1 s2.0 S0360132320307952 Main
1 s2.0 S0360132320307952 Main
1 s2.0 S0360132320307952 Main
Keywords: Shopping centres are commonly laid out as small individual stores connected by transitional spaces. Setpoint
Thermal comfort temperatures used to control transitional spaces are normally the same as in traditional indoor environments
Transitional spaces despite substantial differences in use, time of permanence and users’ needs. Currently, there are no comfort
Shopping centre
guidelines for transitional spaces and the literature lacks relevant studies on the topic. There is an untapped
Indoor environment quality
potential for energy savings and improved indoor environmental quality. The main objective of this work is to
evaluate the suitability of Fanger’s comfort model and adaptive comfort model for transitional spaces. We
assessed users’ thermal perception and potential impacting factors in three Italian shopping centres. 724 cus
tomers were interviewed on their thermal comfort, thermal sensation, thermal preference, and clothing level
while experiencing the transitional space. In addition, the thermal environment at the interview locations (dry-
bulb temperature, globe temperature, relative humidity, and air speed at different levels) and the outdoor
temperature were monitored. The study demonstrated that Fanger’s model and the adaptive comfort model are
not suitable for transitional spaces. Customers were inclined to adapt to a much wider range of indoor envi
ronmental conditions. An operative temperature of up to 27.5 ◦ C was still deemed comfortable by more than 80%
of the customers. These results unlock a large potential for energy savings and pave the way for passive solutions
such as natural ventilation.
1. Introduction individual system per each retail unit. In either case, the temperature
setpoints inside the single shops are controlled by managers, workers, or
Large shopping centres are based on a model of small individual according to brand policies. Most of the time this results in temperatures
stores connected by common areas that enable customers to move from a that are different from the common areas, which exposes customers to
shop to another without exiting the centre. They can be shaped as gal several rapid changes in thermal conditions.
lery, atrium or ring and can be located on a single level or connect Moreover, indoor temperatures are generally controlled indepen
multiple levels. dently from outdoor conditions. Implemented setpoints are typically
The number of people in the common areas varies during the day. based on guidelines intended for other indoor environments or on the
Observed users’ activity is dynamic and the time of permanence differs, experience of the facility manager. The customers’ clothing and their
which creates highly variable occupancy. activity are not (or cannot be) taken into consideration and sometimes
Shopping centres are normally conditioned by an all-air HVAC sys results in uncomfortable conditions or inefficient energy management.
tem that handles both the individual stores and retail units or using an Due to their unique features, common areas may not require the same
Abbreviations: MEMO, Mobile Environmental Monitoring; PMV, Predicted Mean Vote; PPD, Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied; TAV, thermal acceptability vote;
TCV, thermal comfort vote; TPV, thermal preference vote.
* Corresponding author. Scientific Campus, via Torino, 155, 30170, Venice, Italy.
E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Pasut).
Received 5 August 2020; Received in revised form 16 October 2020; Accepted 31 October 2020
Available online 4 November 2020
0360-1323/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M. Avantaggiato et al. Building and Environment 188 (2021) 107428
tight control as other indoor environments. A wider range of setpoints whereas transitional spaces have dynamic features making Fanger’s
may still provide or even improve comfort. model unsuitable. Some studies [8–11] also observed that users in
Thermal comfort research traditionally focuses on either the indoor transitional spaces have a higher adaptability, which might be influ
or the outdoor environment. Little has been discussed in previous work enced by the time spent within the transitional space and the previous
about people’s thermal perception and comfort in indoor transitional thermal experience. All these studies concluded that further investiga
spaces1 with transient and dynamic conditions. Table 1 collects studies tion on thermal comfort in transitional spaces at different times of the
related to thermal comfort in transitional spaces in the last fifteen years. year is required to expand the database of evidences.
Only field studies have been included in the table because they are Current comfort standards do not specifically address transitional
representative of the specific conditions in the transitional spaces. spaces, which are therefore treated by energy managers like other in
However, we briefly report on important findings from studies con door environments (e.g. offices) [6]. According to Pitts and al. [4], the
ducted in more strictly controlled environments such as labs and climate energy demand of transitional spaces per unit area or volume is three
chambers. Zhang et al. [1] analysed psychological and physiological times that of the remaining of the building interior, and past studies [4,
responses from thirty college students subjected to step changes of 7–10] identified a high energy use intensity of transitional spaces for
neutral-warm and neutral-cool in a climate chamber consisting of two heating and cooling and thus a great energy saving potential linked to
adjacent rooms in China reproducing a hot-humid climate. As accept more relaxed setpoint settings.
