TS25 Pengerak Pembelajaran Bermakna: Textbook Songs/audio Clips
TS25 Pengerak Pembelajaran Bermakna: Textbook Songs/audio Clips
TS25 Pengerak Pembelajaran Bermakna: Textbook Songs/audio Clips
Pelan Pengajaran
5 SEPT 2022 – 9 SEPT 2022
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran: English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 1 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Unit 3: Pet show Masa: 0820-0920 12/9/2022
Hari: Monday
Standard Kandungan: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of very simple At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to name
phrases and sentences at least 5 animals correctly.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
1. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen textbook songs/audio clips
and chant at least 3 lines correctly.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Teacher asks pupils what Whisper can do. Teacher writes the word ‘Animals’ on the board in a
circle and calls out pupils to write the animals that they know on the board.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Animal flashcards are pasted on the board. Teacher says the word for pupils to repeat in chorus.
2. Teacher holds up a card for pupils to say the word in chorus.
3. Pupils refer to textbook page 34. Pupils listen to CD1 Track 47. Pupils point the animals and the
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran: English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 1 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Unit 3: Pet show Masa: 1020-1050 12/9/2022
Hari: Monday
Standard Kandungan: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of very simple At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to name
phrases and sentences at least 5 animals correctly.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
1. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen textbook songs/audio clips
and chant at least 3 lines correctly.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Teacher asks pupils what Whisper can do. Teacher writes the word ‘Animals’ on the board in a
circle and calls out pupils to write the animals that they know on the board.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Animal flashcards are pasted on the board. Teacher says the word for pupils to repeat in chorus.
2. Teacher holds up a card for pupils to say the word in chorus.
3. Pupils refer to textbook page 34. Pupils listen to CD1 Track 47. Pupils point the animals and the
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran:English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 5 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Module 6: Sport Masa: 0720-0820 13/9/2022
Hari: Tuesday
Standard Kandungan: 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use a
provided by other known words dictionary to check the meaning.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and find textbook songs/audio clips
the questions.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Teacher draws a mind map on the board with Sports in the middle and pupils are called to the
front to write the sports they know.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Pupils refer to Activity 1 in textbook page 62. Pupils match the pictures to the sport in their
exercise books. Pupils listen to audio 2.12 and check their answers.
2. Teacher prepares strips of paper with sports written on it. Pupils play charades with others. Any
pupil can volunteer to draw the strip and mime the sport until someone guesses it.
3. Pupils refer to the pictures in textbook page 62 and 63. Teacher asks a few questions (Ex: What
sport can you see in number 9?) Pupils share their answers. Pupils can check the meaning using
4. Teacher explains that the teacher will say an answer and pupils must find the question to the
answer in the textbook.
Aktiviti Plenari/Penutup
Teacher asks pupils to discuss a few questions (How do we use technology? Does technology help
athletes to win?). Pupils listen and discuss the points with their group members.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran: Sains Tema: SAINS FIZIKAL Kelas: 6 Tarikh:
Topik: Kelajuan Masa: 0850-0950 13/9/2022
Hari: Selesa
Standard Kandungan: 7.1 Nilai Moral: Kerjasama
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Pengetahuan / Pengetahu / Pengetahua / Pengetah / Pengeta /
an n uan huan
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
7.1.1, 7.1.5 Murid Berjaya menyusun contoh jenis kenderaan
mengikut kelajuan.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
Pada akhir Pdpc murid akan dapat: Kertas, buku teks m/s 113-115, pautan YouTube
Menyatakan unit bagi kelajuan dan menjelaskan pemerhatian (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2vPFBuDlOs )
tentang kelajuan.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Murid memerhatikan situasi dalam gambar halaman 113 dan berikan pendapat mereka
tentang gambar yang dilihat.
Aktiviti Utama
1.Murid diterangkan tentang maksud kelajuan.
2.Murid dtunjukkan video pendek berkaitan dengan kelajuan.
3.Murid melakukan aktiviti ria secara berpasangan.
4.Murid menyediakan alat dan bahan untuk aktiviti ria– Unit Kelajuan. (PBD)
2022 TS25 Pengerak Pembelajaran Bermakna
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran: English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 1 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Unit 3: Pet show Masa: 1020-1050 13/9/2022
Hari: Tuesday
Standard Kandungan: 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use an
simple art and craft products. Other imaginative responses as adjective in a sentence to describe the cat.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
1. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to create textbook songs/audio clips
a shape animal using coloured papers.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Pupils do a recap on the chant that they have learnt in the previous lesson.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Teacher introduces a sample My Shape Animal.
2. Teacher writes ‘cat’ on the board and the shapes involved to make a cat.
3. Pupils get ready with their coloured papers.
4. Teacher guides pupils step by step with each shape and combing the shapes to form a cat by
pasting the shapes on a piece of A4 paper.
