Implications of Nanotechnology For The Agri-Food Industry: Opportunities, Benefits and Risks

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Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241


Implications of
nanotechnology for
the agri-food
benefits and risks
Caroline E. Handforda, Moira
Deana, Maeve Henchionb,
Michelle Spencea, Christopher
T. Elliotta and Katrina

Institute for Global Food Security, School of

Biological Sciences, Queens University Belfast, David
Keir Building, Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5AG, UK
(Tel.: D44 (0) 28 90976535; fax: D44 (0) 28
90976513; e-mail: [email protected])
Teagasc, Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin 15,
Nanotechnology has emerged as a technological advancement
that could develop and transform the entire agri-food sector,
with the potential to increase agricultural productivity, food security and economic growth for industries. Though as still a
relatively new concept there are concerns over its safety, regulation and acceptance by the industry and consumers. This review set out to address the implications of nanotechnology for
the agri-food industry by examining the potential benefits, risks
and opportunities. Existing scientific gaps in knowledge are
believed to be a prohibitive factor in addition to uncertainties
in the level of awareness and attitudes towards the use of
nanotechnology by the industry.

* Corresponding author.
0924-2244/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary field that covers a
vast range of processes, materials, and applications encompassing physical, chemical, biological, engineering and
electronic sciences. It focuses on the characterisation, fabrication and manipulation of substances at sizes in the nanoscale range, approximately between 1 and 100 nm. The
smaller particle size, in combination with an increased surface area, exhibits unique and novel properties thus creating
vast potential for applications (EFSA, 2009; Rashidi &
Khosravi-Darani, 2011; Weiss, Takhistov, & McClements,
2006). A nanomaterial is defined as any material that has
one or more dimensions in the nanoscale range, while a
nanoparticle is a discrete entity that has all three dimensions in the nanoscale (Food and Agricultural
Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health
Organisation (WHO), 2010). Nanomaterials and nanoparticles can encompass the following nanoforms, which
derive their names from their individual shapes and dimensions, i.e. nanotubes, nanofibres, nanorods, nanofilms,
nanolayers, nanocoatings, nanosheets (Cushen, Kerry,
Morris, Cruz-Romero, & Cummins, 2012).
Nanotechnology has already been used in construction
materials for floors, walls, and machines, new devices
and techniques in electronics, cosmetics, sporting equipment, wastewater treatment, medicine, and more recently
in agriculture, and the food industry (Doyle, 2006). However, the implications of nanotechnology in the agri-food
sector can be far reaching. Nanomaterials are naturally
occurring in many plant and animal products, including
the major constituents of milk (i.e. casein micelles, whey
proteins, fat globules and lactose), as well as the fibrous
structures in fish and meat, the crystalline structures in
innate starches, and the molecular structure of cellulose fibrils in plant cells (Magnuson, Jonaitis, & Card, 2011;
Morris, 2011). Engineered nanomaterials, for a variety of
agri-food applications such as food additives, flavourings,
novel foods, food packaging, feed additives and pesticides,
are being developed. For food applications, nanotechnology
can be applied by two different approaches, either from the
top-down or by the bottom up (Ravichandran, 2010).
The top down approach involves a physical or chemical
process of breaking down larger particles of food matter
into smaller particles of nanometres in dimension
(Cushen et al., 2012). Grinding or milling are examples
of mechanisms used to produce such nanomaterials. Dry

C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

milling has been used for making high water-binding capacity wheat flour and has successfully been applied to
green tea powder to enhance its antioxidant activity
(Ravichandran, 2010). For green tea powder, this technique
is used to reduce the powder size to 1000 nm, and so the
high ratio of nutrient digestion and absorption leads to an
increase in the activity of an oxygen-eliminating enzyme
(Ravichandran, 2010). Homogenization is an alternative
top down size reduction process which applies pressure to
reduce the size of fat globules. This mechanism is used in
the dairy industry worldwide to address milk separation
and benefit consumers (Cushen et al., 2012). By comparison, the bottom up approach involves manipulating individual atoms and molecules into nanostructures (Joseph and
Morrison, 2006). Nanostructures are comprised of discrete
functional parts, either inside or on the surface, of which
one or more are in the nanoscale range (FAO/WHO,
2010). The bottom up approach can create more complex
molecular structures of biological compounds. Methods
applied in the bottom up approach include crystallisation,
layer-by-layer deposition and self-assembly (Cushen
et al., 2012). For instance, the organisation of casein micelles or starch and the folding of globular proteins and protein aggregates are self-assembly structures which form
stable entities (Ravichandran, 2010).
Nanotechnology has emerged as the technological
advancement to develop and transform the entire agrifood sector, with the potential to increase global food production, in addition to the nutritional value, quality and
safety of food (Mousavi & Rezaei, 2011). Applications
may be classified as nano-inside (i.e. in the food product
as in primary production or food processing) and nanooutside (i.e. food packaging) (Henchion et al., 2013). Nanosensors and nano-based smart delivery systems are some of
the applications of nanotechnology that are currently employed in the agricultural industry to aid with combating viruses and other crop pathogens, as well as to increase the
efficiency of agrochemicals at lower dosage rates
(Mousavi & Rezaei, 2011). Nanotechnology offers several
perspectives for food applications due to the greater surface
area of nanoparticles per mass unit making them more biologically active than larger sized particles. For instance,
nanoparticles can be used as bioactive compounds in functional foods (Ezhilarasi, Karthik, Chhanwal, &
Anandharamakrishnan, 2013). Bioactive compounds are
health-promoting ingredients that can be found naturally
in foods such as polyphenols, phytosterols, phytoestrogens,
vitamins, minerals, fatty acids probiotics and prebiotics.
These compounds exert physiological effects that might
cause a risk reduction of certain chronic diseases linked
to oxidative stress, such as cardiovascular disease and
various forms of cancer (Chen, Remondetto, & Subirade,
2006). Nanosizing can greatly improve the properties of
bioactive compounds such as delivery properties, solubility,
targetability, and efficient absorption through cells, and
prolonged compound residence times in the gastrointestinal


tract (Ezhilarasi et al., 2013). With regards to food packaging, nanotechnology can increase product shelf life by
using packaging with antimicrobial properties to protect
food against pathogens (Duran & Marcato, 2013). Within
the food industry, nanotechnology has shown a wide range
of novel applications including the use of nanoemulsions,
nanocomposites, nanocarriers (nanocapsules) and nanofiltration, in addition to the development of smart packaging,
nanosensors and nanobiosensors for quality control and
food safety (Rashidi & Khosravi-Darani, 2011).
Application of nanotechnology in the agri-food sector is
still a relatively new concept; the main reasons for its late
incorporation are mainly due to issues relating to product
labelling, potential consumer health risks, and a lack of unifying regulations and guidelines on nanotechnology governance (Coles & Frewer, 2013). Nevertheless, it is widely
recognised by many countries worldwide that nanotechnology will bring significant benefits, and research in this
area is attracting large scale investments by leading food companies, support from academic science, and increasing
governmental financial investment and conceptual backing
(FSAI, 2008; Gruere, 2012; Momin, Jayakumar, &
Prajapati, 2013). According to the United States Department
of Agriculture, nanotechnologys international market size is
forecasted to be U.S. $1 trillion per year by 2015. The value of
nanotechnology in the global food market is indicated to
reach up to $3.2 billion USD by 2015 (Duran & Marcato,
The aim of this study is to review current and potential
applications of nanotechnology in the agri-food industry,
illustrating key benefits and opportunities for innovation
but also considering the challenges ahead, including the potential risks of nanomaterials to human health and the environment and policy for regulatory issues. New food
technologies, such as nanofood, can prove to be very sensitive issues with the public, and public perception can have a
strong impact, both direct and indirect, on the progress of
new technologies (Siegrist, 2010). A direct effect might
be outright rejection whereas indirect effects could include
the imposition of stricter regulations by governmental
agencies perhaps leading to higher production costs. Consumer attitudes and risk perceptions regarding nanotechnology are however not addressed in this article. For
reading in this area see Besley (2008); Cobb (2005);
Fischer et al. (2013); Frewer et al. (2011); Greehy et al.
(2013); Siegrist, 2010 amongst others.
Trends in nanotechnology and agri-food research
The concepts that started nanotechnology were first discussed in 1959 by the renowned physicist Richard Feynman
in his talk Theres Plenty of Room at the Bottom, in which he
described the possibility of synthesis via direct manipulation
of atoms. The term nanotechnology was first used by
Norio Taniguchi in 1974. Nanotechnology emerged as a
field in the 1980s and from this time there has been an increase in scientific publications and awareness in the area


