Key Points: Eunice Y. Chen Kathleen C.Y. Sie

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Developmental Anatomy

Eunice Y. Chen  | Kathleen C.Y. Sie

Key Points
Head and neck anatomy is divided into fascial layers and triangles or levels, which
serve as organizational units to manage the volume of anatomic detail in the neck.
An understanding of the fascial relationships in the neck is important, not only because of
the boundary relationships but also because fasciae form planes that provide routes of
surgical access or pathways for hemorrhage and infection.
At approximately 4 to 5 weeks of gestation, the area of the embryo’s future face and neck
consists of five or six pairs of fingerlike masses of tissue called the branchial arches.
The outer surfaces of the arches, as well as the clefts, are lined by ectoderm; the substance of
the branchial arches contains mesoderm and neural crest cells. The pharyngeal pouches are
outpouchings from the foregut region and are composed of endoderm.
Second branchial cleft anomalies are the most common. The fistula tract starts with the
external opening in the mid-lower neck at the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
muscle, and it heads superiorly between the internal and external carotid arteries, passes
over cranial nerves IX and XII, and ends in the palatine tonsil bed.
Third branchial cleft anomalies travel from the medial edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, lateral
to the common carotid artery, medial and posterior to the internal carotid artery, over cranial nerve XII,
under cranial nerve IX, and through the thyrohyoid membrane into the piriform sinus.
The paired maxillary and mandibular prominences from the first branchial arch along
with the unpaired frontonasal prominence grow and come together to form the
structures of the face during weeks 4 to 10 of embryonic development.
Branchial arches 1 through 4 all contribute to the development of the tongue with the
anterior two thirds of the tongue formed from the lateral lingual swelling and medial
lingual swelling or tuberculum impar from the first branchial arch; the posterior one third
of the tongue develops from the copula or hypobranchial eminence, which arises from
the second, third, and fourth branchial arches.
A Sistrunk procedure with removal of the midportion of the hyoid along with the
thyroglossal duct (within the base of the tongue to the foramen cecum) and removal of the
cyst is recommended to minimize the risk of recurrence of a thyroglossal duct cyst.

Surgeons use a number of nomenclature systems to organize the neck, the branchial or pharyngeal apparatus, and the contribu-tion
anatomy of the head and neck in an attempt to manage surgical of this developmental anatomy to various abnormal and pathologic
approaches and anticipate deviations from normal anatomy. In most conditions of the head and neck.
textbooks, the head and neck anatomy is divided into fascial layers
and triangles or levels. The use of layers and levels is an
organizational approach to manage the volume of anatomic detail in FASCIAL LAYERS OF THE NECK
the neck by parceling it into rea-sonable functional units. For
An understanding of the fascial relationships in the neck is
example, when a retropharyngeal abscess is diagnosed, surgeons can
important, not only because of the boundary relationships but also
anticipate the spread of infections within the retropharyngeal space
because fasciae form planes that provide routes of surgical access or
down to the medi-astinum or into adjacent layers of the deep
cervical fascia, and when an incision is made over the posterior pathways for hemorrhage and infection.1 For this reason, a brief
triangle or level V, surgeons can reliably predict the structures they discussion of the fascial planes is necessary before proceeding with
will encounter in precise order. Similarly, understanding the normal the anatomy of the triangles or levels of the neck.
embryo-logic development of the face and neck is important to diag- One of the earliest lessons in anatomy is that there are two types
nose anomalies or masses of the head and neck and to define of fascia in the body, superficial and deep. In the region of the
surgical approaches to address them. This chapter begins with brief abdominal wall, superficial fascia consists of two layers—a fatty
descriptions of the fascial layers and the anatomic levels   of the (Camper) layer and a deeper, membranous (Scarpa) layer. 2 The
neck. The chapter continues with a discussion of the embryology of deep fascia of the abdominal wall is not subdivided but is a layer
the face that includes the palate and tongue, the that simply envelops the abdominal muscles. In

