100113-Langayan-Es SF7 2021
100113-Langayan-Es SF7 2021
100113-Langayan-Es SF7 2021
(This replaces Form 12-Monthly Status Report for Teachers, Form 19-Assignment List,
Form 29-Teacher Program and Form 31-Summary Information of Teachers)
School Name LANGAYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL District CURRIMAO School Year 2021-2022
(A) Nationally-Funded Teaching & Teaching Related Items (B) Nationally-Funded Non Teaching Items (C ) Other Appointments and Funding Sources
Number of
Appointment: Incumbent
Title of Designation
Title of Plantilla Position Title of Plantilla Position (Contractual, Fund Source
Number of Number of (as it appears in the contract/document:
(as it appears in the (as it appears in the appointment Substitute, (SEF, PTA, NGO's
Incumbent Incumbent Teacher, Clerk, Security Guard, Driver etc.)
appointment document/PSIPOP) document/PSIPOP) Volunteer, etc.) Teaching Non-
others specify) Teachin
Head Teacher I 1
Teacher II 1
Teacher I 3
BEED + MA 12
4191922 ARGENE B. AGRESOR F Teacher I Permanent Science None
Units Learning Activities Consultation with
Parents/Guardians/Home Learning W 3:30 5:00 90
BSE + 18 Units Indoor/Outdoor Games M-F 10:10 10:30 100
4194683 NEDIELYN C. CABUNTOCAN F Teacher I Permanent Social Studies None
Meeting Time 3/Dismissal Routine M-F 10:30 10:35 25
Remedial Teaching in English
Literacy/Math M-F 10:35 11:33 290
Science 5 & 6 M-T-F 1:00 3:00 360
MAPEH 5 & 6 W-Th-F 1:00 2:40 300
Preparation of IM's W-TH 2:40 3:10 60