Cambridge Certifocation Requiremtn

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for higher
Cambridge English Qualifications
for admissions purposes
About Cambridge Assessment English
We are Cambridge Assessment English, part of the University of Cambridge. We provide the world’s leading range
of English language qualifications for higher education institutions.
Globally recognised by more than 25,000 leading universities, employers and governments, our in-depth
exams and tests are a mark of excellence and give students the skills they need to succeed. Here’s a selection of
our recognising organisations:

UK US US Australia

Australia Australia Canada Hong Kong

Our qualifications are also accepted by immigration departments, government bodies and leading global
businesses, including:

• A
 ustralian Department of Home • Immigration New Zealand (INZ) • Procter & Gamble
Affairs (DOHA)
• B
 oard of Regents of the • Accenture
• Irish Naturalisation and University System of Georgia
• Dell
Immigration Service (INIS)
• Ernst & Young

“C1 Advanced students are of a higher

caliber and more prepared to face the
challenges and opportunities that
See a full list of organisations using our exist when studying on a US campus.”
qualifications at
Shawn Greenfield Interim Director
International Marketing and Recruitment, University of Idaho

Cambridge English Qualifications for
higher education
Cambridge English Qualifications are
based on research into effective teaching
and learning. They motivate people of
all ages and abilities to learn English and pre-sessional
develop practical skills for the real world.
B2 First
Each exam focuses on a level of the
Common European Framework of • 
Gives students the practical
Reference (CEFR)*, helping learners to English skills they need for
improve their speaking, writing, reading foundation programmes and
and listening skills step by step. technical and vocational courses.
We recommend the following exams • Targeted at Level B2 of the CEFR.
for successful study in English:
More about this exam on pages 6–7.

& postgraduate
C1 Advanced
• This is proof of high-level
achievement in English and the ideal
qualification to prepare students for
university or professional life.
• Targeted at Level C1 of the CEFR.
More about this exam on pages 8–9.

C2 Proficiency
• This is our highest level
qualification and it shows that
students have mastered English
to an exceptional level.
• Targeted at Level C2 of the CEFR.
More about this exam on page 10–11.

* Further information about the CEFR can be found

on our website at:

Cambridge English Qualifications A guide to setting your admissions requirements 3

Why use our exams?
B2 First, C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency are Accepted for student visa applications
designed for use by further and higher education
Cambridge English Qualifications are accepted for
institutions for a variety of purposes.
student visa applications in many countries, including
Australia and Ireland. Choosing our qualifications
FOR ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS for your admissions requirements often means that
students need only take one English language exam.
Be sure of a student’s English language skills
Choose exams for your admissions requirements FOR EXIT-LEVEL MEASUREMENT
that are more than a snapshot of a student’s level
of English. Cambridge English Qualifications are in- Validate students’ language learning
depth exams, and preparing for them helps students
Offer students an independent assessment of their
to improve their English. They provide a reliable
language skills and give them a qualification that is
indicator of language ability, strengthening the
internationally accepted. Our exams can also open
students' ability to match expectations. Cambridge
doors to additional study opportunities.
English Qualifications test all four language skills –
reading, writing, listening and speaking –
Improve your students’ employability
as well as covering use of grammar and vocabulary.
Make sure your students leave with a valuable
Rely on secure and trusted exams qualification that is trusted by some of the world’s
top employers. Preparing for the exams helps them
Backed by over 100 years of research, our exams
to develop the English language skills they need for
are trusted as secure English tests by governments
the workplace.
worldwide. Our authorised exam centres follow a
detailed code of practice. Where test day photos are
available these can be viewed along with candidates
results, on our free online Results Verification Service.

Specify one score across our exams

The Cambridge English Scale is used to report results
For placing your students in an appropriate
across Cambridge English Qualifications. This makes
English class
it easy for you to set your entrance requirements and
gives you precise information about each skill. The Cambridge English Placement Test is a fast,
accurate and cost-effective way to help you:
Diversify your international student population
• f ind out what level of English your students
Accept Cambridge English Qualifications as part of already have
your admissions criteria and you will have access
• d
 ecide which language class is the most
to hundreds of thousands of students from around
appropriate for them
the world.
• m
 ake informed decisions about which
Cambridge English Qualification they should
aim for.

