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पोत पररवहन मींत्रालय / MINISTRY OF SHIPPING

नौवहन महाननदे शालय, मब
ुीं ई

F. No. 7-NT(72)/2014 Date: 20.03.2020

DGS Order No. 04 of 2020

Subject: Instructions to all major and minor ports for dealing with novel coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic - reg.

1. The Directorate has issued instructions on dealing with novel coronavirus (COVID-
19) vide DGS Order No. 02 of 2020 dated 16.03.2020, DGS Order No. 03 of 2020 &
20.03.2020 and maritime advisories vide M.S. Notice 02 of 2020 dated 28.01.2020, M.S.
Notice 03 of 2020 dated 04.02.2020 & M.S. Notice 06 of 2020 dated 03.03.2020 (F. No. 7-

2. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic across large number of nations is an

unprecedented situation in recent times. To slow the spread of the disease and mitigate its
impacts, travel advisories have been issued by many jurisdictions including India. However,
shipping services are required to continue to be operational so that vital goods and essential
commodities like fuel, medical supplies, food grains etc., are delivered and to ensure that the
economic activity of the nation is not disrupted. It is, therefore, important that the flow of
goods by sea should not be needlessly disrupted without compromising the safety of life and
protection of the environment. In view of the same, it has been decided that for the continued
operation of vessels and ports, the following shall be complied with by all stakeholders till
further orders.

All Vessels

3. The master of a vessel, before arrival at its first port of call in India, shall ascertain the
state of health of each person on board the vessel and submit the Maritime Declaration of
Health to the concerned health authorities of the port and to the port authorities.

ीं टे क्नो कैम्पस, काींिुर गौव रो‍, काींिूर मागग (पूव)ग , मींबई – 400042
बीटा बबल‍ीींग, 9वी मींजिल, आई थ क
9th Floor, BETA Building, I-Think Techno Campus, Kanjur Village Road Kanjurmarg (E) / Mumbai - 400042
फोन/Tel.: 91-22-25752040/1/2/3, फैक्स/Fax.: 91-22-25752029/35 ई-मेल/E-mail: [email protected] वेबसाईट /Website: www.dgshipping.gov.in

4. The format of the Maritime Declaration of Health shall be as per Annex 8 of the
International Health Regulations 2005, issued by World Health Organisation which has also
been adopted by International Maritime Organisation by the FAL Convention at section A
(2.1). Copy of the model Maritime Declaration of Health is enclosed.

5. The Maritime Declaration of Health shall be forwarded at least 72 hours prior arrival
of the vessel at the port. If the voyage duration from last port of departure is less than 72
hours, the Maritime Declaration of Health shall be informed to the port immediately on
departure from the port. In addition, the information required by the local health authorities
of the port like temperature chart, individual health declaration etc. shall also be provided by
the master as per the directives of the local health authorities of the port.

6. If the master of the vessel ascertains that a person on board the vessel is exhibiting
symptoms of COVID-19, the same shall be explicitly mentioned in the Maritime Declaration
of Health being forwarded to the health authorities and to the port.

7. If the maritime declaration of health given by the master is found to be incorrect and
not reflecting the factual conditions of health of persons on board the vessel, the master is
liable to be prosecuted as per applicable laws. All agents of the vessel shall ensure that
this information regarding possible prosecution for incorrect declaration is clearly informed
to the vessel before its arrival at Indian ports.

8. In case of any suspected person on board the vessel, the master shall ensure that the
suspected person is isolated in the ship’s hospital, or other suitable location on the vessel. All
other persons who may have come in contact with the suspected person shall also be isolated
at appropriate locations as decided by the master. The master shall also ensure that all
instructions issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, as well as
the guidance issued on dealing with COVID-19 matters by World Health Organization
(WHO), International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other applicable trade bodies are
complied with at all times.

9. Vessels having persons suspected of COVID-19 will necessarily be required to be

monitored by the health authorities and put in quarantine, if necessary. Samples from the
suspected person will be taken and tested as per the instructions of the health authorities. If
the samples are tested positive, the vessel will remain in quarantine and the infected person(s)
will be dealt with as per the procedures laid down by MoHFW, Govt. of India. Vessels with
infected person shall also be sanitized as per the extant protocols for dealing with COVID-19

10. In case of medical emergency, the health authorities shall supervise transport of the
patient to the designated hospital as per the procedures laid down by MoHFW, Govt. of India.

11. In the unfortunate incident for a vessel to deal with deceased person suspected of
having COVID-19, the guidelines on dead body management issued by MoHFW, Govt. of
India, will apply.

12. Vessels arriving from ports of infected countries identified for mandatory quarantine
and travel ban by MoHFW, Govt. of India before 14 days of departure from the infected port,
or having seafarers embarked on the vessel who have been in infected regions within 14 days
of arrival at any Indian port shall need to comply with additional measures as given in the
Annex 1. The updated list of infected countries may be obtained from the website of
MoHFW, Govt. of India.

13. Vessels arriving from any port in China to have the necessary quarantine period of 14

14. Stoppages of a vessel at any port of infected countries only for bunkering purposes
shall not be counted for the calculation of 14 days from port of departure.

15. Vessels that have arrived at Indian port after 14 days of departure from an infected
port need not comply with the additional requirements specified in Annex 1.

