Internet of Things Iot Communication Protocols
Internet of Things Iot Communication Protocols
Internet of Things Iot Communication Protocols
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Abstract-- Internet of Things (IoT) consists of smart devices implementation requires a communication protocols that can
that communicate with each other. It enables these devices to efficiently manage these conditions [1] [2] [3] [9].
collect and exchange data. Besides, IoT has now a wide range of
life applications such as industry, transportation, logistics,
healthcare, smart environment, as well as personal, social gaming This paper will also review and compare between IoT
robot, and city information. Smart devices can have wired or communication protocol which is realized as a clear insight for
wireless connection. As far as the wireless IoT is the main the readers of different IoT communication protocol vision,
concern, many different wireless communication technologies their pros and cons, and their power speed and range
and protocols can be used to connect the smart device such as consumption.
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), over Low power Wireless
Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN), ZigBee, Bluetooth Low
Energy (BLE), Z-Wave and Near Field Communication (NFC).
The rest of the paper will be organized as following; Section II
They are short range standard network protocols, while SigFox will describe the IoT communication protocols available from
and Cellular are Low Power Wide Area Network previous literature. In section III the Table 1 illustrates the
(LPWAN).standard protocols. different communication technologies for IoT applications and
their properties. Finally, the conclusion of the study is in hand
This paper will be an attempt to review different of the final Section.
communication protocols in IoT. In addition, it will compare
between commonly IoT communication protocols, with an
emphasis on the main features and behaviors of various metrics
of power consumption security spreading data rate, and other
features. This comparison aims at presenting guidelines for the This section will give a thorough description for each
researchers to be able to select the right protocol for different communication protocol. Commonly, the communication
applications. protocols for IoT can be categorized into: (1) LPWAN and (2)
short range network, as shown in Figure 1
Keywords: 6LoWPAN, AES, ASK, BLE, BPSK, BT, CCK,
and UNB.
The IoT environment consists of an enormous number of Figure 1 : IoT communication protocols
smart devices, but with many constraints. Processing
capability storage volume, short in power life and radio range
are among of these constraints. Therefore, the IoT
II.I Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) consumption. 6loWPAN supports different types of topologies
like mesh and star topology. 6loWPAN proposes an adaptation
II.I.A SigFox layer in between the MAC layer and the network layer (IPv6)
SigFox is a low power technology for wireless in order to handle interoperability between IEEE 802.15.4 and
communication of a diverse range of low energy objects such IPv6. The most competitive alternative to 6LoWPAN is
as sensors and M2M applications. It allows the transportation ZigBee as it is seen in Figure 2. Both of them use the same
of small amounts of data ranging up to 50 kilometers. SigFox IEEE 802.15.4 protocol at the physical layer [6] [22][35].
uses Ultra Narrow Band (UNB) technology. This technology
is only designed to handle low data transfer speeds of 10 to 1, Figure 2: 6LowPAN and ZigBee protocol stack [35]
000 bits per second, and can run on a small battery. NFC
technology is used in smart meters, patient monitors, II.II.B ZigBee
agriculture, security devices, street lighting and environmental ZigBee protocol has been created by ZigBee Alliance
sensors. SigFox support start network topology [5] [7]. based on low-power wireless IEEE802.15.4 networks
standard. ZigBee is created to be a standard to suite high level
II.I.B Cellular low cost communication protocols creating personal area
Cellular technology is a great fit for applications that need networks from small size, low power digital radios that
high throughput data and have a power source of IoT transmit data over longer distances. at the same time, it will be
application that requires operation over longer distances. It can used in applications that require a low data rate, longer battery
take the advantage of GSM/3G/4G cellular communication life, and secure networking devices. Moreover, ZigBee can
capabilities it can provide reliable high speed connectivity to support different types of topologies like mesh, star and tree
the internet .However, it needs high power consumption. network topology [5] [6].
Therefore, it’s not suitable for M2M or local network
communication. Cellular communication protocol is also used II.II.C BLE
for many applications especially for applications that involve
BLE is also known as Bluetooth smart which is a
mobile devices. Cellular topology depends on various based
significant protocol for IoT application. It’s designed and
technology [5] [24] [21].
enhanced for short-range, low bandwidth, and low latency for
IoT applications. The advantages of BLE classic Bluetooth
II.II Short Range Network
include lower power consumption, lower setup time, and
supporting star network topology with unlimited number of
nodes[5] [6].
6loWPAN is the first and most commonly used standard in II.II.D RFID
IoT communication protocols, since it is an IP-based standard
RFID has a variety of standards including (ISO, IEC,
internetworking protocol. It can be connected directly with
ASTM International, the DASH7 Alliance and EPC-global.
another IP network without intermediate entities like
.RFID systems consisting of a reading device called reader,
translation gateways or proxies. This standard has been
and a small radio frequency transponder called RF tag. This
created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a
tag is electronically programmed with unique information that
standard Internet Protocol (IP) communication over low power
has a distance reading characteristic. There are two
technologies of RFID tag systems: the first is called active
reader tag system and the other is called passive reader tag
system. Active tags are battery- powered, more expensive, and
use higher frequencies, while the passive tag one uses lower
frequencies and does not have an internal power source.
Because RFID information is static and must be programmed
into the tag, it cannot be used directly for the measurement or
diagnostic data .Some of IoT applications using RFID include
smart shopping, health care, national security and agriculture.
