Module 1

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Module 1 gives a basic understanding of art, its definition, nature and importance, and
the different ways it functions in societies and cultures. It covers the following topics:

• What is Art? Introduction and Assumptions

• The Nature, Purposes and Functions of Art
• Art Appreciation, Art Creativity, Imagination and Expression
• Art Forms and Classification


Upon finishing this module, you must have:

• explained the nature, purposes, and functions of art;

• characterized the assumptions of art;
• created an artwork that illustrates your aesthetic ideas of art; and
• classified the different types of art based on your research or personal experiences.

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What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word art? For
many people, art is usually a painting, a photograph, a sculpture, a poem or a song. In
this lesson, you will examine the definition of and assumptions about art to clarify some
popular misconceptions about it.


At the end of the lesson, you must have:
• formulated your own definition of art;
• explained the nature of art;
• characterized the assumptions of art; and
• clarified some misconceptions about art.


The American press has called President Donald Trump “Twitter-in-Chief”
because of his penchant for making tweets. Let’s see if you can challenge and unseat
him in this aspect.
Since we are all urged to take care of our physical and mental well-being, try to
amuse yourself by creating tweets for each of the following pictures. Write your tweets
in your journal. You may also share them to your classmates and friends.
Use your imagination. Be very creative.


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Read the following narrative and answer the question that follows in your journal.


A famous Ilonggo sculptor visited chanced upon an unusual piece of rock.
the scenic Sabtang Island for a much- He was so fascinated by its shape and
needed break from his hectic life in color that he decided to take it. Aided by

Manila. Sabtang Island is located in the his guides, they were able to bring it to his
province of Batanes, the northernmost lodging place.
part of the country. The island is known for When he returned home to Manila,
its pristine beaches, steep mountains and he brought the rock and displayed it in his
deep canyons, making it an ideal place to art gallery and labeled it, “Rock of Ages”.

The question is: Can the rock be
One day, while on a trek to the considered a work of art? Why or why
mountains with local guides, the sculptor not?

WHAT IS ART? Art is a human activity that is deeply
intertwined with history and culture. From
How would you define ‘art’? primitive societies to modern man, art has
survived as a form of expression, allowing
To most people, art is a specific us to feel wide ranges of emotion – from

thing – a painting, sculpture or photograph, sorrow to joy, despair to hope, or confusion

a dance, a poem, or a play. Art is all to clarity. Artworks also remind us of our
of these things, and more. They are
past, keep us grounded in our present
mediums or means of artistic expression.
and make us hope for a brighter future.
As stated in Merriam-Webster Dictionary For as long as there are people, there is
(n.d.), Art is, “the conscious use of skill art because art is always something that

and creative imagination especially in is created by people.

the production of aesthetic objects.”
Nonetheless, art is much more than a The beginnings of art can be
medium, or words on a page, or lyrics of traced back to the times when beliefs in the
a song.
spirits and the supernatural are common
cultural practices. Art forms prevalent
Art is derived from the Latin word artis,
which translates to skill, craftsmanship, in this era included tribal music, dances

mastery of form, inventiveness, a and paintings related to religious rites and

relationship between form and ideas ceremonies. Unearthed artifacts showed
or between materials and techniques. the gods and goddesses worshipped by
Art is also rooted in the Aryan word, ar, tribesmen and the animals they used for
which means “to join” or “put together”. religious practices. Ancient cave paintings
The Greeks have terms, “artizein” or to also chronicled the lives of prehistoric
prepare and “arkiskein”, meaning to “put
together” (Ariola, 2014).
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A true work of art is not an imitation • art must be beneficial to man; and
but a unique human creation that is • art must be manifested using a certain
meant to evoke emotion. Art teaches us medium or material by which the

refinement for it enables us to value and artist (the maker) communicates with
appreciate beautiful things as a result of others.
our encounters with artworks.
It takes a lot of skill, dedication and
Art can mean different things to experience to create a truly great art. To
different people. How we define art may
determine whether or not something is a
be a result of many things – our culture,

work of art requires that:
the kind of society we live in, our personal
experiences, education, etc. Though our
1. The object or event is made by an
understanding of art may differ, there are
four common threads essential to it.
These are: 2. The object or event is intended to be a
work of art by its maker or creator.

• art must be a human creation;
• art must be a product of creativity, not 3. It is recognized as important or a work
an imitation; of art by experts in the field.

Determine whether or not each image is an example of art. Answer in your journal.

