Section II-General Technical Requirement

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Turnkey Bidding Documents

Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-i


OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-1




1.0 Foreword

2.0 General Requirement

3.0 Standards

4.0 Services to be performed by the equipment being furnished

5.0 Engineering Data and Drawings

6.0 Material/ Workmanship

7.0 Design Improvements/ Coordination

8.0 Quality Assurance Programme

9.0 Type Testing, Inspection & Inspection Certificate

10.0 Tests

11.0 Packaging & Protection

12.0 Finishing of Metal Surfaces

13.0 Handling, Storing & Installation

14.0 Tools and Tackles

15.0 Auxiliary Supply

16.0 Support Structure

17.0 Clamps and Connectors including Terminal Connectors

18.0 Control Cabinets, Junction Boxes, Terminal Boxes & Marshalling Boxes for

Outdoor Equipment

20.0 Terminal Blocks and Wiring

21.0 Lamps and Sockets

22.0 Bushings, Hollow Column Insulators, Support Insulators

23.0 Motors

24.0 Technical Requirement of Equipment’s

Annexure-A List of Specifications

Annexure-B List of Drawings/ Documents

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-2




1.1 The provisions under this section are intended to supplement general requirements
for the materials, equipments and services covered under other sections of bidding
documents and are not exclusive.


2.1 The contractor shall furnish catalogues, engineering data, technical information,
design documents, drawings etc., fully in conformity with the technical
specification during detailed engineering.

2.2 It is recognized that the Contractor may have standardized on the use of certain
components, materials, processes or procedures different from those specified
herein. Alternate proposals offering similar equipment based on the
manufacturer’s standard practice will also be considered provided such proposals
meet the specified designs, standard and performance requirements and are
acceptable to Employer.

2.3 Equipment furnished shall be complete in every respect with all mountings,
fittings, fixtures and standard accessories normally provided with such equipment
and/or needed for erection, completion and safe operation of the equipment as
required by applicable codes though they may not have been specifically detailed
in the Technical Specifications unless included in the list of exclusions. Materials
and components not specifically stated in the specification and bid price schedule
but which are necessary for commissioning and satisfactory operation of the
switchyard/substation unless specifically excluded shall be deemed to be included
in the scope of the specification and shall be supplied without any extra cost. All
similar standard components/parts of similar standard equipment provided, shall
be inter-changeable with one another.


3.1 The works covered by the specification shall be designed, engineered,

manufactured, built, tested and commissioned in accordance with the Acts, Rules,
Laws and Regulations of Nepal/ relevant IEC standard or Acceptable
International Standard.

3.2 The equipment to be furnished under this specification shall conform to latest issue
with all amendments (as on the date of bid opening) of standard specified under
Annexure-A of this section, unless specifically mentioned in the specification.

3.3 The Bidder shall note that standards mentioned in the specification are not
mutually exclusive or complete in themselves, but intended to compliment each

3.4 The Contractor shall also note that list of standards presented in this specification
is not complete. Whenever necessary the list of standards shall be considered in
conjunction with specific IEC or equivalent international standard.

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-3

3.5 When the specific requirements stipulated in the specifications exceed or differ
than those required by the applicable standards, the stipulation of the specification
shall take precedence.

3.6 Other internationally accepted standards which ensure equivalent or better

performance than that specified in the standards specified under Annexure-A /
individual sections for various equipments shall also, be accepted, however the
salient points of difference shall be clearly brought out in the Additional
information schedule of the bid along with English language version of such
standard. The equipment conforming to standards other than specified under
Annexure-A/ individual sections for various equipments shall be subject to
Employer’s approval.



4.1 The equipment furnished under this specification shall perform all its functions
and operate satisfactorily without showing undue strain, restrike etc under such
over voltage conditions.

4.2 All equipments shall also perform satisfactorily under various other electrical,
electromechanical and meteorological conditions of the site of installation.