The Cambridge English Placement Test

is on demand, adaptive and takes just
30 minutes. Find out more at

Exam security and quality
We understand that exam quality, integrity and Quality management
security are critical to educational institutions.
Our systems and processes for designing, developing
Our robust and comprehensive approach covers all
and delivering examinations are independently certified
areas – from exam development, delivery and results
as meeting ISO 9001:2008 for quality management.
processing, through to post-exam review
and evaluation.
For more on our rigorous approach to quality
management, you can download the publication
All the development and production processes of
Principles of Good Practice: Research and Innovation
the exam, as well as the post-exam marking and
in Language Learning and Assessment from
administration, are managed and controlled centrally
in Cambridge. This means you can trust the results as
a valid and accurate reflection of a candidate’s ability.

Security, integrity and fraud protection measures

• Exam papers are handled under secure conditions
at all times – from preparation to printing
to despatch.
• All our authorised exam centres follow a detailed
code of practice which ensures the highest
standards of security throughout the testing
process, from registration to the recording
of results.
• Photographs of all candidates are taken on the day
of the exam. These can be viewed by institutions
through our online Results Verification Service.
• No marking is done by the exam centre. Speaking
is marked locally by fully trained and certificated
Speaking examiners at the test venue, while Writing
scripts are anonymised and allocated to examiners
at random to avoid conflicts of interest.
• Sophisticated results analysis is carried out after
each exam session prior to release of results to
identify unusual patterns of scores or responses.

Cambridge English Qualifications A guide to setting your admissions requirements 5

B2 First
B2 First is an upper-intermediate level qualification. Who accepts B2 First?
It proves that candidates can use everyday written and
B2 First is accepted around the world and offers
spoken English for work or study purposes.
students opportunities for employment, further study
and travel.
The exam gives students the practical language skills
they need to study on foundation, pathway, or pre-
These are just a few of the leading organisations that
sessional programmes, and on courses taught in the
accept B2 First:
medium of English.
• Seattle Central College, USA
What can students with B2 First do?
• RMIT University, Australia
• Understand the main ideas of complex pieces
of writing. • Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
• Keep up a conversation on a fairly wide range • University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
of topics, expressing opinions and presenting
• Deloitte
• Produce clear, detailed writing, expressing opinions
and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of
different points of view.
• Make simple notes for essay or revision purposes,
capturing the most important points.
• Scan texts for relevant information.

What level is B2 First?

B2 First is targeted at CEFR Level B2 (160–179).
The following scores are used to report results:

Cambridge English Grade/

CEFR level
Scale scores CEFR

180–190 Grade A C1

173–179 Grade B B2

160–172 Grade C B2

140–159 Level B1 B1

“We selected the Cambridge English

If a candidate scores between 122 and 139, exams for their strong record of
their Cambridge English Scale score will be shown predicting student proficiency
on their Statement of Results, but they will not levels accurately. The research and
receive a certificate. reliability studies gave us a great deal
of confidence in using the exams.”
James Goonan
Director, International and Graduate Admissions
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU)

What’s in the exam?
B2 First is made up of four papers to test different aspects of candidates’ English skills.

Paper Content Shows students can …

understand the main ideas in different types of text, such as

Reading and Use of English 7 parts/
fiction, newspapers and magazines. Candidates must also
(1 hour 15 minutes) 52 questions
demonstrate how well they can control grammar and vocabulary.

Writing produce two different pieces of writing, including a

2 parts
(1 hour 20 minutes) compulsory essay.

Listening 4 parts/ follow and understand a range of spoken materials, such as

(about 40 minutes) 30 questions news programmes, presentations and everyday conversations.

(14 minutes per pair 4 parts communicate effectively in face-to-face situations.
of candidates)

The overall score is calculated by averaging the

scores achieved in Reading, Writing, Listening,
Speaking and Use of English. The weighting of
each of the four skills and Use of English is equal.

Candidates can choose to take the
paper-based or the computer-based
version of the exam.

The Speaking test is face to face and

taken with two examiners and at least one
other candidate. The paired format means
candidates experience a more authentic
exercise in communication, which gives
a more reliable measure of their ability
to use English.