1 2 3

4 5 6

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Write a brief response to the questions below. Use only one
page of your journal.

• What is your personal experience with art?

• Who introduced you to art? Is it your family? Is it your school?
Is it your friends? Is it your own observations?

• Have you made an artwork? Are you currently making one?
If so, what kind?
• What is your own definition of art?


At the end of this lesson, you must have:

• explained the nature and characteristics of art;

• enumerated specific functions of art;
• cited various importance of art; and

• correlated the linkages of art to personal and community



Below are images recreated from original works of art. They were made by
some people during the height of COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Warehouse Arts District is located in that actively help in the revival of the
the center of downtown St. Petersburg, community. It has prompted an increase in

Florida, U.S.A. It was once an industrial economy, tourism, and cultural diversity.
zone, with broken-down warehouses
and buildings for industries specializing
in manufacturing. The district gradually
changed when Duncan McClellan, a
renowned glass artist, opened his gallery.

In late 2011, a group of artists and local
business leaders gathered and discussed
the possibility of creating a cultural hub
for artists. Eventually, the Warehouse
Arts District Association (WADA) was
established. Presently, WADA provides
support to the artists from local and Cite a work of art (e.g. a sculpture, a

neighboring states through a wide range building or structure, a novel, etc.) that
of programs. WADA also created the Arts has greatly influenced the community
Exchange to house affordable studios or the society. Write a one-paragraph
for struggling artists. Today, WADA description about your chosen artwork
is composed of over 300 businesses in your journal.

IMPORTANCE OF ART religion, and gender. It evokes human

feelings and sentiments and forces people
The significance of art is limitless. to think, feel, inspire and act. This is why

Art is what makes us human. It is part of art is a powerful tool for social change.
our everyday lives. It is everywhere. The
furniture in your house, your bags, the Art is a reminder of the values we hold
gadgets you use – someone designed dear. It makes us realize that even though
them for a purpose. we may all come from different walks of life,
there are some things that are undeniably
Everything around us has
been created for a specific purpose common to all of us like love, friendship,

by somebody who has passion for art. and freedom. It makes us realize the
Through an architect’s artistic vision, importance of pursuing our passion and
houses, schools and workplaces are self-expression. At the end of the day, we
built. There is always a creative individual can say that art makes us better persons
behind the music we listen to, the trendy by making us think intensely, feel deeper,
dance challenges we groove into and the and do something rather than nothing at
food we enjoy.

Art is timeless. Art remains even

though its creator has long been gone. It CHARACTERISTICS OF ART
records history by revealing imprints of
the past. Art reinforces our relationships Art: Concept or Fact?
with people because it brings us together.
Likewise, it destroys barriers that separate Art is either a concept or a fact.
us from one another. Art is beyond politics, As a concept or an idea, art needs to be
language, economic and social class, understood by the perceiver. Though we
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may have our own idea of what an art is, standards and purpose. In contrast, an
we cannot confine an art’s definition to artist must be creative and original. Fine
ours as it comes from a man’s ideas and art is not an imitation from set rules. Artists

emotions. As a fact, art is observable. We are considered prodigies going beyond
process an artwork through our senses. norms and conventions.
With this, art is considered to be any
creative work that can easily be described Characteristics of Artworks
through observing the different mediums
used by the artist and the context in which Several characteristics of an artwork are
it was produced. as follows:

Art and Experience 1. They are created or man-made.

Experience is essential to art as it makes 2. They are universal (everywhere).

art appreciation possible. An experience is
something that affects one’s life. Notably, Whenever and wherever we
persons affected by art experience are:

1. the person of the artist; and

2. the person of the recipient
OP are, art will always be present. In cities,
towns, provinces, here or abroad, there
is art. Every day, we see art in the
different structures – schools, houses,
malls, churches, etc. When we open our
Characteristics of Experience wardrobes, we see the fashionable colors,
designs and textures of our clothes. We
1. Experience must be personal and also see art through the different fixtures
distinct. It should not be the same as that in our homes. Art exists at all times in all
of any other individual. shapes and sizes. Some works of art can
leave us in awe while others do not.
2. It goes along with emotion or emotional

response. You either like it or not. 3. They are united (unity).

