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1 author:
Amitha Thomas
Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
All content following this page was uploaded by Amitha Thomas on 12 April 2018.
Abstract Nano technology applications are expected and shape of the materials at the nanometer (109 of a meter)
to revolutionize the food and dairy sector in the near future. scale where unique phenomenon enables novel applications
The potential applications include superior processing (Ravichandran and Sasi, 2006). When particle size is reduced
techniques, improved food contact materials, better quality, below this threshold, the resulting material exhibits physical
shelf-life and safety of dairy and food products and novel and chemical properties that are significantly different from
packaging materials with better mechanical, barrier and the properties of macro scale materials composed of the same
antimicrobial properties. Recently, there is considerable interest substance. This technology was introduced by Richard
in exploring the potential of nanotechnology in encapsulation Feynman in 1959. Since then, it has been developed into a
and delivery of biologically active substances, enhancing multidisciplinary field of applied science and technology which
the flavour and other sensory characteristics of foods and is expected to impact almost all areas of daily life. Research
introduce antibacterial nanostructures into packaging. By in the nanotechnology field has skyrocketed over the last
reducing particle size, nanotechnology can improve the decade, and different types of nanosized materials are available
properties of bioactive compounds like delivery properties, in many countries. In food and dairy industries, the major
solubility and absorption through cells. However, consumer applications of nanotechnology include Nano particulate
concerns about the potential negative effects of delivery systems, packaging, food safety and bio security etc
nanotechnology-based delivery systems on human health (Chen et al., 2006). A variety of food ingredients, additives,
will need to be addressed before commercial exploitation. encapsulation systems and food contact materials are already
This article comprehensively reviews the application of available in many countries and the market for nanotechnology-
nanotechnology in dairy and food-related systems, focusing derived food products and food contact materials is expected
specifically on applications which are most likely to be to grow worldwide. The nano scale food additives may be
commercialized in the immediate future. used to influence texture, flavour, provide functionality and
even to detect pathogens. Food packaging involves edible,
Keywords : Nano particles, Nanosensors, Nano food nano wrapper which will envelope foods, preventing gas and
additives, Nano encapsulation, Nano- packaging moisture exchange, 'smart' packaging (containing nano-sensors
and anti-microbial activators) for detecting food spoilage and
Introduction releasing nano-anti-microbials to extend the shelf life (Miller,
2008; Richardson and Piehowski, 2008).
Nanotechnology is the design, production and application of
structures, devices, and systems through control of the size Milk proteins are natural materials with high nutritional value
and excellent functional and sensory properties. In addition,
they have many structural features and functionalities that
K. Radha (
), Amitha Thomas and C.T.Sathian make them suitable for the construction of nano materials,
Teaching Assistant, where interactions can be controlled in a very precise way to
Professor & Head, Department of Dairy Science, College of Veterinary
and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy- 680651, Kerala, India. modulate functionality. The potential of milk proteins as natural
nano-vehicles for bioactive compounds has already received
K. Radha considerable research attention. Casein micelle has been
Assistant Professor designed by nature itself as a self-assembled nano scale system
College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Mannuthy- 680651, Kerala, India. that delivers calcium and protein in dairy foods. Similarly,
Tel: 09744481598. Email:[email protected] whey proteins have been designed to bind and transport
hydrophobic molecules. Milk fat globule membrane material
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 67(5), 2014
has been found to be a suitable material for making liposomes. nano food applications viz, food additives, delivery systems
Nano-tubes and nano-fibrils can be produced from whey and food packaging.
proteins using enzymatic and heat treatments.
Food additives
Approaches for nano material production
Nanotech companies are trying to fortify processed dairy and
There are two major approaches to attain nano materials, that food products with nano encapsulated nutrients. The nano
is top-down and bottom-up approach. The ''top-down'' scale food additives may be used to influence texture, flavour,
approach involves physically machining materials to nano functionality, nutritional quality and even to detect pathogens.
meter size range by employing processes such as grinding, The appearance and taste of the food can be boosted by
milling, etching and lithography. By contrast, self-assembly nano-developed colours, and the fat and sugar content can
and self-organization are concepts derived from biology that be reduced by nano-modification. In some countries food
have inspired a bottom-up food nanotechnology. Bottom-up additives with nano ingredients are being produced keeping
techniques build or grow larger structures atom by atom or view of sports and health food market. They contain mainly
molecule by molecule. These techniques include chemical minerals with nano formulation and particle size of these
synthesis, self-assembly and positional assembly (Sozer and minerals is less than 100 nm. Hence, they can cross stomach
Kokini, 2008). wall into body cells more quickly than minerals with larger
particle size.