There are more than 38 exam dates a
year, with opportunities to take the exam
at least once a month. The exam can be
taken at hundreds of exam centres around
the world.

Cambridge English Qualifications A guide to setting your admissions requirements 7

C1 Advanced
C1 Advanced is a focused academic English exam Who accepts C1 Advanced?
which gives students the English skills they need to
C1 Advanced is accepted around the world by over
succeed at college or university on undergraduate and
9,000 institutions, governments and employers.
postgraduate programmes.
These are just a few of the leading organisations that
It offers a rigorous assessment of a student’s ability
accept C1 Advanced:
to communicate at an advanced level in English for
academic and professional purposes.
• University of Manchester, UK
What can students with C1 Advanced do? • University of Toronto, Canada
• Contribute effectively to meetings and seminars • Northeastern University, USA
within their own area of work or keep up a casual
• University of Melbourne, Australia
conversation with a good degree of fluency, coping
with abstract expressions. • Dell
• Read quickly enough to cope with an academic • Nestlé
course, and take reasonably accurate notes in
meetings or write a piece of work which shows an The exam is also accepted in Ireland and Australia for
ability to communicate. visa applications.
• Make critical remarks/express disagreement
C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency are the only English
without causing offence.
language exams eligible for UCAS tariff points.
• Scan texts for relevant information, and grasp the
main topic of a text.
Cambridge UCAS Tariff
• Write a piece of work whose message can be Grade
English exam points awarded
followed throughout.
32 points (equivalent to
C1 Advanced A
a C grade at A Level)
What level is C1 Advanced?
C1 Advanced is targeted at CEFR Level C1 (180–199).
The following scores are used to report results:

Cambridge English Grade/

CEFR level
Scale scores CEFR

200–210 Grade A C2 “Students invest a substantial

amount of time and effort preparing
193–199 Grade B C1
for C1 Advanced. This improves
180–192 Grade C C1 their language proficiency and leads
to broad, detailed understanding
160–179 Level B2 B2 of English, giving them a strong
foundation to manage the tasks they
If a candidate scores between 142 and 159, face during their university studies.”
their Cambridge English Scale score will be
Alison Standring
shown on their Statement of Results, but they Language Coordinator
will not receive a certificate. London School of Economics
& Political Science (LSE)

What’s in the exam?
C1 Advanced is made up of four papers to test different aspects of candidates’ English skills.

Paper Content Shows students can …

deal confidently with various texts and grasp the main topic of
Reading and Use of English 8 parts/
a text. This paper also requires candidates to demonstrate their
(1 hour 30 minutes) 56 questions
control of grammar and vocabulary.

Writing produce two different pieces of writing, including a compulsory

2 parts
(1 hour 30 minutes) academic essay.

follow and understand a range of spoken materials – such as

Listening 4 parts/
lectures, interviews, discussions, presentations and everyday
(about 40 minutes) 30 questions

communicate effectively in face-to-face situations such as
(15 minutes per pair 4 parts
seminars or everyday conversations.
of candidates)

The overall score is calculated by averaging the

scores achieved in Reading, Writing, Listening,
Speaking and Use of English. The weighting of
each of the four skills and Use of English is equal.

Candidates can choose to take the
paper-based or the computer-based
version of the exam.

The Speaking test is face to face and

taken with two examiners and at least one
other candidate. The paired format means
candidates experience a more authentic
exercise in communication, which gives
a more reliable measure of their ability
to use English.

There are more than 38 exam dates a year,
with opportunities to take the exam at least
twice a month. The exam can be taken at
hundreds of exam centres around the world.