Artist vs. Craftsman Fundamentally, our relationship with art

is linked with our emotions and feelings.
Initially, the word art meant skill, Upon seeing a picture, one may be
ability, or craft (corresponding to the captivated and feel an array of emotions

Greek techne from which we derive the or thoughts. As a result, a person’s

words like technical and technique). In response is largely emotional.
olden times, a “work of art” was anything
that uses skill or craft in its creation. By the 4. They are diversified.
middle of the 17th century, the definition
of “work of art” evolved into fine or high art Art shows a significant amount of variety,
(Ariola, M., 2014). not only in its essence but also in

materials and forms. Artists are shaped

The artisan or the craftsman by the world they live in, and their work
does not necessarily produce original is a manifestation of it. There are no rules
works. He is rather adequate at his own that can govern either the formation or
work by successfully carrying out a set of appreciation of art. As art continues to
rules. Thus, a work of craft is considered evolve, artists and critics would always
acceptable if it meets the desired have contrasting guidelines to disprove

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one another. Hence, experts in the field artist’s beliefs, emotions, and experiences.
must consider the historical context of an
artwork when assessing it. They should 6. They are creative.

base their evaluation on the popular tools
The artist’s creativity and originality are
and techniques used during the time the
reflected in his/her work of art.
artwork was created and the artist lived.
7. Works of art are timeless.
5. They are expressive.
Individuals have always made art. Art
All art forms must effectively show the began with the beginning of man.


As cited by Caslib, et al. (2018), the 2. Art has social functions (art and
functions of art are typically categorized society). This is apparent when it

into three: physical, social, and personal. addresses aspects of collective life,
These classifications can and often as opposed to an individual’s view. Art
overlap in any given piece of art. performs social function when:

1. The personal functions of art, which a. Influences Social

focuses only on the art and the individual, Behavior (Collective Behavior)
are the most difficult to explain in any
great detail. There are many of them, Many works of art influence our
and they vary from person to person. thinking and subsequently, our actions.
Examples of these functions are limited to One example is Jose Rizal’s Noli Me
the following: Tangere. The novel is considered by
many as instrumental in sowing the seeds

a. Order – gives order to a chaotic of nationalism which led the Filipinos

and disorderly personal situation. to aspire for independence against the
Spanish regime. Art therefore, can be a
b. Chaotic – disrupts, disturbs, or vehicle for social change.
creates restlessness when the artist
feels life is too boring, staid and b. Display and Celebration

Sculptures and paintings are used
c. Therapeutic – pertains to both to commemorate iconic individuals in our
the artist and the viewer. For example, society. Statues honoring our national
the choice of music for the mentally heroes often grace our parks and plazas.
disturbed patients, for clients in a Meanwhile, rituals like weddings and
fitness club, or for cancer patients in baptism do not only play an important role

hospitals. in our lives but have also influenced the

growth of arts.
d. Religious and Spiritual
Art objects such as paintings,
e. Biological – refers to ways of sculptures, textiles and masks have
adorning and decorating ourselves to symbolic meanings. They often play a role
be attractive enough to others. in beliefs and rituals. For instance, many

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devotees and pilgrims flock the statue of Fernando Amorsolo frequently portray the
Our Lady of Manaog in Pangasinan as the lives of people in rural areas. His popular
figure is known to be a great intercessor works include paintings of Filipinos

in times of need. Objects like this are planting and harvesting rice, and lending
considered to have a social agency a helping hand through carrying wooden
because of the link they create between houses which highlight the value of unity,
an individual perception and a physical camaraderie and the bayanihan spirit
manifestation. among Filipinos.

The meanings we place on art Art imparts important ideas about

objects change as societies grow and our culture, may it be politics or religion.
cultural practices evolve. Art has served Art forms like songs, films, stories or
religion. In the early centuries, the Church
images in paintings have become vehicles
was the primary patron of the artists. Even
in transmitting and preserving knowledge
until now, the primary purpose of art is
and skills from one generation to another.
religious or ceremonial and propaganda
or social commentary.

c. Festivals

Festivals involve some form of

OP 4. The physical (utilitarian) functions
of art are easy to understand. When
works of art that are made for service or
utility, they have physical functions. The
rituals, and these in turn, employ arts. intended function of an object determines
Examples are Sinulog in Cebu, Moriones the form that it takes.
Festival in Marinduque, Ati-Atihan in
Kalibo, and Dinagyang in Iloilo. In architecture, the design of a
building is based primarily on its intended
3. Cultural functions. operational function. For instance, a
church generally requires a big hall for

Artworks give glimpses of how people the congregation to gather. With such
think, feel, and live during a particular requirement, the size of the building, the
historical period. For example, the location of doors, windows and other
paintings of the late national artist facilities are also determined.


