the glomerulus, reabsorbed passively by the proximal
tubules bound to Na.
-Excess Cl is excreted in urine and sweat.
-Aldosterone binds Na and Cl in order to reserve it in the body if there is a decrease
in Na or Cl or there is excess sweating
Hypochloraemia A)Excessive loss of chloride:
~Prolonged vomiting ~ Diarrhoea →GI route
~Diabetic ketoacidosis
~Mineralocorticoid deficiency (Hypoaldosteronism)
~Pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney)
~Increased bicarbonate (due to metabolic alkalosis)
Hyperchloremia -Occurs when there is excess loss of bicarbonate;
~Metabolic acidosis (increase in H+→causes a decrease a HCO3-→causes a
decrease in Cl excretion)
~Renal tubular acidosis
~Increased Mineralocorticoid (Hyperaldosteronism)
Sample -Fasting serum
-Fasting Plasma (Li heparin)
- Urine (24 hour collection)
-Sweat (for cystic fibrosis)
Detection -Amperometric-coulometric titration
(see table below for ~Reference method
explanation) -Mercurimetric titration
-Colorimetric procedure
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Amperometric-coulometric titration
Principle -Just like electrolysis
-Ag+ are generated at a constant voltage from a silver electrode
coulometrically (producing colours)
-Ag combines with the Cl- present in the sample, forming a insoluble
-Once all the Cl has been consumed and free Ag+ appears, that is the end-
-The time taken to reach the end-point is proportional to the concentration of
Notes -Highly accurate
-Gelatine (original method) or polyvinyl pyrrolidone (currently used)
prevents the dissociations of AgCl at the indicator electrode →releasing the
Cl and Ag→ increases the time for Cl to all be consumed→falsely elevates
-pH must remain acidic to prevent the formation of poorly insoluble basic
silver salts.
-Nitric acid is used to provide with the acidic medium and helps in the ionic
conductivity (since it is charged)
-Acetic acid could also be used to provide with the acidic medium and
reduced the solubility of AgCl (makes it more insoluble)
-Suitable for measuring Cl in serum, plasma, sweat and CSF.
-Br-, I-, CN-,SCN-, -SH →interfere →falsely elevates that values.
-Haemolysis, lipideamia and jaundice do not interfere with the
-Commercial analysers used:
~ Astra 8 (Beckman Instruments)
~Coltove Chloridometer (Buchler Instruments Inc.)
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Calcium (Ca2+)
Function -Extracellular cation (except a few exceptions where some compartments have
higher Ca2+ inside the cell-such as muscles, heart…)
-In the bone, Ca and Pi form a insoluble crystal (hydroxyapatite crystals) which
provides the bone with strength, and is a major storage area for Ca
-Blood coagulation requires Ca as co-factor IV
-Involved in muscular and heart contractions
-Involved in regulation of membrane ion transport and membrane permeability
-Involved in milk production
-Involved in activation of cAMP (secondary messenger mechanism of hormone
-Involved in cellular secretions
Key Points -98% of Ca is in the bone and teeth
-1% is in the body fluids
-1% is in soft tissues
-Most circulating Ca is in the plasma
-Little or none in RBCs
-Milk and meat are rich in Ca
-Total Ca (tCa):
~60% free calcium (ionized-Ca2+) →physiologically active form
~35% bound to proteins (mainly albumin)
~5% forms a complex with: citrate, oxalate, phosphate…. (minerals)
Factors A)Non hormonal factors:
Involved in -Total protein
regulation of -Serum Pi (inorganic phosphate) levels
Ca -Oxalate and citrate levels
(See table below for
explanation) B)Hormonal control:
-Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
-1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)
-Thyroid hormone (T3 and T4)
-Sex hormones
Hypocalcaemia -Hypoparathyroidism
-Mg deficiency
-Vit D deficiency
-Steatorrhea (fat in stool)
-Nephrosis (loss of proteins in urine)
-Nephritis (inflammation-decreases reabsorption of Ca)
-Acute pancreatitis (formation of Ca soap)
-Increased bone uptake (post-parathyroidectomy or post-thyroidectomy)
-Drug therapy (EDTA- chelates Ca , mithramycin- antibiotic , calcitonin)
-Physiological (non-pathogenic):
~Lactation (breast-feeding)
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
A) Solid tumours:
~Testicles, thyroid, kidney, stomach, liver, bone, thyroid, prostate, bone..