C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

Fig. 1. Number of nanotechnology publications per year in the Scopus database using key terms as indicated (a) nanotechnology (b) nanotechnology
and food (c) nanotechnology and agricultural related applications (d) nanotechnology and food related applications.

with an intensification of research in the 2000s (Fig. 1) due

to amplified scientific, political, and commercial attention
that led to both controversy and progress. Similarly,
commercialization of products based on advancements in
nanoscale technologies began emerging (Materials UK,
2010). However, nanotechnology research in relation to
food and related applications commenced in the late 1990s
and at less than 2% of research publications is considered
a relatively small sector of the nanotechnology field (Fig. 1).
Applications of nanotechnology in the agri-food
The identification of emerging opportunities for the industry are summarised in Fig. 2.
Primary production
A number of reviews (Agrawal & Rathore, 2014;
Chaudhry & Castle, 2011; Chen & Yada, 2011; Ditta,
2012; Duran & Marcato, 2013; Garcia, Forbe, &
Gonzalez, 2010; Grobe & Rissanen, 2012; Khot,
Sankaran, Maja, Ehsani, & Schuster, 2012; Sekhon, 2014)

nanotechnology for primary production. Nanotechnology

is expected to facilitate the next development stage of
genetically modified crops, input to animal production
and fisheries, chemical pesticides and precision farming
techniques. Precision farming is one of the most important
techniques utilised for increasing crop productivity by
monitoring environmental variables and applying targeted
action (Chen & Yada, 2011).
Applications of nanotechnology in agriculture are
currently at the research and development stage and so
may take many years before being commercialised worldwide. Such applications are mostly intended to address
some of the challenges and limitations facing large-scale,
capital and chemical-intensive farming operations. Potential applications of nanotechnology in animal production
include improved efficacy and nutrition of animal feeds
(e.g. fortified with nanosupplements, antimicrobial additives, detoxifying nanomaterials) and nanobiosensors for
animal disease diagnostics. At present, there are very few
examples of commercially available products incorporating
nanosized additives explicitly designed for animal feed. Examples are mycotoxin binders such as nanoclay to protect

C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241


Fig. 2. Identification of emerging opportunities from the systematic review; applications of nanotechnology in the agri-food industry.

animals against mycotoxicosis. Nanoparticles, comprising

of a polystyrene base, polyethylene glycol linker and
mannose targeting biomolecule, that adhere to E. coli are
designed to be administered through feed to remove foodborne pathogens in the gastrointestinal tracts of livestock
(FAO/WHO, 2010). Aquaculture is the worlds fast growing
area of animal production, and it is projected to be one of
the first industries to integrate and commercialise nanotechnology products. Potential applications include nanodelivery of veterinary products in fish food, antibacterial
surfaces in the aquaculture system, and nanosensors for detecting pathogens in the water. Although potentially beneficial, there are existing knowledge gaps regarding the
impacts of nanoparticles on aquatic organisms (Sekhon,
2014). In plant-based agriculture, emerging applications
include nanoformulated agrochemicals (e.g. fertilisers, pesticides, biocides and veterinary medicines) for improved efficiency, reduced use of farm chemicals, new toxin
formulations for more effective pest management, and better control of applications (e.g. slow release of pesticides).
For example, nanosensors can be used for the detection of
pathogens, pesticides and other chemicals. Nanosensors
have been applied in pesticide residue detection such as
organophosphate in fruit, plants and water (Duran &
Marcato, 2013). Khot et al. (2012) has proposed that nanosensors offer high sensitivity, low detection limits, super
selectivity, fast responses, and small sizes. However,
some issues have been identified regarding this application,
such as accessibility of nanomaterials sensitive to common
pesticide residues, simplicity of sensor fabrication techniques and instrumentation, desired reliability and repeatability in trace level detection, the cost, and finally,

concerns relating to nanomaterial exposure and the environment. Further research is required to ensure complete success for these types of nanotechnology application (Khot
et al., 2012).
Smart field sensing systems are increasingly important
applications for the real time monitoring of crop growth
and field conditions including nutritional status, light, temperature, moisture level, soil fertility, insects, weeds and
plant diseases to maximise yields for sustainability in
changing climatic conditions and to maximise yield to
feed a growing world population. Chen and Yada (2011)
has reported that networks of wireless nanosensors placed
across cultivated fields provide detailed information on
crop and soil conditions, enabling the best agronomic decisions to be made while minimising resource inputs. This includes information on the optimal times for planting and
harvesting crops, as well as the time and level of water, fertiliser, pesticides, and other treatments that are required to
be administered given precise plant physiology, pathology,
and environmental conditions (Chen & Yada, 2011). Wireless nanosensors have already been used in certain parts of
the U.S. and Australia. For instance, a Californian vineyard,
Pickberry, in Sonoma County has installed Wi-Fi systems
with the aid of the information technology company, Accenture. The cost of installing this system is rationalised
by the fact that it facilitates the best grapes to be grown
which in turn produces better-quality wines, which command a premium price (Joseph & Morrison, 2006).
Another emerging plant-based application is nanoscale
carriers (i.e. encapsulation and entrapment, polymers and
dendrimers) for the efficient delivery of agrochemicals.
Nanoscale delivery vehicles appear to be useful in