Try to draw your emotion. What would it be like? Do this on a piece of paper.


Answer the following questions in one-whole sheet of paper.

1. List down five ways in which art contributes to the spiritual and
physical wellbeing of man.
2. What are some characteristics of art? Enumerate.
3. What are some functions of art in the context of enhancing yourself
as a student? Limit answer to 10 sentences or less.

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"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited,
whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving
birth to evolution." -Albert Einstein
Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein, born in 1879 and died in 1955, was named “Person
of the Century” by the Time Magazine in 1999 in recognition to his outstanding scientific and
humanitarian contribution. The German descent scientist is famous for his Theory of Relativity

which transformed our knowledge of space, time, gravity, and the universe (Golden, F., 1999).

Indeed, as Einstein said, there is no limit to what we can imagine. Imagination fuels the
creative spirit in us to produce something we call art.

In this lesson, you will learn the importance of imagination and the roles of imagination
and creativity in art. How are they connected? Can a great piece of art be possible without

At the end of the lesson, you must have:
• discussed how to develop appreciation for the arts;
• characterized artistic expression based on personal experiences with art; and
• created an art portfolio that expressed aesthetic ideas on art with the use of skills
and imagination.



What are your best pick-up lines or hugot lines on the following subjects?
Write them in your journal.
on family on friendship on love or relationship on education



1 2 3
Look closely at each picture above and determine what you see in each of
them. Write your answers in your journal.

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Art appreciation is the ability to and appreciation of art pieces. Context
interpret or understand arts and enjoy refers to a viewer’s response to an artwork
them. Our appreciation of art may come and to the conditions or circumstances
from actual work experiences with art that affect the creation of an art piece. The
tools and materials or from owning or following are the different contexts used
possessing artworks for our enjoyment. by people to create and respond to art:

Art appreciation can also be 1. Artist’s Background – refers to
defined as “the knowledge of the general personal circumstances like age, gender,
and everlasting qualities that classify culture, social and economic background,
all great art.” It can be objective as it etc.
entails analysis of an artwork without 2. Nature – can be the source
reference to subject matter, symbolism of materials for creating art or can be an

or historical context. Art appreciation can inspiration to draw upon.
also be subjective since it is dependent 3. Everyday Life – can be a source
on personal preference or on the basis of inspiration to artist in creating a piece of
of social and cultural acceptance (Ariola, art.
2014). 4. Society, Politics, Economy and
History – are aspects that can influence
Experience is said to be the the creative process. For example, art
best teacher. Hence, in cultivating our can be a political propaganda to influence
appreciation for the arts, we need to society while technological innovations led
expose ourselves to fine and beautiful to new ways of expressing art.
things which will make us better individuals 5. Mode of Reception – pertains to
by allowing us to have a more refined when, where and how art is encountered.
manner and taste.




We don’t need to understand art
To have a better understanding and to enjoy it. We can simply experience it.
appreciation of art works, we need to However, our experiences in art becomes
understand the two objective aspects of better and more enriched if we understand
art: the piece.

1. Form – focuses on the physical The source of all art is human

and visible aspects present in the work of imagination, or creative thinking.
art such as the actual size of the art piece, Science and technology also come from
the medium used, the kind of art (e.g. creative thinking (Reavis, C., 2020).
painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) and
descriptions of compositional elements Creativity is the ability to create or
(e.g. lines, shapes and colors). produce something new that has value or
importance. However, creating something
2. Content – pertains to the new is not enough. A product must have

artwork’s subject matter, meaning or some relevance, or could pave the way to
theme. It gives us a clue to what it new ways of thinking.
Imagination vs. Creativity
Context of Art
Creative activity aims to do
Apart from form and content, something purposeful or something of
context is also important in understanding value while imagination is thinking about

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something that is not present (e.g. person, begin with a problem or issue to be
object, event, situation, etc.). resolved. This stage needs study,
Five traits that define creativity observation, or research

1. Associating • Planning (calculation) – This is the
decision-making phase. Activities
This refers to the ability to draw parallel may include election of materials,
connections across seemingly unrelated techniques to use and refinement of
fields or concepts. visual elements.