16. Ports which are not able not comply with the additional requirements specified in
Annex 1 shall not allow the vessels to berth for vessels which have arrived within 14 days
from the infected countries.

17. Pilot shall normally not be assigned to any vessel unless pratique is granted to the
vessel. Prior boarding the vessel, the master of the vessel shall reconfirm to the pilot that all
persons on board the vessel are healthy and there are no suspected cases of persons infected
by COVID-19 on board the vessel. The master of the vessel shall also ensure that all the
areas through which the pilot is likely to pass are appropriately disinfected and sanitized as
per the required protocol and shall further confirm about the same to the pilot before the pilot
boards the vessel.

18. All ships personnel who are likely to interact with the pilot should be wearing
appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In addition, the bridge team shall be
wearing appropriate PPE at all times while the pilot is on the vessel. Pilot shall also be
wearing appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).
Annex 1

Vessels arriving from ports of infected countries within 14 days of departure from the infected
port, or having seafarers embarked on the vessel who have been in infected regions within 14
days of arrival at any Indian port shall comply with the following additional measures:

1. Health authorities shall grant pratique prior berthing as per necessary health protocols.

2. The mooring ropes and pilot ladders of such vessels shall be sanitized.

3. The pilot shall be provided full body protection suit.

4. Mooring boat and mooring gang to be provided with adequate PPE, if applicable.

5. Gangway to be kept in raised condition at all times.

6. No person to be permitted on board without specific permission from port authorities.

7. All personnel’s boarding the vessel for cargo operations shall wear full body protection suit.
Also the used PPE shall be disposed off as per the appropriate protocols.

8. Vessel staff assisting in cargo operations to also wear full body protection suit and maintain
safe distance of at least 6 feet.

9. Vessel to sanitize and disinfect after the completion of cargo operations.


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Instructions for ports & shipping

for prevention & managing outbreak of

(Provisionally valid till 31.03.2020)


1. The content provided in this document is for information and educational purposes only
and is not a substitute for professional advice or guarantee of outcome. Information is
gathered and shared from reputable sources; however, DG Shipping is not responsible for
errors or omissions in reporting or explanation.
2. No individuals, should use the information, resources or tools contained within to self-
diagnosis or self-treat any health related condition. DG Shipping gives no assurance or
warrant regarding accuracy, timelines or applicability or the content.
3. All pictures / photos used in the guidance document are taken from the internet.

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The content of this document has been derived and complied from Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare (MoHFW), Ministry of Shipping (MoS), International Maritime Organization
(IMO), World Health Organisation (WHO), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) &
Centre of Disease Control (CDC).



World Health Organisation (WHO) China country office on 31.12.2019 has informed of cases of
pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China.
The Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus, which was isolated on 07.01.2020 by
laboratory testing. It is a new strain that had not previously been detected in humans before the
outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China.
This “novel” coronavirus is now officially named as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). It is
from the family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases
such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS - CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS - CoV).
WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock. The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases
have been confirmed in large number of countries due to which the World Health Organisation (WHO)
on 11.03.2020 has characterized COVID-19 as pandemic.



Coronaviruses (CoV) derive their name from the fact that under electron microscopic examination, each
virion is surrounded by the corona. Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness
ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
(MERS - CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS -CoV). So far, seven types of
coronavirus are infecting people.

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Novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. This
“novel” coronavirus is now officially named as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19
belongs to the same big family. Evolution analysis shows that they are under different subgroup
branches with different genetic sequences.




COVID-19 causes respiratory disease and is mainly

transmitted in person-to-person. It can happen in the
following circumstances:
Between people who are in close contact with one
another (within about 6 feet)

Through respiratory droplets produced when an

infected person coughs or sneezes

These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of

people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into
the lungs

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Contact with Infected Surfaces or Objects

A person can possibly get COVID-19 by touching a surface or an object (e.g. doorknobs and table)
that has the virus on it and then touching his own mouth, nose, or eyes.


The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to the symptoms of ordinary flu. A study of
where a patient has been or whom the patient has had contact with will give clues as to whether the
patient may have been exposed to COVID-19.


Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases.

The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure:



Shortness of breath


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According to WHO, people of all ages can be infected by COVID-19. The following groups of
people appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.

The elderly People with pre-existing medical conditions such as

asthma, diabetes and heart disease


Close Contacts Health care professional

Close contact is a person who, for example, has stayed in the same cabin, participated in common
activities, dined together, a cabin steward, or someone who has a contact within 1 meter or was in
the closed environment with the suspect/confirmed COVID-19 case.

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Transmission may occur during the incubation period before a person shows signs of sickness. The
incubation period of the virus is the time between the exposure and the display of symptoms. Current
information suggests that the incubation period ranges from 1 to 12.5 days (with median estimates
of 5 to 6 days), but can be as long as 14 days.


