Consistency Test of Alpha Functions
Consistency Test of Alpha Functions
Consistency Test of Alpha Functions
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study highlights that a-functions used in cubic equations of state must be of class C2 i.e. that their
Received 8 June 2016 first ðda=dTÞ and second ðd2 a=dT 2 Þ derivatives must exist and must be continuous, positive ða > 0Þ,
Received in revised form monotonically decreasing ðda=dT < 0Þ, convex ðd2 a=dT 2 > 0Þ and also verify d3 a=dT 3 < 0, for any value of
2 July 2016
the temperature T. Our proposed “consistency test for a-functions” gathers all these conditions. The non-
Accepted 27 July 2016
Available online 4 August 2016
respect of one of them can entail low-accuracy prediction of binary phase diagrams involving at least one
supercritical compound (this statement is illustrated through the case-studies of the CO2-argon and CO2-
decane systems) as well as improper variations of pure-component supercritical properties (h and cP )
with respect to the temperature. Finally, an extensive study of the mostly used a-functions described in
Equation of state the open literature is performed and shows that all of them fail this test. Some component-dependent a-
Consistency test functions may however pass this test but only if mathematical constraints are added to their parameters.
Soave © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Since the Van der Waals proposal, even the most successful two-
parameter CEoS still expresses their attractive and repulsive terms
Numerous modifications to the Van der Waals cubic equation of by introducing a parameter a which is a measure of the attractive
state (CEoS) have been presented over the years [1], with the aim of forces (“energy parameter”) between molecules, and a parameter b
representing with increasingly accuracy the properties of complex which is a measure of the size (“intrinsic volume” or “co-volume”)
systems. As a matter of facts, most of these improvements do not of the molecules. It results the general formulation of a two-
incorporate a substantial difference in the functional combination parameter CEoS:
of attractive and repulsive forces, with respect to the original
formulation introduced by Van der Waals. As a rare exception, let us RT aðTÞ
mention the Cubic-Plus-Association model (CPA) [2], which com- PðT; vÞ ¼ þ (2)
v b ðv r1 bÞðv r2 bÞ
bines the Soave-Redlich-Kwong attractive and repulsive terms [3]
with an association term introduced by Wertheim [4]. Indeed, where r1 and r2 are two universal constants which depend on the
analogously to the Van der Waals expression of the pressure selected CEoS.
equation [5], a generic CEoS may be written as the sum of a The most successful theoretically-based modification to the Van
repulsive and an attractive term: der Waals CEoS consisted in the recognition by Clausius in 1879 [7]
of the temperature-dependency of the energy parameter. In 1949,
P ¼ Prep þ Patt (1) Redlich and Kwong [8] proposed the first temperature-dependent
Although the analytical expressions of the repulsive and formulation which resulted to be sufficiently accurate to gain
attractive terms proposed in literature do not correctly quantify the popularity in the industry. Starting from this outcome, many re-
actual repulsive and attractive contributions to pressure, their sum searches have been focused on the improvement of the functional
results in a quantitative representation of fluid properties being form of this term, which soon proved to strongly affect the
sufficiently accurate to make their combination the “cornerstone of modelling capability of a CEoS in fluid equilibrium calculations. The
the generalized Van der Waals theory” [6]. attractive term of any CEoS can be written as:
0378-3812/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
514 Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538
Table 1
Classification of a-functions commonly found in process simulation software.
Component-dependent a-functions
Polynomial Soave (1984) [24] Stryjek-Vera [11]
a ¼ 1 þ ð1 Tr Þ a þ Tbr a ¼ ½1 þ kð1 pTrffiffiffiffiÞffi 2
k ¼ k0 þ k1 ð1 þ Tr Þð0:7 Tr Þ
k0 ¼ 0:378893 þ 1:4897153u 0:17131848u2 þ 0:0196554u3
k1 ðT 0:7Tc Þs0
k1 ðT > 0:7Tc Þ ¼ 0
Gibbons-Laughton [25] Mathias-Copeman [10]
pffiffiffiffiffi "
a ¼ 1 þ XðTr 1Þ þ Yð Tr 1Þ pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi #2
Tr Þ þ c2 ð1 Tr Þ2
aSUB ¼ aðTr 1Þ ¼ 1 þ c1 ð1 p ffiffiffiffiffi 3
þc3 ð1 Tr Þ
aSUP ¼ aðTr 1Þ ¼ ½1 þ mð1 Tr Þ2
Exponential Twu (1988) [14]
a ¼ Tr2ðM1Þ exp½Lð1 Tr2M Þ
Twu (1991) [15]
e Not any e
a ¼ Trd exp½Lð1 Trg Þ
Trebble-Bishnoi [26]
a ¼ exp½Lð1 Tr Þ
Polynomial & Exponential Melhem-Saini-Goodwin [27] Boston-Mathias [19]
pffiffiffiffiffi 8 pffiffiffiffiffi 2
a ¼ exp½mð1 Tr Þ þ nð1 Tr Þ2 <a ¼ aðT 1Þ ¼ a ¼ ½1 þ mð1 Tr Þ
:a ¼ aðTr > 1Þ ¼ exp½Lð1 Tr Þ g
> 2m
>L ¼
< 1þm
: m
Mathias [28]
8 " pffiffiffiffiffi #2
> 1 þ mðuÞð1 Tr Þ
< aSUB ¼ aðTr 1Þ ¼
pð1 Tr Þð0:7 Tr Þ
aSUP ¼ aðTr > 1Þ ¼ ½exp½Lð1 Trg Þ2
> m
> L ¼ 1 þ þ 0:3p
< 2
> L 1
:g ¼
Generalized a-functions
Polynomial Soave (1972) [3]
8 pffiffiffiffiffi
< a ¼ ½1 þ mðuÞð1 Tr Þ2 e Not any e
m ðuÞ ¼ 0:480 þ 1:574u 0:176u2
: RK
mPR ðuÞ ¼ 0:37464 þ 1:54226u 0:26992u2
Exponential Trebble-Bishnoi [29] Twu (1995) [16,17]
a ¼ exp½Lð1 Tr Þ > ð0Þ ð1Þ
For alkanes; water and carbon dioxide : < a ¼ a þð0Þu½a
ð0Þ N ½M ð0Þ 1 ð0Þ ð0Þ
if u 0:4: L ¼ 0:418 þ 1:58u 0:580u2 a ¼ Tr exp½Lð0Þ ð1 TrM N Þ (see appendix C for more details)
if u 0:4: L ¼ 0:212 þ 2:20u 0:831u2 : að1Þ ¼ T Nð1Þ ½Mð1Þ 1 exp½Lð1Þ ð1 T Mð1Þ Nð1Þ Þ
r r
by Twu (1991) (from now on, called Twu91). Their expressions are
reported below.
