Fall 2012 NS Survey Questions

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Network Support Fall Survey

Context: In order to reduce the amount of time school leaders spend on surveys, and to be sure that all teams are receiving
to the structure, content and audience this year.

Audience: Principals and DSOs are the only survey responders this year. Last fall we surveyed principals, PIRs, deans and DSO

Response rate: This year, 21 out of 22 principals and 22 out of 22 DSOs fully completed the survey.

Structure: Teams were divided into operations and instructional groups, with principals providing feedback to instructional
operations teams. School-independent teams (Partnerships, Development, Expansion and Marketing) did not submit questio
Development is the only team on the survey that is both operations and instructional.

Operations Instructional
Business Information Systems Data Strategy Leadership Development
X-CT X-NY Recruitment Special Services
Facilities Finance Superintendent Talent Development
Human Capital IT Teaching and Learning
Operations Talent Development

Questions: The number of common questions was reduced from four to two to scale back on the number of overall question
different questions this year, it is challenging to get an "apples to apples" comparison with historical data. Below you'll find t
questions correlate to this year's questions.

Fall 2012 Question Replaces 2010 Question

This team gets the "What" right - they consistently How helpful is the team in supporting you and
provide strong support, services, and/or expertise your school in being successful?
and deliver on agreed-upon outcomes.
This team gets the "How" right - they are How collegial are your interactions with the
responsive and communicate in a way that is clear, team's members?
timely, efficient and consistent with our Core
Values How effective (organized, planned ahead, and
clear) is the team in their communication with
How responsive is the team of the direct requests
you make of them?

We asked open-ended questions about all of the teams that were “facing” the relevant group (principal or DSO)and then we
that were not directly “facing” so that each of our key constituents (principals, DSOs) had an opportunity to comment on all
respondents were asked, “If you have any positive or constructive feedback for the teams above (ops or instructional, depen
space provided.” (Double-click and scroll down for more information)

Guide to the Data:

Overall Principal – This section includes relationship with the network questions, comparison to fall 2011 data and open-end

Overall DSO – This section includes relationship with the network questions, comparison to fall 2011 data and open-ended c
Overall DSO – This section includes relationship with the network questions, comparison to fall 2011 data and open-ended c
t all teams are receiving targeted data, we made some changes

als, PIRs, deans and DSOs.

edback to instructional teams and DSOs providing feedback for

) did not submit questions for the survey. Team Talent

mber of overall questions on the survey. Because we are asking

data. Below you'll find the breakdown of which historical



pal or DSO)and then we asked a catch-all question of the teams

unity to comment on all teams if they wanted. Both sets of
s or instructional, depending on the responder), please use the

2011 data and open-ended comments from our principals.

data and open-ended comments from our DSOs.

data and open-ended comments from our DSOs.
Overview - Relationship with AF Network

I am not alone in this important work. I lean on and learn from the principal cohort, my regional
superintendent, and others in the network.

I know what I'm shooting for. AF Schools and AF school support have worked together to define clear, ambitious
goals and the mechanisms to track progress toward those goals.
I can do what I need to do - whatever it takes - to accomplish these big goals.
I am part of something bigger than just one school. I am responsible both for making my school great and also
for helping every school in the AF network achieve greatness
I understand the rationale for the set of things where there needs to be more consistency across the AF
network, and I understand how these shared practices make our network stronger.

Overall, how effective is the support you receive from Network Support?
When I have a question or problem, I know who at Network Support to reach out to for support.
Name Please provide details to explain any especially high or low ratings to the
questions above (relationship with network questions).
Overview - Relationship with AF Network

I understand what I’m accountable for as a DSO and more broadly about what
Network Support expects of my school operations team.

I feel like I'm part of something bigger than just one school. I feel responsible
both for making my school operationally great and also for helping every school
in the AF network achieve operational greatness.

I understand the rationale for the set of things where there needs to be more
consistency across the AF network, and I understand how these shared practices
make our network stronger.

Overall, how effective is the support you receive from Network Support ops-
facing teams?

When I have a question or problem, I know who at Network Support to reach out
to for support.
Name Please provide details to explain any especially high or
low ratings to the questions above (relationship with
network questions).
On the following tabs the data is color coded so that:
Red = did not meet fall benchmark (75%)
Yellow = met fall benchmark, not yet reached spring benchmark (75-89%)
Green = met spring benchmark (90%)

On all comparison data tabs:

Green = increase of 5 points or more
Red = decrease of 5 points or more

While it's not a totally "apples to apples" comparison, we collapsed the fall 2010 questions
into the two 2012 questions, so we can easily compare last year's data with this year

Fall 2012 Question Replaces Fall 2010 Question

This team gets the "What" right - they How helpful is the team in supporting you and
consistently provide strong support, services, your school in being successful?
and/or expertise and deliver on agreed-upon

This team gets the "How" right - they are How collegial are your interactions with the
responsive and communicate in a way that is team's members?
clear, timely, efficient and consistent with our
Core Values How effective (organized, planned ahead, and
clear) is the team in their communication with

How responsive is the team of the direct

requests you make of them?
Instructional Teams
Data Strategy Leadership Development Recruit
# of
AF Network instructional
Support Network teams that Difference Difference Difference
Support Principals Principals Fall 2012 Principals Principals Fall 2012 Principals Principals Fall 2012
Averages met Fall
Averages Fall 2012 Fall 2011 and Fall Fall 2012 Fall 2011 and Fall Fall 2012 Fall 2011 and Fall
Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Benchmark
(75%) out of 7 2011 2011 2011
This team gets the "What" right -
they consistently provide strong
support, services, and/or expertise
and deliver on agreed-upon

This team gets the "How" right -

they are responsive and
communicate in a way that is clear,
timely, efficient and consistent
with our Core Values

Operations Teams
BIS Team X Facilities
# of
AF Network operations
Support Network teams that Difference Difference Difference
Support DSOs Fall DSOs Fall Fall 2012 DSOs Fall DSOs Fall Fall 2012 DSOs Fall DSOs Fall Fall 2012
Averages met Fall
Averages 2012 2011 and Fall 2012 2011 and Fall 2012 2011 and Fall
Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Benchmark
(75%) out of 8 2011 2011 2011

This team gets the "What" right -
they consistently provide strong
support, services, and/or expertise
and deliver on agreed-upon

This team gets the "How" right -

they are responsive and
communicate in a way that is clear,
timely, efficient and consistent
with our Core Values
Special Services Super Talent Development T&L

Difference Difference Difference

Principal Principals Fall 2012 Principal Principals Fall 2012 Principal Principals Difference Principal Principals Fall 2012
Fall 2012 Fall 2011 and Fall Fall 2012 Fall 2011 and Fall Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Principals Fall 2012 Fall 2011 and Fall
2011 2011 2011

Finance Human Capital IT Ops Talent Development

Difference Difference Difference Difference

DSOs Fall DSOs Fall Fall 2012 DSOs Fall DSOs Fall Fall 2012 DSOs Fall DSOs Fall Fall 2012 DSOs Fall DSOs Fall Fall 2012 DSOs Fall DSOs Fall Difference
2012 2011 and Fall 2012 2011 and Fall 2012 2011 and Fall 2012 2011 and Fall 2012 2011 DSOs
2011 2011 2011 2011

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