Syllabus: Cambridge O Level Second Language Urdu
Syllabus: Cambridge O Level Second Language Urdu
Syllabus: Cambridge O Level Second Language Urdu
Cambridge O Level
Second Language Urdu
For examination in June and November 2016
Cambridge Secondary 2
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University of Cambridge International Examinations 2014
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2
2. Teacher support.............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Support materials
2.2 Resource lists
2.3 Training
6. Additional information..................................................................................................... 9
Excellence in education
Our mission is to deliver world-class international education through the provision of high-quality curricula,
assessment and services.
More than 9000 schools are part of our Cambridge learning community. We support teachers in over 160
countries who offer their learners an international education based on our curricula and leading to our
qualifications. Every year, thousands of learners use Cambridge qualifications to gain places at universities
around the world.
Our syllabuses are reviewed and updated regularly so that they reflect the latest thinking of international
experts and practitioners and take account of the different national contexts in which they are taught.
Cambridge programmes and qualifications are designed to support learners in becoming:
confident in working with information and ideas their own and those of others
a sound understanding of the nature of language and language study, and of the skills and abilities
required for further study and leisure
insight into the culture and contemporary society of countries where the language is spoken
positive attitudes towards language learning, towards the speakers of other languages, and towards
other cultures and societies
skills which can be used in other areas of learning, such as analysis and memory skills.
Candidates may also study for a Cambridge O Level in a number of other languages. In addition to
Cambridge O Levels, Cambridge also offers Cambridge International AS and A Levels for further study in
both Urdu as well as other languages. See for a full list of the qualifications you can take.
Prior learning
Candidates beginning the course for 3248 Second Language Urdu are expected to have had prior contact
with Urdu at school and/or in their community.
Cambridge O Levels are general qualifications that enable candidates to progress either directly to
employment, or to proceed to further qualifications.
Candidates who are awarded grades C to A* in Cambridge O Level Urdu are well prepared to follow courses
leading to Cambridge International AS and A Level Urdu, or the equivalent.
Teacher support
Teacher support
2.3 Training
We offer a range of support activities for teachers to ensure they have the relevant knowledge and skills to
deliver our qualifications. See for further information.
Assessment at a glance
Assessment at a glance
This syllabus is aimed at candidates for whom Urdu is not a first language/mother tongue but for whom it is
a lingua franca or language of study.
Candidates take two papers and all questions are to be answered in Urdu.
Paper 1: Composition and Translation
2 hours
There are three sections in this paper. In each section, candidates answer one question.
50% of total marks
1 hour 45 minutes
There are three sections in this paper. Candidates answer all questions in each section.
50% of total marks
This syllabus is examined in the June and November examination series.
This syllabus is available to private candidates.
Detailed timetables are available from
Cambridge O Levels are available to Centres in Administrative Zones 3, 4 and 5. Centres in Administrative
Zones 1, 2 or 6 wishing to enter candidates for Cambridge O Level examinations should contact Cambridge
Customer Services.
Please note that Cambridge O Level, Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2
Certificate syllabuses are at the same level.
Description of components
Description of components
Candidates are expected to communicate appropriately in formal and semi-formal registers. The topics
selected are intended to relate to the interests and needs of the candidates in using Urdu as a second
language, e.g. education, the world of work, current affairs, health and welfare, travel.
Stimulus material, either visual or verbal is provided and candidates are required to demonstrate the
ability to describe, persuade, comment or narrate in one essay of about 150 words which is to be
written in Urdu.
From a choice of two topics, candidates write one letter, report, dialogue or speech of about 200 words
in Urdu.
Translation of a short passage of about 200 words from English into Urdu.
Candidates read a passage and write a directed summary. Candidates are given a series of points that
they must include in their summary. The summary should be no more than 100 words in length.
There are two comprehension passages of about 300 words each. Questions set on each passage will
be direct, indirect and inferential in nature. Candidates have to answer questions on both passages.
Additional information
Additional information
This syllabus is available in English only. The assessment materials are available in Urdu.
Entry codes
To maintain the security of our examinations, we produce question papers for different areas of the world,
known as administrative zones. Where the component entry code has two digits, the first digit is the
component number given in the syllabus. The second digit is the location code, specific to an administrative
zone. Information about entry codes can be found in the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.