Cambridge English Qualifications A guide to setting your admissions requirements 9

C2 Proficiency
C2 Proficiency is our most advanced qualification. It Who accepts C2 Proficiency?
proves that students have the English skills to study
C2 Proficiency is recognised around the world and
demanding subjects at the highest level, including
enhances a student’s prospects for postgraduate study
postgraduate and PhD programmes.
and employment at the highest levels.
It shows that students have mastered English to an
These are just a few of the leading organisations that
exceptional level and can communicate with fluency
accept C2 Proficiency:
and sophistication similar to the level of a native
English speaker.
• University of Oxford, UK
It offers a rigorous assessment of a student’s ability • University of Queensland, Australia
to communicate at an advanced level in English for
• University of British Columbia, Canada
academic and professional purposes.
• University of Idaho, USA
What can students with C2 Proficiency do?
• Coca-Cola
• Talk about complex or sensitive issues, and deal
• Vodafone
confidently with difficult questions.
• Understand colloquial asides and cultural allusions. The qualification is also accepted for student visa
applications by INIS in Ireland.
• Write confidently on any given topic.
• Make accurate and complete notes during a C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency are the only English
lecture, seminar or tutorial. language exams eligible for UCAS tariff points.
• Negotiate and persuade effectively at senior
management level in international business Cambridge UCAS Tariff
settings. English exam points awarded

42 points (equivalent to
What level is C2 Proficiency? C2 Proficiency A
a B grade at A Level)
C2 Proficiency is targeted at CEFR Level C2 (200+).
The following scores are used to report results: 33 points (equivalent to
C2 Proficiency B
a C grade at A Level)

Cambridge English Grade/ 24 points (equivalent to

CEFR level C2 Proficiency C
Scale scores CEFR a D grade at A Level)

220–230 Grade A C2

213–219 Grade B C2

200–212 Grade C C2

180–199 Level C1 C1 “C2 Proficiency helped me get into my

dream drama school and gave me the
If a candidate scores between 162 and 179, confidence to perform in English in
their Cambridge English Scale score will be shown front of thousands of people.”
on their Statement of Results, but they will not
Alberto Prandini
receive a certificate. Actor and director
C2 Proficiency certificate holder

What’s in the exam?
C2 Proficiency is made up of four papers to test different aspects of candidates’ English skills.

Paper Content Shows students can …

understand various documents, including the finer points of

Reading and Use of English 7 parts/
complex texts. Students are also expected to show their control
(1 hour 30 minutes) 53 questions
of grammar and use of vocabulary.

Writing write on any subject with good expression and accuracy.

2 parts
(1 hour 30 minutes) The paper includes a compulsory essay.

Listening 4 parts/ understand a range of spoken materials, such as lectures,

(about 40 minutes) 30 questions speeches and interviews.

express themselves confidently and effectively in a range
(16 minutes per pair 3 parts
of situations.
of candidates)

The overall score is calculated by averaging the

scores achieved in Reading, Writing, Listening,
Speaking and Use of English. The weighting of
each of the four skills and Use of English is equal.

Candidates can choose to take the
paper-based or the computer-based
version of the exam.

The Speaking test is face to face and

taken with two examiners and at least one
other candidate. The paired format means
candidates experience a more authentic
exercise in communication, which gives
a more reliable measure of their ability
to use English.

There are more than 11 exam dates a year.
The exam can be taken at hundreds of
exam centres around the world.

Cambridge English Qualifications A guide to setting your admissions requirements 11

How are the exam results reported?
The Cambridge English Scale
The Cambridge English Scale is a range
of scores used to report results for
Cambridge English Qualifications.

Results for most Cambridge English

Qualifications, including B2 First,
C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency,
are reported on the Cambridge
English Scale.

The Scale covers a wide range of

language ability and is designed to
complement the CEFR.

Candidates receive a score for each

skill (reading, writing, listening and
speaking) plus Use of English. They also
get an overall score on the scale for
the exam.

Because the results for all our exams

are reported using the same scale, it
makes it easy to:
Results for Cambridge English Qualifications are
• understand candidates’ results reported on the Cambridge English Scale. The
scale complements the CEFR and gives greater
• compare our qualifications
insight into candidate achievement. Candidates
• describe the level of language skills needed for receive an overall score from the scale as well as
your admissions requirements. a score for each skill (reading, writing, listening
and speaking).
The Cambridge English Scale was introduced in 2015
Each exam is targeted at a level of the CEFR.
and has been built on result-reporting methodologies
Results are also reported at the level above and
which we have developed over many decades of
the level below. IELTS is mapped to, but does not
research, using data from millions of test takers.
report on the Cambridge English Scale.
It is fully aligned with the CEFR, but where the CEFR
is a broad reference scale of language proficiency, the
Cambridge English Scale brings the comparability so Scores on the Cambridge English Scale replace the
often needed for practical results-reporting purposes standardised score and candidate profile reported in
such as stating requirements for admissions for higher pre-2015 results, but candidates continue to receive a
education or employment. CEFR level and grade.

