Dsu Report
Dsu Report
Dsu Report
Mumbai. (M.S.)
“Circular Queue“
Submitted by
Harshal Patil
G.S. Mandal’s
Department of Computer Engineering
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Polytechnic, Aurangabad.
This is to certify that : -
Roll Enrollment Exam Seat
Name of Student
No. No. No.
54 Harshal Patil 2100660107
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Polytechnic, Aurangabad
3.0 Proposed Methodology (procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro-
project in about 100-200 words.)
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity.)
5.0 Resources required (major resources such as row material, some machining facility,
software etc.)
3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list is more Cos are addressed)
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed (Write step wise work done, data collected and its
analysis (if any). The contribution of individual member may also be noted.)
7.0 Outputs of the micro projects (Drawings of the prototype, drawing of survey,
presentation of collected data, findings etc.)
Benefits of Circular Queue is basically this mechanism is used in undo redo operation
on our computer system . It is also beneficial for back tracking operation in that we
use this tool name as Circular Queue and it also in reloading URL etc.
3.0 Proposed Methodology (Procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro-
The purpose of this project to make and to demonstrate the undo redo operation is
Firstly, With a small Interaction with the subject teacher I selescted the Topic of Micro-
Project, then I Started my Work with the algorithm for Circular Queue for that
Then with the help of Stanionary Items a rough logic for a trial developed, and in that
Few function like enqueue, dequeue, display () with the help C language I Choosed the
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity.)
Sr. Details of Activity Planned Planned Name of
No Start Date Finish Date Responsible
Team Members
1 Algorithm 5/09/22 15/09/22 Harshal Patil
5.0 Resources required (major resources such as row material, some machining
facility, software etc.)
Sr. Name of Resource/Material Specification Qty. Remarks
1 Mobile - 1
2 Textbook - 1
3 Laptop - 1
4 Turbo C / C++ - 1
54 Harshal Patil
Micro-Project Report
(Format for Micro-Project Report minimum 4 pages)
Our microproject is about to demonstrate undo redo operation using Circular Queue so
mistake, such as deleting a word in a sentence. the redo function restores any action
Benefits of Circular Queue is basically this mechanism is used in undo redo operation
on our computer system . It is also beneficial for back tracking operation in that we use
this tool name as Circular Queue and it also in reloading URL etc.
3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list is more Cos are addressed)
The review of our microproject it is very helpful to understand undo redo operation
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed (Write step wise work done, data collected and its
analysis (if any). The contribution of individual member may also be noted.)
Firstly, I decided the topic of microproject after deciding the topic of microproject , Then
with the help of Class Teacher gathered more information about circular queue.
With the help of Goggle and Youtube started Examining the work of a Circular queue.
Then I made rough logic for a trial and few function like restore, discarded, display () with
With the help of the Software the program was successfully runed and then for some
Fatal mistakes Or Errors I Have an Interaction with Subject tearcher related to the Report
2 Laptop - 1
3 Textbook - 1
7.0 Outputs of the micro projects (Drawings of the prototype, drawing of survey,
Presentation of collected data, findings etc.)
With the help of textbook, websites, Turbo C (software) Successfully Completed the project.
And the output is about undo redo operation by using Circular Queues.
8.0 Skill Developed/Learning outcome of this micro project
1. Writing an Alorithm.
2. Analysing the working od Circular queue.
3. Learned New Operations.
4. Coding.
9.0 Applications of this micro project : -
Back tracking
To evaluate expression