Main Characteristics of Advertising Discourse in Modern Linguistics
Main Characteristics of Advertising Discourse in Modern Linguistics
Main Characteristics of Advertising Discourse in Modern Linguistics
Abstract. The intention of this article is to focal point on advertising and marketing discourse. Advertising
is an extremely versatile and multifaceted phenomenon that occupies a border function between one-of-a-
kind professions and attracts the interest of representatives of exceptional professions. In linguistics,
advertising and marketing is a very wise use of methodological skill in discourse. The most stringent
requirement for advertising discourse is to grant maximum data in minimal words. The most important
factor of advertising is text. The unit of advertising textual content is the word. Furthermore, we can add
that, the word is the most essential linguistic unit, due to the fact it has a meaning and contains statistics,
vital data about objects and their properties. The essential system of growing an commercial is the
introduction of an commercial template, which consists of careful resolution of the phrases used in the
Keywords. Advertising, linguistics, discourse, style, environment, demand, words, information, text.
1. Introduction
In this modern time, advertising is becoming to be so popular and followed by our society that it has
taken a firm place in our daily basis. As a result of this, humans are getting used to using the services created
for them. Thanks to mass media, the Internet and outside advertising, they buy or use the goods they need.
As we mentioned below, advertising is one of the eextremely versatile and multifaceted phenomenon that
occupies boundary function between various occupancy and attracts the interests of representative of several
type of professions. Therefore, it is not the thing that there are quite a number clarification of this conception
and particular definitions of the term
A Bi-Monthly, Peer Reviewed International Journal [174]
Volume 9
Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies ISSN NO: 2770-0003 Date of Publication: 26-06-2022
2. The subtitle is the connecting element between the title and the body text. But it's just as important
as the other links in the ad text. The task of the subheading is also to effectively continue to “lead (guide)”
the reader to the main text. "Expansion" of the title, preparation of the text, everything should be in one
dynamic text.
3. The main text is the "basis" of advertising. As a rule, it takes up 80% of the advertising space. The
text can be divided into 3 parts: introduction, basis, conclusion.
Introduction - introduces the reader to the course, gives general information about the
product/service/company. Perhaps this indicates a specific problem. In the body of the text, it is important to
indicate all the benefits and guarantees of the product. The buyer proves the necessity and correctness of the
purchase with evidence. The summary summarizes the data of the main section. The main idea is formed
and this creates a unique output.
4. The slogan is, of course, the "heart" of advertising. It is it that captures the main attention of a
person, imprinted in memory, creates the necessary associations, makes the product/company/service
popular. However, all these ideas can only be realized with a quality slogan. The slogan should be short,
clear, reflect the main concept and include the name of the company. This is a sentence that improves
5. Echo Phrase - fills in an advertisement. It is also designed to influence a person, bring it to the end
and enhance the impact of the advertising text. He repeats the main idea of the announcement, leaving it in
Advertising discourse is a media discourse that is socially oriented and also satisfies the need for
information. As a type of information (according to A. A. Romanov and T. V. Shmeleva), the main goal of
advertising discourse is to influence the consumer (according to A. V. Anisimova).
There is an opinion that advertising discourse has a relatively autonomous formative character in
comparison with the development of media discourse. In advertising discourse, there is a constant
connection between the sender and recipient of advertising. A feature of advertising discourse is that verbal
and non-verbal proportions (means) in it are often formed (represented) by the interaction of symbolic and
index symbols
A Bi-Monthly, Peer Reviewed International Journal [175]
Volume 9
Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies ISSN NO: 2770-0003 Date of Publication: 26-06-2022
4. Conclusion
In conclusion of our study, we can say that by discourse we mean a special case of a text that is
associated with the use of language in specific contexts and is designed to express speech intentions and
interpret these intentions of the listener. Discourse is a definition of the process of language use, limited by a
specific time and general chronological framework, since it is a collection of specific topics and
communicative joint texts. Advertising speech is institutional. The main goals of advertising are to attract
the attention of the target audience, to encourage people to act (purchase the advertised product). A
distinctive feature of advertising discourse is pragmatism aimed at achieving specific results, so this speech
is distinguished by a variety of techniques, techniques and textual forms that have proven effective in
achieving communication goals.
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Volume 9