Sociolingüística - Unit 3 (R)
Sociolingüística - Unit 3 (R)
Sociolingüística - Unit 3 (R)
Creoles continue to evolve. There is a phenomenon called decreolization that arises
when a creole has prolonged contact with a standard language in a specific society &
that standard brings a considerable influence on the creole. So speakers start to
develop the Creole taking the standard as a model. This process can be perceived in
places like Barbados, India, Nigeria or Papua New Guinea.
The different forms of the creole become socially stratified & the variety closer to the
standard becomes the language of the elite & the educated society (acrolect), whereas the
variety closer to the Creole represents illiterate people & lower social class (basilect). The
ones in the middle are mesolects, which determine social stratification & alleged identities
among their speakers.