Geotextile Solution

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Geotextile solutions for

civil engineering problems
The Fundamental of Geotextile Design and Performance

Function and Application Geotextile Functions:

The design and performance of all geotextiles, irrespective of their composition or Separation
type, can be determined by identifying the main functions the geotextile is required to
perform. In the construction of earth structures, Polyfelt geotextiles perform five
essential functions either individually or in combination, depending on the

These are:
• separation • drainage • filtration • reinforcement • protection

The first step in evaluating geotextile design and performance is to identify the key
functions relative to the application. Table 1 identifies these functions for a variety of
typical applications. The next step is to identify factors that will influence or affect
geotextile performance and determine the properties of the geotextile required to
withstand these influences.

Finally, a concise specification on the required functional properties of the geotextile

and installation and storage procedure is essential to ensure correct delivery and
installation of quality geotextile on site.




Table 1 : Typical function vs application area

2 Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems

Typical Geotextile Applications

Stabilization (Separation/Filtration/Drainage)

Roadways Railways

Runways and taxiways Parking areas Embankments, levees, and dykes

Filters for Drains (Filtration/Drainage/Separation)

Road base drains Interceptor drains Wall drains

Reinforced Soil Embankment, Side Slopes and Retaining Walls (Reinforcement/Drainage)

Slope repair Steepened slopes for embankment construction and road widening Retaining walls

Erosion Protection (Separation/Filtration)

Waterways Runoff ditches and channels Scour protection for Filters behind gabions
bridge piers and abutments

Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems 3

Subgrade Stabilization

Problem Areas of Application

Subgrade support problems are most prevalent over wet, saturated, fine grained • Paved and unpaved roads.
soils with a high sensitivity to remoulding. The major cause of failure is poor drainage • Site access roads, farm and forest
and loss of support, due to contamination of the aggregate base materials by the tracks.
underlying soft subgrade soil during construction.
• Storage areas, container yards.
• Embankments over soft soils.
• Land development for industrial and
To prevent contamination, geotextiles can be placed between the aggregate base
housing estates.
course and the subgrade to act as a separator, thus maintaining the designed
aggregate thickness of the roadway. The use of geotextiles such as Polyfelt
continuous filament, needle punched, nonwoven allows for free drainage of the Polyfelt Performance
subgrade. Polyfelt also provides lateral in-plane drainage unlike heat bonded and Benefits
woven geotextiles which cannot drain laterally. Improved drainage improves • Allows more open-graded aggregate
subgrade shear strength and its condition over time. to be considered in the design to
further enhance drainage.
Important Geotextile Design Criteria • Reduces the excavation depth of
• High construction survivability. unsuitable subgrade.
• Effective dynamic filtration/drainage capacity. • Reduces aggregate thickness
required to stabilize the subgrade.
• High ultraviolet light resistance.
• Maintains a more uniform settlement
of the subgrade especially in
Advantages of Polyfelt Geotextiles for Subgrade transition areas.

Separation and Stabilization • Improve subgrade strength and

extend the life of the system.
Improved Filtration
Important Geotextile Design
To reduce the potential for geotextile clogging, the geotextile range of openings must
be compared to the grain size of the subgrade to be filtered. Polyfelt’s continuous
filament, needle punched, nonwoven process produces a three-dimensional fibre • High construction survivability.
structure with excellent pore size distribution for optimum filtration and separation. In • Effective dynamic filtration/drainage
addition, Polyfelt allows lateral inplane drainage, when poor draining aggregate capacity.
is used. • High ultraviolet light resistance.

Polyfelt effectively separates fill placed over soft saturated subgrades. Range of typical aggregate thickness loss as a function of subgrade strength
(FHWA, 1989).

4 Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems

Construction Survivability
Research shows that extensive damage of geotextiles commonly occurs during
installation and construction (Koerner and Koerner, 1990). Placement of
aggregate and compaction by heavy construction equipment impacts high stress
on geotextiles.

Polyfelt is recognized as one of the toughest and durable geotextiles available and
unlike other geotextiles, is not easily damaged or punctured.