COVID-19 SARS Influenza Common Cough

Clinical Excessive Coughs; Running nose; Nasal
Manifestations fatigue; coughs; breathing sneezing; congestion;
shortness of difficulties; coughs; high coughs; sore
breaths; coughing fatigue; temperature; throat; throat
up yellow or headache and muscle pain; discomfort;
green mucus; diarrhea; fever diarrhea; sneezing
chest X-ray vomiting
shows scattered
opacities in the
Incubation Period 7-14 days 2-7 days 1-4 days 1 day
Ways of Short distance Short distance Coughs; Droplets spread;
Transmission droplets spread; droplets sneezing and contact with
close contact; spread; close droplets spread; infected nasal
contacts with contact contact with secretions
animals secretions of an
infected person
Preventive Regular and Cover mouth Vaccination (flu Regular hand
Measures frequent hand and nose when shot); keep wash, wear a
washing; check sneezing and hands clean; surgical mask,
body coughing; wear a surgical boost your
temperature; use regular and mask; improve immune system
alcohol-based frequent hand airflow
disinfectant; wear washing; do
a surgical mask; not touch nose
enhance airflow; and mouth;
avoid contacts wear a surgical
with animals or mask; enhance
eat game meat airflow

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The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to it. WHO recommends the following
actions to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases:

• Wash hand frequently

• Maintain Social Distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance
between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing
• Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
• Practice respiratory hygiene
• Seek medical care early if you have a fever, cough, and
difficulty breathing
• Practice food safety


Hand hygiene is the most important measure of reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Crew members should perform hand hygiene properly and frequently, especially
before touching eyes, nose, and mouth. When hands are visibly soiled or likely
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contaminated with blood and body fluid or after the contact with infected persons, it
is advised to clean hands with liquid soap and water.

Follow five easy steps below –

Step 1 – Wet your hands with clean, running water

Step 2 – Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to
lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.

Step 3 – Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Step 4 – Rinse your hands well under clean, running water

Step 5 – Dry your hands using a clean towel.


Hand sanitizer is a liquid generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands. If hand washing
facilities are not available, or when hands are not visibly soiled, perform hand hygiene with 70% to
80% alcohol-based hand sanitizer (e.g., isopropyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol). It is an effective
alternative to prevent cross-transmission of infectious diseases via hands.

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The hand-rubbing technique of using alcohol-based hand sanitizers is similar to hand washing.

Step 1 – Use a sufficient amount, around 3 to 5 ml of alcohol-based hand

sanitizer to cover all surfaces of your hands.

Step 2 – Rub your palms, then back of hands, finger webs, back of
fingers, thumbs, fingertips, and then wrists.

Step 3 – Rub for at least 20 seconds until your hands are dry.

Step 4 – Let the alcohol dry on your hands; do not wipe it off with a
paper towel.

Point to note:

Check the expiry date of alcohol-based hand sanitizer before using

Hand sanitizers are flammable

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The vessel must maintain below Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when calling infected areas.

Disposable surgical masks

Disposable gloves

Eye Protection

Face Shields

Medical Gown

Ray Thermometer


Face mask provides a physical barrier to

fluids and large particle droplets. Surgical
mask is a type of face mask commonly
used. When used properly, surgical
masks can prevent infections transmitted
by respiratory droplets.

Most surgical masks adopt a three-layer design which includes an outer fluid- repelling layer, a
middle layer serves as a barrier to germs, and an inner moisture- absorbing layer. Mask without the
above functions is not recommended as it cannot provide adequate protection against infectious
diseases transmitted by respiratory droplets.

Crew members should wear surgical masks when they have respiratory infection; when taking care
of persons with respiratory infection in order to reduce the spread of infection. Please note the
following points when wearing a mask.

• Choose the appropriate mask size

• Perform hand hygiene before putting on a surgical mask

• The surgical mask should fit snugly over the face

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Disposable safety gloves are worn to prevent cross-

contamination between the infected person(s) / object(s)
and people who perform cleaning/people who enter the
medical care area. Change gloves if they are torn or

When finished, place used gloves in a biohazard trash

bag. Wash your hands immediately after handling these


Goggles are forms of protective eyewear that usually enclose

or protect the area surrounding the eye to prevent particulates,
water, or chemicals from striking the eyes.

Disinfect used goggles according to the manufacturer’s

instructions after use.

This is required when handling sick persons or cleaning where

infected people were residing.


Face shield that covers the front and sides of the face provides
adequate protection against the droplets

This is required when handling sick persons or cleaning where

infected people were residing.


An infrared thermometer is a thermometer that infers temperature from

a portion of the thermal radiation, sometimes called black-body
radiation emitted by the object being measured. This is required to
measure the body temperature of the visitors and crew members.

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Nonsterile, disposable patient isolation gowns, which are used for routine patient care in healthcare
settings, are appropriate for use by patients and medical care providers with suspected or confirmed
COVID-19 cases. For gowns, it is essential to have sufficient overlap of the fabric so that it wraps
around the body to cover the back (ensuring that if the wearer squats or sits down, the gown still
protects the back area of the body).

Note: The PPE, as depicted in the picture, is minimum PPE required for health care
professionals when handling sick persons or cleaning areas where infected people were

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Hand wash

Hand sanitizers

Cleaning disinfectant (bleach)

Rubbing alcohol

Other disinfectants


Hand hygiene is the most important measure of reducing the

spread of COVID-19. Crew members should perform hand hygiene
properly and frequently, especially before touching eyes, nose and
mouth. When hands are visibly soiled or likely contaminated with
blood and body fluid or after the contact with infected persons, it is
advised to clean hands with liquid soap and water.