2. Questioning • Communication (execution) – The

artist must ensure that quality of

This includes scrutinizing or persistently workmanship and integrity is achieved
probing the status quo by asking questions during the actual implementation or
such as “Why do things function as they production of the project.
do now?” and “How and why do things
change or evolve?” When can we say that something is
3. Observing

• when it is unique or something we
This pertains to the objective study of have not seen before
situations or events to gain new insights
or new ways of thinking and doing. • when it is unusual or totally different

4. Networking • when it is not just a copy or imitation of

someone’s work
A manifestation of this trait is the …THERE IS ORIGINALITY
willingness to interact with others and
learn from them.
5. Experimenting
There are no set rules or guidelines
This involves exploring other options to express yourself. Art is meant to be the

through actual testing, building templates, way the artist wants it to be since he/she
and taking them apart for analysis and is the principal author of the artwork. No
further improvement. matter what form art takes, whether it be a
painting, sculpture, dance or music — it is
still the choice of the artist to decide how
The Creative Formula to express himself/herself. Other forms
of artistic expression include film, poem,
• Spark (inspiration) – A spark may story, sculpture, photograph, etc.


From the Earth to the Moon is a funny, science fantasy story written by Jules
Verne in 1865. Considered as one of the earliest novels in this genre, the story centers
on three prosperous members of a post-American Civil War gun club who created

a huge upward facing columbiad which transported them from earth to the moon.
Despite the author’s lack of emperical data on space travel, some figures mentioned
in his novel were proven accurate (, n.d.). A century after the story was
published, American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to land on the
moon on July 20, 1969.

Your task is to write about a work of art that has inspired scientific or technological
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This exercise is a challenge to your creativity. You are to simply incorporate the
lines, dots, and figures inside the frame to make your own artwork.


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Can you imagine a world without art? A world where there is no music to listen
to, no books to read, no paintings or sculpture to gaze in awe and wonder. Quite
impossible, isn’t it?

People are social beings with an innate need to relate with one another and
express themselves in various mediums. Art is a medium to express our thoughts,

feelings, imagination and creativity. Art is expressed in so many ways. It comes in


At the end of the lesson, you must have:

• distinguished the different categories of art;

• cited various examples of art forms; and
• created an artwork that relates to who you are.

Complete each statement with the very first idea that comes to your mind. Write them

in your journal.

1. I am

2. I think

3. I love

4. I hate

5. I wish

6. I dream of

7. I believe

8. I cry

9. I laugh

10. I feel

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How do you express yourself when you are happy, sad, angry or feeling lonely?
How do you react when you are in love or when you passed all your subjects? Ponder
on these questions.

The following images and objects depict some of the ways in which art is



The “arts” refer to the theory, 2. Minor Arts. These include decorative
human application and physical expression arts, popular arts, graphic arts, plastic arts
of creativity found in human cultures and and industrial arts.
societies through skills and imagination in
order to produce objects, environments, Other authors have classified arts
and experiences (Wikipedia Encyclopedia). according to purpose. In this regard, the
arts then can be:
When we say, the “arts”, we 1. Fine Arts. They are created purposely to
usually mean various activities made with delight the senses, specifically the sense of

skill and imagination and these include: hearing and sense of sight.
Architecture, Sculpture, Painting,
Literature, Music, Performing, and Film. 2. Practical Arts. The major intent is to
Traditionally, the arts are grouped into: develop works of art that are for utility and
1. Major Arts. Architecture, painting,
sculpture, music, dance, theater, literature The skills in one field may overlap
in another field, thus, we may find in some
and cinema fall under the category of references that arts is classified broadly in
major arts. following categories:

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VISUAL ARTS Architecture pertains to designing
and constructing structures or buildings for
The arts we perceive with our a particular function. To be considered as
eyes, such as drawing, graphics, painting, architecture, buildings should embody the

sculpture, architecture, photography and three elements of (1) plan, (2) construction
the decorative arts are called visual. and (3) design.

A drawing can be a representation
of any form or object by hand through Performance Art is a live art and the
the medium of pencil, pen, charcoal, etc. medium can be a part or the whole human
Drawings are not necessarily illustrations body which the artist uses to perform. It also
of what we see around us. They can also makes use of other visual art, props, sound,

be abstract, showing certain emotions and light, etc.
ideas that are in the mind of the artist and
which are open to interpretation. Under this category are theatre,
play, dance, and music. The different forms
Paintings are categorized under performance arts include opera,
magic shows, circus, carnivals, and mimes.
according to the style in which they are They make use of other visual art, props,
made, the genre and the main object of the sound, light, etc.

