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Article  in  Engenharia Agrícola · April 2020

DOI: 10.1590/1809-4430-eng.agric.v40n2p258-265/2020


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Renata Teixeira de Almeida Minhoni Francisca Franciana Sousa Pereira


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Engenharia Agrícola

ISSN: 1809-4430 (on-line)





Renata T. de A. Minhoni1*, Francisca F. S. Pereira1, Tatiane B. G. da Silva1,

Evanize R. Castro1, João C. C. Saad1
Corresponding author. São Paulo State University/ Botucatu - SP, Brazil.
E-mail: [email protected] | ORCID ID:

absolute roughness, The Darcy-Weisbach equation is the most recommended equation for determining the
Colebrook equation, pressure loss in pressurized pipes because of its wide applicability. However, one of the
forced conduits, head largest obstacles to implementing this equation is the friction factor (f) calculation. This
loss, hydraulic load, factor can be precisely determined using the Colebrook equation, which is implicit. Thus,
Reynolds number. the objective of this study was to compare six explicit equations for calculating the Darcy-
Weisbach friction factor with the implicit Colebrook equation based on the relative error.
Based on the results, the equations of Vatankhah and Offor & Alabi were the most highly
recommended. These six explicit formulas showed a mean relative error of less than ± 1%
compared to the Colebrook equation, except for the Swamee and Jain equation, for which
the laminar regime generated a mean relative error of 1.83%.

INTRODUCTION V is the average flow velocity, m s-1;

The main problems encountered in the flow of D is the inner pipe diameter, m;
pressurized conduits are related to the methods of
g is the gravitational acceleration, m s-2, and
determining the diameter, flow rate or pressure loss in the
pipe for a given set of known variables. According to f is the friction factor, dimensionless.
Bardestani et al. (2017), in optimization studies and
hydraulic analyses of pipelines and water distribution The friction factor is dependent on the Reynolds
systems, these problems are extremely significant because number and the absolute roughness (ε, in m) of the inner
they affect both the hydraulic balance and system costs. wall of the pipe. The main limitation preventing the wide
The Darcy-Weisbach equation, which is shown in [eq. (1)] use of the Darcy-Weisbach equation is the estimation of
and is known as the universal equation, is one of the most the friction factor (f).
complete mathematical equations used to determine the According to Coban (2012), the implicit Colebrook
pressure loss in pipes because it is related to both the equation (1939), which is shown in equation (2), provides
characteristics of the flowing fluid and the conduit the best approximation of the friction factor, especially for
a turbulent flow regime. This equation relates the
material and can be applied to any type of material and
Reynolds number (R) and the relative roughness of the
any pipe diameter.
pipe (ε/D) (Brkić & Ćojbašić, 2017). The work of
L V2 Colebrook & White (1937) is often cited as the source of
hf  f (1) the equation; however, the Colebrook equation was
D 2g developed by Colebrook (1939) (Vatankhah 2018; Fang,
in which: Xu & Zhou 2011).
Several explicit friction factor approximations have
hf is the head loss, m;
been developed to replace Colebrook's implicit standard
L is the pipeline length, m; equation; the most cited are the Moody (1947), Jain

São Paulo State University/Botucatu - SP, Brazil.
Area Editor: Edna Maria Bonfim-Silva
Received in: 1-22-2019
Accepted in: 2-12-2020
Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.258-265, mar./apr. 2020
Renata T. de A. Minhoni, Francisca F. S. Pereira, Tatiane B. G. da Silva, et al. 259

