Sikalastic - 560 GCC Water Proofing Materials - Part 4
Sikalastic - 560 GCC Water Proofing Materials - Part 4
Sikalastic - 560 GCC Water Proofing Materials - Part 4
Protect adja-
cent areas from splashes, over painting, damage etc.
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION with an adhesive tape or plastic.
Sikalastic®-560 GCC is applied in 2 – 6 coats as per the
All substrates must be cleaned and prepared using required system. Prior to the application of each coat
high pressure water jet. Abrasive blast cleaning, scari- the indicated waiting times must be followed.
fying equipment to or other suitable approved mech- Sikalastic® Flexitape Heavy or Sika® Reemat Premium
anical methods. is applied at areas having high movements, irregular
Cementitious substrates: substrate or to bridge cracks, joints and seams on the
New concrete should be cured for at least 28 days and substrate.
should have a pull-off strength ≥ 1.5 N/mm2. Please note, always begin with detailing works prior to
Loose friable material and weak concrete must be waterproofing the horizontal surface.
completely removed by mechanical means to achieve Tools:
an open textured surface and all surface defects such High Pressure Jet Washer (minimum 150 bar): If dust,
as blowholes and voids must be fully exposed. vegetation, moss / algae or other contaminants are
Repairs to the substrate, filling of joints, present on the existing roof, a power washer is re-
blowholes/voids and surface leveling must be carried quired to clean the substrate prior to the application
out using the appropriate Sika® products. Refer to of SikaRoof® Systems. Existing chippings should be re-
Sika’s Technical Department for further advice. moved by hand or scabbling prior to power washing.
High spots must be removed by for example grinding. Squeegee: Useful when removing excess water from
Outgassing is a naturally occurring phenomenon of the roof after overnight rain
concrete that can produce pinholes in subsequently Drill and paddle: Sikalastic®-560 GCC should be mixed
applied coatings. The concrete must be carefully as- for one minute using a slow speed (300-500 rpm) drill
sessed for moisture content, air entrapment, and sur- and basket type paint mixer.
face finish prior to any coating work. Installing the Solvent resistant short-piled roller: Used in the applic-
Sikalastic®-560 GCC either when the concrete temper- ation of Sikalastic®-560 GCC to ensure a consistent
ature is falling or stable can reduce outgassing. thickness of the seamless SikaRoof® systems.
Prime the substrate before applying the Sikalastic®- Thick hair brush: For application of Sikalastic®-560 GCC
560 GCC systems. to all details and penetrations.
Brick and stone: Airless spray equipment: Used only for the roof coat-
Mortar joints must be sound and flush pointed. ing systems / top coats of reinforced systems. Two
Use localised reinforcement over connection joints spray applied layers is the minimum requirement. The
and prime before applying Sikalastic®-560 GCC. pump should have the following parameter:
Bituminous felt: ▪ minimum pressure: 220 bar
Ensure that Bituminous felt is firmly adhered or mech- ▪ minimum output: 5.1 l/min
anically fixed to the substrate. ▪ minimum Ø nozzle: 0.83 mm (0.033 inch)
Bituminous felt should not contain any badly de- For example: Wagner Heavycoat HC 940 E SSP
graded areas and be primed before applying Sikalast- Spraypack.
ic®-560 GCC. Note: Please refer to the most recent issue of the spe-
Metals: cific Method Statement
Metals must be in a clean sound rust free condition.
Metals surfaces must be free of oil and greases. CLEANING OF EQUIPMENT
Abrade exposed surfaces to reveal bright metal.
Use localised reinforcement over joints and fixings. Clean all tools and application equipment with water
Paints/Coatings: immediately after use. Hardened / cured material can
Ensure the existing material is sound and firmly ad- only be removed mechanically
Remove any oxidized layers and use localised rein- IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS
forcement over joints.
Existing SikaRoof® CET Systems: Do not apply Sikalastic®-560 GCC on substrates that
The existing SikaRoof® CET Systems should still be have rising moisture.
soundly adhered to the substrate be clean, dust free Always apply during falling ambient and substrate
and dry. temperature. If applied during rising temperatures
“pin holing” may occur from rising and expanding air.
MIXING Sikalastic®-560 GCC may be flood tested when fully
cured using 50 millimeter depth of water for a maxim-
Prior to application, stir Sikalastic®-560 GCC thor- um period of 24 hours.
oughly for 1 minute in order to achieve a homogen- Ensure that each coat of Sikalastic®-560 GCC is totally
eous mixture using a slow speed (300 - 500 rpm) drill dry and the surface is without pinholes before apply-
and basket type paint mixer. ing further coats.
Over mixing must be avoided to minimise air entrain- Do not apply Sikalastic®-560 GCC if inclement weather
ment. such as rain, fog or extreme humidity (80 % maximum)
causing condensation is expected. Ensure that the ap-
APPLICATION plied Sikalastic®-560 GCC has sufficient curing time
(see curing times above) before any such inclement
Prior to the application of Sikalastic®-560 GCC the