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agronomic applications by improving stability against

degradation in the environment thereby improving its effectiveness while decreasing the amount to be applied. This reduces agricultural chemical runoff and alleviates
environmental problems (Ditta, 2012). These carriers can
be designed in such a way to anchor plant roots or the surrounding soil structures and organic matter, provided that
molecular or conformational affinity between the delivery
nanoscale structure and targeted structures and matters in
soil could be used. These mechanisms enable the slow uptake of active ingredients, thus reducing the amount of agricultural chemicals to be used, in addition to minimizing
inputs and waste produced (Ditta, 2012).
Nanoencapsulation of pesticides involves manipulating
the outer shell properties of a capsule allowing slow and
controlled release of the active ingredient, and therefore
delivering more effective control over certain pests at lower
dosage rates and over a prolonged period of time. Nanopesticides can increase the dispersion and wettability of agricultural formulations (i.e. decreased chemical run-off) and
unwanted pesticide movement. Other potential benefits of
nanoencapsulated pesticides include increased solubility
and decreased contact of active ingredients with farm
workers (Agrawal & Rathore, 2014; Khot et al., 2012).
Globally, pesticides containing nanoscale active ingredients
are commercially available, with many of the worlds leading agrochemical firms recognising their potential usefulness and conducting research into the development of
novel nanoencapsulated pesticides. For example, Syngenta
has incorporated nanoemulsions into its pesticide products.
Primo MAXX is one of its successful growth regulating
products, which if applied before the onset of stress such
as heat, drought, disease or traffic can strengthen the physical structure of turf grass, thus enabling it to withstand ongoing stresses throughout the growing seasons (Agrawal &
Rathore, 2014).
Nanofood implies that food has been cultivated, produced, processed or packaged using nanotechnology tools
or techniques or to which nanomaterials have been added
(Sekhon, 2010). The intentions of nanofood are to improve
the quality, safety and nutritional value of food, as well as
to reduce costs. Consumers can benefit from this application in terms of meeting individual dietary and health requirements or taste preferences, while benefits to food
companies include product differentiation, new market opportunities, and economic gains.
Several reviews (Alfadul & Elneshwy, 2010; Chaudhry
& Castle, 2011; Chaudhry et al., 2008; Duran & Marcato,
2013; Ezhilarasi et al., 2013; Garcia et al., 2010; Grobe
& Rissanen, 2012; Iles, Martinovic, & Kozak, 2011;
Momin et al., 2013; Ranjan et al., 2014; Rashidi &
Khosravi-Darani, 2011; Sekhon, 2010) have identified
that the emerging applications of nanotechnology in food
processing are focussed on the development of nanosized

food ingredients and additives, and delivery systems for nutrients and supplements in the form of nutraceuticals. A
diverse range of processes are being utilised to aid with
this, such as nanoemulsions, surfactant micelles, emulsion
layers, reverse micelles and functionally designed
Sekhon (2010) has indicated that a key application of
nanotechnology in food processing involves the development of nanostructured food ingredients which offers improvements to consistency, taste and texture.
Nanoemulsion technology is frequently used to create
low-fat mayonnaise, spreads and ice cream, which manufacturers claim to be as creamy as the full fat alternatives,
thus offering consumers healthier options (Cushen et al.,
2012; Sekhon, 2010). For example, mayonnaise can be
nanotextured using oil in water emulsion containing nanodroplets of water inside oil droplets. The mayonnaise offers
taste and texture attributes that are similar to the full-fat
equivalent but with significant reductions in the fat content.
Unilever is producing an ice cream with reductions in fat
from 8-16%e1% while not compromising on the flavour.
Consumers can also benefit from more rapid and simpler
thawing of frozen foods in the microwave, as developed
by Nestle using nanoemulsion technology. It has patented
water-in-oil emulsions (10e500 nm), and through the addition of polysorbates and other micelle-forming substances,
aims to contribute to a uniform thawing of frozen foods
(Alfadul & Elneshwy, 2010; Momin et al., 2013; Ranjan
et al., 2014).
Food companies can greatly benefit from adding nanoparticles to their food and beverage products in terms of improvements to flavour, colour, flow properties and stability
during processing, or extension of shelf life. For instance,
aluminosillcate materials are commonly used as anticaking
agents in granular or powdered processed foods, while
anatase titanium dioxide is a food whitening and brightening additive that is commonly used in confectionary,
some cheeses and sauces (Alfadul & Elneshwy, 2010). According to the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies
(PEN, 2014) titanium dioxide is widely used in commercially available food and beverages, including chocolate
(Hersheys, Kraft, Lindt, Mars Inc), cheese (Albertsons,
Kraft), ready prepared mashed potato (Betty Crocker), coffee creamer (Nestle), yoghurts (Dannon Oikos), pop tarts
(Kelloggs), mints (Mentos, Tic Tac), sports drinks (CocaCola) and salad dressing (Unilever).
Nanotechnology offers opportunities to alter and manipulate food and beverage products to allow for more effective delivery of nutrients such as protein, vitamins and
minerals, in addition to antioxidants, to specifically target
nutritional and health benefits to consumers. This application also enables food companies to gain a competitive
advantage by satisfying individual dietary requirements
and consumers varied demands for foods. An important
current nanotechnology application is nanoencapsulation
of food ingredients and additives. Nanocarrier systems

C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

including emulsions, micelles, liposomes, biopolymer

matrices and association colloids have been developed for
use in food and beverage products. Nanoencapsulation
can control the release of certain active ingredients (i.e.
proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and preservatives),
mask undesirable odours and flavours such as fish oils,
enhance the shelf-life and stability of the ingredient and
the finished food product, and also improve the uptake of
encapsulated nutrients and supplements (Ezhilarasi et al.,
2013; Sastry, Anshul, & Rao, 2013; Ranjan et al., 2014).
The modified characteristics of nanocarriers enable their
use in a vast array of food and beverage products. For
example, Alfadul and Elneshwy (2010) has reported that
George Weston Foods, one of the leading bakeries in Western Australia, has successfully incorporated nanocapsules
containing tuna fish oil into their Tip Top Up bread for
additional health benefits. The nanocapsules are designed
to be secreted once they enter the stomach, thereby avoiding the unpleasant taste of the fish oil. Another example is
Shemen Industries which has used minute compressed micelles, called nanodrops, in the development of canola
active oil. The micelles work as a liquid carrier, enabling
the penetration of vitamins, minerals and phenolic compounds that are insoluble in water or fats. The micelles
are added to food products, and so pass through the digestive system efficiently, without breaking up, to the absorption site (PEN, 2013).
Nutritional additives are an increasing source of the
addition of nanoparticles to food. The European Commission Concerted Action on Functional Food Science in Europe has defined functional foods as a food that
beneficially affects one or more target functions in the
body beyond adequate nutritional effects in a way that is
relevant to either an improved state of health and wellbeing and/or reduction of risk of disease (EC, 2010).
Nanoencapsulation technologies are being employed to
protect bioactive compounds including vitamins, minerals,
proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and antioxidants for the
manufacture of functional foods with improved functionality and stability, thus offering vast potential for improvements to public health and nutrition (Ezhilarasi et al.,
2013). Nutralease Ltd has developed novel carriers for nutraceuticals to be incorporated into food systems, thereby
enhancing the bioavailability of the product. Lycopene,
beta-carotenes and phytosterols are some of the nutraceuticals incorporated in the carriers, and are used in the production of healthy foods, especially to prevent the
accumulation of cholesterol (Gruere, 2012; Ranjan et al.,
2014). The added health benefits arising from this application are therefore particularly beneficial for consumers with
health concerns. Food companies can also benefit from
product differentiation and new market opportunities.
Rashidi and Khosravi-Darani 2011 has proposed that micelles are capable of encapsulating nonpolar molecules
including flavourants, lipids, antimicrobials, vitamins and
antioxidants. Various nano-micelle based carrier systems