UV Resistance
All geotextiles degrade when exposed to sunlight. In many subgrade stabilization Polyfelt is commonly used to stabilize road fill
over soft clay and peat.
applications, construction progress requires geotextiles to be exposed to sunlight
for an extended time. All standard Polyfelt products are produced from polymers
specially formulated with Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers (HALS) to provide
optimum ultraviolet light resistance. Laboratory testing shows Polyfelt geotextiles
have excellent UV resistance characteristics compared with competitive products
(Figure 1).

Cost Savings
Effective geotextile design can save between 10% and 50% of the original road
cost due to increased construction speed and material savings. In addition to
initial construction savings, reduction of maintenance costs in excess of 25% have
been reported (IFAI, 1992). However, the major cost savings are achieved through
the increased life and utilization of the roadway system.
Example of difference between Polyfelt stabilized
haul road (background) and severe rutting over
non stabilized section (foreground).

Polyfelt geosynthetics can be laid directly over the saturated subsoil. No Figure 1 : UV resistance of Polyfelt geotextile (Results of tests conducted
special clearing is required. by Geotechnical Control office, H.K., 1989).

Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems 5

Subsoil Drainage and Filtration

Problem Areas of Application

Drainage system failure occurs most often from system clogging when the • Road edge drains
drainage aggregate becomes contaminated by the surrounding soil. Drainage • Filters behind gabions and retaining
system clogging will result in localized failure of the structure. The situation is walls.
complicated by the unavailability of filtration aggregate that is compatible with the
• Sport field drainage filters.
natural soil which in Asia, often consists of fine silty soils.
• Drainage of golf course greens and
sand bunkers.
• Architectural and landscape
To prevent clogging, Polyfelt geotextiles can be placed between the drainage
aggregate and the soil to be drained. Polyfelt geotextiles act as a filter and separa-
tor, retaining the natural soil while allowing water to pass into the drainage system • Agricultural drains.
over the life of the system. The geotextiles promote natural filter development,
ensuring long-term performance. In difficult soil conditions, thicker and heavier Polyfelt Performance
weight Polyfelt geotextiles can be used to provide additional filter thickness and Benefits
allow lateral drainage within the plane of the geotextile. Polyfelt geotextiles are • Prevents contamination or loss of
extremely permeable and allow drainage of highly saturated fine silty soils. drainage aggregate.
• Allows the use of more open, freely
draining aggregates.
• Allows the possible use of smaller
sized drains.
• Reduces excavation.
• Reduces the amount of wasted
• Possibly eliminated the use of
collector pipes.
• Increases the rate of construction.
• Maintains continuity over large

Important Geotextile Design

• Filtration and hydraulic stability.
• Construction survivability.

Typical subsoil drainage detail.

• Installation flexibility.

Subsoil drainage for football field.

6 Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems

Advantages of Polyfelt Geotextiles as Drainage Filters

Improved Filtration
Filtration is one of the primary functions of geotextiles. However, some geotextiles
are better filters than other. The gradation of the soil to be filtered must be
compatible to the pore size distribution of the geotextile. Continuous filament,
needle punched, non women geotextiles such as Polyfelt generally perform better
in providing proper filtration over a broader range of soils than other geotextile
types. A key development in Polyfelt’s patented manufacturing process is to
provide excellent geotextile pore size distribution for optimum filtration.

Construction Survivability
The fibre structure of Polyfelt geotextiles ensure
Geotextile filters require sufficient strength againts installation stresses and rough optimum filtration of fine soils and high permeability.
backfilling procedures. All Polyfelt standard geotextile products will withstand
construction stress imposed on the geotextile during placement of drainage
aggregates. Polyfelt has a reputation of being more robust than most other

Installation Flexibility
Installation flexibility is an important characteristic in filtration applications to ensure
the geotextile is in intimate contact with the filtered soil. The mechanical bonding of
continuous filament, needle punched, nonwoven geotextiles such as Polyfelt,
provides greater installation flexibility than heat bonded or woven geotextiles. The
superior flexibility of Polyfelt geotextiles allows easy contouring to different subsoil
profiles without being over stressed and therefore is less prone to construction

Cost Savings
Based solely on a cost comparison of in-place, select graded aggregates
typically used in drain construction, geotextiles will, in most cases, be the most
economical solution. Further cost reductions are feasible through allowable
reductions in the size of the drain trench. In most cases, cost savings of 30% to
50% can be achieved (FHWA), 1985) Typical subsoil drain construction.

