Table 9 - 15
Table 9 - 15
Table 9 - 15
with 20 or More Workers by Category and Major Industry Group, Philippines: June 2020
Non-regular Workers
Total Contractual/
MAJOR INDUSTRY GROUP Probationary Seasonal Apprentices/
Employment Total Casual Workers Project-based
Workers Workers Learners
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 153,761 52,621 10,053 13,331 13,512 15,584 141
Industry 1,412,678 334,928 69,331 57,547 163,189 38,044 6,817
Mining and Quarrying 41,496 4,391 1,062 298 1,537 1,494 -
Manufacturing 1,009,735 150,462 56,381 25,165 45,016 17,227 6,673
Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply 45,229 3,527 852 679 1,872 30 94
Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management
and Remediation Activities 31,135 9,206 668 3,379 5,142 16 -
Construction 285,082 167,342 10,368 28,026 109,622 19,276 50
Services 3,755,191 520,252 329,499 57,251 119,163 11,097 3,242
Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles
and Motorcycles 763,765 67,987 45,913 9,573 9,276 2,873 352
Transportation and Storage 152,529 18,146 5,481 5,825 4,532 906 1,403
Accommodation and Food Service Activities 190,955 21,547 13,943 4,438 1,004 1,260 902
Information and Communication 140,444 12,573 8,945 221 3,334 64 8
Financial and Insurance Activities 376,797 24,671 15,319 2,710 6,511 111 20
Real Estate Activities 59,865 7,068 3,472 58 3,539 - -
Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities 104,780 11,983 5,940 835 5,133 - 76
Administrative and Support Services Activities 1,451,192 270,433 175,363 18,421 72,886 3,660 103
Education except Public Education 279,078 61,903 42,461 6,865 10,830 1,474 273
Human Health and Social Work Activities except Public
Health Activities 177,856 16,544 11,111 3,326 1,907 95 106
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 45,798 7,132 1,287 4,979 212 654 -
Repair of Computers and Personal and Household
Goods; Other Personal Service Activities 12,131 264 264 - - - -
Note: Details may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2019/2020 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE).