Report On The Concrete
Report On The Concrete
Report On The Concrete
Kenneth W. Meeks
Nicholas J. Carino
Kenneth W. Meeks
Tri-State University
Nicholas J. Carino
Structures Division
March 1999
This report describes the latest information, technology, and research on the curing of high-
performance concrete (HPC). The scope of the report is expanded somewhat to examine the
current body of knowledge on the effects of various curing conditions on the development
of the properties of concrete in general. The significance and importance of curing and
various proposed definitions of high-performance concrete are discussed. Specific types of
the most commonly used high-performance concrete are described, and their properties and
characteristics are highlighted. The report summarizes some of the currently accepted
concepts and theories of how curing alters the physico-chemical characteristics and
structure of a cement paste, since many of these are applicable to the study of high-
performance concrete. The landmark studies by Powers and Brownyard in the mid 1940s on
the physical and chemical properties of hydrating cement paste are summarized. The
history of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) building code requirements for curing are
traced from the beginning of this century to the present time. Current curing requirements
in the standards of various countries are reviewed and discussed. Some of the recent
research in the United States and other countries, related either directly or indirectly to the
curing of high-performance concrete, is summarized, including the important work of
Hilsdorf in Germany. The report concludes with a discussion of the major areas of research
needed to develop optimum curing criteria for this new class of concrete.
This state-of-the-art report is based on a recently completed literature search on the curing
of high-performance concrete (HPC). A separate annotated bibliography (NIST GCR 97-715)
is available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The scope of
the report is expanded somewhat beyond considering just high-performance concrete to
summarize the effects of different curing methods on concrete in general. With regard to
high-performance concrete, the amount of information available on the effects of various
curing conditions on the development of properties is limited. The curing of high-
performance concrete has been identified as an area in which research is needed so that the
full potential of this relatively new class of concrete can be realized. In many respects the
complexities of curing are not completely understood, and hopefully this report will
provide guidance on the key areas of research to establish the curing methods most suited
to high-performance concrete
The first author was a graduate student in Civil Engineering at The George Washington
University (GWU) pursuing a Ph.D. in Structural Engineering. His dissertation research
focused on the curing of high-performance concrete and was conducted in cooperation with
the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This report was prepared as partial
fulfillment of his doctoral requirements. Dr. Shahram Sarkani, Associate Professor and
Chairman of Civil and Environmental Engineering Curriculum at GWU, was Dr. Meeks’
academic advisor, and his advice and assistance are greatly appreciated. Dr. Meeks is
currently an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tri-State
University, Angola, Indiana. The second author is Leader of the Structural Evaluation and
Standards Group, Structures Division, Building and Fire Research Laboratory (BFRL) at
NIST. The authors appreciate the assistance of Dale Bentz and Ken Snyder of the Building
Materials Division at NIST for their suggestions and technical input into this report. Dr. H.S.
Lew and the late Dr. James R. Clifton provided critical reviews of the report.
PREFACE.................................................................................................................................................. v
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Significance and Importance of Curing........................................................................... 1
1.3 Objectives of Report............................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Definitions of High-Performance Concrete.................................................................... 4
1.5 Increasing Use of High-Performance Concrete ............................................................. 6
1.6 Applications and Design Considerations ....................................................................... 6
3.2.3 Pore structure characteristics................................................................................ 27
3.2.4 Summary .................................................................................................................. 30
3.3 Percolation Theory............................................................................................................. 30
3.4 Influence of Low Penetrability and Self-desiccation on Curing Practice ............... 34
3.5 Carbonation......................................................................................................................... 34
3.6 Summary.............................................................................................................................. 35
4.4.4 1963 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI
318-63)..................................................................................................................... 43
4.5 Recent Years Under the American Concrete Institute ............................................... 43
4.5.1 1971 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI
318-71)..................................................................................................................... 43
4.5.2 1977 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI
318-77)..................................................................................................................... 44
4.5.3 1983 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI
318-83)..................................................................................................................... 45
4.5.4 1989 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI
318-89)..................................................................................................................... 45
4.5.5 1995 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI
318-95)..................................................................................................................... 46
4.6 Summary.............................................................................................................................. 47
5.14 Summary.................................................................................................................. 82
6.11.1 Parameters affecting curing duration ........................................................... 160
6.11.2 Curing criteria.................................................................................................... 160 The C-Concept ................................................................................................ 160 The P-Concept................................................................................................. 164 The M-Concept ............................................................................................... 164 The R-Concept ................................................................................................ 165
6.11.3 Summary............................................................................................................. 167
6.12 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 169
6.12.1 Strength development of high-performance concrete .............................. 169
6.12.2 Curing methods applied to high-performance concrete .......................... 171
6.12.3 Duration of curing............................................................................................. 172
6.12.4 Verification of curing effectiveness ............................................................... 175
1.1 Background
It has long been recognized that adequate curing is essential to obtain the desired
structural and durability properties of concrete. Proper curing of concrete is one of the most
important requirements for optimum performance in any environment or application.
Historically, curing has not received the attention it deserves. It was not until the early 1950s
that any significant articles devoted to concrete curing practices were published by the
American Concrete Institute (ACI) (Timms 1952, Robinson 1952, Gilkey 1952). A review of
the history of the ACI building code (Chapter 4) reveals little change in curing requirements
in the past 50 years.
Even when good quality concrete is placed on the job site, curing is necessary to ensure
the concrete provides good service over the life of the structure. Good concrete can be
ruined by the lack of proper curing practices. Curing is even more important today than
ever before for at least three reasons (Neville 1996):
• Today’s cements gain strength earlier and allow contractors to remove formwork soon
after concrete placement. This encourages discontinuing curing operations prematurely.
• The lower water-cement ratios being used with modern concretes (like HPC) tend to
cause self-desiccation (Chapter 3). Ingress of water from proper curing is necessary to
control this phenomenon.
• Many modern concrete mixtures contain mineral admixtures, such as fly ash and
ground granulated blast furnace slag, that have slower reaction rates. Curing over
longer periods of time is needed for proper development of the properties of these
Curing has a major impact on the permeability of a given concrete. The surface zone
will be seriously weakened by increased permeability due to poor curing. The importance
of adequate curing is very evident in its effect on the permeability of the “skin” (surface) of
the concrete.
In the United States and other countries, contractors tend to either short cut curing
requirements in the field or ignore them almost completely. One survey conducted in the
United States in 1979 estimated that 24 % of concrete used in nonresidential construction
was not cured at all, and only 26 % was cured in accordance with project specifications
(Senbetta and Malchow 1987). It is doubtful that the situation has improved very much
since then. The concrete industry must do a better job of educating contractors, engineers,
superintendents, and quality control personnel of the importance of good curing practices
in the field. This is especially true for high-performance concrete since it has been found to
be even more sensitive to curing conditions than ordinary concrete, particularly at early
ages. It has been suggested that one way to highlight the importance of curing is to make it
a separately billed item in the schedule of prices for the project (Cather 1994).
Contract specifications usually contain curing requirements; however, they are rarely
adhered to in the field (Neville 1996). Similar to the batching and mixing operation for
concrete, curing needs to be closely supervised and controlled. As a construction project
progresses, it is extremely difficult to prove whether proper curing has been applied.
Although specifications may be adequate and complete, one of the biggest obstacles to
ensuring proper curing in the field is the lack of standard methods to verify curing
adequacy. Various penetrability methods have been proposed (Kropp and Hilsdorf 1995),
but none has yet to be standardized for use. Without approved testing methods, it will
continue to be difficult to verify desired levels of curing in the field.
The curing of high-performance concrete has been identified as one of the critical areas
in which more information and research are needed in order to realize the full potential of
this class of concrete (Carino and Clifton 1990). Current national curing specifications in the
United States do not include specific requirements for high-performance concrete even
though its use is becoming more widespread. Existing curing criteria are based on
information from ordinary concrete, and may not be appropriate for the high-performance
concrete mixtures being used today. Current standards are also deficient in that they do not
address proper curing for durability. Historically, curing requirements have been based
primarily on obtaining adequate strength. Some of the most recent research on high-
performance concrete has focused on how curing affects the surface layer and thus, the
durability of the concrete. Finally, current curing requirements in the United States do not
take into account the actual rate of hydration or strength development, both of which may
be affected by in-place temperature and whether chemical and mineral admixtures are used.
Curing in the field is perhaps the most critical factor in the concrete construction
process. Sufficient curing is essential if the concrete is to perform its intended function over
the life of the structure. The key word here is “sufficient,” because contractors are sensitive
to the time value of money borrowed to finance construction. Excessive curing time can add
to the construction cost of a project and cause unnecessary delay. If high-performance
concrete is to compete with other construction materials, standards must be defined for
“sufficient curing” to achieve strength and durability criteria. It is likely that this will require
new or revised curing practices to optimize the improved performance characteristics of this
class of concrete.
This report describes the results of a literature search on the curing of high-performance
concrete. It will also examine, in general terms, the current body of knowledge on the effects
of various curing conditions on concrete. Some of the basic physical and chemical effects of
curing on concrete mixtures are reviewed and summarized as the basis for further
technological advancements that may be needed when considering high-performance
concrete. Many of the currently accepted concepts and theories of how curing alters the
physical characteristics of cement paste are applicable to high-performance concrete. Since
curing is closely related to moisture migration through concrete, this important subject will
be covered. The issue of different curing standards for different performance requirements
is also addressed; for example, curing specifications should probably be different when
considering durability criteria as opposed to simply considering adequate strength for a
specific application of high-performance concrete.
Chapter 2 describes the major types of high-performance concrete in use today and
highlights some of their important properties.
Chapter 3 summarizes many of the properties of cement paste related to curing that
were presented in the series of nine articles by Powers and Brownyard written in the mid
1940s. It also summarizes some of the curing-related work of Neville from the 1970s, covers
recent percolation theory, describes the impacts of self-desiccation and low penetrability on
curing, and discusses carbonation.
Chapter 4 summarizes the history of the ACI building code requirements for curing
from the beginning of this century to the present.
Chapter 5 surveys existing standards and criteria for the curing of concrete in the
United States and in other countries.
Chapter 6 discusses recent research in the United States and in other countries that is
related either directly or indirectly to the curing of concrete.
It is hoped that this state-of-the-art report will provide the framework for additional
studies dealing with the complexities of the curing processes applicable to high-
performance concrete. Further experimental and analytical research is needed to determine
optimum curing practices for all types of high-performance concrete.
The SHRP definition encompasses specific strength, durability, and mixture proportioning
characteristics. It should be noted that this definition was developed primarily to address
requirements for highway construction.
Unless specified otherwise, water-cement ratio or water-cementitious materials ratio refers to the ratio of
the mass of water to the mass of cement or cementitious materials.
2. NIST/ACI Workshop definition (Carino and Clifton 1990):
High-performance concrete is concrete having desired properties and uniformity that
cannot be obtained routinely using only traditional constituents and normal mixing,
placing, and curing practices. As examples these properties may include:
1. Ease of placement and compaction without segregation
2. Enhanced long-term mechanical properties
3. High early-age strength
4. High toughness
5. Volume stability
6. Long life in severe environments
This is a more general definition that attempts to include a variety of concretes having
special properties not attainable by ordinary concrete.
This definition is an outgrowth of the earlier NIST/ACI workshop definition.
Life cycle cost analysis is being used more frequently than ever before by the
Department of Defense and other government agencies as well as the private sector. Life-
cycle costs will likely become equally important, if not more so, than first-time costs for
major structures. Life cycle cost estimating will provide the opportunity to highlight the
benefits of HPC compared with other structural materials (Carino and Clifton 1990).
Design codes presently in use do not provide criteria for the high strengths and
durability commonly available with high-performance concrete. As an example, in
Australia the structural design codes currently in use are only applicable for concrete
strengths up to 50 MPa (7 300 psi) (Papworth and Ratcliffe 1994). High-strength concrete in
the range of 70 MPa to 100 MPa (10 000 psi to 15 000 psi) is commercially available in many
areas of the world today (CERF Technical Report 1994). The latest ACI building code for
structural concrete (ACI 318-95) essentially limits the usable strength of high strength
concrete to 70 MPa (10 000 psi) in computing shear strength and development length. This
limit can only be exceeded if additional shear reinforcement is provided beyond that
normally used in beams and joists.
There are many examples of successful projects around the world where high-stregnth
concrete has been used (ACI 363 1992). It is finding frequent applications in a variety of
construction projectscolumns and core walls in high rise buildings, marine structures,
offshore oil platforms, and long-span bridges (Mak and Torii 1995). As the body of
knowledge of high-performance concrete increases and construction standards are modified
to take full advantage of its potential, the level of confidence in its use will grow.
Just as there are numerous definitions of high-performance concrete, there are different
types of high-performance concrete. Generally, the term high-performance concrete refers
to concrete with a variety of enhanced properties and characteristics. In order to understand
the significance that good curing plays in the use of this type of concrete, the various kinds
of high-performance concrete and their properties should be understood. Therefore, this
chapter summarizes the major categories of high-performance concrete and some of their
important properties. As will be seen, the majority of the descriptions of high-performance
concrete are based on compressive strength, and they, therefore, use the term “high-
strength concrete.” However, a unifying feature is that most types of high-performance
concretes have low water-cementitious materials ratios.
In a report prepared for the Strategic Highway Research Program, the following types
of high-performance concrete are defined for highway applications (Zia et al. 1991):
water-cement (w/c) ratio of 0.35 or less. A maximum w/c of 0.35 will provide a paste with a
discontinuous capillary system after a relatively short curing period (normally about a day).
This provides improved resistance to moisture penetration and chemical attack from the
"Concretes that have specified compressive strengths for design of 41 MPa (6 000 psi) or
greater, and excluding concrete made using exotic materials or techniques. The word
'exotic' refers to materials such as polymer-impregnated concrete, epoxy concrete, and
concrete with artificial normal and heavyweight aggregates."
Concretes with a cylinder compressive strength above the present existing limits
in national codes, i.e., about 60 MPa (8 700 psi), and up to 130 MPa (18 800 psi), the
practical upper limit for concretes with ordinary aggregates.
2.5.1 Silica fume—Silica fume (SF) is probably the most common addition to concrete
mixtures to produce high-performance concrete. This material, also called condensed silica
fume or microsilica, is a finely-powdered amorphous silica that is highly pozzolanic
(develops cementing properties in the presence of water and calcium hydroxide). Its use is
becoming so common around the world that many consider high-performance concrete to
be synonymous with silica fume-concrete.
Silica fume is a by-product from electric arc furnaces used in the manufacture of
elemental silicon or ferro-silicon alloys. Silica fume contains large amounts of silicon dioxide
(between 85 % and 98 %) and consists of extremely fine particles. It is collected by filtering
the escaping furnace gases2. The average size of these spherical particles is less than 0.1 µm
which is approximately one hundred times finer than cement. The small particle sizes lead
to important benefits when SF is used in concrete. For example, the extremely fine particles
can fill spaces between cement particles, which results in a more refined microstructure and
a more dense cement paste. As the pores within the paste become finer and more dispersed,
the permeability is reduced considerably.
The beneficial effects of silica fume result from its highly reactive pozzolanic
characteristics. The high reactivity can be attributed to its very high silicon dioxide content,
small particle size, and large specific surface area. Because of the very high specific surface
area, the use of silica fume leads to increased water demand. For this reason, it is necessary
to use high-range water-reducing admixtures (superplasticizers) with silica fume to
produce workable concrete.
Since the early 1980s, silica fume has been used to improve concrete properties such as
compressive strength, abrasion resistance, and durability. It is frequently used as a
replacement for a portion of the portland cement in a mixture. Silica fume-concrete has
become quite common throughout the United States when high compressive strength is
required. Other performance improvements from silica fume replacement (about 10 % by
mass appears to be optimum) include higher resistances to sulfate attack, alkali-aggregate
reaction, and freezing and thawing (Hooton 1993).
Studies have shown (Gjorv 1991) that silica fume can be very effective in producing
highly impermeable concretes for use in harsh environments. In fact, the benefits of silica
Aitcin, P. C., 1983, “Condensed Silica Fume,” Brochure, 52 pp.
fume on reducing permeability of concrete may be more important than its benefits in
improving strength.
One of the concerns that must be addressed with the use of silica fume is the high
potential for plastic shrinkage cracking. This is the most common complaint from users of
SF (Holland 1989). Silica fume-concretes normally have low water-cement ratios and
experience little bleeding. The surface of silica fume-concrete tends to dry quickly,
subsequently causing shrinkage and cracking prior to final setting. This is one reason why
early-age moist curing of silica fume-concrete is important. Immediately after placement,
steps must be taken to prevent drying of the surface (Ozyildirim 1991).
2.5.2 Fly ash—Fly ash is the finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of
ground or powdered coal and is transported by flue gases (ASTM C 125). This waste by-
product is used extensively in the production of high-performance concrete. Due to its
outstanding pozzolanic and cementitious properties, fly ash is used to improve durability
and enhance strength gain. As concrete containing fly ash is cured, the products of the
pozzolanic reaction fill in the spaces around cement particles. This results in a paste of lower
permeability and greater resistance to chemical attack. Because the pozzolanic reaction is
slower than the hydration of portland cement, fly ash is often used to control the amount of
early heat generation and the detrimental effects of early temperature rise commonly
experienced in massive concrete structures.
2.5.3 Ground granulated blast-furnace slag—This is a glassy material that is formed when
blast-furnace slag is rapidly cooled, such as by immersion in water (ACI C 125). It is
composed essentially of silicates and aluminosilicates of calcium. When it is ground to
cement fineness, it is referred to as ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS), and it is
commonly used in HPC mixtures. The use of GGBFS reduces the permeability of the mature
concrete. It is believed that this improvement is a result of the reaction of the GGBFS with
the calcium hydroxide and alkalis released during hydration of the portland cement (ACI
233.1R). The reaction products fill pore spaces in the paste and result in a denser
microstructure. In addition to reducing the permeability of concrete, GGBFS also improves
resistance to sulfate attack because of the low calcium hydroxide content (Neville 1996).
Like fly ash, GGBFS is also used to reduce temperature rise in mass concrete. Ground
granulated blast-furnace slag also improves the workability of fresh concrete. It is believed
that the smooth, dense surfaces of the slag particles result in very little water absorption
during the mixing process. Also, cement pastes containing GGBFS have exhibited better
particle dispersion and higher fluidity, leading to improved workability (ACI 233.1R).
Silica fume is not the only additive commonly used in HPC; high-range water-reducers
(HRWRs), or superplasticizers, are also commonly used. The emergence of HRWRs has
facilitated the production of very low water-cement ratio concretes, and good workability
can be maintained even at water-cement ratios below 0.40 (Aitcin 1994).
The term “high range” means that the admixture permits at least a 12 % reduction in
the water content of a concrete mixture while maintaining the same slump. Two ASTM
specifications describe the requirements for high-range water-reducing admixtures. ASTM
C 494 covers two types of HRWR admixtures to produce conventional slump concretes.
Type F is used for concretes when normal setting times are desired, and Type G is used for
concretes when retarded setting times are desired. ASTM C 1017 covers two types of high
range water-reducers for producing “flowing concrete,” i.e., concretes with slump greater
than 190 mm (7 ½ in). Type I is for concretes with normal setting times and Type II is for
concretes with retarded setting times.
2.7 Self-desiccation
One of the potentially detrimental side effects from the use of the low water-cement
ratio concretes is self-desiccation, Self-desiccation refers to the process by which concrete
dries itself from the inside. Internal moisture is consumed from within the paste by the
hydration reactions, and the internal relative humidity continues to decrease to the point at
which there is not enough water to sustain the hydration process. The result is that the
hydration and maturity of the concrete will terminate at an early age if additional moisture
is not provided. Therefore, self-desiccation effects are important considerations in the
performance of high-performance concrete, particularly in the curing practices that involve
“sealing” the concrete.
2.8 Workability
Another concern with the use of high-performance concrete, particularly mixtures with
silica fume, is to be able to achieve the workability necessary for ease of placement. Large
cement paste volumes are required to achieve workable concretes having low water-cement
ratios. In cement-rich mixtures, common to high-strength concrete and other types of high-
performance concrete, reduced workability and “stickiness” (flocculation of cement
particles) can lead to placement and finishing problems (ACI 363 1992). The use of high
range water-reducing admixtures has been required with these types of high-performance
concretes to provide the fluidity desired (Holland 1989; Domone and Soutsos 1994). Recent
tests on concretes with various amounts of silica fume (Sabir 1995) have confirmed that high
range water-reducing admixtures are required to achieve acceptable levels of workability.
The lack of an adequate test for the workability of low water-cement ratio concretes is a
major problem. While the slump test has proven useful for normal concrete mixtures, it
does not characterize the rheological behavior of concrete under high strain rates as would
occur during consolidation by vibration.
The amount of information available on the creep and shrinkage properties of low
water-cement ratio concretes is limited. Tests on high-strength concrete have shown that
modest improvements in creep and shrinkage properties can be obtained by lowering the
paste content and maximizing the size of the coarse aggregate. Concretes with relatively
large-sized aggregate of 38 mm (1 ½ in) and a low paste content have been shown to exhibit
the least amount of creep and shrinkage (Collins 1989). It was found that shrinkage strains
are inversely proportional to the moist curing timethe longer the curing time, the lower
the amount of shrinkage. Creep testing did not investigate the effect of different curing
conditions. There were no significant effects on shrinkage and creep from the use of high
range water-reducing admixtures. Creep has the beneficial effect of reducing internal
stresses caused by restrained shrinkage, and thus helps to mitigate cracking (Neville 1996).
Creep can be considered a balancing influence on the harmful effects of shrinkage cracking
by relieving the internal stresses that arise when shrinkage is restrained.
With respect to silica fume-concrete, replacing cement with silica fume does not
increase long term shrinkage; however, adding silica fume without reducing the
corresponding volume of cement tends to increase long term shrinkage (PCI Committee on
Durability 1994). The reason is that the higher paste content results in more shrinkage
deformation, which is consistent with the test results described above.
Designers can take advantage of the higher modulus of elasticity associated with low
water-cement ratio concretes to control concrete structural deflections. Current ACI code
provisions to estimate the modulus of elasticity are based on the density and compressive
strength of the concrete. Although more research is needed on predicting the modulus of
elasticity of HPC, investigations already completed verify that the currently used empirical
relationships developed for ordinary concrete are not always appropriate for HPC (Sabir
1995). There is a need to develop more reliable methods to estimate the elastic modulus
based on the applicable properties and proportions of the materials used in the concrete
(Carino and Clifton 1990). As these improved methods for accurately estimating the elastic
modulus are perfected and accepted, designers will be able to take advantage of the higher
stiffness of high-performance concrete with more confidence.
Perhaps the most well-known series of papers in the literature on the detailed physical
and chemical properties of cement paste are the nine articles by Powers and Brownyard
published in the mid 1940s (Powers and Brownyard, Parts 1-9, 1946-1947). These classical
papers reported on studies dealing with, among other topics, water fixation in hardened
paste, evaporable water, density of the solid material, and porosity (Powers and
Brownyard, Synopsis, 1946). Many of the properties of the paste that are related to curing
are covered in these studies, such as absorptivity, permeability, moisture diffusion, and
capillary action. This section summarizes the significance of these and other properties that
are described in these nine articles, as related both directly and indirectly to curing of
cement paste. It should be kept in mind that the conclusions of Powers and Brownyard are
based on the experimental tools, knowledge, and materials available 50 years ago.
Nevertheless, they provide important basic concepts about the nature of hardened cement
A colloid refers to a suspension of finely divided solids in a liquid. Colloids range from sols, which have the
consistency of a fluid, to gels, which are semi-solids like gelatin.
Some of the important characteristics of the hardened paste are its chemical
composition, the physical state of the solid phase (hydration products), and the affinity
these solids have for water. Pore structure also has a very important relation to the
performance of the paste. The moisture content of the paste, which depends on curing, is a
primary factor in some of its most important properties, such as strength and volume
Hardened cement paste can have two general types of pores, capillary and gel pores.
Capillary pores are the spaces between the masses of cement gel formed during hydration
of cement grains, and they make up what is called the “capillary system.” Depending on the
degree of hydration and the initial separation of the cement grains, capillary pores may be
interconnected (percolated). The gel pores are spaces between the solid products of
hydration within the cement gel. Gel pores are normally filled with water that is strongly
held to the solids. Capillary and gel pores will be filled with water if the paste is saturated.
When the paste is exposed to drying conditions, these pores empty, as the evaporable water
is lost.
Although the degree of hydration of the cement paste is a primary factor in the strength
of concrete, other characteristics will also affect the strength, such as air content and quality
of aggregate. The higher the air content, the lower is the strength of the concrete, all other
characteristics being equal. The type of cement affects the rate strength development. For
example, cements that contain high amounts of tricalcium aluminate (C3A) and tricalcium
silicate (C3S) will hydrate and gain early strength at a faster rate than cements with lesser
amounts of these compounds.
3.1.2 Water fixation—Water movement into and out of the paste has significant effects.
As water leaves, the paste shrinks; and as water enters, the paste swells. The forces of
adsorption on the surfaces of the solid hydration products provide the driving force for
water movement into paste and provide the resistance to drying out (desorption). The
amount of water that is free to move in and out of the paste as the surrounding
environment changes is strongly related to the capillary porosity of the hardened paste. The
capillary porosity is, in turn, affected by the original water-cement ratio and the degree of
The total amount of water in a saturated, hardened cement paste can be categorized as
being composed of three different kinds of water:
• Water of constitution is the water that is bound chemically in the hardened paste and is
an integral part of the solid hydration products (chemically bound water).
• Water contained in the gel pores of the paste that is bound physically by the surface
forces of adsorption (gel water).
• Water that is held within the capillary pores of the paste (capillary water).
3.1.3 Adsorption and evaporable water—Some of the key aspects of adsorption and
evaporable water in a cement paste have already been described above; however, they
deserve additional discussion. In a cement paste, when drying occurs, the evaporable water
leaves the pore spaces. This results in shrinkage of the paste, some of which may be
In concrete with a low water-cement ratio, extended curing may eventually eliminate
all the water in the capillaries. The initially water-filled capillaries may be replaced
substantially with hydration products, and further hydration is not possible.
Adsorbed gel water plays a major role in the volume changes (shrinkage and swelling)
of cement paste. Shrinkage is the result of water withdrawal from the gel during drying.
Swelling is the result of water being drawn into the gel by the surface adsorption forces of
the solid phase.
When the capillary pores in the paste become partially emptied due to the consumption
of water during hydration, self-desiccation may occur (self-desiccation is an important
consideration in the curing of high-performance concrete and will be discussed in more
detail later in this chapter). Studies have shown that, for low water-cement ratios, even
specimens cured properly in moist surroundings are not able to adsorb enough water to
avoid some level of self-desiccation. This is why mature (high degree of hydration) cement
pastes of high-performance concrete will not, normally, be saturated.
The amount of evaporable water (capillary plus gel water) in a saturated paste will be
less for lower water-cement ratio mixtures, and also will be lower as the curing period is
lengthened. However, as reported by Powers and Brownyard, tests have shown that the
quantity of evaporable water in a saturated paste will not be lower than about 4Vm, which
corresponds to the condition of only gel pores and no capillary pores. (Recall that Vm is
related to the surface area of the gel and represents the volume to form a mono-molecular
layer of water on the surfaces of the solid particles of the cement gel.) Thus it appears that in
saturated paste, the solid surfaces in the cement gel are coated with a layer of water
approximately four molecules thick. This amount of adsorbed water per unit volume of
cement gel is independent of the water-cement ratio or degree of hydration. If a saturated
paste has an evaporable water content in excess of 4Vm, that excess water is contained in the
interstitial space comprising the capillaries in the paste.
When water reacts with cement, the hydration reactions result in new solid phases and
the evolution of heat. This heat is sometimes referred to as the heat of combination, and the
amount of evolved heat is directly proportional to the non-evaporable (chemically bound)
water content. As these new solids are formed within the paste, they adsorb water with the
resultant release of additional heat, called heat of adsorption. The sum of the heat of
combination and the heat of adsorption will be the total heat of hydration in the paste. Normally,
the heat of combination will be about 75 % of the total heat of hydration.
The gel resulting from the hydration of portland cement and subsequent adsorption of
water belongs to the “limited-swelling” classification, which means it will only take up a
limited amount of water with a corresponding limited amount of swelling. Likewise, it will
shrink when evaporable water is lost during drying. Some of the shrinkage that occurs
during initial drying is irreversible, that is, the paste will experience some permanent
shrinkage deformation upon rewetting. This permanent shrinkage results from plastic flow
of the solid phase of the paste due to the stresses induced by the effects of shrinkage. This
plastic deformation causes a permanent change in the structure of the cement paste.
3.1.4 Hydration—The significance of the degree of hydration in the proper curing of any
type of concrete, particularly high-performance concrete, cannot be over emphasized.
Hydration produces the solid binding material that gives concrete its most basic
engineering propertiesstrength and durability. The rate of hydration is greatest
immediately after final setting and decreases gradually with age. Under certain conditions,
hydration can continue for years. The key feature for continued hydration is the presence of
water-filled capillaries. When water-filled capillaries cease to exist, hydration stops and the
mechanical properties cease to develop.
Tests by Powers and Brownyard (February 1947) showed that water-cured pastes with
water-cement ratios less than about 0.4 will not hydrate completely. The reason is that, in
low water-cement ratio pastes, there is less capillary space available for the deposition of
hydration products. This means that for concretes with a water-cement ratio less than 0.40,
the ultimate degree hydration can be expected to be limited to less than 100 %. Therefore,
for high-performance concretes with low water-cement ratios, the relative strength
development with age will not have the same characteristics as for ordinary concretes.
reduced as the maximum size of the aggregate increases because less paste volume is
necessary. There are, however, negative effects due to the presence of the aggregate. Porous
zones can be formed under aggregate particles due to the accumulation of bleed water.
These zones of high porosity are obviously detrimental to the impermeability of the
concrete. In addition, the interfacial region (referred to as the transition zone) between paste
and aggregate will have a higher porosity due to less than optimum packing of hydration
products at the aggregate boundaries.
Bleeding also has a detrimental effect on the permeability of the paste. As bleed water
rises, cement grains are brought to the surface and channels are created in the paste. These
channels provide little hindrance to the flow of fluids. In a similar manner, connected
capillary pores provide a convenient flow path for the fluid to bypass the relatively
impermeable gel pores.
When ice forms in cement paste, it is the result of freezing of the water in the capillary
pores. This occurs outside the gel so that gel water is not involved initially, although at very
low temperatures gel water also contributes to ice formation (Powers and Brownyard, April
1947). At temperatures above -12 °C (10.4 °F), all the frozen water in a paste comes from the
capillary water. The gel water that eventually freezes below this temperature probably
flows into the capillary pores prior to turning to ice; therefore, all the frozen water in a paste
is thought to reside in the capillaries. It is possible to freeze all the evaporable water, but this
requires reducing the temperature to about -78 °C (-108 °F).
In more recent times, the book by Neville, describing the properties of concrete,
includes an excellent treatise on the physical and chemical characteristics of cement paste
(Neville 1996). Neville makes use of the basic knowledge from the earlier research by
Powers, Brownyard, and others, while expounding on its significance in light of more recent
technology. This section summarizes some of Neville’s discussions that relate to the
significance of proper curing of concrete. The summary will by necessity repeat and
reinforce ideas presented in previous sections.
Hydration increases the amount of solid phase of the paste as water is consumed by
chemical reactions. In addition, some of the water is adsorbed onto the surfaces of the solids
in the cement gel. If the supply of water is insufficient to keep these surfaces saturated, the
relative humidity in the paste will decrease (self-desiccation). When the relative humidity
drops below 80 %, the hydration rate slows down and it becomes negligible when the
internal relative humidity drops to 30 %. Self-desiccation will not occur if the initial water-
cement ratio of the paste is sufficiently high and the mix water is prevented from
evaporating (sealed condition). The next section discusses the minimum water-cement ratio
to prevent self-desiccation under sealed conditions. If the water-cement ratio is less than the
minimum value, moist curing (supply of external moisture) is required to control self-
3.2.2 Volumetric compositions of paste—The changes that take place in the paste as
hydration progresses can be understood by analyzing the volumetric make-up of a unit
volume of paste. Consider Fig. 3.1, which depicts the volumetric proportions of a paste with
a water-cement ratio of about 0.48 at three stagesprior to hydration, at 50 % hydration,
and at 100 % hydration. Assume that the paste has initial volumes of 60 ml of water and
40 ml of cement, and it is in a sealed condition (no outside moisture is involved). Bleeding is
3.7 ml 7.4 ml
Empty Capillary Empty Capillary
Pores 7.0 ml Capillary Pores
Chemical Shrinkage
33.5 ml
60 ml Water 24.0 ml
Water Gel Water
12.0 ml
Gel Water
Hardened Paste
Cement Gel
Cement Gel
30.8 ml
61.6 ml
40 ml
20 ml
The above volumetric relationships were derived using the following assumptions
based on previous experimental findings (Neville 1996):
• The chemically combined water equals 23 % of the mass of hydrated cement.
• The porosity of the cement gel is equal to 0.28 (porosity equals volume of gel water
divided by the volume of cement gel).
• The volume of the solid reaction products equals the volume of hydrated cement plus
74.6 % of the volume of chemically combined water.
• The gel water cannot migrate into capillary pores.
The following observations can be made about the hydration of this particular paste
under sealed conditions:
• At complete hydration, the hardened cement paste is made up of the solid particles, gel
water, capillary water, and capillary voids (pores).
• The capillary water is consumed in the formation of the solid hydration products and
filling the gel pores.
• There is a reduction in the volume occupied by hardened paste compared with the
original volume of the freshly mixed paste. This volume reduction is termed chemical
shrinkage and results in partially empty capillary pores under sealed conditions.
Using the above assumptions, as presented in Neville (1996), it is possible to predict the
volumetric proportions of fully hydrated cement pastes with different water-cement ratios
and for two curing conditions: sealed and submerged under water. First, consider the sealed
condition. If the water-cement ratio is less than a critical value, there will be insufficient
water (self-desiccation) to hydrate all the cement, and the fully hardened paste will consist
of cement gel, empty capillaries, and unhydrated cement. If the water-cement ratio is
greater than this critical value, all of the cement can hydrate, and the capillary voids will be
partially filled with water. This was the case shown in Fig. 3.1. By using the above
assumptions and the condition that there is just enough water to chemically react with all
the cement and fill the gel pores, it can be shown that this critical water-cement ratio is 0.42.
Figure 3.2 shows the predicted volumetric proportions for fully hydrated4 pastes of
different water-cement ratios cured under sealed conditions. The curve with the solid circles
represents the original volume of unhydrated cement. The distance between the curve with
the diamonds and the abscissa represents the volume of cement gel after hydration. For low
water-cement ratios, the volume of cement gel is the distance to the curve with the open
circles, which represents volume of unhydrated cement remaining after all the water is
consumed by hydration. In reality, hydration ceases when the relative vapor pressure
(relative humidity) within the capillaries drops below a critical value. Hence the actual
critical value of the water-cement ratio above which complete hydration can occur is greater
than 0.42, and Neville suggests that a more realistic value is 0.50.
In this case “fully hydrated” refers to the condition where all the cement that is capable of hydrating has done
so. For low water-cement ratios this means that there may be unhydrated cement remaining that cannot
hydrate because there is insufficient volume available for additional hydration products.
Sealed Paste
Free Water
Volume % of Paste
Original Cement
20 Unhydrated Cement
Gel + Unhydrated Cement
Unhydrated Gel + Free Water
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Water-Cement Ratio
Figure 3.2 Theoretical volumetric composition of fully hydrated cement pastes cured
under sealed conditions.
The other curing condition assumes that an external supply of water is available to
maintain the capillary pores saturated as the cement hydrates. The additional water that
enters the paste to maintain saturation can be used to hydrate additional cement until one of
two conditions is attained: (1) all the cement has hydrated, or (2) all the available space is
filled by cement gel. By using the condition that the volume of cement gel equals the
original volume of cement plus water, it can be shown that the dividing line between these
two conditions occurs at a water-cement ratio of about 0.36.
Figure 3.3 shows the volumetric proportions in fully hydrated cement pastes cured
under water. For a water-cement ratio less than 0.36, there is insufficient space to
accommodate additional cement gel, and a portion of the cement remains unhydrated.
Comparing Fig. 3.3 with Fig. 3.2 shows that more of the cement hydrates under submerged
curing conditions compared with sealed conditions. An important assumption used to
derive Fig. 3.3 is that the capillaries are always saturated. This requires pathways from the
exterior to the interior of the paste. As will be discussed, at low water-cement ratios and
after a certain degree of hydration, the capillaries become disconnected, and it may not be
possible for them to remain continuously saturated. Thus, in reality, there may be empty
capillary voids present, even when paste is cured under water.
Even though Fig. 3.2 and Fig. 3.3 are based on simplifying assumptions, they are
helpful in understanding how water-cement ratio and curing method affect the final
volumetric proportions of the fully hydrated cement paste. For example, it can be seen that
Submerged Paste
Free Water
Volume % Paste
Original Cement
20 Unhydrated Cement
Gel + Unhydrated Cement
Unhydrated Gel
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Water-Cement Ratio
Figure 3.3 Theoretical volumetric composition of fully hardened cement paste cured
under water provided capillaries are maintained saturated.
3.2.3 Pore structure characteristics—Capillary pores are the spaces in the paste that have
not been filled by hydration products. Upon initial mixing, all the water occupies capillary
space. As hydration proceeds, the volume of the solid phase (cement + cement gel)
increases, and the capillary pore volume decreases. Depending on the degree of hydration
and the water-cement ratio, the capillaries may comprise an interconnected system of
randomly distributed pores throughout the paste. These interconnected capillary pores
affect strongly the permeability properties of concrete and its resistance to the penetration of
aggressive ions.
As the paste approaches complete hydration, there may be sufficient cement gel to
isolate the capillary pores. This will eliminate continuous capillary channels since the pores
will be intercepted by highly impermeable cement gel. This condition may be achieved by a
sufficiently long period of moist curing. The required curing duration depends primarily on
the water-cement ratio. Powers et al. (1959) developed the relationship shown in Fig. 3.4,
which indicates the degree of hydration to achieve discontinuous (segmented) capillary
pores. This figure shows clearly that pastes with higher water-cement ratios have to attain a
higher degree of hydration before the capillaries become segmented. The curing times
required for the capillary pores to become discontinuous depend on the hydration rate
characteristics of the cement and on the temperature of the paste. Approximate curing times
Degree of Hydration
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Water Cement Ratio
for ordinary portland cement pastes at standard temperature are shown in Fig. 3.5. For
example, for an ordinary portland cement with a water-cement ratio of 0.40, 3 d of moist
curing would be required to segment the capillaries. If the water-cement ratio is greater
than about 0.70, even fully hydrated pastes will be unable to produce sufficient amounts of
gel to attain this state. Obviously, it is very desirable to attain segmentation of the capillary
pores, because this results in impermeable concrete with improved durability.
The gel pores are quite different from the capillary pores (see Fig. 3.6(a)). They are best
described as small spaces intermingled between the solid particles of the cement gel. Figure
3.6(b) shows one of the popular models of the structure of the cement gel. Gel pores have
small dimensions that are only an order of magnitude larger than the size of a water
molecule (Neville 1996). In contrast to capillary pores, as hydration progresses, the total
volume of gel pores increases along with an increase in the volume of cement gel. As was
stated, the porosity of cement gel is about 28 %, independent of water-cement ratio or
degree of hydration. Thus gel pores constitute about one-third of the total volume of cement
Time, days
0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75
Water Cement Ratio
Figure 3.5 Approximate time for capillary pores to become discontinuous for ordinary
portland cement paste (adapted from Powers et al. 1959).
Cement Gel Cement
CSH Sheets
Interlayer Water
Gel Pore
Interparticle Bonds
Figure 3.6 (a) Hardened cement paste showing cement gel, capillary pores, and
unhydrated cement: (b) one of several proposed models of the cement gel.
3.2.4 Summary—This section has examined the basic volumetric relationships
associated with the transformation of portland cement to cement gel. Using these
relationships and other simplifying assumptions, predictions have been made of the
volumetric proportions in fully hardened cement paste as a function of water-cement ratio
and curing condition (sealed and submerged). While the calculations neglect such factors as
bleeding and the effects of the internal relative humidity, they provide insight into the
differences between moist curing (excess water is available) and sealed curing (no moisture
exchange with surroundings). They also highlight the differences between high water-
cement ratio pastes and low water-cement ratio pastes that are characteristic of most types
of high-performance concrete. As noted, water-filled capillary pores are essential for
continued hydration. When the capillaries dry out or become filled with hydration
products, hydration ceases. It has also been shown that below a certain water-cement ratio,
complete hydration is not possible and the fully hardened paste will include unhydrated
cement. Finally, it was mentioned that capillary pores become discontinuous at critical
degrees of hydration. These critical values increase with increasing water-cement ratio.
When capillary pores become discontinuous, the moisture penetrability of the paste is
reduced drastically. The consequence of this reduction in penetrability on the practicality of
moist curing high-performance concrete beyond a certain level of maturity appears to be an
important subject for additional study.
Simulation studies of cement hydration at NIST (Garboczi 1993) have shown that the
application of percolation theory to the microstructure of cement paste can be very helpful
in understanding relationships between degree of hydration and transport properties.
Using the concept of connectivity from percolation theory, researchers have determined
analytically under which conditions the capillary pores become discontinuous. At this point,
transport of water through the paste would have to be through the much smaller gel pores.
Based on the results of the simulations, it was concluded that pastes with a water-cement
ratio of 0.6 or higher always contain a continuous capillary pore structure, or comprise a
percolated system, regardless of the degree of hydration. At water-cement ratios less than 0.6,
the simulations indicate that capillaries become discontinuous at different degrees of
hydration. The lower the water-cement ratio, the less is the degree of hydration required to
attain this desirable state.
In the NIST simulation studies, the microstructures of cement pastes at different water-
cement ratios were examined at various degrees of hydration. In each case, the fraction of
the total capillary pore volume that makes up interconnected paths through the paste was
determined. Figure 3.7(a) summarizes the results of these simulations. For a given water-
cement ratio, the fraction of connected pores decreases with increasing degree of hydration.
For low water-cement ratio pastes, there are certain degrees of hydration at which no
capillary pores are interconnected across the volume of paste. It is seen that for water-
cement ratios of 0.6 or greater, there will always be connected capillary pores. The fraction
Degree of Hydration
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Water Cement Ratio
Figure 3.7 (a) Fraction of connected pores vs. degree of hydration and (b) fraction of
connected pores vs. capillary porosity based on NIST computer simulation
(Garboczi 1993); (c) comparison with results by Powers et al. (1959).
of connected pores was plotted as a function of the capillary porosity, as shown in Fig.
3.7(b). Capillary porosity is the volume of capillary pores divided by the total volume of
hardened paste. Remarkably, all the results fall very close to a single curve.
to be somewhat affected by the cement particle size distribution and degree of dispersion
(Garboczi 1993). Pastes with a water-cement ratio of 0.6 or greater will always have
continuous capillaries because there is not enough cement per unit volume to produce
porosity lower than 18 %, even when fully hydrated.
Figure 3.7(c) compares the results of the NIST simulations with the experimental
findings of Powers et al. (1959). The agreement is reasonable. The major differences are that
the simulations indicate higher degrees of hydration to achieve discontinuous capillary
pores and a lower value of the water-cement ratio above which continuous pores cannot be
Based on the simulation results, three distinct phases were identified with respect to the
movement of water through cement paste.
• Early hydrationthe capillary pores are fully connected (percolated), and any transport
of water will be mainly by these spaces.
• Intermediate hydrationthe capillary pores are decreasing in size, as the capillary
porosity approaches the critical value. Flow of water will be occurring in both capillary
pores and also within hybrid paths composed of isolated capillary pores linked by gel
• Below critical capillary porosityhydration has proceeded to the point of reducing
connectivity of the capillaries to zero. All movement of water must include flow through
the gel pores, using both the hybrid paths and the pure gel pore paths.
The results of these simulation studies provide additional insight into the
microstructural changes that occur during hydration. It is now clear that there is a critical
capillary porosity at which the transport of water through paste changes from the relatively
unobstructed flow through continuous capillary pores to combined flow through capillary
pores and gel pores. Flow through the gel pores is more difficult because of the much
smaller dimensions compared with capillary pores. For moist curing conditions, the
progress of hydration beyond the percolation threshold is expected to be controlled by two
factors: the rate at which water in the discontinuous capillary pores is consumed and the
rate at which external water can reach the discontinuous capillary pores. If the capillary
water cannot be replaced as quickly as it is consumed, the likelihood of self-desiccation
(a) w/c = 0.3 Capillary
Submerged Porosity = 18%
Free Water
Volume % of Paste
Cement Gel Discontinuous
Capillary Pores
Unhydrated Cement
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Degree of Hydration
Empty Pores
(b) w/c = 0.3
80 Capillary
Free Water Porosity = 18%
Volume % of Paste
Cement Gel Discontinuous
Capillary Pores
Unhydrated Cement
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Degree of Hydration
limiting values of unhydrated cement and cement gel when no further hydration is possible
(Figs. 3.2 and 3.3). Vertical lines are drawn at the degree of hydration (which is
approximately 52 %) that results in a capillary porosity of 18 %. Thus the portions of the
figures to the right of the vertical lines represent conditions where the penetrability of the
paste is drastically reduced and the possibility for self-desiccation is increased.
3.4 Influence of Low Penetrability and Self-desiccation on Curing Practice
Even when low water-cement ratio concrete is cured under water, self-desiccation can
occur. This is possible because, as was discussed in Section 3.3, the paste becomes essentially
watertight at an early age. As a result, it may not be possible for the external water to
penetrate to the internal capillaries fast enough to offset the internal drying due to
hydration (FIP-CEB Working Group 1990). Thus the curing of low water-cement ratio
concrete presents a dilemma: a supply of excess water is necessary to counteract self-
desiccation, but the low capillary porosity restricts the flow of water from the exterior
supply to the interior dry pores. So there is a challenge to establish the optimal curing
practices that will arrive at a balance between economy and achievement of the desired
properties. It may turn out, as has been suggested by Hilsdorf (1994, 1996), that extended
moist curing beyond a certain point will be of little additional benefit to the further
development of the properties of the concrete.
3.5 Carbonation
Carbonation refers to the process whereby alkaline compounds (Na2O, K2O, and mostly
Ca(OH)2), created from the hydration of the cement paste, react with carbon dioxide from
the surrounding environment. Carbon dioxide also reacts with the cement causing this
material to decompose into calcium carbonate and an amorphous, porous silica gel (Kropp
and Hilsdorf 1995). Carbonation lowers the pH of the pore water and, therefore, reduces the
ability of the concrete to protect steel reinforcement from corrosion. Thus carbonation has
serious consequences since the service life of reinforced concrete structures requires that
integrity be maintained between the steel and the concrete.
intended service life of a reinforced concrete structure. Using low water-cement ratio
concrete and assuring sufficient curing to reduce capillary porosity increases resistance to
diffusion of carbon dioxide.
In Europe, carbonation has been a more serious problem than in the United States
• The concrete cover over reinforcing bars is often less than in the United States; and
• Greater quantities of pozzolanic materials are used in concrete, and longer curing
durations are needed because these materials react more slowly than portland cement.
3.6 Summary
This chapter has reviewed our understanding of the characteristics of hardened cement
paste, which is generally composed of cement gel, unhydrated cement, and capillary pores.
The physical characteristics of the cement paste at different degrees of hydration are affected
greatly by the initial water-cement ratio and whether curing takes place under sealed or
submerged conditions. The capillary pores, that is, the spaces between hydrating cement
grains, have profound effects on the proprieties of the hardened paste. By using known
volumetric and mass relationships of hydrated cement, simple models can be used to
predict the volumetric composition of a cement paste, with a given initial water-cement
ratio, as a function of the degree of hydration. Such a model highlights the major differences
between the characteristics of the low water-cement ratio pastes that are typical in high-
performance concrete and the pastes in ordinary concrete. One of the major differences is
the reduced capillary porosity as the water-cement ratio is reduced.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter summarizes the developments leading to the current American Concrete
Institute code requirements for curing. It provides a look at the history of curing criteria for
concrete from the early 1900s to the present. It will be seen that the current ACI-318 Code
does not contain curing criteria specifically for high-performance concrete. As the body of
knowledge on the optimal curing practices for high-performance concrete is developed,
along with increased experience in the use of this class of concrete, future editions of the
ACI Code may include specific curing requirements for high-performance concrete.
During its very early years, the organization now known as the American Concrete
Institute was called the National Association of Cement Users (NACU). Founded in 1904,
this group provided the earliest regulatory guidance on curing. The following gives
excerpts from six committee reports issued in 1907 to 1910.
4.2.1 1907 (NACU), Report by the Committee on Laws and Ordinances—This report
included the following statements related to curing:
“When the concrete is exposed to a hot or dry atmosphere special precautions shall be taken
to prevent premature drying by keeping it moist for a period of at least twenty-four hours after
it has taken its initial set. This shall be done by a covering of wet sand, cinders, burlap or by
continuous sprinkling or by some other method equally effective in the opinion of the
Commissioner of Public Buildings.
If during the hardening period the temperature is continually above 70 F, the side forms of
concrete beams and the forms of floor slabs up to spans of eight feet shall not be removed before
four days. The remaining forms and supports not before ten days from the completion of
If during the hardening period the temperature falls below 70 F, the side forms of concrete
beams and the forms of floor slabs up to spans of eight feet shall not be removed before seven
days; the remaining forms and the supports not before fourteen days from the completion of
the tamping. But if, during the hardening period, the temperature falls below 35 F, the time
for hardening shall be extended by the time during which the temperature was below 35 F.”
Comments: This was the first document resembling a building code by NACU, and
was contained in the 1907 Proceedings of the Association’s Third Annual Convention. This
was actually an ordinance that had been drafted and introduced previously in the
Municipal Assembly in the City of St. Louis. A joint committee of structural engineers,
architects, and concrete contractors had prepared this ordinance. It was presented to the
NACU Convention for the members’ information and consideration. As can be seen, the
curing provisions were written in prescriptive language, and they address formwork
removal as well as curing. It is seen that attempts were made to account for the effects of
temperature on the duration of curing.
“Concrete shall not be installed in freezing weather; such weather shall be taken to mean a
temperature of 32 °F or lower; concrete shall not be allowed to freeze after being put in place,
and, if frozen, shall be removed.
The time at which forms and centering may safely be removed will vary from twenty-four
hours to sixty days, depending upon temperature and other atmospheric conditions of the
weather, the time for such removal to be determined by the commissioner of buildings.”
Comments: This language was proposed by the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
It was recommended to NACU by the Committee on Laws and Ordinances, but it was
never adopted by the Association. These provisions give specific requirements for cold
weather concreting, rather than curing in general. However, they show clearly the
dependence of safe formwork removal time on weather conditions.
4.2.3 1909 (NACU), Suggested Standard Building Regulations for the Use of Reinforced
Concrete—The following statement was included on duration of curing:
“The faces of concrete exposed to premature drying shall be kept wet for a period
of at least seven days.”
4.2.4 1909 (NACU), Proposed Standard Building Regulations for the Use of Reinforced
Concrete—Based on the discussion at the 1909 NACU convention, the following version of
the previous curing requirement was proposed:
“The faces of concrete exposed to premature drying shall be kept damp for a period of at least
seven days.”
Comments: Note that the wording for the revised curing requirement is the same as in
the earlier proposal except that “wet” was replaced by “damp.” In the proceedings of the
convention, it was stated that members were not given enough time to properly review this
proposed code prior to the convention. Therefore, it was decided to postpone a vote on
acceptance to the next annual convention in 1910.
4.2.5 1909 (NACU), Report of Committee on Reinforced Concrete—This new committee
report contained the following statement:
“Concrete should be frequently wet for several days to prevent too rapid drying out.”
Comments: This was included in a report by the newly formed NACU Committee on
Reinforced Concrete. The recommendations conformed, in general, to a report by the Joint
Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete representing the American Society of
Civil Engineers, the American Society for Testing Materials, the American Railway
Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association, and the Association of American
Portland Cement Manufacturers. As can be seen, the proposed curing provision contained
vague words, such as "frequently," "several," and "rapid." Such a loosely worded provision
would probably have been difficult to enforce.
4.2.6 1910 (NACU), Standard Building Regulations for the Use of Reinforced Concrete—The
following curing provisions were adopted by NACU:
“The faces of concrete exposed to premature drying shall be kept damp for a period of at least
seven days.”
Comments: This was presented in a report of the Committee on Building Laws and
Insurance, and was the same document, with minor revisions, that was first proposed in
1909. No change was made to the curing provision. These standard regulations were
adopted in February, 1910, and this can be considered to be the first national “code” on the
use of reinforced concrete in buildings.
In 1913, the name of the National Association of Cement Users was changed to the
American Concrete Institute. In the years from World War I through World War II, there
was considerable progress in the development of national codes. Note, however, how little
the curing requirements change during this period.
4.3.1 1916 (ACI), Proposed Revised Standard Building Regulations for the Use of Reinforced
Concrete—The following modification of the curing provision adopted in 1910 was
“The face of concrete exposed to rapid drying shall be kept damp for a period of at least five
for formal adoption. Note that the minimum curing period was reduced from 7 d to 5 d,
and the word “premature” was replaced by “rapid.”
4.3.2 1917 (ACI), Proposed Standard Building Regulations for the Use of Reinforced
Concrete—The curing provision remained unchanged:
“The face of concrete exposed to rapid drying shall be kept damp for a period of at least five
Comments: This was essentially the same document presented the previous year on
which action had been delayed. It was presented by the Committee on Reinforced Concrete
and Building Laws for approval at the 1917 convention. The proposed regulations differed
in several ways from the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Concrete and
Reinforced Concrete. Therefore, it was decided at the convention to defer adoption of these
standard regulations until more data had been presented showing the reasons for the
4.3.3 1919 (ACI), Proposed Standard Building Regulations for the Use of Reinforced
Concrete—A proposal was made to modify the existing curing provision to read as follows:
“Newly placed concrete shall be protected from rapid drying and kept damp for a period of at
least 5 days.”
4.3.4 1920 (ACI), Standard Building Regulations for the Use of Reinforced Concrete—The
curing provision remained the same as presented in 1919:
“Newly placed concrete shall be protected from rapid drying and kept damp for a period of at
least 5 days.”
4.3.5 1925 (ACI), Preliminary Draft of Proposed Standard Building Regulations for the Use of
Reinforced Concrete—A proposal was made to modify the curing provision of the 1920
regulations so it would read as follows:
“Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be kept moist for a period of at least 7 days after being
Comments: This draft standard was presented at the convention by Committee E-1 on
Design and Specifications. The Committee was requested by the ACI Board of Direction to
prepare standard building regulations for reinforced concrete. The regulations were to be
based on the provisions of the Standard Specifications for Concrete and Reinforced
Concrete of the Joint Committee Report for 1924. The Committee, therefore, presented this
preliminary draft. It was planned to present a Tentative Standard Building Regulations for
the Use of Reinforced Concrete at the next convention. It is interesting to note this is the first
document which has any resemblance in either form or content to modern codes. The
proposed curing provision requires all exposed surfaces to be moist cured for at least 7 d,
the same duration as had been proposed in 1909. The language is direct and unambiguous.
4.3.6 1927 (ACI), Tentative Building Regulations for the Use of Reinforced Concrete—The
curing provision was identical to the one in the 1925 preliminary draft
“Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be kept moist for a period of at least 7 days after being
4.3.7 1928 (ACI), Tentative Building Regulations for Reinforced Concrete—The curing
provision in the 1927 tentative regulations was expanded to address curing during hot
“Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be kept moist for a period of at least 7 days after being
deposited. In hot weather, exposed concrete shall be thoroughly wetted twice daily during the
first week.”
Comments: This document was the result of a joint effort between ACI Committee E-1
and the Committee on Engineering Practice of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute.
These regulations were adopted at the 1928 ACI convention. In the curing provision, the
added statement related to hot weather seems redundant, as the requirement to keep the
surfaces moist would dictate how often to rewet.
4.3.8 1936 (ACI), Building Regulations for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 501-36T)—The curing
provision was modified by introducing a different requirement for “high early strength
“In all concrete structures, provision shall be made for maintaining the concrete in a moist
condition for a period of at least seven days after the placement of the concrete, and for high
early strength concretes, special moist curing shall be provided for at least the first three days
of the seven-day period after the placement of the concrete.”
Comments: There was a major departure from the previous curing provisions with the
addition of a separate minimum curing requirement for high early strength concretes. The
definition of “high early strength concrete” was not given; presumably, it refers to concrete
made with Type III cement. There was no explanation of “special moist curing,” so the exact
interpretation of the additional requirement is not obvious. These regulations were adopted
as a tentative standard at the annual convention that year. As will be seen, these 7-day and
3-day provisions have survived until the present.
4.3.9 1941 (ACI), Building Regulations for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-41)—The 1936-
curing provision was streamlined as follows:
“In all concrete structures, concrete made with normal portland cement shall be maintained
in a moist condition for at least the first seven days after placing and high-early strength
concrete shall be so maintained for at least the first three days.”
Comments: The reference to “special moist curing” was deleted. Note that the
requirement for maintaining a moist condition for at least the first 7 d after placing is
applicable specifically to concrete made with normal portland cement.
From the end of World War II through the 1960s there was virtually no change in the
ACI curing requirements. During this period, the word “code” was used for the first time in
the title of the ACI regulatory document on the use of reinforced concrete for buildings.
4.4.1 1947 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-47)—The
curing provision was identical to the one in the 1941 Regulations:
“In all concrete structures, concrete made with normal portland cement shall be maintained
in a moist condition for at least the first seven days after placing and high-early-strength
concrete shall be so maintained for at least the first three days.”
Comments: This is the first time the word “Code” is used in the title of the ACI
regulatory document.
4.4.2 1951 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-51)—The
curing provision remained the same as in the 1941 Regulations:
“In all concrete structures, concrete made with normal portland cement shall be maintained
in a moist condition for at least the first seven days after placing and high-early-strength
concrete shall be so maintained for at least the first three days.”
4.4.3 1956 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-56)—The
curing provision in the 1941 Regulations was modified editorially by replacing the words
“seven” and “three” by numbers.
“In all concrete structures, concrete made with normal portland cement shall be maintained
in a moist condition for at least the first 7 days after placing and high-early-strength concrete
shall be so maintained for at least the first 3 days.”
4.4.4 1963 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-63)—
Significant changes were made to the curing provisions:
“Concrete shall be maintained above 50 F and in a moist condition for at least the first 7 days
after placing, except that high-early-strength concrete shall be so maintained for at least the
first 3 days. Other curing periods may be used if the specified strengths are obtained.”
Comments: The 1963 curing provision included two significant changes. First, there
was a requirement that the concrete be maintained above 10 °C (50 °F) during the curing
period. This is to assure that there is a reasonable rate of hydration during the moist
protection period. Second, the provision permits other curing periods provided that
specified strengths are obtained. This is the first evidence of what might be called a
performance requirement. However, it was short lived. Unfortunately, no provisions were
included for assessing when the specified strength had been attained.
In the period from the early 1970s into the 1990s, the ACI Code added a requirement to
verify the adequacy of the curing procedures. In addition, provisions were added to address
accelerated curing, which is often used in the manufacture of precast concrete.
4.5.1 1971 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-71)—The
1963 curing provisions were augmented as follows:
“Unless cured in accordance with Section 5.5.2, concrete shall be maintained above 50 F and
in a moist condition for at least the first 7 days after placing, except that high-early-strength
concrete shall be so maintained for at least the first 3 days. Supplementary strength tests in
accordance with Section 4.3.4 may be required to assure that curing is satisfactory.”
Comments: The minimum durations of moist curing remained unchanged. Note that
the sentence in the 1963 Code permitting other curing durations, provided specified
strength was attained, was deleted. Paragraph 5.5.2 was added to accommodate accelerated
curing, such as by steam at high pressure or steam at atmospheric pressure. The duration of
accelerated curing was required to be as long as necessary for the concrete to attain the
required design strength to safely resist imposed early-age loads, such as applied
prestressing. There was also a requirement that accelerated-cured concrete should be as
durable as concrete cured under ambient conditions.
The other significant addition related to curing was included in Section 4.3, titled
“Evaluation and acceptance of concrete.” Paragraph 4.3.4 contained the following
requirement related to strength of field-cured cylinders:
“Strength tests of specimens cured under field conditions in accordance with ...(ASTM C31)
may be required by the Building Official to check the adequacy of curing and protection of the
concrete in the structure. Such specimens shall be molded at the same time and from the
same samples as the laboratory-cured acceptance test specimens. Procedures for protecting
and curing the concrete shall be improved when the strength of field-cured cylinders at the
test age designated for measuring fc’ is less than 85 percent of that of the companion
laboratory-cured cylinders. When the laboratory-cured cylinder strengths are appreciably
higher than fc’ the field-cured cylinder strengths need not exceed fc’ by more than 500 psi
even though the 85 percent criterion is not met.”
This is the first time that the ACI Code included a specific criterion for judging the adequacy
of field curing. The criterion was based on earlier work by Bloem (1968) at the National
Ready-Mixed Concrete Association. He demonstrated that under curing conditions
representative of good construction practice, the in-place strength at 28 d, based on
strengths of cores or cast-in-place-cylinders, was about 85 % of the strength of standard-
cured cylinders.
4.5.2 1977 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-77)—The
curing provisions of the 1971 Code, which were contained in two paragraphs, were revised
so as to encompass five paragraphs:
5.5.1—Concrete (other than high-early-strength) shall be maintained above 50 F and in a
moist condition for at least the first 7 days after placement, except when cured in accordance
with Section 5.5.3.
5.5.2—High-early-strength concrete shall be maintained above 50 F and in a moist condition
for at least the first 3 days, except when cured in accordance with Section 5.5.3.
5.5.3—Accelerated curing—Curing by high pressure steam, steam at atmospheric pressure, heat and moisture,
or other accepted processes, may be employed to accelerate strength gain and reduce the time
of curing.—Accelerated curing shall provide a compressive strength of the concrete at the load
stage considered at least equal to required design strength at that load stage.
44—Curing process shall be such as to produce concrete with a durability at least
equivalent to the curing method of Section 5.5.1 or 5.5.2.
5.5.4—Supplementary strength tests in accordance with Section 4.8.3 may be required to
assure that curing is satisfactory.”
Comments: Note that there is no substantive change to the basic curing requirements
of the 1971 Code. The changes were primarily editorial to improve the clarity of the
provisions. Section 4.8.3 was titled “Tests of field-cured specimens” and it contained the
same requirements as in Section 4.3.4 of the 1971 Code. However, the single paragraph in
the 1971 Code was broken up into four paragraphs for improved clarity.
4.5.3 1983 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-83)—The
basic curing provisions in the 1977 Code remained unchanged:
Comment: The only significant change was a simplification of the last sentence in the
paragraph dealing with evaluation of field-cured cylinder strength (see the previous 4.5.1).
This change removed the ambiguity associated with the phrase: “When laboratory-cured
cylinder strengths are appreciably higher than fc’…” The revised wording was as follows:
“…The 85 percent may be waived if field-cured strength exceeds fc’ by more than 500 psi.”
4.5.4 1989 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-89)—No
changes, other than in section numbers, were made to the basic curing provisions in the
1983 Code:
Comment: A significant change, however, was made to the paragraph on the need for
supplementary testing to evaluate adequacy of curing. The revised wording was a follows:
This change permitted the engineer or architect to require supplementary tests to
demonstrate adequacy of curing procedures. There was, however, an inconsistency because
Section stated the following:
“ Building Official may require strength tests of cylinders cured under field
conditions to check adequacy of curing and protection of concrete in the structure.”
Thus there was ambiguity on who could require field-cured testing for checking the
adequacy of curing.
Minor changes were made to remove non-mandatory language in the section dealing
with field-cured cylinders. For example, the last sentence in the paragraph on evaluation of
field-cured cylinder strengths was revised to read:
“…The 85 percent limitation shall not apply if field-cured strength exceeds fc’ by more than
500 psi.”
4.5.5 1995 (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-95)—The
title of the 1995 Code was changed because it was expanded to include provisions for plain
concrete that were contained previously in a separate code. The basic curing provisions,
however, remained the same as in the 1989 Code:
Comment: A change was made to the introductory paragraph of Section 5.6.3 on field-
cured specimens. The revised wording is as follows:
“ required by the building official, results of strength tests of cylinders cured
under field conditions shall be provided.”
This change removed the ambiguity in the 1989 Code regarding who is permitted to require
supplementary testing of field-cured specimens to check whether curing is satisfactory. The
1995 Code, clearly gives this authority to the architect/engineer.
4.6 Summary
The following observations are based on this comprehensive review of the historical
development of the ACI Code provisions on curing:
• The basic, general requirements for the curing of concrete have changed very little since
the first standard regulations were proposed in 1909.
• The basic requirement has been to cure concrete made with normal portland cement for
a period of at least 7 d and to cure high-early-strength concrete for at least 3 d. While
never defined, it is assumed that high-early-strength concrete refers to concrete made
with Type III cement.
• In the 1971 Code, the requirement was added to maintain the concrete temperature
above 50 °F (10 °C). This addition is to ensure that sufficient strength development will
occur during the prescribed minimum curing periods. In addition, a provision was
added for checking the adequacy of curing procedures on the basis of strength tests of
field-cured cylinders. Both requirements have been carried over to the current ACI
• Tests reported by Price (Price 1951) indicated that normal strength concrete that is moist
cured for 7 d and then cured in air will attain approximately the same 28-day strength as
if it had been continuously moist cured. These tests confirm the validity of the 7-day
criterion in the ACI Code. Since high-early-strength concrete will gain strength more
rapidly, the Code permits a 3-day curing period.
• There is no distinction between strength and durability considerations in the curing
requirements of the ACI Code. The provisions are intended primarily to assure
adequate structural capacity. The only explicit mention of durability is contained in the
provisions dealing with accelerated curing.
• There are no curing requirements for concretes made with other cementitious materials
besides portland cement. Since the nature of the cementitious system affects the early-
age hydration characteristics, this is seen as a major deficiency in the current Code.
• The “performance-based” criterion in the 1963 Code was not carried over into
subsequent versions of the Code. Without details on how to assess the adequacy of other
curing periods, such a provision was probably unenforceable.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter examines currently existing regulatory requirements for the curing of
concrete beyond the ACI Code provisions covered in the previous chapter. Currently, there
are no standards that have been developed specifically for high-performance concrete.
However, some existing requirements may be applicable to high-performance concrete.
Historically, the curing requirements in standards, such as the ACI Code, have been based
on strength considerations alone. Because high-performance concrete will often be specified
for its enhanced durability, curing standards of the future will need to address durability as
well as strength. The chapter begins with a review of various definitions of curing and then
examines current curing provisions from various sources.
There are numerous definitions of curing in relation to concrete technology, but most of
them deal with basic principles and requirements that are similar in many respects. Some of
these definitions are listed below.
Timms (1952):
“Curing as applied to the making of concrete, covers all the conditions both natural and
artificially created that affect the extent and the rate of hydration of the cement. With respect
to moisture content, in the art of concrete making, curing refers to the various means
employed to control moisture content or temperature of the concrete or both.”
Neville (1996):
“Curing is the name given to procedures used for promoting the hydration of cement, and
consists of a control of temperature and of the moisture movement from and into the
concrete. [...] More specifically, the object of curing is to keep concrete saturated, or as
nearly saturated as possible, until the originally water-filled space in the fresh cement paste
has been filled to the desired extent by the products of hydration of cement.”
Cather (1994):
Cather proposed a materials science and an engineering definition of curing:
Hilsdorf (1995):
“It is generally accepted that concrete has to be sufficiently cured i.e. protected from early
moisture loss and unfavorable temperatures during its early state of hydration in order to
assure sufficient strength and durability properties of the hardened concrete at a later
In summary, the word curing has two levels of meanings: It may refer to maintaining
concrete in a condition that will allow continued hydration, or it may refer to the field
procedures used to assure that these conditions are achieved. Another common feature of
some of these definitions is that they mention that the conditions for hydration should be
maintained until the properties have developed to a desired level. This is important from an
economical viewpoint because maintaining proper curing conditions is typically expensive,
and it should not be required beyond the time needed to achieve required properties.
Regarding the proper “conditions,” most definitions refer to moisture and some also
include temperature. Provided the temperature is maintained above freezing, the
maintenance of a minimum temperature is technically not necessary. However, a minimum
temperature is certainly of practical importance to assure a minimum rate of hydration so
that the properties may develop over a reasonably short time. Note that Hilsdorf refers to
protection from “unfavorable temperatures.” This can be interpreted to mean a minimum
temperature to prevent freezing. However, it could also refer to a maximum early-age
temperature, because it is known that the early-age temperature may affect long-term
“Curing Concrete - State-of-the-Art,” 5th Draft 10/94, Reported by ACI Committee 308.
5.3 Basic Curing Requirements
The first time that an ACI committee issued a report dealing specifically with curing
was in the late 1950s (ACI 612 1958). This report contained five basic requirements for
curing as summarized below.
(4) Adequate protection from damaging mechanical disturbances during the early period of
curingAny new concrete structure must be protected from heavy loads, large stresses,
shock, and excessive vibration as the concrete gains strength during early curing. Concrete
progresses to its hardened state as determined by the rate of hydration in the paste. This
progress can be hampered if the concrete undergoes significant mechanical disturbances
during the critical early-age period when the microstructure is beginning to develop.
Damage at early age may prevent the concrete from attaining the desired strength and
durability to perform satisfactorily.
(5) Adequate time for sufficient hydrationThere must be enough time allowed for
hydration to progress sufficiently to produce concrete having adequate properties for its
intended use. The amount of time needed depends on a number of variablescuring
temperature, type of cement, and moisture content of the paste.
These five requirements provide the foundation for acceptable curing practices. Among
these, the requirement for protection against early-age mechanical disturbance is not
completely understood. Some research has shown that a permanent loss in properties
(specifically reinforcement bond strength) may occur (Altowaji, Darwin, and Donahey
1986). However, other studies have shown that there may not be permanent loss in
properties due to excessive vibration during early ages. The latter conclusion is
understandable because damage to the developing microstructure may be repaired
(autogenous healing) by subsequent hydration.
“The concrete shall be so cured that the compressive or flexural strengths of specimens of the
concrete 28 days old, are not less than 90 % of the strengths of 28-day-old specimens of the
same concrete cured in moist air at a constant temperature of 21 °C (70 °F).”
Thus, at 28 d, the strengths of concrete specimens cured in the field were required to be at
least 90 % of the strengths of standard-cured specimens. This specification can be considered
a “performance” specification, because it states the required level of performance, but it
does not dictate how to achieve the goal. The ASTM specification on curing was withdrawn
in 1945, and the ACI code provided the basic curing requirements for concrete construction.
As discussed in the previous chapter, the ACI requirements were (and still are)
“prescriptive” because they specify fixed curing times, irrespective of actual in-place
strength development (or degree of hydration).
Obviously for a given concrete, the curing conditions play a major role in the strength
development of the concrete as it matures over time. The specified design strength of
concrete, fc’, is the basis for the design and construction of reinforced concrete structures.
Concrete being placed in the field is sampled and tested under standardized procedures to
ensure that it meets the required strength criteria. However, this testing only assures that
the concrete delivered to the site has the required strength potential. Curing requirements
are established to provide the necessary moisture and temperature conditions in the field
for adequate strength development after concrete placement. Currently, U. S. curing
requirements are based on research and experiences with concrete having compressive
strengths less than about 40 MPa (6 000 psi) (Carino and Clifton 1991). Studies on the low
water-cement ratio concretes now in use are needed to determine if these curing
requirements are appropriate for these new concretes.
The latest version of the report of ACI Committee 308 on curing of concrete (ACI 308
1992) simply states that curing is necessary for the development of both strength and
durability. There are no special curing requirements for low water-cement ratio concretes.
In the chapter on “Curing Methods and Materials,” the report recommends the following
minimum moist curing duration, at a concrete temperature greater than 10 °C (50 °F), for
concrete made with different types of cement:
• Type I cement: 7 d
• Type II cement: 14 d
• Type III cement: 3 d
However, in the discussion of curing duration for different types of construction, the report
includes the following requirement for pavements and slabs on ground:
“For daily mean ambient temperatures above 40 F (5 C) the recommended minimum period
of maintenance of moisture and temperature for all procedures is 7 days or the time
necessary to attain 70 percent of the specified compressive or flexural strength, whichever
period is less.”
The 1992 report by ACI Committee 363 on high-strength concrete (ACI 363 1992)
provides some general guidance and recommendations on curing to obtain desired
These represent recommendations that are directed specifically to one type of high-
performance concrete. However, some of these recommendations are general and do not
provide the specific guidance that would be of value when decisions have to be made about
field curing procedures.
There may be fundamental differences between the curing requirements for strength
and for durability. The strength of a structural element is affected by the concrete strength in
the entire cross-sectional area that sustains the imposed load. Poor curing of the near-
surface region would be expected to have a minor effect on the member strength, provided
the core concrete experiences sufficient hydration. Since the “skin” provides a barrier to
moisture egress, the core will continue to hydrate even if the surface dries below a critical
level and hydration slows down. However, the durability of a concrete element is controlled
primarily by the near-surface region, which provides a protective barrier against the ingress
of harmful species. This protective quality is directly related to the degree of discontinuity
of the capillary porosity. Thus it is expected that moist curing should be provided until the
capillary pores become disconnected. The basic question that needs to be answered is
whether different curing procedures are necessary for durability and strength. Standard
curing requirements related directly to the durability of concrete are not established in the
United States. Durability design standards will need to be developed first to define the
performance levels for different exposure conditions. Meanwhile, researchers are working
to develop rational curing requirements to achieve desired levels of durability-related
“When engineers will realize that concrete must no longer be specified in terms of
compressive strength but rather in terms of its water-cement ratio, they can then begin to
minimize durability problems. They will have, however, to make sure that this potentially
durable concrete is adequately cast and cured.”
Hilsdorf, H. K. and Burieke, F., “A Note on EN 206 -- Curing Requirements,” Second Draft, March 1992.
5.6 Ideal Curing Conditions
No matter what curing requirement, standard, or other criterion is specified for a given
project, rarely on a construction site is sufficient attention given to ensuring that proper
curing procedures are followed. For structural concrete applications, Gilkey (1952) defined
the following as ideal curing conditions:
Even today, if these time-honored, ideal conditions were strictly enforced on the job sites,
owners could be assured of high quality, well-cured structural concrete, whether it be
ordinary concrete or high-performance concrete.
The basic obstacle is that proper curing (embodying the above principles) has a price. In
today’s competitive construction market, contractors are forced to cut costs wherever
possible. Curing is often where cost reductions are taken. The situation will likely remain
unchanged unless current practices are modified. Changes will probably have to be made in
two areas:
These new approaches will undoubtedly increase construction costs, but they will provide
assurance that the concrete will perform as expected. Therefore, the incentive for making
these changes must come from the owners, who must be educated to recognize that these
additional construction costs will provide long-term benefits, such as reduced maintenance
costs and increased service life.
As mentioned in Chapter 4, beginning with the 1971 ACI Code, there has been a section
dealing with accelerated curing. The 1995 ACI Code states:
“Curing by high pressure steam, steam at atmospheric pressure, heat and moisture, or other
accepted processes, shall be permitted to accelerate strength gain and reduce time of curing.”
Although accelerated curing is used more frequently for precast members, this section also
applies to cast-in-place concrete, if accelerated curing practices are used. A primary concern
with accelerated curing is the potential for increased moisture loss during the curing
process, as mentioned in the code commentary. Another concern is the possible detrimental
effect on long-term properties from high temperatures. The ACI Code tries to address this
latter concern with the following provision:
“Curing process shall be such as to produce concrete with a durability at least equivalent to
the curing method of 5.11.1 or 5.11.2.”
Sections 5.11.1 and 5.11.2 deal with the curing under ambient conditions.
Although the beneficial effects of good curing practices on any type of concrete are
generally accepted by all, how long structural members should be cured is still open to
question. As has been shown, the duration requirement in the ACI code for normal
strength-gain concrete has historically been a minimum of 7 d, and at least 3 d for high early
strength concrete. Certainly, the curing temperature and the kinetics of the hydration and
pozzolanic reactions of the particular cementitious materials will affect the required
duration of curing to attain a certain level of maturity. With respect to silica-fume concrete,
some researchers have advocated prolonged curing to realize the full benefits of this
material (Holland 1989; Ayers and Khan 1994). However, such recommendations are based
more on professional judgement rather than data.
5.8.1 Temperature effectsThe curing temperature affects the rate of hydration of the
cement and the reaction of pozzolans, and, therefore, it affects strength development of the
concrete. Thus temperature has an important effect on the curing duration required to
achieve a specific strength or durability-related characteristic. The maturity concept is a
simple tool to account for effects of time and temperature on property development. The
maturity concept has been shown to be applicable to mixtures that are characteristic of high-
performance concrete (Carino et al. 1992). This concept will be discussed further in Chapter
6 since it may have a role in establishing rational curing criteria for high-performance
concrete. It may be feasible to determine required curing durations for high-performance
concrete based on attaining a certain level of maturity. In this case, the duration of the
curing period will depend on in-place temperature history.
Starting with the 1963 ACI Code, the requirement was added that concrete be cured at
a temperature above 10 °C (50 °F). The minimum curing durations of 7 d for normal
strength-gain concrete and 3 d for high early strength were based on this temperature
requirement. It has remained an important element of the curing criteria in every code since
1963. However, there is no technical reason for requiring this minimum temperature
provided the concrete is protected from freezing and the curing duration is adjusted based
on the temperature of the concrete.
These very logical parameters encompass a modern view of the fundamental factors that
are important. Hilsdorf’s studies are discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, since they may
be useful in the development of specific curing requirements for high-performance concrete.
5.9 Early-Age Curing of Silica-Fume Concrete
In 1996, ACI Committee 234 prepared a guide on the use of silica fume in concrete (ACI
234R 1996). A particular concern with silica-fume concrete is the prevention of plastic
shrinkage cracking. These cracks develop on the exposed surfaces of newly placed concrete
when the rate of evaporation exceeds the rate at which water appears on the surface due to
bleeding. Due to the reduced tendency for bleeding, silica-fume concrete is more prone to
plastic shrinkage cracking than ordinary concrete. Such cracking may develop any time
between the completion of initial finishing and the time of final setting. In addition, cracking
may occur under conditions less severe than implied by the evaporation chart in ACI 305R
or ACI 308. Therefore, control of plastic shrinkage cracking is a critical aspect in the use of
silica-fume concrete, and newly placed surfaces must be prevented from drying.
The ACI 234 guide offers the following recommendations related to curing and
prevention of plastic shrinkage cracking in silica-fume concrete:
• To obtain the full benefits of silica fume, proper curing procedures must be followed.
Extra attention is required because of typically low water-cementitious material ratios.
• Chlorinated-rubber based curing compounds have proven to be effective. Curing
compounds should be added immediately after finishing to protect against plastic
shrinkage cracking.
• An alternative to using curing compounds is to cover with wet burlap and plastic
sheeting. However, there is a need for additional measures to protect against plastic
shrinkage cracking (fog misting or evaporation retarder) until wet burlap and plastic
sheeting can be applied. Maintain wet burlap and plastic covering for at least 3 d and
preferably 5 d to 7 d.
• After form removal, exposed surfaces should be coated with curing compound or, if
feasible, covered with wet burlap and plastic sheeting.
• To prevent drying of newly placed surfaces, a compressed-air water-misting device is
recommended to apply a thin coating to produce a surface sheen. Do not use excess
water from misting for finishing purposes.
• Cover concrete between initial screeding and subsequent finishing operations.
Evaporation retarders can be used to prevent rapid evaporation.
• Avoid excessive use of set retarders, which may lead to the formation of a spongy crust
that is highly susceptible to plastic shrinkage cracking.
5.10 Curing for Different Types of Construction
Although the ACI Code requirements for curing do not address different types of
concrete construction since the Code is intended primarily for building construction, some
curing practices are better suited to one form of construction than another. Considerations
of this nature can be thought of as best field practices in relation to the type of construction.
The report of ACI Committee 308 gives guidance on best curing practices and curing
durations for conventional concrete construction (ACI 308 1992). The report is called a
“standard practice” but it is not written in mandatory language. Thus it can be used only as
a guide in the preparation of project plans and specifications; it cannot be referenced in
contract documents. In 1996, ACI adopted a greatly revised version of the standard
specifications for structural concrete (ACI 301 1996). The standard specification includes
curing requirements that can serve as alternatives to those in the ACI Code. Because the
standard specification and is written in mandatory language, it can be referenced and cited
directly by the Architect/Engineer in the project specifications.
5.10.1 Pavements and slabs on groundThrough the years, different methods of curing
have been used for concrete pavement and slabs. Because pavements are horizontal
structures, they are amenable to a variety of water-curing methods. Some of the popular
materials for water curing have included saturated coverings of earth, hay, straw, jute mats,
and multi-layered fabrics. The most effective methods for controlling moisture loss are
sprinkling and ponding (Robinson 1952). Curing compounds have also been popular and
are permitted in many jurisdictions in highway construction, as well as in building floor
slabs. They are often the preferred method due to ease of application and overall economy
compared with other curing methods.
In more recent times, a survey of state highway departments found that the most
common curing method for highway pavements and bridge decks is membrane-forming
curing compounds (Senbetta 1988). This same survey confirmed that some state
specifications for curing have serious deficiencies, providing further evidence that curing
has not received the attention that it deserves in either horizontal or vertical construction.
The 1992 report of ACI Committee 308 recommends either sealing the surface with
sheets or membranes, or continuous moist curing using wet burlap, cotton mats, rugs, or
similar materials. For daily mean ambient temperatures above 5 °C (40 °F), the required
minimum curing period is 7 d or the time required to attain 70 % of the specified strength,
whichever is less. If the concrete is placed when the daily mean ambient temperature is 5 °C
(40 °F) or lower, special precautions are necessary to protect the concrete against damage
due to freezing.
5.10.2 Structures and buildingsHistorically, the best curing methods for building
construction have been those that maintain a steady supply of moisture to the structural
member (water curing) while sustaining a moderate temperature (Gilkey 1952). More
recently, the ACI 308 report provides recommendations based on current practices, and the
ACI 301 specification gives specific requirements for curing and protection of building
The report of ACI 308 recommends a wide range of curing methods for concrete
building structures. All of the common water curing methods are mentionedponding,
spraying, sprinkling, and saturated cover materialsas well as the use of sealing
materialsplastic film, reinforced paper, and liquid membrane-forming compounds. The
recommended curing duration is the same as for pavements and slabs on the ground given
above, except for those key members, such as columns, designed for high strength of
41 MPa (6 000 psi) or greater. For these members, concrete strength is crucial for structural
safety, and they may require longer curing periods of 28 d or more to assure that the design
strengths are attained.
The ACI 301 standard specification provides the following requirements (in Section
5.3.6) related to curing and protection of cast-in-place structural concrete:7
Extensive quotations from specifications, codes, and other standards will be shown in Arial font.
When one of the curing procedures in of moisture, is used initially, the
curing procedure may be replaced by one of the other procedures when concrete is one day old,
provided concrete is not permitted to become surface dry at any time. When specified in the
Contract Documents, use a curing procedure of that supplies additional water.
During and following curing, do not allow the surface of the concrete to change temperature
more than the following:
• 50 F in any 24-hr period for sections less than 12 in. in the least dimension.
• 40 F for sections from 12 to 36 in. in the least dimension.
• 30 F for sections 36 to 72 in. in the least dimension.
• 20 F for sections greater than 72 in. in the least dimension.
The method of temperature measurement shall be acceptable. Unformed concrete surfacesApply one of the procedures in of
moisture, after completion of placement and finishing of concrete surfaces not in contact with forms. Formed concrete surfacesKeep absorbent wood forms wet until they are removed.
After form removal, cure concrete by one of the methods in of moisture. Preservation of moistureAfter placing and finishing, use one or more of the following
methods to preserve moisture in concrete:
a. Ponding or continuous fogging or continuous sprinkling.
b. Application of mats or fabric kept continuously wet.
c. Continuous application of steam (under 150 F).
d. Application of sheet materials conforming to ASTM C 171.
e. Application of a curing compound conforming to ASTM C 309 or Federal Specification TT-C-
800. Apply the compound in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation after water
sheen has disappeared from the concrete surface and after finishing operations. The rate of
application shall not exceed 200 ft /gal. For rough surfaces, apply in two applications at right
angles to each other, not to exceed 200 ft /gal. for each coat. Do not use curing compound
on any surface where concrete or other material will be bonded unless the curing compound
will not prevent bond or unless measures are to be taken to completely remove the curing
compound from areas to receive bonded applications.
f. Application of other accepted moisture-retaining method. Concrete temperatureWhen the average of the highest and lowest temperature
during the period from midnight to midnight is expected to drop below 40 F for more than three
successive days, concrete shall be delivered to meet the following minimum temperature
immediately after placement:
Unless otherwise specified or permitted, the temperature of concrete as delivered shall not
exceed 90 °F.
These temperatures are based on the ACI standard specification for cold weather
concreting (ACI 306.1 1990). The temperatures after placement are permitted to be lower for
members that are more massive because a higher temperature rises would occur due to the
heat of hydration. ACI 301 has taken these minimum temperatures immediately after
placement and specified them as the minimum concrete temperatures during the specified
curing periods of 7 or 3 d. The ACI 301 specification does specify how the temperature of
hardened concrete is to be measured. Most likely, the intent is that the minimum concrete
temperature during the curing period is the surface temperature of the member. However,
there is no standard test method for measuring surface temperature of hardened concrete.
Section is referenced in regard to techniques that are permitted for assessing the
in-place strength. These are alternative methods to testing field-cured cylinders, and the
language in is as follows: Alternatively, when specified, use of the following methods for evaluating concrete
strength for formwork removal is permitted. Prior to using methods in through,
submit sufficient data using job materials to demonstrate correlation of measurements on the
structure with the compressive strength of laboratory cured molded cylinders or drilled cores.
Correlation data for each alternative method for determining strength shall be submitted for
acceptance. Tests of cast-in-place cylinders in accordance with ASTM C 873. This is limited to
slabs with concrete depth from 5 to 12 in. Penetration resistance in accordance with ASTM C 803. Pullout strength in accordance with ASTM C 900. Acceptable maturity-factor procedure in accordance with ASTM C 1074.
Note that if field-cured cylinders are used to assess in-place strength, the required
compressive strength of the cylinders is 70 % of fc’, but if the so-called nondestructive
methods are used, the required strength is fc’. This difference is probably to account for the
uncertainty in the estimated compressive strength based on the nondestructive test
ACI 308 recommends the use of water curing to keep the surfaces of mass concrete
structures continuously wet. Methods specifically mentioned include spraying, wet sand, or
water-saturated fabrics. Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds are recommended if
the surface is not a construction joint. If used at construction joints, the membrane has to be
removed by sandblasting prior to placing the adjacent concrete. A curing duration of not
less than two weeks is recommended for unreinforced sections containing no pozzolans.
When pozzolans are used, the minimum time for curing is three weeks. For heavily
reinforced sections, the requirement is for a minimum of 7 d of continuous curing or until
70 % of the specified strength is attained.
ACI 301 requires that mass concrete be cured and protected as specified below:
The requirements in the ACI curing specification are similar, in many respects, to those
in the ACI 301 specification discussed in the previous section. However, there are notable
differences, for example, ACI 308.1-98 contains the following definitions:
Curing period—Duration of time in which continuous curing procedures are employed. (Note:
The curing period includes initial and final curing stages.)
Curing, initial—Deliberate action taken between placement and final finishing of concrete to
reduce the loss of moisture from the surface of the concrete.
Curing, final—Deliberate action taken between the final finishing and termination of curing.
By introducing the term “initial curing,” the specification deals specifically with curing
to reduce plastic shrinkage cracking. Another interesting feature is the use of the words
“deliberate action.” This makes it clear that curing involves doing something to the concrete
during curing period.
Section 1 of ACI 308.1-98 gives the following general requirements for the curing
1.1.6 Curing period—Cure the concrete for the following time periods: When testing is not performed to determine the curing period, cure concrete for at
least 7 days provided that the concrete surface temperature is at least 10 C (55 F). When strength basis testing is performed to determine the curing period, maintain
curing procedures until test results meet or exceed requirements of Paragraph When durability basis testing is performed to determine the curing period, maintain
curing procedures until test results meet or exceed Paragraph
The notes in the Specification Checklist portion of the standard that deal with
paragraph (no testing performed) instruct the Architect/Engineer to specify an
alternative value of the minimum duration of curing if the default value of 7 d is not
acceptable. The note further states that the Architect/Engineer needs to consider the
mixture proportions, environmental conditions, and skill level of the contractor factors in
selecting the minimum curing duration. The wording in provides a specific
requirement when durability is of concern rather than strength.
Section 1.6.4 supplements Section 1.1.6 by giving the following requirements related to
tests for determining time for termination of curing methods:
The notes in the Specification Checklist dealing with paragraph instruct the
Architect/Engineer to specify the compressive strength that must be achieved prior to
termination of curing if the default value of 70 % of fc’ is not acceptable. The notes to
paragraph instruct the Architect/Engineer to specify the durability-related
properties, the test method(s) to be used, and the test results to be achieved.
The ACI 308.1-95 curing specification also addresses curing to minimize plastic
shrinkage cracking. The section dealing with curing during cold weather states the
Use initial curing method or methods defined in Paragraph 1.8 to avoid plastic shrinkage
Paragraph 1.8 of the standard specification deals with curing during hot weather, and
includes the following requirements:
1.8.1 This covers protection and additional curing requirements that are to be implemented
during hot weather. Use initial curing method or methods to avoid plastic shrinkage cracks.
1.8.2 During the initial curing period use evaporation reducers, fogging, or shade (individually
or in combination) to control the rate of bleed water evaporation and subsequent drying of the
… Prevent drying of the concrete prior to the application of final curing methods by using
the appropriate initial curing method. When necessary to prevent drying of the concrete
surface, further reduce the loss of moisture from the concrete by shading concrete mixers,
formwork, reinforcing steel, and concrete from direct sunlight, and by erecting windbreaks, or a
combination of such methods. Place and finish concrete at night when loss of moisture from the
concrete cannot be controlled by the above measures, and when evaporative conditions are
less severe than in the daytime. Use one of the two following methods for initial curing:
a. Use fog spray as specified in Section 5 of this Specification.
b. Use entrapment of the bleed water on the concrete surface under a uniform distribution
of an evaporation-retardant film. Place the evaporative-retardant film between the different
finishing operations. Do not work the liquid film material into the paste during subsequent
finishing operations. Do not work water to the surface of the concrete in the finishing process. Perform final curing methods immediately upon completion of the final finishing
operation. Final curing may be performed using any of the methods described in this
Section 2—Moisture retention by using plastic sheets, plastic sheets bonded to water-
absorbent fabric, or reinforced paper.
Section 3—Moisture retention by using liquid membrane-forming compounds.
Section 4—Addition of water by ponding or immersion.
Section 5—Addition of water by fog spray.
Section 6—Addition of water by sprinkling or soaker hoses.
Section 7—Addition of water by using water absorbent materials (sand, hay, burlap,
cotton mats, rugs or earth).
The ACI 308.1-98 curing specification provides a framework for tailoring the curing
period to suit the needs of the specific project. A curing period less than 7 d is permitted
provided testing is performed to confirm adequacy of property development. However, the
specification places a burden on the Architect/Engineer to specify alternative criteria for
termination of curing. In addition, the specification addresses curing when durability is of
concern instead of structural strength, but it does not provide for methods to assess whether
durability-related properties are achieved. Again it is the responsibility of the specifier to
establish the criteria for adequate curing for durability.
The current curing practices and standards have been developed based on studies
primarily related to strength development characteristics of conventional (ordinary)
concretes. As mentioned earlier, most high-performance concretes are fundamentally
different from conventional concrete, because they will typically have a low water-cement
ratio and one or more admixtures. Silica fume is a common additive for high strength and
low permeability, and high range water-reducers are used to provide workability. Since the
composition of high-performance concrete differs from conventional mixes, early-age
characteristics of the hydrating paste will also differ. Therefore, existing curing may not be
optimal for this class of concrete. A better understanding is needed of the role of an external
supply of moisture and of the adequacy of membrane-forming compounds when low
water-cement ratios are involved.
Tests on high-strength concrete with silica-fume have shown that the positive effects
from the silica fume occur earlier after placement, within the timeframe of the first 28 d,
than from other pozzolans. Silica-fume concrete with a low water-cement ratio has a slower
rate of drying than normal concrete, and is able to form a dense microstructure after only
7 d of moist curing (Bentur and Goldman 1989). After about 56 d, silica-fume concrete will
gain little additional strength, probably due to the effects of self-desiccation (Hooton 1993).
Another key difference between silica-fume concrete and ordinary concrete is that the
former has a lower tendency to bleed; therefore, finishing can be done immediately after
placement, and curing can begin sooner. In ordinary concrete, the common practice is to
delay finishing until the bleed water has disappeared or been removed. Since the
characteristics of fresh silica-fume concrete are quite different from those of conventional
concrete, there is a special need to examine the applicability of current curing practices to
this popular type of high-performance concrete.
There is general agreement in the literature that proper curing is critical for high-
performance concrete to develop its full potential (ACI 363 1992; Shah and Ahmad 1994;
Zia, Leming, and Ahmad 1991; Neville 1996). However, there are some remaining
questions, such as whether low water-cement ratio concrete is more sensitive to poor curing
practices than ordinary concrete. Some of the recent research results are inconsistent (Hasni,
Gallias, and Salomon 1994; Torii and Kawamura 1994). There is no agreement on what
constitutes the optimum curing practice for high-performance concrete. In this case, the
term “optimum” means striking a balance between economy and the development of
concrete properties.
This section presents the curing requirements in the standards of other selected
countries for comparison with those in the United States. The standards reviewed include
those of Canada, United Kingdom, Norway, CEB-FIP, European Community, and
21.1.2 Basic Curing Period
Concrete surfaces shall be cured for either 3 d at a minimum temperature of 10 °C or for the
time necessary to attain 35 % of the specified 28 d compressive strength of the concrete.
(1) Concrete strength can be assessed by testing field-cured cylinders or by using nondestructive
testing methods as covered in Clause 17.
(2) Following the cessation of moist curing, the development of strength continues for a short time,
provided temperature conditions are favourable. Strength development will also be reactivated if
moist curing is resumed.
21.1.3 Additional Curing for Durability
Concrete for exposure classifications F-1, C-1, C-2, S-1, S-2, and concrete exposed to severe
abrasion and to air pollution in heavy industrial areas as defined in Clause 15 shall, immediately
following the basic curing period, be cured for either an additional 4 consecutive days at a minimum
temperature of 10 °C or for the time necessary to attain 70 % of the specified 28 d compressive
strength of the concrete.
Note: At the end of the additional curing for concrete of C-1 and C-2 classes of exposure, a period of
at least one month of air drying should elapse before the application of deicing chemicals on the
21.1.4 Additional Curing for Structural Safety
The basic curing defined in Clause 21.1.2 shall be extended until the concrete has achieved
sufficient strength for structural safety. The compressive strength level required for structural safety
shall be specified by the Owner.
21.1.5 Additional Curing for Mass Concrete
For reinforced massive sections, the curing period specified in Clause 21.1.2 shall be extended
for an additional 4 consecutive days. In unreinforced massive sections, the basic curing period shall
be extended an additional 7 consecutive days.
Table 5.1 summarizes the curing requirements given in the CSA23.1 standard. In
contrast with the ACI Code, the Canadian standard includes both prescriptive and
performance requirements. Also, there is a specific requirement for durability, however, the
performance criterion is given in terms of compressive strength. This reflects the fact that
there is no simple, reliable standard test method to evaluate the in-place durability
potential. Therefore, the measurement of compressive strength is chosen as the simplest
method to show that a certain level of hydration has occurred. The requirement for
structural safety is written in general terms, and it places the burden on the owner to
establish the required strength at the end of the curing period. Since it is not stated
specifically, the curing requirements for structural safety could be interpreted to cover both
safety during construction, that is, during formwork removal, application of prestressing,
etc., and during service.
Other sections of the Canadian standard that are applicable to curing address such
areas as methods and materials of curing, curing under extreme temperatures, and curing
for accelerated strength development. With respect to high-strength concrete, the note in
Section 21.1.1 indicates that the Owner should specify the required curing conditions in the
Specific exposure classifications and special provisions of Clause 15 are defined in another section of the
Table 5.1 Summary of CSA23.1-94 Curing Requirements for Different Conditions
Condition Requirements
Basic curing ≥
3 d at T 10 ºC
Durability Additional 4 d at T ≥ 10 ºC or
Time to reach 75 % of specified 28-day compressive strength
Structural safety Additional time until sufficient strength is attained; Owner
specifies required strength
Mass concrete
Unreinforced Additional 7 consecutive days
Reinforced Additional 4 consecutive days
contract documents. Thus the burden is on the Architect/Engineer to provide the curing
requirements for high-strength concrete. The question is: What information will the
Architect/Engineer rely on to provide guidance on establishing optimal requirements?
5.13.2 United KingdomIn the United Kingdom, British Standard BS 8110 (1985), the
code of practice for design and construction of concrete structures, provides the following
requirements for curing:
6.6 Curing
6.6.1 General
Curing is the process of preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete whilst maintaining a
satisfactory temperature regime. The prevention of moisture loss from the concrete is particularly
important if the water/cement ratio is low, if the cement has a high rate of strength development, if
the concrete contains g.g.b.f.s. [ground granulated blast furnace slag] or p.f.a. [pulverized fuel ash],
and when curing mortars. The curing regime should also prevent the development of high
temperature gradients within the concrete.
The rate of strength development at early ages of concrete made with supersulphated cement
is significantly reduced at lower temperatures. Supersulphated cement concrete is seriously affected
by inadequate curing and the surface has to be kept moist for at least 4 days.
Curing and protection should start immediately after the compaction of the concrete to protect it
(a) premature drying out, particularly by solar radiation and wind;
(b) leaching out by rain and flowing water;
(c) rapid cooling during the first few days after placing;
(d) high internal thermal gradients;
(e) low temperature or frost;
(f) vibration and impact which may disrupt the concrete and interfere with its bond to the
Where members are of considerable bulk or length, the cement content of the concrete is high,
the surface finish is critical, or special or accelerated curing methods are to be applied, the method
of curing should be specified in detail.
6.6.2 Minimum periods of curing and protection
Surfaces should normally be cured for a period not less than that given in Table 6.5. Depending
on the type of cement, the ambient conditions and the temperature of the concrete, the appropriate
period is taken from Table 6.5 or calculated from the last column of that table. During this period, no
Table 6.5 Minimum periods of curing and protection (see also 6.6.1)
Minimum periods of curing and protection
part of the surface should fall below a temperature of 5 °C. The surface temperature is lowest at
arrises and depends upon several factors, including the size and shape of the section, the cement
content of the concrete, the insulation provided by the formwork or other covering, the temperature
of the concrete at the time of placing and the temperature and movement of the surrounding air. If
not measured or calculated, the surface temperature should be assumed equal to the temperature
of the surrounding air.
Other sections of the British standard address methods of curing and special concreting
conditions such as in cold weather and hot weather. The standard does not specifically
address high-performance concrete curing requirements, nor does it distinguish between
requirements for durability and for strength.
Examination of Table 6.5 of BS 8110: Part 1: 1985 shows that the standard tries to
account for some of the main factors affecting curing duration. For example, mixtures
containing fly ash or blast furnace slag are required to be cured for longer periods to
account for the reduced rate of strength development of concrete containing these materials.
Ambient conditions are taken into account by requiring a longer curing period with
decreasing ambient relative humidity. Note that if the ambient relative humidity exceeds 80
% and the concrete is protected from sun and wind, no additional curing procedures are
necessary. The standard accounts for the effect of temperature on the rate of hydration by
specifying the curing duration as a function of the concrete surface temperature. The Nurse-
Saul maturity function, with a datum temperature of -10 °C (Carino 1991), is used to
establish the minimum duration of the curing period for surface temperatures between 5 °C
and 25 ºC. Thus the numbers 60, 80, and 140 in the last column of Table 6.5 represent
temperature-time factors in ºC⋅d. These temperature-time factors depend on the cementitious
system and the exposure conditions.
5.13.3 NorwayIn Norway, Norwegian Standard 3420 provides the following curing
After setting, the concrete shall be kept moist for at least 3 days, either by water curing or by
prevention of evaporation from the concrete.
For a water-cement ratio less than 0.4, water curing should be used.
Where there are special requirements for impermeability, absence of cracks and resistance to
chemical attack, the concrete should be kept moist for at least 2 weeks unless otherwise specified.
Subsequent drying should be at a slow rate.
Artificial drying of the concrete should not take place until the concrete has an in-situ strength of
at least 70 % of specified 28-day strength.
Where silica fume or large amounts of fly ash or filler are used, special attention should be paid
to proper curing in order to prevent early drying which will lead to plastic shrinkage. Where specific
requirements for early strength are in place, it shall be verified that strength development is
If necessary, steps shall be taken to prevent temperature induced cracking.
In structures for exposure class Very Aggressive (MA), curing temperature shall not exceed 65
Other sections of the Norwegian standard address special conditions such as cold
weather concreting and control of temperature until a certain strength level is attained.
The Norwegian curing requirements are rather concise but they address some of the
issues related to curing low water-cement ratio concretes. Curing by “sealing” methods is
not permitted when the water-cement ratio is less than 0.4. Undoubtedly, this is to mitigate
the effects of self-desiccation at early ages. There is an early-age curing requirement to deal
with the problem of plastic shrinkage cracking in mixtures with low bleeding, such as those
containing silica-fume. While the minimum curing time is 3 d, there is a particularly
stringent requirement for extended curing of at least 14 d when the concrete must meet
special impermeability requirements. A unique requirement is the restriction on the
maximum curing temperature for structures exposed to aggressive environments.
Presumably, this is to control the formation of microcracking from thermally induced
stresses. Another particular feature is the requirement to verify in-place strength when there
are specific early-age strength requirements. In general, the curing requirements place an
emphasis on durability rather than strength. It should be mentioned that Norway probably
Mr. Per Fidjestol, Elkem Materials, provided translation of Section 08 of the Norwegian standard . Thus the
wording shown here may not be the exact wording in that standard.
has the most experience in the construction of high-strength concrete structures exposed to
severe environments, namely the North Sea oil platforms. To date there have not been any
reports of major durability problems in these structures.
d.12.3 Duration of Curing
d.12.3.1 Parameters influencing the duration of curing
The concrete has to be cured until its surface layers are sufficiently impermeable. This generally
means that it will attain the required strength. Therefore, the duration of curing depends on:
• Curing sensitivity of the concrete as influenced by its composition.
The most important characteristics of concrete composition with respect to curing are the
water/cement ratio, the type and strength class of cement, as well as type and amount of
additions. Concrete with a low water/cement ratio and made of a rapidly hardening cement
e.g. R- or RS-cements according to Section d.4.2.1 reach a required level of impermeability
more rapidly and, therefore, need less curing than concretes with a higher water/cement
ratio and made of cements which hydrate slower such as SL-cements according to Section
d.4.2.1 or concretes containing higher amounts of Type II-additions. [Authors’ note: R stands
rapid-hardening cements; RS for rapid-hardening, high-strength cements; SL for slowly
hardening cements; and N for normal hardening cements.]
Also the resistance of the concrete to a particular exposure condition as influenced by the
type of cement or additions should be taken into account. A lower resistance to e.g.
carbonation which is characteristic for some of the blended cements CE II - CE IV according
to section d.4.2.1 can be offset by the choice of a lower water/cement ratio or prolonged
curing. [Authors’ note: CE II are portland composite cements; CE III are blast furnace
cements; and CE IV are pozzolanic cements.]
• Concrete temperature.
Due to the heat of hydration generated by the reaction between cement and water the
concrete temperature may increase, thus accelerating hydration. Therefore, the higher the
temperature particularly of the surface layers of the concrete, the shorter the required
duration of curing. The temperature of the concrete depends on the temperature of the
ambient air, strength grade and amount of cement, the dimensions of the structural member
and the insulation properties provided e.g. by the formwork. Thus thin concrete sections
without thermal insulation exposed to low ambient temperatures during curing and made of
cements with a low heat of hydration need particularly careful curing.
• Ambient conditions during and after curing.
A low relative humidity of the ambient air, sunshine and high winds accelerate drying of the
unprotected concrete at an early stage of hydration. Therefore, under such conditions
prolonged curing is required, because after termination of curing the surface layers of the
concrete dry out rapidly, and hydration will no longer continue. On the other hand when
concreting in a humid environment at moderate temperatures curing will at least partially be
provided by the surrounding atmosphere.
• Exposure conditions of the finished structure in service.
The more severe the exposure conditions as given in Table d.1, the longer the required
duration of curing. [Authors’ note: portions of this table have been extracted and shown as
Table 5.2].
Thus, an estimate of the required duration of curing is a complex problem. The best approach is
to define limiting values of permeability of the concrete surface layers which have to be reached
before curing can be terminated. These values should depend on the exposure condition of the
structure in service as well as on the type of cement but not on water/cement ratio, strength class of
the cement and concrete temperature. At this time neither methods to measure surface permeability
nor limiting values of permeability are generally accepted. Therefore, the required duration of curing
has to be estimated on the basis of the parameters given above.
Some of these parameters are interrelated particularly with regard to concrete temperature so
that a reliable estimate of the required duration of curing necessitates preliminary experiments on the
concrete in question and continuous measurements of concrete temperature on site. Such an
Table 5.2 CEB-FIP (1990) Exposure classes (summarized from Table d.1)
approach which is based also on theoretical considerations is given in “Durable Concrete Structures
- CEB Design Guide.” Rules of thumb for a quick estimate are given in the following section.
d.12.3.2 Estimates of duration of curing
In Table d.10 minimum durations of curing are proposed for concrete members subjected to
exposure condition 2a; 2b; 4a and 5a according to Table d.1. In Table d.10 distinction is made
between different expected ambient conditions during curing and during the period immediately after
curing and between the rate at which the concrete reaches a certain impermeability. This rate
depends on the water/cement ratio and strength class of cement as proposed in Table d.11. There,
reference is made to the general cement classification given in d.4.2.1.
Table d.10 is valid for concretes made of portland cements (CE I) and for a reference
temperature of the concrete of 20 °C. For temperatures of the ambient air during curing < 10 °C the
duration of curing should be increased. Then the required increase of curing time may be
determined on the basis of the maturity concept given in clause of this Model Code. As a
rough guide for a concrete temperature of 10 °C the required duration of curing is about twice the
required curing time for a concrete temperature of 20 °C. For a concrete temperature of 30 °C it is
only about half the curing time at 20 °C. Therefore, thermal insulation of the concrete during curing
may be an effective method to reduce curing times, particularly for concrete made of slowly
hydrating cements. In such cases, however, attention has to be paid to thermal stresses which may
be developed when the thermal insulation is removed. Refer to subsection d.12.4.
Concretes made of cements containing high amounts of constituents other than portland
cement clinker (CE II 32.5, CE III 32.5, and CE IV 32.5) and concretes containing Type II-additions
in amounts which approach the maximum values given in clause d. are more sensitive to
curing than concretes made of Portland cements with the same water/cement ratio. Therefore, for
such concretes the duration of curing should be increased by 1 to 2 days beyond the values given in
Table d.10 if during curing the concrete is exposed to conditions II and III. For condition I the rate of
drying after curing is so low, that even the surface layer of the concrete will continue to hydrate for
some time after the termination of curing.
Depending on the type and use of the structural element (e.g. the intended finish) the minimum
duration of curing given in Table d.10 should also be applied for exposure class 1. Where the
concrete is exposed to severe abrasion or to severe environmental conditions (exposure classes 3,
Table d.10 Minimum duration of curing in days for T > 10 °C, exposure classes 2a;
2b; 4a and 5a, according to Table d.1 cement CE I
Exposed II
ambient Exposed to medium
conditions sunshine or medium 2 3 4 5
during and wind velocity or rel.
after curing humidity RH: 50 % <
RH < 80 %
Exposed to strong
sunshine or high wind 3 4 6 8
velocity or rel. humidity
RH < 50 %
4b, 5b and 5c according to Table d.1) the length of curing given in Table d.10 should be increased
by 3 to 5 days depending on the ambient conditions during curing according to Table d.10.
The CEB-FIP 1990 model code also contains a section on high-strength concrete that
contains the following curing recommendations:
cured carefully, employing curing methods where water is added rather than using methods which
only prevent moisture loss. Irrespective of clause d.12.3 [Duration of Curing] a minimum curing
period of 3 days is recommended in all cases.
According to CEB-FIP 1990, the main factors that affect the duration of the curing
period include the following:
• the curing sensitivity of the concrete mixture (controlled by the cementitious system),
• the concrete temperature,
• the ambient conditions (humidity, solar exposure, wind) during and after curing, and
• the exposure conditions of the finished structures.
These factors have been taken into account in the preparation of Table d.10. It is seen that
the minimum duration of the curing period ranges from 1 d to 8 d (these periods would be
increased from 3 d to 5 d for more severe exposure conditions). The discussion in d.12.3.2
indicates that these curing periods are based on a concrete temperature of 20 ºC, and these
durations are to be increased or decreased depending on the actual concrete temperature
during the curing period. The maturity method, using the maturity function based on the
Arhennius equation (Carino 1991), is recommended as a rational means for determining the
duration of curing at lower or higher temperatures. As a rough guide, the model code states
that the curing periods should be increased or decreased by a factor of two for every 10 ºC
change in concrete temperature. This is based on the rule of thumb that the rate of an
exothermic chemical reaction increases approximately by a factor of two for every 10 ºC
increase in temperature. This approximation, however, may overestimate the influence of
temperature on the rate of strength development of concrete. This can be shown by using
the maturity function suggested in Section of the model code. For the recommended
activation energy of 33.2 kJ/mol, a better approximation is a two-fold change in the curing
period duration for every 15 ºC.
The model code states that because of the complex interaction of several factors instead
of specifying fixed durations of the curing period, the better approach is to define a limiting
permeability value of the surface concrete. The concrete should be cured until that limiting
value is attained. Unfortunately, there is presently no reliable test method for measuring the
in-place penetrability characteristics of concrete.
With regard to curing of low water-cement ratio concrete, the model code recommends
careful curing to avoid plastic shrinkage cracking and to assure an adequate supply of water
for hydration. The use of curing methods that supply external moisture is recommended
instead of sealing methods. In all cases, a minimum curing period of 3 d is recommended.
Table 12 Minimum curing times in days for exposure classes 2 and 5a
Depending on the type and use of the structural element (e.g. the intended finish) the minimum
curing time given in Table 12 should also be used for exposure class 1 [dry environment].
The strength development of concrete may be estimated using the information given in
Table 13.
For cement types CEII [portland composite cements], CEIII [blast furnace cements] and CEIV
[pozzolanic cements] longer curing times may be appropriate.
10.6.4 Protection against thermal cracking of the surface
The hardening concrete shall be protected against damaging effects due to internal or external
restraint caused by heat generated in the concrete.
Where no cracking is permitted, adequate measures shall be taken to ensure that the tensile
stresses caused by temperature differences are less than the instantaneous tensile strength.
To avoid surface cracking caused by heat generated in the concrete under normal conditions
the temperature difference between the centre and the surface shall be less than 20 °C.
10.6.5 Protection against freezing
The period of protection against freezing may be calculated from the maturity of the concrete.
Alternately protection is no longer needed if a compressive strength of 5 N/mm 2 is obtained.
• The strength development categories in ENV 206 are rapid, medium, and slow; the rapid
and medium categories in ENV 206 correspond to very rapid and rapid in CEB-FIP.
• In ENV 206, there is no mention that the different curing methods (sealing versus supply
of excess water) are not equally effective.
• The curing times in Table 12 of ENV 206 are for exposure categories 2 and 5a, whereas
CEB-FIP also includes category 4.
• The minimum curing times at 10 ºC (50 °F) are the same in all cases except for two
• In ENV 206, the minimum curing times at 15 ºC (59 °F) are generally ½ of the values at
5 ºC (41 °F). Thus the rule of thumb appears to have been used.
• ENV 206 specifies that curing times can be based entirely on degree of hydration.
However, there is no guidance for the required degree of hydration.
The minimum curing durations in the 1990 version of ENV 206 have been criticized as
being too arbitrary and uneconomical (Hilsdorf 1995). The curing requirements are under
review as part of the revision to ENV 206. The version under review in 1995 did not contain
the table of minimum curing durations in the 1990 version. Curing durations were specified
in terms of the time to achieve specific fractions of the standard-cured 28-day strength. The
required fractional strength depends on the ambient conditions and the demands placed on
the concrete surfaces. This approach for specifying curing duration is an outgrowth of the
work of Hilsdorf, which is discussed in the next chapter. Curing
Concrete shall be cured continuously for a period of time that ensures that the design
requirements for strength, serviceability and stripping are satisfied. To satisfy durability
requirements, the initial curing periods shall be not less than those given in Clauses 4.4 to 4.6
4.4 Requirements for Concrete for Exposure Classifications A1 and A2
Members subject to exposure classifications A1 and A2 shall be initially cured continuously for
at least three days under ambient conditions, or cured by accelerated methods, so that the average
compressive strength of the concrete at the completion of curing is not less than 15 MPa.
Concrete in the member shall have an fc’ not less than
(a) 20 MPa for exposure classification A1; or
(b) 25 MPa for exposure classification A2.
4.5 Requirements for Concrete for Exposure Classifications B1, B2, and C
Members subject to exposure classifications B1, B2, or C shall be initially cured continuously for
at least seven days under ambient conditions, or cured by accelerated methods so that the average
compressive strength of the concrete at the completion of curing is not less than 20 MPa for
exposure classification B1, 25 MPa for exposure classification B2, and 32 MPa for exposure
classification C.
Concrete in the member shall have an fc’ not less than
(a) 32 MPa for exposure classification B1;
(b) 40 MPa for exposure classification B2; or
(c) 50 MPa for exposure classification C.
In addition for special-class concrete, a minimum cement content and the cement type shall be
If requirement (c) cannot be satisfied due to inadequate aggregate strength, concrete with fc’
not less than 40 MPa may be used for exposure classification C, provided that the cement content of
the mix is not less than 470 kg/m and the covers required by Clause 4.10.3 are increased by 10
4.6 Requirements for Concrete for Exposure Classification U
Concrete in members subject to exposure classification U shall be specified to ensure durability
under the particular exposure environment.
Table 5.3 summarizes the curing period specified in the Australian standard. A
significant difference between this standard and other standards that have been reviewed is
the specification of a minimum grade of concrete strength for different exposure
classifications (Ho and Lewis 1988). In other countries, the usual approach is to specify
maximum values of water-cement ratio, depending on the exposure severity. However, it is
difficult to control water-cement ratio in the field, and the specification of a minimum
strength grade may be a more practical approach for quality control. The standard does not
mention curing periods at low concrete temperatures, but this is probably because low
temperatures are infrequent in Australia. The minimum compressive strengths in the third
column of the table are target strengths at the end the curing period when accelerated curing
methods are used. Presumably, these minimum in-place strengths can be used as
alternatives to the minimum curing periods given in the second column when advantage is
taken of temperature rise due to heat of hydration. The minimum strengths at the end of the
curing period are within (60 to 70) % of the minimum specified strengths in the last column
of the table. The exception is exposure classification A1 where this value is 75 %. For
exposure category C, the minimum specified concrete strength is 50 MPa (7 250 psi). This
can be considered a high-strength concrete, and its curing requirements are no different
than for ordinary concretes of lower strength levels.
Table 5.3 Summary of Curing Requirements in AS 3600-1994
Curing Period
Exposure Classification Days §
Compressive Strength, MPa
† fc´, MPa
A1 3 ≥ 15 ≥ 20
A2 3 ≥ 15 ≥ 25
B1 7 ≥ 20 ≥ 32
B2 7 ≥ 25 ≥ 40
C 7 ≥ 32 ≥ 50
U To be specified by user
Curing under ambient conditions
Compressive strength to be attained under accelerated curing methods
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) of New South Wales, Australia, has been a
leader in establishing performance criteria related to curing conditions in the field. RTA has
made use of water sorptivity to determine the actual effectiveness of curing on the job site.
Comparisons have been made between standard laboratory moist curing conditions and
those occurring in actual building constructions. Attempts were made to determine the
effects of the actual curing on concrete durability (Chirgwin and Ho 1995). Previous RTA
project specifications treated curing in a prescriptive manner and did not account for
different forms of curing and relationships between mixture proportions and curing. RTA
has now recognized that the various methods commonly used for curing cannot be
expected to give the same results. For example, plastic coverings will produce more
permeable concrete than water curing methods.
RTA has taken steps to strengthen its curing specifications. Under these new standards,
contractors will be allowed to select from curing schemes such as wet curing with water at
the surface of the concrete, sealed curing of the surfaces, and heat accelerated curing with
forms in place (including steam curing). Contractors will be responsible to demonstrate by
sorptivity tests that the method selected and the concrete mixture that is used will produce
concrete meeting the requirements for strength and exposure classification. The contractor’s
proposed concrete mixture must not result in concrete that is weaker or more permeable
than those from the “deemed to comply” mixtures shown in Table 5.4 (Ho and Chirgwin
1996). The curing periods in Table 5.4 are “deemed to comply” periods if the contractor
wishes to avoid having to measure sorptivity. The “sorptivity depth” refers to depth of
water penetration after 24 h of wetting.
The RTA curing requirements for silica-fume concrete in harsh environments provide
for only one approach, that is, 24 h to 48 h sealed in forms followed by 3 d to 6 d of water
curing. It is interesting to note that the RTA requirements for bridge deck finishing and
curing include a limit on crack width measured at 7 d after casting. This is another attempt
Table 5.4 Durability Requirements Adopted by the Road and Transport Authority, New
South Wales, Australia (Ho and Chirgwin 1996)
to improve the durability of bridge decks through better curing practices and quality
5.14 Summary
This chapter has reviewed the basic concepts related to curing of concrete. It has been
made clear that curing is a complex process, and there are many factors that effect the
duration of curing to ensure that the concrete will develop a sufficient level of its potential
properties to perform as intended. A review has been presented of various curing
requirements, including those from other countries, for comparison with the ACI 318 Code.
The review has shown that the totally prescriptive requirements in ACI 318 are lagging
those in other ACI documents and in other national standards. Modern curing
requirements attempt to account for the complexity of the curing process by permitting
more flexibility to account for the important factors that affect the required curing duration.
It has also been shown that there are few curing recommendations directed specifically
toward low water-cement ratio high-performance concrete. The next chapter reviews recent
curing-related research that may provide additional understanding about the curing
requirements of high-performance concrete.
6.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses recent research in the United States and other countries that is
either related directly, or indirectly, to the curing of high performance concrete. While some
of this work has not been targeted directly to HPC, the results may turn out to be applicable
to the development of new curing methods and standards for this class of concrete.
6.2.1 Silica-fume concrete curing requirements Silica-fume (SF) concrete is relatively new
and there is still much to learn about the effects of various curing methods on the
development of its properties. Most of the commonly used curing methods have been used
to cure SF concretewet burlap, plastic sheeting, and curing compoundswith a
recommended minimum duration of 7 d of wet curing, or the equivalent (Holland 1989).
Marusin studied the effects of various durations of moist curing on three concrete
mixtures containing (2.5, 5, and 10) % silica fume as mass fraction of cement (Marusin 1989).
The three mixtures used Type I portland cement and had air contents of about 7 %. The
corresponding water-cement ratios were 0.37, 0.38, and 0.34, and the 28-day compressive
strengths were 40 MPa (5 800 psi), 43 MPa (6 200 psi), and 60 MPa (8 700 psi), respectively.
Moist curing was obtained by storing 100 mm (4 in) cubes in plastic bags for (1, 3, 7 and
21) d. Wet sponges were included in the bags to maintain a high humidity. After moist
curing, the cubes were air dried for 21 d, and then placed in a salt solution for 21 d. After the
soaking period, the cubes were air dried for another 21 d. Chloride ion penetration was
determined using a potentiometric titration procedure on powder samples taken at four
depth increments. The length of the curing period significantly influenced the measured
concrete propertieswater absorption, water vapor transmission, and penetration of
chloride. Chloride ion penetration decreased in all concretes as the curing duration
increased. All mixtures benefited from the maximum curing time of 21 d.
Khan and Ayers conducted studies to determine the minimum durations of curing for
silica-fume concretes to achieve a prescribed level of strength development (Khan and
Ayers 1995). They compared the minimum lengths of curing at 23 °C (73 °F) for SF concrete
mixtures with that of a plain portland-cement concrete mixture. Four SF concrete mixtures
Table 6.1 Required Minimum Curing Period to Achieve
70 % of 28-day Strength (Khan and Ayers 1995)
were used, with (5, 10, 15, and 20) % silica fume as mass fraction of total cementitious
material. In addition, one concrete mixture was made with 15 % fly ash. Type I portland
cement was used, and all mixtures had a water-cementitious materials ratio of 0.38.
Cylinder specimens (100 × 200 mm) were cured in their molds for the first day and then
cured in a fog room for different durations. Compressive strengths were measured after
(0, 1, 3, 7, 14 and 28) d of moist curing. The 0-day cylinders were tested after removal from
their molds. Regression analysis was used to develop equations relating strength and curing
duration. Using the ACI 308 guideline that structural concrete should be cured until it
attains 70 % of the specified compressive strength, the minimum length of curing at 23 °C
(73 °F) was determined for each mixture tested. The 28-day strength determined from the
regression equations was used as the specified strength. The required minimum curing
periods for the various mixtures to achieve 70 % of the 28-day strengths are shown in
Table 6.1. Thus for concretes with 5 % and 10 % SF, the minimum curing period at 23 °C
(73 °F) is approximately 3 d compared with approximately 3.75 d for the ordinary concrete.
Khan and Ayers concluded that the lower curing period for SF concrete could be attributed
to a higher rate of early strength gain compared with ordinary concrete. Earlier research
credits this higher early-age strength gain primarily to the hydration of C 3 S which is
accelerated when SF is present (Roy 1989). The slightly higher curing period for the concrete
with 20 % SF may be due to retardation caused by the high dosage of high range water-
reducer in that mixture. Note that the mixture with fly ash requires a significantly longer
curing period to achieve 70 % of the 28-day strength. This is probably related to the slower
rate of the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash compared with that of silica fume.
using low water-cement ratio mortars, confirmed that the maturity method can be used
with low water-cement ratio mixtures to estimate strength gain during curing (Carino et al.
1992). This same study resulted in the surprising observation that the long-term strength of
the low water-cement ratio mortars did not appear to be adversely affected by a high curing
temperature. This contrasts with experiences with ordinary mortars and concretes, where a
higher initial curing temperature reduces the long-term strength (Carino 1984).
Additional research at NIST developed a reliable model to quantify the effects of curing
temperature on the strength development of ordinary concrete made with various cements
and admixtures (Carino and Tank 1992). This research showed that the temperature
dependence of strength development depends on the cementitious materials and the water-
cement ratio. This model can be used with in-place temperature measurements to estimate
the relative strength gain of the concrete. Note that the maturity method by itself is not a
reliable estimator of absolute strength because it only accounts for temperature history, and
the actual mixture proportions dictate the strength potential.
Research at Cornell University studied the use of the maturity method with high-
strength concrete (Pinto and Hover 1996). The maturity function based on the Arrhenius
equation (ASTM C 1074) was used to account for the effect of temperature on strength gain.
This work involved five different curing conditions intended to cover a wide range of
potential field conditions. The HSC mixture used Type I portland cement with 10 % mass
fraction of silica fume. The superplasticizer was a naphthalene sulfonate-type, and the
water-cementitious materials ratio was 0.30. Test cylinders were made using 102 mm ×
204 mm (4 in × 8 in) plastic and steel molds. The steel molds were used for specimens to be
tested at the lowest strength levels. The five curing conditions were:
One of the factors that must be known to use the maturity function based on the
Arrhenius equation is the apparent activation energy. ASTM C 1074 describes how to
estimate the apperant activation energy from the isothermal strength development of
mortar specimens. Values of 40 kJ/mol to 45 kJ/mol are commonly assumed for mixtures
with Type I cement and no admixtures.
Pinto and Hover considered three different functions to represent strength
development as a function of the maturity index10.
(1) The exponential equation suggested by Freiesleben-Hansen and Pederson (Carino 1991):
S = S∞e M
M = maturity index,
S = strength at maturity index M,
S∞ = strength at infinite maturity,
τ = a time constant, and
α = a shape parameter.
(2) A “linear-hyperbolic” function that incorporates the concept of “offset” maturity (Carino
k (M − M 0 )
S = S∞ (6.2)
1 + k (M − M 0 )
M0 = the offset maturity index when strength development begins, and
k = a constant.
k (M − M 0 )
S = S∞ (6.3)
1 + k (M − M 0 )
The apparent activation energy was calculated from the strength versus time
relationships obtained for constant temperature curing. For each of the isothermal
conditions, the rate constant, kT, was estimated from the best fit curve of the strength versus
time plots. The rate constant is plotted as a function of the inverse of the absolute
temperature. A straight line having the following equation is fitted to the points:
ln (kT ) = ln ( A) − (6.4)
A = constant
E = apparent activation energy,
R = universal gas constant (8.314 J/(mol K)), and
T = absolute concrete temperature (K).
Maturity index is the general term for an indicator of maturity that is obtained from the measured
temperature history using a maturity function, such as the exponential function. See ASTM C 1074 for the
terminology associated with the maturity method.
Table 6.2 Apparent Activation Energy (Pinto and Hover 1996)
Thus the slope of the best-fit line is the activation energy divided by the gas constant.
The apparent activation energy for this HSC mixture was calculated using each of the
three strength-maturity functions presented above. The results are listed in Table 6.2.
Using the above values of apparent activation energy, strength versus maturity index
was plotted for each of the models. Pinto and Hover concluded that none of the models was
able to compensate completely for the effects of temperature. The linear-hyperbolic model,
however, gave the least deviation of data points from the fitted equation.
Pinto and Hover (1996) also considered the relationship of relative strength and
maturity. It is recognized that concrete cured at different temperatures will achieve different
final compressive strengths; however, the extent of the chemical reaction at a certain
maturity should be very similar. Therefore, a more appropriate use of the maturity concept
is to relate a fraction of the ultimate compressive strength (S/S∞) to the maturity index. The
limiting strength S∞ was calculated by fitting the equations for the linear-hyperbolic,
parabolic-hyperbolic, and exponential models using only the later-age strength values. The
resulting calculated strengths at infinite maturity are shown in Table 6.3 (observed 90-day
strengths are also shown).
The results summarized in Table 6.3 show a tendency for a decrease in the calculated
limiting strength with increasing curing temperature. The magnitude of the strength
reduction due to curing temperature differs for the three strength-maturity models. These
results are in contrast to those of Carino et al. (1992), who concluded that curing
temperature did not have a strong affect on the limiting strength of high-strength mortars.
Thus additional research is needed to reach a consensus on whether the initial curing
temperature affects the long-term strength of high-strength concrete.
Table 6.3 Calculated Limiting Compressive Strength Based on Strength-Maturity
Models (Pinto and Hover 1996)
Model Measured
Curing Linear- Parabolic- Exponential Strength at 90 d
Temperature Hyperbolic Hyperbolic (MPa)
With respect to the results from tests on specimens subjected to variable curing
temperatures (designed to simulate actual field conditions), there was good overall
agreement with the data from the isothermal curing conditions. This led Pinto and Hover to
conclude that the exponential maturity function can be used with any curing temperature
history, either variable or isothermal.
After 14 d, curing compounds and plastic sheeting were removed, and the moist-cured
specimens were removed from the curing chamber. The specimens were allowed to air dry
at temperatures between 22 °C to 28 °C (72 °F to 81 °F) and RH from 20 % to 60%. Air
drying without the benefit of any type of curing method was the control condition. The
specimens were tested to determine abrasion resistance, scaling resistance, resistance to
corrosion of steel in concrete, chloride ion penetration, shrinkage, and absorptivity. In
general, testing was performed in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For the
absorptivity test, a mortar mixture was used, rather than concrete, to make the test
specimens. The chloride ion penetration was determined using powdered concrete samples
drilled from specimens used in the corrosion tests. Abrasion resistance was determined in
accordance with ASTM C 779 using the rotating disc type of machine and by sandblasting
as described in ASTM C 418.
The conclusions were that good curing practices improves durability-related properties
compared with air curing. The best methods were sealing with wax, covering with plastic
sheets, and storage in 100 % RH chamber. The high water-cement ratio used in this study
ensured a sufficient supply of water for hydration, so the curing practices based on sealing
the concrete were just as effective as moist curing. Test results for the curing compounds
were generally inconclusive due to equipment problems and difficulties in removing the
compounds after the 14-day curing period.
• Good curing practices can improve the abrasion resistance by at least 50 % compared
with air curing or poor curing methods.
• Proper curing methods can significantly reduce drying shrinkage and cracking.
• The capillary porosity of a concrete specimen can be reduced by as much as 80 %
through good curing methods. This has positive effects on the properties of absorptivity,
corrosion resistance, and scaling resistance.
6.2.4 Effects of common curing practices on high-strength concrete specimens Although all
quality control procedures and specifications currently used for ordinary concretes may not
apply directly to high-strength concrete, some of the practices for batching, mixing,
transporting, and placing this class of concrete may need only minor modifications.
Research at The University of Texas at Austin examined the applicability of some of the
common concrete practices to HSC (Carrasquillo and Carrasquillo 1988).
This work involved over 1 000 specimens and 29 different HSC mixtures with 28-day
compressive strengths ranging from 41 MPa (6 000 psi) to 100 MPa (14 500 psi). Some
mixtures contained fly ash (25 % to 35 % mass fraction of cement). The study focused
primarily on the preparation and testing of concrete cylinders. Among the variables
considered in the investigation were curing conditions, the results of which are summarized
below. Three curing conditions were examined for their effects on both flexural and
compressive strength of the HSC specimens:
• Remove from molds at 24 h and curing in a moist room at 100 % relative humidity at a
temperature of 23 °C ± 1.7 °C (73.4 °F ± 3 °F).
• Remove from molds at 24 h, application of a curing compound, and storage at ambient
• Remove from molds at 24 h and storage under ambient conditions without a curing
The first condition was taken to represent ideal moist curing whereas the second and third
conditions were to simulate field-curing conditions. During the study, the ambient
temperature ranged from 27 °C to 38 °C (80 °F to 100 °F) and the relative humidity ranged
from 30 % to 60 %. Compressive strengths were measured up to ages of 91 d.
• On average, the specimens cured with curing compound were about 3 % stronger than
those cured in the moist room for test ages up to 15 d.
• On average, the specimens had the same 28-day strength, irrespective of the curing
• Tests at ages of 56 d to 91 d showed that the compressive strength of specimens cured in
the moist room were greater than those cured with the curing compound.
Carrasquillo and Carrasquillo concluded that the slightly higher strengths at early ages for
cylinders with curing compound were due to storage at ambient temperatures that were
higher than those in the moist room.
The influence of curing conditions on flexural strength (modulus of rupture) was found
to be more pronounced than on compressive strength. Beams cured in the moist room were
much stronger than those cured under simulated field conditions. At ages of (3, 7, and 28) d,
the beams cured with curing compound were, on average, only 58 % as strong as those
cured in the moist room. The large difference in strength is primarily caused by surface
drying of the beams with curing compound, which has the detrimental effect of inducing
surface tensile stresses. These tensile stresses are due to differential shrinkage strains in the
inner and outer regions of the specimen because of non-uniform moisture distributions.
The overall, general conclusion of this research program is that both the compressive
and flexural strengths of high-strength concrete specimens cured under simulated field
conditions are lower than those cured under standard laboratory conditions.
6.2.5 Microcracking behavior and strength gain of high-strength concreteIn the late 1970s
early 1980s, basic studies of the mechanical behavior of high-strength concrete were carried
out at Cornell University. Some of the work focused on the development of microcracking
in high-strength concrete cylinders loaded in compression. These studies revealed that
significant mortar microcracking did not develop until about 90 % or more of the strain at
maximum load (Carrasquillo, Slate, and Nilson 1981). In comparison, significant mortar
microcracking in normal-strength concrete occurs at about 70 % of the strain at maximum
load. Therefore, in a compression test, HSC experiences less microcracking at all stress levels
than does normal-strength concrete. This study was conducted on normal weight concretes
with strengths ranging from 31 MPa to 76 MPa (4 500 psi to 11 000 psi). “Normal” strength
was considered to be about 31 MPa (4 500 psi), “medium” strength about 55 MPa (8 000 psi),
and “high” strength about 76 MPa (11 000 psi). The corresponding water-cement ratios
were 0.70, 0.47, and 0.32. Type I portland cement was the only cementitious material. The
fracture surfaces in compression tests were quite different for the normal-strength and high-
strength concrete specimens. Normal-strength specimens had irregular fracture surfaces,
with fractures through the mortar and around most coarse aggregate particles. The high-
strength specimens, however, behaved more like a homogeneous material, with fracture
passing through both the mortar and the coarse aggregate particles.
In related studies on these same concrete specimens, results showed that at early ages
(up to about 28 d) high-strength concrete gains strength at a higher rate than does normal-
strength concrete. At later ages, there is negligible difference in the rate of strength gain
(Carrasquillo, Nilson, and Slate 1981). This research involved three room-temperature-
curing conditions:
Figure 6.1 shows the ratios of the strengths of specimens subjected to the drying conditions
to the strengths of specimens continuously moist cured. Results for compressive strength
and modulus of rupture (flexural strength) are shown for normal-strength concrete, having
a 28-day strength of 23.0 MPa (3 330 psi), and for high-strength concrete, having a 28-day
strength of 70.4 MPa (10 210 psi). Strength reductions due to the negative effects of drying
are greater for the high-strength specimens than the normal-strength specimens. Strength
reductions due to drying are greater for modulus of rupture than for compressive strength.
In addition, the strength reductions due to drying from 8 d to 28 d are greater than the
reductions due to drying from 29 d to 95 d.
6.2.6 Method for monitoring adequacy of curing—Senbetta and Scholer (1984) conducted
an informative study on the use of absorptivity as an indicator of the adequacy of curing.
Efficiency of a given curing procedure was determined based on differences in absorptivity
at different depths in the test specimen. The concept was simply that the pore structure of a
well-cured specimen should be essentially the same at the surface as it is within the
specimen. Tests showed that this concept could be used with a high degree of confidence to
distinguish between good and bad curing practices.
The test procedure involved using 89 mm (3.5 in) thick mortar slabs subjected to
various curing conditions. Type I portland cement was used with two different types of
sand, a natural masonry sand and a graded standard sand. An assessment was made of the
difference in pore structure at various depths of the test slabs based on the absorptivity of
the mortar. The test procedure for the absorptivity measurements was as follows (refer to
Figs. 6.2(a) to 6.2(c)):
N-S Compression
0.80 H-S Compression
N-S Modulus of Rupture
0.75 H-S Modulus of Rupture
8 d to 28 d 29 d to 95 d
Drying Period
Figure 6.1 Ratio of strength (compression and modulus of rupture) after drying to
strength for continuous moist curing for normal-strength (N-S) and high-
strength (H-S) concretes (Carrasquillo, Nilson, and Slate 1981)
• Drill 25 mm (1 in) diameter cores through the mortar slabs after curing.
• Cut the cores into 10 mm (0.4 in) thick disks and dry them at room temperature under
vacuum for 48 h. Measure the mass of the dried disks.
• Place the upper surface of the disks in contact with a free water surface for one minute.
• Measure the gain in mass of absorbed water. Convert the mass of absorbed water to
volume of water.
• Calculate the “coefficient of absorptivity” according to the following formula:
V 1
Ka = (6.5)
A t
Ka = coefficient of absorptivity, cm2/s,
V = volume of absorbed water during time t, cm3,
A = cross-sectional area of disk, cm2, and
t = duration of immersion of the disk, s.
Senbetta and Scholer (1984) studied the performance of the above procedure for slabs
exposed to five curing conditions as follows:
• Coated with curing compound (later found to be poor quality),
• Left exposed, and
• Left exposed in a windy environment.
Figures 6.2(d) through 6.2(f) summarize some of the results. These figures show the
absorptivity coefficients plotted as a function of the depth from the slab surface. Results
showed that the more effective curing methods (wet burlap and plastic sheet) produced
smaller differences in absorptivity from the top to the bottom of the slab. Poorly cured slabs
had large differences in absorptivity between the top (near surface) regions and the bottom,
and absorptivity values were on the order of six times greater for poorly cured specimens.
This large difference makes absorptivity a reliable measure of curing efficiency since
differences are readily apparent. As shown in Fig. 6.2(g), there was good correlation
between absorptivity and abrasion resistance. Abrasion resistance is enhanced and
absorptivity is reduced as the curing conditions improve and durations increase.
Based on statistical analysis of the data for the 5-day old samples, Senbetta and Scholer
established a quantitative dividing line to distinguish between adequate and inadequate
curing. This dividing line was based on the differences in absorptivity at depths of 10 mm
and 60 mm (0.4 in and 2.4 in) within the slab. A difference of ≤ 3.7 × 10−6 cm2/s
(0.57 × 10−6 in2/s) indicated adequate curing; whereas, a difference of ≥ 5.5 ×10−6 cm2/s
(0.85 × 10−6 in2/s) indicated inadequate curing.
Based on the results of this study, Senbetta and Scholer (1984) concluded that:
• Absorptivity can be used as a simple and accurate measure of cement hydration and
pore structure development in cement paste.
• Poor curing practices may only affect the concrete surface to a depth of approximately
30 mm (1.2 in).
• The use of absorptivity differences between two depths, or zones, of a specimen to
measure the effectiveness of curing may be applicable to any concrete mixture. This is
because the quantity of interest is based on the difference between two zones of the same
• More work is needed to confirm that the method can be used as a general method to
confirm the effectiveness of curing.
10 mm
89 mm Water
25 mm
(a) Mortar slab (b) Core cut into discs (c) Water absorption
Exposed 44 %
(11 km/h wind)
10 10 72 %
Wet burlap
Plastic cover
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Depth from surface, mm Depth from surface, mm
(d) Effect of curing method (e) Effect of relative humidity
Wet burlap
1 day 22% R.H.
Absorptivity, x 10-6 cm 2/s
Absorptivity, x 10-6 cm 2/s
Wet burlap
10 3 days Plastic Cover
4 Curing compound
Exposed (11 km/h)
Exposed (no wind)
5 days
4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
0 Abrasion loss, cm 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Depth from surface, mm (g) Relationship between absorptivity and
(f) Effect of curing duration abrasion resistance (sandblasting method)
Figure 6.2 Summary of study by Senbettra and Scholer (1984) on use of absorptivity to
indicate curing efficiency
In 1990, ASTM adopted a standard test method (ASTM C 1151) on the use of
absorptivity difference as a measure of the efficiency of curing materials (membrane-
forming compounds and sheet materials). Although the original research by Senbetta and
Scholer (1984) that lead to ASTM C 1151 was not directed to high-performance concrete, the
absorptivity approach could have merit as a tool for the evaluation of different curing
conditions on high-performance concrete specimens.
Two basic mixtures were used with water-cementitious materials ratios of 0.3 and 0.46.
For each of these, two types of concrete were preparedone with silica fume and one
without silica fume. Thus a total of four mixtures were used. Mortar and paste samples
were also made for later testing. After being cast, the specimens were covered and
maintained at 20 °C (68 °F) for 24 h; they were then cured using the three conditions
described above.
induced by immersing the cylinders in a salt solution after the curing period. Initial
corrosion rates were measured using linear polarization resistance. After the steel bar was
polarized to +100 mV relative to a standard calomel electrode for 28 d, another
measurement was taken. The difference between the corrosion rates was taken as an
indicator of the ability of the concrete to protect the concrete by preventing the ingress of
chloride ions.
Results confirmed that the corrosion rate was reduced for the mixtures with the lower
water-cementitious materials ratio and for those specimens that received good curing.
Another important finding was that silica-fume concrete is more sensitive to poor curing
than concrete without silica fume. The decrease in corrosion resistance from the “good”
curing condition to the “poor” curing condition for the silica-fume concrete was much
greater than for the concrete without silica fume. For the “poor” curing condition, the
resistance to corrosion was essentially the same for all mixtures except for the low water-
cementitious materials ratio, silica-fume concrete, which had a significantly lower resistance
to corrosion. For the other two curing conditions (“good” and “fair”), the silica-fume
concretes showed significantly better corrosion resistance. The researchers concluded that
the low temperature of the “poor” curing condition probably inhibited the hydration (and
pozzolanic) reactions in all mixtures, and reduced the resistance to chloride ion penetration.
The improved performance of the low water-cementitious materials ratio, silica-fume
concrete, was likely due to self desiccation leaving the steel in a dry environment.
With regard to porosity, it was noted that the distribution of the larger pore sizes rather
than the total porosity has the greatest influence on durability-related properties. Larger
pores refer to those in the range of 0.09 µm to 0.15 µm (3.5 × 10-6 in to 5.9 × 10-6 in). The
review indicated that blended cements could result in reduced pore sizes compared with
portland cement alone. To attain this benefit, however, concretes made with blended
cements require longer curing periods, or they need to be cured at higher temperatures for
the same period, compared with concretes made with portland cement only.
Gowripalan et al. (1990) noted that gas permeability testing is more common than
water permeability because of the difficulty in getting measurable quantities of water to
flow through good quality concrete. A review of previous research indicated that initial
curing is critical for reducing gas permeability of the outer zone of a concrete member. For
example, it was reported that, for portland-cement concrete, increasing the moist-curing
period from 1 d to 3 d would, on average, reduce oxygen permeability by a factor of 5.
Increasing the curing period to 28 d, however, resulted in only a modest additional
reduction of oxygen permeability. In addition, it was noted that the benefits of increased
duration of curing were less for lower water-cement ratio mixtures.
It was reported that many researchers have attempted to use water absorption tests to
assess the effects of curing. The results of absorption tests are indicative of the total capillary
porosity and pore size distribution. Despite the existence of many such test methods,
standardization of a reliable field method has been hampered by the problem of developing
standardized moisture conditioning procedures prior to measuring absorption properties.
Laboratory research at the University of Leeds on the effectiveness of different curing
compounds involved an absorption testing procedure similar to the one used by Senbetta
and Scholer (1984) that was discussed in Section 6.2.6.
In summary, the review by Gowripalan et al. (1990) provides the following important
observations related to curing to ensure adequate durability:
120 120
Compressive strength (MPa)
80 80
60 20 oC 60 20 oC
50 oC 50 oC
40 40
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Age in days Age in days
120 120
Compressive strength (MPa)
100 100
80 80
20 C
o 20 C
60 60
o 50 C
50 C
40 40
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Age in days Age in days
120 120
Compressive strength (MPa)
(e) 24 % SF
80 80
20 C 20 C
60 60
o o
50 C 50 C
40 40
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Age in days Age in days
Figure 6.3 Strength development of concrete with various amounts of silica fume for
water curing at 20 °C and 50 °C (adapted from Sabir 1995)
120 120
Compressive strength (MPa)
80 80
60 60
40 40
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Silica Fume (%) Silica Fume (%)
120 120
80 80
o 20 C
60 20 C 60
50 C 50 C
40 40
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Silica Fume (%) Silica Fume (%)
Compressive strength (MPa)
(e) 91 Days
20 C
50 C
0 10 20 30
Silica Fume (%)
Figure 6.4 Effect of silica fume content on strength after various periods of curing at
20 °C and 50 °C (adapted from Sabir 1995)
The results showed that the higher curing temperature accelerated the strength gain of
the silica-fume concrete. Beyond 28 d, however, there was less additional strength gain for
the silica-fume concrete compared with the reference concrete. The effect of the curing
temperature on the strength gain differed for the OPC and the silica-fume concretes. For the
high-strength OPC concrete, 7-day strengths were 86 % and 93 % of the 28-day strength for
curing at 20 ºC (68 ºF) and 50 ºC (122 ºF), respectively. For the six silica-fume concrete
mixtures, the average ratios were 76 % and 97 % for curing at 20 ºC (68 ºF) and at 50 ºC
(122 ºF), respectively. Thus it appears that the rate of strength gain of silica-fume concrete is
more sensitive to the curing temperature than that of OPC concrete. While the higher curing
temperature accelerated the early-age strength gain for the silica-fume concretes, at 91 d the
strengths were equal to or less than those of the specimens cured at the lower temperature.
Although the addition of silica fume tended to increase strength, Fig. 6.4 shows that the
beneficial effects depend on the age of the concrete and the curing temperature. At early
ages, the benefits were minimal at the lower curing temperate, but were more pronounced
at the higher temperature. At later ages, the benefits were significant only for higher silica-
fume contents, and curing temperature was not a major factor. These results suggest that
the early-age strength of silica-fume concrete will benefit by an elevated curing temperature.
6.3.4 Monitoring concrete properties in the cover zone—McCarter et al. (1995) studied
techniques to monitor moisture movement within the cover zone of concrete. The cover zone
is the portion of the concrete between the reinforcing steel and the exposed surface of the
member. As has been mentioned previously, this region, which has sometimes been called
the curing affected zone, determines the durability characteristics of the concrete. The research
was directed toward the use of electrical methods to determine the distribution of moisture
during absorption testing. A multi-electrode resistance probe, as shown in Fig. 6.5, was
developed for this purpose. The probe has ten electrode pairs mounted on a plastic base.
The paired electrodes have a center-to-center spacing of 5 mm (0.2 in), and electrode pairs
are placed at 5 mm (0.2 in) depth increments. The 10 electrode pairs permit resistance
readings at various depths, up to 50 mm (2 in), in the cover region. The probe indicates the
degree of saturation at different depths based on the change in electrical resistance due to
the presence of moisture.
The testing arrangement is shown in Fig. 6.6. The test specimens were small concrete
slabs with dimensions of 300 mm × 300 mm × 150 mm (12 in × 12 in × 6 in). The probe was
glued to the reinforcement bar at the center of a slab with 40 mm (1.5 in) of cover provided.
A chamber was mounted to the top surface of the cured slabs, and the chamber was filled
with water that penetrated into the slab under a 200 mm (7.9 in) pressure head. A horizontal
capillary was used to measure the volume of absorbed water. Resistance readings were
taken at 10-minute intervals for 24 h. The concrete was an ordinary portland cement
mixture with a water-cement ratio of 0.5 and a 28-day compressive strength of 45 MPa
(6 500 psi). The test specimens were prepared as follows:
Figure 6.5 Electrical probe used to monitor moisture movement in cover zone;
electrode pairs are offset from each other by 5 mm both vertically and
horizontally (adapted from McCarter et al. 1995)
Measuring Capillary
Air release valve
300 mm
Figure 6.6 Testing arrangement for using electrical resistance probe to measure
moisture distribution during absorption test (adapted from McCarter et al.
• Molds were removed after 24 h, and slabs were wrapped tightly in plastic sheeting for
7 d. Conditions under the plastic were monitored: the temperature was 22 °C (72 °F) and
the relative humidity was 95 %.
• The plastic sheeting was removed after 7 d, and the slabs were sealed on three sides with
an epoxy paint to provide for one-sided drying.
• The slabs were allowed to dry in the laboratory at 22 °C ± 1 °C (72 °F ± 2 °F) and 55 % to
60 % relative humidity for 16 weeks prior to testing.
1.0 Depth, mm
Resistance Ratio
0.5 30
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time, h
Figure 6.7 Example of results using resistance probe (adapted from McCarter et al.
Figure 6.7 is an example of results obtained with the resistance probe. The figure shows
the “resistance ratio” as a function of elapsed time from start of water absorption. The
resistance ratio is the resistance at any time after the start of the test divided by the
resistance just before the start of the test. As the water penetrates to the depth of a probe, the
resistance decreases. Once the water has moved beyond the probe, a constant resistance
ratio is obtained. McCarter et al. chose the point of maximum slope of the resistance ratio-
depth curve to signify when the moisture front arrived at the depth of the probe. It is
observed that the steady-state resistance ratios increase with depth. This indicates that the
degree of saturation at the start of the test was higher for the deeper probes. Thus McCarter
et al. (1995) demonstrated the effectiveness of the multi-probe electrical resistance device in
monitoring the moisture movement within concrete. An additional benefit is that the probe
allows measurement of concrete resistivity at the level of the reinforcing steel, which is an
important parameter in the corrosion process.
Parrott (1992) reported on a research program to examine the effects on the water
absorption in the cover zone for different concretes subjected to indoor and outdoor
exposures for 1.5 years. The study included the effects on water absorption of five exposure
conditions, five water-cement ratios, three periods of moist curing, and four cements. Table
6.4 lists the factors considered in this study. Thirty combinations of these factors were
included so that not all possible combinations were considered.
Compressive strength tests were conducted on 100 mm (4 in) cubes at ages of (1, 3,
28) d, and 1.5 years. Tests for absorption and carbonation were conducted on 100 mm (4 in)
cubes that had been sealed against moisture exchange on five faces, so that one-dimensional
moisture movement took place. Specimens were cured in their molds at 100 % relative
humidity and 20 °C (68 °F) for the first 24 h. After removal of the molds, the specimens were
Table 6.4 Variables Considered in Study by Parrott (1992)
sealed and cured at 20 °C (68 °F) for the prescribed curing periods. At the completion of the
curing period, the specimens were exposed to the five environments listed in Table 6.4. The
quantity of water lost upon initial exposure to the different environments was measured.
Conditions in the laboratory were relative humidity between 55 % and 61 % and
temperature between 19 °C (66 °F) and 21 °C (70 °F). Outdoor conditions were in the ranges
58 % to 90 % relative humidity, 6 °C to 21 °C (43 °F to 70 °F) temperature, and 40 mm to
70 mm (1.6 in to 2.75 in) of rain each month. The inside office normally had a temperature
range of 15 °C to 25 °C (59 °F and 77 °F), and the relative humidity was not controlled. At
the end of the 1.5-year exposure period, the water absorption of the cubes was measured by
placing the uncoated faces of the cubes in contact with water. The gain in mass after (1, 2, 4,
6 , 24 , and 30) h of wetting was determined and expressed in terms of kg/m2. Some of the
results of Parrott’s study are summarized here (Parrott 1992).
Table 6.5 shows the effects of curing duration and portland cement replacement on
water absorption after 1.5 years of laboratory exposure. Wetting periods of (1 , 4, and 24) h
are shown. The water-cement ratio is 0.59. It can be observed that moist curing beyond 3 d
reduced absorption levels for both the fly-ash and slag-cement concretes; however, curing
Table 6.5 Effects of Curing Period and Cement Replacement on Water Absorption
(kg/m ) After 1.5 years of Laboratory Exposure (w/c = 0.59) (Parrott 1992)
100 % OPC 30 % Fly Ash 50 % Slag
Period, d
1h 4h 24 h 1h 4h 24 h 1h 4h 24 h
1 1.46 2.07 3.58 1.84 2.85 4.71 1.39 2.40 4.70
3 0.77 1.19 1.99 1.31 1.86 2.70 1.08 1.75 2.97
28 0.71 1.08 1.88 0.95 1.34 2.09 0.97 1.37 1.92
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Mass Loss After 4 d of Exposure, %
Figure 6.8 Relationship between water absorption after 1.5 years of exposure and
water loss during first 4 d of exposure (Parrot 1992)
beyond 3 d had only a small effect on the absorption of OPC concrete. Thus concretes with
partial replacements of portland cement require longer curing periods to achieve the same
resistance to water absorption as concrete with 100 % portland cement. In this particular
case, the concretes with cement replacements had to be cured 28 d to achieve similar
absorption values as 3 d of curing for the OPC concrete. This clearly indicates that curing
requirements for durability have to consider the type of cementitious system that is used.
Another objective of Parrott’s study was to determine whether water absorption after
the 1.5 years of exposure was related to concrete properties measured at early ages. Figure
6.8 shows the relationship between the water absorption after 4 h of wetting and the mass
loss during the first 4 d of exposure after the curing period. It is seen that, with the exception
of two points, there is a well-defined relationship between the initial water loss and the
subsequent absorption. Both of these properties are related to the fineness of the pore
structure. The two exceptions were the outdoor specimens exposed to rain. The pores of
these specimens were nearly saturated due to rain and little additional water was absorbed
during the wetting period.
Another comparison that was examined was between the 4-hour water absorption after
1.5 years of exposure and the cube strength at the end of the moist curing period. Figure 6.9
shows that, with the exception of the same two points as in the previous figure, there is a
relationship between these two properties. Note that the relationship is less well defined for
strength levels greater than about 20 MPa (3 000 psi). For the higher strengths at the start of
exposure, there is little correlation between the 4-hour absorption and the cube strength.
Water Absorbed After 4 h, kg/m
OPC, lab
5 PFA, lab
GGBS, lab
Filler, lab
4 Outdoor
0 10 20 30 40 50
Cube Strength at Start of Exposure, MPa
Figure 6.9 Relationship between 4-hour water absorption after 1.5 y of exposure and
cube strength at time of initial exposure (Parrott 1992)
Carbonation Depth at 1.5 y, mm
20 Lab
0 1 2 3 4 5
Water Absorbed After 4 h, kg/m
Figure 6.10 Relationship between 4-hour water absorption and depth of carbonation
after 1.5 years of exposure (Parrott 1992)
The final comparison reviewed here is between the 4-hour absorption after 1.5 years of
exposure and the depth of carbonation. Figure 6.10 shows that there is very nearly a linear
relationship between carbonation depth and 4-hour absorption. The same relationship
appears to be valid for both the concrete exposed indoors and outdoors. Thus Parrot (1992)
noted that it may be possible to equate high water absorption with high depth of long-term
Based on these studies, Parrott (1992) concluded that long-term water absorption
performance could be estimated from measurements of properties at the time of exposure
or from mass loss during initial exposure. He also suggested that field measurements of
water absorption should not necessarily be preceded by a period of artificial drying, because
absorption under naturally occurring conditions appeared “to be of greater significance for
durability assessment.”
6.3.5 “Self-curing” concrete Some interesting research has investigated the feasibility
of developing a “self-cure” concrete which would not need any externally applied curing
(Dhir et al. 1994). This concept involves adding water-soluble chemicals to the concrete
during mixing to reduce water evaporation as the concrete is exposed to air drying. Dhir et
al. showed that chemicals are available which have a positive “self-curing” effect. The
research was conducted on ordinary concrete; however, the concept may warrant further
study to determine its applicability to HPC.
This research focused on finding a chemical additive that would enhance water
retention in the concrete and thereby result in an increased degree of hydration, which
would improve the physical properties. An ordinary portland cement concrete with a
28-day design compressive strength of 30 MPa (4 350 psi) was used. The two physical
properties measured were compressive strength and permeability. Standard compressive
strength tests were conducted on concrete cubes, and the initial surface absorption test
(ISAT) was used to measure surface quality. The ISAT test involves measuring the initial
rate of water absorption under a pressure head of 200 mm (7.9 in) of water. The degree of
hydration was determined using x-ray powder diffraction and thermogravimetric methods.
The chemicals which tend to lower the water loss from concrete are water-soluble
polymers that have hydroxyl (–OH) or ether (–O–) functional groups, or both. Hydrogen
bonding occurs between these functional groups and water molecules. This bonding
reduces the vapor pressure of the water and evaporation. The researchers tested six
different chemicals, five of which were synthetic water-soluble polymers and one was a
natural chemical. Due to the proprietary nature of the research the compositions of the
chemicals were not revealed. Various concentrations for each chemical were tested to obtain
optimum results. Control concrete without a chemical additive was also tested.
Two of the chemicals performed significantly better than the others and satisfied the
requirements set out for a “self-cure chemical,” that is, they resulted in significant
improvements compared with concrete exposed to air drying. The main chemical
characteristics of these chemicals are shown in Table 6.6.
The qualitative effects of these two chemicals on characteristics of the paste and
concrete compared with the control concrete stored in air are shown in Table 6.7. The
researchers noted that the increase in degree of hydration with chemical A1 is higher in
relation to the control than the corresponding improvement in water retention. This
indicates that chemical A1 is improving hydration beyond that which can be attributed to
Table 6.6 Characteristics of Successful “Self Cure” Chemicals (Dhir et al. 1994)
water retention alone. The researchers concluded that chemical A1 might reduce the
concentration at which calcium hydroxide (CH) crystals begin to precipitate. As this
concentration is lowered, the effect is to encourage the formation of additional CH, which
improves the degree of hydration beyond that expected from water-retention alone.
Dhir et al. (1996) carried out additional research on the influence of microstructure on
the physical properties of “self-curing” concrete. Further studies were performed to
determine the effects of chemical additive A1 (identified as polyethylene glycol with an
average molecular weight of 200) on the paste microstructure. Compressive strengths were
determined for a range of concentrations of the admixture, for both paste and concrete.
Comparisons were made with control specimens made without the chemical. Also, initial
surface absorption tests (ISAT) were conducted and the results were compared with a
water-cured control concrete.
Figure 6.11 shows the variations of cube compressive strength for paste and concrete
specimens as function of the concentration of admixture A1. Notice that the strength of the
paste increases rapidly as the admixture concentration increases, it reaches a maximum, and
then decreases gradually with increasing concentrations. All the paste specimens with the
admixture are stronger than the control (the strength at 0 concentration). For the concrete
specimens, the strength is greater than the control at the low dosage, but at higher dosages,
the strengths are lower than the control. The researchers infer that the likely reason for this
difference in behavior is that the admixture affects the bond between the aggregate particles
Chemical Attribute
Designation Paste water Degree of Compressive Surface
retention hydration strength quality
A1 Very good Large increase Large increase Extremely
A3 Good Increase Considerable Improvement
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
ISAT 10 (ml m s- x10 )
Air Dried
Water Cured
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Admixture Concentration (M)
Figure 6.12 ISAT 10 values as a function of admixture concentration for air-dried and
water-cured concrete specimens (Dhir et al. 1996)
and the cement paste. The paste-aggregate bond is probably adversely affected because the
admixture alters the morphology of the CH crystals in the cement paste.
Figure 6.12 shows the ISAT 10 values (rate of absorption at 10 minutes after starting the
test) as a function of the admixture concentration for air-dried and water-cured (control)
concrete specimens. Notice that the ISAT value for the air-dried concrete at the highest
admixture concentration is lower than that of the control. This result is surprising since the
degree of hydration of an air-dried specimen with the admixture should not exceed that of a
continuously water-cured specimen. As mentioned above, this may be caused by the effect
of the admixture on the CH crystals. This research also found some evidence that the
admixture alters the CSH gel morphology, reducing the absorptivity of the concrete. Even
though these results show some strength reduction using high concentrations of the
admixture, it is clear that reductions in water absorption characteristics can be obtained.
Although more studies are needed on the feasibility of formulating “self-curing” concrete,
particularly as it relates to high-performance concrete, these studies appear to offer
encouraging results.
Specimens were tested at ages of (1, 7, 28, and 56) d for mass changes, stress-strain behavior,
and compressive strength.
Table 6.8 Mixture Proportions Used in Long-term Strength Study (Read et al. 1991)
special new type of concrete being developed in Canada using a very low cement content
and high proportion of fly ash. Type I portland cement was used in all the mixtures.
The concrete was produced by a commercial batching plant. Three types of structural
elements were cast for each of the mixtures to simulate different structural elements as
• A 500 mm (20 in) thick wall,
• A 250 mm (10 in) thin wall, and
• A 2.0 m × 1.2 m (79 in × 47 in) large column.
These structural elements were cured under conditions to simulate field curing.
Formwork was removed between 18 h and 24 h after casting, then they were cured with
wet burlap for 6 d. After the 6 d of moist curing, the elements were placed under a
waterproofed plywood roof erected at the test site to afford them some protection from the
weather. To simulate exposure conditions normally experienced by columns and walls at a
construction site, the sides of the enclosure were left open. Thus the elements were exposed
to natural seasonal variations in temperature and humidity.
A large number of 150 mm × 300 mm (6 in × 12 in) cylinders were also cast from each
mixture. Half of these were cured under standard moist-room conditions and the rest under
field conditions. Those cured in the moist room were removed from their molds after 24 h
and stored in the moist room at 23 °C (73 °F) and relative humidity in excess of 95 % until
time of testing. The other half were also removed from their molds after 24 h, stored under
wet burlap in the laboratory for 7 d, and then stored alongside the structural elements
under the enclosure.
The moist-cured and field-cured cylinders were tested for compressive strength at ages
of (1, 3, 7, 28, 91, 182, 365, 548, 730, and 912) d. For the structural elements, three cores were
taken at each test age from the top, middle, and bottom of each element. These cores were
then tested for compressive strength.
• Early-age strength development was not greatly influenced by the curing condition.
• Long-term strength development was clearly affected by the type of curing.
• For all six mixtures, the compressive strengths after the age of 6 months were higher for
moist-cured cylinders than for air-cured cylinders.
• The silica-fume and slag-cement mixtures were least affected by the curing conditions.
• The fly-ash mixture was most affected by the curing conditions.
• Independent of the curing conditions, the mixtures with silica fume showed faster rates
of strength development up to 28 d. After 28 d, however, strength gains were lower than
for those without silica fume, up to 365 d. After one year, strength gains for all mixtures
were relatively small.
These results confirm that the influence of silica fume on rate of strength gain occurs
primarily at early ages.
Test results for the cores removed from the structural elements were as follows:
• Compressive strengths at later ages were higher for the cores from the thin-wall
elements compared with the thick-wall elements.
• Compressive strengths at later ages were higher for the cores from the thick-wall
elements compared with the column elements.
• The type of structural element did not influence compressive strength development for
ages up to 28 d.
• Just as for the cylinders, the silica-fume mixtures showed higher early-age strength gains
compared with those without silica fumethe higher the amount of silica fume, the
greater the early-age strength gain. However, after 28 d the mixtures without silica fume
had higher additional strength gains.
The researchers surmised that the higher early-age temperature rise in the thicker elements
(the thick walls and columns) probably resulted in microcracking that adversely affected the
compressive strengths at later ages. However, there were no microscopic studies to confirm
this belief.
The results also showed that the lack of moisture, that is, air–curing, had the most
detrimental effects on the strength development of the cylinders made from the high-
volume fly ash mixture. However, this did not apply to the strength development of the
structural elements as measured by the strengths of cores. Apparently, the availability of
moisture from within the large members was sufficient to maintain strength development.
These results show that conclusions about the effects of different curing conditions on
strength development obtained from cylinders exposed on all sides may not be
representative of strength development within a large concrete member.
6.4.3 Influence of silica-fume content on physical propertiesIn the early 1990s, Hooton
(1993) conducted studies on the effects of different amounts of silica fume (5 % to 20 % mass
fraction of cement) on strength and durability-related properties. The concrete had a water-
cementitious materials ratio of 0.25. Compressive strength was measured using 150 mm ×
300 mm (6 in × 12 in) cylinders that were moist cured at 23 °C (73 °F). Tests were conducted
at ages of (1, 7, 28, 56, 91, 182, and 365) d, and also at (2, 3, and 5) years. The compressive
strengths of all silica-fume concrete specimens tested after 7 d of moist curing were 34 % to
57 % higher than those without silica fumethe higher the silica fume content, the higher
the strength. After 56 d of moist curing, the silica-fume concretes ceased to gain additional
compressive strength, which, according to the author was probably, due to self desiccation.
Long-term compressive strength (2 years to 5 years) test results showed some scatter and
inconsistencies (typical of long-term tests); however, there was a trend of somewhat lower
strength values for both the concretes with and without silica fume.
Table 6.9 Curing Conditions in Study of Drying Shrinkage of HPC (Hindy et al. 1994)
with wet burlap overnight, and transferred to the laboratory the next day where the molds
were removed. For the shrinkage studies, three curing conditions were used as follows:
• Sealed curing: 100 mm × 375 mm (4 in × 14.75 in) cylinders and 100 mm × 100 mm × 375
mm (4 in × 4 in × 14.75 in) prisms were sealed first with a plastic sheet and then with an
aluminum foil. After different periods of sealed curing, the coverings were removed and
the specimens were stored in the laboratory at 20 °C (68 °F) and a relative humidity of
50 %.
• Water curing: Specimens were placed in lime-saturated water at a temperature of 20 °C
(68 °F).
• Air storage: Specimens were stored in the laboratory at 20 °C (68 °F) and a relative
humidity of 50 %.
Table 6.9 summarizes the curing histories for the shrinkage specimens.
• The longer the duration of sealed curing, the less was the drying shrinkage, for both
• For the curing conditions studied, drying shrinkage was less for the higher strength
concrete which had a w/(c + SF) ratio of 0.22 compared with the concrete without SF
and w/c = 0.28.
Table 6.10 Volume Change of HPC Specimens After 1 year (Hindy et al. 1994)
• The duration of sealed curing had a greater influence on the shrinkage of the HPC
without SF than on the HPC with SF.
• A comparison of the drying shrinkage for cylinders and prisms for both concretes
showed that the cross-sectional shapes, which had the same ratio of volume to surface
area, had no effect on the results.
Table 6.10 summarizes the drying shrinkage and swelling strains measured on the test
specimens after one year. As expected, the effect of curing conditions on drying shrinkage is
quite significant. As previously mentioned, drying shrinkage was less for the silica-fume
concrete, which also had the lower water-cementitious materials ratio. It can also be
observed that the silica-fume concrete was much less susceptible to swelling under
saturated conditions.
(t − t o ) b
ε (t − t o ) = ε∞ (6.6)
a + (t − t o ) b
t = concrete age;
to = concrete age when drying shrinkage begins;
a and b = are coefficients determined by least-squares fitting; and
ε∞ = ultimate shrinkage strain, also determined by least-squares fitting.
The parameter a is related to the initial rate of drying shrinkage. The researchers found that
the best-fit values for the parameters a and b differed from the values normally assumed for
ordinary concrete, as shown in Table 6.11.
Table 6.11 Values of Parameters in Hyperbolic Shrinkage-time
Equation ( Hindy et al. 1994)
Hindy et al. (1994) concluded that the permanently sealed curing condition comes
closest to simulating the drying behavior of high-performance concrete structures in the
field. This is based on the dense nature of this concrete, and the fact that a large structural
member, with a low surface-to-volume ratio, is not prone to lose much water in the field. So,
the values of a = 80 d and b = 1, which were obtained for the permanently sealed condition,
were recommended for use in estimating the development of drying shrinkage in actual
high-performance concrete structures. The use of these values results in a lower rate of
shrinkage than for the small laboratory specimens.
Shrinkage strains for the two unloaded reference columns were monitored. It was
found that between 70 d and 330 d, the increase in drying shrinkage strain was negligible
for the silica-fume concrete and it was only 20 × 10-6 for the concrete without silica fume.
These same values for air cured laboratory specimens were, respectively, 162 × 10-6 and
227 × 10-6. This large difference can be attributed to the much larger volume-to-surface ratio
of the columns compared with the laboratory specimens. These results highlight the
importance of considering member size when dealing with processes that involve moisture
movement through high-performance concrete.
Marchand et al. provide a comprehensive summary of recent research on the deicer salt
scaling of concrete. In addition, they discuss the influence of curing on the durability of
concrete and its resistance to deicer salts. Their overview covers the basic concepts of frost
action in concrete, freezing phenomena, and deterioration caused by deicing salts.
As mentioned above, recent research has confirmed that concretes cured with
membrane-forming compounds exhibit better resistance to salt induced scaling than moist-
cured concretes. This finding has been consistent in both laboratory and field experiments.
Moist curing generally leads to the development of a denser concrete in the surface layer
than does curing with a membrane-forming compound. This can actually be detrimental to
the concrete’s resistance to scaling. When freezing occurs, water movement from the
concrete interior to the surface can be hindered, resulting in an increased likelihood of
damage to the surface.
Research has also confirmed that early-age curing at high temperatures (common in
precast plants) is detrimental to the scaling resistance of some concretes. These curing
conditions cause a coarser pore structure than with normal curing practices. The coarser
microstructure that results from rapid hydration at high curing temperatures is believed to
be more susceptible to surface scaling.
Traditionally, air entrainment has been used in ordinary concrete to enhance its
resistance to freezing and thawing and scaling by deicer salts. Since entrained air reduces
bleeding and the permeability of the concrete, resistance to freezing and thawing in the
surface layers is improved (Neville 1996). Air entrainment also densifies the concrete
because it improves workability and allows a reduction in water content. High-performance
concretes generally have low water-cement ratios in the range of 0.25 to 0.35. These
concretes have little free water available for freezing, so air entrainment may not be
required for protection against deicer salt scaling (Snyder, Clifton, and Knab 1994).
Marchand et al. (1994) report that air entrainment is generally not required for scaling
resistant high-performance concrete when these two conditions are met:
If concretes are made without silica fume, a water-cementitious material ratio of about 0.25
is recommended.
Curing significantly affects the characteristics of the surface zone, which is the crucial
region in regard to resistance against deicer salt scaling. Poor curing practices can also cause
plastic shrinkage cracking, which reduces surface durability. Although the complexities of
the mechanisms involved in deicer salt scaling are not yet fully understood, it is clear that
good curing practices are vital for resistance to the damaging effects of these phenomena.
noted reductions in the long-term strength of these concretes when stored in air. de Larrard
and Bostvironnois (1991) hypothesized that the observed strength reduction after extended
storage in air was the related to the effects of drying of the test specimens. An experimental
study was carried out to test this hypothesis. They conducted mechanical tests on three
different concretes and three storage conditions. Three concretes were tested:
Compressive strength tests were conducted at ages of 28 d, 3 months, and 4 years. Test
cylinders were 160 mm × 320 mm (6.3 in × 12.6 in). The moisture distribution within the
cylinders was measured as a function of time using a through transmission gamma-ray
method. A cylinder was positioned so that the gamma rays penetrated along its length at a
fixed distance form the axis. This allowed measurement of attenuation as function of radial
distance, from which the variation in moisture content was determined. A schematic of the
testing technique is shown in Fig. 6.13(a).
The conclusion drawn from the mortar tests is that the losses of compressive strength in
high-strength concrete reported by some researchers are apparently not due to drying when
there is a small drying gradient in the test specimen.
Cylinder Variable height
Very High-Strength
Density Change
r 0.5r 0 0.5r r
Distance from Center
Figure 6.13 (a) Schematic (b)
of Schematic
method toof measure
moisture content
distribution in drying
cylinders and (b) schematic of density variation with radial distance after 4
years of drying (based on de Larrard and Bostvironnos 1991)
The gamma-ray tests of the concrete cylinders allowed comparison of the average
moisture distribution across the diameter of the specimens. For the water-cured concrete,
the moisture distribution was nearly uniform across the cylinders. For cylinders cured in air
at 20 °C (68 °F) and 50 % relative humidity, the following observations were noted.
• For the ordinary concrete, drying occurred with a relatively high gradient at 3 months;
however, the gradient had disappeared at 4 years.
• In the high-strength concrete mixture, drying occurred also with a low gradient
• In contrast to the above, the very high-strength concrete developed high moisture
gradients with time. The drying was confined to the “skin” of the cylinders. After
4 years of exposure, only the first 3 cm (1.2 in) of the surface had shown the effects of
Figure 6.13(b) is a schematic to illustrate the differences in the moisture content distribution
for the ordinary and very high-strength concrete cylinders after 4 years of drying.
The authors measured strength up to only 3 months in their study, and they relied on
the 4-year strengths from a previous study (using similar concrete) to arrive at an estimate
of the reduction in strength between 3 months and 4 years due to drying. Compressive
strength from the earlier study showed that the water-cured specimens of the very high-
strength concrete gained strength continuously to an age of 4 years. As explained in their
paper, the authors estimated the strength reduction expected between 3 months and 4 years
for the air-dried specimens of the same concrete. This estimated strength reduction ranged
between about 5 MPa (725 psi) and about 7 MPa (1 000 psi).
de Larrard and Bostivironnis (1991) theorized that air-dried specimens had lower
strength compared with water-cured specimens because of shrinkage induced stress due to
the non-uniform moisture distribution. Since the outer regions of the cylinders were much
drier than the interior, the exterior region would tend to shrink and the interior region
would restrain the shrinkage. Thus the outside of the cylinder would be in tension and the
interior would be in compression. Based on the measured moisture distribution in the very
high-strength concrete cylinders, de Larrard and Bostivironnis calculated the self-
equilibrating stress distribution at the middle of the cylinder. The calculated maximum
compressive stress at the center of the very high-strength concrete cylinder after 4 years of
drying was approximately 5 MPa (725 psi). This compares favorably with the estimated
strength reduction. Thus the long-term loss of compressive strength can be attributed to the
internal drying stresses. These “self-stresses” result in a pre-compression of the core which
reduces the magnitude of externally applied stress to reach ultimate strength. The
magnitude of the compressive self-stress depends on the magnitude of the moisture
gradient across the specimen cross section. By means of an innovative reasoning, the
authors concluded that the maximum value of the compressive self-stress is twice the tensile
strength of the concrete.
Table 6.12 Results of Various Tests at Age of 50 d ( Hasni et al. 1994)
Compression and flexural strength tests, porosity, and depth of carbonation (after 28 d
of exposure to a concentrated carbon dioxide mixture) were determined on 70 mm × 70 mm
× 280 mm (2.75 in × 2.75 in × 11 in) prisms. A scanning electron microscope was used to
examine the extent of microcracking and the nature of the microstructure on fracture planes
near the surface and the interior of 50 mm × 50 mm × 20 mm (2 in × 2 in × 0.75 in) concrete
specimens. Resistance to chloride ion penetration was evaluated in accordance with the
electrical procedure given in AASHTO T 277 (similar to ASTM C 1202).
Table 6.12 shows the porosity, compressive strength, and flexural strength after 50 d of
storage under the different exposure conditions.
Figure 6.14 shows the compressive and flexural strengths of specimens stored in the
laboratory and exposed to hot air as a fraction of the strength of the specimens stored at
100 % RH. It is seen that the strength reductions for exposure to drying conditions are
smallest for the high-performance concrete without silica fume. The concrete with silica
fume had the greatest compressive strength reduction for the hot air exposure condition.
The microscopic study showed that the high-performance concrete with silica fume had
more microcracking for the hot-air exposure than the concrete without silica fume. The
porosity near the surface was also greater for the concrete with silica fume. The dryer the
curing method, the deeper was the penetration of carbonation below the surface. The high-
performance concrete without silica fume showed the least effects of carbonation, and the
1 HPC + SF
Strength Relative to 100% RH
Laboratory Hot air Flex. Lab. Flex. Hot air
Storage Condition
Figure 6.14 Strengths for specimens stored in the laboratory or exposed to hot air in
relation to strengths of specimens stored at 100 % RH ( Hasni et al. 1994)
concrete with silica fume experienced slightly more depth of carbonation (2 mm [0.08 in] to
3 mm [0.12 in] more) than the reference concrete after 28 d of exposure to a concentrated
amount of carbon dioxide . A possible reason for this observation is that the concrete with
silica fume had less calcium hydroxide and was more prone to carbonation.
In summary, these results showed that the effects of poor curing were more
pronounced for the concrete with silica fume, even though both high-performance concretes
had the same compressive strength after 50 d at 100 % RH, i.e., 90.1 MPa (13 080 psi). It was
also concluded that the exposure conditions adversely affected the near surface concrete
more than the interior concrete, and reinforced the need for good curing of the surface when
maximum durability is desired.
Table 6.13 Depth of Carbonation in mm as a Function of Age for Different Durations
of Moist Curing (Balayssac et al. 1995)
not be classified as high-performance, however, the results point out the importance of
water-cement ratio on the effects of moist curing.
Four concrete mixtures were made with cement composed of 75 % mass fraction
portland cement clinker and 25 % limestone filler. The concretes were proportioned with
different cement contents and water-cement ratios. Cylindrical test specimens were moist
cured for (1, 3, and 28) d, after which they were stored in air at 20 °C (68 °F) and 60 %
relative humidity for up to 18 months. The carbon dioxide content of the air was 0.03 %. At
ages of (90, 180, 360, and 540) d, test specimens were split and the depth of carbonation was
measured using phenolphthalein. Three replicate specimens were measured for each
condition. Table 6.13 summarizes the characteristics of the four concrete mixtures and the
average depths of carbonation as a function of age and duration of the moist-curing period.
As expected, the depth of carbonation at any age decreased as the water-cement ratio
decreased or the duration of moist curing increased. However, it can be seen that when the
moist-curing period increased from 3 d to 28 d, there was generally less improvement with
decreasing water-cement ratio. This confirms the findings of others that high-performance
concrete may be less sensitive to the duration of curing than ordinary concrete.
Balayssac et al. (1995) tested other concretes made with ordinary portland cement and
with blended cement containing 65 % mass fraction of slag. They found good correlation
between the carbonation depth at 18 months and the compressive strength at the end of a 3-
day moist curing period. Thus it was concluded that strength at the termination of moist
curing might be a good predictor of long-term resistance to carbonation. These findings are
consistent with those of Parrott (1992), as summarized in Section 6.3.4.
6.6 Research in Australia
The following summarize the major observations and conclusions from this study:
• Drying shrinkage strain at 460 d for specimens initially water-cured for 3 d was between
545 × 10-6 and 775 × 10-6, depending upon the cementitious materials and water-
Table 6.14 Drying Shrinkage and Swelling Strains for High-strength Concrete
(Sri Ravindrarajah et al.1994)
Shrinkage (microstrain)
200 28 day
100 day
100 460 day
0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36
Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio
Figure 6.15 Drying shrinkage versus water-cementitious materials ratio for different
durations of drying after 3 d of moist curing (Sri Ravindrarajah et al. 1994)
cementitious materials ratios. In general, the ultimate shrinkage strain was directly
related to the water-cementitious materials ratio. The exception was the mixture with 5
% silica fume and 5 % fly ash, which had lower than expected shrinkage.
• Recoverable shrinkage (i.e., swelling) after 55 d of soaking was between 44 % and 76 %
of the drying shrinkage at 460 d. The lowest recoverable shrinkage (as a percentage of
the drying shrinkage) occurred in the mixtures with 15 % silica fume and the blended
cement with 35 % slag content.
• Drying shrinkage after 100 d of air drying for concretes that had 460 d of water curing
prior to drying was between 39 % and 67 % of the corresponding shrinkage for similar
concretes that were initially water-cured for only 3 d. The smallest percentage was for
the concrete with blended cement (Mixture 5).
The last of the above observations reinforces the notion that prolonged moist curing is
beneficial in reducing the potential drying shrinkage in high-strength concrete. Because
Ranvindrarajah et al. (1994) compared the drying shrinkage of mixtures having different
water-cementitious materials ratios, it is difficult to draw conclusions regarding the effects
of cement replacements. However, the water-cementitious materials ratios of mixture 1
(portland cement only), mixture 4 (5 % silica fume + 5 % fly ash), and mixture 5 (blended
cement) are comparable. The results for the 460-day cured specimens from these mixtures
show that the potential shrinkage of well-cured, high-strength concrete can be significantly
reduced by using supplementary cementitious materials.
results on the performance of commonly used curing methods. The results of tests for water
sorptivity, carbonation, and abrasion resistance, on both laboratory specimens and full-size
columns, were used as indicators of surface quality due to different curing procedures. The
author’s objective was to develop the basis for improving project specifications to enhance
the durability of concrete structures.
These are representative of methods commonly used in the field, and with the exception of
steam curing, are typically called “water retaining” methods since their function is to reduce
the loss of water incorporated into the concrete mixture. The development of durability
related surface properties using these methods was compared with their development
under standard moist-room curing.
Three grades of concrete (as given in Australian standards) were used, as shown below:
For the laboratory specimens, water sorptivity tests were performed on concrete slabs
with dimensions of 400 mm × 170 mm × 60 mm (15.8 in × 6.7 in × 2.4 in). In theses tests, the
depth of penetration of water was measured as a function of soaking time, and the slope of
the straight line fitted to the data of depth versus square root of time was taken as the
“sorptivity” value. Depth of penetration was estimated by visual observation of the
moisture front after splitting the specimens. Carbonation tests were conducted on 75 mm ×
75 mm × 210 mm (3 in × 3 in × 8.5 in) prisms stored in a chamber with air containing 4 %
carbon dioxide and at 50 % relative humidity. Abrasion resistance was determined using
the sand blasting method described in ASTM C 418.
Three columns were cast from three grades of concrete obtained from a commercial
source. The column cross-sections were 800 mm × 800 mm (31.5 in × 31.5 in), and the
columns were cast in 300 mm (12 in) segments separated by plastic sheets. Various control
specimens (with the same dimensions as in the laboratory study) were also made for
compressive strength, water sorptivity, and carbonation tests. The control specimens were
subjected to standard moist curing. Cylinders with 100 mm (4 in) diameter were used for
compressive strength tests. Column formwork was removed after 1 d, at which time the
various curing methods were applied. In addition, a section of each column was removed at
1 d and moist-cured for 6 d. At ages of 7 d and 28 d, 100 mm (4 in) diameter cores were
taken from the column segments and tested for water sorptivity and depth of carbonation.
Table 6.15 lists the average compressive strengths at different ages and for different
curing conditions for the concrete mixtures prepared in the laboratory. Table 6.16 lists the
average compressive strengths of cylindrical specimens made from the commercial concrete
used in the columns. Standard curing refers to curing in a moist room (fog spray) at 23 °C
(73 °F).
For the laboratory concretes, the ratio of the 7-day to 28-day strength ranged from 73 %
for grade 25 to 82 % for grade 40. The ratios of the 1-day to the 28-day strength were 20 %,
24 %, and 33 % for grade 25, grade 32, and grade 40, respectively. From these results, Ho
(1992) suggested that higher strength concretes would be expected to be less sensitive to the
lack of initial curing because of their higher rate of early-age strength gain. For the
commercial concretes, the 7-day to 28-day strength ratios were 68 % for both grade 25 and
grade 32, and 82 % for grade 40. The ratio of 1-day to 28-day strength was about 19 % for
the three grades of commercial concrete. The generally lower rate of early-age strength gain
for the commercial concretes compared with the laboratory concretes was attributed to
differences in fineness and chemical composition of the cements that were used.
The results of water sorptivity, depth of carbonation, and abrasion tests for the
specimens cured in the laboratory with standard moist curing were similar, and are
summarized as follows:
The major of objective of Ho’s work was to compare the results obtained under
standard curing with those obtained under “practical curing conditions.” Practical curing
refers to the types of procedures that are used in construction, as opposed to standard
laboratory moist curing. Curing of vertical and horizontal surfaces was considered.
Table 6.17 shows selected results for the sorptivity values of vertically cast surfaces for
specimens made with the laboratory concretes. Vertical surfaces present the biggest
challenge in providing adequate curing procedures. The results obtained with standard
curing are compared with the results obtained by sealing the specimens with plastic
sheeting. The specimens were kept in their molds for the first day, prior to application of the
curing procedure. Multiple entries in Table 6.17 indicate replicate results. For standard
moist-curing, the results are at (1, 7, and 28) d, while they are at (3, 7, and 28) d for curing
Table 6.17 Sorptivity in mm/h0.5 for Different Curing Conditions on Vertical Surfaces of
Specimens From Laboratory Concretes (Ho 1992)
with plastic sheeting. A lower value of the sorptivity means that water penetrated into the
concrete more slowly, and is indicative of higher quality concrete.
A review of all the sorptivity results for vertical surfaces lead Ho (1992) to make the
following observations and conclusions:
• Low strength concretes are more sensitive to the lack of initial curing.
• The surface quality (in terms of sorptivity) achieved by practical curing procedures was
equivalent to (at best) the quality achieved by 2 d to 3 d of standard moist curing.
• Use of plastic sheeting is effective in improving the surface quality of grade 25 concrete
and grade 32 up to 7 d of protection. There was little improvement in surface quality by
keeping the sheeting in place beyond 7 d. For grade 40 concrete, the use of plastic
sheeting gave only slight improvement in surface quality over that achieved after
removal of the formwork at 1 d.
• Extended curing in the formwork for grade 25 and grade 32 concrete gave good
improvements in quality up to 7 d. Beyond 7 d, there was only slight improvement.
• For grade 25 and grade 32 concrete, the plastic sealed envelope was more effective than
curing in the formwork or curing membranes; however, if the plastic envelope has small
holes (punctured or torn), the benefits are negated.
• The chlorinated rubber membranes were less effective than the wax-based material. The
wax-based membrane performed in a similar manner to the formwork.
• For grade 40 concrete, other than for wax membrane, all other initial curing procedures
gave only a small improvement in quality compared with that achieved after removing
the formwork after 1 d. Wax curing was by far the most effective procedure for this
grade of concrete.
Similar conclusions about curing effectiveness were obtained from the rate of
carbonation measurements. The surface quality achieved from the practical curing methods
was generally equivalent to 3 d, or less, of that achieved by standard moist curing. The one
exception was wax membrane that gave the equivalent of 4 d to 5 d of moist curing. Curing
in the formwork for 7 d gave good results, with only a small decrease in quality if only 3 d
was used. Curing beyond 7 d gave only slight improvements and would not be justified.
The carbonation rate for the large columns was essentially constant for all the curing
procedures. Practical curing produced a surface quality, as measured by carbonation,
equivalent to 2 d to 4 d of standard moist curing.
In addition, Ho examined the effectiveness of moist curing after steam curing for 8.5 h at
70 °C (158 °F).
Based on the water sorptivity test results, the following conclusions were reached about
the effectiveness of different curing methods for horizontal surfaces:
• Just as for vertical surfaces, all curing procedures gave improved results compared with
only 1 d in the formwork.
• For each of the curing procedures, there were only small differences in the sorptivity
values for grade 25 and grade 32 concrete. Sand with 8 % moisture content gave the best
results. A single coat of chlorinated rubber membrane was slightly more effective than
the use of plastic sheeting. Sand with 4 % moisture content gave about the same results as
the chlorinated rubber membrane and the plastic sheeting.
• For grade 40 concrete, the plastic sheeting was ineffective. This may have occurred
because the sheets were placed loosely over the concrete surface and were not sealed at
their boundaries. The wet sands and the curing membrane were effective in improving
surface quality. Water sorptivity values were equivalent to less than 3 d of moist curing
with the exception of wet sand with 8 % moisture content which gave a quality
equivalent to 7 d of moist curing.
• For the grade 25 and grade 32 concrete, steam curing gave sorptivity results generally
similar to the other curing procedures. It was not as effective, however, as curing with the
wet sand at 8 % moisture content.
• Steam curing for the grade 40 concrete gave sorptivity results similar to those for the
curing compound and the 4 % wet sand. Just as for the other grades, it was not as
effective as the wet sand with 8 % moisture.
• Using an additional 6 d or 27 d of water curing following the steam curing cycles was
ineffective in improving the surface quality.
• All curing procedures improved the quality compared with that achieved after only 1 d
in the formwork. Surface quality was generally equivalent to about 4 d of standard
moist curing.
• For grade 25 concrete, the use of plastic sheets or moist sand (at both 4 % and 8 %
moisture content) for 7 d gave similar results. For grade 32 and grade 40, the sand with
8 % moisture was more effective than either the plastic sheets or the sand with 4 %
moisture. The curing compound gave the best results for the grade 25 concrete. For the
grade 32 concrete, the curing compound was similar to using the sand with 8 % moisture,
while for the grade 40 concrete it was similar to using the sand with 4 % moisture.
• Steam curing with the grade 25 and grade 32 concrete gave results similar to using wet
sand and plastic sheets, but not as good as using the chlorinated rubber curing
• Steam curing with the grade 40 concrete was more effective than the other methods with
the exception of the sand with 8 % moisture.
• Additional water curing after steam curing gave negligible improvements for the grade
25 and grade 32 concrete, and only slight improvements with the grade 40 concrete.
Overall conclusionsFor thin concrete sections, such as walls, the results from the
laboratory specimens would closely simulate those from field conditions. Some of the major
observations for these types of sections are:
• For the practical curing procedures considered, the surface quality achieved is generally
equivalent to approximately 3 d of standard moist curing. From this, it is apparent that
water-retaining curing methods (practical) are less effective than water-adding methods
(moist curing).
• Most of the improvement in surface quality occurs in the first 3 d of curing. There is
some improvement when the duration is extended to 7 d, but there is little improvement
beyond this time.
• Based on the results with damaged plastic sheeting, good field supervision and
oversight are required to ensure that there are no holes, tears, or punctures in the sheets.
• For vertical surfaces, the wax membrane gives an improved surface quality over the
chlorinated rubber. For horizontal surfaces, the opposite is true probably because the
effectiveness of the wax membrane is diminished by surface moisture diluting the
water-based wax material.
• The various forms of practical curing had more effect on the lower grade concretes than
on the grade 40 concrete.
• Steam curing is generally equivalent to about 3 d of standard moist curing—similar to
other forms of practical curing.
For thick sections such as columns, the results from the large test columns will closely
approximate actual field conditions. Some of the major results for thick elements are:
6.6.3 Strength development of high-strength concrete with and without silica fume Mak and
Torii (1995) conducted studies on the strength development of high-strength concrete with
and without silica fume under the influence of high curing temperatures up to 70 °C
(158 °F). The primary objective of the research was to determine the effect of silica fume on
concrete strength development under realistic curing histories.
Two concrete mixtures were used: an 80 MPa (11 600 psi) ordinary portland cement
(OPC) concrete and a 100 MPa (14 500 psi) silica-fume concrete. The amount of silica fume
was 8.7 % of the mass of cement. The portland cement was a Type GP commonly available
in Australia. The water-cementitious materials ratio for both concretes was 0.3, and a high
range water-reducer (formaldehyde-based lignosulphonate type) was used to produce an
average slump of about 140 mm (5.5 in).