have been developed for nutraceuticals and nutritional supplements and are available on the market. For example, LivOn Laboratories has developed Lypo-Spheric vitamin C,
using liposomes as the supplement delivery system. LypoSpheric vitamin C is able to produce serum levels of
vitamin C that are nearly twice the level of any other oral
form of vitamin C. Health Plus International, Inc have
also developed an innovative nutritional product line, known
as Spray For Life. The technology offers benefits of introducing nutrients into the body in a way that enables more
rapid, uniform and complete absorption than pills, capsules
or other liquids (PEN, 2013). BioDelivery Sciences International has introduced their Bioral nanocochleate nutrient
delivery system for micronutrients and antioxidants. The
nanocochleates (w50 nm in size) are based on a phosphatidylserine carrier derived from soya bean, generally regarded
as safe (GRAS). The nanocochleate system appears to prevent degradation of micronutrients and antioxidants during
manufacture and storage (Momin et al., 2013; Ranjan
et al., 2014). Five reviews (Alfadul & Elneshwy, 2010;
Chaudhry et al., 2008; Ranjan et al., 2014; Rashidi &
Khosravi-Darani, 2011; Sekhon, 2010) discussed the
German company, Aquanova, which has developed a nanocarrier system using 30 nm micelles to encapsulate two
active substances for fat reduction and satiety; this is an
innovation for intelligent weight management for consumers. Marketed as NovaSOL, it uses CoQ10 to target
fat reduction and alpha-lipoic acid for satiety, thus enabling
consumers to feel fuller for longer and assisting in weight
loss. This technology has been used to add antioxidants
into food and beverage products through the introduction
of nutrients such as vitamin A, C and E, therefore targeting
the health and dietary requirements of consumers. NovaSOL
also offers substantial advantages to food companies such as
cheaper ingredients, faster production process, enhanced
shelf life, higher colour stability, improved uptake and
bioavailability, and ready to use liquid form, thus resulting
in overall reductions in energy usage, wastage and costs.
Other examples of these include Nano Calcium/Magnesium
from USA, and the nano-selenium-enriched
Nanotea from Shenzhen Become Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.
(Chaudhry et al., 2008).
A recent trend reported by Alfadul and Elneshwy (2010)
is the nanoencapsulation of live probiotic microbes for the
promotion of gastrointestinal health. They can be incorporated into various food and drink products, including fermented milk, yoghurts, cheese, puddings and fruit based
drinks. Nanoencapsulation technology is applied to aid in
the development of designer probiotic bacterial preparations which can be transited to the gastrointestinal tract
where they interact with specific receptors and can improve
intestinal microflora and thus support good consumer
health (Sherwood & Gorbach, 2000).
In 2010 Alfadul and Elneshwy indicated that many of
the large food companies worldwide (i.e. Heinz, Kraft
Foods and Nestle) were investing in nanotechnology and


C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

were on their way to commercialising food and beverage

products. To date this has not been fully realised. The
development of interactive foods which can be modified
in terms of their colour, flavour or nutritional properties according to an individuals dietary requirements, allergies, or
taste preferences are another application discussed by
Alfadul and Elneshwy (2010). Numerous products based
on nanocluster delivery systems are available commercially
worldwide. For example, RBC Life Sciences, Inc has
developed a nutritional supplements line called NanoCeuticals. This technology has been used to create a
slimming product based on cocoa nanoclusters, which are
coated on the surface of engineered NMs to enhance the
chocolate flavour through the increase in surface area that
targets the taste buds. This product offers consumers an
effective solution to weight loss, while appealing to their
taste preferences (Ranjan et al., 2014).
A nanotube is a discrete hollow fibre entity, which has
two dimensions in the nanoscale (FAO/WHO, 2010).
Self-assembly of hydrolysed calcium binding milk protein
a-lactalbumin into nanotubes is another recent development (Momin et al., 2013). These food-protein derived
nanotubes show good stability and offer potential applications in food, nutrients and pharmaceutics. a-lactalbumin
has an important role in lactose formation, which is essential for milk production; it is already used as a food ingredient in infant formula. Infant formula is designed to bear a
close resemblance to human breast milk, and so extensive
research has been dedicated to improving the protein quality of infant formula, so that it is more like human milk
(Lien, 2003). The relatively high content of essential amino
acids in a-lactalbumin makes it desirable for improved infant formula protein systems; by offering similar protein
content to that of human milk helping to meet the nutritional needs of infants (Lien, 2003).
Food processing
The food processing system is faced with a number of
challenges relating to the control of chemical contaminants,
microbiological hazards and pathogens in order to promote
food safety. A number of research initiatives are in the process of investigating the use of nanoparticles as antibacterials for improving food safety. Silver nanoparticles are
being incorporated into food processing systems to kill
food pathogens and bacteria (Alfadul & Elneshwy, 2010).
Silvers effective antimicrobial properties are owed to its
intense antimicrobial activity and low toxicity to mammalian cells and tissues (Araujo et al., 2013). Therefore silver
nanoparticles are being considered as an important means
of overcoming the growing problem of antibacterial resistance. At present, these are being used as antimicrobial
agents in food processing, with the aim of developing
food-related applications such as microbe-resistant fabrics
or non-biofouling surfaces (Alfadul & Elneshwy, 2010).
In food manufacturing, the greatest energy requirements
are from the process heating and cooling systems, which

are an essential part for maintenance of food safety.

Nanotechnology-based equipment insulation coatings
have been developed to enable manufacturers to reduce
heat loss and lower their energy costs (Nanotechnology,
2010). Nansulate has developed thermal insulation coatings
using award winning, patented technology, which integrates
a safe, nanosized internal structure into a low volatile
organic compound water-based acrylic latex coating. Nansulate offers manufacturers an easy method of coating a
number of difficult to insulate food and beverage processing equipment (i.e. heat exchangers, ovens, dryers and
cookers), as well as protecting equipment from corrosion
and mould growth. Furthermore, the clear coatings allow
for easy visual inspection of the substrate surface. The
overall benefits to food manufacturers include significant
cost savings and improved profit margins (Industrial
Nanotech, Inc., 2014).
Another nanotechnology-based coating system is Bioni,
which was also developed to satisfy the requirements of the
food industry. The patented solution uses a two layer system that can be applied directly to mould affected substrates, and other surfaces. The system also provides a
permanent protection against growth of new mould, mildew
or bacteria on the coating film, therefore providing costsaving benefits. A further advantage to Bioni is that it is
eco-friendly as it does not require any other chemicals for
disinfectant and pre-treatment of affected surfaces (BioniUSA, 2013).
Food packaging
Nanopackaging applications as food contact materials
are growing rapidly (Fig. 1); this is now considered to be
one of the most active areas of nanotechnology in the
food sector (Ranjan et al. 2014). In 2011, nanopackaging
was projected to account for 25% of all food packaging
within the next ten years (Lyons, Scrinis, & Whelan,
2011). However, industrial applications of food packages
based on nanomaterials are strongly dependent on exploration of regulatory aspects which should be issued on
consideration of both their efficiency in preserving the
physical, chemical, microbiological and sensorial quality
of food but also their possible and unanticipated risks for
the environment and human health (Apan, Cozmuta,
Peter, Nicula, & Cozmuta, 2014). Manufacturers claim
that nanopackaging can extend product shelf-life, as well
as maintain, improve or monitor the quality and safety of
foods. For instance, the use of nanoparticles in food packaging can improve the mechanical and heat resistance properties, thereby affecting gas or water vapour permeability,
and thus increasing shelf life. Several reviews (Chaudhry
& Castle, 2011; Duran & Marcato, 2013; Garcia, 2010;
Han, Yu, Li, & Wang 2011; Momin et al., 2013; Rashidi
& Khosravi-Darani, 2011; Restuccia et al., 2010; Rhim,
Park, & Ha, 2013; Silvestre, Duraccio, & Cimmino,
2011; Sozer & Kokini, 2009) have reported three main categories of nanopackaging: improved packaging, active and