Aktiviti Plenari/Penutup
1. Pupils name their ‘shape cat’ and write a sentence using the provided adjectives.
2. My cat is cute.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran: English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 1 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Unit 3: Pet show Masa: 1120-1150 13/9/2022
Hari: Tuesday
Standard Kandungan: 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use an
simple art and craft products. Other imaginative responses as adjective in a sentence to describe the cat.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
1. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to create textbook songs/audio clips
a shape animal using coloured papers.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Pupils do a recap on the chant that they have learnt in the previous lesson.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Teacher introduces a sample My Shape Animal.
2. Teacher writes ‘cat’ on the board and the shapes involved to make a cat.
3. Pupils get ready with their coloured papers.
4. Teacher guides pupils step by step with each shape and combing the shapes to form a cat by
pasting the shapes on a piece of A4 paper.
Aktiviti Plenari/Penutup
3. Pupils name their ‘shape cat’ and write a sentence using the provided adjectives.
1. My cat is cute.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran:English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 5 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Module 6: Sport Masa: 1220-1250 13/9/2022
Hari: Tuesday
Standard Kandungan: 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use a
provided by other known words dictionary to check the meaning.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and find textbook songs/audio clips
the questions.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Teacher draws a mind map on the board with Sports in the middle and pupils are called to the
front to write the sports they know.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Pupils refer to Activity 1 in textbook page 62. Pupils match the pictures to the sport in their
exercise books. Pupils listen to audio 2.12 and check their answers.
2. Teacher prepares strips of paper with sports written on it. Pupils play charades with others. Any
pupil can volunteer to draw the strip and mime the sport until someone guesses it.
2022 TS25 Pengerak Pembelajaran Bermakna
3. Pupils refer to the pictures in textbook page 62 and 63. Teacher asks a few questions (Ex: What
sport can you see in number 9?) Pupils share their answers. Pupils can check the meaning using
4. Teacher explains that the teacher will say an answer and pupils must find the question to the
answer in the textbook.
Aktiviti Plenari/Penutup
Teacher asks pupils to discuss a few questions (How do we use technology? Does technology help
athletes to win?). Pupils listen and discuss the points with their group members.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran:Sains Tema: SAINS FIZIKAL Kelas: 5 Tarikh:
Topik: ELEKTRIK Masa: 0850-0950 14/9/2022
Hari: Rabu
Standard Kandungan: 5.2 Litar Bersiri dan Litar Selari Nilai Moral: Bekerjasama
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
5.2.5 Mengeksperimen untuk membezakan kecerahan mentol Mengeksperimen untuk membezakan kecerahan
dalam litar bersiri atau selari dengan mengubah bilangan sel mentol dalam litar bersiri atau selari dengan
kering. mengubah bilangan sel kering
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
Di akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid dapat: Buku teks, Kertas manila , Pen Marker
1. Mengeksperimen untuk membezakan kecerahan
mentol dalam litar bersiri atau selari dengan
mengubah bilangan sel kering
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Murid mendengar penerangan guru tentang isi pelajaran dan kaitannya dengan objektif
pelajaran dan kriteria kejayaan. SI: Video
Aktiviti Utama
2. Murid dapat membaca dan memahami infografik dengan bimbingan guru.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran:English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 5 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Module 6: Sport Masa: 1020-1120 14/9/2022
Hari: Wednesday
Standard Kandungan: 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories and events At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen
and answer the questions.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to share their data Textbook, songs/audio clips
collection about 2 friends.
Aktiviti Permulaan
Teacher plays hangman with pupils to guess sports.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Pupils refer to Activity 4 in textbook page 63. Pupils write the questions in their exercise books.
Pupils listen to audio 2.13 to answer the questions.
2. Teacher writes 3 questions on the board (Do you do any sports? What’s your favourite sport?
What do you think about sports?). Pupils think about their own answers.
3. Teacher explains that pupils will ask the questions to 3 of their friends and also answer their
friends’ questions.
Name Name Name
Do you do
What do
you think
4. Pupils copy the table into their exercise books and complete the task.
Aktiviti Plenari/Penutup
Pupils can volunteer to perform in front of the class.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran:English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 5 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Module 6: Sport Masa: 1220-1250 16/9/2022
Hari: Wednesday
Standard Kandungan: 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories and events At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen
and answer the questions.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to share their data Textbook, songs/audio clips
collection about 2 friends.
Aktiviti Permulaan
Teacher plays hangman with pupils to guess sports.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Pupils refer to Activity 4 in textbook page 63. Pupils write the questions in their exercise books.
Pupils listen to audio 2.13 to answer the questions.
2. Teacher writes 3 questions on the board (Do you do any sports? What’s your favourite sport?
What do you think about sports?). Pupils think about their own answers.
3. Teacher explains that pupils will ask the questions to 3 of their friends and also answer their
friends’ questions.