< aðTr Þ ¼ h1 þ mðuÞ1 pffiffiffiffi
ffi i2
: mðuÞ ¼ 0:480 þ 1:574u 0:176u
for the Redlich Kwong CEoS
mðuÞ ¼ 0:37464 þ 1:54226u 0:26992u2 for the Peng Robinson CEoS
h i
This a-function is polynomial, generalized and it has a T-overall aðTr Þ ¼ TrNðM1Þ exp L 1 TrMN (9)
formulation. Having regard to its simplicity and to the accuracy of
results obtained by using it, this a-function should be regarded as a This a-function is exponential, component-specific and it has a
reference before deriving any new a-function. These reasons justify, T-overall formulation. Parameters L, M and N have to be optimized,
in fact, its widespread popularity. component by component, over experimental data so that better
accuracy is expected in comparison to the Soave a-function.
The Twu91 a-function [15] Component-dependent a-functions are usually parameterized
516 Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538
over vapor-liquid equilibrium data, which are also the most re- the residual molar enthalpy, the first derivative of a appears in the
ported data in the literature. Therefore, most of the a-functions will mathematical expression of the residual molar enthalpy and en-
have a similar behavior in the subcritical temperature domain. tropy and the second derivative of a appears in the mathematical
However, the literature lacks of specific, theoretically-based expression of the residual heat capacity at constant volume.
guidelines to derive an a-function that could guarantee consistent
> 1 ac aðTÞ vb
> ln f ðT; vÞ ¼ v 1 ln
> v b RTðv r1 bÞðv r2 bÞ RT
> ac aðTÞ v r1 b
> þ ln
> RTbðr1 r2 Þ v r2 b
< vb ac daðTÞ v r1 b
sres ðT; vÞ ¼ R ln ln (10)
> v bðr1 r2 Þ dT v r2 b
> ac aðTÞv daðTÞ v r1 b
> hres ðT; vÞ ¼ RTb ac
> þ aðTÞ T ln
> v b ðv r1 bÞðv r2 bÞ bðr1 r2 Þ dT v r2 b
> cres ðT; vÞ ¼ Tac d aðTÞ ln v r1 b
: v
bðr1 r2 Þ dT2 v r2 b
predictions, also in the supercritical temperature domain, of ther- We can summarize our observations by:
modynamic properties related to the a-function itself and to its 8
derivatives. With that respect, the purpose of the next section is to >
> aðTÞ 0 and continuous
present requirements that a proper a-function should fulfil. >
< da
0 and continuous
For all T : dT (11)
3. Requirements for a consistent a-function
> d2 a
: 2 continuous
Firstly, to avoid non-physical positive values of the attractive
term, a-functions should be positive and thus lead to a decrease of These conditions are often cited in the literature as sufficient
the pressure of the system when the attraction between molecules conditions for consistent predictions of thermodynamic properties
increases. As stated by Deiters [30], a negative a-function “only but: are they really sufficient? In the next section, we are going to
results from compensating an insufficient repulsion term” and answer this key question through a case study: the calculation of
should be regarded as a consequence of a maladjusted model but the isothermal phase diagram of the system CO2-argon at 253.1 K,
not as a theoretical valid behavior. with the Peng-Robinson CEoS, associated with two a-functions that
Secondly, a-functions should be constant at the infinite tem- satisfy criteria in (11). Before presenting calculation results over
perature limit. This constant can be positive or zero. Colina et al. this system, it is worth pointing out that it is a complex mixture to
[31] give proof that the limiting value of a at the infinite temper- be modelled since it exhibits a type III phase behavior in the clas-
ature limit would be equal to zero, by assuming that (i) “at infinite sification scheme of Van Konynenburg and Scott [34].
temperature, the cubic EoS reduces to a hard-body EoS, with re-
sidual internal energy identically zero at all densities” and (ii) the
4. Case-study: prediction of the CO2-argon binary phase
Van der Waals repulsive term RT=ðv bÞ correctly represents hard-
body repulsions. However, Abbott and Prausnitz [32] and Sandler
[33] leave some uncertainty on whether the a-function at infinite
The CO2-argon binary system is considered as a key system for
temperature should assume a zero rather than a positive finite
CO2-Capture and Storage (CCS) applications [35]. It is desired to
value. Since no unquestionable theoretical evidences have been
predict the phase diagram of this system at 253.1 K with the Peng-
found on this issue, we do not conclude about the constant value of
Robinson CEoS and highly efficient mixing rules which combine the
the a-function at infinite temperature.
expression by Huron and Vidal [36] with the residual part of the
Thirdly, as temperature decreases, the average molecular kinetic
Wilson activity-coefficient model [37]. The two parameters of the
energy is reduced, resulting in a system where molecules are
Wilson model were regressed in order to minimize the following
particularly prone to interacting, upon collision. This explains why
objective function which takes into account the deviations between
the CEoS energy parameter should become increasingly important
calculated and experimental molar fractions of CO2 in the liquid (x)
when temperature decreases. In other words, a has to be a
and gas (y) phases:
decreasing function of temperature, its first derivative has not only
to be negative but has also to cancel out at the infinite temperature !2 !2
Nexp exp
xi xcalc X
Nexp exp
yi ycalc
limit to ensure a finite a-value. It should be noticed that, if an a- Fobj;1 ¼ i
þ i
function is both positive and decreasing, it will automatically admit i¼1
xi i¼1
a finite value at the infinite temperature limit.
The last point is that not only the a-function but also its first and where sG is the experimental standard deviation associated to the
second derivatives with respect to the temperature have to be ith data point of property G.