C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

intelligent packaging, and biodegradable nanocomposites

food packaging. Improved packaging has been described
by Silvestre et al. (2011) as incorporating nanoparticles in
the polymer matrix materials with improved packaging
properties in terms of temperature/moisture stability, flexibility, durability and gas barrier properties (e.g. nanocomposites, silicate nanoparticles, and nanosilver). Han et al.
(2011) has also suggested that the application of nanoparticles in food packaging has additional functions such as
antibacterial properties. Elgin, IL Multifilm Packaging
has developed an ultra-thin coating, known as N-Coat,
which is applied on a 48 gauge polyester film, resulting
in a clear laminate with an excellent gas barrier that can
compete with most metallised structures. N-Coat has
been primarily developed for nuts, coffee and dry foods
(PEN, 2013).
Active and intelligent food packaging are novel concepts
of packaging compared with traditional materials. Polymer
nanocomposites integrating metal or metal oxide nanoparticles have been developed for active packaging. These
include silver, gold, zinc oxide, silica, titanium dioxide
and iron oxides (Chaudhry et al., 2008). Han et al. (2011)
has indicated that active packaging has the ability to remove undesirable tastes and flavours, and improve the
colour or odour of the packed food. For example, carbon
black nanoparticles incorporated into polymer packaging
can absorb odours released from the food or packaging.
An emerging active packaging application integrates nanoparticles with antimicrobial or oxygen scavenging properties; this packaging is designed to stop microbial growth
once the package is opened by the consumer and rewrapped
with an active-film portion of the package (Momin et al.,
2013). A number of food contact materials have been developed using nanosilver, which claims to preserve the food
for longer and inhibit the growth of microorganisms. For
example, BlueMoonGoods LLC has introduced new silver
nanoparticle fresh box super airtight food storage containers that can reduce bacteria by up to 99.9%. Foods
can easily be stored for up to four times the length of traditional food containers, thus offering consumers benefits of
fresher, higher quality food for a longer period of time, and
subsequently, reduced food wastage. Other examples
include FresherLonger Miracle Food Storage Containers and FresherLonger Plastic Storage Bags from
Sharper Image USA, Nano Silver Food Containers
from A-DO Global and Nano Silver Baby Mug Cup
from Baby Dream Co. Ltd (PEN, 2013). Nanosilver has
also been used to provide an antibacterial coating on kitchenware and tableware (Changmin Chemicals, Nano Care
Technology Ltd, Pro-Idee GmbH & Co. KG) and as an interior coating of domestic refrigerators (LG, Samsung and
Daewoo) to kill bacteria as an effective disinfectant, thus
benefiting consumers in terms of reduced risks of foodborne illness (PEN, 2013). Intelligent or smart food packaging incorporates a nanobiosensor for sensing and
signalling microbial and biochemical changes, release of


antimicrobials, antioxidants, enzymes, flavours and nutraceuticals to extend shelf life. A diverse range of devices
have been developed to detect food spoilage organisms in
food packaging (i.e. nanowires and antibodies), thus
enabling versatility and much cheaper production (Duran
& Marcato, 2013). For example, Kraft Foods have developed an electronic tongue which has been incorporated
into their packaging. This integrates an array of nanosensors which are highly sensitive to the gases released when
food is spoiled. These gases result in a colour change of
the sensor strip to warn the consumer that the food is unfit
for consumption (Momin et al., 2013). AgroMicron have
also developed the NanoBioluminescence Detection Spray,
which encompasses a luminous protein which is intended to
bind to the surface of bacteria such as Salmonella and E.
coli (Duran & Marcato, 2013).
Biodegradable nanocomposites food packaging incorporates inorganic particles, such as clay, into the biopolymeric
matrix, which can improve the delivery of micronutrients
(Rhim et al., 2013). The nano-layered structure also restricts the access of gases, and offers considerable improvements in terms of gas barrier properties of nanocomposites.
Biodegradable materials have potential use in a wide range
of food packaging applications, including processed meats,
cheese, confectionary, cereals, boil-in-the-bag foods, as
well as extrusion-coating applications for fruit juices and
dairy products, or co-extrusion processes for the production
of bottles for beer and carbonated drinks (Chaudhry et al.,
2008). For example, Voridan has developed a nanocomposite containing clay nanoparticles, termed Imperm. This is
ideal for beer, as the resultant bottle is lighter and stronger
than glass and is less likely to shatter. Further, the nanocomposite structure minimises loss of carbon dioxide
from the beer and keeps oxygen out of the bottle, therefore
retaining the freshness of the beer and extending its shelf
life (Han et al., 2011). This technology has been adopted
by various companies including Aegix OX (Honeywell
Speciality Polymers) who has successfully engineered plastic beer bottles that integrate nanocomposites to enhance
the barrier properties and extended shelf life by up to 26
weeks. This technology has been used in the Hite Pitcher
beer bottle from Hite Brewery Co. in South Korea (PEN,
2013). Durethan KU2-2601 (Bayer AG) is another
example, which is a hybrid plastic that is enriched with
numerous silicate nanoparticles. The plastic incorporates
Nanocors clay to produce a film that is lighter, stronger
and more heat resistant than traditional packaging materials. The film is intended to prevent the entrance of oxygen
and other gases, and the exit of moisture, thus preventing
food spoilage (Gruere, 2012; Han et al., 2011). Conversely,
Duran and Marcato (2013) has suggested that biodegradable materials demonstrate poor barrier and mechanical
properties and require substantial improvements before replacing traditional packaging materials.
Nanopackaging has the potential to provide manufacturers with a vast range of benefits, including the ability


C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

to keep packaged food fresher for longer (Rhim et al.,

2013). This may enable food to travel further and remain
in storage for an extended period of time, thus resulting
in a more reliable food supply. By increasing the shelf
life of food products, manufacturers will also be able to
sell food that would have otherwise been discarded due
to spoilage, and hence contributing to reductions in food
waste. Innovative and novel packaging that is lightweight,
stronger and functional can also significantly reduce transportation costs and packaging materials in the environment.
Smart labels on food packaging is likely to appeal to manufacturers due to the ability to effectively monitor the
safety, quality and security of food and beverage products
during transportation and storage, therefore reducing the
risks of food-borne illness. Consumers can also benefit
from attractive new products on the market, which are safer
and of better quality.
Opportunities and anticipated benefits
A number of reviews (Bradley, Castle, & Chaudhry,
2011; Chaudhry & Castle, 2011; Cushen et al., 2012;
Kuan, Yee-Fung, Yuen, & Liong, 2012; Meetoo, 2011; Momin et al., 2013; Rashidi & Khosravi-Darani, 2011; Ravichandran, 2010; Sekhon, 2010, 2014; Sonkaria, Ahn, &
Khare, 2012) have recognised the vast opportunities of
nanotechnology in agriculture and in all aspects of the

food industry, including preservation, processing, packaging and monitoring (Fig. 2). There are numerous potential benefits arising from the application of
nanotechnology in food, which make it of real relevance
for developing countries, as well as for developed nations
(Fig. 3). Nanotechnology enables more effective agricultural production methods, with a lower use of agrochemicals (e.g. pesticides, fertilisers and veterinary medicines),
which can alleviate environmental pollution and lessen
chemical run-off. A range of benefits are offered to farmers,
including reductions in agricultural losses, enhanced production efficiency, lower resource costs and improvements
to profit margins. Extended shelf life of food products is
also possible through innovative packaging that incorporates antimicrobial properties. This application offers vast
potential to the food industry by contributing to reductions
in food waste, as well as a better quality and safer food supply. In addition, the use of nanosensors in food packaging
for detection of food spoilage is important for combating
pathogenic microorganisms, and consequently reducing
foodborne illnesses in consumers.
Smart labels on food packaging can also aid manufacturers in ensuring authenticity, traceability and safety of
their food products. There are also opportunities for novel
food and beverage products with improved colour, flavour,
texture or nutritional value to meet each consumers desires