the neck, the superficial layer of cervical fascia is a single layer of prevertebral fascia are the phrenic nerve and brachial plexus,
fascia that underlies the skin and contains the platysma muscle and located near the anterior and middle scalene muscles and the
cutaneous nerves and vessels. It is usually thin, except in the obese sympathetic chain lying anterior to the longus colli muscle. The
person, in whom it is thickened by adipose tissue. Its primary superfical layer of deep fascia, along with the middle and deep
surgical significance is that it provides a fascial pad that protects layers, envelops the carotid and jugular vessels and vagus nerve to
underlying structures when a skin inci-sion is made. In form the carotid sheath.
exceptionally lean people, however, the paucity of this layer may An effective means of visualizing the spatial relationships  of
not protect underlying structures, such as the accessory nerve, so these layers of fascia is to examine a cross section of the   neck
the surgeon should be wary when operating on such patients. (see Fig. 2-1). This view is not only informative in defining the three
layers of deep fascia but it also serves to relate them to the triangles
The deep cervical fascia is divided into three layers, illus-trated of the neck (i.e., submandibular, posterior). Although the term
best when the neck is viewed in cross section (Fig. 2-1). These are triangle connotes a flat or planar form, the neck triangles are three-
the superficial (investing), middle (pretracheal or visceral), and deep dimensional structures that should be visualized as pyramidal spaces
(prevertebral) layers of the deep cervical fascia. The superficial that not only have three sides but also have a roof (top) and a floor
layer of deep fascia underlies the platysma muscle and completely (bottom). Most of the tri-angles are three-dimensional spaces
invests or encircles all of the superficial neck structures. For these bounded by bone and muscles with distinct fascial layers that form
reasons, the superficial layer is also known as the investing layer of the roof and floor of the space. In general terms, each triangle
deep fascia. In the region of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius contains blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels, and lymph nodes.
muscles, it splits and envel-ops the individual muscles. The Using the fascial layers and triangles, the anatomy of the neck can
superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia also invests the strap be organized and simplified; for example, if you place a finger over
muscles and parotid and submandibular glands. The middle layer of the middle of the posterior triangle or level V, between the trapezius
the deep cervical fascia encloses the visceral structures of the neck: and sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCMs), you see that the roof
the trachea, esophagus, and thyroid gland. Hence, the synonym for (lateral wall) of the triangle is formed by the superficial layer of
the middle layer is the pretracheal or visceral fascia. The deep layer deep fascia. Palpation deeper into the tri-angle brings the tip of the
of the deep cervical fascia surrounds the deep muscles of the neck finger into contact with the prever-tebral fascia that forms the floor
and cervical vertebrae (see Fig. 2-1). This layer is also known by its of the posterior triangle. If the superficial layer of the deep fascia is
descriptive term, the prevertebral fascia. The muscles enclosed by incised and you insert a finger into the space to explore anteriorly
the prevertebral fascia include the deep muscles   of the neck: the between the sterno-cleidomastoid and prevertebral muscles, you
levator scapulae; scalenus anterior, middle,   and posterior; and encounter the carotid sheath. This is a surgical approach to the
longus colli and capitis, which lie on the anterior aspect of the retropharyn-geal area or to the carotid vessels.
cervical vertebrae. In addition, within the

Superficial (investing) fascia Thyroid gland

Fascia of infrahyoid muscles

Viscera Pretracheal fascia

Carotid sheath
Internal jugular vein

(investing cervical
fascia of
posterior lateral)


Fat in posterior


Alar fascia

Trapezius muscle
Sternohyoid muscle

Trachea Sternothyroid muscle

Platysma muscle
Omohyoid muscle
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Internal Carotid artery
External jugular vein
Vagus nerve (X)
Anterior scalene
Sympathetic trunk
Spinal nerve

Middle and
posterior scalene

Longus colli

Levator scapulae
Deep cervical muscles

Cervical vertebra (C7)