RFID can support P2P network topology [4] [7] [8].
wireless IEEE802.15.4 networks utilizing IPv6. It supports NFC is a very short range wireless communication
2128 IP addresses, so the numbers of addresses are more than technology that enables the data transmission among devices
sufficient. This aims at supporting different length of by touching them together or bringing them together no more
addresses. It is also low cost, low bandwidth power than a few inches. NFC uses similar technology principles in
RFID. However, it is not only used for identification but also
2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)
for more elaborate two-way communication. NFC has a tag mechanism, security and power consumption as shown in IoT
that can contain small amount of data. This tag can be read IP coverage in Figure 3 and Table 1.
only (similar to RFID tags for identi¿cation purposes) or can
be rewritable and be altered later by the device .There are Figure 3: IoT IP coverage [34]
three main operating modes for NFC: card emulation mode
(passive mode), reader/writer mode (active mode) and peer-to-
peer mode). NFC technology is extensively used in mobile In terms of security, all the nine communication protocols
phones, industrial applications and contactless payment have the encryption and authentication mechanisms.
systems. Similarly, NFC makes it easier to connect, 6LoWPAN, ZigBee, BLE, NFC, Z-Wave use the Advanced
commission, and control IoT devices in different Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher with counter mode,
environments like home, factory and the work. NFC supports while Cellular and RFID use RC4. However, several serious
P2P network topology [4] [6] [7] [23]. weaknesses were identified. AES is extremely secure while
RC4 is not. RC4 is very fast compared to AES.
II.II.F Z-Wave
Z-Wave Is a low power MAC protocol developed by In terms of power consumption, 6LoWPAN, ZigBee, BLE, Z-
Zensys that uses wireless home automation to connect 30-50 Wave and NFC are designed for portable devices and limited
nodes and has been used for IoT communication, especially battery power. Thus, it offers low power consumption. On the
for smart home and small commercial domains. This other hand, Cellular high power consumption is in the list.
technology is designed for small data packets at relatively low
speeds up to 100 kbps and 30 meter point to point In term of data rate, 6LoWPAN, ZigBee, BLE, NFC, SigFox
communication. Therefore, it is suitable for small messages in and Z-Wave have data rate < = 1 Mbps. However, RFID has
IoT applications, like light control, energy control, healthcare the highest data rate of 4 Mbps
control. Z-Wave depends on two types of devices (controlling
and slave). Slave nodes properties are low cost devices unable In term of range, SigFox and Cellular are range longer than
to initiate messages. It can only reply and execute commands the coverage of several KM. However, 6LoWPAN, ZigBee,
sent by controlling devices that initiate messages within the BLE, NFC, Z-Wave, and RFID are range shorter that cover
network. Z-Wave support mesh network topology [6] [7] [23]. less than KM. Table 1 shows a comparison between the
communication protocols in IoT.
2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)
3GPP and
ISO/IEC 14443
IEEE 802.15.4 RFID A&B,JIS X-6319- Z-Wave
Standard 4 802.15.1 [20] DGE (2G),
[18] [18] 4 [18]
[18] [18] UMTS/HSPA
(3G), LTE (4G)
868Mhz(EU) 125 kHz, 125Khz
868MHz (EU) Common 868 MHz -
Frequency 915Mhz(USA) 2.4 GHz 2.4 Ghz 13.56 MHz, 13.56Mhz
902MHz(USA) Cellular bands 908 MHz
Bands 2.4Ghz(Global) [19] [15] 902-928 MHz 860Mhz
[20] [31] [12]
[12] [31] [15]
[23] [23] [23] [10] [23] [10] [20] [23]
Star Star ,Mesh
Star –Bus Mesh
Mesh Network Cluster P2P Network P2P Network Start Network NA
Topology Network Network
[16] Network [04] [14] [20] [05]
[16] [19]
(1-2 years
lifetime on 2.5 mA
50 mA
batteries) 30 mA 30 mA 10 mW - High power Low power
Ultra-low power low power
Power Low power Low power Low Power 100 mW consumption consumption
[05] Very Low
consumption [26] [26] [20] [05] [14]
2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)
Long Range
Short Range 30m
Short Range Short Range Short Range Short Range 0-10cm (indoors)
) Several km
Range 10-100 m 10-100 m ~15-30 m Up to 200 m 0-1m 100(outdoors
50km [31]
[12] [12] [15] [18] 10cm-1m )
[15] [12]
RC4 RSA Partially RC4
AES AES Stream AES-128
Security [32] AES addressed [27]
[13] [13] AES-128 [13]
[25] [29]
Spreading [27]
[17] [17] [17] [33] [23] [11] [17]
Type [17] [32] [23] GFSK(DL) [27] [28]
[12] [12]
Long Battery
Commonly Low power
Mesh life (up to 20 Simple
Used version Low Cost Security Longer Range
Features Network years) Protocol
Internal Access available [31] [31] [31]
[31] Low Cost [31]
[31] [31]
Monitor and industry Tracking, Home
headsets, Street Lighting
Common Control via monitoring Inventory, Payment, Access M2M Monitoring
Audio Energy meters
Applications internet and Access [31] [31] and Control
Applications [24]
[31] controlling [31] [31]
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