Femap 774
Femap 774
Femap 774
The cover photos show significant damage to unreinforced masonry
buildings that resulted from earthquakes occurring over the last century,
across the country.
Prepared for:
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Cathleen Carlisle, Project Monitor
Washington, D.C.
Prepared by:
Applied Technology Council (ATC)
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California
Principal Author
Robert Reitherman
Contributing Author
Sue C. Perry
Project Manager
Thomas R. McLane
6 Sources of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Publications for the General Public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Historic Buildings and Seismic Retrofits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Building Inventories and Evaluation of Existing Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Building Codes, Standards, Guidelines, and Laws Applicable to Existing Buildings. 41
Costs of Seismic Retrofits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
This guide does not presume to prescribe a rigidly uniform sequence of steps that
must be taken in order to reduce risk. As Chapter 4, “Examples of Successful Risk
Reduction Programs,” clearly documents, a wide variety of approaches has been
developed across the country.
Chapter 7, “End Notes and Cited References,” provides notes and cites references to
document all of the information presented in this guide. Almost all of the Sources
of Information and the Cited References are accessible on the internet free of
The URM problem in jurisdictions that are now effectively enforcing the current
building code (essentially the latest edition of the International Building Code, the
IBC) is due to those buildings that were built before recent model code seismic pro-
visions were adopted and enforced. The jurisdiction’s building department can pro-
vide the benchmark date, when the locally enforced building code began to include
seismic provisions that cover unreinforced masonry. Unreinforced masonry build-
ings can be found in every state. Because of its durability, fire resistance, and archi-
tectural character, unreinforced masonry has often been the construction material
of choice for schools, city halls, central business district buildings, factories, and
apartment buildings. However, the probability of strong earthquake shaking is
not equally distributed across the states, which raises the question: Where in the
United States are unreinforced masonry buildings of concern?
Figure 1 provides a general view of those areas of the U.S. where unreinforced
masonry is not permitted for current construction.1 This Figure serves as an initial
guide to where some level of concern is warranted regarding the earthquake risks
posed by these buildings. A local building department or a consulting structural
engineer can provide more detailed guidance as to whether current seismic code
provisions allow unreinforced masonry for a precise location, type of soil, and
occupancy or use of a building. Even in regions where unreinforced masonry is cur-
rently allowed, older unreinforced masonry buildings may exist in a deteriorated
2 Introduction
Figure 1. Approximate mapping of the areas of the United States where current building code regulations do
not allow new construction with unreinforced masonry.
state much weaker than that required by code today. Assessing the earthquake
vulnerabilities of older unreinforced masonry buildings appropriately in areas
that still allow URM construction might take the form of requiring inspection of
exterior materials, especially masonry materials like bricks or terra cotta, in order
to ensure they are still attached firmly enough to prevent falling. Chicago, for
example, has passed a local building condition assessment ordinance that requires
periodic inspection of building facades, although the city is located in an area
where the current International Building Code allows unreinforced masonry.
LOSS OF USE: Even minor earthquake damage can require the closure
of an unreinforced masonry building, until repairs are made. More
often than for other kinds of construction, a damaged unreinforced
masonry building may need to be upgraded to a higher level of safety
than it possessed in its pre-earthquake state, before it can reopen. Closure of a
building, while permits are obtained and a major re-construction project is carried
out, often lasts for several years. The kind of damage shown in Figure 6, which
causes the building to be “red tagged” as unsafe to enter, can present so many
problems in bringing the building back into use that long-term vacancy or demoli-
tion of the building may result.
4 Introduction
Figure 4. The Salt Lake City and County Building, Figure 5. Destruction of a historic building.
an architectural and historic community asset that Complete collapse of one of the historic buildings in
could be lost, if damaged. the former Pacific Avenue Historic District of the City of
The Salt Lake City and County Building was extensively Santa Cruz, California. —James R. Blacklock, NISEE, U.C.
seismically retrofitted, not only to make it safer but Berkeley
also to provide long-term protection for a valued his-
toric building. —U.S. Geological Survey
Figure 6. Damaged URM wall in a red-tagged building, fated to be torn down or to undergo a multi-year clo-
sure for repairs and upgrading.
Pre-earthquake retrofitting usually looks quite modest, compared to the comprehensive upgrading that building codes
will require to repair a damaged, non-code-conforming building after an earthquake. —Robert Reitherman
6 Introduction
2 Earthquake Performance of
Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
Masonry is made of earthen materials and includes the sub-types listed below.
The most common unreinforced masonry materials used for the walls of buildings
are the first two listed, brick and hollow concrete block, which are illustrated in
Figure 7, Figure 8, and Figure 9.
• Hollow clay tile: similar to concrete block in shape, having hollow cells, but
• Stone: can be “dressed” or cut into rectangular blocks, or used in its natural
• Adobe: mud poured into the form of walls or made into sun-dried bricks.
Figure 7. Components of unreinforced brick (left) and unreinforced concrete block (right) walls.
1983 Borah Peak Earthquake, Idaho, M 7.3: In the town of Challis, Idaho, the
only earthquake-related fatalities occurred when an unreinforced masonry wall fell
on two children on their way to school. In Mackay, the town’s main street build-
ings, built of unreinforced brick, concrete block, or stone, were all damaged, Eight
required demolition. In relative terms, when compared to the size of the town (see
Figure 17), this amount of damage constituted a large disaster.
Putting together the statistics on 4,457 unreinforced masonry buildings from sev-
eral U.S. earthquakes4, we see the following profi le of how unreinforced masonry
buildings perform, when strong earthquake shaking occurs:
FEMA provides an on-line retrofit cost estimating feature on its website,12 and
FEMA documents provide further information.13 Costs can vary greatly, however,
so locally-based estimates should be carried out prior to instituting a risk reduc-
tion program.
As the examples in Chapter 4 make clear, a variety of risk reduction approaches that
address these factors have been successfully adopted. Developing these successful
approaches has almost always required involving the key individuals and groups
associated with each consideration in the planning and decision-making process.
“If the shoe doesn’t fit, then don’t wear it” is a good caveat to add, when giving
advice. While one of the following programs may provide an ideal model for a
given community, it is likely that a new risk reduction program will require some
unique features based on the particular situation in that community. The examples
presented in this chapter illustrate key components of risk reduction programs,
which communities can then synthesize in a variety of ways, in order to suit their
particular circumstances.
Figure 23. FEMA 154, a technical
resource containing forms and standard-
ized guidance on compiling an inven-
Assemb Govt. Office Number of Persons A B C D E F
Basic Sc
Mid Rise (4 to 7 stories)
High Rise
Ris (> 7 stories)
Vertical Irregularity
of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: A
Plan Irre
Irregularity -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
Pre Cod
Soil Type C
Soil Type D
Soil Type E 0.0 -0.8 -1.2 -1.2 -1.0 -1.2 -0.8 -1.2 -0.8 -0.8 -0.4 -1.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8
* = Estimated, subjective, or unreliable data BR = Braced frame MRF = Moment-resisting frame SW = Shear wall
DNK = Do Not Know FD = Flexible diaphragm RC = Reinforced concrete TU = Tilt up
LM = Light metal RD = Rigid diaphragm URM INF = Unreinforced masonry infill
Roofing materials will typically need to be replaced within a time period of twenty
to forty years, and that replacement work will then trigger this retroactive seismic
requirement. It is common for building codes to require retroactive upgrading of
safety features, if a building is to be significantly remodeled. The reasoning is that
the remodel will extend the life of the building and that in the context of a major
renovation project, the safety improvements will represent only a minor cost.
The local programs with the strictest requirements require actual retrofitting or
demolition of the hazardous buildings. Next strictest are those programs that
require owners to retain an engineer to produce an evaluation report, with actual
retrofitting remaining voluntary, perhaps encouraged by incentives. The California
Seismic Safety Commission has found that voluntary strengthening programs
have not been effective. One can conclude either that the incentives in voluntary
programs have not been great enough, or that the absence of the “stick” to go along
with the “carrot” is the weakness. The lowest level of compliance with the state law,
and the least effective at reducing risks, is when local governments send a letter to
the building owners informing them that the local building inventory conducted
under state law found their building to be of unreinforced masonry construction.
These simple notices do not impose any requirement to have the building either
evaluated by an engineer or upgraded. The Commission’s 2006 survey of local gov-
ernments found that 52% had mandatory programs, 15% voluntary, 18% notifica-
tion of owner only, with another 15% in a miscellaneous category. The Commission
provides a suggested model ordinance. Once a local government makes that deci-
sion and sets time tables, the actual engineering measures required are already set
in model code provisions for existing buildings.20
This program provides more than one possible lesson for other local programs.
Selecting an obviously high priority public safety category of facilities likely
increased voter support, as did the recency of an earthquake (although a non-
earthquake disaster might also be an impetus for multi-hazard upgrades). Rather
than first imposing requirements on private property owners, the local govern-
ment also provided leadership by example, by dealing with vulnerabilities in its
own buildings. And in packaging a variety of renovation measures along with
seismic retrofitting, more cost-effective construction projects resulted.
A number of other California cities offer incentives, and their programs are sum-
marized by the Association of Bay Area Governments.26 These programs include
tax breaks, as in the Berkeley case; waiving of building permit fees for seismic
upgrades; conferring zoning benefits such as an increase in density or exemption
from non-conforming parking or other conditions; low-interest or no-interest
financing from publicly issued bonds or redevelopment district revenue, and;
acquiring federal grant money for subsidizing retrofits. The Association of Bay
Area Governments report includes information specific to unreinforced masonry
buildings. A number of cities are included in that survey: Arroyo Grande, Berkeley,
Fullerton, Inglewood, La Verne, Long Beach, Palo Alto, San Diego, San Jose, San
Mateo, Sonoma, Torrance, Upland, Vacaville, and West Hollywood. The report also
includes sample ordinances, state legislation, and other reference material.
Possible lessons for unreinforced masonry seismic safety programs include the
singling out of a key public concern, such as safe schools, and the need to consider
the possibility that deadlines and compliance may slip over time.
The 1994 earthquake caused strong ground motion over Los Angeles and other
cities of the region and “provided one of the first major tests of the performance of
retrofitted unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings, and once again pointed out the
vulnerability of URMs that have not been strengthened…. As would be expected,
The large-scale program enacted by the Los Angeles ordinance catalyzed the
involvement of a wide spectrum of the community, many of whom initially
opposed the idea because of cost. The key to its eventual success may lie with three
sets of proponents. These include its earliest advocates, the structural engineers
of the region, who knew how great the risks were. With funding from the National
Science Foundation, tests and analyses were conducted to develop a hazard reduc-
tion package of retrofit measures. The goal was not to bring these old buildings
up to current code standards—which would be virtually an impossible task and
prohibitively expensive—but to bring them up to a reasonable level of safety. The
performance of buildings retrofitted to that standard in the 1994 Northridge
earthquake was generally in line with that criterion, although building owners
often did not understand that “hazard reduction” could be compatible with a level
of damage that required expensive repairs.
The Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety also played an essential role in
this program. This agency reviewed a large volume of building evaluation reports
submitted by consulting engineers and approved retrofit design documents,
once the program was underway. It was also responsible for reporting to the City
Council on costs and progress and for initiating any legal actions against non-
compliant owners.
The third source of crucial support was the Los Angeles City Council, which
remained determined in passing an unpopular law. One legislator in particular,
Howard Berman, maintained progress on the effort over a span of decades.
The City’s effort to incorporate an economic development perspective into its pro-
gram, rather than a building safety enforcement approach alone, is a lesson that
may well be applicable elsewhere. Another lesson is that allowing a long lead time
before the first deadline for compliance comes due can result in a program getting
off to a slow start.
A reinforced masonry wall has a grid of horizontal and vertical steel reinforcing
bars within the wall cross-section (see Figure 27). In reinforced brick construction,
a hollow cavity is formed between an outer stack or wythe of bricks and an inner
wythe, and the reinforcing is placed in this space. Grout is poured into the cavity,
and when it sets, a monolithic structural sandwich forms, which is strong in resist-
ing horizontal earthquake forces, both those forces perpendicular to and those
parallel to the wall.
A cardboard box with a lid can resist much higher sideways or lateral forces than
the same box without the top can resist. Building walls also need that “lid on
the box,” in order to stabilize them. That role is provided by the roof and any
floors above ground level. Floor and roof diaphragms hold the walls of a building
Individual structural elements, such as a wall and the roof, only perform ade-
quately in earthquakes when these elements are strongly connected. The typical
connection of the wood beams or joists to the unreinforced masonry walls, how-
ever, is very weak. A common construction detail used over the decades was to
rest the end of a beam in a pocket or niche in the brick wall, with little or no steel
hardware providing a strong, positive connection. When an unreinforced masonry
building is shaken, the roof or floor framing can pull away from the walls. The
walls need the roof to keep them from leaning too far and collapsing, while the
roof needs the walls to support it, in order to keep from falling. Typical unrein-
forced masonry damage includes both the collapse of heavy masonry wall areas
and the collapse of part or all of the roof or upper floors (see Figure 28).
The fact that unreinforced masonry buildings often have multiple seismic weak-
nesses is not surprising—they were not designed to be seismically safe in the
first place. By the time when American building codes started to include seismic
requirements, first in California in the 1930s and slowly spreading nationwide,
reinforced masonry construction techniques became increasingly standard. Strong
steel connections, analysis of the overall load path that the structural elements
needed to provide, and an emphasis on ductility also became increasingly stan-
Thus, unreinforced masonry buildings not only have three strikes against them
from an earthquake engineering point of view—they are vulnerable for at least
twice as many reasons:
1. The walls are weak in resisting horizontal forces (and they lack ductility or
2. The walls are heavy (they have high mass, leading to high inertial forces);
3. Diaphragms are excessively flexible (insufficient lateral support for the walls);
6. The buildings were not seismically designed by an engineer (because they were
built prior to the time when seismic regulations pertaining to masonry began
to be enforced in that particular region).
Usually retrofit that offers the biggest benefit relative to its costs is the anchorage
of masonry parapets, those short walls that extend a few feet above a building’s
roofline. Bracing or removing these parts of the building, along with other exterior
masonry appendages such as cornices, effectively addresses the type of damage
that can happen even in very light shaking. The most common type of bracing used
is to bolt diagonal steel struts to the top of the parapet, with the bottom end of the
struts anchored with bolts into the roof structure. Usually this does not change
the building’s appearance from the street (see Figure 29).
Parapet safety programs do not provide protection, however, against the collapse
of the building itself. The first additional increment of seismic protection, beyond
parapet and appendage bracing, is provided by bolting the walls to the roof and to
any floors above the ground floor level. Long steel bolts are typically inserted into
holes drilled in the wall and attached to a steel angle, which in turn is bolted to
the side of a wooden joist. The end of the bolt on the outside of the wall requires a
large washer (the size of a teacup saucer) to prevent it from pulling through in an
earthquake (see Figure 30). In many communities that have enacted seismic ret-
rofit ordinances, the row of these washers running along the roofl ine indicates the
presence of this kind of retrofit. Similar-looking steel washers may be part of an
older building’s construction. In general, old, pre-seismic-code wall-joist anchors
are not found to be adequate.
own challenges. For example, a church with an unreinforced masonry spire may
need to insert steel trusswork inside the tower to brace it adequately.
Seismic isolation devices can be employed in combination with any of the above
techniques. These devices are “shock absorbers” manufactured for the specific
purpose of being installed between a building’s superstructure and foundation;
they soften and reduce the motion of the ground, as it comes up into the building
structure. Prominent examples of this kind of retrofit being applied to prominent
historic buildings that contain unreinforced masonry include the Salt Lake City
and County Building and San Francisco City Hall (see Figure 33).
One can’t simply take the building code regulations for new buildings and extract
particular features to guide the retrofitting of existing buildings. In fact, these
kinds of retrofits require design criteria developed specifically for existing build-
ings. The Uniform Code for Building Conservation and the ICC International Existing
Building Code evolved to meet that need. Local communities have also adopted a
number of different code rules for unreinforced masonry retrofits; some of these
are described in Chapter 4. Codes also typically have “triggers” that require much
more significant overall building upgrading if a building remodel exceeds a par-
ticular threshold. For example, code requirements might be triggered if the cost
of the new work exceeds some percentage of the value of the existing building.
These requirements may address concerns beyond the seismic safety concern that
motivated an earthquake retrofit. Issues such as handicapped access, exits, energy
conservation, removal of hazardous materials such as asbestos, and so on can
come into play. Deciding on the level of required seismic retrofitting that is appro-
priate relative to its associated costs is a big part of developing any risk reduction
Note that all of the documents published by FEMA listed here are available as
downloads and can often be mailed in printed form, upon request. A much larger
number of earthquake publications than are listed here are available from FEMA.
See: http://www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/earthquake/.
Utah Seismic Safety Commission, “The Utah Guide for the Seismic
Improvement of Unreinforced Masonry Dwellings” (n.d.); http://ussc.utah.