Food Nanotechnology

Lower pesticide use
Improved traceability &
safety of food products
Reductions in fat, sugar,
salt & preservatives

Potential human
Oxidative damage &
inflammation of GI
Acute toxic responses

Enhanced nutritional
value of food/beverages


Novel flavours & textures

Lesions of liver
& kidney

Maintenance of food
quality & freshness

Concerns for workers

health & safety

More hygienic food

Extended product
shelf life

Potential harmful effects

to the environment

Fig. 3. The main projected benefits and risks of nanotechnology applications in food and related products.

C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

or dietary and health requirements. For example, nanotechnology can be used to enrich foods with fruit and vegetables
to deliver high nutrient density in such foods (Ravichandran,
2010). Nanotechnology can be utilised to dissolve additives,
such as antioxidants, phenolic compounds, vitamins and
minerals. Furthermore, through nanoencapsulation technologies additional nutrients can be added to food and beverage
products, without altering flavour or quality. The delivery of
certain ingredients and additives to a specific target site
within the body is also possible, therefore providing consumers with additional health benefits. The benefits of nanoencapsulation technologies are extended to manufacturers
through protection of food ingredients during processing,
and extension of product shelf life, which can reduce food
waste and improve revenues.
In view of the expected benefits (Fig. 3), two reviews
(Bradley et al., 2011; Chaudhry & Castle, 2011) have recognised the vast potential for improvements to food and
water safety and public nutrition in developing counties.
Moreover, nanotechnology offers huge potential for producers in terms of exporting, through increasing the local
processing of basic commodities such as tea, coffee, spices,
sugar, bananas and rice, and thus increasing volumes of exports and subsequently profit margins. In summary, nanotechnology has the potential to enhance the sustainability
of the agri-food sector through delivery of economic, environmental and social benefits to a range of actors from consumers/the public right back to farmers.
Potential risks
Despite nanotechnologys vast opportunities and potential applications in the agri-food sector, there are increasing
concerns relating to safety and health (Fig. 3). Increasing
scientific evidence has demonstrated that exposure to nanoparticles (i.e. carbon black, silicates, titanium dioxide and
iron oxide) may lead to oxidative damage and inflammatory
reactions of the gastrointestinal tract. Further, long term
exposure has been linked to acute toxic response including
lesions of the kidney and liver, as well as numerous forms
of cancer (Borm et al., 2006; Momin et al., 2013; Silvestre
et al., 2011). Several reviews investigating the toxicology
and safety aspects of nanoparticles (Bouwmeester et al.,
2009; Bradley et al., 2011; Chaudhry & Castle, 2011;
Chaudhry et al., 2008; Cockburn et al., 2012; Cushen
et al., 2012; Grobe & Rissanen, 2012; Han et al., 2011;
Iles et al., 2011; Kuan et al., 2012; Kuzma, Romanchek,
& Kokotovich, 2008; Magnuson et al., 2011; Momin
et al., 2013; Silvestre et al., 2011) have indicated that the
incorporation of nanomaterials into food may present an
entire new array of risks for consumers. The most likely
route of entry of nanoparticles to the gut is through the consumption of food and drinks. The main concerns of nanoparticles in relation to human health include the increased
toxicological effects of nanoparticles at smaller concentrations due to the much larger surface area, enhanced toxicity


owing to improved bioavailability, greater access to the human body, compromised immune system response, and
possible longer pathological effects (Momin et al., 2013).
Discussion within the reviews suggests that scientific
knowledge gaps exist in our understanding of the properties, behaviour and effects of nanomaterials, which can
cause great difficulties for risk assessors and risk managers,
and severely hinder risk assessment. Moreover, there is
limited knowledge on current usage levels and exposure
from applications of nanoparticles in food and foodrelated products. A systematic approach was adopted by
Cockburn et al. (2012) for the safety assessment of engineered nanomaterials for food application, proportionate
to their physiochemical characteristics and therefore potential for toxicological concern. A decision tree is utilised for
toxicological testing of engineered nanomaterials and a
tiered approach for subsequent hazard identification and
characterisation. The safety testing strategy is considered
appropriate to variations in engineered nanomaterial size.
Further, Magnuson et al. (2011) conducted an appraisal
of the literature to determine the current state of knowledge
regarding the safety of naturally occurring and engineered
nanomaterials for food and food-related applications. A
systematic approach to assess the reliability of toxicology
studies of nanomaterials was developed, which has been
previously published by Card, Jonaitis, Tafazoli, and
Magnuson (2011). The review identified a lack of studies
conducted thus far to assess the toxicity of nanomaterials
following oral exposure, and much of the published
research comes from in vitro studies or from in vivo studies
using dermal or inhalation exposure routes (Magnuson
et al., 2011). The possible effects of nanoparticles through
the gastrointestina route are mostly unknown. In the food
sector, toxicology research is almost non-existent, and
few studies have proved to be useful in terms of assessing
toxicity. As a result, any individual risk assessment is likely
to be subject to a high degree of uncertainty. The outcome
of this review has pointed towards the need for additional
toxicology studies of adequate design and duration on
different types of NMs to provide more conclusive evidence
regarding the toxicity of nanomaterials used in food. Existing toxicity methodologies applied to conventional materials may require modification to consider the unique
characteristics of nanoparticles. In relation to risk assessment, it is also important to note that toxicity is likely to
vary among specific nanoparticles, thus a risk assessment
must be performed on a case by case basis.
There are a number of on-going EU research projects
aimed at addressing all aspects of nanosafety including
toxicology, ecotoxicology, exposure assessment, risk
assessment, mechanisms of interaction, and standardisation. Examples of on-going EU projects include the NanoLyse project which is dedicated to the development of
analytical tools for the detection and characterisation of engineered nanoparticles in food, and the NanoReTox project
which seeks to address the human health and environmental


