Day of The Week Report
Day of The Week Report
Day of The Week Report
Mumbai. (M.S.)
Submitted by
1.Harshal Patil
2.Tanmay Narwade
G.S. Mandal’s
have successfully completed “Day of the Week” Micro-project for the subject
Object oriented programming C++ as in the enclosed ‘Portfilio’ during his / her
tenure of Completing the Diploma in Computer Engineering (CO3I) in
Academic Year 2022-2023 from M.I.T. Polytechnic, Aurangabad with
Institute Code 0066.
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Polytechnic, Aurangabad
3.0 Proposed Methodology (procedure in brief that will be followed to do the microproject
in about 100-200 words.)
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity.)
5.0 Resources required (major resources such as row material, some machining facility,
software etc.)
1.0 Rationale (Importance of the project, in about 30 to 50 words. This is a modified version
of the earlier one written after the work)
3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list is more Cos are addressed)
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed (Write step wise work done, data collected and its
analysis (if any). The contribution of individual member may also be noted.)
7.0 Outputs of the micro projects (Drawings of the prototype, drawing of survey,
presentation of collected data, findings etc.)
• With the help of this micro project we can understand the basic concepts of object
oriented programming Which includes some important concepts like classes and
3.0 Proposed Methodology (Procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro-
project in about 100-200 words.)
• First we select the microproject title and collect the information about that topic then
• Second step involved Again some basic planning Which included relation of one data
• Third and last step included plotting every think that was done in the first and second
step into a single program and that was done by using legit object oriented
programming it was done by using classes and objects the class had data members.
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity.)
5.0 Resources required (major resources such as row material, some machining facility,
software etc.)
Sr. Name of Resource/Material Specification Qty. Remarks
1 Laptop Windows 11 1
54 Harshal Patil
27 Tanmay Narwade
Micro-Project Report
(Format for Micro-Project Report minimum 4 pages)
1.0 Rationale (Importance of the project, in about 30 to 50 words. This is a modified version
of the earlier one written after the work)
than one concept of programming which is really important as in theory we learn only
• With the help of this micro project we can understand the basic concepts of object
oriented programming Which includes some important concepts like classes and
3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list is more Cos are addressed)
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed (Write step wise work done, data collected and its
analysis (if any). The contribution of individual member may also be noted.)
• The first step to decide the microproject name and collect the information about that
topic then the rough work is created.
• The second step that is to analysis the data members of the whole project..
• Which functions, classes, objects are used in program make the short note on it.
• Then included plotting the relationship of one data member to another member which
was done by again in rough. Every data member or member function had some or the
other relationship with another member or function.
• In third step as disscued in first and second step implemented by using C++ programming
• Firstly the class was created library with data members etc. then two functions are
used like 1st one get the data and 2nd one display the data
• And at the last in the main function object was created and call the every function.
• Then the report of the microproject created and In this way we completed our
3 Google geeksForGeeks 1
7.0 Outputs of the micro projects (Drawings of the prototype, drawing of survey,
Presentation of collected data, findings etc.)
In this project “Day of the Week” we are able to select the options like to input details , to
display details , or exit from the program.
This project is useful for maintaining records of which it can help in Schools, and Hospitals
while Entering a Birthdate etc. Of a student in their Records.