Hand sanitizer is a liquid generally used to decrease infectious

agents on the hands. If hand washing facilities are not
available, or when hands are not visibly soiled, performing
hand hygiene with 70% to 80% alcohol-based hand sanitizer
(e.g. isopropyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol) is an effective
alternative to prevent cross transmission of infectious diseases
via hands.

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Bleach is a strong and effective disinfectant. Its active ingredient,

sodium hypochlorite, denatures protein in micro-organisms and
is therefore effective in killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Household bleach works quickly and is widely available at a
low cost. Diluted household bleach is thus recommended for the
disinfection of the environment.


Dilute and use bleach in a well-ventilated area.

Put on appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (e.g.,

mask, gloves, safety goggles, and plastic apron) when
diluting or using bleach as it irritates mucous membranes, the skin, and the airway.

Mix bleach with cold water as hot water decomposes the active ingredient of bleach and
renders it ineffective.

Bleach containing 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. Properly dilute the bleach to achieve
appropriate concentration as follows:

o 1:99 diluted household bleach (mixing 1 part of 5.25% bleach with 99 pieces of water)
is used for general household cleaning and disinfection.

o 1:49 diluted household bleach (mixing 1 part of 5.25% bleach with 49 parts of water)
is used for surfaces or articles contaminated with vomitus, excreta and secretions.

o 1:4 diluted household bleach (mixing 1 part of 5.25% bleach with 4 parts of water) is
used for surfaces or articles contaminated with blood spillage.

Make adjustments to the amount of bleach added if its concentration of sodium hypochlorite
is above or below 5.25%.

o Calculation: Multiplier of the amount of bleach added = 5.25 concentration of

sodium hypochlorite in bleach

o For example, when diluting a bleach containing only 5% sodium hypochlorite, the
multiplier is 5.25 / 5 = 1.05. That means 10ml x 1.05 = 10.5ml of bleach should be
used when preparing a bleach solution.

Use a tablespoon or measuring cup for accurate measurement of the amount of bleach

Clean all surfaces, frequently touched surfaces and floors with bleach.

Leaving the bleach solution for a contact time of at least 10 minutes is recommended.
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Point to note:

Avoid using bleach on metals, wool, nylon, silk, dyed fabric and painted surfaces.

Avoid touching the eyes. If bleach gets into the eyes, immediately rinse with water for at least
15 minutes and consult a doctor.

Do not use bleach together with other household detergents as this reduces its effectiveness in
disinfection and causes dangerous chemical reactions. For example, a toxic gas is produced
when bleach is mixed with acidic detergents such as those used for toilet cleaning. This can
result in accidents and injuries. If necessary, use detergents first and rinse thoroughly with
water before using bleach for disinfection.

Undiluted bleach liberates a toxic gas when exposed to sunlight, thus store in a cool, shaded
place and out of reach of children.

Sodium hypochlorite decomposes with time. To ensure its effectiveness, purchase recently
produced bleach and avoid over-stocking.

For effective disinfection, use diluted bleach within 24 hours after preparation as
decomposition increases with time if left unused.


Alcohol (e.g., isopropyl 70% and ethyl alcohol 60%) can be used to
wipe down surfaces where the use of bleach is not suitable e.g.


Check with the manufacturer that they are active against


Disinfectants should be prepared and applied in accordance

with the manufacturer’s guidelines. Ensure that appropriate
contact time is given before removing any disinfected

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Where possible, seal off the areas where the suspected/confirmed case has visited before
carrying out cleaning and disinfection of the contaminated environmental surfaces. This is to
prevent unsuspecting persons from being exposed to those surfaces

Keep windows open for ventilation as disinfectants/bleach will be used for cleaning

Cleaning crew member(s) should be attired in suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Mop floor with bleach (dilute 1 part bleach in 50 parts water, or 1000 ppm)

Wipe all frequently touched areas at least daily with chemical disinfectants according to
manufacturer's instructions, bleach solution or alcohol (e.g., isopropyl 70% or ethyl alcohol
70%) for areas where the use of bleach is not suitable. Allow air to dry as well

o Light controls
o Armrests
o Doorknobs / handrails
o Keyboards / lavatory surfaces
o Lift buttons
o Seatbacks
o Tables
Wipe down walls up to 3 meters in height as well as blinds with bleach

Remove curtains/fabrics/quilts for washing with the preferably hot water cycle. For hot-water
laundry cycles, wash with detergent or disinfectant in the water at 700C for at least 25 minutes.
If low-temperature (i.e., < 700C) laundry cycles are used, choose a chemical that is suitable
for low-temperature washing when used at the proper concentration