able upper limits for transitional spaces and people naturally acclima The main objective of this work is to evaluate the suitability of
tized to such a climate, air temperatures of 29.2 ◦ C at 50% relative Fanger’s model and adaptive comfort model for transitional spaces. We
humidity and 28.0 ◦ C at 70% relative humidity for 90% satisfied were also investigated the interrelationship of users’ thermal acceptability,
reported. Despite the challenge to represent natural movement of people comfort, and preference as well as the range of operative temperatures
in transitional spaces within such a controlled environment, this study considered comfortable by most users.
shows the high adaptation potential of people accustomed to a specific
climate. 2. Methods
The common methodological approach is to combine objective
measurements with subjective questionnaires. Most of the studies were We conducted a field study in three Italian shopping centres in spring
conducted in the UK [4,8,10,11,13] and in the south-east of Asia [2,5–7, and summer 2016. Detailed outdoor and indoor environmental moni
12,14–16]. No studies were found concerning transitional spaces in toring was performed while the customers were asked to complete a
Southern Europe except for three papers focusing on the same hyper dedicated questionnaire on their perception over the indoor parameters.
market in Bari, Italy. In the first paper [17], the authors perform physical 724 customers answered questions about thermal comfort, thermal
measurements as well as administer IEQ questionnaires to over 300 sensation, thermal preference, and clothing while being in a common
workers in the hypermarket. They found that Fanger’s model [20] was area of the shopping centre.
less suitable to describe the thermal sensation in the naturally ventilated
warehouses than in air-conditioned areas. Therefore, they suggested to 2.1. Environmental monitoring
investigate more suitable indexes for these environments. In the second
paper by the same authors [18], they included further data collected The measurement campaign considers the monitoring of both indoor
after their earlier paper and investigated the influence of clothing dis and outdoor environmental variables as described in the following
tribution and local discomfort on the Fanger model’s accuracy. As these sections.
studies focused on specific aspects, no upper limits for acceptable
thermal conditions in such spaces during the hot season were reported. 2.1.1. Indoor environmental monitoring
In the third paper [19], statistical techniques were applied to the data to For this study, a cart named MEMO (Mobile Environmental MOni
derive, through a multiple regression, ‘optimal ranges’ for thermal toring) was made in the Eurac Research labs. MEMO can be easily
conditions considered satisfactory by the workers, namely 13.7–21.8 ◦ C moved on a flat floor and the height of the sensors can be modified as
(17.2–22.8 ◦ C) in winter (summer) for operative temperature and needed. MEMO was equipped with a globe thermometer and hygrom
16.4–30.3 ◦ C for floor temperature. The low operative temperature eter to respectively measure globe temperature and relative humidity at
range for summer derived from the regression was lower than the 1.1 m above the floor. Sensors were placed at 1.1 m and 1.6 m to monitor
measured values and may be due to the workers’ activities, clothing, and air speed and dry bulb temperature (see Fig. 1).
individual preferences, and possibly the statistical method used, among The accuracy of the sensors meets the recommendations of the Eu
potential other factors. Another paper dealing with transitional spaces in ropean standard EN ISO 7726 [23]. Air temperature is measured using
Southern Europe is the one of Albuquerque et al. [21]. I this case the radiation shielded Pt100 sensors. To measure the globe temperature, a
focus was more on control strategies during closing time and related 40 mm globe thermometer was built from a ping-pong ball painted in
energy savings more than users’ thermal comfort. grey on the inside and opaque black on the outside. This setup closely
All above studies refer to Fanger’s model and do not consider the approximates the operative temperature for limited air speed for indoor
adaptive thermal comfort model [22]. applications [24,25]. The mean radiant temperature was determined
Most of the studies [2–4,7,8,11,14,16,12] concluded that people in from the globe thermometer measurement as per European standard EN
transitional spaces can accept a wider range of comfort conditions than ISO 7726 [23]. Omnidirectional hot wire sensors were used to measure
predicted by Fanger’s model. In their view, the limitation of Fanger’s air speeds at the two heights. Indoor relative humidity was measured
model lies in the steady-state conditions under which it was developed, with a portable probe. All thermal parameters where measured and
recorded every 10 s. Table 2 presents the characteristics of the used
Indoor measurements were performed in several locations within the
Referring to shopping centres, transitional spaces are all those conditioned
building, mainly atriums and galleries between more frequented shops.
areas open to the public that are within the building but are not the shops. It is
Areas with direct sunlight were limited in the three case studies and
the connection area between the different shops, which is made by elements
like atriums, corridors, entrance, where customers can pass through or rest or anyway never used for the measurements.
do other activities while in the shopping centre. As expressed by Pitts et al. [4],
these spaces are often perceived as some of the most important in architectural 2.1.2. Outdoor environmental monitoring
design terms since they also impact on a wide range of senses and perceptions of Outdoor dry bulb air temperature and relative humidity were
human occupants. measured every 10 s. To this aim, we used a MEMS (Micro-Electro-
M. Avantaggiato et al. Building and Environment 188 (2021) 107428
Table 1
Field studies related to transitional spaces.