FIGURE 2-1. Divisions of and structures contained by the deep cervical fascia seen in transverse section at the level of cranial nerve VII.
(Modified from http://
TRIANGLES AND The development of many structures in the head and neck is
intimately related to the branchial or pharyngeal apparatus. These
LEVELS OF THE NECK are transient embryonic structures that undergo sub stantial
Nomenclature of the cervical lymphatic tissues historically   has remodeling so that their original embryonic form is
been inconsistent with descriptive terms such as deep, super-ficial,
anterior, and lateral. As the focus of oncologic surgery has shifted
from radical extirpation to functional preservation, it has become
more important to standardize the classification system for the
cervical nodes. The American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head
and Neck Surgery, along with the Ameri-can Society of Head and
Neck Surgery, has developed a stan-dardized classification system
for the cervical lymphatic system based on levels I through VI of the
neck (Fig. 2-2).3
Lymph node levels I through VI can also be divided into
subzones (see Fig. 2-2). Level I includes lymph nodes in the
submental (Ia) and submandibular (Ib) triangles. Levels II through
IV include the jugular nodes in fibroadipose tissue located between
the lateral border of the sternohyoid muscle and the posterior border
of the SCM. Level II encompasses the upper jugular lymph nodes
and extends from the skull base superiorly to the carotid bifurcation
or hyoid inferiorly. The spinal accessory nerve divides level II into
anterior (IIa) and posterior (IIb) compartments. Level III includes
the middle jugular nodes around the middle third of the jugular vein
and extends from the carotid bifurcation superiorly to the omohy-
oid or cricothyroid notch inferiorly. Level IV includes the lower
jugular group of lymph nodes that surround the jugular vein from
the omohyoid to the clavicle. Level V is the posterior triangle
group, which encompasses lymph nodes located between the
posterior border of the SCM and the anterior border of the trapezius
muscle. Level V includes the nodes that surround the lower half of
the spinal accessory nerve (Va) and the transverse cervical artery
(Vb or the supraclavicular nodes). Level VI includes the anterior
compartment group that sur-rounds the visceral structures of the
neck from the hyoid supe-riorly to the sternal notch inferiorly. The
lateral boundary on either side of level VI is the medial aspect of the
carotid sheath. This space crosses the midline and includes the
perithyroidal, paratracheal, and precricoid nodes in addition to the
nodes along the recurrent laryngeal nerve.3
FIGURE 2-2. Lymph node levels and boundaries of the neck. (Modified from

essentially unrecognizable by the time a child is born. The
derivatives of these structures, nevertheless, are important to adult
morphology; hence, aberrations in branchial apparatus development
may produce significant malformations.
At approximately 4 to 5 weeks of gestation, the area of the future
VI face and neck of the embryo consists of five or six pairs of
fingerlike masses of tissue named the branchial arches (Fig. 2-3).
VB Prominent in lateral profile, these masses are aligned transversely to
the plane of the neck and are separated exter-nally by indentations,
termed the branchial clefts. The outer surfaces of the arches, as well
as the clefts, are lined by ecto-derm, whereas the substance of the
branchial arches contains mesoderm and neural crest cells. Only the
first branchial cleft

1 2 3


Lung bud

FIGURE 2-3. A, Branchial arches. B, Pharyngeal pouches.

Artery Endodermal epithelium

1st pharyngeal
Nerve arch

2nd pharyngeal

epithelium 3rd pharyngeal arch with nerve,
artery, and

Mesenchymal tissue
in 4th arch Pharyngeal pouch

Laryngeal orifice

FIGURE 2-4. Relationships of the branchial arches, clefts, and pouches in the floor of the mouth. (From Robbins KT, et al: Standardizing neck dissection terminol-
ogy: official report of the academy’s committee for head and neck surgery and oncology. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1991;117:601.)

contributes to a definitive structure of the embryo: the external First Branchial Arch.  The trigeminal nerve supplies motor
auditory canal and the outer layer of the tympanic membrane. The innervation to all the muscles derived from the first branchial arch.
remaining second, third, and fourth branchial clefts fuse with the In addition, sensory innervation is provided not only over the region
epicardial ridge in the lower part of the neck. 4 of the mandible via the third division of the trigemi-nal nerve but
The pharyngeal pouches are outpouchings from the foregut also over the maxillary process of the first arch and the frontal nasal
region (Fig. 2-4) and are composed of endoderm. The deriva-tives process via the second maxillary and first ophthalmic division,
of the arches, clefts, and pouches are distinct, because they are respectively, of the trigeminal nerve. The artery of the first
derived from different embryonic germ layers: mesoderm, branchial arch is the internal maxillary artery.
ectoderm, and endoderm, respectively. To generalize, it can be For skeletal derivatives of the first arch, the proximal part of the
stated that in the adult, the derivatives of the branchial arch will be Meckel cartilage is remodeled and contributes to the formation of
structures composed of muscle, bone, or similar meso-dermal the ramus of the mandible (Fig. 2-5). The distal part of the cartilage
derivatives, and the derivatives of the endodermal pha-ryngeal withers, and the body of the mandible is formed from
pouch will be glandular or associated with the digestive tract. intramembranous bony growth. Other structures