Owing to the greater surface area of nano particles per mass
unit, they are expected to be more biologically active than Nanoceuticals
larger sized particles of the same chemical composition. This
offers several perspectives for functional food applications. Nutraceutical compounds such as bioactive proteins are used
Nano particles can be used as bioactive compounds in in functional foods to impart health benefits to consumers in
functional foods. addition to the nutrition that the food itself offers.
Nanomaterials can be used as bioactives in functional foods
Applications (Chau et al., 2007). The biological activity of a substance
depends on its ability to be transferred across intestinal
Nanotechnology will play a vital role in the food and dairy membranes into the blood (Shegokar and Muller, 2010).
processing in near future and would involve three forms of Reducing the particle size of bioactives will improve the
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 67(5), 2014
availability, delivery properties and solubility of the bioactives particles dispersed throughout. An association colloid is a
and thus their biological activity. Further, Nanotechnology colloid whose particles are made up of even smaller molecules
can also be utilized to improve the stability of nutraceuticals (5 to 100 nm). Surfactant micelles, vesicles, bi layers, reverse
during processing, storage and distribution (Chen et al., 2006). micelles, and liquid crystals are some examples of association
The prospect of the production of nutraceuticals at the colloids which have been used to encapsulate and deliver
nanoscale, which will have increased stability throughout the polar, non polar, and amphiphilic functional ingredients
processing chain, will be of significant interest to food (Flanagan and Singh, 2006).
processors and will ultimately benefit the consumers.
Bio polymeric nano particles
The concept of nanoceuticals is gaining popularity and it
includes the commercial food/dairy supplements containing Nanometer range particles can be produced by using food
nano particles like carotenoids, minerals, Omega-3 fatty acids, grade biopolymers such as proteins or polysaccharides through
certain probiotic bacterial species, lycopene and Vitamin D2 self-association or aggregation or by inducing phase
(Neethirajan and Jayas, 2011; Qureshi et al., 2012). Ivanov separation in mixed biopolymer systems (Gupta and Gupta,
and Rashevskaya (2011) developed functional butter with 2005). Biopolymeric nanoparticles were first designed by using
nano sized herbal supplements like polysaccharides, pectin, albumin and non biodegradable synthetic polymers such as
inulin, cryo powders of red beets, carrots, black currants polyacrylamide and poly methylacrylate. Poly lactic Acid (PLA)
buds with surface active properties. They studied the micro is a common biodegradable nano particle which is often used
and nano structure of butter by scanning electron microscopy to encapsulate and deliver drugs and micronutrients like iron,
and observed that introduction of small amounts of pectin vitamin, protein etc. It has been shown that PLA need an
reduces the structural elements of butter to 5-25 times and is associative compound such as polyethylene glycol for
in the range of 1-100 nm. The nature and properties of the successful results and the functional ingredients can be
herbal additive significantly affected by the formation of nano encapsulated in nano particles and released in response to
structure of butter, morphology and architecture of its nano specific environmental triggers (Riley et al.,1999).
