Circular Letter No.4268-Add.1 Indonesia
Circular Letter No.4268-Add.1 Indonesia
Circular Letter No.4268-Add.1 Indonesia
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has sent the attached communication,
dated 29 July 2020, with the request that it be circulated by the Organization.
ANNEX Circular Letter No.4268/Add.1
Annex, page 1
Subject: Re: Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Extension of Contingency Plan for Seafarers and
Ship Owners / Operators: Guidance relating to the certification of seafarers.
In reference to the Circular letter number 4268 dated 16 April 2020 with subject communication from
the Governments of (i) the Republic of Indonesia and (ii) Tuvalu, the Directorate General of Sea
Transportation (DGST), Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia as the “Administrator”
is informing the Organization in relation to issuance of DGST Circular No.30 Year 2020 regarding
Extension of Contingency Plan for Seafarers and Ship Owners / Operators due to COVID-19. As
this DGST Circular No.30 has been into effect, therefore DGST Circular Number 11 is revoked.
It would be grateful for the IMO Secretariat to disseminate the attached information to all Member
States and relevant stakeholders.
The Directorate General of Sea Transportation avails itself to this opportunity to renew the Secretary
General of IMO, the assurance of its highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
1. In accordance with the Circular Letter International Maritime Organization (IMO) No.4202/Add.5
on 17th March 2020 regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance relating to the certification
of seafarers, addressed to all IMO member countries, intergovernmental and consultative
non-governmental organizations (NGO).
COVID-19 related-links are as follows:
a. Circular Letter No.4204/Add.5 (17 th March 2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance relating
to the certification of seafarers.
b. Circular Letter No.4204/Add.4 (5th March 2020) contains ICS Coronavirus (COVID-19) –
Guidance for ship operators for the protection of the health of seafarers.
c. Circular Letter No.4204/Add.3 (2 nd March 2020) – Operational considerations for managing
COVID-19 cases/outbreak on board ships.
d. Circular letter No.4204/Add.2 (21 st February 2020) contains the Joint Statement IMO-WHO
on the Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak.
2. In conjunction with the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia (PP) Number 21
Year 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions to Accelerate the Containment of
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
3. In conjunction with the President of the Republic of Indonesia Decree Number 12 of 2020 on the
Determination of Non-Natural Disasters of the Spread of COVID-19 as a National Disaster.
4. Considering that many of the port countries imposed various shipping and maritime operational
restrictions as an effort to anticipate the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, such as:
a. Delay on port clearance;
b. Delay on embarking and disembarking crew or passengers;
c. Delay on loading and unloading cargo, fuel, water, and food;
d. Quarantine imposition or ship refusal entering the port (in extreme case), etc.
c. For every Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) holder whose certificate is in the fifth year of its
period of validity on the dates of the COVID-19 disaster, not being able to sign-off, having
restrictions on transportation, and other constraints in connection with efforts to break the
chain of the COVID-19 transmission, the certificate is declared to remain valid for 6 (six)
months after the issuance of this Circular.
d. Any Seafarers / Cadets who will take courses and training may follow training timetables as
scheduled by the relevant Education and Training Institutes.
e. Minimum Safe Manning Document can be given exemption on a case by case basis if the
crew must be signed off due to COVID-19 transmission and the ship owner or operator has
not been able to provide a replacement, by providing a risk assessment in advance by the
ship owner or operator.
f. The company is obliged to inform every seafarer on board the ship regarding the risk of
COVID-19 transmission, and to explain the reasons why they must remain on board, as well
as to take protective and regulatory measures for the seafarer return, to follow the direction
of the local health authority and to adhere to the health protocols applied by each country.
g. Sign On documents for seafarers having departure documents and ticket to destination
country of placement can be signed-on and departed. Taking into account the safety and
health of seafarers, as well as the policies of the destination country regarding COVID-19.
h. If Seafarer’s Employment Agreement (SEA) has ended, then SEA can be considered still
valid until the seafarer returned or until a new SEA is issued. Ship owner or operator must
repatriate the seafarer in the first place and prepare replacements where possible.
i. Regarding Seafarer Book which expires while still on-board and in condition that the ship
cannot enter the destinated port or the country visited applying lockdown policy due to
COVID-19, the Seafarer Book is still declared valid.
j. Ship owner or operator is responsible for any surcharge of the seafarer repatriation costs,
medical treatment cost, or any cost related with the return of a seafarer suspected of being
infected with COVID-19. If it is deemed necessary, the ship owner or operator have to contact
Deposit Insurance Corporation / Financial Insurance Agency to ensure the insurance or other
financial guarantee regarding the issue.
k. Regarding sea service for seafarer working on board ship without any cargo or on board of
lay-up ship, it will be still recognized as the sea service to fulfil the requirements for Certificate
of Competency (CoC) or Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) issuance.
l. Cadet or apprentice carrying internship on board ship and cannot continue his internship due
to COVID-19 outbreak, however, the cadet or apprentice has finished his 9 months of
internship on board ship is valid for the requirement to continue his study and/or to issue his
Certificate of Competency.
m. In accordance with STCW Regulation I/9 and MLC 2006 Reg.A1.2, the Medical Certificate
for Seafarers in a certain condition such as COVID-19 outbreak may apply automatically for
3 (three) months after the validity period expires.
n. Every Certificate of Recognition (CoR) of foreign nationals working on board of Indonesian-
flagged ship in accordance with STCW Regulation I/10, which expires in the validity period
of this Circular Letter, the seafarer can send a copy of Certificate of Recognition (CoR) and
this Circular Letter to Directorate General of Sea Transportation cq. Directorate of Marine
Safety and Seafarers through email: [email protected] and a temporary Certificate
of Recognition (CoR) will be issued which is valid for 6 months from the issuance of this
Circular Letter.
o. Regarding the Approval of any Education and Training Program that has exceeded its
expiration date, it is declared to remain valid, and its Approval will be audited for the purpose
of renewal in the first occasion after the government determines the end of the COVID-19
p. For the Approval of any Education and Training Program that is still valid but has entered an
annual evaluation period (surveillance) on the dates of the COVID-19 disaster/outbreak, the
relevant Education and training institutions may carry out the training programs in
accordance with the provisions specified by the government in order to prevent the spread
of the COVID-19 outbreak; an annual evaluation is carried out after the government
determines the end of the COVID-19 outbreak.
q. For the Approval of any Education and Training Program that deals with institutional status
changes during the COVID-19 outbreak, the relevant education and training institution may
submit its institutional changes; an Institutional evaluation process will be carried out after
the government determines the end of the COVID-19 outbreak.
r. For any Education and Training Program whose Approval is in an ongoing process, the
process of its Approval will be resumed after the government determines the end of the
COVID-19 outbreak.
s. Any Approval submissions of new Training Programs will be evaluated after the government
determines the end of the COVID-19 outbreak.
6. With the stipulated of this Circular Letter, previous Circular Number SE. 11 Year 2020 on
Contingency Plan Guidelines for Seafarers and Ship Owners / Operators Due to COVID-19 is
no longer entered into force.
7. This Circular Letter is valid for 6 (six) months, starting from the stated date.
Stated in : JAKARTA
Date : 29 J u l y 2020