Derivatives of Branchial Arches

In the early phase of branchial arch development, the meso-dermal
mass of the arch forms a bar of cartilage, which remod-els into I
bone, cartilage, or other connective tissue elements in the adult. II
Similarly, the adult musculature of the face and neck develops from
the mesoderm of the branchial arches. Each arch also has an Meckel’s Stapes
associated cranial nerve and artery. Because of the proximity of the cartilage
developing branchial arches to the brain-stem, each branchial arch Styloid process
receives motor or sensory innerva-tion from an adjacent cranial Styloid
nerve. A comparable parallel to this pattern occurs in the trunk, ligament
where a muscle is derived from the myotome region of a somite and III
receives its innervation from the adjacent segmental spinal nerve. In
both cases, regard-less of where the primordial muscle cell IV
migrates, it retains its primary embryonic innervation. After each
arch receives its cranial nerve innervation, the adult pattern is
established, regardless of its future migration onto the back of the
head or base of the neck. The development of each branchial arch is
considered separately. FIGURE 2-5. Skeletal derivatives of the branchial arches.
formed by the proximal part of the Meckel cartilage are the
sphenomandibular ligament, anterior malleolar ligament, malleus
(except the manubrium, which is from the second arch), and the
incus (except for its long process, which is from the second arch). 2 | DEVELOPMENTAL ANATOMY 15
The maxillary process is derived from the dorsal portion of the first
arch and contributes to the develop-ment of the premaxilla, maxilla, cricothyroid muscle via the external branch. The recurrent laryngeal
zygoma, and part of the tem-poral bone. nerve supplies the intrinsic muscles of the larynx. The arch of the
The muscles formed by mesodermal elements of the first aorta between the common carotid and subclavian arteries and the
branchial arch include the muscles of mastication: the tempo-ralis, right proximal subclavian artery are derived fourth branchial arch.
masseter, and medial and lateral pterygoid muscles. In addition, the The sixth arch gives rise to the ductus arteriosus on the left and the
tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, anterior belly of the digastric, proximal right pulmonary artery on the right.
and mylohyoid muscle are also derived from first arch mesoderm. The fourth and sixth branchial arches comprise the carti-
laginous elements, which contribute to the formation of the thyroid
and cuneiform laryngeal cartilages from the fourth arch and the
Second Branchial Arch.  The facial nerve, the nerve of the second
cricoid, arytenoid, and corniculate cartilages from the sixth arch
branchial arch, supplies motor innervation to all of the muscles
(see Fig. 2-5).
derived from this mesoderm, namely the muscles of facial
The mesoderm from the fourth through sixth branchial arches
expression. Other than a small sensory branch of cranial nerve VII,
which may supply part of the external auditory meatus, there is no forms the muscles that comprise the pharynx and larynx.
sensory distribution of cranial nerve VII to ectoderm. The second Pharyngeal muscles include the levator veli palatini and pha-
branchial arch vascular derivative is the stapedial artery, which only ryngeal constrictor muscles. In addition, the mesodermal ele-ments
rarely persists. from these branchial arches form the striated muscle that composes
the upper half of the esophagus. The inferior part of the esophagus
The Reichert cartilage of the second branchial arch forms bony
is usually composed of smooth muscle derived from the splanchnic
structures proximally and distally. Its central portion withers, mesoderm of the primitive foregut. The laryngeal muscles are also
leaving a fibrous band—the stylohyoid ligament. Proxi-mally, it formed from mesodermal ele-ments in the fourth, fifth, and sixth
forms the styloid process, manubrium of the malleus, long process arches. These include the extrinsic laryngeal muscles—the
of the incus, and stapes suprastructure (see Fig. 2-5). The stapes thyroepiglottic, aryepiglottic, and cricothyroid—and the intrinsic