continuous functions of temperature in order to avoid discontinu- In order to test the influence of the selected a-function on the
ities in the calculated state functions. As highlighted in Eq. (10), a resulting calculations, two different a-functions, that are the Soave
indeed appears in the mathematical expression of the fugacity and and the Twu91 a-functions, were successively considered for both
Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538 517
pure carbon dioxide and argon. The m-parameter of the Soave a- in Fig. 2) that, at this temperature, the two a-functions return the
function was calculated by applying Eq. (8), while the three pa- same value. On the other hand, at 253.1 K, argon is supercritical
rameters L, M and N of the Twu91 a-function were determined by (Tr ¼ 1.7), that is at a temperature completely outside the range
minimizing the objective function expressed by Eq. (13), which where the parameters were fitted. At this temperature, the two a-
takes into account the deviations between calculated and pseudo- functions take totally different values (aSoave z 0.8 and aTwu z 0.2),
experimental vapor pressures (P sat ), enthalpies of vaporization as shown in Fig. 3. At this step it is thus possible to conclude that the
ðDvap HÞ and saturated liquid heat capacities (csat
P;L ): mismatch in a-values for argon is the unique responsible for the
X50 sat 50
PEoS ðP; Ti Þ PDIPPR ðTi Þ XDvap HEoS ðP; Ti Þ Dvap HDIPPR ðTi Þ
Fobj;2 ¼ þ
i¼1 i¼1
50 csat sat
P P;L;EoS ðP; Ti Þ cP;L;DIPPR ðTi Þ
i¼1 sat
two phase diagrams were modeled using the same CEoS and the
same mixing rules; they thus only differ in the choice of the a-
When the Soave a-function is used for both compounds, a nearly
perfect prediction of the phase diagram is achieved (the continuous 60
curve is extremely close to the experimental data points). On the
other hand, very poor results are obtained with the Twu91 a- 40
function. By having a look at the dashed curve in Fig. 1, it could be
erroneously concluded that the Peng-Robinson EoS is totally unable
to correlate the CO2-argon system and that it over predicts the bi-
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
nary critical pressure and the solubility of argon in CO2. It is un-
deniably surprising to observe that the generalized Soave a- xAr, yAr
function, which does not contain any adjustable parameter, per-
Fig. 1. Binary phase diagram of the CO2-Ar system at 253.1 K calculated with the Peng-
forms better than the component-dependent Twu91 a-function
Robinson CEoS and two different a-functions parameterized on subcritical vapor-liquid
that involves three adjustable parameters per component. In order equilibrium data.
to better understand the origin of the significant difference be-
tween the two calculated phase diagrams, it is necessary to analyze
more closely each of the two a-functions (Soave and Twu91) which
were designed to accurately reproduce pure component vapor-
liquid equilibrium data. To this aim, a-curves of CO2 and argon
are reported in Figs. 2 and 3. The two figures highlight that, in the
temperature range where the parameters were fitted (let us say
between 0.4Tc and Tc), the Soave and Twu 91 a-functions are
superimposed for both pure components.
At the working temperature of 253.1 K, pure CO2 is subcritical
(Tc ¼ 304.21 K) while pure argon is supercritical (Tc ¼ 150.86 K).
Since for CO2 the working temperature is in the range where the
parameters were fitted, it is not surprising to observe (see x symbol
Table 2
Twu91 a-function parameters of CO2 and argon obtained by minimizing
Eq. (13).
CO2 Argon
L 0.040 0.027
M 0.943 0.968
N 8.538 8.213
Fig. 4. Illustration of the unphysical isobars crossing when the second derivative of an
a-function cancels e case of CO2.
Fig. 7. Binary phase diagram of the CO2-Ar system at 253.1 K when the convexity
Fig. 5. a-function of pure argon and its second derivative when the convexity
constraint is enforced (d2 a=dT 2 > 0).
constraint is enforced.
Fig. 6. a-function of pure CO2 and its second derivative when the convexity constraint
is enforced. 6. Relevance of the parameters obtained by imposing d2a/
dT2 > 0 to predict state functions in the supercritical domain
also reported, to enable the reader to attest that, as imposed, it is Pseudo-experimental enthalpy (h) and heat capacity (cP ) were
always positive. generated for pure CO2 and pure argon in the supercritical domain,
As highlighted by Fig. 5 at the working temperature of 253.1 K, in particular for reduced temperatures ranging from 1.2 to 5. The
the value of the non-convex a-function of argon (being supercritical reference Span-Wagner equation [38] was used in this work to
in this condition) is 0.19. Differently, Twu91 L, M and N parameters estimate properties of CO2 at 10, 59.7, 109, 159 and 209 bar, while
optimized under the imposition of the convexity constraint lead to the Tegeler-Span-Wagner reference equation [39] was used for
an a-function value of 0.81, at the same temperature of 253.1 K. On argon at 10, 42, 74, 106 and 138 bar. Fig. 8 shows the comparison
the other hand, at 253.1 K a-value of CO2, (being subcritical at that between properties calculated with these reference models and
temperature), is only slightly affected by the addition of the con- their values determined with the Peng-Robinson EoS combined
vexity constraint (see Fig. 6); it raises from 1.10 to 1.13. with the Twu91 a-function (see Table 3 for values of L, M, and N). As
Moreover, it should be noticed, from both Figs. 5 and 6, that it can be seen from Fig. 8c and d, molar enthalpies (h) are well
major changes on a-curves, deriving from the imposition of represented by the newly regressed a-functions for both CO2 and
constraint in Eq. (18), lie in the supercritical domain, leaving almost Ar: not only the numerical values are accurately predicted but also
unchanged the subcritical part of it. This is a straightforward the change of h with respect to the temperature is properly
consequence of the fact that, as mentioned above, only subcritical reproduced. Totally different conclusions apply for the cP . The
data were used in the optimization procedure. It is also possible to Peng-Robinson EoS with the currently evaluated a-function pre-
conclude that different sets of parameters leading to the same dicts a “wave shape” while the application of reference equations
520 Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538
Fig. 8. Prediction of supercritical cP of argon (a) and CO2 (b) and prediction of supercritical h of argon (c) and CO2 (d) when convexity constraint (d2 a=dT 2 > 0) only is applied.
Table 4 equations.
Parameters regressed for the Twu91 a-function when both the convexity of To check this hypothesis, the parameters of the Twu91 a-func-
the a-curve ðd2 a=dT 2 > 0Þ and the negativity of the third derivative of the tion of CO2 and argon have been thus re-optimized under the
a-function ðd3 a=dT 3 < 0Þ are enforced.
simultaneous imposition of d2 a=dT 2 > 0 and d3 a=dT 3 < 0. Optimal
CO2 Argon values of parameters are reported in Table 4.