C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

implications of exposure to engineered nanoparticles (EU

Nanosafety Cluster, 2014).
Food packaging concerns
Several reviews (Chaudhry & Castle, 2011; Duncan,
2011; Han et al., 2011; Kuzma et al., 2008; Silvestre
et al., 2011) have reported uncertainties regarding the potential adverse effects of nanopackaging materials on human health. Discussion within these studies indicates that
the main risk of consumer exposure to nanoparticles from
food packaging materials is indirectly through the possible
migration into foodstuffs, or ingestion of edible coatings. A
narrative review by Kuzma et al. (2008) demonstrated a
need for consideration of the toxicity of clay nanoparticles
and their ability to move out of the film into food under
different conditions for risk assessment. Clay in the macro
form is known to be nontoxic; however, the toxicity of
nanoparticles is not well established. Nanoparticles of
clay are known to be highly reactive due to their much
greater surface area and so, concerns have been raised
that this reactivity could lead to more toxic forms of clay
particles during production or use. Migration studies are
currently limited, despite the fact that a number of food
packaging materials containing nanoparticles are already
commercially available in some countries. The few migration experimental and modelling studies that have been
conducted thus far suggest that the likelihood of nanoparticle migration from polymer packaging to be either very
low or nil, and therefore, do not pose any significant risk
to the consumer (Chaudhry & Castle, 2011). Nevertheless,
discussion within the reviews (Chaudhry & Castle, 2011;
Duncan, 2011; Han et al., 2011; Kuzma et al., 2008;
Silvestre et al., 2011) has pointed towards the need for
further research and investigation to provide more conclusive evidence. In relation to risk assessment of nanomaterials after ingestion, this has been studied for only a few of
the nanoparticles used in food packaging. Silvestre et al.
(2011) has proposed that there is a lack of understanding
in relation to how nanomaterials will act once they enter
the human body. Questions like, how and if the nanoparticles will be absorbed by different organs, how will the
body metabolise them, and how and in which way will
the body eliminate them are still subject to uncertainty.
There is a particular concern regarding the possible migration of nanoparticless into the brain and unborn foetus. The
outcome of this narrative review recommends an urgent
need for research in both of these areas to either confirm
or discard the theory of nanoparticles association with
several brain diseases. The health implications of other
nanoparticles used in food packaging are under
Regulatory aspects
The success of the advancements of nanotechnology in
the agri-food industry will be dependent on the consideration of regulatory issues. Legislation is essential to

manage potential adverse effects, mitigate risks, and protect

consumers. Various government agencies worldwide are
becoming increasingly interested in the use of nanotechnology in the agri-food sector. Problems arising from nanofood applications are shown in the practically non-existent
laws to regulate this use (Coles & Frewer, 2013). There are
currently no international regulations of nanotechnologies
or nanoproducts (Momin et al., 2013). Chaudhry and
Castle (2011) has suggested that current regulatory frameworks for food and food packaging materials in different
jurisdictions including the EU, the U.S. and AustraliaeNew
Zealand are extensive enough to encompass nanotechnology applications in the food sector. These include regulations regarding general food safety, food additives, novel
foods, specific health claims, chemical safety, food contact
materials, water quality, general product safety, as well as
other specific regulations on the certain use of chemicals
in food production (i.e. fertilisers, pesticides, etc.). By
contrast, a more recent narrative review by Momin et al.
(2013) indicates that existing laws are inadequate to assess
risks posed by nanofoods and nanopackaging due to current
uncertainties arising from the difficulty to detect and measure nanomaterials in food, meaning that there is currently
limited information available concerning aspects of toxicology and toxicokinetics. In addition, nanomaterials are
not assessed as new chemicals according to many regulations, current exposure and safety methods are unsuitable
for nanomaterials, and many safety assessments use confidential industry studies. Nevertheless, the on-going EU
SmartNano project aims to develop an innovative, costeffective technology platform that are based on ready-touse, application-specific cartridges for the detection, identification and measurement of engineered nanoparticles in
food matrices. The primary purpose of developing a technology platform for the measurement of engineered nanoparticles is to assess the fate and potential safety risks of
engineered nanoparticles in food and food-related products
(EU Nanosafety Cluster, 2014). A further issue relates to
(Coles & Frewer, 2013; Cushen et al., 2012; Grobe &
Rissanen, 2012; Kuan et al., 2012; Magnuson et al.,
2013) a lack of clear, uniform, international definition of
nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, which can lead to
misinformation and inconsistencies when communicating
risks. There are many existing definitions of nanotechnology, which consider the specific properties of nanomaterials (derived from their nanoscale range, shape and
potentially reactive surfaces, etc.) and their nanofeatures.
However, in 2011 the EC recommended a definition of
nanomaterials, which is intended to be used by Member
States, EU agencies and companies. The EC defines a nanomaterial as a natural, incidental or manufactured material
containing particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate
or as an agglomerate and where, for 50% or more of the
particles in the number size distribution, one or more
external dimensions is in the size range 1e100 nm. In specific cases and where warranted by concerns for the

C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

environment, health, safety or competitiveness the number

size distribution threshold of 50% may be replaced by a
threshold between 1 and 50% (European Commission,
2012). Efforts to establish a more comprehensive international definition for nanomaterials are in progress (Coles
& Frewer, 2013).
The EU is the global leader in the development and implementation of laws for nanofood applications (Iles et al.,
2011). Magnuson et al. (2013) is good source for a comprehensive list of current EU regulations and directives
relating to nanomaterials. Iles et al. (2011) reported that
the EC has acknowledged which scientific knowledge
gaps (i.e. health and the environment) must be addressed
in order to provide support for the legal framework. Moreover, the EU regulations for food and food packaging have
recommended that there is a requirement for the introduction of new nanotechnology specific safety standards and
testing procedures (Momin et al., 2013). In the immediate
future, it is anticipated that a succession of new EU laws
will be adopted to enable more effective regulation of the
nanofoods market and protect consumers (Magnuson
et al., 2013). Chaudhry and Castle (2011) has proposed
the establishment of a globally harmonised regulatory system to ensure pre-market evaluation of nanofoods and
nanoproducts, as well as to set liabilities, and specify clear
limits for any nanoadditives in food and food-related applications. International harmonisation of legislation is beneficial to the agri-food industry to facilitate in international
trade. Effective regulation of nanotechnology in the agrifood sector will also enable products to be launched with
trust and confidence, in addition to protecting consumers
from potential safety risks. Alternatively, it is possible
that regulation of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials
could increase consumer concerns regarding its use in
food, raising questions regarding its safety. It is important
for the industry to appreciate consumer concerns, and
incorporate public opinions regarding nanotechnologys
use in food at an early stage of their development to avoid
a GM repeat, which was largely rejected by the European
market (Biebersterin et al., 2013; Brown & Kuzma,
2013). Industry led nanotechnology global networks may
offer opportunities for communication for the agri-food
Nanotechnology for a sustainable food system
The globalisation of the food system means that supply
and demand is mostly dictated by global market driving
forces. Increased food demands are driven by a rapidly
growing global population, with the current population of
approximately 7 billion people projected to reach 9.3
billion people by 2050 and 10.1 billion by 2100 (UN,
2011). Global food production will have to increase 50%
by the year 2030 and double by 2050 to meet the anticipated demands (Parry & Hawkesford, 2010). Changing
consumption patterns have placed further pressure on the
industry for a global food supply system, with an increase