foot plate is mostly derived from the otic capsule.5,6 Distally muscles associated with movement of the arytenoid cartilages and
(anteroinferiorly), the second arch cartilage forms the superior true and false vocal folds, the posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral
portion of the body and the lesser cornu of the hyoid bone. In the cricoarytenoid, trans-verse arytenoid, and oblique arytenoid
adult, the path of the embryonic second arch cartilage can be traced muscles.
from the styloid process to the stylohyoid ligament, ending at the
lesser cornu of the hyoid bone (see Fig. 2-5).
In the second branchial arch, the mesoderm forms all of the
muscles of facial expression from the scalp (frontalis) to the PHARYNGEAL POUCHES
platysma muscle in the neck and includes the orbicularis oculi, The pharyngeal pouches are lateral outpouchings of the foregut or
orbicularis oris, and buccinators. In addition to the muscles of facial
the region of the primitive pharynx (see Fig. 2-3). At the extreme
expression, the second arch mesoderm gives rise to the posterior
lateral wall of each pharyngeal pouch, the endodermal lining
belly of the digastric, stylohyoid, auricularis, and sta-pedius
contacts the ectodermal epithelium of the corresponding branchial
cleft (Fig. 2-6; see also Fig. 2-4). Thus the branchial clefts are
Third Branchial Arch.  Cranial nerve IX (glossopharyngeal) named in relation to the pharyngeal pouch with which they are
supplies the only muscle derived from the third arch—the apposed. The endodermal epithe-lium lining of the pharyngeal
stylopharyngeus, a small muscle formed from the mesoderm that pouch contributes to the forma-tion of specific elements of the
aids in elevating the pharynx during swallowing. However, as will pharynx in the adult (see Fig. 2-6).4 An animated illustration of the
be seen in the next section of this chapter, the glosso-pharyngeal derivatives of the pharyn-geal pouches is available online at the
nerve also supplies sensory innervation to parts of the pharynx Indiana University Human Embryology Animations Web site. 7
associated with this region. The common carotid artery and
proximal internal carotid artery are derived from the third branchial First Pharyngeal Pouch
arch, and the cartilage elements derived from the third arch form the The first pharyngeal pouch becomes elongated and is incorpo-rated
remaining portions of the hyoid bone (i.e., the inferior body and
into the temporal bone and forms the tubotympanic recess, which
greater cornu; see Fig. 2-5). eventually becomes the middle ear and eusta-chian tube (see Fig. 2-
6). The most lateral portion of the pouch, along with the closing
Fourth and Sixth Branchial Arches.  The vagus nerve and the
plate of the first branchial cleft, forms the inner layer of the
cranial part of the accessory nerve supply the muscles derived from
tympanic membrane. From this relation-ship, it is clear that the
the fourth (superior laryngeal branch of the vagus) and sixth
external auditory canal is formed from remodeling of the first
(recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus) branchial arches; the fifth
branchial cleft.
arch structures undergo resorption. Originat-ing in the nucleus
ambiguus of the medulla, the axonal pro-cesses of these nerves Second Pharyngeal Pouch
descend in the vagus nerve after they exit the skull via the jugular
The endodermal layer of the second pharyngeal pouch forms the
foramen. Specifically, the pharyngeal constrictors are supplied by
epithelial lining of the tonsillar fossa and palatine tonsil, whereas
the pharyngeal branch of the vagus and the transitional portion of
the pharynx and esophagus is supplied via the recurrent laryngeal the underlying mesenchymal elements contribute to the
branch of the vagus. The superior laryngeal nerve supplies incorporation of the lymphoid tissue of the tonsil proper (see Fig. 2-
sensation to the larynx via its internal branch and provides motor 6).
innervation to the Third Pharyngeal Pouch
The region of the third pharyngeal pouch is subdivided into superior
and inferior portions. The superior portion forms cells that
eventually differentiate into the paired inferior para-thyroid glands;
the inferior portion of the third pouch forms thymic tissue, which
eventually migrates into the neck and