Nano encapsulation
Nano encapsulation is incorporation of ingredients in small Emulsions are referred to as "nano emulsions", when the
vesicles or walled material with nano (or submicron) sizes. droplet diameter is reduced to 100 to 500 nm by the use of
These nano materials offer several advantages such as, high-pressure valve homogenizers or micro fluidizers. The
delivery vehicle for lipid soluble ingredients, protection from functional food components can be incorporated within such
degradation during processing or in gastro intestinal tract, droplets, the interfacial region, or the continuous phase (Mc
controlled site specific release, compatibility with other food Clements, 2011). The small droplet size gives nanoemulsions
constituents, greater residence time and greater absorption unique rheological and textural properties which render them
(Chen et al., 2006). The protection of bioactive compounds, transparent and pleasant to the touch (Sonneville-Aubrun et
such as vitamins, antioxidants, proteins, and lipids as well as al., 2004). These unique features are desirable in the food
carbohydrates may be achieved by using this technique for and cosmetic industry. It is possible to develop smart delivery
the production of functional foods with enhanced functionality systems by engineering the properties of the nano structured
and stability. Nano encapsulation can make significant savings shell around the droplets. This interfacial engineering
for formulators, as it can reduce the amount of active technology would utilize food-grade ingredients (such as
ingredients needed (Huang et al., 2011). proteins, polysaccharides, and phospholipids) and processing
operations (such as homogenization and mixing) that are
Delivery systems used in food and Dairy industry already widely used in the manufacture of food emulsions
(Weiss et al. 2006). Using nanoemulsions in food products
The different delivery systems used in food nanotechnology can facilitate the use of less fat without a compromise in
include the association colloids, biopolymeric nanoparticles, creaminess, thus offering the consumer a healthier option.
nanoemulsions, nanofibers, nanocapsules etc. These systems Products of this type include low fat nanostructured
will serve as a vehicle for carrying functional ingredients, mayonnaise, spreads and ice creams (Chaudhry et al. 2008).
protect functional ingredient from degradation and control As the size of the droplets in an emulsion is reduced, the
the release of functional ingredients (Weiss et al., 2006). less likely the emulsion will break down and separate. In this
way nano emulsification may reduce the need for certain
Association colloids stabilizers in a product. Nano size emulsion-based ice cream
with a lower fat content has been developed by Nestle and
A colloid is a stable system of a substance containing small Unilever.
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 67(5), 2014
Nano fibers (Bikker and Kruif, 2006). Since, α-lactalbumin is a milk protein
it will be fairly easy to apply the nano tubes in foods or
Nano fibers with diameters from 10 to 1000 nm, makes them pharmaceutics.
ideal for serving as a platform for bacterial cultures as well as
structural matrix for artificial foods. Electro spinning is a Nanocapsules
manufacturing technology capable of producing nano fibers
from solution by applying a strong electric field to a spinneret Casein micelles (CM) are nano-capsules created by nature to
with a small capillary orifice. The food industry can use electro deliver nutrients such as calcium phosphate and protein to
spun microfibers as a building/reinforcement element of the neonate (Uricanu et al., 2004). CM plays a role as natural
composite green food packaging material, as building elements nano-capsular vehicle for neutraceuticals. The micelles are
of the food matrix for imitation/artificial foods, and as nano important due to their biological activity and good digestibility.
structured and micro structured scaffolding for bacterial They are very stable to processing and retain their basic
cultures. structural identity through most of the processes (Gouin, 2004).
A novel approach is to harness CM for nano-encapsulation
Nanotubes and stabilization of hydrophobic neutraceutical substances
for enrichment of non-fat or low-fat food products. Such
Certain globular proteins from milk can be made to self nano-capsules may be incorporated in dairy products without
assemble to form nano tubes under appropriate conditions. α- modifying their sensory properties.
lactalbumin is a milk protein which is beneficially used in the
production of nanotubes. α-lactalbumin nano tubes are formed Food packaging
by self-assembly of the partially hydrolysed molecule. At
neutral pH and in the presence of an appropriate cation, these Food packaging is considered to be one of the earliest
building blocks self-assemble to form micro meter long tubes commercial applications of nanotechnology in the food sector.
with a diameter of only 20 nm (Otte et al., 2005). These Reynolds (2007) reported that about 400-500 nano-packaging
features of the α-lactalbumin nano tube make it an interesting products are estimated to be in commercial use, while
potential encapsulating agent. Nanotubes of α-lactalbumin nanotechnology is predicted to be used in the manufacture of
have a cavity diameter of 8 nm which enables the binding of 25% of all food packaging within the next decade. The
food components such as vitamins or enzymes (Srinivas et significant purpose of nano-packaging is to set longer shelf
al., 2010). The cavities can also be used to encapsulate life by improving the barrier properties of the food packaging
nutraceuticals or to mask undesirable flavour/aroma compounds materials (Sorrentino et al., 2007).