Disinfectants should be applied to surfaces using a damp cloth. They should not be applied
to surfaces using a spray pack, as coverage is uncertain, and spraying may promote the
production of aerosols. The creation of aerosols caused by splashing liquid during cleaning
should be avoided. A steady sweeping motion should be used when cleaning either floors or
horizontal surfaces to prevent the creation of aerosols or splashing. Cleaning methods that
might aerosolize infectious material, such as the use of compressed air, must not be used
Leave the disinfected area and avoid using the area the next day
Gloves should be removed and discarded if they become soiled or damaged. A new pair of
gloves should be worn to continue cleaning.
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Disinfect non-porous cleaning equipment used in one room before using for other rooms. If
possible, keep the disinfecting equipment separated from other routine equipment
Disinfect used goggles according to manufacturer’s instructions after use
Disinfect buckets by soaking in bleach (dilute 1 part bleach in 50 parts water, or 1000 ppm,
at least 10 minutes), disinfectant solution or rinse in hot water before filling
Discard equipment made of cloths / absorbent materials into biohazard bags after cleaning
each area to prevent cross contamination
o Mop head
o Wiping cloths
Discard all used PPEs in a double-bagged biohazard bag securely sealed and labeled
Wear a new pair of gloves and fasten the double-bagged biohazard bag with a cable tie
Wash hands with alcohol-based gels or liquids rather than soap to disinfect the hands

o Before / after every contact with an infected person

o After the removal of PPE

o Upon the completion of cleaning

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Request the agents / terminal to get the latest information in port

concerning COVID-19

Ensure a copy of WHO publication - “Handbook for the

management of public health events” is available on the vessel



Carry out a risk assessment to check if any unidentified hazards may occur, and all controls
are in place


The procurement of stores and provisions in high-risk areas is prohibited. Procure all stores,
including the cleaning agents and PPE required for COVID-19 before arriving high-risk areas

In case of any emergency spares or stores, please liaise with the vessel manager for

Considering the present situation of the pandemic at high-risk ports, the vessel might have an
extended stay. Procure sufficient provisions and freshwater before calling high-risk ports


Crew change is prohibited from infected areas (as per MoHFW & MEA advisory on travel

Considering the emergency situation, flag states would issue necessary dispensation for the
crew relief


All seafarers need to avoid availing shore leave in infected regions and consider the risks
involved before desiring to go ashore in other regions. Availing shore leave during the
pandemic may need to be avoided and used only in exigencies with necessary precautions.

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The crew members must don all PPE as required, including mask before the first interface
with the port is made

Pilot: Check the temperature of the pilot with a ray gun when he boards. If the pilot is not
wearing any PPE, offer the same to the pilot. The access to the bridge, if possible, should be
provided from outside the accommodation

Ensure the social distance is maintained from the pilot. In case of any food or beverage is
given to pilot, the same should preferably be provided in disposable utensils if feasible

Establish a sanitation station at the gangway. Provide alternative arrangements for handwash,
sanitizers if possible. Check the temperature of all visitors boarding the vessel. In case any
visitor shows symptoms of the disease, prohibit boarding
The vessel can use a Pre-boarding questionnaire for suspected visitors

Designated one room for ship/shore to interface with agent, authorities, stevedores, or any
other shore personnel. Do not allow access to different areas on the vessel

Clean the above-designated spaces at regular intervals (e.g., every 4 hours) as per the cleaning

Do not allow shore personnel to bring food items on board.


Maintain a high level of cleanliness in the galley

Increase the frequency of cleaning the galley and stores

Chief Cook and Messman must not interact with shore personnel unless absolutely necessary

Do not allow shipboard or shore personnel to enter galley if not required

Follow hygiene and food safety guidelines in the galley as per health and safety manual

If possible, keep the utensils for each crew member separate. Do not allow the sharing of
food, utensils. In case it is required to provide food for shore personnel, use disposable

Ensure all garbage bins in the galley and accommodation area are well covered

Wear PPE as required when handling garbage

Clean and disinfect garbage spaces daily


Maintain a log of all crew members on board twice daily as per the below format.

Increase the frequency of cleaning in accommodation and engine room

Disinfect the accommodation as per the cleaning guidelines frequently.

Do not allow entry of visitors in the engine room

Do not carry out maintenance on the sewage and grey water system.

Wear PPE when dosing the sewage treatment plant.


Carry out a thorough cleaning and disinfection of all areas onboard.

Continue maintaining the coronavirus symptom log for all crew members for at least 21 days
or as per specified by the requirements of next port of call

Early detection, prevention, and control of COVID-19 on the ship is important to protect the health
of other crewmembers and to avoid transmission of the virus. Arrangements must be made to
disembark the infected crew member as soon as possible who are suspected of having COVID-19.

Following cases represents a suspect

A patient with acute respiratory illness (fever and at least one sign/symptom of respiratory disease
(e.g., cough, shortness of breath), and with no other set of causes that fully explains the clinical
presentation and a history of travel to or residence in a country/ area or territory reporting local
transmission of (COVID-19) during the 14 days prior to the onset of the symptoms.
A patient with any acute respiratory illness and having been in contact with a confirmed or
suspected COVID-19 case during the 14 days before the onset of the symptoms.
A patient with a severe acute respiratory infection (fever and at least one sign/symptom of
respiratory disease, e.g., cough, shortness of breath, and requiring hospitalization and with no
other set of causes that fully explain the symptoms.