~Ectopic production of PTH by various tumours (other organs produces hormones
are not originally secreted from them)
B) Haematological:
-Multiple myeloma
-Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (slow-growing blood cancer)
-Hodgkin’s disease (lymphoma- cancer of immune system)
-Non-Hodgkin’s disease (cancer that originates in your lymphatic system)
-leukaemia (blood-forming tissue cancer)
-Polycythaemia Vera (slow-growing blood cancer)
3)Non-malignant, non-parathyroid:
A)Increased Ca intake or absorption:
-Hypervitaminosis D
-Milk-alkali syndrome (used in treatment of peptic ulcers)
-Sarcoidosis (inflammatory disease that affects multiple organs in the body)
-Prolonged tourniquet application (falsely elevated/positive Ca)
D)Renal failure:
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
F)Other causes:
-Addison’s disease
-Myxedema (disease caused by severe hypothyroidism)
-Acromegaly (pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone)
-Vitamin A toxicity
-Pheochromocytoma (rare tumour of adrenal gland tissue)
-Idiopathic hypercalcemia of infancy (disorder of calcium metabolism, cause is
-Familial benign hypercalcemia (calcium-sensing receptor genetic disorder)
Symptoms -Symptoms associated with hypercalcemia:-
~Nausea. ~Vomiting. ~Abdominal pain. ~Polyurea
~CaPi kidney stone formation. ~Abnormal calcification of soft tissues.
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Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Hormonal Control
Parathyroid hormone -Polypeptide hormone produced by the parathyroid
(PTH) -Released in response to decreased level of circulation
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Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
-Ca2+ conversion:
~mg/dL →mmol/L (÷ 4)
-Important note:
~Before calculating Ca2+, correct tCa using
the albumin equation first.
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
-Metabolic alkalosis:
~Increases protein binding of calcium
→decreases Ca2+
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Magnesium (Mg2+)
Function -Second most abundant intracellular cation after K
-Important co-factor that requires ATP
-Essential for many biological systems:
~Carbohydrate metabolism
~Nerve conduction
~Neuromuscular contraction
~Blood coagulation
-Co-factor for over 300 enzymes in the body, such as; Na+ K+ ATPase
-Essential for maintaining the macromolecular structure of RNA, DNA and
-Concentration in RBC is greater than in plasma
-Dietary source of Mg:
~Whole grain cereals, legumes, milk, nuts, bananas, leafy vegetables.
Key Points -65% in the bone and teeth (structural role)
-34% intracellular fluids (co-factor for enzymes and is essential for cell
-1% extracellular fluid:
~65% free form (Mg2+)
~22-27% bound to albumin
~8% bound to other globulins
~1-5% complexed with citrate, phosphate, oxalate, carbonate
Factors Involved in 1)pH:
-Decrease in pH→ increases Mg2+ and decreases bound Mg
regulation of Mg -Increase in pH→ decreases Mg2+ and increases bound Mg
~Total Mg is not affected
2)Total protein:
-Hyperproteinemia→ increases bound Mg and increases tMg
-Hypoproteinemia→ decreases bound Mg and decreases tMg
~Mg2+ is not affected
-Increases tubular reabsorption of Mg
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-EDTA titration
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Major Precautions
Colorimetric method Complexometric method
-Ca causes a major interference since it reacts with the Mg agents
-Ba-EGTA is added to chelate (remove) Ca
-The linearity of the measurements obtained has to be checked with a range of Mg standards:
~Beers law only applies to a short range of Mg concentration, not all.
~AAS is the reference and most used method for Mg, since it is more accurate and precise.
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Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
-Analyse immediately:
~Freeze at -20 °C if not assayed soon.
-If freezing is delayed; Organic phosphate dissociates into Pi →falsely
increases Pi
-Avoid haemolysis (falsely increases Pi)
-Never collect after meal (decreased Pi)
-Check for any treatments or drugs.
-Urine (24 hour sample)
Detection -All methods depend on the specific reaction between Pi and ammonium
-Acidic medium is used ( in order to prevent; organic phosphate dissociates
into Pi →falsely increases Pi)
-Complex formed (phosphomolybdate complex) will react with a reducing
agent to produce a colour (Molybdenum blue)
-Spectrophotometry is used to detect the absorbance (read at 660 nm)
-Colour (absorbance) is directly proportional to Pi concentration
-Reducing agents used (wave length and colour differs between each one):
~Ascorbic acid
~Stannous Chloride
~Malachite green
-Presence of proteins acts as an interfering substance:
~Protein precipitation
-Adding the agent to the phosphomolybdate complex must rapid as
phosphomolybdate dissociates fast → falsely decreases results.
Rahaf M Alsoufi Lab18
Anion Gap
-Cation in plasma and the body = Anions present
-Not every ion constituent is measured and reported in the lab such as trace elements
~[Na2+] [K+] [Cl-] [HCO3-]
-In a healthy individual:
~Na+ and K+ makes up about 95% of the total serum cations
~HCO3- makes up for about 85% of the total serum anions
-Normal ion gap is also due to various unmeasured anions;
~Plasma proteins
-An increase in anion gap:
~Presences of excessive amount of either the cations or anions
~If K is measured:
([𝑁𝑎] + [𝐾]) − ([𝐶𝑙] + [𝐻𝑐𝑜3])
~If K is not measure:
([𝑁𝑎]) − ([𝐶𝑙] + [𝐻𝑐𝑜3])
-Sometimes tCO2 (mmol/L) may be used instead of HCO3-
-Results can be normal, high or low, all leading to different clinical diagnosis
-Especially used in differential diagnosis of acid-base disorders.