Author Building type Research method Location Year Ref.
Fig. 1. Mobile environmental monitoring cart “MEMO” and parameters measured at different levels.
Mechanical Systems) integrated portable data logger whose features are participate in an interview. We filled their answers in a questionnaire
listed in Table 3. Measurements were performed in outdoor parking structured into three main sections: background, thermal comfort, and
areas of the three shopping centres. clothing.
2.2. Interviews • Background - general questions about age, gender, health condi
tions, if they had eaten or drunk, and their previous activities.
Customers passing by our equipment were randomly asked to
M. Avantaggiato et al. Building and Environment 188 (2021) 107428
Table 4
Characteristics of the three shopping centres.
Shopping Typology [29] Municipality Size Number of Climate Floors Average time of Map
centre [m2] shops permanence
M. Avantaggiato et al. Building and Environment 188 (2021) 107428
Fig. 2. Time of permanence within the three case studies and in total.
M. Avantaggiato et al. Building and Environment 188 (2021) 107428
Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of the indoor parameters measured during the three campaigns: air temperature, operative temperature, indoor air velocity and
relative humidity.
Fig. 4. Frequency distribution of the outdoor parameters measured during the three campaigns: dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity.
M. Avantaggiato et al. Building and Environment 188 (2021) 107428
Fig. 6. Per each thermal sensation vote it is presented “Acceptability”, first bar, “Comfort”, second bar, and “Preference”, third bar. On top, the number of responses
per each TSV are reported.
reported a TSV between − 1 (slightly cool) and 1 (slightly warm). More than the ensemble of “comfortable” and “very comfortable” conditions,
than 50 people reported a TSV of 2 (warm). Only very few people re and comfort is less difficult to achieve than a “no change” preference.
ported TSVs of − 3, − 2, or 3. Most people considered the environment The target “just comfortable” or a higher level of comfort is achieved in
thermally acceptable and comfortable. Nevertheless, when asked for more cases than thermal acceptability, but the difference in the number
their thermal preference, most people indicating a TSV of − 1 or 0 stated of people between “acceptable” and “just comfortable” or a higher level
that they would prefer a cooler environment. Expectedly, some people of comfort is rather small, i.e., only very few people might state that the
indicating a TSV of − 1 or 1 stated that they would prefer a warmer or environment is “unacceptable” but nevertheless “just comfortable”.
cooler environment, respectively. The strong link between acceptability, comfort, preference, and
sensation also indicates a high coherence in the customers’ answers.
To investigate the tolerance to a range of operative temperatures,
thermal sensation votes were grouped into three categories.
• TSV (− 1,0,1) stands for customers that are satisfied with the thermal
• TSV (− 3,-2) stands for customers that are cold dissatisfied
Looking at the percentages, the strong link between thermal • TSV (+3,+2) stands for customers that are warm dissatisfied.
acceptability, comfort, and preference becomes clear, but important
differences are observed as well. Acceptance is less difficult to achieve By grouping the thermal sensation votes in this way, for each
Fig. 7. Bar chart of the distribution of thermal sensation over operative temperature intervals [◦ C].
M. Avantaggiato et al. Building and Environment 188 (2021) 107428
Fig. 8. Bar chart of the distribution related to the thermal comfort question.
M. Avantaggiato et al. Building and Environment 188 (2021) 107428
3.3.1. Fanger’s model where Trm is the mean running temperature calculated as per EN16798-
We assessed the applicability of Fanger’s model by comparing the 1: 2019 [31] and as introduced by Nicol and Humpreys [30].
PMVs calculated based on measured indoor conditions per each TSV As it is generally assumed, the customers were supposed to be
level for the entire dataset (Fig. 9). satisfied when their TSV was within the range of slightly cool (− 1) and
Clearly, the PMV is almost unaffected by the actual TSV. Although slightly warm (1) [20].
there is a very slight tendency for the PMV to increase with increasing Fig. 10 reports the results by day of measurement.