L 0.178 0.123 a-functions that result from the use of these parameters
M 0.859 0.905 (Table 4) are represented in Figs. 9 and 10. These figures also report
N 2.411 1.854 the second derivatives, calculated with respect to temperature,
relative to these a-functions. A major change in the shape of the a-
curve which results from the use of this new set of constraints
results in a weak change of the cP with respect to temperature (a concerns the rate at which a-functions decrease to zero. It can be
minimum is only observed). Such unexpected behavior is particu- seen that the use of parameters reported in Table 3 (optimized over
larly visible in Fig. 8b, relative to CO2. By comparing Figs. 6 and 8b, it the unique constraint d2 a=dT 2 > 0) results in a-functions that equal
is noticeable that both d2 a=dT 2 and cP curves exhibit the same zero at a reduced temperature Tr ~ 4, while the application of pa-
“wave shape” in a similar temperature range. It is thus expected rameters optimized under the simultaneous imposition of
that the cP curve would exhibit a more realistic trend by removing d2 a=dT 2 > 0 and d3 a=dT 3 < 0 generates a-functions that equal zero
the “wave shape” on the d2 a=dT 2 curve. To do that, it is enough to at higher reduced temperatures, Tr > 8. Therefore, for such func-
eliminate (see Fig. 6) the increasing part of such a function. In other tions, the attractive term of the CEoS used for the calculations still
words, it is expected that the imposition of condition d3 a=dT 3 < 0 plays a relevant role at high temperature.
would result in cP variations with temperature, calculated with the Supercritical h and cP of CO2 and argon are represented in Fig. 11.
PR EoS, being similar to those obtained with the reference For both compounds, the quality of prediction of h is similar to the
Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538 521
> a 0 and aðT Þ continuous
Fig. 9. a-function of CO2 and it second derivative when constraints d2 a=dT 2 > 0 and >
d3 a=dT 3 < 0 are simultaneously applied. >
> da da
> 0 and continuous
> dT dT
r r
For all T : d2 a d2 a (19)
> 0 and continuous
> 2
> dTr dTr2
> d3 a
: 0
Fig. 11. Prediction of supercritical cP of argon (a) and CO2 (b) and prediction of supercritical h of argon (c) and CO2 (d) when constraints d2 a=dT 2 > 0 and d3 a=dT 3 < 0 are both
Fig. 13. Prediction of the CO2en-C10 phase diagram at 520 K with different a-functions
He and H2, the critical temperatures of which are 5.20 K and
and classical mixing rules. Red full curve is calculated with the Soave a-function while 33.15 K respectively, are qualified of quantic fluids as their low
blue and green dashed curves are calculated with the Twu91 a-function. Parameters of temperature physical behaviors can only be represented if quantum
the a-function used to calculate the green curve do not satisfy the consistency test effects are taken into account in the modelling procedure. Conse-
while parameters of the blue curve do. (For interpretation of the references to colour in
quently, they must be treated apart from other classical fluids. As an
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
example, Gasem et al. [40] and Mahmoodi et al. [22] noticed that
when a-functions of H2 and He are both regressed on vapor pres-
inconsistent a-function is the value of the optimal kij which was sures, they exhibit an increasing ðda=dT > 0Þ and concave portion
found to be equal to 2.43, far beyond an acceptable value. This ðd2 a=dT 2 < 0Þ followed, at least for H2, by a decreasing ðda=dT < 0Þ
abnormal kij value can be explained by the role this parameter plays and convex portion ðd2 a=dT 2 > 0Þ in the supercritical domain.
when the inconsistent Twu91 a-function is used. Indeed, in this Working with quantic fluids and in order to determine the
case, the kij endorses the role of a corrective term which restores proper shape (convex or concave) of a-functions in the subcritical
the quality of prediction of the CEoS by counterbalancing the temperature range, let us recall that cres
v and the second derivative
wrongly estimated a-value of CO2 at 520 K. At this step, one could of the a-function have always the same sign. We indeed can write:
believe that it is not necessary to regress the a-function parameters
by imposing the constraints listed in Eq. (19) as long as the kij , or Tac v r2 b d2 a
v ðT; vÞ ¼ ln (21)
any other parameter from any mixing rule, can compensate the bðr1 r2 Þ v r1 b dT 2
defects of the a-function. This reasoning is however not admissible >0 phase
because, as previously demonstrated, heat capacities and en-
thalpies of CO2 at 520 K will be extremely poorly predicted if the a- Along the vaporization curve, i.e. when the pure component is in
524 Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538
Fig. 14. Calculation of the mixing enthalpies of the CO2en-C10 system at 470.11 K and 125 bar.
Fig. 15. Calculation of the mixing enthalpies of the CO2en-C10 system at 573.11 K and Fig. 16. Residual heat capacities of vapor and liquid phases of saturated H2.
125 bar.
Fig. 17. Residual heat capacities of vapor and liquid phases of saturated He. Fig. 19. Optimized a-functions of H2. Small dashed curve is regressed on subcritical
data, large dashed curve is regressed on supercritical data, full curve is regressed on
both subcritical and supercritical data.
Table 6
MAPE calculated for He and H2 with respect to the type of data used in the regression procedure of the Twu91 a-function parameters (subcritical, supercritical or both).
- Exhibit a bell shape (increasing and concave functions) below decreasing functions of temperature; therefore, special caution
40e50 K. should be taken when those are applied to light supercritical
- Become decreasing, convex and with a negative third derivative compounds at reduced temperatures above the temperature at
at temperatures higher than 50 K (i.e. they satisfy Eq. (19)). which the minimum of these a-functions occurs.
- Should be regressed on both subcritical and supercritical data to 2 The higher the number of adjustable parameters in a-functions,
achieve satisfying representation accuracy of the thermody- the harder the optimization procedure will be since more con-
namic properties on the whole temperature range. straints on the parameters will have to be added, to ensure that
the function passes the consistency test. Two-parameter a-
After this debate on the particular behavior of quantic fluids, the functions appear as a good trade-off between complexity and
next section aims at discussing which a-functions, published in the flexibility of the a-function formulation.
open literature, pass the proposed consistency test (see Eq. (19)). 3 Piecewise a-functions should at least have 2 parameters in the
subcritical and supercritical temperature domains. Application
9. Do current a-functions available in the open literature pass of the continuity constraint of the first and second derivatives of
the proposed consistency test? an a-function permits to establish relations between subcritical
and supercritical parameters. As a consequence, thermody-
Mathematical conditions on the a-function and its successive namic properties, such as h and cv , would be kept continuous at
derivatives aimed at ensuring consistent and accurate calculations the critical temperature.
of thermodynamic properties in both subcritical and supercritical 4 It should be noticed that, among the two generalized a-func-
domains have been identified along the previous part of this paper tions studied in this paper (Soave and Twu 1995), none of them
(see Eq. (19)). This section evaluates which of the mostly used a- satisfies all the constraints of the proposed consistency test. For
functions of the literature fulfil all these conditions. Mathematical molecules with an acentric factor out of the range ½0 ; 1 or for
derivations are detailed in Appendices A to L and only main results the prediction of heat capacities just above the critical temper-
are reported in Table 7. ature, the Soave a-function should be preferred.