The correct grade of Polyfelt can be obtained by determining Polyfelt is commonly used in sports fields, golf courses and agriculture drainage
the d60, d50, d10 of the soil to be filtered. applications. Polyfelt allows quick drainage of heavy tropical rain.

Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems 7

Reinforced Slopes and Embankments

Slope Reinforcement Areas of Application

• Reinforced soil walls and slopes.
Problem • Bridge approach and abutments.
Unreinforced slopes may be unstable at the desired slope angle. Additionally, • Road embankments.
surface sloughing and erosion can occur at the edges of the slope.
• Repair of failed slopes.

Polyfelt Performance
Multiple layers of geotextiles placed in a slope during construction or reconstruc- Benefits
tion will reinforce the soil and provide increased slope stability. Soil reinforcement
• Allows construction of wider roads,
allows for the safe construction of steep slopes, typically on the order of one
without increasing necessary right-
horizontal to one vertical (1H:1V). Even vertical structures can be safely
of-way, by replacing gentle slopes
constructed. Additionally, geotextiles placed at the edges of a slope provide
with reinforced, steep slopes.
increased lateral resistance during compaction, thus allowing an increase in
compaction density over that normally achieved. The in-plane drainage capacity • Reduces the amount of fill material
of Polyfelt continuous filament, needle punched, nonwoven geotextiles can and land required and hence the cost.
relieve pore water pressures within the slopes, thereby improving the soil- • Allows the use of less select in-situ
geotextile interaction and allow the use of lower quality, moisture sentitive soils as fill.
cohesive soils. Improved drainage also reduces seepage forces and enhances • Increases the factor of safety of
the stability of such structures. marginally stable slopes.
• Allows the construction of vertical
soil structures.
• Allows lateral in-plane drainage.
• Resists construction damage
imposed by compaction equipment.

Such failures can be easily prevented or repaired using Polyfelt geotextiles.

Geotextiles for 10m high reinforced bridge abutment. The facing profile is easily constructed using
temporary facing boards.

8 Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems

Embankment Foundation Stabilization Areas of Application
• Road embankments.
Problem • Seawalls and dykes.
Embankments constructed on soft foundation soils are often difficult to construct.
Problems such as local bearing failure caused by heavy construction equipment Polyfelt Performance
is common. Embankments constructed on soft foundations have a tendency to Benefits
spread laterally, causing shear stresses at the base of the embankment, resulting
• Increases the design factor of safety.
in failure.
• Increases the height of embankment.
Solution • Reduces embankment
Polyfelt geotextiles placed at the subgrade/embankment interface can stabilize displacements during construction.
the subgrade by maintaining the initial fill thickness through its separation • Improves embankment performance
function. This allows unhindered trafficking with heavy construction equipment by increasing uniformity of post-
and more rapid construction rates of subsequent fill layers. The in-plane and construction settlement.
cross-plane drainage capacity of Polyfelt geotextiles facilitate increased
• Increases the rate of construction.
consolidation and shear strength in the subgrade (Resl and Werner, 1986)
especially when stage construction techniques are used. Important Geotextile Design
When the overburden pressure, due to the height of the embankment, is sufficient
to mobilize lateral strains within the structure, Polyfelt geotextiles provide additional • Tensile strength and modulus.
tensile resistance forces to ensure the stability of the embankment. Depending on • Appropriate filtration and drainage
the design requirement and other influencing parameters, several layers of Polyfelt capability.
geotextile or a single layer of high tensile strength Polyfelt geotextile can be laid • Construction survivability.
horizontally near the base of the embankment to reinforce the embankment.
• Long-term creep resistance and
• UV resistance.

Instrumented 6m high Polyfelt reinforced Embankment constructed over soft Bangkok clay.

Polyfelt high strength geotextile for construction of permanent retaining wall structure. 7 m high Polyfelt reinforced bund with slope angle
65˚ utilizing laterite fill.

Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems 9

Reinforced Soil Walls Slopes and Embankments

Soil Reinforcement Using Polyfelt Geotextiles

The suitability of Polyfelt geotextiles for soil reinforcement applications has been
thoroughly researched and practically tested. Some of the research findings on
the improved soil properties achieved with Polyfelt geotextiles are given below.

Improved Confined Stress/Strain Performance

Results from (in-isolation) unconfined creep tests (Figure 2) show that under a
sustained load, the strain in the geotextiles increases with time. However, in in-soil
(confined) creep tests (Figure 3), the creep behaviour of Polyfelt geotextiles is not
significant (Fock and McGown, 1987). The confined results are consistent with US
Federal Highway Administration research which found no indicated creep after one Figure 2 : Strain - time curves for in-isolation
(unconfined) tests at 20˚C for Polyfelt geotextiles.
year on nonwoven geotextiles. In addition, the in-soil load-strain characteristic of
Polyfelt geotextiles shows higher strength and modulus than in-isolation results.

In-plane Drainage Capacity

Polyfelt continuous filament, needle punched, nonwoven geotextiles allow the used
of any type of fill material available on the construction site including wet cohesive
material, if proper installation and compaction can be maintained. The in-plane
drainage capacity of Polyfelt allows the dissipation of pore water pressure, improves
consolidation and increases soil strength characteristics, thus allowing quicker, safer
construction (Resl and Werner, 1986). Compared with other reinforcement materials,
an improved soil reinforcement interaction (i.e. pullout resistance) is maintained
(Figure 4). High pore water pressure reduces soil reinforcement interface frictional Figure 3 : Strain - time curves for in-soil (confined)
tests at 20˚C for Polyfelt geotextiles.

Figure 4 : Typical recorded pore water pressure

during construction of reinforced soil retaining

Polyfelt high strength goetextile for segmental wall reinforcement

Polyfelt high strength goetextile installation prior to backfilling.

10 Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems

Assured durability
Polyfelt geotextiles are produced from polypropylene, an olefin with a pH range
2 -13. Olefins provide one of the most durable polymeric chains available and are
relatively inert to most materials (Table 2). In the manufacturing process, continuous
filaments are extruded from a base polypropylene resin specially formulated for civil
engineering that is proprietary to Polyfelt.

The principle aging factor for olefin materials is oxidation. Achemical ultraviolet light
stabilization antioxidant (HALS) package is added to Polyfelt geotextiles during
manufacture to reduce the effects of UV oxidation. As a result, Polyfelt geotextiles
Table 2 : Comparative pH resistance of common
exhibit a superior level of UV resistance compared with other geotextiles (Figure 1). geotextile polymer types.

Construction Stress Resistance

Construction conditions, including the supporting subgrade, gradation and angularity
of the backfill, method of backfill placement, lift thickness and placement, and
compaction equipment all contribute to the magnitude of construction stresses
(Table 3).

The representative partial factors of safety for Polyfelt geotextiles in Table 4 are
considered conservative and are based on laboratory and field data. Polyfelt’s
in-house studies, as well as those conducted by Koerner and Koerner (1990) and
Allen (1991), indicate that polypropylene, needle punched nonwovens are less
susceptible to construction damage than most other types of geotextiles. Table 3 : Constrution stress effect on geotextiles.

Geotextile/Soil Interface Friction

Geotextile reinforcement design must evaluate the interface friction conditions of
the soil and geotextile to ensure effective transfer of load from the soil to the
reinforcements. Table 5 shows the interface friction of Polyfelt geotextiles with
different types of soils. Unlike geogrids which mainly depend on granular fill for
+Obtained from Table 3
maximum interface friction effect, Polyfelt needle punched process ensures *Site specific data may be used to reduce values

effective stress transfer even with cohesive fill materials. Table 4 : Partial factors of safety for installation
damage* for Polyfelt geotextiles. (NB: Polyfelt is
less susceptible to damage than other geotextiles)
Cost Savings
Geotextiles can be used to safely construct 1H : 1V slopes, without expensive
facing systems, essentially reducing the land and volume of fill. The cost of a
structure can be considerably reduced when the high cost of importing suitable fill
can be avoided. Since less select onsite fill material can typically be used with
Polyfelt geotextiles, the material cost savings from volume and quality alone will
offset the reinforcement cost. Also considering land savings, Polyfelt reinforced
steep slope structures are more cost effective than unreinforced soil slopes.
* (Polyfelt Design & Practice Manual 1987 J & LTesting. Interface
Friction Testing, 1991)

Table 5 : Polyfelt geotextile/Soil interface friction.

Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems 11

Stabilization of Soft Soils Using Polyfelt and Bamboo

Problem Areas of Application

Throughout Asia extremely soft clay and peat soils are common. It is often not • Ex-mining pond reclamations.
possible for construction equipment to gain access to the site and place fill • Roads over extremely soft soils
without substantial loss of fill and creation of a mud wave and extensive or peat.
displacement heaving. In many instances, even placement of the geotextile
• Farm or access roads for plantations
cannot be undertaken using conventional installation techniques.
(existing soils normally consist of peat).

Polyfelt Performance
Polyfelt geotextiles installed over the subgrade together with traditional materials benefits
such as bamboo have proven an efficient and cost effective method of
• Provides a working platform for
constructing a strong working platform over extremely soft soils (CBR<1). The
access of construction vehicles for
system, pioneered by Polyfelt, allows rapid placement of fill using conventional
subsequent filling operations.
earthwork plant. Polyfelt geotextiles used together with bamboo have proven
successful in numerous projects such as reclamation of 20 m deep soft mine • Prevents the contamination and loss
tailing ponds in Malaysia with a soil shear strength of 1 kPa-5 kPa strength. of fill materials.
• Reduces volume of fill materials and
• Prevents mud wave and clay heave.
• Provides in-plane drainage of water.
• Tightly encapsulate vertical drain
systems installed to increase rate of
consolidation, thus prevent upward
migration of fines into drainage layer.
• Facilitates maximum transmission of
bamboo flexural strength into initial
fill layers.

Important Geotextile Design

• High puncture resistance.
• Optimum combination of high tensile
Typical extremely soft soil conditions that can be treated using Polyfelt and bamboo.
strength and elongation.

Bamboo mat as working platform and soil reinforcement. Polyfelt geotextile installed prior to filling.

12 Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems

Railway Engineering

Problem Polyfelt Performance

Railway track formation constructed on saturated soils ultimately breaks down Benefits
due to contamination of the ballast under repetitive heavy dynamic loading. The • Reduced track maintenance and
contamination of stone ballast results in alignment deformation. Usually it is not alignment deformation.
possible to close the railway line and reconstruct, and regular expensive • Prevents ballast contamination and
maintenance and ballast cleaning is necessary. replacement cost.
• Eliminates the need for reconstruction
of saturated formation.
Nonwoven continuous fibre needle punched geotextiles such as Polyfelt, installed
• Improves subsoil drainage and pore
as a separator between the subgrade and ballast prevent upward pumping of
water dissipation.
fines and contamination of the ballast. Aggregate loss into the soft subgrade is
• Significant overall maintenance cost
prevented and also allow water to drain laterally away from the centre of the track.
Maintenance cycles are therefore substantially extended or eliminated.
• Facilitates use of mechanical ballast
cleaning equipment.

Important Geotextile Design

• Optimum combination of high tensile
strength and elongation.
• High resistance to dynamic puncture
• Filtration and hydraulic stability.
• Horizontal drainage capability.
• Superb abrasion resistance.

Installation of Polyfelt in track rehabilitation works for Malaysian Railways (KTM). Typical contaminated rail ballast.

Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems 13

Coastal and Riverbank Filtration

Problem Areas of Application

Soil erosion commonly occurs on riverbanks, coastal shorelines, bridge piers and • Coastal shoreline protection
abutments, behind gabion systems and in runoff ditches and channels. The main • Riverbanks, waterways and
causes of erosion are wave action, monsoon flooding, surface runoff, internal channels
piping due to seepage water, stream flow and tidal surge.
• Bridge piers and abutments
foundation soil
• Behind gabion systems
Geotextiles can protect structures subject to soil erosion when used in conjunction
with stone revetment armour, concrete slabs, gabions, or any other conventional
Polyfelt Performance
armour material used for erosion control. Polyfelt continuous filament, needle
punched nonwoven geotextiles provide an efficient flexible filter layer, retaining soil
particles in place while allowing water to pass through the rock armour or other • Reduces the layers and volume of
material over the life of the system. Polyfelt geotextiles have been proven effective granular filter materials.
in coastal and riverbank revetment systems throughout Asia for more than 15 years. • Provide consistent quality filtration
characteristics and properties.
• Effectively filters fine silty soils
subject to turbulent variable flow
• Reduced maintenance of erosion
control systems and cost.
• Maintains and enhance stability of
erosion protection structures.
• Provides easier installation than
conventional filter layers, particularly
for underwater installation.

Important Geotextile Design

• Suitable filtration qualities and high
• Stable fibre network.
• Resistance to damage during
Polyfelt is ideal for use under flexible concrete revetment slabs. construction.
• Installation flexibility.
• Soil-geotextile friction angle.
• Ultraviolet light resistance.

Polyfelt installed as a filter gabion dam construction works. Typical aggregate/polyfelt revetment system.

14 Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems

The Advantages of Polyfelt Geotextile Filters

Optimum Filtration Qualities

A good geotextile filter must have an optimum ratio between its soil retention
capability and long-term permeability. Polyfelt is specially designed to retain fine
silty soils and facilitate high volume water flows. Polyfelt filter design criteria for
reversing/turbulent flow conditions have proven reliable in hydraulic filter design
for more than 15 years.

Construction Survivability
During placement of the riprap, geotextiles are subjected to high impact stresses
due to the drop energy of the stone. Polyfelt geotextiles selection and design
criteria for construction damage (puncture) are based on large scale tests that
simulate actual practical conditions where influencing factors like rock size, drop
height and types of foundation are accounted for.

Geotextiles are subjected to constant direct dynamic wave action if the geotextile
span between the stone armour, is not in intimate contact with the soil. Poor contact
Large scale drop test using variable weights and
with the subsoil allows soil movement and fines migration beneath the geotextile. drop heights to determine the resistance of
Polyfelt to damage during placement of rock
Thus, a highly flexible geotextile which easily conforms to the subsoil/stone
armour interface must be used to provide a firm contact with the subsoil and the
stone armour. Smooth and stiff geotextiles should be particularly avoided on steep
slopes where there is a potential for the stone armour to slide. Due to flexibility and
higher interface friction capability, Polyfelt geotextiles are tough and flexible and
ensure superb interlocking between the subsoil and stone armour.

UV Resistance
Geotextiles are often exposed for extended periods during revetment construction
works. The geotextile can also be exposed to sunlight penetrating through open
space between the riprap. Polyfelt geotextiles have proven to have superior UV
resistance compared with other geotextile types (Figure 1).

Design chart for the selection of Polyfelt

geotextiles to resist puncture damage derived
from large scale drop testing.

Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems 15

Geomembrane Protection

Problem Areas of Application

Geomembrane liners are easily punctured and torn when subjected to dynamic • Waste containment systems.
and static loadings during installation, construction and subsequent operation. • Tunnels.
Installation of liners over soils with a high gaseous content or high groundwater
• Decorative and treatment ponds.
table is difficult or impractical.
• Water reservoirs.

Solution • Roofing membranes.

Polyfelt nonwoven needle punched continuous filament geotextiles can significantly • Basement waterproofing.
enhance the performance of geomembrane liners. Polyfelt geotextile acts as a • Earth dams and canals.
protective cushion layer against dynamic and static puncture stress and effectively
dissipates gas and water percolation or seepage. Polyfelt Performance
• High puncture resistance against
installation damage.
• Reduced construction costs by
reducing or eliminating sand or
gravel aggregate use.
• Effective dissipation of gas and
groundwater seepage emission.

Important Geotextile Design

• Combined thickness and dense fibre
• High vertical and planar water and
gas transmission.
• High UV resistance.
• Chemical inertness.
In waste landfill construction Polyfelt protects the geomembrane from static and dynamic puncture stress.