Once the suspect case has been identified,

Establish contact with CIRM / Medical Service Provider as soon as possible
Isolate the crew member in the hospital with possible symptoms of COVID-19 to minimize
the transmission of this virus. The sick patient must not leave the hospital or the confined
Put air condition on fresh air mode (though it has not been established that COVID-19 can
spread through air)
Ask the sick person to wear a facemask (a surgical mask, not N95) as soon as they are
Maintain a distance of 6 feet from the sick person while interviewing, escorting, or providing
other assistance
Keep interactions with sick people as brief as possible. Limit the number of people who
interact with sick people. A single person must give care and meals to an infected person
Respiratory hygiene should be practiced by all, especially ill persons, at all times.
Respiratory health refers to covering the mouth and nose during coughing or sneezing using
medical masks, cloth masks, tissues, or flexed elbow, followed by hand hygiene. Discard
materials used to cover the mouth or nose or clean them appropriately after use (e.g., wash
handkerchiefs using regular soap or detergent and water)
Wear a medical mask fitted tightly to the face when in the same room with the ill person. Do
not touch masks during use. If the mask gets wet or dirty with secretions, change it
immediately. Discard the mask after use and perform hand hygiene after removal of the
Wear all other PPE when providing care for the sick person or when cleaning the areas where
the sick person has resided
Perform hand hygiene following all contact with ill persons or their immediate environment.
Hand hygiene should also be performed before and after preparing food, before eating, after
using the toilet, and whenever hands look dirty. If hands are not visibly soiled, alcohol-based
hand rub can be used. Perform hand hygiene using soap and water when hands are visibly
soiled. Avoid direct contact with body fluids, particularly oral or respiratory secretions, and
stool. Use disposable gloves to provide oral or respiratory care and when handling stool,
urine, and waste
Avoid other types of possible exposure to ill persons or contaminated items in their
immediate environment (e.g., avoid sharing toothbrushes, cigarettes, eating utensils, dishes,
drinks, towels, washcloths, or bed linen). Eating utensils and meals should be cleaned with
either soap or detergent and water after use and may be reused instead of being discarded
Clean and disinfect bathroom and toilet surfaces at least once daily with a regular household
disinfectant containing a diluted bleach solution (1-part bleach to 99 parts water)
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as bedside tables, bed frames, and other
bedroom furniture daily with a regular household disinfectant containing a diluted bleach
solution (1-part bleach to 99 parts water)
Clean clothes, bedclothes, bath and hand towels, etc. of ill persons using regular laundry soap
and water or machine wash at 60 – 90°C with common household detergent. Dry it
thoroughly. Place contaminated linen into a laundry bag. Do not shake soiled laundry and
avoid direct contact with the skin and clothes with the contaminated materials
Gloves, tissues, masks, and other waste generated by ill persons or in the care of ill persons
should be placed in a lined container in the ill person’s room before disposal with other
household waste
All crewmembers should be considered close contact after a case on board. Their health
should be monitored for 14 days from the last day of possible contact Seek immediate
medical attention if they develop any symptoms, particularly fever, respiratory symptoms
such as coughing or shortness of breath, or diarrhea
During disembarkation, ensure minimize exposure to other crew members
The vessel must make a detailed report to the competent authority at the next port of call
The vessel needs to be thoroughly cleaned after the disembarkation of the suspected case



1. Pre arrival documents verifications for all foreign vessels calling at port, 72 hours prior to arrival
2. First boarding Authority for ships originating and transiting in and through (infected countries as
per the travel advisory issued by MEA & MoHFW) in the last 14 days
3. Issuing of advisories to coordinating authorities and stake holders
4. Sounding alert to coordinating officers in case of suspected case aboard the vessel
5. Issuing guidelines for and ensuring disinfection of vessel with suspected case to the designated
hospitals for provision of medical care & isolation
6. Demonstration of correct use and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment’s
7. Shore medical assistance (non-infectious) for the crew members will be notified for issuance of
shore pass
8. To assist Deputy Conservator (DC) & Traffic Manager (TM) by way of specific instructions, if any
9. To collect self-reporting form for sign off Indian crew from Covid-19 affected countries in last 14
days & submit it to district Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) for follow up upto 28
10. To submit daily reporting to Directorate General Of Health Services (DGHS), New Delhi and
district IDSP
11. To review and update PHECP (Public Health Emergency Contingency Plan) Committee


1. To arrange adequate stock of PPE’s, hand sanitizers, masks and disinfectants solution for use in the
2. To keep the ambulance and team with PPE’s ready for transport of sick crew / passengers / any
reported sick pilots / port staff to designated referral hospital for treatment
3. To keep a record of the such cases and monitor their status
4. To ensure that the staff of medical department for daily supervision
5. Ensure that the duty roster of the drivers is maintained and communicated to PHO
6. Monitors the ambulance is in good working condition
7. To ensure that the ambulance used for transfer of suspect case is disinfected after each transfer
8. To ensure that as per Bio Medical Waste (BMW) guidelines of the safe disposal of used PPE’s is
set in place


In the event of suspect cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on board, Traffic Manager shall:
1. Ensure that the department staffs have personal protection equipment (PPE’s) on them which
a) Disposable gowns
b) Gloves
c) Face masks triple layered
2. Discard the used PPE’s when done in specially earmarked disposable bags and given to hospital for
safe disposal
3. Ensure that the PPE’s are made available to all the staffs when they board the ship which has
suspect case of novel corona virus (COVID-19) or coming from affected countries
4. Inform PHO if crew member / passengers are showing signs and symptoms of novel corona virus
5. Co-ordinate with PHO in screening of vessels coming from COVID-19 affected countries