2022 TS25 Pengerak Pembelajaran Bermakna
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran: English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 1 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Unit 3: Pet show Masa: 0720-0750 15/9/2022
Hari: Thursday
Standard Kandungan: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to say out
details of very simple phrases and sentences at least 3 phrases correctly.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
1. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen textbook songs/audio clips
and answer correctly to at least 3 classmates.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Pupils are introduced to the Animal Grid Game. Pupils copy the grid.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Pupils are guided to read the words to form phrases. (Ex: a small frog, an old elephant, a
beautiful cat)
2. Pupils are asked to tick 3 boxes of their choice secretly.
3. Teacher explains to pupils that they have to guess a classmate’s 3 phrases by saying them.
4. Teacher demonstrates with 2 pupils how to play the game. Ex: Pupil A guesses by saying ‘A big
spider’. Pupil B says ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Pupil B guesses the same way.
5. Pupils look for a nearby friend and conduct the game.
Aktiviti Plenari/Penutup
1. Teacher conducts a survey based on the grid by guiding pupils to count how many pupils
have ticked a particular phrase.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran: Pendidikan Tema: MODUL KEMAHIRAN MUZIK Kelas: 6 Tarikh:
Muzik Topik: MEMORI INDAH Masa: 0820-0850 15/9/2022
Standard Kandungan: 2.1. Nyanyian Nilai Moral: Kerajinan
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
2.1.1 Bernyanyi lagu dengan pic yang betul mengikut Bernyanyi lagu dengan pic yang betul mengikut
tempo. tempo.
2.1.2 Mengaplikasikan dinamik dalam nyanyian.
(i) kuat ( p ) dan lembut ( f )
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
Pada akhir pembelajaran, muird dapat bernyanyi lagu dengan Buku teks
pic yang betul mengikut tempo.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Video pengenalan melodi.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Murid membuat latihan pernafasan.
2. Guru menayangkan video.
Aktiviti Plenari/Penutup
1. Murid membuat rumusan pembelajaran hari ini.
6 pelajar dapat mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan dan tiada pelajar yang tidak mencapai objektif
akan diberi bimbingan khas dalam sesi akan datang.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran: English Tema: World of knowledge Kelas: 1 Tarikh:
Language Topik: Unit 3: Pet show Masa: 0850-0950 15/9/2022
Hari: Thursday
Standard Kandungan: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Nilai Moral: Work together
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to say out
details of very simple phrases and sentences at least 3 phrases correctly.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
2. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen textbook songs/audio clips
and answer correctly to at least 3 classmates.
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Pupils are introduced to the Animal Grid Game. Pupils copy the grid.
Aktiviti Utama
1. Pupils are guided to read the words to form phrases. (Ex: a small frog, an old elephant, a
beautiful cat)
2. Pupils are asked to tick 3 boxes of their choice secretly.
3. Teacher explains to pupils that they have to guess a classmate’s 3 phrases by saying them.
4. Teacher demonstrates with 2 pupils how to play the game. Ex: Pupil A guesses by saying ‘A big
spider’. Pupil B says ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Pupil B guesses the same way.
5. Pupils look for a nearby friend and conduct the game.
Aktiviti Plenari/Penutup
2. Teacher conducts a survey based on the grid by guiding pupils to count how many pupils
have ticked a particular phrase.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Pelan Pengajaran
Mata pelajaran: Sains Tema: SAINS FIZIKAL Kelas: 6 Tarikh:
Topik: KELAJUAN OBJEK Masa: 1020-1120 15/9/2022
Hari: Khamis
Standard Kandungan: 7.1 Nilai Moral: Kerjasama
Aspirasi Murid
Pengetahuan / Kemahiran Kemahira Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
Berfikir n Dwibahasa kerohani Nasiona
Meminpin an l
Standard Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan : Murid boleh:
7.1.2, 7.1.5 Murid Berjaya membuat eksperimen untuk melihat
hubungan antara kelajuan dengan masa.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Bahan Bantu Mengajar:
Pada akhir Pdpc murid akan dapat: Kertas, buku teks m/s 116-118, pautan YouTube
Mengeksperimen untuk menentukan hubungan antara (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
kelajuan, jarak dan masa. v=5_CfomNdjhg&list=PLPEh61e-
2oYernLLyadDBeqokK0_R2Xjz&index=26 )
Aktiviti Permulaan
1. Murid mengimbas pelajaran lalu tentang maksud kelajuan.
Aktiviti Utama
1.Murid diterangkan tentang hubungan antara kelajuan dengan masa.
2.Murid dtunjukkan video pendek berkaitan dengan kelajuan.
3.Murid melakukan eksperimen secara berkumpulan.
2022 TS25 Pengerak Pembelajaran Bermakna
4.Murid menyediakan alat dan bahan untuk eksperimen– Hubungan antara Kelajuan dengan
Masa dan Hubungan antara Kelajuan dengan Jarak. (PBD)
5.Murid melakukan aktiviti seperti dalam buku. (KBAT) (PAK21)
6.Murid mencatat laporan eksperimen dalam buku latihan.
Aktiviti Plenari/Penutup
Murid membuat kesimpulan tajuk pembelajaran hari ini. (KBAT)
6 pelajar dapat mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan dan tiada pelajar yang tidak mencapai objektif
akan diberi bimbingan khas dalam sesi akan datang.
Pelan Pengajaran
Hari Malaysia