What do exam results look like?
The Statement of Results Reference No.

All candidates receive a Statement of Results. To be quoted on all

This is the document you should use when checking Certificate in Advanced English
candidate results. Statement of Results

Candidate name Session

CR799 834 05 NZ010 CAE ENTRIES 05 JANUARY 2020

The Statement of Results gives you the candidate’s: Place of entry


• overall score on the Cambridge English Scale Result Overall Score

1 CEFR Level

Pass at Grade C 192 C1

• s cores on the Cambridge English Scale for each Cambridge

English Certificated

of the four skills (reading, writing, listening and CEFR Level

Scale Results Reading Use of English Writing Listening Speaking

speaking) and Use of English. C2

Grade A

Grade B
195 194
C1 190 191 190 191
Grade C

Candidates also receive a CEFR level and grade. 180

B2 170 Level B2

You can view a candidate’s Statement of Results –



on our secure online Results Verification Service, which

is freely accessible to all accepting institutions. For Advanced is an examination targeted at Level C1 in the Council of
Europeʼs Common European Framework of Reference.
Results Score
Pass at Grade A 200 — 210
more details, see page 15. Candidates achieving Grade A (between 200 and 210 on the
Cambridge English Scale) receive a certificate stating that they have
demonstrated ability at Level C2. Candidates achieving Grade B or
Pass at Grade B
Pass at Grade C
193 — 199
180 — 192
Grade C (between 180 and 199 on the Cambridge English Scale) Level B2 160 — 179
receive a certificate at Level C1. Candidates who take Advanced and score between 142 and 159 on
the Cambridge English Scale do not receive a result, CEFR level or
Candidates whose performance is below Level C1, but falls within

1 Overall score
Level B2 (between 160 and 179 on the Cambridge English Scale),
receive a certificate stating that they have demonstrated ability at Cambridge English Scale scores below 142 are not reported for this
Level B2. examination.
Examination results can be quickly and securely verified online at: Other

This is the overall Cambridge English Scale score for
X - the candidate was absent from part of the examination
Z - the candidate was absent from all parts of the examination
Pending - a result cannot be issued at present, but will follow in due

the whole exam. It is the average of the five individual

THIS IS NOT A CERTIFICATE Withheld - the candidate should contact their centre for information
Cambridge Assessment English reserves the right to amend the information Exempt - the candidate was not required to sit this part of the
given before the issue of certificates to successful candidates. examination

scores a candidate receives for the four skills and Use

of English.

The overall score is the most important piece of

information for recognising institutions when setting
requirements to ensure that you ask for the exact level
of English you need.

2 Individual scores
Candidates receive a Cambridge English Scale score
for each of the four skills (reading, writing, listening
and speaking) and Use of English. With these individual
scores it is easy for you to specify the level of English
you need in a particular skill.

Successful candidates also receive a
certificate showing their overall score, five
individual scores, grade and CEFR level.

Cambridge English Qualifications A guide to setting your admissions requirements 13

Setting your requirements
Setting your English language requirements is simple using the Cambridge English Scale.

1. What level of English do you need?

It is important to consider both the level of English needed for your courses and which exam is most suited to
your needs. This will depend on the level of study and the subject(s) being studied.

Each of our exams is targeted at a different level of the CEFR, which means they assess a candidate on a wide
range of skills and knowledge at that level. The context of questions is also appropriate to the level being
assessed, with higher levels having a greater academic focus.

As a guide, Foundation/ Undergraduate Postgraduate

we recommend
pre-sessional & postgraduate
the following
qualifications for B2 First C1 Advanced C2 Proficiency
the different
levels of study:
Targeted at CEFR Targeted at CEFR Targeted at CEFR
Level B2. Level C1. Level C2.