This booklet exists as a web-based document for the general public. It
promotes the idea of producing web-accessible public information prod-
ucts as part of a seismic risk reduction program, with the twin advan-
tages of lowering costs (eliminating printing and distribution costs once
the document is produced) and appealing to the increasing number of
people who turn to the web as their first source of information. It may
also be advisable to have printed versions of such documents available,
for example, to hand out at meetings, to reach those who do not usually
use the web, and to reach additional audiences such as those who pick up
a copy when waiting at the counter of a building or planning department.
40 Sources of Information
Building Codes, Standards, Guidelines, and Laws
Applicable to Existing Buildings
American Society of Civil Engineers, Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing
Buildings—ASCE/SEI 41/06, Reston, Virginia, 2007; ordering information:
This standard was developed for use by structural engineers and build-
ing departments after the decision is made to strengthen (rehabilitate) a
building, and it is not limited to unreinforced masonry. It includes guid-
ance to the engineer on how to give appropriate earthquake engineering
“credit” to older kinds of structural components that are not included
in modern building codes and how to analyze them. Forerunner publi-
cations to this standard include documents known as FEMA 273, and
FEMA 356.
42 Sources of Information
7 End Notes and Cited References
4. Statistics are compiled from the 1886 Charleston, 1906 San Francisco, 1925
Santa Barbara, 1933 Long Beach, 1971 San Fernando, and 1983 Coalinga
earthquakes, in districts where the Modified Mercalli Intensity was approxi-
mately VII or greater. Data for the 1886 Charleston earthquake from H.C.
Stockdell, H. C. et al., Record of Earthquake Damages, Winham & Lester
Publishers, Atlanta, Georgia, 1886. Data for the 1925 Santa Barbara earth-
quake in Karl V. Steinbrugge, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis: An Anatomy
of Hazards, Skandia America, New York, New York, 1982, p. 306. Data for
the other earthquakes from the compilation in Robert Reitherman, “Seismic
Damage to Unreinforced Masonry Buildings,” Final Report to the National
Science Foundation, Scientific Service, Inc., Redwood City, California, 1984, p.
13. Hart Consultant Group, Inc., Typical Costs for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings,
Volume 1, Summary—FEMA 156, and Volume 2—FEMA 157, Supporting
Documentation, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington DC,
1994-1995, second edition; http://www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/earthquake/.
14. Applied Technology Council, Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential
Seismic Hazards: A Handbook—FEMA 154, second edition, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, DC, 2002; http://www.fema.gov/plan/pre-
18. Personal communication from Barry Welliver, former Chair, Utah Seismic
Safety Commission, June 23, 2009.
20. The original referenced standard was the Uniform Code for Building
Conservation, Appendix Chapter 1, published by the International Conference
of Building Officials. After the three U.S. model code groups merged in 2000 to
form the International Code Council and to promulgate the International Building
Code, the relevant existing building code became the International Existing
Building Code of 2006.
24. Yumei Wang and Bill Burns, “Case History on the Oregon GO Bond Task
Force: Promoting Earthquake Safety in Public Schools and Emergency
Facilities,” Proceedings of the 8th National US Earthquake Conference, Earthquake
Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, California, 2006; http://www.oregon-
25. Real Property Transfer Tax—Seismic Retrofit Fund, City of Berkeley; http://
30. Daniel Alesch and William Petak, The Politics and Economics of Earthquake
Hazard Mitigation: Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in Southern California, Natural
Hazards Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1986; http://www.colorado.
edu/hazards/publications/monographs/monopubs.html - 1980.
31. William T. Holmes and Peter Somers, editors, Northridge Earthquake of January
17, 1994 Reconnaissance Report—Volume 2, Earthquake Spectra, supplement C to
Volume 11, January 1996, p. 195-217.
32. City of San Luis Obispo, “Unreinforced Masonry Hazard Mitigation Program,”
http://www.ci.san-luis-obispo.ca.us/economicdevelopment/seismiccoord.asp; City
Manager, City of San Luis Obispo, “Draft Outline of Seismic Safety Ordinance
Update,” http://www.prcity.com/government/citycouncil/agenda-items/2004/
March/2004 03-16 CC ITM 17.pdf.
33. Rutherford & Chekene, Techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing
Buildings—FEMA 547, Federal Emergency Management Agency, October 2006;
34. International Code Council, International Existing Building Code, 2006 edition,
Washington, DC; ordering information: http://www.iccsafe.org/.
Christopher Rojahn
Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065
Kristen Yawitz
1923 Lyon Avenue
Belmont, California 94002