process Maxillary
process Eustachian tube
(auditory tube)
process Mandibular
1st pharyngeal process
arch 1st pharyngeal
1st pharyngeal 1st pouch
cleft External auditory
2nd pharyngeal
arch 2nd pharyngeal
Palatine arch
2nd pharyngeal 2nd pouch tonsil
3rd pharyngeal 3rd pharyngeal
arch arch
3rd pouch
3rd pharyngeal Cervical sinus
4th pharyngeal
4th pharyngeal
4th and 5th arch
Epicardial ridge pouches
Parathyroid Ultimobranchial
(superior) body

3rd pharyngeal cleft

FIGURE 2-6. A, Derivatives of the pharyngeal pouches and formation of the cervical sinus. B, Maturation of the pharyngeal pouches.

retrosternal mediastinum to form the thymus (Fig. 2-6). Aber-rant Other syndromes related to dysmorphogenesis of the first and
migration of the third pharyngeal pouch may result in ectopic second branchial arches include branchio-oto-renal syndrome,
inferior parathyroid or thymus tissue. characterized by branchial cleft cysts, preauricular pits, abnor-mal
pinnae, malformed ossicles, and hearing loss, as well as renal
Fourth Through Sixth Pharyngeal Pouches dysplasia, and Pierre Robin sequence with micrognathia,
The endoderm of the fourth pouch forms the parathyroid glands in glossoptosis, and cleft palate. DiGeorge sequence, or third  and
the superior poles of the thyroid gland. The adjacent area is variably fourth pharyngeal pouch syndrome, is characterized by hypoplasia
named as the fifth pouch, sixth pouch, or the ultimobranchial body or absence of the thymus and/or parathyroid glands, cardiovascular
(see Fig. 2-6). Subsequently, the ultimo-branchial body is infiltrated defects, immunologic problems, and hypocalcemia.
by cells that migrate from the neural crest region. These cells are
eventually incorporated into the thyroid gland and become the
parafollicular cells (C cells) that are responsible for the secretion of
calcitonin.8,9 ANOMALIES OF THE
CRANIOFACIAL SYNDROMES The first branchial cleft becomes part of the external auditory canal,
RELATED TO BRANCHIAL but the remaining branchial clefts are remodeled and normally do
not form derivatives identifiable in the adult. However, the
ARCH STRUCTURES complicated morphodynamics of the branchial arch region seem to
Treacher Collins syndrome, or mandibulofacial dysostosis, is predispose this area to abnormalities that range from minor cysts to
related to abnormalities of the first branchial arch. This syn-drome major orofacial malformations. The clinical terminology of the
is characterized by lid colobomata, down-slanting palpe-bral various branchial abnormalities is confusing. Part of the confusion
fissures, malar hypoplasia, micrognathia, and malformations of the results from the clinical spec-trum of these anomalies; that is, they
external ear and ossicles.10 Goldenhar syndrome (oculo-auricular may present as a cyst, sinus, or fistula. A cyst has no
vertebral dysplasia), in addition to ocular and verte-bral anomalies, communication with the body surface; a sinus communicates with a
includes abnormalities of the first and second branchial arches with single body surface, either the skin or pharynx; and a fistula
unilateral facial hypoplasia, microgna-thia, microtia, external communicates with two body surfaces. A cystic dilation of the tract
auditory canal atresia, malformation of the ossicles, and facial nerve may be associated with either a sinus or a fistula. The terms
hypoplasia. Craniofacial or hemi-facial microsomia is thought to be branchial cleft and branchial pouch are often used interchangeably,
related to a vascular injury in the region of the stapedial artery although they refer to distinct structures. Occasionally, the term
(second arch artery) that results in microtia, aural atresia, and groove is used instead of pouch or cleft. Isolated branchial arch
mandibular hypoplasia.11 remnants may present
as subcutaneous cartilaginous tags along the anterior border of the
Fourth branchial cleft fistulae theoretically start medial to the SCM,
Aberrant development of the first branchial cleft may lead to the travel inferiorly around the subclavian artery on the right or around
formation of a cervical cyst or sinus in the region of the ear. Work 12 the arch of the aorta on the left, lateral to cranial nerve XII, inferior
and Aronsohn and others13 emphasized the difference in the to superior laryngeal nerve, and then end in the apex of the piriform
embryogenesis of preauricular cysts and cysts of the first branchial sinus or cervical esophagus.
cleft. Preauricular cysts or sinuses occur anterior to the external
auditory canal, usually superior to the tragus. In essence, they are
inclusion cysts related to incomplete fusion of the ectodermal DEVELOPMENT OF THE
hillocks of His from the first and second branchial arches during
formation of the auricle.14 FACE, PALATE, AND LIP
In contrast, true first branchial cleft abnormalities include The paired maxillary and mandibular prominences from the first
stenosis or atresia of the external auditory canal or duplications of branchial arch, along with the unpaired frontonasal promi-nence,
the membranous part of the external auditory canal. First branchial grow and come together to form the structures of   the face during
cleft anomalies are rare and can present clinically as cysts, sinuses, weeks 4 to 10 of embryonic development (Fig. 2-7). First, at the
or fistulae. Work12 has classified these anomalies into two types: fifth week, the nasal placode develops as an ectodermal thickening