TSV, we refrained from drawing a regression line, because the TSV is a On April 4th, 5th and 6th the active cooling system was off in SC01.
variable of categorical nature and by rigorous standards of statistics does The mechanical ventilation system was providing just the minimum
not allow interpolation. hygienic airflow rates.
This result shows that Fanger’s model is not capable of capturing the For the measurement days in SC01 and SC02 the estimated comfort
thermal sensation reported by the customers. If Fanger’s model was temperatures are in line with the actual average operative temperatures
suitable in this context, the PMV would be a proxy for the TSV, and experienced by the customers. While for SC02 on summer period (June
binning the PMV as described in Section 2.4 and equating it with the TSV 21st- 22nd) these temperatures allow for over 90% of satisfied cus
would lead to the relationship between TSV and PPD shown by the grey tomers, for SC01 the percentage of satisfied customers exceeds the 80%
line in Fig. 9. The narrow range of PMVs is the direct consequence of the just one day (April 6th). On April 5th, 60 customers were interviewed
narrow operation range for air conditioning in the spaces. and just 50% of them were satisfied with the thermal environment
The inadequacy of Fanger’s model in predicting thermal sensation although comfort temperature was close to average operative temper
for transitional spaces may find explanation in the assumptions at the ature. The almost same level of operative temperature is experienced on
base of this model. The method is indeed based on the assumption that July 18th in SC03 by 52 customers and the percentage of them being
people are in a steady-state condition, which is not the case of shopping satisfied reached 100%. There are two main possible reasons concurring
centre transitional spaces. Subjects are under a constant thermal tran in creating this difference on customers’ thermal sensation:
sient because of moving among different zones of the shopping centre
(shops, common areas, food store, etc.). Furthermore, those interviewed • Clothing: on April 5th, customers of SC01 had an average level of
right after entering the mall experience an initial thermal sensation clothing equal to 0.78 clo, which represents a mid-season situation.
overshoot due to the temperature difference between outdoor and in On July 18th, the average level of clothing in SC03 was equal to 0.38
door, a parameter that is not considered by Fanger’s theory and model. clo. Therefore, experiencing the same operative temperature, the
level of satisfaction was higher when the clothing level was lower.
3.3.2. Adaptive comfort model • Outdoor-indoor temperature step: while in April the temperature
The adaptive comfort model was tested by verifying how far the increased from the outside to the inside, in July customers experi
average operative temperatures recorded during the measurement days enced the opposite. Therefore, customers experienced different
were from the predicted comfort temperatures. The data were crossed- outdoor temperatures before entering the shopping centre.
checked with the level of satisfaction of customers with respect to
Fig. 10. Comparison between comfort temperature calculated according to the adaptive comfort model, average operative temperature, and percentage of satisfied
customers over the day of measurement. The dark green line highlights the 80% threshold of satisfied customers. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
M. Avantaggiato et al. Building and Environment 188 (2021) 107428
The average operative temperatures recorded in SC02, which was revealed the occurrence of a phenomenon named thermal sensation
mechanically conditioned during the measurements, were almost equal overshoot. This event consists in a variation of the thermal sensation
to the predicted comfort temperatures. The percentage of satisfied cus after experiencing a temperature difference while moving from outdoor
tomers was around 90%. Looking at Fig. 10 and the data from SC03, the to an indoor environment [34–36]. After moving from an environment
percentage of satisfied people was always above 80% but at lower to another that is cooler or warmer than the previous, thermal allies
average operative temperature than the one predicted by the adaptive thesia takes effect. Thermal alliesthesia relates to the thermal pleasure
comfort model. sensation and overshoot generated by the restoration of a thermal stress
Based on this analysis, the direct application of the adaptive thermal towards stable conditions [37,38].
comfort model for transitional spaces is not recommended. This Customers moving within the shopping centre go to and from the
conclusion was reached especially for the conditions of dissatisfaction shops placed along the common areas where, most of the time, the
that the predicted comfort temperature can create in the mid-season thermal conditions are different. Therefore, customers are constantly
period. subjected to a thermal transient and they can experience two different
To derive a model to assess thermal comfort in shopping centre types of thermal sensation overshoot:
transitional spaces, it is first necessary to better understand the range of
operative temperatures judged comfortable by the customers. • A first overshoot due to outdoor-indoor temperature difference
experienced when they first enter inside the shopping centre;
4. Discussion and study limitations • Several overshoots due to the temperature difference between the
shops and the common areas.