The twelve selected a-functions are those which are generally
available in process simulation software. We selected:
10. Conclusion
1- Soave 1972
2- Soave 1984 The main conclusion of this article is that a-functions must:
3- Gibbons-Laughton 1. Be of class C2, i.e., their first ðda=dTÞ and second ðd2 a=dT 2 Þ de-
4- Stryjek-Vera rivatives must exist and must be continuous for any tempera-
5- Mathias-Copeman ture value,
6- Mathias 2. Be positive for any temperature value ðaðTÞ 0Þ,
7- Twu 1995 3. Be monotonically decreasing for any temperature value
8- Boston-Mathias ðda=dT 0Þ,
9- Trebble-Bishnoi 4. Be convex for any temperature value ðd2 a=dT 2 0Þ,
10- Melhem-Saini-Goodwin 5. Also verify d3 a=dT 3 0 for any temperature value.
11- Twu 1988
12- Twu 1991 All these requirements are absolutely necessary to get accurate
and physically meaningful behaviors in both the subcritical and
As highlighted in Table 7, eight over twelve of these well-known supercritical domains. Other key conclusions follow.
a-functions (Soave 1972, Soave 1984, Gibbons-Laughton, Stryjek-
Vera, Boston-Mathias, Mathias-Copeman, Mathias, Twu 1995) fail The role of the a-function is at least as important as the role of
the proposed consistency test whatever the values of the parame- mixing rules. As highlighted with the CO2-argon binary system,
ters are. The four remaining a-functions (Trebble-Bishnoi, Melhem- even with the most elaborated mixing rules, an inconsistent a-
Saini-Goodwin, Twu 1988, Twu 1991) pass the test but only if function will always lead to poor results if at least one compo-
constraints (sometimes drastic) are added to the parameters. nent is supercritical. The reverse is also true: a consistent a-
We can thus conclude that, presently, it is impossible to find an function coupled with unsuitable mixing rules cannot lead to
a-function which passes our consistency test for any values of the accurate results.
parameters. When the parameters of component-specific a-functions are
From a practical point of view: fitted in order to pass our consistency test [Eq. (19)], pure
component properties in the supercritical region are highly
1 All a-functions which derive from the Soave a-function, the so- improved without deteriorating the accuracy of the calculated
called “polynomial a-functions”, are not monotonically subcritical properties.
Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538 527
Table 7
Mathematical analysis of the mostly used a-functions.
a 0
Gibbons- a ¼ 1 þ XðTr 1Þ þ Yð Tr 1Þ X 0 pffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi
Laughton 2X 2 X Y minð0; 2X þ 2 X Þ
Stryjek-Vera a ¼ ½1 þ kð1 pTrffiffiffiffiÞffi 2 kð1 þ kÞ 0
[11] k ¼ k0 þ k1 ð1 þ Tr Þð0:7 Tr Þ
k0 ¼ 0:378893 þ 1:4897153u 0:17131848u2 þ 0:0196554u3
k1 ðT 0:7Tc Þs0
k1 ðT > 0:7Tc Þ ¼ 0
pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi 2 pffiffiffiffiffi 3 2
Mathias- aSUB ¼ aðTr 1Þ ¼ ½1 þ c1 ð1 Tpr ffiffiffiffiÞþ
ffi c22 ð1 Tr Þ þ c3 ð1 Tr Þ
Copeman aSUP ¼ aðTr > 1Þ ¼ ½1 þ mðuÞð1 Tr Þ
Mathias [28] aSUB ¼ aðTr 1Þ ¼ ½1 þ mðuÞð1 Tr Þ pð1 Tr Þð0:7 Tr Þ2
> a ¼ aðTr > 1Þ ¼ ½exp½Lð1 Trg Þ2
< m
L ¼ 1 þ þ 0:3p
> 2
> L1
: g¼
Twu (1995) >
> a ¼ að0Þ þ u½að1Þ að0Þ
u2½0; 1
[16,17] < ð0Þ ð0Þ
að0Þ ¼ TrN ½M 1 exp½Lð0Þ ð1 TrM N Þ
ð0Þ ð0Þ
: að1Þ ¼ T Nð1Þ ½Mð1Þ 1 exp½Lð1Þ ð1 T Mð1Þ Nð1Þ Þ
r r
(see coefficients in Appendix C)
pffiffiffiffiffi 2
Boston-Mathias aSUB ¼ aðTr 1Þ ¼ aSOAVE ¼ ½1 þ mðuÞð1 Tr Þ 0m3
aSUP ¼ aðTr 1Þ ¼ exp½Lð1 Trg Þ
> 2m
>L ¼ 1 þ m
:g ¼ 1 þ m
Trebble-Bishnoi a ¼ exp½Lð1 Tr Þ L0
Melhem-Saini- a ¼ exp½mð1 Tr Þ þ nð1 Tr Þ2 mn0
Twu (1988) [14] a ¼ T 2ðM1Þ exp½Lð1 T 2M Þ
LM 0
M 0:8909
Twu (1991) [15] a ¼ Trd exp½Lð1 Trg Þ <d 0
Lg 0
> d0
< Lg 0
> g 1 2d þ 2 dðd 1Þ
: 3
4Y þ 4ZX þ 27Z 2 18XYZ X 2 Y 2 0
< X ¼ 3ðg þ d 1Þ
Y ¼ g2 þ 3dg 3g þ 3d2 6d þ 2
: Z ¼ dðd2 3d þ 2Þ
a function is said to be of class C2 if the function, its first derivative and its second derivative are all continuous.
528 Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538
The parameter-optimization procedure, aimed at determining It is recalled that a given function is said to be of class C2 if its
the parameters of a given a-function by minimizing the de- first and second derivatives exist and are continuous.
viations between calculated and experimental vapor-liquid
equilibrium data, can generate many sets of parameters lead- Is the a-function always positive? Yes.
ing to similar objective function values (meaning that the same Is the first derivative of the a-function always negative?
behavior is observed when temperature is below the critical
temperature of the pure compound) but inducing totally The first derivative of this a-function is
different behaviors in the supercritical domain. The constraints
proposed in this paper make it possible to select the best set of 8
parameters. It is believed that similar constraints should be < da ðTr Þ ¼ aðTr Þ PðTr Þ
developed for SAFT-type EoS [41]. It is indeed well-known that dTr Tr (A.4)
the fitting of the three parameters m, s and ε on saturation PðTr Þ ¼ d þ LgTr
pressures and liquid densities leads to many triplets of solutions
The quantity dTda ðT Þ is positive provided PðT Þ is positive itself.
for which the objective function is the same. r
r r
None of the a-functions currently published in the open litera- Study of the sign of PðTr Þ (reported in Table A.1): Tr is positive so
ture passes the proposed consistency test. Researches in this P is a monotonic function of Tr . Therefore, PðTr Þ is positive for any
area thus need to be intensified. value of Tr > 0 if the limits of P are both positive when Tr tends to
0 or to þ∞.