type I represents duplication of the ectodermal external auditory in the inferior lateral portion of the frontonasal process. The
canal; type II is duplication that involves both ectodermal and mandibular prominences migrate medially to merge to form the
mesodermal elements of the canal, including the cartilaginous mandible, lower lip, and lower cheeks. During the sixth week of
portion of the canal. As cystic masses or sinus tracts, they may development, each nasal placode develops a central pit and is
involve the parotid gland and cranial nerve VII (this is particularly divided into lateral and medial nasal processes, which will
true of type II) and lie inferior to the ear or in the superior neck, and eventually form the nostril. At the seventh week, the paired nasal
they may present as a recurrent inflammatory lesion in the external processes and maxillary prominences migrate medially. The medial
auditory canal or periau-ricular region. If a first branchial cyst or nasal prominences fuse with each other and the maxillary
sinus is infected, treat-ing with antibiotics and waiting for prominences to form the philtrum and upper lip, nasal tip and
resolution of the acute infection prior to excision via a septum, and inter-maxillary segment (eventual primary palate). The
parotidectomy incision are recommended to optimize identification lateral nasal prominences merge with the maxillary prominences to
and preservation of the facial nerve. form the lateral nasal ala and nasolacrimal groove. The maxillary
prominences give rise to the lateral palatine processes, which
ABNORMALITIES OF THE contribute to the maxillary bone and secondary palate. By 10 weeks
of gestation, the features of the neonatal face have all developed (see
During closure of the cervical sinus that lies between the second The palate develops starting around week 6, when the pala-tine
branchial arch and the epicardial ridge, ectoderm may become shelves from the maxillary prominences migrate medially toward
trapped and can result in an inclusion cyst with or without a sinus or the developing tongue, and the medial nasal processes merge to
fistula tract (see Fig. 2-6). These are the most common branchial form the primary palate. At weeks 7 to 8, as the tongue drops, the
cleft anomalies. Second branchial cleft cysts lie in the lateral neck palatine shelves begin to migrate medially to fuse together
anterior to the SCM. The fistulous forms of these abnormalities are posteriorly, with the primary palate anteriorly and with the nasal
surgically challenging, because they may extend from the septum superiorly, to form the complete palate (Fig. 2-8). The
superficial area of the neck near the clavicle to the bed of the incisive foramen marks the boundary between the primary and
palatine tonsil superiorly. The course of the fistula tract starts with secondary palate.
the external opening in the mid-lower neck at the anterior border of Abnormal fusion of the medial nasal processes may result in
the SCM, penetrates the platysma muscle, heads superiorly between median cleft lip. When the maxillary prominence on one side fails
the internal and external carotid arteries, and passes over cranial to fuse properly with the intermaxillary segment from merged
nerves IX and XII and below the stylohyoid ligament to end in the medial nasal processes, a unilateral cleft lip will result. If this
palatine tonsil bed. The pathway of this tract is easily explained on occurs on both sides, a bilateral cleft lip will occur. When the
an embryologic basis. maxillary prominence does not fuse properly with the lateral nasal
process, an oblique facial cleft will develop. Cleft palates can occur
anteriorly if the fusion of the primary and secondary palates fails
ABNORMALITIES OF THIRD AND FOURTH and posteriorly if the lateral palatal pro-cesses that form the
BRANCHIAL CLEFTS AND POUCHES secondary palate fail to fuse.
Third branchial cleft anomalies also travel from the medial edge of
the SCM, lateral to the common carotid artery, medial and posterior DEVELOPMENT OF THE TONGUE
to the internal carotid artery, over cranial nerve XII, under cranial Branchial arches 1 through 4 all contribute to the development of
nerve IX, and through the thyrohyoid mem-brane into the piriform the tongue (Fig. 2-9). At 4 weeks of gestation, the lateral lingual
sinus. Thymopharyngeal cysts repre-sent third pharyngeal pouch swelling and medial lingual swelling or tuberculum impar from the
remnants. Piriform apex sinus tracts are debated to be first branchial arch form the anterior two thirds of the tongue.
thymopharyngeal duct remnants versus anomalies of the fourth Sensory innervation comes from the lingual nerve of the
branchial or pharyngeal pouch. These sinus tracts clinically present mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve, and taste sensation is
as recurrent suppurative thyroid-itis and are usually located on the carried on the chorda tympani, a branch of the facial nerve. The
left side. 15-17 These lesions may be associated with parathyroid, posterior one third of the tongue develops from the copula or
thymic, or thyroid tissue. hypobranchial eminence, which arises from the second, third, and
fourth branchial arches. Sensory and taste innervation is carried
primarily on the glossopharyngeal nerve from the third arch,
although the posterior tongue (val-lecula) and epiglottis are
innervated by the superior laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve from
the fourth arch. The junction