The installation of Polyfelt as an underliner protection layer. In tunnel construction works Polyfelt protects liner
waterproofing from puncture damage and acts as
a drain for seepage water behind the membrane.

16 Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems

Advantages of Polyfelt Geotextiles

Effective Geomembrane Protection

Polyfelt’s advanced needle bonding technology ensures a dense fibre structure
and significantly higher puncture resistance protection than other geotextiles. Use
of thinner geomembranes is therefore possible with a Polyfelt protective layer.
Polyfelt puncture resistance is determined by practical testing to simulate actual
field conditions and allows optimum geotextile geomembrane combinations to be

Improved Soil Stability Through Interface Friction

Polyfelt geotextiles offer a high coefficient of friction between the geotextile and
soil and the geotextile and geomembrane to ensure adequate stability of cover
soils placed over geomembrane systems.

Liquid and Gas Drainage

The three-dimensional fibre structure of Polyfelt geotextile and high percentage of
voids (approximately 90% in uncompressed state) allows rapid free flow of liquids
and gases in the plane of the geotextile.

High UV Resistance
Geotextiles installed as liner protection are often subjected to prolonged exposure
Comprative punture improvement of HDPE
to sunlight. Polyfelt geotextiles which consist of UV stabilized polypropylene membranes and different geotextiles types.
polymer are recognised as having extremely high levels of UV resistance. (Figure 1) Adapted from Hulling & Koerner, “Puncture Resistance of
Geomembranes Using a Truncated Cone Test”, 1991.

Chemically and Biologically Inert, Resistant to Heat and

Polyfelt geotextiles do not deteriorate in soils due to microbial attack. Polyfelt is
resistant against long-term exposure to acid and alkali solutions in the pH range 2
to 13. It does not hydrolyze when installed in tropical climatic conditions.

On-site Thermal Fabrication Capability

Polyfelt geotextiles facilitate thermal bonding of overlaps to ensure strong and
effective seams. This allows the geotextile to be quickly anchored especially in
windy conditions while providing cost savings in overlaps and continuity between

Typical increase in puncture resistance of

geomembranes with Polyfelt geotextile protection.
Polyfelt Design and Practice Manual 1987

Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems 17

Why Polyfelt Is A World Leader In Geosynthetic
As one of the pioneers in geosynthetic engineering, Polyfelt has contributed
significantly to international acceptance and use of geosynthetics as civil
engineering material. Today Polyfelt products and services are available
throughout Asia and in over 40 countries worldwide.

Supported by professional engineers with international exposure to a variety of

engineering problems, Polyfelt is in a unique position provide solutions and
information on almost any geosynthetic engineering problem.

Products and Services

Polyfelt is more than a Company or product; it is a complete service of
geosynthetic technical expertise and materials systems designed to solve typical
geotechnical and environmental engineering problems. Polyfelt constantly
embraces new technologies and innovation and is the industry standard for
geosynthetic technical expertise, service, product quality and performance.

To facilitate the rapid dissemination of information Polyfelt was one of the first
companies to harness the power of the internet and provide a comprehensive
internet based goesynthetics design facility available free of charge to engineers
in a variety of languages.

Application Oriented Research and Development

Polyfelt is recognized as one of the most active companies in researching
geosynthetics technology and application engineering. Polyfelt’s engineering
philosophy is based on precisely understanding critical geosynthetic performance
criteria under field operating conditions.

To fully understand how geosynthetics perform, the Polyfelt Group is constantly

researching performance together with leading international institutions and
universities such as; Geosynthetics Research Institute (GRI), Drexel University,
Strathclyde University, University of Nottingham, Oxford University, National
University of Singapore (NUS), Technical University Vienna, Technical University
Munich, Franzius Institute Hanover, AIT Bangkok, Technical Research Centre
Finland, Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Grenoble University France and many

As a result of such research Polyfelt’s design information allows engineers to

precisely evaluate project site soil and operating conditions and accurately select
the appropriate geosynthetic and calculate the minimum performance values
required to ensure performance.

Quality Control and Assurance

The Polyfelt manufacturing process is custom designed to produce geosynthetics
with optimum combinations of strength, permeability, durability and resistance to
construction installation and operating stresses.