(1976), Swamee & Jain (1976), Churchill (1973), Haaland used in many engineering projects, but rather to determine
(1983), Papaevangelou et al., (2010) and Fang et al., the friction factor by using explicit equations that provide
(2011) equations. results similar to the empirically correct results obtained
Any effort to present a simple full-range solution for from the Colebrook equation.
the friction factor would be of practical importance. Offor & The hypothesis of this work is as follows: the
Alabi (2016) suggested a new equation for the friction factor implicit Colebrook equation for estimating the friction
that focuses on precision and computational efficiency. factor can be replaced with explicit formulas at less than
Vatankhah (2018) proposed analytical solutions 1% relative error. Therefore, the objective of this work
for the Colebrook equation with a minimal number of was to evaluate the approximations of six explicit formulas
natural logarithms and noninteger powers (lower for calculating the friction factor of the Darcy-Weisbach
computational cost). equation and compare them to the implicit Colebrook
According to Offor & Alabi (2016), the search for a equation in terms of their relative error.
fast, noniterative and accurate model, as an alternative to
the Colebrook equation, led to several explicit models for MATERIAL AND METHODS
obtaining the friction factor. The authors asserted that
these explicit models differ in their precision and relative For this study, among the numerous equations
computational efficiency, depending on the degree of available in the literature to obtain the friction factor of the
complexity, and they adopted the relative error as a Darcy-Weisbach equation, six explicit formulas, as
precision indicator. described in Table 1, were selected based on the number of
Mikata & Walczak (2016) stated that the goal is not citations in scientific articles on irrigation and hydraulic
to discourage the use of the Colebrook equation, which is projects, with a preference for the most recent equations.

TABLE 1. Equations selected to determine the friction factor.

Equation Reference
f  2
   5.74 
log 3.7  D  R 0.9 
Swamee & Jain (1976)
  

Swamee & Swamee (2007)

0.2479  0.00009477  log R 

f  2
   7.366  Papaevangelou et al., (2010)
log 3.615  D  R 0.9142 
  

  2
60.525 56.291  
  
f  1.613ln 0.234   1.1105  1.0712  
D R R Fang et al., (2011)
   

1   1.975     
 7.627   
 2 log  ln     
f 0.5  3.71D R    3.93D   R  395.9    Offor & Alabi (2016)

Vatankhah (2018)

Note: f = friction factor, dimensionless; ɛ = average protrusion height of the inner pipe surface, m; D = inner pipe diameter, m;

 
R = Reynolds number, dimensionless, and s  0.12363R   ln0.3984R  .

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.258-265, mar./apr. 2020

The performance of explicit formulas for determining the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor 260

The friction factor approximations obtained via the To verify the accuracy of the friction factor
explicit formulas were compared with the values obtained approximations obtained using the explicit formulas, the
using the Colebrook equation (1939), which is an implicit relative error, as given by [eq. (3)], was calculated using
equation that is used worldwide and covers the entire the Colebrook equation result as the reference.
range of Reynolds number and relative surface roughness
values, as shown in [eq. (2)]. f Colebrook
relativeerror  1 (3)
f empiricalformula
1   / D 2.51 
 2 log    (2)
f  3 .7 Rf 0.5  Following Papaevangelou et al., (2010), R values
between 4,000 and 108, which cover the entire proposed
in which: range of the Moody (1944) diagram, were adopted. The
f is the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, ɛ/D values were based on the pipe materials most often
dimensionless; used in irrigation and hydraulic projects, which include
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), linear low-density polyethylene
 D is the relative surface roughness, (LLDPE), galvanized steel and aluminum. The ε/D values
dimensionless; for PVC and LLDPE were from Rocha et al. (2017), as
specified in Table 2, and the values for galvanized steel
 is the average protrusion height of the inner pipe (0.0007 m) and aluminum (0.0010 m) were obtained from
surface, m; Testezlaf (1982). Moreover, based on Moody’s (1944)
diagram, values of 0.000001 m, 0.000005 m and 0.00001 m
D is the inner pipe diameter, m, and were considered. The values of R and ɛ/D are presented in
R is the Reynolds number, dimensionless. Table 3.

TABLE 2. Relative roughness (ɛ/D) values for PVC and LLDPE pipes.
Material DN (mm) Di (mm) ɛ (mm) ɛ/D
35 35.71 0.00009
PVC 50 47.56 0.003334 0.00007
75 72.05 0.00005
10 9.55 0.0008
13 13.12 0.0006
LLDPE 16 16.81 0.008116 0.0005
20 20.72 0.0004
26 27.24 0.0003
Source: Adapted from Rocha et al. (2017).