Table A.1
Limit of P at the infinite temperature limit with respect to the signs of L and g.
8 g 8 g
< lim Tr ¼ 0 < lim Tr ¼ þ∞
Tr /0 Tr /0
g > 00 g < 00
: lim Trg ¼ þ∞ : lim Trg ¼ 0
Tr /þ∞ Tr /þ∞
lim PðTr Þ d d ∞ þ∞
Tr /0
lim PðTr Þ þ∞ ∞ d d
Tr /þ∞
Acceptable solution? Yes, if d < 0 No No Yes, if d < 0
Is the a-function of class C2? Yes. Is the third derivative of the a-function always negative?
Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538 529
Inequalities (A.5) and (A.8) are now assumed to be true. The Conclusion:
third derivative of the Twu91 a-function is: Therefore, the Twu91 a-function is a positive decreasing convex
8 function of temperature with a negative third derivative if one of
> d3 a aðTr Þ the two following sets of constraints is verified.
> ðT Þ ¼ 3 RðqÞ
> 3 r 8
> dTr Tr
> >
> d<0
> <d<0 < Lg > 0
< pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
RðqÞ ¼ q3 3ðg þ d 1Þq2 þ g2 þ 3dg 3g þ 3d2 6d þ 2 q Lg > 0 or
> : > g < 1 2d þ 2 dðd 1Þ
> g<1 d : 3
> 2 4Y þ 4ZX 3 þ 27Z 2 18XYZ X 2 Y 2 > 0
> d d 3d þ 2
> (A.13)
q ¼ LgTrg
Where the quantities X, Y and Z are defined by Eq. (A.10).
with q > 0. The quantities X, Y and Z are defined as Appendix B: mathematical study of the Twu88 a-function [14]
< X ¼ 3ðg þ d 1Þ
2 This a-function writes
Y ¼ g2 þ 3dg 3g þ
3d 6d þ 2 (A.10)
> h i
: Z ¼ d d2 3d þ 2 ¼ dðd 1Þðd 2Þ
aðTr Þ ¼ Tr2ðM1Þ exp L 1 Tr2M (B.1)
Polynomial RðqÞ is positive if [42]: This a-function is a particular case of the Twu91 a-function with
8 N set to 2. Therefore, results derived in Appendix A for the Twu91 a-
Z >0 function can be used to determine the conditions on the L and M
Y > 0 or
: H ¼ 4Y 3 þ 4ZX 3 þ 27Z 2 18XYZ X 2 Y 2 > 0 parameters that lead to a consistent Twu88 a-function.
For this a-function, the relations between parameters M, N and
(A.11) d, g are
Since d < 0 (see Eq. (A.5)), the condition Z > 0 (where Z is defined 8
< d ¼ 2ðM 1Þ
by Eq. (A.10)) is always verified. According to Eqs. (A.9) and (A.11), it
g ¼ 2M (B.2)
can be concluded that dT d3 a ðT Þ is negative provided: :
or H ¼ 4Y 3 þ 4ZX 3 þ 27Z 2 18XYZ X 2 Y 2 > 0
Y >0
(A.12) Is the a-function of class C2? Yes.
A graphical representation of the constraints Y < 0 (red area) Is the a-function always positive? Yes.
and X < 0 (yellow area) is proposed in Figure A.1. Colored areas are Is the first derivative of the a-function always negative?
forbidden to parameters g and d, only the white area is permitted.
The concavity constraint of the a-function is also represented (the By combining Eqs. (A.5) and (B.2), one obtains:
blue area is an area wherein the condition ddTa2 ðTr Þ 0 is not satis-
r Lg > 0 M<1
fied). An analysis of the graphic shows that if the constraint X > 0 is ⇔ (B.3)
satisfied then the convexity constraint and the Y > 0 constraint are
d<0 LM > 0
automatically satisfied.
1 1
M þ pffiffiffiz0:947 (B.5)
2 5
Note that the combination of inequalities M < 1 and (B.5) results
in the single inequality (B.5).
M2½0:0448; 0:8909∪½1; 1:2902 (B.8) Is the a-function of class C2? Yes, due to the addition of this
constraint during the regression procedure of the universal
Combining inequalities (B.5) and (B.8) leads to: parameters (see Figure C.1)
M2½0:0448; 0:8909 (B.9) The presence of salient points on the second derivative
curves of this a-function can however be noticed (which is the
As previous, it can be proved that choosing the M parameter in consequence of a non-continuous third derivative of the a-
this range ensures also the convexity of the Twu88 a-function. function).
Finally, according to Eqs. (B.6) and (B.9), one deduces that the
third derivative of the Twu88 a-function is negative provided: Is the a-function always positive? No (see a-function curves
plotted for negative or high positive values of u in Figure C.1(a)).
M < 0:8909 (B.10)
Is the first derivative of the a-function always negative? No
(see Figure C.1(b)).
Is the second derivative of the a-function always positive? No
(see Figure C.1(c)).
Conclusion: Is the third derivative of the a-function always negative? No
To summarize, the Twu88 a-function is a positive decreasing (see Figure C.1(d)).
convex function of temperature with a negative third derivative if
the following set of constraints is verified (resulting from the
combination of Eqs. (B.3) and (B.10)):
LM > 0 To conclude, Figure C.1 shows that the constraints on the first
M < 0:8909 and second derivatives (see Eq. (19)) are passed by molecules
having an acentric factor ranging between 0 and 1. For mole-
cules having a higher acentric factor, the first and second de-
rivatives of the Twu95 a-function fail the proposed consistency
Appendix C: mathematical analysis of the Twu95 a-function [16,17] test (this is for instance the case of n-alkanes heavier than n-
This a-function is said generalized since it does not involve Let us note also that regardless of the u-value, the sign of the
adjustable parameters. The sole knowledge of an experimental third derivative of the Twu95 a-function is not constant on the
value of the acentric factor (u) makes it possible to evaluate aðTr Þ. whole temperature range (see Figure C.1(d)). Inevitably, poor pre-
dictions of heat capacities are obtained in the temperature domain
where the third derivative of the a-function is positive. For all
8 h i molecules, this temperature domain is located in the vicinity of the
> aðTr Þ ¼ að0Þ ðTr Þ þ u að1Þ ðTr Þ að0Þ ðTr Þ
< h i critical temperature, i.e., it can be reached in many practical cases.