Fig.2. Illustration of the ''tortuous pathway'' created by incorporation of exfoliated clay nanoparticles into a polymer matrix film.
(a).Diffusing gas molecules migrate via a pathway that is perpendicular to the film orientation in a film composed only of polymer. (b).
In a nanocomposite film, diffusing molecules navigate around impenetrable particles and through interfacial zones which have different
permeability characteristics than those of the virgin polymer. The tortuous pathway increases the mean gas diffusion length and, thus,
the shelf-life of foods (Adapted from Duncan, 2011).
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 67(5), 2014
Success of packaging materials for fresh products totally to create novel laminate films suitable for use in the food and
depends on the control of internal gas composition and water dairy industry. A nano laminate consists of two or more layers
loss in packaging. The incorporation of oxygen scavengers of materials with nanometer dimensions that are physically or
into food packages modifies atmosphere with controlled chemically bonded to each other. Weiss et al. (2006) reported
gaseous exchange, so that the shelf life of fresh products that nano laminates have some advantages for the preparation
may be increased to weeks. Xiao et al. (2004) successfully of edible coatings and films over conventional technologies
made oxygen scavenger films by adding titania nano particles and may thus have a number of important applications within
to various polymers. The surface of an ordinary packaging the food and dairy industry. A variety of different adsorbing
material such as plastic or paper can make suitable for food substances could be used to create the different layers,
by coating it with one or more sharply defined layers of including natural poly electrolytes (proteins, polysaccharides),
nanometer thickness. The plastic packaging material of drink charged lipids (phospholipids, surfactants), and colloidal
bottles can contain clay nano particles to keep oxygen or particles (micelles, vesicles, droplets). It would be possible to
water vapour in or out. Furthermore, nanomaterials are being incorporate active functional agents such as antimicrobials,
developed with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties anti browning agents, antioxidants, enzymes, flavors, and colors
by adding reinforcing compounds (Azeredo, 2009). into the films. These functional agents would increase the
shelf life and quality of foods. These nano laminated coatings
Nano-packaging can also be designed to release antimicrobials, could be created entirely from food-grade ingredients (proteins,
antioxidants, enzymes, flavours and nutraceuticals (Cha and polysaccharides, lipids) by using simple processing operations
Chinnan, 2004). Nano composite films with antimicrobial activity such as dipping and washing.
could help to control the growth and development of
pathogenic and spoilage organisms in food items. Antimicrobial Biodegradable packaging materials
properties can be developed by impregnating natural
antimicrobial agents to nano composite matrix (Rhim and Ng, The conventional materials used for food packaging are
2007). The antimicrobial property of silver has been known for practically undegradable which causes serious global
thousands of years and the extremely small size of silver nano environmental problem. New technologies and bio- based
particles even increases their antimicrobial efficiency. Packaging materials are emerging to alleviate the environmental pollution
material incorporating silver nanoparticles are reported to be caused by non degradable packaging polymers. Biodegradable
commercially available. Nano silver, Nano magnesium oxide, plastics are polymeric materials in which at least one step in
nanocopper oxide, nano titanium dioxide and carbon nanotubes the degradation process is through metabolism in the presence
are also predicted for future use in antimicrobial food of naturally occurring organisms without generation of toxic
packaging (Doyle, 2006; Chaudhry et al., 2008 and Miller and or environmentally harmful residues. Biodegradable polymers
Sejnon, 2008). include polymers that are directly extracted or removed from
biomass such as polysaccharides, proteins, polypeptides and
Nano-Coatings poly nucleotides. The use of biodegradable films for food
Waxy coating is used widely for some foods such as apples packaging has been strongly limited because of the poor
and cheeses (Park, 1999). Recently, nanotechnology has barrier properties and weak mechanical properties shown by
enabled the development of nano scale edible coatings as natural polymers. The application of nanocomposites promises
thin as 5 nm wide, which are invisible to the human eye. to expand the use of biodegradable as well as edible films
Edible coatings and films are currently used on a wide variety (Lagaron et al., 2005 and Sinha Ray and Bousmina, 2005). The
of foods, including fruits, vegetables, meats, chocolate, cheese, application of nanotechnology to these polymers may open
candies, bakery products, and French fries (Rhim, 2004). An new possibilities for improving not only the properties but
edible antibacterial nano-coating was developed in the United also the cost-price efficiency. So far, the most studied
States which can be applied directly to bakery goods (El biodegradable nano composites suitable for packaging
Amin, 2006). applications are starch and derivatives, poly lactide, poly
hydroxyl butyrate, and aliphatic polyesters as
Nano-coatings will serve as moisture, lipid and gas barriers polycaprolactone. Biodegradable-starch based polymers have
as well as carriers of agents like colors, flavors, antioxidants, poor moisture barrier properties due to their hydrophilic nature,
nutrients and antimicrobials and could increase the shelf life and inferior mechanical properties compared to plastic films.