The methodology of the field study represents both advantages and
disadvantages for research. Limitations arise from the lack of direct The thermal overshoot might generate an alliesthesial effect, which
control over the environmental variables and from the difficulty to might result in a higher percentage of satisfied customers.
precisely assess human physiological conditions. On the other hand, When a person moves from a warmer to a cooler environment, this is
field studies are of great importance to study thermal perception in a real referred to as a down-step temperature difference. In the case of shop
environment under normal operation. ping centres, this is what happens in the summer season when customers
Physiological parameters of the customers were not directly enter the shopping centre. The link between down- or up-step temper
measured. Therefore, the metabolic activity was assumed according to ature difference and thermal comfort perception and preference in the
the recommendation of the European standard EN ISO 7730 [27], which different seasons has been neglected in this study. Instead, we preferred
suggest a value of 1.6 met for “shopping” activity. to focus at parameters that impact the building operation like common
Besides limitations related to the field study, another limitation can areas temperatures and therefore setpoints. For what concern the down-
be found in the scale used in the questionnaire for the evaluation of the set of temperature right after entering the building, this may impact with
thermal sensation. It was not continuous, but discretized. The choice of a different extents the 33.7% of interviewees that has spent less than 10
discrete scale was mainly due to the use of a paper-based questionnaire. min indoor. Nevertheless, our intent is to present thermal sensation and
The limitation showed up when directly comparing the PMV, a contin comfort level of a representative sample of the customers of a shopping
uous value, with the actual thermal sensation of customers, which is an centre, which is made by users who has been inside by different amount
integer between − 3 and +3. Within the study, a direct comparison was of time, and therefore provide indication on those parameters that an
possible by categorizing the PMV. However, by doing so, a certain level energy manager can actually control to operate the systems.
of thermal sensation detail was lost.
In relation to the questionnaire, we need to consider a non- 5. Conclusions and future work
quantifiable bias due to the fact that the subjects were directly inter
viewed by the researchers. This may also affect the results as suggested In this study we assessed the thermal perception of over 700 cus
by McIntyre [26]. tomers through measurements and interviews performed in three Italian
The study was conducted entirely in Italian shopping centres during shopping centres. This study is one of the few works dealing with
the warm season only. This means that it reflects the thermal perception shopping centres on the Mediterranean area and compare with the work
and expectations of mostly Italian customers. The conclusions may vary of Martellotta et al. [17–19] (also dealing with Mediterranean climate),
if the study was conducted in another country. Measurements should be we analysed customers instead of workers and their perceptions over the
replicated also during the cold season to investigate the application of indoor environment. The main results of the study can be summarized as
the Fanger comfort model in transitional spaces during winter. As follows:
highlighted in Section 1, the majority of previous studies took place in
Asia or UK, and only one dealt with the Mediterranean climate [17–19] • The steady-state model of Fanger proved to be unsuitable in the
(three papers but the same case study), and even in this case the focus estimation of the thermal sensation of the customers. It tends to
was the thermal comfort of workers and not customers. In line with the overestimate the discomfort for higher operative temperature;
findings for other climates, this study shows that Fanger’s model is not • The direct application of the adaptive thermal comfort model for
suitable to control indoor transitional spaces of shopping centres in the transitional spaces is not recommended because of the discrepancy
Mediterranean area. To extend the results on all transitional spaces between predicted comfort temperature and satisfaction level in the
located in Group C climates (according to Koppen categorization), a mid-season period. The reasons for the high level of dissatisfaction
deeper analysis dealing with cultural habits and expectation is needed. were identified in the clothing level (average of 0.77 clo) combined
Another element that is worth to be discussed is the applicability of with the up-step temperature difference experienced by the
the adaptive comfort model. The peculiarities of transitional spaces may customers;
suggest treating them as a sort of hybrid areas in between a conditioned • The study showed the necessity of a tailor-made model to assess
indoor environment (shop) and the outdoor. If that were the case, the thermal comfort in transitional spaces. In order to expand the base of
adaptive comfort model could have fit the control needs of these spaces. evidence, further field studies are required, gathering together a
Instead, the results strongly pointed toward a not applicability of the conspicuous number of data covering all seasons;
model in such spaces, with customers’ answer that lacked to show that • Shopping centre customers judged operative temperatures between
link between outdoor and indoor conditions typical of studies in natu 23.5 and 27.5 ◦ C as comfortable. Between 24.5 and 27.5 ◦ C at least
rally ventilated buildings (Fig. 10). 88% of the respondents evaluated the indoor conditions with a TSV
Furthermore, several literature studies involving human subjects between − 1 and 1, so they are satisfied with them;
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