N ð0Þ ½M ð0Þ 1 ð0Þ ð0Þ
að0Þ ðTr Þ ¼ Tr exp Lð0Þ 1 TrM N (C.1) Predictions of heat capacities with the Twu95 a-function could thus
> h i be less accurate than those calculated with other simpler a-func-
: ð1Þ N ð1Þ ½M ð1Þ 1 ð1Þ ð1Þ
a ðTr Þ ¼ Tr exp Lð1Þ 1 TrM N tions.
Fig. C.1. The Twu95 a-function (a) and its first (b), second (c) and third derivatives (d) (case of the RK EoS).
The first derivative of this a-function writes It is assumed that L > 0. Doing so, a > 0 and d3 a ðT Þ < 0.
dTr3 r
da Conclusion:
ðTr Þ ¼ L,aðTr Þ (D.2)
dTr To conclude, the Trebble and Bishnoi a-function passes the
proposed consistency test provided L > 0.
As a consequence, da/dTr is negative provided L is positive.
Is the second derivative of the a-function always positive? Appendix E: mathematical study of the Melhem-Saini-Goodwin a-
Yes. function [27]
The second derivative of this a-function indeed writes This a-function involves 2 adjustable parameters (m and n):
532 Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538
By noting that:
pffiffiffiffiffi 2
aðTr Þ ¼ exp mð1 Tr Þ þ n 1 Tr (E.1)
m > n > 006mn > 6n2 04n3 þ 6mn 6n2 > 0 (E.6)
Is the second derivative of the a-function always positive? mðuÞ ¼ 0:37464 þ 1:54226u 0:26992u2 for the PR EoS
Yes. (F.1)
The second derivative of the Melhem-Saini-Goodwin a-function The Soave72 function is certainly the most employed a-function
is: in the oil and gas industries. It is in particular used in the PPR78
[43e45] and PR2SRK predictive models [46].
> aðTr Þ pffiffiffiffiffi Is the a-function of class C2? Yes.
> d2 a
> ðTr Þ ¼ 3=2 Q Tr
Is the a-function always positive? Yes.
> dTr2
> Is the first derivative of the a-function always negative?
> ffi pffiffiffiffiffi 3 pffiffiffiffiffi 2
< Q pffiffiffiffi
Tr ¼ 2ðm nÞ2 Tr þ 4nðm nÞ Tr
|fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} The first derivative of the Soave72 a-function is:
> >0 >0
> sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> pffiffiffiffiffi mðuÞ h pffiffiffiffiffi i aðTr Þ
> þ 2n2 Tr þ n
ðTr Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi 1 þ mðuÞ 1 Tr ¼ mðuÞ
> |ffl{zffl} |{z} dTr Tr Tr
: >0 >0 (F.2)
(E.4) The limit of the first derivative of the a-function when the
temperature tends to þ∞ is:
Under assumption (E.3), all the coefficients of the polynomial Q
are positive, therefore, Q is always positive. da
lim ðTr Þ ¼ ½mðuÞ2 > 0 (F.3)
Tr /þ∞ dTr
Is the third derivative of the a-function always negative?
It appears that the first derivative of the Soave72 a-function is
The third derivative of this a-function is: not always negative.
Due to its polynomial expression in Tr , the Soave72 a-function
can only exhibit two types of behavior, depending on the u-value:
8 3
> d a aðTr Þ pffiffiffiffiffi
> ðTr Þ ¼ 5=2 R Tr
> 3
> 4Tr
> pffiffiffiffiffi 5 pffiffiffiffiffi 4 pffiffiffiffiffi 3
> pffiffiffiffiffi
< R Tr ¼ 4ðm nÞ3 Tr þ 12nðm nÞ2 Tr þ 12n2 ðm nÞ Tr
|fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} (E.5)
> >0 >0 >0
> pffiffiffiffiffi 2 pffiffiffiffiffi
> 3
> þ 4n þ 6mn 6n2 Tr þ 6n2 Tr þ 3n
: |ffl{zffl} |{z}
>0 >0
Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538 533
- either the function is decreasing then increasing for increasing (i.e., a large range of acentric-factor values is covered). It is observed
values of Tr , that in practice, Tmin is often higher than 1500 K, largely above
- or, the function is monotonically increasing. common temperatures encountered in practical applications.
(F.5) Case 2: mð1 þ mÞ < 0
for the RK EoS
This case is observed for the following values of the acentric
for the PR EoS u2 0:8580; 0:2952∪9:2384; 9:8012½ for the RK EoS
To understand whether the irregular behavior of the Soave72 a-
function (i.e., increasing of a for Tr >Tr;min ) may affect practical
applications, the relation between Tr;min and u is now investigated. u2 0:7838; 0:2334∪5:9472; 6:4976½ for the PR EoS
Tr;min is obtained by solving: (F.9)
d3 a 3 mðuÞ½mðuÞ þ 1
ðTr Þ ¼ (F.11)
dTr3 4 5=2
As previous, assuming mð1 þ mÞ > 0, the negativity of the third
derivative is ensured.
When the quantity mð1 þ mÞ is positive (i.e., for acentric-factor
values lying in the ranges defined by Eq. (F.5) or Eq. (F.6), which is
verified in practice for more than 99% of real components), the
Soave a-function is consistent up to the temperature defined by Eq.
Fig. F.1. Tr;min as a function of u.
(F.7), which is generally higher than 1500 K (it can thus be claimed
534 Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538
<a 0 Appendix I: mathematical study of the Mathias-Copeman a-
b 0 pffiffiffiffiffiffi (G.5) function [10]
0 2 ab
This a-function uses two different expressions depending on the
Note that the last condition is automatically satisfied. It appears
temperature domain considered (sub- or super-critical) and in-
that constraints (G.3) and (G.5) are contradictory and cannot be
volves three adjustable parameters (c1 , c2 , c3 )
satisfied simultaneously.
Therefore, if a is positive: 8 " pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi 2 #2
< if Tr 1 : a ðTr Þ ¼ 1 þ c1 1 Tr þ c2 1 Tr
SUB pffiffiffiffiffi 3
- aðTr Þ is negative, at least, on a certain temperature range aðTr Þ ¼ þc3 1 Tr
da ðT Þ is negative for any (positive) temperature value
- dT r
: h pffiffiffiffiffi i2
r if Tr > 1 : aSUP ðTr Þ ¼ 1 þ c1 1 Tr
On the other hand, if a is negative: (I.1)
The second derivative of the Soave84 a-function is: The first derivatives of the Mathias-Copeman a-function are:
Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538 535
8 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi" pffiffiffiffiffi
c1 þ 2c2 1 Tr #
> da a ðT Þ
> if Tr 1 : SUB
ðTr Þ ¼ SUB r
> pffiffiffiffiffi
< dTr Tr
da þ3c3 1 þ Tr 2 Tr
ðTr Þ ¼ (I.2)
dTr >
> sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> da aSUP ðTr Þ
: if Tr > 1 : SUP
ðTr Þ ¼ c1
dTr Tr
daSUB da
ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ SUP ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ c1 (I.3)
dTr dTr
The Mathias-Copeman a-function is thus at least of class C1.