of manufactured foods, even after the packaging is opened The incorporation of clay nano particles in starch polymers
(Qureshi et al., 2012). has been reported to improve moisture barrier and mechanical
properties (Avella et al., 2005). Poly lactide is a biodegradable
Nano laminates thermoplastic polymer that has a high mechanical strength,
but low thermal stability and low moisture and gas barrier
Nanotechnology offer food scientists with a number of ways properties compared to plastic polymers. Incorporation of clay
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 67(5), 2014
nano particles into poly lactide has been reported to improve mobile, and likely to be more toxic. Toxicity is the most
tensile modulus and yield strength, and to reduce permeability important issue that must be addressed before the commercial
to oxygen. exploitation of nano particles. Further, detailed studies are
required to determine the effects of these materials on the
Nano sensors normal micro flora of the alimentary canal of the consumers.
Currently no regulations exist for specific control or limit for
A nano sensor is a device consisting of an electronic data the production of nano sized particles (Sozer and Kokini,
processing part and a sensing part, which can translate a 2008). Particle size, mass, chemical composition, surface
signal such as light or presence of organic substance or gas properties, and aggregation of individual particles are the
into an electronic signal. These sensors can be integrated properties of nano materials that determine the impact on the
into food processing equipment or refrigerator or into the body (Nel et al.,2006). The nano toxicity can be assessed by
food itself and will help to improve food safety by enabling several criteria like toxicology of nano particles, exposure
faster quality control and testing up to the consumer level. assessments, environmental and biological fate, recyclability
To ensure food safety, packaging materials incorporated with and overall sustainability of nano materials. Laboratory safety
nano structured biosensors or DNA-based biochips are being guidelines have been provided by the Committee on chemical
developed. The embedded sensors in a packaging film will be safety of American chemical society for appropriate handling
able to detect pesticides, allergens, toxins, food-borne of nano materials.
pathogens and food-spoilage organisms and trigger a colour
change to alert the consumer about these facts. ''Electronic The extent to which nano particles enter the human body,
Tongue'' consists of an array of nano sensors which are penetration sites, accumulation and translocation in body are
extremely sensitive to gases released by food as it spoils, the factors determining the potential risks of nano scale
causing a sensor strip to change colour which gives a clear materials. Dermal exposure, inhalation and ingestion are the
visible signal whether the food is fresh or not. To be three possible routes of nano particles to cause harm inside
incorporated directly into packaging, the sensors need to be the body (Chau et al., 2007). The epidermis of healthy intact
made from cheap and flexible materials. Nano scale-sensing skin will provide excellent protection against nano structured
devices are also under development that, when attached to particles and the impact of nano particles on the body depends
food products and packaging, would act as electronic on their ability to penetrate through outer protective layers
barcodes. They would emit a signal that would allow food to of the skin (Nel et al., 2006). Materials with less than 10 mm
be traced from field or farm to factory to supermarket and diameter can pass through nasal cavity into lung and particles
beyond. Among the near-market developments are nano with less than 4 mm diameter is having greater probability of
material based next-generation packaging displays that include penetrating the alveolar region. Inhaled nanoparticles may
Radio frequency identification display (RFID). The technology accumulate in lungs and induce chronic pulmonary diseases
consists of microprocessors and an antenna that can transmit like pneumonia, granuloma oxidative stress (Kim et al., 2003).
