Anatomy of The Anterior Abdominal Wall1
Anatomy of The Anterior Abdominal Wall1
Anatomy of The Anterior Abdominal Wall1
The superficial structures of the abdominal wall from superficial to deep, include the
skin, superficial fat, superficial fascia (Scarpa fascia), deep fat; (Hunstad & Repta,
Fig : The two layers of the superficial fascia of the abdominal wall (Arslan, 2005)
Although the empirical view of abdominal subcutaneous tissue is
that of two layers of fat with differing macroscopic structure of its lobes,
divided by a layer of membranous tissue. Anatomical descriptions range
from that of a single layer of adipose tissue, reported in most common
textbooks and atlases (Moore & Dalley, 2009) (Standring et al., 2005)
to more complex reports by some authors, with varying definitions of
layers and terminology. This situation, however, seems to have ancient
roots, as it was already lamented in the early decades of the nineteenth
century (Darrach, 1830).
The anterior rectus sheath and linea alba are composed of collagen
fibers arranged in lattice configuration. The width and thickness of these
structures fluctuate at various regions of the anterior abdominal wall and
are assessed based on the distance from the umbilicus. The width of the
linea alba ranges from 11 to 21 mm between the xiphoid process and the
umbilicus and decreases from 11 to 2 mm from the umbilicus to the pubic
symphysis. The thickness of the linea alba ranges from 900 to 1200 μm
between the xiphoid and the umbilicus and increases from 1700 to 2400
μm from the umbilicus to the pubic symphysis. The thickness of the
anterior rectus sheath ranges from 370 to 500 μm from the xiphoid to the
umbilicus and increases to 500–700 μm from the umbilicus to the pubic
symphysis. The posterior rectus sheath is slightly thicker than the anterior
rectus sheath above the umbilicus, ranging from 450 to 600 μm and
decreases from 250 to 100 μm from the umbilicus to the arcuate line
(Nahabedian, 2017).
The rectus abdominis arises from the 5th, 6th and 7th costal
cartilages and is inserted into the crest of the pubis. At the tip of the
xiphoid, at the umbilicus and half-way between, are three constant
transverse tendinous intersections; below the umbilicus there is
sometimes a fourth. These intersections are seen only on the anterior
aspect of the muscle and here they adhere to the anterior rectus sheath.
Posteriorly they are not in evidence and, in consequence, the rectus
muscle is completely free behind. At each intersection, vessels from the
superior epigastric artery and vein pierce the rectus (Ellis, 2006).
Fig : The aponeurotic layers of the anterior abdominal wall include the linea
alba, anterior rectus sheath, posterior rectus sheath, and external oblique fascia
(Nahabedian, 2017)
The arterial supply of the rectus muscles originates from the
superior and inferior epigastric artery which are embedded in the dorsal
surface of the rectus abdominis muscle. The nerve supply originates from
the ventral rami of Th7 to Th12, frequently completed by additional
branches ofTh6 and LI. The nerves run on the dorsal surface of the
internaioblique muscle, then cross the semilunar line and enter the muscle
from lateral and dorsal (Klinge et al., 2003).
Fig : Vascular supply of the abdominal wall. (Hunstad & Repta, 2009)
The blood supply to the abdominal wall was previously described in a
regional manner by Huger, consisting of three anatomically distinct zones.
Zone I refers to the upper anterior midline of the abdominal wall with the
SEAs and DIEAs as they supply the rectus abdominis and overlying
subcutaneous tissue and skin. Zone II comprises the entirety of the caudal
portion of the anterior abdominal wall. The blood supply in this region arises
from four main arterial conduits with contributions from the femoral and iliac
arteries. The superficial inferior epigastric and superficial external pudendal
arteries originate from the femoral artery to supply the superficial fascia and
skin in this area. The DIEAs and deep circumflex iliac arteries supply the
musculature in this lower area. Zone III is located laterally past linea
semilunaris with lumbar and intercostal arteries which arise from the aortic
system. These arcades supply the lateral abdominal wall and eventually
anastomose with the midline vascular structures (Huger et al., 1979).
Fig : Vascular supply to the abdominal wall with delineated Huger Zones I–III
(Majumder, 2016).
Lymphatic drainage of the anterior abdominal wall
Like divisions of the abdominal wall layers (to superficial and deep
structures) the lymphatics of the abdominal wall can be divided into
superficial lymphatic vessels and deep lymphatic vessels according to
their relation to these layers. Superficial lymphatic vessels are situated
above the deep muscular fascia within the abdominal wall soft tissues,
they are largely affected by abdominoplasty procedures. Deep
lymphatic vessels are situated below the deep muscular fascia within
the abdominal muscle layers themselves, they are not usually affected
by abdominoplasty procedures in spite of myofascial plication which
involves the deep muscular fascia. The abdominal wall lymphatics drains
into the axillary lymph nodes above the level of umbilicus and superficial
inguinal lymph nodes below the level of umbilicus (Moore et al., 2006).
Fig. Lymphatics of the abdominal wall (Hunstad & Repta, 2009).
Fig : Sensory nerve supply of the abdominal wall (Hunstad & Repta, 2009).
Pathiophysiology of hernia formation
The anterior rectus sheath forms the major and most conspicuous
part of the anterior abdominal wall. This sheath contains three strata: the
superficial stratum, the middle stratum and the deep stratum. The
superficial stratum has tendinous fibres that run downward and laterally
and, when followed, will come from the external oblique aponeurosis of
the other side. In the middle stratum, the tendinous fibres run downward
and medially at right angles to those of the superficial stratum; these are
the tendinous fibres of the external oblique muscle of the same side. In
the deep stratum, the tendinous fibres run upwards and medially, and
these fibres originate from the anterior lamina of the internal oblique
aponeurosis. Due to these anatomical structures, a triple criss-cross layer
pattern is formed. The tendinous fibres in these three strata are bound
together by loose tissue that facilitates their movement. In the posterior
rectus sheath, a similar triple-layer pattern is seen.The triple-layer criss-
cross pattern offers firmness to then texture of the aponeurosis in both the
anterior and the posterior rectus sheaths and therefore makes them less
liable for herniation. (Askar, 1978) (Askar, 1984).
Primary sutures repair, in which the fascial edges are dissected out
and reapproximated with interrupted sutures was adopted by many
surgeons for small defects less than 2 cm, without a long-term increase in
recurrence risk compared to a mesh repair (Gunter & Greenberg, 2016).
Biological meshes were used for hernia repair because they were believed
to promote regeneration, rather than scarring, and because they could also
be used in contaminated or infected fields (Bellows et al., 2006).
Although biological meshes are routinely used in infected fields, their
high costs remain a barrier to widespread use (Peppas et al., 2010).