Monograph Assessment Rubric
Monograph Assessment Rubric
Monograph Assessment Rubric
1. Index
2. introduction
3. Objetives
4. Content (25 pages mínimum)
a. 25 pages long
b. Doble space
c. Font size 12
d. Margins (superior and left 1 ½, inferior
and left 1 inch)
e. Complete pages (no spaces left)
5. Quotations (10 minimum)
6. Conclusions
7. Bibliography (10 minimum)
Exemplary/ Excellent
Topic Beginning/Unacceptable Developing/Fair Accomplished/Good Exemplary/Excellent
Selection 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
Topic is very general and has no Student has narrowed the Topic is specific enough that the Topic of the paper is clearly
focus. Scope of the paper is so topic somewhat. Further student can give proper defined. Research focus has been
broad it is impossible to give research may lead to a treatment within the given narrowed by specific criteria. The
proper treatment within the given better topic selection. length. Student may still need to state-of-the-art may be clearly
length. narrow the focus by applying given within the paper's length.
specific criteria to eliminate
unnecessary information.
Writing is not logically organized. In general, writing is Writing is logically organized to Ideas are arranged logically to
Paragraphs lack topic sentences logically organized. support the central purpose. support the purpose of the
and may contain more than one Occasionally paragraphs Paragraphs contain only one paper. Paragraphs contain one
major idea. Paragraphs and contain more than one main idea, with each paragraph topic sentence, and supporting
sentences do not support each main idea or contain supporting the others. The sentences clearly flow from one
other. sentences unrelated to the reader can follow the structure to the other. Paragraphs also are
main idea. Some support of the paper and understands clearly linked to each other. The
and flow among the writer's intentions. reader can easily follow the
paragraphs. Reader has a paper.
fairly clear idea of what the
writer intends.