data to a wireless receiver. Unlike barcodes, which need to be Exposure to some engineered nano particles can increase
scanned manually and read individually, RFID tags do not production of oxyradicals that may lead to oxidative damage
require line-of-sight for reading and it is possible to and inflammatory reactions. Nanoparticles has a prolonged
automatically read hundreds of tags in a second. Kodak is gastric retention time by decreasing intestinal clearance
using nanotechology to develop antimicrobial packaging as mechanisms, increased surface area of exposure and efficient
well as active packaging, that absorbs oxygen, to keep food delivery to target sites in the body (Chen et al., 2006).
fresh that will be commercially available in near future (Clark,
2006). The Netherlands Researchers are developing intelligent The verified nano products comes with the certificate of
packaging that will release a preservative if the food within nanomark, which is the first certification system implemented
begins to spoil. This "release on command" preservative by ministry of economic affairs in Thaiwan (Chau et al.,
packaging is operated by means of a bioswitch developed 2007). The European Union regulations for food and food
through nanotechnology (Ravichandran, 2010). packaging have recommended that for the introduction of
new nanotechnology, specific safety standards and testing
Probable adverse effects: procedures are required (Halliday, 2007). In the United States,
nanofoods and most of the food packaging are regulated by
The additives universally accepted as GRAS will have to be the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)
re-examined when used at nano scale level. Owing to the (Badgley et al., 2007), while in Australia, nanofood additives
increased surface area of nano materials, studies should be and ingredients are regulated by Food Standards Australia
conducted for the identification of possible ill effects in the and New Zealand (FSANZ), under the Food Standards Code
body which could be caused by the use of nano materials in (Bowman and Hodge, 2006). However, there is an urgent need
food products. The nano particles are more reactive, more for a common regulatory system capable of managing any
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 67(5), 2014
risks associated with nanofoods and the use of nanotechnologies for the food sector. Food Addit.Contam. 25:241-
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Conclusions Clark, J. P. (2006). Nanotechnology a processing topic this year. Food
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Doyle, M.E. (2006). Nanotechnology: A brief literature review. Food
Nanotechnology is a very promising area in food and dairy Research Institute Briefings June 2006. Available from: http://
industry and it is expected to offer technological advantages
in production, processing, storage, transportation, traceability Duncan,T.V.(2011).Applications of nanotechnology in food packaging and
and safety of food. This principle can be used in the dairy food safety: Barrier materials, antimicrobials and sensors. J.Colloid and
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industry for the delivery of bioactive components, development El-Amin, A. (2006). Nanotech database compiles consumer items on the
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system for bioactives in foods. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 46: 221-237
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through innovative packaging applications. Currently, food Gupta A.K. and Gupta, M.(2005). Synthesis and surface engineering of iron
packaging applications make up the largest share of nanofood oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Biomaterials. 26(18):
market, followed by nano-sized and/or nano-encapsulated Halliday, J. (2007). EU Parliament votes for tougher additives regulation.
ingredients and additives for health food applications. Food 12.07.2007. Available at: http://
Nevertheless, detailed research should be carried out to study
the possible adverse effects before commercial application of Huang, Y., Chen, S., Bing, X., Gao, C., Wang, T. and Yuan, B. (2011). Nano
silver migrated into food-simulating solutions from commercially
nano food additives. Nanomaterials used as food additives or available food fresh containers. Packaging Technology and Science.
food packaging materials must not cause any health risks for (Early View Online Version of Record published before inclusion in an
consumers or to the environment. Further, research studies issue).
are required to investigate the hazards of nanomaterials, taking Ivanov, S. V. and Rashevskaya, T. A. (2011). The nanostructure's management
is the basis for a functional fatty food's production. Proceedia food sci
the size as a main factor even though some of the chemical 1. 24- 31.
materials in the form of large particles are safer than when Kim, H. Liu, X. Kobayashi, T., Kosayama, T, Wen, F.U. and Romberger, T.
they are in the nano state. Hence, commercial application of (2003). Ultrafine carbon black particles inhibit human lung fibroblast
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nanotechnology-derived products need to demonstrate their McClements, D. J. (2011). Edible nanoemulsions: fabrication, properties,
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