1. Since pilots are the first person to come in contact with ships while they berth, the Deputy
Conservator / Harbour Master should ensure that no pilot shall board the ship without proper PPE’s.
2. Pilots to be provided with necessary PPE’s such as mask, disposable gloves and hand sanitizer etc.
3. Pilots to be instructed to keep safe distance and stay at least 1 meter away from the ships staff,

avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, frequent hand-washing or
use hand sanitizer especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment, practice cough
etiquette (maintain distance, cover mouth and sneeze on disposable tissues or clothing, and wash
4. Ensure that Tugboat staffs are not allowed to board the vessel during pilotage operations
5. Maintain record of the names of the pilot and other staff who board the ships coming from affected
countries while berthing and sailing out
6. Report to PHO if any suspected crew members are showing COVID-19 disease symptoms
7. Report to PHO if any pilots, port staff are showing COVID-19 disease symptoms
8. Ensure that pilots with COVID-19 disease symptoms are not sent for pilotage operations
9. Ensure sewage and garbage disposals are restricted for the vessels coming from Covid-19 affected
countries in last 14 days and allowed only after they are properly dis-infected


1. Inform the PHO about ships coming from Covid-19 affected countries
2. Following documents should be submitted 72 hours prior to arrival of ships:
a. Maritime declaration of health with attached scheduled showing the health details of the persons on
b. Port of call list with arrival and departure dates
c. The crew list with port and date of embarkation
d. Medical log copy for the last 1 month
e. Any shore medical visit or Radio medical advice or medical evacuation or sign off done in last 1
f. Ship sanitation exemption certificate/medicine chest certificate
g. IHR 2005 Covid-19 form (Annexure-6)
3. To inform master of ship and ensure all shore visits (medical & non medical) except emergency for
the crew are to be planned before arrival through email
4. To ensure procedures for sign on, sign off, shore pass & visitors pass for ships are followed
5. Provide all information regarding suspect case of Covid-19 to DC / HM and PHO, so that
arrangements can be made for evacuation of the suspected crew to hospital if required
6. To inform master of ship and ensure the availability of adequate number of PPE’s on board for all
crew and disinfectants, hand sanitizers, if not available, then provisions of the same to be made upon
7. Inform PHO, about any ships visiting minor ports and also submit the documents asked for,
clearance at minor ports by customs authorities / port officers of minor ports
8. Provide all logistics support to PHO by way of arrangements of port entry passes to additional staffs
and their vehicles.
9. Ensure that field agents are provided with PPE’s i.e disposable gowns, gloves, face masks before
boarding a suspected ship and disposed off properly as per BMW guidelines
10. Agents to keep safe distance and stay at least 1 meter away from the ships staff, avoid close
contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, frequent hand-washing or use hand
sanitizer especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment, practice cough etiquette

(maintain distance, cover mouth and sneeze on disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands)


1. To Submit the following documents as per the instructions of PHO and submit by email 3 days
before arrival through shipping agents:
a. Maritime Declaration of Health with attached scheduled showing the health details of the persons
on board
b. Port of call list with arrival and departure dates
c. The crew list with port and date of Embarkation
d. Medical log copy for the last 1 month
e. Any shore medical visit or Radio-Medical Advice or Medical evacuation or sign off done in last 1
f. Ship Sanitation Exemption Certificate / Medicine Chest Certificate
g. IHR-2005 Covid-19 Form
2. All ships calling from affected regions are to maintain temperature chart report as such twice daily
2 days prior to their arrival, on arrival, upon berthing, during ports stay and at the time of sail out
through shipping agent to PHO by email
3. All newly joined crew from Covid-19 affected countries are to be monitored on board for 14 days
4. If the crew develop any signs and symptoms of COVID-2019, the crew are to be isolated on board
in their cabin and ensure radio medical advice is taken and report to nearest PHO for evacuation, if
5. Ensure all shore visitors are restricted to ships conference / meeting room only
6. Restrict non-essential visitors to the ship
7. Maintain record of all the visitors and port officials who have boarded the ship
8. The ship must have adequate stock of 3 layered surgical masks, hand sanitizer chemical
disinfectants, PPE’s kit, Bio hazard bags for safe disposal of masks, PPE’s kits and bio-medical wastes
9. All ship staffs to keep safe distance and stay at least 1 meter away from the ships staff, avoid close
contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, frequent hand-washing or use hand
sanitizer especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment, practice cough etiquette
(maintain distance, cover mouth and sneeze on disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands)


1. In the event of suspect cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on board, custom officials shall:
Ensure that the department staffs have personal protection equipment (PPE’s) on them which includes
a) Disposable gowns
b) Gloves
c) Face masks triple layered
2. Discard the used PPE’s when done in specially earmarked disposable bags and given to hospital for
safe disposal
3. Ensure that the PPE’s are made available to all the custom officials / staffs when they board the ship
which has suspect case of novel corona virus (COVID-19) or coming from affected countries
4. Inform PHO if crew member / passengers are showing signs and symptoms of novel corona virus
5. Assist the PHO in clearance crew and the baggage’s, if the suspected case is to be quarantined or
shifted to the designated hospital
6. At minor ports, the customs officials along with port officer shall clear the ship for berthing based
on health clearance message / Email by PHO
7. All custom officials to keep safe distance and stay at least 1 meter away from the ships staff, avoid
close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, frequent hand-washing or use
hand sanitizer especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment, practice cough
etiquette (maintain distance, cover mouth and sneeze on disposable tissues or clothing, and wash