painting. Still life, seascapes, landscapes,
pop art and abstract are the various types Performance art consists of four
of painting genres that are favored by most elements: (1) time, (2) place where
artists. performance is held, (3) performer or the
performer’s body, and (4) the relationship
The kind of medium used (e.g. oil between performer and the audience.
colors, pastels, water colors, charcoal, etc.)
and the surface that is painted on (e.g. Music uses sound of different
canvas, paper, etc.) affect how the painting pitches to compose songs. When performed,
it can appeal to both visual and auditory
would look. senses.
Sculpture is a three-dimensional Dance is a series of movements that
art form and is classified as a visual art. follow the rhythm of musical accompaniment.
Sculpture uses mediums like clay, stone, The body or parts of the body are used as a

wood, metal, etc. to produce sculptural medium of expression. Dance has no rules
and even with choreography, dancers are
pieces. Essentially, a sculpture can be made not confined to set steps and rules; they can
in two ways. Clay sculpture is formed bit by be free to create their own movements.
bit into a particular shape and structure while
a sculpture can be also made by chiseling Play can refer to both the written
and carving a wooden block, metal or stone. texts of playwrights and the complete
theatrical performance. Theater, on the

Photography is the art of producing other hand is the actual production of a play.
an image of an object on a photographic It presents interpretation of a play.
film. The resulting image may differ from one LITERARY ARTS
photographer to another due to the skill and
the technique used in capturing an object. The Literary Arts pertain to
There are different types of photography written communications using words in
and may range from fashion photography, any language. There are many activities
wildlife photography, food photography to comprising this category of the arts. These

wedding photography and more. are writing, editing, critiquing, teaching,

reviewing, and other similar activities related

to written communication. There are four
Applied art is under the field of main literary genres.
visual art and it can be described as art that
has practical application. It may include Poetry. Poems are written for many
beautification of cars, homes, offices, other purposes: to explain feelings, to tell a story
structures, environment, etc. Architecture is or to describe something. They are made up
a form of applied art. of words to create a picture in our minds.

V.C. Arenas 21 ART MATTERS: Art Appreciation Learning Modules

This module is owned by ISAT University, unauthorized reproduction or distribution
without the consent of the university or of the module writer is prohibited.
They are written in lines and stanzas Drama is a written work intended
instead of sentences and paragraphs. Most to be performed in front of an audience. It
poems are free-flowing while others follow contains dialogue, and actors impersonate
strict rules as to the number and length of the characters. It is usually broken up into

lines and stanzas. They can be serious or acts or scenes, and uses props or imaginative
funny. dialogue to create a visual experience for the
audience. Examples are: tragedy, comedy,
A lot of poems are abundant in melodrama, musical and historical. Play is
figurative language. Simile, metaphor, a written work meant for theater. It narrates
hyperbole, onomatopoeia, alliteration, a story through dialogues of characters and
rhyme, and much more, are a number of is divided into acts and scenes. The writers
devices used in poetry to evoke imagination, convey their feelings, emotions, and ideas

emotions, and heartfelt ideas. through their characters and make them act
and speak.
Fiction is any written work in the
form of prose and is based on the author’s POPULAR ARTS
imagination or inspired by some real-life
Popular art is the art of popular
situation. Unlike poetry, fiction is much culture. It includes film, newspaper,
more structured. It is written in sentences
and paragraphs complete with proper
punctuation and grammar, making it a prose.
Anything can be a subject of fiction which
can take place in the present, the future, or
the past.
OP magazine, comic book, advertising ads,
radio and television. Usually the subjects
are popular images, even ordinary ones
since it intends to appeal to ordinary people.

Film is a category of popular arts. It is
the art of putting together succession of still
images to create an illusion of movement.
Nonfiction is the third broad literary It can be created using movie camera,
genre. Nonfiction is not fake since it comes animation techniques, computer-generated
from real life. Non-fiction works are all based images (CGI) and more. Filmmaking is a
in real-world experiences. Some examples complex art that involves many elements
include journals, diaries, biographies, such as acting, lighting, musical score,
autobiographies, and essays. visual effects, direction, etc.


Create an artwork that best represents yourself. Tell us about your work in
your journal using 75 words or less.


Complete the table by identifying 10 forms of art in your home or in your school.
To which category of art does each one belong?


V.C. Arenas 22 ART MATTERS: Art Appreciation Learning Modules

This module is owned by ISAT University, unauthorized reproduction or distribution
without the consent of the university or of the module writer is prohibited.

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