TABLE 3. Relative roughness values (ɛ/D) and Reynolds numbers (R) used to verify the performance of the explicit formulas.
ɛ/D R
0.000001 4,000
0.000005 8,000
0.00001 10,000
0.00005 20,000
0.00007 40,000
0.00009 80,000
0.0001 100,000
0.0003 150,000
0.0004 200,000
0.0005 400,000
0.0006 800,000
0.0007 1,000,000
0.0008 2,000,000
0.001 4,000,000
0.005 8,000,000
0.05 10,000,000

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.258-265, mar./apr. 2020

Renata T. de A. Minhoni, Francisca F. S. Pereira, Tatiane B. G. da Silva, et al. 261

The R and ɛ/D values generated 320 combinations, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and for each one, the friction factor was determined using
the six explicit formulas and the Colebrook equation. For The relative errors of the friction factor obtained
this purpose, an algorithm was developed using the using the Swamee & Jain equation (1976) for the 320
MATLAB R2017a software, and the sequence of combinations between ɛ/D and R are shown in Figure 1.
commands established by Clamond (2009) was used in the The relative error ranged from -0.0302 to 0.0071, and for
Colebrook equation implementation because of its speed R ≤ 4,000, which is typical of the laminar regime, all ɛ/D
of convergence. The program also determined the relative values exceeded a 1% relative error, similar to the findings
error with respect to the Colebrook equation for each of Papaevangelou et al., (2010), who also found a relative
combination tested. Based on the generated data, the error of less than 1% for R > 80,000. In the present study,
results for each explicit equation were plotted as a function a relative error of less than 1% was obtained for 80,000 ≤
of R using the Microsoft Excel 2016® software package. R ≤ 20,000,000.

FIGURE 1. Relative error of the Swamee & Jain equation (1976) as a function of the Reynolds number.

The Swamee & Jain equation (1976) was proposed which represents an evolution of the Swamee & Jain
for the turbulent regime; thus, the largest relative errors formula (1976) and covers the entire R range and not just
should occur in the range corresponding to the laminar the turbulent regime. Therefore, the relative error did not
regime (R≤ 4,000). exceed 1% in the interval corresponding to R ≤ 4,000. In the
Figure 2 presents the relative error of the friction R range between 8×104 and 4×107, the relative error exceeded
factor based on the Swamee & Swamee equation (2007), ± 0.5% for certain ɛ/D values but did not exceed ± 1%.

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.258-265, mar./apr. 2020

The performance of explicit formulas for determining the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor 262

FIGURE 2. Relative error of the Swamee & Swamee equation (2007) as a function of the Reynolds number.

The performance of the Papaevangelou et al., equation (2010) is shown in Figure 3. The relative error exceeded ± 0.5%
for certain ɛ/D values in the R range between 4,000 and 200,000. However, the relative error did not exceed ± 1% for any R,
similar to the findings of Papaevangelou et al., (2010) who proposed the equation.

FIGURE 3. Relative error of the Papaevangelou et al., equation (2010) as a function of the Reynolds number.

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.258-265, mar./apr. 2020

Renata T. de A. Minhoni, Francisca F. S. Pereira, Tatiane B. G. da Silva, et al. 263

The relative error of the Fang et al., (2011) equation did not exceed ± 0.5% for any evaluated interval of R (Figure 4).
This equation was ranked as very accurate in the present study and by Offor & Alabi (2016).

FIGURE 4. Relative error of the Fang et al., equation (2011) as a function of the Reynolds number.

In their study on the computational precision of ranged from -0.05% to 0.13% (Table 4). When analyzing
models used to obtain the friction factor, Offor & Alabi a greater number of equations, Pimenta et al. (2018)
(2016) proposed an explicit equation and verified that the
relative error did not exceed ± 0.1% (Figure 5). In the 320 observed that this equation rendered the best performance
combinations evaluated in this research, the relative error in obtaining the friction factor.

FIGURE 5. Relative error of the Offor & Alabi equation (2016) as a function of the Reynolds number.