4.3 All equipment shall be able to withstand all external and internal mechanical,
thermal and electromechanical forces due to various factors like wind load,
temperature variation, ice & snow, (wherever applicable) short circuit etc for the

4.4 The bidder shall design terminal connectors of the equipment taking into account
various forces that are required to withstand.

4.5 The equipment shall also comply with the following:

a) To facilitate erection of equipment, all items to be assembled at site shall be

“match marked”.

b) All piping, if any between equipment control cabinetand operating

mechanisms to marshalling box of the equipment, shall bear proper
identification to facilitate the connection at site.

4.6 Equipments and system shall be designed to meet the following major technical
parameters as brought out hereunder.

4.6.1 System Parameter

132 kV, 33 kV & 11 kV System

SL Description of parameters 132 kV 33 kV 11 kV

No System System System

1. System operating voltage 132kV 33kV 11kV

2. Maximum operating voltage of 145kV 36kV 12kV

the system(rms)

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-4

SL Description of parameters 132 kV 33 kV 11 kV

No System System System

3. Rated frequency 50Hz 50Hz 50Hz

4. No. of phase 3 3 3

5. Rated Insulation levels

i) Full wave impulse withstands 750 250 95

voltage (1.2/50 Micro sec.)
kVp kVp kVp

ii) One minute power frequency dry 325kV 95kV 28kV

and wet withstand voltage (rms)

6. Corona extinction voltage 105kV - -

7. Max. radio interference voltage 500 - -

for frequency between 0.5 MHz
and 2 MHz at 92KV rms for micro-
132KV system

8. Minimum creepage distance 4650 1300 1300

mm mm mm


i) Phase to phase 1300 mm 320 mm 120 mm


ii) Phase to earth 1300 mm 320 mm 120 mm

iii) Sectional clearances 4000 mm 3000 mm

10. Rated short circuit current 31.5 kA for 25 kA for 25 kA for 3

1 Sec 3 Sec Sec

11. System neutral earthing Effectively Effectivel Effectively

earthed y earthed earthed

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-5


1. The insulation and RIV (Radio interference voltage) levels of the equipments
shall be as per values given in the respective section of the equipments.

4.6.2 Major technical parameters of bushings / hollow column / support insulators are
given below:

132 kV, 33 kV & 11 kV System

S.N. Parameters 132kV 33kV 11kV

(a) Max. System voltage Um(kV) 145 36 12

(b) Impulse withstands voltage (dry & + 750 + 170 + 75

wet) (kVp)

(c) Power frequency withstand 275 95 28

voltage (dry and wet) (kV rms)

(d) Total creepage distance (min) 4650 1300 1300


4.6.3 Major Technical Parameters

The major technical parameters of the equipments are given below. For other
parameters and features respective technical sections should be referred. (A) For 145 kV Circuit Breaker and Isolator

Rated voltage kV (rms) 145

Rated frequency (Hz) 50

No. of Poles 3

Design ambient 50
temperature (°C)

Rated insulation levels:

1) Full wave impulse withstands voltage (1.2/50 micro sec.)

- Between line ±650 kVp

terminals and ground

- Between terminals ±650 kVp

with circuit breaker open

- Between terminals ±750 kVp

with isolator open

2) One minute power frequency dry and wet withstand voltage

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-6

- Between line 275 kV (rms)

terminals and ground

- Between terminals 275 kV (rms)

with circuit breaker open

- Between terminals 315kV (rms)

with Isolator open

Minimum creepage distance: -

Phase to ground (mm) 3625

Between CB Terminals (mm) 3625

System neutral earthing effectively


Horizontal Seismic coefficient - 0.15g

Rating of Auxiliary 10 A at 110 V DC (as applicable)


Breaking capacity of 2 A DC with circuit time

Auxiliary Contacts constant of not less than 20ms.

Phase to phase spacing (mm) 3000

Auxiliary Switch shall also comply with other clauses of this section.

(B) FOR 145 kV CT/ VT/ LA (SA)

Rated voltage kV (rms) 145

Rated frequency (Hz) 50

No. of poles 1

Design ambient temperature (°C) 50

Rated insulation levels:

1) Full wave impulse withstands voltage (1.2/50 micro sec.)