Polyfelt only utilizes high quality polymers. Admixture of low quality or recycled
polymers or fibers that easily break, tear or degrade is not possible. A fully
computerized statistical quality assurance process ensures consistent high quality
manufacturing efficiency that complies in full to ISO 9001 standard is backed by
a laboratory QC/QA system independently accredited by Geosynthetic
Accreditation Institute - Laboratory Accredition Program (GAI-LAP), USA
according to ISO/IEC 17025.

18 Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems

Reading Reference
Additional information on the performance of Polyfelt geotextiles or details for Some Polyfelt Internal
design and installation can be obtained from the following references. Further
technical and design assistance can be obtained by contacting Potyfelt Regional
• Design Manual: Design of geotextile
stabilized earth structures over soft
• Brorsson, 1. and Eriksson, L., 1986, Long-term properties of geotextiles and
soils (Road manual).
their function as a separator in road construction. 3rd. Int. Conf. on Geotextiles,
• Design Manual: Design of geotextile
revetment filters for riverbank and
• Christopher and Holtz, 1989, FHWA - Geotextile Design and Construction
coastal erosion protection.
• Case History: Reclamation of deep,
• Fock, G. and McGown, A., 1987, The creep behaviour of a needle punched
soft clay mine tailings utilizing
polypropylene geotextile. 9th. Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conf, Bangkok.
bamboo and Polyfelt geotextiles.

• Fisher, G.R., Holtz, R.D. and Christopher, B.R., 1990, Filter criteria based on
• Case History: Polyfelt TS used as
pore size distribution. 4th Int. Conf. on Geotextiles Geomembranes and Related
filter layers for large marina project.
Products. The Hague.
• Case History: Polyfelt TS geotextiles
• Koerner, G.R. and Koerner, R.M., 1990, Geotextiles installation damage
used as filter under gabion
assessment. 4th. Int. Conf. on Geotextiles Geomembranes and Related
Products, The Hague.
• Case History: Reinforcement of a
• Loke, K.H., 1992, Design and construction of geotextile stabilized road
flood protection dyke using Polyfelt F
structures over soft subgrades. Int. Conf. an Geotechnical Eng. Geotropika,
filtration mats.
Johor Bahru.
• Case History: Erosions Protection of
• Loke, K.H. and Wee, S.H., 1992, The use of nonwoven needle punched
an overflow section in the “Danube
geotextile filters in coastal and riverbank erosion protection. Int. Sym. on
Floodplains” National Park.
Applications of Geosynthetic Technology,. Jakarta.
• Technical Note: UV resistance of
• Lee, C.H. and Loke K.H., 1992, Recent research results on nonwoven needle
punched continuous filament geotextile and their practical significance. Int.
Sym. on Applications of Geosynthetics Technology, Jakarta.
• Technical Note: Investigation on the
installation survivability of geotextiles
• Rest, S. and Werner, G., 1986, The influence of nonwoven needle punched
geotextiles on the ultimate bearing capacity of the subgrade. 3rd. Int. Conf. on
Geotextiles, Vienna.
• Technical Note No. 2: Investigation
on the performance of geotextiles
• Toh, C.T., Chee, S.K., Lee, C.H. and Wee, S.H., 1992, Geotextiles for
under dynamic loading (Munich).
reclamation of disused tin mining ponds. Int. Sym. on Applications of
Geosynthetic Technology, Jakarta.
• Technical Note: Evaluation of friction
parameters between geosynthetics
• Werner, G., Resl, S., and Montalvo, R, 1989, The influence of nonwoven
and typical soils.
geotextiles on the compactability of the fill material. Geosynthetics ’89 Conf.
San Diego, USA.
• Technical Note: Performance of
geotextiles in railroad construction -
• Wewerka, M., 1986, Filtration capability of geotextiles - testing and practical
laboratory testing at Dresden Univ.
experience. 3rd. Int. Conf. on Geotextiles, Vienna.
• Technical Note: The pyramid
puncture test acc. ONORM S 2076
and ASTM D5494 for the evaluation
of geotextile protection efficiency.

Geotextile Solutions For Civil Engineering Problems 19

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