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.258-265, mar./apr. 2020

The performance of explicit formulas for determining the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor 264

Using the Vatankhah equation (2018), the relative trade-off between accuracy and relative computational
error for the friction factor ranged from 0.001% to 0.13% efficiency can ensure an ideal explicit equation. The
for any evaluated interval of R (Figure 6), yielding the best Vatankhah equation (2018) considered both simplicity and
performance. Offor & Alabi (2016) suggested that a good accuracy and has been proposed for practical applications.

FIGURE 6. Relative error of the Vatankhah equation (2018) as a function of the Reynolds number.

The overall mean values of the relative error and equation (2010), the Swamee & Swamee equation (2007)
the standard deviation presented in Table 4 show that the and the Swamee & Jain equation (1976). This performance
best performance over the entire R range for the evaluated classification did not change even when the relative error
ε/D ratios was obtained using the Vatankhah equation was evaluated separately for the laminar and turbulent
(2018), followed by the Offor & Alabi equation (2016), regimes (Table 4).
the Fang et al., equation (2011), the Papaevangelou et al.,

TABLE 4. Mean values, range and standard deviation of the relative error for each equation.

Reference/Equation Turbulent Range Standard deviation
mean Laminar regime
Swamee & Jain (1976) 0.00478 0.0183 0.0041 -0.0302 to 0.0071 0.0044
Swamee & Swamee (2007) 0.00385 0.0039 0.0038 -0.0190 to 0.0074 0.0030
Papaevangelou et al., (2010) 0.00215 0.0026 0.0021 -0.0057 to 0.0079 0.0015
Fang et al., (2011) 0.00184 0.0018 0.0018 -0.0049 to 0.0043 0.0011
Offor & Alabi (2016) 0.00046 0.0039 0.0005 -0.0005 to 0.0013 0.0003
Vatankhah (2018) 0.00039 0.0001 0.0004 0.00001 to 0.0013 0.0003

In general, the six equations presented an overall CONCLUSIONS

mean relative error of less than 0.01, thereby confirming
this study’s hypothesis that the implicit Colebrook The six explicit formulas, which reduce the
equation for estimating the friction factor can be replaced complexity of the calculations, presented a relative error in
with explicit formulas that yield a relative error of less relation to the Colebrook equation of less than ± 1%
than 1%. The exceptions were the Swamee & Jain except for the equations of Swamee & Jain (1976) and
equation (1976), which presented a maximum relative Swamee & Swamee (2007).
error of -0.0302—i.e., -3.02%, and the Swamee & Swamee The results show that the explicit equation of this
equation (2007) with a relative error of -1.90%. study evolved with the aim of achieving greater accuracy

Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v.40, n.2, p.258-265, mar./apr. 2020

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Renata T. de A. Minhoni, Francisca F. S. Pereira, Tatiane B. G. da Silva, et al. 265

and lower calculational complexity. Based on the Fang X, Xu Y, Zhou Z (2011) New correlations of single-
performance, the Vatankhah equation (2018) is the most phase friction fator for turbulent pipe flow and evaluation
highly recommended, followed by the Offor & Alabi of existing single-phase friction fator correlations. Nuclear
equation (2016), the Fang et al., equation (2011), the Engineering and Design 241:897-902.
Papaevangelou et al., equation (2010), the Swamee &
Haaland SE (1983) Simple and explicit formulas for the
Swamee equation (2007) and the Swamee & Jain
friction factor in turbulent pipe flow. Journal of Fluids
equation (1976).
Engineering 105:89–90.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mikata Y, Walczak WS (2016) Exact Analytical Solutions
of the Colebrook-White Equation. Journal of Hydraulic
The authors acknowledge the Coordination for the Engineering 142(2):04015050.
Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) for
granting a scholarship, the National Council for Scientific Moody LF (1944) Friction factors for pipe flow.
and Technological Development (CNPq - 140676/2017-1) Transactions ASME 66:671-678.
for granting a scholarship and the graduate program in Moody LF (1947) An approximate formula for pipe
Agronomy: Irrigation and Drainage, from the School of friction factors. Transactions ASME 69:1005–1006.
Agronomic Sciences (FCA) at UNESP - Botucatu, for
providing support. Offor UH, Alabi SB (2016) An Accurate and
Computationally Efficient Explicit Friction Factor Model.
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