1. In the event of suspect cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on board, immigration officials
Ensure that the department staffs have personal protection equipment (PPE’s) on them which includes
d) Disposable gowns
e) Gloves
f) Face masks triple layered
2. Discard the used PPE’s when done in specially earmarked disposable bags and given to hospital for
safe disposal
3. Ensure that the PPE’s are made available to all the immigration officials / staffs when they board
the ship which has suspect case of novel corona virus (COVID-19) or coming from affected countries
4. Inform PHO if crew member / passengers are showing signs and symptoms of novel corona virus
5. Sick crew (Non-infectious case) must be cleared for shore treatment after clearance from the PHO
6. Restrict permissions to non-essential visitors
7. For ships coming from affected regions, shore permit shall not be issued
8. Assist the PHO in clearance of the crew if the suspected case is to be quarantined and shifted to
designated hospitals
9. At minor ports, the customs officials along with port officer shall clear the ship for berthing based
on health clearance message / Email by PHO
10. A
ll custom officials to keep safe distance and stay at least 1 meter away from the ships staff, avoid close
contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, frequent hand-washing or use hand
sanitizer especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment, practice cough etiquette
(maintain distance, cover mouth and sneeze on disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands)


1. In the event of suspect cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on board, immigration officials

Ensure that the department staffs have personal protection equipment (PPE’s) on them which includes
g) Disposable gowns
h) Gloves
i) Face masks triple layered
2. Discard the used PPE’s when done in specially earmarked disposable bags and given to hospital for
safe disposal
3. Ensure that the PPE’s are made available to all the immigration officials / staffs when they board
the ship which has suspect case of novel corona virus (COVID-19) or coming from affected countries
4. Inform PHO if crew member / passengers are showing signs and symptoms of novel corona virus
5. Sick crew (Non-infectious case) must be cleared for shore treatment after clearance from the PHO
6. Restrict permissions to non-essential visitors
7. For ships coming from affected regions, shore permit shall not be issued
8. Assist the PHO in clearance of the crew if the suspected case is to be quarantined and shifted to
designated hospitals
9. At minor ports, the customs officials along with port officer shall clear the ship for berthing based
on health clearance message / Email by PHO
10. All custom officials to keep safe distance and stay at least 1 meter away from the ships staff,
avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, frequent hand-washing or
use hand sanitizer especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment, practice cough
etiquette (maintain distance, cover mouth and sneeze on disposable tissues or clothing, and wash


1. In the event of suspect cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on board, immigration officials
Ensure that the department staffs have personal protection equipment (PPE’s) on them which includes
j) Disposable gowns
k) Gloves
l) Face masks triple layered
2. Discard the used PPE’s when done in specially earmarked disposable bags and given to hospital for
safe disposal
3. Ensure that the PPE’s are made available to all the immigration officials / staffs when they board
the ship which has suspect case of novel corona virus (COVID-19) or coming from affected countries
4. Inform PHO if crew member / passengers are showing signs and symptoms of novel corona virus
5. Sick crew (Non-infectious case) must be cleared for shore treatment after clearance from the PHO
6. Restrict permissions to non-essential visitors
7. For ships coming from affected regions, shore permit shall not be issued
8. Assist the PHO in clearance of the crew if the suspected case is to be quarantined and shifted to
designated hospitals
9. At minor ports, the customs officials along with port officer shall clear the ship for berthing based

on health clearance message / Email by PHO
10. All custom officials to keep safe distance and stay at least 1 meter away from the ships staff,
avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, frequent hand-washing or
use hand sanitizer especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment, practice cough
etiquette (maintain distance, cover mouth and sneeze on disposable tissues or clothing, and wash


1. In the event of suspect cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on board, immigration officials
Ensure that the department staffs have personal protection equipment (PPE’s) on them which includes
m)Disposable gowns
n) Gloves
o) Face masks triple layered
2. Discard the used PPE’s when done in specially earmarked disposable bags and given to hospital for
safe disposal
3. Ensure that the PPE’s are made available to all the immigration officials / staffs when they board
the ship which has suspect case of novel corona virus (COVID-19) or coming from affected countries
4. Inform PHO if crew member / passengers are showing signs and symptoms of novel corona virus
5. Sick crew (Non-infectious case) must be cleared for shore treatment after clearance from the PHO
6. Restrict permissions to non-essential visitors
7. For ships coming from affected regions, shore permit shall not be issued
8. Assist the PHO in clearance of the crew if the suspected case is to be quarantined and shifted to
designated hospitals
9. At minor ports, the customs officials along with port officer shall clear the ship for berthing based
on health clearance message / Email by PHO
10. All custom officials to keep safe distance and stay at least 1 meter away from the ships staff,
avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, frequent hand-washing or
use hand sanitizer especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment, practice cough
etiquette (maintain distance, cover mouth and sneeze on disposable tissues or clothing, and wash


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