Lateral nasal
Lateral nasal process prominence

Nasal pit

Medial nasal

of 1st arch




C prominence

FIGURE 2-7. Developmental anatomy of the face. (Modified from Stoffer J: Development of the Head and Neck. Available at face/JAS_facetween.html.)

Palatine shelves
segment Secondary palate
(nasal septum) (palatine shelves)

Primary palate
(intermaxillary segment)


A prominence B
FIGURE 2-8. Development of the palate. (Modified from Stoffer J: Development of the Head and Neck. Available at

Lateral lingual Tuberculum impar Body of tongue Terminal sulcus

1st branchial
arch Foramen
2nd branchial
1st branchial
Foramen Copula
cecum (hypobranchial
eminence) 2nd branchial
3rd branchial Root of tongue arch
arch Epiglottal swelling 3rd branchial
4th branchial arch
4th branchial
arch arch Palatine tonsil
Laryngeal orifice Laryngeal orifice
Arytenoid swellings
FIGURE 2-9. Development of the tongue. A, At weeks 4 to 5, the first arch forms the medial tuberculum impar and the lateral lingual swellings.
The second, third, and fourth arches form the copula, or hypobranchial eminence. B, The first arch forms the anterior tongue, whereas the third
arch primarily contributes to the posterior tongue. The fourth arch forms the root of the tongue and epiglottis. (Modified from Sadler TW:
Langman’s medical embryology, ed 12, Philadelphia, 2011, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.)

between the anterior and posterior tongue is V shaped and is called The thyroid gland migrates inferiorly through the developing neck
the terminal sulcus. The intrinsic tongue musculature dif-ferentiates and is intimately associated with the hyoid bone. By the seventh
from migration of myoblasts from occipital somites and is week, the thyroid gland reaches its final destination in the neck just
innervated by the hypoglossal nerve, except for the pala-toglossus, inferior to the cricoid cartilage anterior to the trachea. The thyroid
which is innervated by the pharyngeal plexus of the vagus (Fig. 2- gland is functional by the tenth to twelfth week of development.
10). Abnormal migration of the thyroid gland may result in ectopic
thyroid tissue. The tract of the migration of the thyroid gland,
termed the thyroglossal duct, normally col-lapses and atrophies. If
DEVELOPMENT OF the duct fails to undergo atrophy, it may result in a thyroglossal
duct cyst.
THE THYROID GLAND The thyroglossal duct cyst derives from persistence of the
The thyroid develops as a small mass in the tongue, which embryonic thyroglossal duct anywhere between the foramen cecum
invaginates around the fifth week of embryonic development. This and the thyroid gland (Fig. 2-11). Most commonly, the thyroglossal
point of origin and invagination is called the foramen cecum. duct cyst is found just above the thyroid lamina and

Lingual nerve
(branch of CN V3)

Chorda tympani nerve

(branch of CN VII)

Glossopharyngeal nerve

Hypoglossal nerve

Superior laryngeal nerve

(branch of CN X)

FIGURE 2-10. Sensory and taste innervations of the tongue. CN, cranial nerve. (Modified from Stoffer J: Development of the Head and Neck.
Available at


Foramen cecum

Hyoid bone

Thyroid cartilage
Lingual thyroid

Thyroglossal duct

Accessory thyroid

Accessory thyroid

Thyroid gland
FIGURE 2-11. Migration of thyroid tissue. (Modified from Sadler TW: Langman’s medical embryology, ed 12, Philadelphia, 2011, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.)

below the hyoid bone. Because of the attachments to the base of the
tongue, thyroglossal duct remnants will move superiorly in the neck
when the tongue is protruded; the thyroglossal duct remnant may The otolaryngologist–head and neck surgeon must be familiar with
contain ectopic thyroid tissue, and occasionally, the cyst contains the developmental anatomy of the head and neck, because a
all of the functioning thyroid tissue. Because of the potential for working knowledge of head and neck anatomy and embryol-ogy is
permanent hypothyroidism after surgical excision, many authors critical in diagnosing and treating patients effectively.
advocate routine preoperative assess-ment of the thyroid. 18,19 For a complete list of references, see 
Ultrasound of the neck provides infor-mation regarding the
consistency of the cystic lesion and can also be used to assess for SUGGESTED READINGS
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