The second derivatives of the Mathias-Copeman a-function are: Appendix J: mathematical study of the Boston-Mathias a-function
8 2
d aSUB PðTr Þ
> if Tr 1 : dT 2 ðTr Þ ¼ 2T 3=2
> The Boston-Mathias a-function contains one universal param-
> r r
> eter mðuÞ:
PðTr Þ ¼ 12c3 Tr 15c3 ðc2 þ 3c3 ÞTr2
> 8 h pffiffiffiffiffi i2
> 3=2
> þ4Tr
> 2c1 c3 þ 10c2 c3 þ c22 þ 15c23 > if Tr 1 : aSUB ðTr Þ ¼ aSOAVE ðTr Þ ¼ 1þmðuÞ, 1 Tr
< >
d2 a <
ðTr Þ ¼ 3T 4c c þ c c þ c þ 2c2 þ 10c2 þ 10c c g
dTr2 >
> r 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 aðTr Þ ¼ if Tr >1 : aSUP ðTr Þ ¼ exp L 1Tr
> >
> >
> þ3c23 þ 2c22 þ c21 þ 3c3 þ c1 þ 3c1 c2 þ 5c2 c3 : with : L ¼ mðuÞ and g ¼ 1þ mðuÞ
> g 2
> þ4c1 c3 þ 2c2
> (J.1)
> d2 aSUP c ð1 þ c Þ
: if Tr > 1 : ðTr Þ ¼ 1 3=2 1 The relations between parameters L, g and mðuÞ were derived
dTr 2Tr by Boston and Mathias assuming that
(I.4) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
- The first derivatives of aSUB and aSUP are equal at the critical
Therefore, one has: temperature,
8 2 - The second derivative of aSUP has to be equal to zero at the
> d aSUB c ð1 þ c1 Þ
> ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ 1 critical temperature.
< dT 2 2
> d2 aSUP c ð1 þ c1 Þ þ 2c2
A priori, these assumptions do not guaranty for the function to
: ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ 1 be of class C2 and more generally, to pass the proposed consistency
dTr2 2
test for a-functions.
As a consequence, the Mathias-Copeman a-function is of class
C2 provided c2 is set equal to 0. Doing so, this a-function would Is the a-function of class C2?
loose one of its three adjustable parameters.
The first derivatives of the Boston-Mathias a-function are:
8 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Conclusion: >
> daSUB aSUB ðTr Þ
> if Tr 1 : ðTr Þ ¼ mðuÞ
At this step, there is no need to pursue the study: it is obvious da < dT T
r r
that the Mathias-Copeman a-function cannot pass the consistency ðTr Þ ¼ (J.2)
dTr >
test since the C2-class condition requires to annihilate coefficient c2 >
> da
: if Tr > 1 : SUP ðTr Þ ¼ LgTrg1 aSUP ðTr Þ
and consequently to modify the a-function expression. dTr
In addition, it is remarkable that the Mathias-Copeman a-
function is similar to the Soave72 a-function for Tr > 1 except that At Tr ¼ 1, one has:
the universal mðuÞ parameter of the Soave function is replaced by 8
an adjustable parameter c1. >
> daSUB
If, as often seen in practice, the parameter c1 is set to mðuÞ, the < dT ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ mðuÞ
Mathias-Copeman a-function would loose a second adjustable (J.3)
> da mðuÞ
parameter (c1 ). It would result that the Mathias-Copeman a-func- >
ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ Lg ¼ g ¼ mðuÞ
dTr g
tion would only contain one adjustable parameter (c3 ).
Furthermore, similarly to the Soave72 a-function, the Mathias- This proves that the Boston-Mathias a-function is at least of
Copeman a-function exhibits an unphysical behavior at infinite class C1.
temperature: The second derivatives of the Boston-Mathias a-function are:
536 Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538
8 2
> d aSUB mðuÞ½mðuÞ þ 1
> ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼
< dT 2 2
> d2 aSUP mðuÞ ½mðuÞ2
: ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ Lg ½L g g þ 1 ¼ mð uÞ mðu Þ 1 þ 1 ¼
dTr2 2 2
2 2
aSUB ðT ¼ 1Þ
Since d dT s d aSUP
ðTr ¼ 1Þ, the Boston-Mathias At Tr ¼ 1:
2 r dTr2
a-function is thus not of class C2. 8
> daSUB mðuÞ mðuÞ
< ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ 2 þ pð1:7 2Þ ¼ 2 þ 0:3p
Conclusion: dTr 2 2
At this step, there is no need to pursue the study. Not being of >
> daSUP
> mðuÞ
class C2, the Boston-Mathias a-function does not pass the proposed : ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ 2Lg ¼ 2 þ 0:3p
dTr 2
consistency test.
Appendix K: mathematical study of the Mathias a-function [28]
> d2 aSUB
> ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ 0:5m2 þ 0:6mp þ 0:18p2 þ 0:5m 4p
> dT 2
> r
< 2
d aSUP
ðTr ¼ 1Þ ¼ 2Lg½2Lg g þ 1 (K.5)
> 2
> dTr
> 10m2 þ 12mp þ 5m3 þ 9m2 p þ 5:4mp2 þ 10m þ 3:6p2 þ 1:08p3 þ 6p
10 þ 5m þ 3p
Y. Le Guennec et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 427 (2016) 513e538 537
d2 aSUB d2 aSUP
Since dTr2
ðTr ¼ 1Þ s dTr2
ðTr ¼ 1Þ, the Boston-Mathias a-
function is thus not of class C . 2 lim ðTr Þ ¼ X (L.8)
Tr /þ∞ dTr
Therefore, X has to be negative. This condition is contradictory
Conclusion: with condition (L.3). The reason of this contradiction is that the
At this step, there is no need to pursue the study. Not being of Gibbons and Laughton a-function exhibits a minimum when
class C2, the Mathias a-function does not pass the proposed con- X0
(this behavior is similar to the one of the Soave72 a-
sistency test. Y0
function). As a conclusion, the Gibbons and Laughton a-function
can only be decreasing on a limited temperature range ½0 ; Tr;min .
Appendix L: mathematical study of the Gibbons and Laughton a- As illustrated in Figure L.1, the minimum of the a-function is found
function [25] at