Three curing methods were used for the 100 mm × 200 mm (4 in × 8 in) cylinders:
Real-time Temp. temperature history
temperature history
Water bath
Water bath
Concrete specimens
The sealed condition was obtained by using an adhesive backed plastic film. For curing
with the TMC system, the cylinders were cured in the temperature-controlled water bath
for 72 h and then were sealed and stored at 23 °C (73 °F).
Compressive strengths were measured at ages of (7, 28, 91, and 360) d. Figure 6.17
shows the compressive strength development of the cylinders subjected to standard curing
under water at 23 °C (73 °F). It is seen that the strength for the silica-fume concrete and OPC
concrete were similar at an age of 7 d. However, beyond 7 d, the silica-fume concrete was
stronger than the OPC concrete.
Figures 6.18(a) and 6.18(b) compare the strength development of the ordinary portland
cement concrete and the silica-fume concrete, respectively, for the three curing conditions. A
comparison of the results for standard water-bath curing versus sealed curing shows that
the OPC concrete benefited from the moist curing more than the concrete with silica fume.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Age, days
For the silica-fume concrete, the TMC cylinders were stronger at 7 d than the water-
cured cylinders. However, beyond 28 d, there was little additional strength gain for the
TMC cylinders compared with water-cured cylinders. At 1 year, the compressive strength
of the TMC cylinders was 15 % lower than the standard water-cured cured cylinders. The
failure of the TMC cylinders to undergo sustained strength development was attributed to
self-desiccation in the silica-fume concrete. This lack of sustained strength development was
consistent with supplemental measurements of non-evaporable water content and internal
relative humidity (Mak and Torii 1995).
In summary, Mak and Torii (1995) showed that high curing temperatures, as might be
obtained in actual structural elements, accelerate the 7-day compressive strength of silica-
fume, high-strength concrete, but there is little additional strength gain thereafter. In
contrast, the high-strength concrete without silica fume had higher subsequent strength
development. This difference in strength development was attributed to self-desiccation in
the silica-fume concrete. Mak and Torii noted that when silica fume is used in a low water-
cement ratio concrete, as was investigated in this study, complete hydration cannot be
achieved. It is, however, not necessary to have complete hydration for adequate high
strength development.
(a) PC concrete
80 Bath
70 TMC
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Age, days
(b) SF concrete
Compressive Strength, MPa
70 TMC
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Age, days
6.6.4 Curing of concrete containing fly ash—It is recognized that concrete in which fly ash
replaces some of the cement may not develop its potential properties if proper curing is not
applied and the concrete is exposed immediately to dry ambient conditions. Haque (1990)
carried out a study to determine the minimum duration of curing so that the long-term
properties of fly-ash concrete would not be not be affected adversely by exposure to drying
The research involved six concrete mixtures. Three mixtures were plain concrete made
with only portland cement and three were made with fly ash replacing 30 % of the mass of
cement. Test specimens included 100 mm × 200 mm (4 in × 8 in) cylinders for measuring
compressive strength and 150 mm × 300 mm (6 in × 12 in) cylinders for measuring water
penetration. The cylinders were stored in their molds in the laboratory for the first 24 h after
casting, and then selected specimens were stored under the following conditions:
Storage conditions D and WD were used to represent a temperate, dry exposure and a
warm, dry exposure, respectively.
• At age 24 h, the molds were removed, some cylinders were placed in the moist room,
and others were stored under conditions D, WD, and WW.
• After 7 d of storage in the moist room, some of the specimens were removed and stored
under conditions D, WD, and WW. Some cylinders were kept in the moist room for
additional curing.
• After 28 d of storage in the moist room, the remaining cylinders were removed and
stored under conditions D, WD, and WW.
The result of the above process was to produce specimens with (0, 7, and 28) d of
standard curing before being exposed to the other storage conditions. Specimens with 0 d of
storage in the moist room were tested for compressive strength at ages of (7, 28, and 91) d.
Specimens with 7 d of storage in the moist room were tested at ages of 28 d and 91 d; and
those with 28 d of initial curing were tested at 91 d. The specimens for measurement of
water penetration were stored under condition WD, and at 91 d they were immersed in
water for 2 h. Depth of penetration was determined by splitting the 150 mm (6 in) diameter
cylinders using the splitting tension technique, and the depth of water penetration that was
observed visually was measured.
Table 6.18 gives the compressive strengths (average of two specimens) at ages of (7, 28,
and 91) d for the different curing and storage conditions. The first number of the mixture
identification indicates the nominal strength grade of the concrete in megapascals, and the
second number indicates the percentage of cement replaced by fly ash (ASTM Class F).
Thus all mixtures ending in the number 30 represent fly-ash concretes. Figure 6.19 shows
the relationship between the depth of water penetration after 2 h of immersion and the 91-
day compressive strength of the companion cylinders.
A careful study of the compressive strength values in Table 6.18 reveals the following
observations (Haque 1990):
Table 6.18 Compressive Strength in MPa at (7, 28, and 91) d for Different Periods of
Moist-room Curing Prior to Storage Under Different Conditions (Haque, 1990)
• Strength development of the plain concretes and fly-ash concretes were seriously
impaired when no curing (other than the 24 h in the molds) was provided prior to
exposure to drying conditions (conditions D and WD). The strength development of the
fly-ash concretes was impaired more than that of the plain concretes.
• When the concretes were subjected to 7 d of curing before exposure to drying
conditions, the reduction in strength compared with the strength of the continuously
moist-cured specimens was reduced greatly.
• At early ages, fly-ash concretes benefit from elevated temperature curing more than
plain concretes.
The results of the water penetration tests (Fig. 6.19) showed the following:
• With no prior curing, the depth of water penetration (at an age of 91 d) was greater in
the fly-ash concretes than in the plain concretes.
• With no prior curing, the depth of water penetration decreased in proportion to the
increase in concrete strength for plain concrete and fly-ash concrete (observe the solid
line in Fig. 6.18).
• With 7 d or 28 d of intial curing, the depth of water penetration was less in the fly-ash
concretes than in the plain concretes for the same compressive strength (observe the two
dashed lines in Fig. 6.19).
40 0-PC
35 0 cure
Depth of Penetration, mm 7-FA
30 28-PC
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Compressive Strength, MPa
Based on these results, Haque (1990) concluded that curing of fly-ash concrete is critical
if the concrete will be exposed to drying conditions immediately after mold removal at 24 h.
A minimum curing period of 7 d was recommended. These findings are in agreement with
those of Khan and Ayers (1995), which were summarized in Section 6.2.1. Since many high-
performance concretes include supplementary cementitious materials, such as fly-ash and
ground granulated blast furnace slag, which gain strength more slowly than portland
cement at room temperature, these findings need to be considered in the formulation of
rational curing guidelines.
Some studies were conducted in Japan on the effects of silica fume on the properties of
high-strength concrete with compressive strengths from 90 MPa (13 000psi) to 100 MPa
(14 500 psi) (Torii and Kawamura 1994). The research included the influence of early-age
curing conditions on durability-related properties. Detrimental effects of poor curing on
pore structure were found to be more significant in normal-strength concrete than in high-
strength concrete. Results showed that high-strength concrete with 8 % silica fume (mass
fraction of cement) developed a dense pore structure at early ages regardless of the curing
method used. This can be attributed to the low water-cementitious materials ratio and the
effects of the rapid pozzolanic reaction of the silica fume. Poor curing practices also had
Table 6.19 Concrete Mixtures Studied by Torii and Kawamura (1994)
little effect on the resistance to chloride ion penetration (electrical method) of the high-
strength concrete with silica fume.
The overall objective of this research was to investigate the effects of silica fume on both
the mechanical and durability-related properties of high-strength concrete. The mechanical
properties that were measured included compressive strength, splitting tensile strength,
and modulus of elasticity; and the durability-related properties included pore size
distribution, chloride ion permeability, resistance to freezing and thawing, and depth of
carbonation. The concrete mixtures that were used included two “normal-strength”
concretes and two high-strength concretes as shown in Table 6.19. High-early strength
portland cement was used, and a high range water-reducer was used in all mixtures, except
N0, to obtain slumps of 80 mm ±20 mm (3.2 in ±0.8 in). Silica fume was used in mixtures N8
and H8 to replace 8 % of the mass of portland cement.
• Specimens, in their molds, were stored in a moist room at 20 °C (68 °F) for 24 h.
• After 24 h in the moist room, the molds were removed and the specimens were stored in
water at 20 °C (68 °F) until ages of (3, 7, and 14) d.
• Specimens were removed from the water bath and subjected to air drying at 20 °C
(68 °F) and 60 % relative humidity until an age of 28 d.
• In addition, specimens were stored continuously under water or exposed to air drying
for 28 d.
Table 6.20 gives the results of mechanical property tests as a function of curing time
under water. Figure 6.20(a) is a plot of compressive strength versus age; Fig. 6.20(b) shows
the same strength-age data normalized by the corresponding strengths at 28 d; and
Fig. 6.20(c) shows the compressive strength of the concrete with silica fume divided by the
strength of the corresponding concrete without silica fume.
Table 6.20 Measured Mechanical Properties for Water-cured Specimens (Torii and
Kawamura 1994)
For continuous moist curing, the compressive strengths of the concretes with silica
fume were consistently higher than the strengths of the concretes without silica fume
(Fig. 6.20a)). The high-strength concrete with silica fume (mixture H8) had the most rapid
early-age strength development (Fig. 6.20(b)). For the high-strength concrete with silica
fume (H8), the strength improvement over the corresponding mixture without silica fume
(H0) increased steadily between (3, 14, and 28) d, and beyond 28 d the improvement was
relatively constant. Thus in the high-strength concrete, the positive effects of silica fume on
strength gain were greatest during early ages.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Age, days
Strength/Strength at 28 days
0.7 N0
0.6 H0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Age, days
Strength w /o SF
Strength w / SF
Normal Strength
1.1 High Strength
0 20 40 60 80 100
Age, days
Figure 6.20 (a) Compressive strength versus age for water-cured cylinders; (b) strength
relative to strength at 28 days; (c) strength with silica fume relative to
strength without silica fume (Torii and Kawamura 1994)
The “rapid chloride permeability test” described in AASHTO T-277 (the same as ASTM
C 1202) was used to indicate resistance to chloride ion penetration. Test specimens were
prepared by cutting 50 mm (2 in) thick discs from the centers of the 100 mm × 200 mm (4 in
× 8 in) cylinders. The specimens were tested at ages of 28 d. The charge passed after 6 h at a
60 V potential was taken as the indicator of the resistance to chloride ion penetration. The
addition of silica fume reduced the charge passed for both normal and high-strength
concretes. For the normal strength mixtures (N0 and N8), the charge passed was affected by
the curing conditions. However, curing conditions had very little influence on the charge
passed through the high-strength concrete with silica fume.
In summary, the study by Torii and Kawamura (1994) showed that for high-strength
concrete 3 d of moist curing prior to exposure to air drying was sufficient to result in high
resistance to chloride ion penetration (as measured by charge passed) and high resistance to
penetration of the carbonation front.
6.8.1 The use of silica fume in concreteExtensive research programs have been
undertaken in Norway on the use of silica fume in concrete. Large amounts of silica fume
are produced and used in concrete construction. Silica fume contents greater than 10 % have
been used along with high range water-reducers and very low water-cement ratios to
produce high-strength concrete. Results of Norwegian studies on silica-fume concrete
confirm many of the findings from other countries (Gjørv 1991):
• Silica-fume concrete is susceptible to plastic shrinkage cracking and moist curing must
take place immediately after placement. The use of silica fume in high-strength concrete
makes the concrete more sensitive to proper curingearly drying tendencies must be
carefully controlled with proper curing procedures.
• The temperature of the concrete affects the age at which silica fume contributes to
strength development. The effects of silica fume on enhanced strength development will
begin earlier as the temperature is increased. For example, increasing the concrete
temperature from 30 °C (86 °F) to 40 °C (104 °F) and to 50 °C (122 °F) causes the effect of
silica fume on strength development to commence at ages of (3, 2 , and 1) d, respectively.
At 20 °C (68 °F), the major contribution of silica fume to strength gain occurs between
5 d to 7 d.
• Silica fume can be used to produce very durable concrete for structural applications in
severe environments. The percentage of reduction in permeability of a given mixture
with silica fume is greater than the percentage of strength gain, when compared with the
same mixture without silica fume. Stated another way, silica fume has a proportionately
greater effect on improving durability than it does on improving strength gain.
6.8.2 The long-term strength of high-strength concrete with silica fumeThere were
concerns about the long-term strength of high-strength concrete made with silica. Therefore,
Maage et al. (1990) carried out a laboratory study to determine whether there were any
long-term strength losses associated with the use of silica fume in high-strength concrete.
High-strength concretes up to 10 years old were studied.
Various mixtures, all made with ordinary portland cement, were tested. The water-
cementitious materials ratios varied from 0.37 to 0.61, and the silica fume content varied
from 0 % to 20 % of the mass of cement. Laboratory specimens (100 mm [4 in] cubes) for
measuring compressive strength were removed from the molds after 1 d, and then cured in
water at about 20 °C (68 °F) or stored in air at about 20 °C (68 °F) and 50 % relative humidity
until time of testing. Two replicate cubes were tested at each age. The strength development
over the 10-year period for the various mixtures and the two curing conditions is shown in
Fig. 6.21.
An examination by the authors of the results summarized in Fig. 6.21 leads to the
following conclusions:
• For water-cured specimens, there was a consistent strength gain over the 10-year period.
The concretes without silica fume had a strength gain from 28 d to 10 years of about 70
%. The concretes with silica fume had a corresponding strength gain of 30 % to 50 %,
depending on the silica fume content. The primary benefit of the silica fume on strength
gain occurs within the first 28 d. The effect of silica fume on strength gain is less
significant beyond the initial 28-day period.
• For specimens stored in air, there was also a consistent strength gain over the 10-year
period. From 28 d to 10 years, the strength gain was in the range of 0 % to 30 %.
Theconcretes without silica fume attained the highest gains, and the concretes with the
highest contents of silica fume had the lowest gains.
The lower strength gains for the specimens stored in air compared with the moist-cured
specimens is not surprising, and can be attributed to the lack of sufficient moisture to
sustain the hydration process. Figure 6.22 shows the normalized strength data obtained by
dividing the cube strengths in Fig. 6.21 by the 28-day strength of the water-cured specimens.
20% SF, Air (a) w/c = 0.58 - 0.61
100 20% SF, Water
1 10 100 1000 10
Age, days
5% SF, Water
0% SF, Air
80 0% SF, Water
1 10 100 1000 10
Age, days
(c) w/c = 0.37 - 0.39
Compressive Strength, MPa
1 10 100 1000 10
Age, days
Figure 6. 21 Strength development of various concrete mixtures made with and without
silica fume and subjected to moist curing or stored in air (Maage, et al. 1990)
20% SF, Air (a) w/c = 0.58 - 0.61
20% SF, Water
20% SF, Air
Strength/Strength at 28 d
20% SF, Water
0% SF, Air
0% SF, Water
1 10 100 1000 10
Age, days
1 10 100 1000 10
Age, days
0% SF, Air
0% SF, Water
1 10 100 1000 10
Age, days
Figure 6.22 Compressive strength divided by strength after 28 days of moist curing
(Maage et al. 1990)
A comparison of the results for the moist-cured specimens with those for the specimens
stored in air indicates that the mixtures with lower water-cementitious materials ratios were
not more sensitive to drying than the mixtures with higher ratios. Likewise, the mixtures
with silica fume were also not more sensitive to drying than the mixtures without silica
fume. In fact, Fig. 6.22(c) shows that the mixtures with the water-cementitious materials
ratios between 0.37 and 0.39 had similar strengths up to 28 d, irrespective of the curing
In summary, this laboratory study employing 100 mm (4 in) cubes did not reveal any
long-term strength loss in high-strength concrete containing silica fume. In addition, there
was no strong evidence that high-strength concretes, with or without silica fume, were more
sensitive to drying than normal strength concretes. On the contrary, the high-strength
concrete appeared to be less sensitive to drying with regard to compressive strength
Work in Israel in the late 1980s focused on the effects of curing on the development of
properties in high-strength concrete with and without silica fume (Bentur and Goldman
1989). Tests were conducted to evaluate the effects of the following curing methods:
• Water curing for 7 d, then exposure to air drying under “mild” conditions, 20 °C (68 °F)
and 60 % RH, until tested.
• Wetting twice a day and exposed to hot and dry conditions to simulate poor field
practice in a “harsh” environment. Specimens were immersed in water for 5 minutes
twice a day, then exposed to 30 °C (86 °F) and 40 % RH. This wetting and drying
treatment was continued for durations of (1, 2, 3, or 6) d. Specimens were then stored at
30 °C (86 °F) and 40 % RH until tested at 28 d. Specimens were kept sealed in their molds
for the first day after casting.
• Water immersion for 6 d (after being sealed in the molds for the first day after casting),
then exposed to 30 °C (86 °F) and 40 % RH. This condition was intended to simulate
good water curing practice in a harsh environment.
• Continuous water curing until tested.
Three high-strength concrete mixtures were investigated, and they all used portland
cement similar to ASTM Type I. The two reference concretes did not contain silica fume, the
third mixture contained silica fume at a cement mass fraction of 15 %. All mixtures
contained a high range water-reducer to provide workable concretes with slumps of
approximately 100 mm (4 in). Characteristics of the mixtures are given in Table 6.21. The
specimens for compressive strength measurement were 70 mm (2.75 in) cubes. Cubes that
were not continuously water cured were soaked in water for 48 h prior to strength testing.
In addition, 70 mm × 70 mm × 280 mm (2.75 in × 2.74 in × 11 in) prisms were used to
Table 6.21 High-strength Concrete Mixtures Used by Bentur and Goldman (1989)
It is observed that the 28-day compressive strength of the silica-fume concrete is much
greater than that of reference concrete II without silica fume (despite having equal water-
cementitious materials ratios). The researchers attributed this enhanced strength to
improved aggregate-paste bond in the silica-fume concrete. Since the 1-day strength was
also greater in the silica-fume concrete, the positive effects of silica fume began at an early
Figure 6.23 compares the 90-day compressive strengths of the specimens that were
continuously water cured with the strengths of the specimens that were cured in water for
7 d followed by storage at 20 °C (68 °F) and 60 % RH. Similar relationships were observed
Water cured
100 Air storage
Compressive Strength, MPa
Reference II SF Concrete
Concrete Mixture
Figure 6.23 Comparison of 90-day cube compressive strength for Reference II and
silica-fume concretes (Bentur and Goldman 1989)
Relative Strength
Ref. II
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Duration of Intermittent Wetting, d
Figure 6.24 Compressive strength at 28 d for specimens subjected to wetting twice daily
relative to strength of specimens moist cured for 6 d (Bentur and Goldman
for the 28-day compressive strengths except that the strengths were generally about 10 %
lower. As expected for the reference concrete, storage in air after 7 d of moist curing resulted
in a somewhat lower 90-day strength than the continuous water curing. For the silica-fume
concrete, however, the specimens stored in air after 7 d of water curing were almost as
strong as those cured in water continuously. This behavior can be attributed to several
characteristics of high-strength concrete with silica-fume:
• The effects of strength gain from silica fume occur quite early—within the first 28 d.
• Silica-fume concrete develops a dense microstructure after only about 7 d of water
curing, and this reduces the rate of drying when exposed to air.
Figure 6.24 shows the 28-day strengths of specimens subjected to the intermittent
wetting procedure relative to the strength of specimens that were water cured for 6 d and
exposed to the “harsh” environment. The latter treatment was taken to be representative of
good curing practice. The intermittent wetting procedure resulted in reduced strength
compared with water curing. The relative strength reduction, however, was similar for both
the reference II concrete and the silica-fume concrete. For the short durations of intermittent
wetting, the silica-fume concrete seemed to perform slightly better than the reference
concrete. Note that for the silica-fume concrete, there appeared to be no benefit to increasing
the duration of intermittent wetting from 1 d to 6 d.
Depth of Carbonation, mm 10
Ref. II
6-day Immersion
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Duration of Intermittent Wetting, d
Figure 6.25 Depth of carbonation after 28 days of exposure to accelerated conditions for
specimens subjected to wetting twice daily compared with specimens moist
cured for 6 days (Bentur and Goldman 1989)
water cured for 6 d. The effect of intermittent wetting was similar for the reference and
silica-fume concretes. This is further evidence that the use of silica fume does not make
concrete more susceptible to carbonation. The researchers note that for 3 d to 6 d of
intermittent wetting there was about a 20 % reduction in strength compared with the 6 d of
water curing. In contrast, the depth of carbonation was about 100 % higher for the
intermittent wetting. Thus, regardless of the composition of the cementitious material in
high-strength concrete, the adverse effect of intermittent water curing is of greater
importance to the “skin” properties (as represented by the depth of carbonation) than to the
compressive strength.
6.10.1 The use of lightweight aggregate to enhance the curing of high-strength concreteSome
research in Germany focused on the replacement of a portion of normal weight aggregate
by lightweight aggregate to provide a supply of water within the concrete to sustain the
curing process (Weber and Reinhardt 1996). This technique has proven to be effective in
offsetting some of the effects of self desiccation in low water-cement ratio concrete. The
concept is relatively simpleto store water for curing inside the concrete by using
lightweight aggregate with high moisture content. This research investigated the trade off
between the benefits of additional moist curing versus the potential strength loss from using
lightweight aggregate.
The research program involved testing high-strength concrete made with normal
weight aggregate (the reference concrete) and a number of different high-strength concrete
mixtures containing a blend of normal weight aggregate and lightweight aggregate. The
reference concrete had a water-cementitious material ratio of 0.33 and contained 7 % silica-
fume as mass fraction of the cement. The 28-day compressive strength of 100 mm (4 in)
cubes that were wet cured for 7 d and stored for 21 d at 20 °C (68 °F) and 65 % relative
humidity was 104 MPa (15 000 psi).
Eleven different high-strength concretes with blended aggregates were tested. Prior to
use, the lightweight aggregate (an expanded clay) was wetted either by sprinkling with
water for ½ h or immersion in water for 24 h. Aggregate moisture contents ranged from
7.8 % to 20.8 % for the various mixtures. The volume of lightweight aggregate ranged from
10 % to 25 % of the total aggregate volume. For all the concretes, the amounts of cement and
water were kept constant, and the amounts of high range water-reducer and silica fume
were varied to produce workable mixtures. Most of the concretes contained the same
amount of silica fume as the reference concrete (7 %), with only two of them containing 10 %
silica fume. Compressive strength tests at an age of 28 d were conducted on 100 mm (4 in)
cubes that had been cured by one of the following methods:
• NK – Stored 6 d under water and then in air at 20 °C (68 °F) and 65 % RH (standard
• KR – Stored in air at 20 °C (68 °F) and 65 % RH
• SK – Stored in air at temperatures varying from 15 to 25 °C (59 to 77 °F) and RH varying
from 40 % to 45 %
• KL – Sealed with aluminum foil and plastic sheeting
After casting, the cubes were compacted with a vibrating table for 30 seconds, then
stored in a moist room for 24 h. The cubes were then removed from their molds and stored
for one hour in the laboratory prior to beginning the curing conditions described above.
Cubes were removed from their curing conditions 1 h before being tested for 28-day
compressive strength.
Figure 6.26 shows the cube strengths for the different mixtures and curing methods.
The results indicated that the curing method had little effect on the 28-day compressive
strength of a given mixture. Many of the concretes with lightweight aggregate had lower
compressive strengths than the reference concrete made without lightweight aggregate,
which had a standard-cured strength of104 MPa (15 000 psi).
The researchers modified one of the most promising mixtures (mixture 7 in Fig. 6.26) by
increasing the amount of silica-fume and lightweight aggregate. Characteristics of the
resulting mixture are shown in Table 6.22. This mixture contained a retarder and a high
range water-reducer which resulted in a good, workable concrete with a uniform
distribution of the lightweight aggregate. The same type of cement was used as with the
reference concretea rapid hardening portland cement. The 28-day standard-cured
100 KR
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Concrete Mixture
Figure 6.26 Compressive strength at 28 days for different curing conditions (Weber and
Reinhardt 1996)
compressive strength of the modified mixture equaled that of the reference concrete
containing normal weight aggregate, that is, 104 MPa (15 000 psi). Compression tests were
conducted for each of the four curing conditions at ages of (7, 28, 91, and 180) d on 100 mm
(4 in) cubes. Figure 6.27 shows the resulting relative compressive strengths for the different
curing conditions and for the concretes with and without lightweight (LW) aggregate. The
strengths are relative to the 28-day standard-cured strengths of 104 MPa (15 000 psi)
obtained for the two types of concrete. Based on the results shown in Fig. 6.27, the following
conclusions were drawn:
Strength Ratio
0.6 KL KL-LW
0 50 100 150 200
Age, days
compressive strength at 7 d than the concrete with normal weight aggregate for all four
curing conditions. The 28-day compressive strength for the lightweight aggregate
concrete (about 99 MPa [14 350 psi] to 100 MPa [14 500 psi]) was also higher than the
strength of the normal weight aggregate concrete for curing conditions KR, KK, and KL
shown above. The 28-day strength for the lightweight aggregate concrete for these
curing conditions was slightly less than the standard-cured compressive strength of
104 MPa (15 000 psi).
• After 180 d, the compressive strength of the high-strength concrete with lightweight
aggregate was essentially the same for all curing conditions and slightly exceeded the
reference compressive strength of 104 MPa (15 000 psi). In comparison, the 180-day
compressive strength for the concrete with normal weight aggregate was sensitive to the
curing condition. For example, considering the two poorest curing conditions (KK and
KR as shown above), strengths were 15 % to 20 % lower than the reference compressive
The insensitivity of the high-strength concrete with lightweight aggregate to the type of
curing was a significant benefit when compared with the concrete with normal weight
aggregate. This can be attributed to the availability of internal moisture from the
lightweight aggregate for the continuation of curing, which was independent of the external
curing method. Within the lightweight aggregate concrete, curing can continue even after
the surface becomes impervious, thus reducing the need for additional moist curing.
6.10.2 Efficiency of curing methodsA series of studies on curing was conducted at
Darmstadt University. Kern et al. (1995) reported preliminary results of a study to evaluate
the effectiveness of various curing methods. Although this work was not specifically
directed at high performance concrete, some of the concepts and results may be applicable.
The basic premise of these studies was that the degree of hydration largely determines the
durability of concrete, and the degree of hydration can be determined from the amount of
chemically bound water. The authors defined curing efficiency as, “...the ability to keep the
water in the concrete to guarantee high quantities of chemically bound water and thus to guarantee a
high degree of hydration.” Quantitatively, Kern et al. (1995) suggested expressing curing
efficiency as the ratio of the degree of hydration for a given curing condition to the degree of
hydration produced by curing under water for 7 d at 20 ºC (68 ºF).
Test specimens were 200 mm (8 in) cubes, and they were prepared to simulate curing
conditions in walls and slabs. To simulate walls, four sides of the cubes were sealed so that
only two opposite faces were exposed to the curing environment. To simulate slabs, five
faces were sealed so that only the top surface of the cube was exposed to the curing
environment. These treatments were intended to simulate one-dimensional moisture
movement as would be expected to occur within the mass of a concrete member.
• Cubes were kept in molds for 1 d, then the curing procedure was begun.
• After removal from their molds, specimens were cured for an additional 2 d or 6 d prior
to testing.
• The amounts of chemically bound water were analyzed at (1, 3, and 7) d after casting.
• Concrete powder samples were obtained from various depths using a drill.
• Acetone was used to stop hydration, and the amounts of free water and gel water were
determined by drying first at 60 °C (140 °F) and then at 105 °C (221 °F) for 1 h.
• The amount of chemically bound water was determined by ignition.
Volume % of Water
1 day
5 3 days
7 days
0 20 40 60 80 100
Depth, mm
Volume % of Water
1 day
5 3 days
7 days
0 20 40 60 80 100
Depth, mm
Figure 6.28 Chemically bound water at different ages as a function of distance from
exposed surface: a) one day in mold and then exposed to air; b) 1 day in
mold and then kept under wet covering
The brief report by Kern et al. (1995) provides only preliminary results. Figures 6.28(a)
and 6.28(b) show results for two conditionsno curing and cured for 1 d in the molds and
then protected with wet coverings and vapor-proof sheets. The concrete had a water-
cement ratio of 0.60. The amount of chemically bound water is expressed in terms of the
volume of cement in the powder samples. For the 1-day tests, the results are similar in both
figures since the specimens were kept in their molds for that period. Thus the results were
In Figs. 6.28(a) and 6.28(b), the steep gradients in chemically bound water within the
first 10 mm (0.4 in) for the 3-day and 7-day curves for the “no curing” condition are
obviously due to evaporation occurring near the concrete surface. For the curing with a wet
covering, the gradient in less steep and only the outer 5 mm (0.2 in) appears to be affected.
Note also that for no curing. the quantity of chemically bound water in the near surface
layer remains at less than 10 %, while it increases in the case of curing with the wet
covering. Although only preliminary results were reported, the researchers concluded that
the degree of hydration, as indicated by the amount of chemically bound water, can be used
to determine the curing efficiency of the various curing methods normally used for
In a second summary paper related to the same project, Grübl et al. (1996) provided
further information on the efficiency of eight curing methods, which included nine different
curing compounds. Figure 6.29 is a schematic of the different patterns that were observed
for the curves of relative amounts of chemically bound water versus depth. In this case, the
amount of chemically bound water at a given depth was expressed relative to the average
over depths of 16 mm to 100 mm (0.6 in to 4 in). Curve “b” represents the case where the
curing condition has no effect, and the amount of chemically bound water is constant.
Curve “a” represents the case where evaporation leads to a reduction in the degree of
hydration in the surface zone. Curve “c” represents the case where the degree of hydration
close to the surface is low, but it increases below the surface and exceeds the value within
the interior of the concrete. No explanation was provided for this behavior.
Grübl et al. (1996) proposed three criteria to describe curing efficiency for those
conditions that result in a curve similar to “a” in Fig. 6.29. These criteria are shown in
Fig. 6.30, and they are described as follows:
Depth, mm
Relative Amount of 2
Chemically Bound A = average value for undisturbed
Water B hydration in inner part of cube 16 to
100 mm
Depth, mm
Figure 6.30 Proposed criteria 1, 2, and 3 to evaluate efficiency of curing methods (Grübl
et al. 1996)
1 Difference between the average chemically bound water within 12 mm (0.5 in) of the
surface and the average at depths between 16 mm (0.6 in) and 100 mm (4 in).
2 The area between the curve and the line representing the average chemically bound
water at depths between 16 mm (0.6 in) and 100 mm (4 in).
3 The maximum depth that is influenced by the curing condition.
Grübl et al. (1996) chose criterion 1 to evaluate the curing efficiency of the various
procedures that were studied. The distributions of chemically bound water at 7 d were used
in the analyses. The results are given in Table 6.23, and examination of the values in the last
column of the table reveals the following:
• Most of the curing methods showed a reduced amount of chemically combined water in
the outer 12 mm (0.5 in) of the specimens compared with the interior.
• In most cases, extending the curing duration from 2 d to 6 d reduced the difference
between the outer zone and the interior concrete.
• There was wide variation in the efficiency of the various curing compounds.
In a later study, Breier and Kern (1997) extended the research on efficiency of curing
methods to high-strength concrete. The study involved two concrete mixtures with water-
cementitious materials ratios of 0.22 and 0.33, and they included 7 % silica fume (mass
fraction of cement). Four curing methods were involved, as follows:
• Specimens kept in their molds for 3 d, then stored at 20 ºC (68 ºF) and 65 % RH until
• Specimens kept in their molds for 7 d, then stored at 20 ºC (68 ºF) and 65 % RH until
• Specimens kept in their molds for 1 d, water ponding for 6 d, then stored at 20 ºC (68 ºF)
and 65 % RH until testing.