Reports on the Reports on the Reports on the

Cambridge English Cambridge English Cambridge English
Scale between Scale between Scale between
122 and 190. 142 and 210. 162 and 230.

2. What Cambridge English Scale score?

Cambridge English
The Cambridge English Scale makes it easy to: Scale score*

C2 200+
• specify the overall score you need
• s pecify minimum scores for the C1 180
individual skills. B2 160

You can use the table on the right to ensure that B1 140
the Cambridge English Scale score you ask for is
at the same level as your CEFR requirements.
Example requirement for an undergraduate course:
Alternatively, please visit and use
C1 Advanced
our interactive score converter. You can input your
existing CEFR, IELTS or pre-2015 Cambridge English Overall Cambridge English Scale score of 180.
requirement and convert it to a Cambridge English No less than 175 in each skill.
Scale score.
Minimum Cambridge English Scale score needed
If you have any questions or need help setting to achieve each CEFR level.
your requirements, please do not hesitate to get
in touch at [email protected]

Comparing Cambridge English Scale scores to IELTS
If your institution already uses IELTS scores for
IELTS Cambridge English
admissions purposes, specifying scores on the band score Scale score*
Cambridge English Scale is easy.
9.0 209+
You can use the table on the right to ensure that the
8.5 205
Cambridge English Scale score you ask for is at the
same level as your IELTS requirements. 8.0 200

As the producer of IELTS, we can provide a reliable 7.5 191

comparison between IELTS results and B2 First,
7.0 185
C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency scores, reported
on the Cambridge English Scale. 6.5 176

6.0 169
For more information about how we
make these comparisons, please visit 5.5 162
5.0 154

4.5 147
 inimum Cambridge English Scale score needed
to achieve each IELTS band score. 4.0 142

Verifying results
You can check a candidate’s results quickly and securely online with our free Results Verification Service.

Register in minutes

1 Go to

2 Click ‘Register now’

3 Provide and submit some basic details

4 We will acknowledge your email and then

send you a message approving your account

5 Follow the link in the email to set up

your password

6 You will now be able to log in at

Where a candidate has shared their result with your organisation their details will appear on the ‘shared results’ page
of your account. To access their full results, including their component scores, select ‘view’. You will be able to see
their test day photo for B2 First, C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency exams and can download their Statement of Results.

Cambridge English Qualifications A guide to setting your admissions requirements 15

Three steps to accepting our qualifications
Attract high-achieving students to your university or college by specifying our qualifications as an entrance
requirement. You can start officially accepting our qualifications in three simple steps:


Go to Amend your website, course Sign up for our free, secure online
institutions-accept and fill in literature and offer letter to Results Verification Service to
the form. state which Cambridge English instantly verify applicants’ exam
Qualifications and which scores results and view their test-day
are accepted by your institution, photo. To register, go to
so that applicants with one of
the qualifications know they
can apply with their results.

Once your institution has an existing Results Verification Service account, additional employees can added as Admin
Users to verify results. There is no limit to the number of Admin Users.

Promote your institution

If you accept our qualifications, let us know and we will add you to our global online recognition database at This will ensure that potential applicants know they can use their Cambridge
English Qualifications to apply for your courses. You can complete our recognition form online:

If you would like to share your institution’s logo and a testimonial or an overview of your university, we can
use this in student-facing promotions, including on our Facebook page, which has more than 6 million fans.
This can help you to reach more applicants who have the English language skills for success. Contact us at
[email protected] to find out more.

Contact us
To find out more about our qualifications, email our Global Recognition team at [email protected]
– we will be delighted to provide more information or organise a meeting.

We are Cambridge Assessment English. Part of Cambridge Assessment English

the University of Cambridge, we help millions
of people learn English and prove their skills to The Triangle Building /cambridgeenglish
the world. Shaftesbury Road
For us, learning English is more than just exams
Cambridge /cambridgeenglishtv
and grades. It’s about having the confidence
to communicate and access a lifetime of CB2 8EA /cambridgeeng
enriching experiences and opportunities.
United Kingdom
With the right support, learning a language is /cambridgeenglish
an exhilarating journey. We’re with you every
step of the way. /cambridge-assessment-english

Not for sale

All details are correct at the time of going to print in November 2020.

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