SX Apert
SX Apert
SX Apert
SUMMARY An inferior oblique muscle from a patient with Apert's syndrome was examined by
light and electron microscopy. Alterations in the muscle fibres, the myoneural junctions, and
intramuscular nerves were observed. These data are not compatible with the widespread notion
that motility disturbances in this syndrome are solely due to mechanical limitations.
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in the global region. Mitochondrial abnormalities, Reich. Luse bodies have been reported in pathologic
such as aggregation, distension, vacuolation, and extraocular muscle (Martinez and McNeer, 1976),
fragmentation, have been described in both myo- as well as in neurogenic tumours (Friedmann et al.,
pathic and neurogenic diseases with altered ocular 1965). The r granules of Reich have been described
movements (Sakimoto, 1970; Adachi et al., 1973). in nerves of patients with various neuromuscular
Subsarcolemmal inclusions of finely granular disorders (Evans et al., 1965) and in nerves from
structures and Hirano bodies were frequently ob- patients with hypothyroid neuropathy (Dyck and
served in this study. Comparable granular structures Lambert, 1970).
have been previously described in extraocular muscle It thus seems likely that, at least in this case of
from patients with myotonic dystrophy (Culebras Apert's syndrome, the motility disturbance may in
and Merk, 1975), from ageing individuals (Miller, part be related to abnormality of the extraocular
1975), as well as other neuromuscular disorders muscles themselves rather than be due to mechanical
(Mair and Tome, 1972). Hirano bodies have been factors alone.
seen in myasthenic extraocular muscle (Sakimoto,
1968) and in a clinically overacting inferior oblique The authors acknowledge the skilful technical
from a patient with exotropia (Martinez and assistance of Miss Barbara Zimmer.
McNeer, 1976). They also occur in cortical neurons This study has been supported by National Institutes
showing neurofibrillary degeneration and granulo- of Health Grant EY-00309 from the National Eye
vacuolar bodies in patients with Guam amyotrophic Institute.
lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism-dementia complex
(Hirano, 1965). References
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