in the demand for meat and cereal products worldwide. Total meat production needs are projected to reach 455
million tonnes by 2050, while cereal production is expected
to be three billion tonnes by 2050, with the greatest demand
coming from developing countries, which now account for
61% of the global cereal consumption (Parry &
Hawkesford, 2010; Tilman, Balzer, Hill, & Befort, 2011).
International trade in foodstuffs has grown rapidly and
changed profoundly over recent decades, in response to
the global population growth with changing diets; this is
a key driver of globalisation. The modern consumerdriven food industry is continuously seeking new ways to
develop innovative and novel products that will not only
offer new tastes and textures, but are also healthful, more
nutritious, of improved quality and cost effective, thus
facilitating a more sustainable, safe and nutritious food
At present, the worldwide agricultural system is faced
with a number of long-term challenges, including climate
change, increasing competition for energy, land and water,
urbanisation, and environmental problems such as chemical
run-off (i.e. pesticides and fertilisers). Nanotechnology can
play a fundamental role in contributing to a more efficient
and sustainable agricultural and food production system,
with opportunities to increase farm productivity, alleviate
environmental issues, and reduce resource costs. These
include techniques that will preserve land and water by
increasing crop yield while using lower resource inputs,
as well as techniques aimed at protecting the quality of
the environment. For example, Nanotechnology can be
applied for the efficient delivery of agrochemicals (i.e. pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers) by using nanoscale carriers; they have controlled release mechanisms which
allow the active ingredient to be taken up slowly, thus
improving its effectiveness, while reducing the amount
applied (Chen & Yada, 2011; Ditta, 2012). Reductions in
agrochemical use will provide additional benefits to public
health. Nanotechnology can also be utilised to provide
effective solutions to animal production, by minimising losses from animal diseases including zoonoses, as well as
improving production efficiency, animal health and welfare,
feed nutritional efficiency, and product quality and value
(Chen & Yada, 2011; Ditta, 2012).
Moreover, in developing countries, nanotechnology has
the potential to sustain food production in a way that will
reduce poverty, improve public health and nutrition, and
hence increase food security (Chen & Yada, 2011). Improvements to public nutrition can be achieved by
increasing the bioavailability of nutrients in typical dietary
components or food aid, through techniques such as nanoencapsulation to improve the absorption of nutrients in the
body. Nanoparticles can also be incorporated into food and
beverage products, so that nutrients are released upon consumption. This application would be beneficial in products
such as orange juice, which have substantially depleted
vitamin C levels after juicing. Moreover, nanotechnology


C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

offers vast potential for industry in developing countries in

terms of exporting, through increasing the local processing
of basic food commodities such as tea, coffee, spices, sugar,
bananas and rice, and therefore increasing volumes and
values of exports and subsequently profit margins
(Bradley et al., 2011).
Nanopackaging can also aid the globalised, trade orientated, and supermarket dominated food system by extending product shelf life, facilitating the long-distance
transportation, tracking the supply chain, and monitoring
the quality and safety of the food supply (Lyons et al.,
2011). The primary objectives of nanopackaging are to
reduce the amount of resources used (e.g. energy, antibiotics, preservatives, pesticides) and the quantity of packaging materials in the environment, which can
subsequently help to alleviate environmental pollution. By
extending the shelf life of products, this can also significantly reduce loss in the supply chain as a result of product
spoilage/waste, thereby resulting in possible reductions in
food poverty. Nanopackaging also offers other advantages
in terms of preserving the taste, colour and flavour of
food products, as well as delaying the deterioration of the
nutritional value.
Current gaps in knowledge
While the literature assessment has identified a number
of potential applications and benefits of nanotechnology
in the global agri-food industry, it has also become evident
that there are existing scientific gaps in knowledge for the
industry to make an informed choice of its use. These
gaps are mainly in relation to knowledge of the applications, and consumer and environmental safety, which are
impeding regulation and market uptake, and thus require
further research.
 A clear, uniform definition of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies is lacking. The EC has established a definition of nanomaterials for use by Member States, EU
agencies and companies. Efforts are currently underway
to implement a more comprehensive international
 Validated techniques for the detection and characterisation of nanomaterials in food matrices are required. The
on-going EU NanoLyse project, as part of a wider Nanosafety cluster, is dedicated to the development of analytical methods for the detection and characterisation of
engineered nanoparticles in food (EU Nanosafety
Cluster, 2014).
 Additional toxicological studies that are of sufficient
design and duration on different types of nanomaterials
especially nanosilver are required to establish potential
health risks to humans.
 Adsorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination
profiles of nanomaterials may differ from larger particles, and it is unclear as to how ingested nanoparticles
will behave once they enter the human body.

 More exposure assessment methodologies are needed

to assess the long term health consequences of ingestion of nanoparticles via food, which are at present
 There is a lack of risk assessment data, and guidance on
risk assessment methodologies is unclear and
 Similar to genetic modification, the application of nanotechnology in the agri-food sector raises questions of an
ethical nature. If nanoparticles are incorporated into
foodstuffs, should these foodstuffs have labelling to indicate what nano has been used and for what purposes. A
study by Brown and Kuzma (2013) found that consumers
want food products that use nanotechnology (whether its
in the food or the packaging) to be labelled accordingly,
and they are willing to pay more for this labelling.
Siegrist and Keller (2011) highlight that if labelling is
mandatory, it may result in higher perceived risks and
lower perceived benefits. They also argue that providing
information on the label alone that the product contains
synthetic nanoparticles may not provide sufficient information to result in informed decision-making as it would
represent an over-simplification of the process and associated issues. Thus there is an argument for industry to
engage in voluntary measures that provide information
to consumers to support informed decision making. The
use of QR codes, and augmented reality applications,
for example may be beneficial.
 Enhancement of knowledge and awareness of the multidisciplinary nanotechnology applications in both agriculture and farming systems from fertilisers to
nutrition to monitoring soil quality and plant and animal
health and the potential opportunities and risks in those
systems is required.
 Aquaculture plays an important role in sustainable
global food production but knowledge on nanotechnology applications and opportunities in fisheries and
aquaculture is limited. More research is needed into
the fate and behaviour of nanoparticles in aquatic and
terrestrial systems as well as their interactions with
 There are uncertainties over the adequacy of current
global regulations of nanotechnology applications for
food and related products. The development and implementation of legislation at the international level is also
of great importance to set liabilities, and establish clear
limits for any nanofoods and nanoproducts.
 An improved awareness of nanotechnology through
nanoeducation programmes commencing at the school
level through to business and regulation is required.
 An integrated safe nanobased global platform is
needed for better coordination and communication between various organisations involved in the development
and use of nanotechnology products/devices. This could
be achieved through global and regional nanotechnology

C.E. Handford et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 40 (2014) 226e241

An overview of the current and potential applications of
nanotechnology in food and related products indicates that
they offer a range of benefits to the entire agri-food sector,
from improved precision farming practices, to food products with enhanced flavour, texture and nutrition, as well
as novel packaging which can extend product shelf life,
and increase the quality and safety of food. Many of these
benefits will enhance the range, quality and quantity of food
products, enable new international market opportunities,
and improve profit margins. They also offer great potential
for improvements to food and water safety and nutrition in
developing countries. The current level of nanotechnology
in the global food sector is still relatively small, with
most products still at the R&D stage, and limited successful
applications of nanotechnology to food. At present, there
are substantial uncertainties regarding food companies
level of awareness and attitudes towards the use of nanotechnology for food applications. Existing scientific gaps
in knowledge in relation to potential health risks and environmental safety are impeding the implementation of effective legislation. These knowledge gaps cause uncertainty
for the industry and must be addressed prior to a higher implementation of the technology by the industry.
Declaration of financial interests
The authors have no actual or potential competing financial interests to declare.
This research is published as part of the project: Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food industry on the island of
Ireland: applications, opportunities and challenges funded
by Safefood from a research tender call 05/2013.
Agrawal, S., & Rathore, P. (2014). Nanotechnology pros and cons in
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