Table 6.23 Efficiency of Curing Methods Evaluated at 7 d (Grübl et al. 1996)
• Specimens kept in their molds for 1 d, then stored at 20 ºC (68 ºF) and 65 % RH until
Four properties were used to evaluate the curing efficiencies of these four curing
• “Open” porosity, which was defined as the difference in the average open porosity
within the outer 10 mm (0.4 in) and the average open porosity in the interior of the
Unfortunately, the summary paper by Breier and Kern (1997) does not provide details
of the testing methods to measure the tensile strength and “open” porosity. Test specimens
were 150 mm (6 in) and 200 mm (8 in) cubes that were sealed on four sides to simulate
curing in a wall as explained above. Two replicate specimens were used for each concrete
property measurement.
In this study, Breier and Kern (1997) used a different approach to define the relative
efficiency, E, of a curing method for a particular concrete and age, which is defined as
X − X min
E= (6.7)
X max − X min
X = measured property for a particular curing method,
Xmin = worst value of property obtained by the least efficient curing method, and
Xmax = best value of property obtained by the most efficient curing method.
Thus curing efficiency ranges from 0 to 1.0, where 0 signifies that the curing method
resulted in the lowest level of the property and 1.0 signifies that it resulted in the highest
level of the property. The authors argue that this relative efficiency factor allows averaging
of the relative efficiency of a particular curing method across different concrete mixtures,
different test ages, and different concrete properties. Figure 6.31 shows the relative curing
efficiency values for the four curing methods, as obtained for the different concrete
properties and the different mixture/age combinations. Two findings are evident: (1) the
relative rankings of the curing methods are not the same when evaluated at ages of 7 d and
28 d; and (2) the relative rankings are not the same for different concrete properties.
The researchers calculated average relative efficiencies for each curing method across
the different properties and concrete mixtures. These are shown in the third and fourth
columns of Table 6.24. The results for the “open” porosity measurements were not included
in the averaging, because of “ambiguous tendencies” (Breier and Kern 1997). Finally, the
relative efficiencies were averaged across the two testing ages to obtain the overall average
values shown in the last column of Table 6.24. Based on these results, the authors reached
the following conclusions for the high-strength concrete that was used:
Table 6.24 Average Values of Curing Efficiencies for Different Curing Methods
(Breier and Kern 1997)
Prof. H. K. Hilsdorf has led some of the most extensive and informative work on
concrete curing. He has been involved in the effort to revise the European standard for
curing of structural concrete (see Section 5.13.5). This effort has included experimental
studies as well as theoretical considerations in the search for more rational, better-defined
curing requirements. Hilsdorf’s studies have focused mainly on different criteria for the
duration of curing, certainly an area of interest and controversy in the use of high-
performance concrete. This section summarizes the findings, conclusions, and
recommendations of Hilsdorf’s group (Hilsdorf and Burieke 1992; Hilsdorf 1995).
According to Hilsdorf and Burieke (1992) concretes can be distinguished by their curing
sensitivity, which is defined as the curing duration needed to reach some specified level of
durability or an applicable mechanical property, such as strength. For example, for concrete
with low curing sensitivity, the long-term properties would not be affected significantly by
the duration of the curing period. Factors that determine curing sensitivity include the
properties of the cementitious materials, mixture proportions, and the environment to
which the concrete is exposed when curing is terminated. The latter factor affects the rate of
moisture loss at the end of the curing period.
As has been stated often, increasing the duration of moist curing improves the
mechanical and durability properties of concrete. The challenge is to determine the
minimum duration of curing that is necessary to achieve the required level of performance
for the specific application, taking into account all pertinent parameters. Prolonged curing
(a) Tensile strength 3d Formwork 6d Water
7d Formwork Air
Relative Efficiency
w/c=0.22; 7d w/c=0.22; 28d w/c=0.33; 7d w/c=0.33; 28d
w/c=0.22; 7d w/c=0.22; 28d w/c=0.33; 7d w/c=0.33; 28d
(c) Open porosity 3d Formwork 6d Water
Realtive Efficiency
w/c=0.22; 7d w/c=0.22; 28d w/c=0.33; 7d w/c=0.33; 28d
Figure 6.31 Relative efficiency for curing methods (Breier and Kern 1997)
adds to construction costs and unnecessary delays on the job site, and, therefore, it should
be avoided, unless it is necessary to assure required performance.
6.11.1 Parameters affecting curing duration Hilsdorf lists four parameters which must
be considered when establishing minimum curing durations (Hilsdorf 1995):
6.11.2 Curing criteriaIn defining the requirements for the minimum curing duration,
Hilsdorf considered the following four criteria.
C-Concept, ensures that, at the end of the specified service life, the depth of carbonation is
less than the depth of cover.
The procedure to establish the curing duration for the C-Concept is summarized below.
Additional details may be found in Hilsdorf and Burieke (1992) and Hilsdorf (1995). In
developing the curing durations for the C-Concept, Hilsdorf assumed a service life of 50
years and a depth of concrete cover of 25 mm (1 in). Long-term, laboratory, carbonation
studies established the following relationship between depth of carbonation at 20 °C (68 °F)
and 65 % RH and air permeability measured (according to a specific test method) at 56 d:
K 56 t
d (t ) = d c 0
K 056 t0
d cc ( t ) = the depth of carbonation at time t under standard laboratory conditions,
K 56 = air permeability (m 2 /s) of the concrete at an age of 56 d,
K 056 = a constant equal to 2 × 10 −10 m2/s or 1 × 10 −11 m2/s depending on the type
of cement used,
m = 0.5,
t = duration of carbonation, in years,
t0 = 1 year, and
dc0 = 1 mm
This expression is based on the assumption that a t relationship is valid for the
development of carbonation depth with time.
According to Hilsdorf, vertical surfaces exposed to rain result in the most severe
carbonation in environments typical of Northern and Central Europe. In an attempt to take
into consideration the outdoor exposure conditions on the rate of carbonation, the following
factor is used:
d cRV
αc = (6.9)
d cc
αc = a conversion factor with a value of 0.44 that has been determined
d cRV = depth of carbonation of vertical surfaces exposed to rain (assumed to be 25
mm at 50 years), and
d cc = depth of carbonation measured under standard laboratory conditions.
Thus the depth of carbonation for a realistic exposure that is representative of Northern and
Central Europe is slightly less than one-half of that obtained under standard laboratory
By combining Eqs. (6.8) and (6.9) and solving for K 56 , one obtains the following
d RV 2 t m
K 56 = c 0 K 056 (6.10)
α c d c 0 t
Equation (6.10) represents the required 56-day air permeability of the concrete so that the
depth of carbonation is limited to d cRV after t years of exposure. If we assume that
d cRV = 25 mm (1 in) and t = 50 years, the value for K 56 can be calculated that will limit the
depth of carbonation to 25 mm (1 in) after 50 years of exposure.
To find the required curing time to attain the permeability K 56 , Hilsdorf used three
relationships, as follows:
1. Permeability-porosity relationship:
K 056
K 56 = (6.11)
(1 − v p ) n
vp = capillary porosity and
n = coefficient equal to 4.9 determined experimentally
0.68 m
(1 − v p ) = (6.12)
0.32m + w c
m = degree of hydration (expressed as a fraction) and
w = water-cement ratio
α and r = coefficients determined experimentally that depend on type and strength
class of cement,
t = time in d, and
t0 = 1 d.
Equations (6.11), (6.12), and (6.13) can be combined to obtain an expression for the
56-day air permeability as a function of hydration time.
0.32 1 − 10 t0 + w
K 56 = K 056 (6.14)
0.68 1 − 10
If it is assumed that hydration stops at the end of the curing period, Eq. (6.14) can be used to
determine the required duration of curing to obtain the 56-day air permeability required
according to Eq. (6.10).
As will be shown in a subsequent table, the C-Concept will not normally be the
controlling criterion for curing duration. Tests have indicated the C-Concept will control
only for concretes made with blended blast furnace slag cements with high slag content.
This concept could also control in a situation where lower thicknesses of cover are used, that
is, less than 25 mm (1 in). Other conditions where this criteria might control would be
environments where sustained periods of hot, dry weather are followed by a season of
rainy, cooler weather (Hilsdorf 1995). An environment such as this would be conducive to
more rapid penetration of the carbonation front, and could lead to carbonation-induced
corrosion even if adequate cover had been provided. These conditions would indicate the
need for longer curing periods to provide the necessary resistance to carbonation.
To summarize, the following information is needed to estimate minimum duration of
curing using the C-Concept:
The basic problem in implementing the M-Concept is selection of the target value of
maturity (or degree of hydration). The properties of a given concrete depend on the mixture
proportions as well as the extent of hydration. Thus, if a minimum level of an applicable
concrete property were the objective, the minimum level of maturity at the end of the curing
period would depend on the specific concrete mixture. However, if a level of maturity were
specified, a relationship such as Eq. (6.13) could be used to determine the minimum
duration of curing, at a specific temperature, to attain that maturity.
The R1-Concept offers the advantage that using mixtures with low water-cement ratios
or having rapid early strength development can reduce the curing period. This criterion
may be applicable when durability is of concern, because it has been established that, for a
given concrete, there is “reasonably reliable” correlation between compressive strength and
other durability-related characteristics, such as resistance to carbonation, permeability, and
abrasion resistance (Hilsdorf and Burieke 1992; Ho and Lewis 1988).
In the R2-Concept, the curing duration is independent of the water-cement ratio, but it
would depend on the rate of strength development, which would be affected by the mixture
constituents and the concrete temperature. The R2-Concept is appropriate when structural
strength is of concern. The basic notion is that the concrete should be cured long enough so
that the in-place strength at some depth below the surface attains the specified strength
used to design the structure. This is illustrated schematically in Fig. 6.32, where the solid
curve represents strength development of the concrete under standard curing and the
dashed curve represents strength development of the in-place concrete. When curing is
terminated, drying of the surface occurs and hydration ceases when the moisture content
falls below a critical value. However, it will take time for the drying front to penetrate into
the core of the concrete member. As result, the interior concrete will continue to gain
strength after curing is terminated. A longer curing period will reduce the rate of movement
of the drying front into the interior concrete, and the strength will continue to increase at
depths closer to the surface.
Standard Curing
Strength Air Drying
Figure 6.32 Schematic of strength development below surface for standard curing and
for moist curing followed by air drying.
Hilsdorf (1995) discussed a method for estimating the fraction of the standard-cured
strength that should be attained at the end of the curing period to assure that the interior
concrete will achieve the design strength. The method is based on the requirement that the
curing duration should be long enough so that at 28 d (or other applicable age) the concrete
strength at the depth of the first layer of reinforcement will equal the design strength. The
rationale for this requirement is to assure that the bond strength (or development length) of
the reinforcing steel will attain the value assumed in the design. Diffusion theory was used
to model the drying of the concrete from the exposed surface. It was assumed that the rate
of hydration was not affected until the moisture content dropped below the value that is in
equilibrium with a relative humidity of 90 %. The calculations were carried out for a
concrete with a 28-day strength of 40 MPa (5 800 psi), for cements with different hardening
rates, and for different ambient relative humidities (ambient temperature was 20 °C (68 °F)).
The cover depth was taken as 25 mm (1 in). The results of the calculations are shown in
Fig. 6.33.
RH = 80%
0.8 RH = 60%
RH = 50%
cc c28
R = f /f
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
R =f /f
s cx=25 c28
Figure 6.33 Relationships between strength ratio at depth of 25 mm (1 in) and ratio of
strength at end of curing period (based on figure provided by H.K.
The vertical axis in Fig. 6.33 represents the fraction of the standard-cured, 28-day
strength when curing is terminated. The horizontal axis represents the strength at a depth of
25 mm (1 in) expressed as a fraction of the 28-day design strength. The effects of different
cement types were minor (see Hilsdorf 1995), and so the results of the calculations are
shown as three curves. Based on these calculations, for an ambient relative humidity of
60 %, curing may be terminated when the concrete has attained 0.6 of the standard-cured,
28-day strength. If the ambient relative humidity is 50 %, curing has to be maintained until
0.85 of the standard-cured strength is attained. On the other hand, if the ambient relative
humidity is 80 %, only about 0.4 of the standard-cured strength has to be attained. The time
required to achieve these fractional strengths at a specific temperature can be estimated
from the strength development characteristics of the cement.
6.11.3 SummaryTable 6.25 summarizes the calculated minimum curing durations for
the different curing criteria proposed by Hilsdorf and co-workers. The cement types are
those specified in European standards (see Section 5.13.4). Additional information about the
assumptions and parameters used to obtain these values are given in Hilsdorf and Burieke
The curing durations based on the C-Concept are for a cover depth of 25 mm (1 in) and
a service life of 50 years. The underlying data involved relationships between strength and
air permeability. It is seen that the duration of curing to protect against carbonation at the
depth of 25 mm (1 in) is relatively short, except when blended cement containing blast
furnace slag is used. Cement type CEM III/A contains 36 % to 64 % slag and type CEM
III/B contains 66 % to 80 % slag.
Table 6.25 Summary of Minimum Curing Periods based on Different Criteria (adapted
from Hilsdorf and Burieke 1992; and Hilsdorf 1995)
The curing durations based on the P-Concept were calculated for a permeability value
that is lower than that required to hinder penetration of the carbonation front.
Consequently, the calculated curing durations are longer than those from the C-Concept.
For the M-Concept, curing times were calculated for an arbitrary degree of hydration of
For the R1-Concept, the reference strength was taken as the strength of a mixture made
with the same materials at a water-cement ratio of 0.6 and cured for 7 d.
For the R2-Concept, it was assumed that the concrete would be exposed to an ambient
relative humidity of 60 % after termination of curing, and the 28-day strength at a depth of
25 mm (1 in) would equal the design strength. The concrete was assumed to have a
standard-cured 28-day strength of 40 MPa (5 800 psi).
In all of the calculations it was assumed that the concrete temperature during curing
was 20 °C (68 °F). Thus the actual required curing durations could be longer or shorter than
the values in Table 6.25 if, during the curing period, the concrete temperature were below or
above 20 °C (68 °F), respectively. The maturity method could be used to calculate required
curing periods at different temperatures.
A study of Table 6.25 reveals that, in most cases, the longest curing duration is
associated with the R2-Concept. The exceptions are when high durability is required from a
concrete with a high water-cementitious materials ratio, which would typically not be a
practical condition.
The key aspect of the work of Hilsdorf and his co-workers is the methodology that has
been developed for arriving at rational curing requirements. Application of the
methodology has demonstrated clearly that the minimum curing period, at a specific
temperature, may depend on:
Thus it may be concluded that curing requirements that do not consider these factors
may be inadequate, or they may result in unnecessarily prolonged curing periods. Another
important aspect of Hilsdorf’s work is the affirmation that a strength-based curing criterion
may be adequate even when durability is the key performance requirement. However, this
requires that there be a correlation between strength and durability for the concrete to be
used in construction. This suggests that measurement of in-place strength may be a
satisfactory means of assuring that adequate curing practices are used during construction.
6.12 Summary
This section summarizes some of the major findings of the reviewed research programs
that have dealt either directly or indirectly with the curing of high-performance concrete. In
this context, high-performance concretes are concretes with low water-cementitious
materials ratios and usually include silica fume.
The use of silica fume affects the strength development characteristics of the concrete.
Regardless of the curing methods used, high-strength concrete with silica fume will gain
strength faster during the first 28 d than a similar high-strength concrete mixture without
silica fume. Compressive strengths of high-strength concrete with silica fume replacements
of 5 % to 20 % of the mass of cement and after 7 d of moist curing were 34 % to 57 % higher
than high-strength concrete without silica fume (Hooton 1993). The higher the silica fume
content (up to 20 %), the higher is the compressive strength after 7 d of moist curing.
Beyond 28 d, the strength gain of concretes with silica fume is somewhat slower than
concretes without silica fume. Beyond 56 d, high-strength concrete with silica fume gains
additional strength very slowly, probably due to the effects of self-desiccation. There is
general agreement among researchers that the positive influence of silica fume on the
strength gain of high-strength concrete occurs mostly during the early age of the concrete,
i.e., the first 28 d after placement.
As expected, higher than normal curing temperatures accelerate strength gain of silica-
fume high-strength concrete (Sabir 1995). High early-age curing temperatures will increase
significantly the 7-day compressive strength, but have only limited effect thereafter. The
compressive strength at 3 months has been found to be independent of the curing
temperatures used. So, where accelerated early-age strength gain is required, high curing
temperatures may be very beneficial to high-strength concrete with silica fume. In high-
strength concrete without silica fume, high early-age curing temperatures result in
enhanced strength development up to an age of about 100 d (Mak and Torii 1995).
Mak and Torii (1995) also mention that the effects of self-desiccation must be
considered with respect to the strength gain of high-performance concrete. Beyond the first
7 d after placement, self-desiccation is detrimental to the strength development of low
water-cement ratio concretes. In these concretes, the hydration reactions will slow down at
an early age as a result of the reduction in relative humidity caused by self desiccation. It
should be noted, however, that hydration of all the cement is neither possible or necessary
for the development of adequate strength in these concretes (Mak and Torii 1995).
There is some evidence that the long-term strength development of low water-
cementitious materials ratio (0.29 and 0.36) mixtures may not be adversely affected by the
use of high curing temperatures, as is the case with normal concrete mixtures. There are not
sufficient independent data, however, to validate this potentially important finding by
Carino et al. (1992).
There is agreement that high-strength concrete with silica fume will continue to gain
strength over a long period when cured in water (data are available up to 10 years).
However, researchers have reported instances of apparent strength reductions in the early
years when concrete is stored in air. Some have dismissed this possibility of relatively small
strength losses as being of little consequence, and perhaps caused by the difficulty of
obtaining accurate strength data on actual structures because of limited sampling (Maage et
al. 1990). It has been hypothesized that these apparent losses can be attributed to drying
effects that cause self-induced compressive stresses near the core of cylindrical test
specimens (de Larrard and Bostvironnois 1991).
It is generally agreed that good curing of silica-fume concrete with a low water-
cementitious materials ratio is necessary to assure adequate durability. A dense, low-
porosity microstructure with a minimum of microcracking is essential for an impermeable
protective “skin.”
A novel approach for curing low water-cementitious materials ratio concrete containing
silica fume was proposed by Weber and Reinhardt (1995). They investigated the
replacement of a portion of the normal weight aggregate with saturated lightweight
aggregate to provide a supply of water within the concrete. Their results indicate that this
technique can offset the tendency for self-desiccation in concretes with low water-
cementitious materials ratios. Ordinarily, high-strength concrete made with lightweight
aggregate has lower strength compared with concrete of the same water-cementitious
materials ratio but made with normal weight aggregate. The replacement of some of the
normal weight aggregate by saturated lightweight aggregate proved to be effective in
enhancing the curing of the high-strength concrete without reducing strength.
concrete more sensitive to different curing methods when considering both strength and
durability properties. In addition, high-performance concrete with silica fume is more
sensitive to different curing methods than is normal concrete for characteristics such as
compressive and flexural strength, depth of carbonation, and microcracking. Comparison of
high-performance concrete without silica fume with normal concrete showed that normal
concrete was more sensitive to the curing method for these same properties. With respect to
resistance to penetration of chloride ions, results showed that high-performance concretes
with and without silica fume, as well as normal concrete, were insensitive to the curing
method. The high-performance concretes had greater resistance to chloride ion penetration
than the normal concrete.
Results of work in Norway summarized by Gjørv (1991) generally agree with the
findings by Hasni et al. (1994). Gjørv reported that the use of silica fume makes concrete
more sensitive to proper curing compared with normal concrete. Silica-fume concrete is
more vulnerable to plastic shrinkage cracking than normal concrete, which necessitates
good, early-age, curing practices to control this tendency. Another reason cited by Gjørv for
why silica-fume concrete is more sensitive to proper curing is related to its strength
properties. Good curing practices must be used to prevent early drying, which can reduce
tensile and flexural strengths of silica-fume concrete more than for normal concrete.
Torii and Kawamura (1994) also reported on the effects of curing on mechanical and
durability-related properties of concrete, and some of their results do not agree with those
above. Their results indicated that the detrimental effects of poor curing practices on pore
structure are more significant in normal-strength concrete than in high-strength concrete
with silica fume. In their studies, high-strength concrete with 8 % replacement of cement by
silica fume apparently developed a dense pore structure at early ages regardless of curing
method. This independence of the curing method is attributed to the use of a low water-
cementitious materials ratio (0.30) and the early pozzolanic reactions of the silica fume. Tests
for resistance to chloride ion penetration and carbonation depth also showed that high-
strength concrete, both with and without silica fume, was less affected by poor curing
conditions than normal concrete. This can be attributed to the fact that concrete with a low
water-cementitious materials ratio may attain a low porosity paste at a lower degree of
hydration than concrete with a higher water-cementitious materials ratio. Comparisons
between the high-strength concrete with and without silica fume revealed that the concrete
with silica fume was less affected by the changes in curing method than was the concrete
without silica fume, when considering resistance to chloride ion penetration and
carbonation depth. These results differ from the findings of Hasni et al. discussed above.
Thus additional studies are needed to explain these conflicting conclusions regarding the
sensitivity of low water-cementitious materials ratio concrete to the curing method.
international community that new criteria and standards are needed for this modern class
of concrete. Traditional curing requirements, such as those in the ACI Code, need to be
replaced by modern criteria that account for major factors affecting curing duration. What is
probably the most progressive standard for curing duration is under development in
Europe (ENV 206). It takes into account factors such as water-cement ratio, cement type and
strength class, and exposure conditions in determining curing durations. The work of
Hilsdorf in Germany, as discussed Section 6.11, has greatly contributed to this proposed
standard. Because of the different cement types used in Europe, the European standards can
not be applied directly in the Western Hemisphere. The challenge is to develop curing
guidelines that are rational but, at the same time, practical for adoption in American codes.
Asselanis et al. (1989) also investigated the curing duration requirements for a low
water-cement ratio concrete with silica fume, and concluded that prolonged moist curing
beyond 7 d is normally unnecessary to achieve desired levels of strength and durability.
After 7 d of curing, the concrete is sufficiently impervious so that any further moist curing is
ineffective in improving the concrete’s properties.
The most extensive recent research on curing duration requirements has been
conducted by Hilsdorf (1995). Although this work was not directed specifically toward
high-performance concrete, the underlying approach appears to be applicable to all classes
of concrete. He states that four parameters must be considered to establish curing duration
• Depth of carbonation
• Permeability
• Maturity or degree of hydration
The depth of carbonation must be controlled to assure that the reinforcing steel is
surrounded by an alkaline environment and remains in a passive state. The minimum
duration of curing for adequate resistance to carbonation depends on the depth of cover, the
desired service life, the relationship between time and depth of carbonation, and the
relationship between concrete permeability and carbonation. Given this information,
additional relationships between permeability, water-cement ratio, and time can be used to
estimate the minimum duration of curing.
The permeability criterion is a more general form of the carbonation criterion. In this
case, the minimum curing duration is based on achieving a certain level of impermeability
as measured by a specific test method. One difficulty in using the permeability criterion is
the selection of the critical level of impermeability because there is insufficient knowledge of
the relationships between measured permeability values and long-term durability.
In using the maturity, or degree of hydration criterion, the minimum duration of curing
is based on the concrete reaching a specified maturity (defined in terms of heat of hydration)
or degree of hydration. Once the specified value is defined, empirical relationships between
time, temperature, and degree of hydration (or maturity) can be used to estimate the
minimum curing duration. The empirical relationships would be expected to be affected by
the characteristics of the cementitious system used in the concrete. As is the case with the
permeability criterion, there is insufficient knowledge to relate the minimum degree of
hydration (or maturity) at the end of the curing period with long-term performance.
1. Curing the concrete until a specified minimum strength is reached. Hilsdorf proposed
that the minimum strength be the strength of a reference concrete made with the same
materials with a water-cement ratio of 0.6 and cured for 7 d (R-1 concept).
2. Curing the concrete until a specified ratio of the in-place compressive strength to the
compressive strength after 28 d of standard curing is attained (R-2 concept).
Traditionally, a value of 0.7 has been used for this ratio. Hilsdorf proposed a rational
approach to determine what this ratio should be based on the requirement that, at a
specified age, the compressive strength at the depth of the reinforcing steel equals the
design strength.
Hilsdorf’s studies showed that in most cases the critical curing duration was controlled
by the compressive strength criteria (see Table 6.25). This is an important aspect of the
research because it tends to affirm that strength-based curing criteria may be the most
practical approaches, possibly even when durability is a primary concern. Assuming that
preliminary testing of the specific concrete mixture used in construction gives a reliable
correlation between strength and durability, in-place strength measurements would be a
suitable method of assessing curing in the field.
The maturity method is a viable method for determining curing durations under
different temperature conditions. Several studies have shown that the maturity method can
be used to estimate strength gain during curing with high-performance concrete.
Kern et al. (1995) have shown how curing effectiveness can be related to the degree of
hydration, which, in turn, determines the strength and durability characteristics of the
concrete. Their approach is based on evaluating the amount of chemically bound water in
the paste to determine the degree of hydration.
7.1 Introduction
The previous chapters have summarized our level of understanding regarding curing
requirements of high-performance concrete. In this context, high-performance concrete has
been taken to be concrete with a lower than normal water-cementitious materials ratio, with
or without supplementary cementitious materials, such as silica fume, fly ash, or ground
granulated blast furnace slag. Although a significant amount of research has been carried
out on this subject, there is no consensus on curing requirements of HPC, and there is no
agreement on whether it requires special considerations compared with normal concrete.
Some conclusions have been contradictory. Possible reasons for these contradictions by
different investigators include the use of different materials and techniques to study the
influences of curing methods. This chapter concludes the state-of-the-art report by
providing a discussion of critical research needs to arrive at definitive conclusions about
curing requirements for high-performance concrete.
The long-term goal of the proposed research is to provide the basis for modifying
current ACI standards related to curing so that structures in service will perform as
required. Curing requirements should consider economy of construction and not place
undue demands on the construction team. On the other hand, curing requirements should
assure the owner that the potential properties of the concrete in the structure are realized.
To achieve these goals, emphasis should be placed on developing a system to verify the
adequacy of curing on the job, such as, for example, by requiring the measurement of in-
place properties of the at the end of the curing period.
More research effort should be devoted to the evaluation of curing on full-scale models
in laboratory conditions that closely simulate actual field conditions and environments.
Laboratory testing offers the advantage of controlling the factors that affect curing so that
definite conclusions can be reached. When full scale model testing is not feasible, curing
simulations need to be developed that will approximate the moisture transport conditions
within actual structural members. For example, standard test cylinders that are allowed to
dry from all surfaces in the laboratory do not reflect the drying characteristics of the
concrete in an actual structural member. Because drying occurs from all surfaces of a
cylinder, it is not representative of the one-dimensional drying that occurs in a structural
member. A better approximation of the field conditions would be to seal all but one end face
of each cylinder so that moisture moves in one direction.
Another important consideration is the thermal history of the concrete. The primary
value of full-scale model testing is that the temperature rise and thermal history can be
accurately portrayed. The thermal history is greatly affected by the specimen size and
geometry. One approach that can be used in the laboratory is to cover surfaces with
insulation. The insulation restricts heat flow in the specimen so that it represents more
closely the conditions in a large member in the field.
All methods of curing can be grouped into two main categories: curing practices where
water is added, and curing practices that prevent or retard the loss of moisture. For normal
concrete with a water-cementitious materials ratio greater than about 0.45, these two curing
practices will give similar results because there is water in excess of that needed for
hydration and pozzolanic reactions. However, for high-performance concrete, it is generally
accepted that the “water-added” methods are more effective. Most high-performance
concretes involve low water-cementitious materials ratios in which the quantity of mixing
water is insufficient to maintain the water-filled capillaries that are needed to sustain
hydration and pozzolanic reactions. Hence curing practices in which water is added will
provide the supply of moisture needed to sustain hydration and pozzolanic reactions.
While water-added curing practices may be effective in countering the effects of early-
age self-desiccation, the effectiveness at later ages is uncertain. Capillaries become
disconnected at different degrees of hydration depending on the water-cementitious
materials ratio. Therefore, the use of water-adding methods after the capillaries become
discontinuous may not be justified. There are indications that prolonged moist curing of
high-performance concrete may not be productive since it tends to become impermeable
sooner than normal concrete; hence, it may not need to be cured as long as conventional
concrete. Research is needed to establish practical curing durations for high-performance
concrete, taking into account the improvement in properties and additional cost when
prolonged curing is applied.
Curing criteria have traditionally been based on strength development of the concrete.
Codes have made no distinction between the curing required to develop a given strength as
opposed to curing required to assure durability. Research is needed to consider both
strength and durability with respect to what type and how much curing is necessary to
realize the full potential of the high-performance concrete. There seems to be general
agreement within the concrete community that strength can no longer be the only criterion
for curing.
Up to now, the curing requirements in the ACI building code (ACI 318) have been
prescriptive. On the other hand, Standard Specification ACI 301 (1996) and Standard
Specification ACI 308.1 (1998) contain alternative performance-based curing requirements,
as mentioned in Sections 5.10.2 and 5.11 of this report. These alternatives are based on
measurement of the strength of field-cured cylinders, on an estimate of in-place
compressive strength based on in-place tests, or measurement of an in-place property
related to durability. While the use of in-place strength tests is permitted, there are no
standards on how to implement in-place testing to verify adequacy of curing. A sound
statistical practice is needed before in-place tests can be used effectively. The procedures
given in ACI 228.1R (1995) could provide the basis for such a standard practice.
Current curing requirements in the ACI code are strength based. However, there may
be applications where durability is the principal performance requirement. In such cases,
curing requirements have to assure that the structure will satisfy its durability requirements.
Ideally, an in-place property related to durability should be measured to verify whether
adequate curing has been used. In fact this has been incorporated into the new curing
requirements specified by ACI 308.1-98. However, due to many practical difficulties, no
standard test methods exist for this purpose. As noted by Hilsdorf, a practical alternative is
to use in-place strength to verify the adequacy of curing for durability. To permit this
approach, relationships between durability properties and a measured strength parameter
are required. Standard procedures for establishing these relationships need to be developed.
Over the past 60 years, there has been little change in the ACI code requirements for
curing. Current codes and specifications do not address curing requirements that are
specific to the high-performance concretes being used in construction. Until such curing
requirements are developed, professionals must rely on the conflicting results of research
studies in writing job-specific specifications. Information from the above-mentioned
research areas can be used to develop new rational curing standards. The new provisions
should be applicable to all types of concrete, should address durability as well as strength,
and should account for the major factors affecting the required duration of curing. The type
of curing (water adding or water retaining) might have to be specified to assure optimal
properties for high-performance concrete.
As new standards and criteria are developed for high-performance concrete (to include
curing requirements), builders and designers will have a better appreciation for the
enhanced performance of this type of concrete. Use of high-performance concrete within the
construction industry during the past few years has grown. This is an indication that this
industry is gaining a better understanding of the improved properties that are possible with
high-performance concrete. This trend is expected to continue.
One of the most challenging tasks facing the United States in the next few years is the
rebuilding of the infrastructure. Much of it is constructed of concrete, so high-performance
concrete can be expected to play a major role in this massive undertaking. There has been a
lot of interest in using more high-performance concrete in the nation’s highway
construction programs. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is attempting to
stimulate more interest in the use of high-performance concrete throughout the country.
The FHWA plans to conduct state highway demonstration projects over the next few years
featuring the use of high-performance concrete. The FHWA is also developing different
classes for high-performance concrete to assist local highway agencies in specifying
different levels of performance (Goodspeed et al. 1996).
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ACI 233R-95, “Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag as a Cementitious
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ACI 306.1-90, “Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting”
ACI 308-92 “Standard Practice for Curing
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