- Between line terminals ±650 kVp

and ground for CT and CVT

- For arrester housing ±650 kVp

2) One minute power frequency dry and wet withstand voltage

- Between line terminals 275 kV rms

and ground for CT and CVT

- For arrester housing 275 kV rms

Minimum creepage distance: -

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-7

Phase to ground (mm) 3625

System neutral earthing - Effectively earthed -

Horizontal Seismic coefficient - 0.15g

Partial discharge for:-

- Surge arrester at - Not exceeding 50 pc. -

1.05 COV

- For CT/VT - Not exceeding 10 pc. –

(C) For 33 kV & 11 kV Circuit Breaker and Isolator:

Voltage Level 33 kV 11 kV

Rated voltage kV (rms) 36 12

Rated frequency (Hz) 50 50

No. of Poles 3 3

Design ambient temperature (°C) 50 50

Rated insulation levels:

1) Full wave impulse withstands voltage (1.2/50 micro sec.)

- Between line ±170 kVp ±75 kVp

terminals and ground

- Between terminals ±170 kVp ±75 kVp

with circuit breaker open

- Between terminals ±170 kVp ±75 kVp

with isolator open

2) One minute power frequency dry and wet withstand voltage

- Between line 70kV (rms) 28kV (rms)

terminals and ground

- Between terminals 70kV (rms) 28kV (rms)

with circuit breaker open

- Between terminals 70kV (rms) 28kV (rms)

with Isolator open

Minimum creepage distance:

Phase to ground (mm) 900 300

Between CB Terminals (mm) 900 300

System neutral earthing effectively earthed

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-8

Horizontal Seismic coefficient 0.15g - 0.15g

Rating of Auxiliary Contact 10 A at 110 V DC

Breaking capacity of 2 A DC with circuit time

Auxiliary Contacts constant of not less than 20ms

Auxiliary Switch shall also comply with other clauses of Section-GTR.

(D) FOR 33 kV & 11kV CT/VT/SA

Voltage Level 33 kV 11 kV

Rated voltage kV (rms) 36 12

Rated frequency (Hz) 50 11

No. of poles 1 1

Design ambient temperature (°C) 50 50

Rated insulation levels:

1) Full wave impulse withstands voltage (1.2/50 micro sec.)

- Between line ±170 kVp ±75 kVp

terminals and ground

- For arrester housing ±170 kVp ±75 kVp

2) One minute power frequency dry and wet withstand voltage

- Between line 70kV rms 28kV rms

terminals and ground

- For arrester housing 70kV rms 28kV rms

Minimum Creepage distance:

Phase to ground (mm) 900 300

Between Terminals (mm) 900 300

System neutral earthing - Effectively earthed -

Horizontal Seismic coefficient 0.15g - 0.15g

Cantilever strength of bushing 350 kg (minimum)

(E) Technical Parameters of Bushings/Hollow Column Insulators/support

insulators for 33 kV & 11 kV:

(a) Rated Voltage (kV) 36 12

(b) Impulse withstand ±170 75

voltage (Dry & Wet) (kVp)

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-9

(c) Power frequency 75 28

withstand voltage
(dry and wet) (kV rms)

(d) Total creepage 900 300

distance (mm)

(e) Pollution Class-III Heavy (as per IEC 71) and as specified in
Section-2 for all class of equipment.

The requirement of alternate long & short sheds stated in model technical
specification shall not be applicable in case of 33 kV & 11kV.


5.1 The list of drawings/documents which are to be submitted to the Employer shall be
discussed and finalized by the Employer at the time of award.

The Contractor shall necessarily submit all the drawings/ documents unless
anything is waived.

5.2 The Contractor shall submit 2 (two) sets of drawings/ design documents /data /
detailed bill of quantity and 1 (one) set of test reports for the approval of the
Employer. The contractor shall also submit the softcopy of the above documents in
addition to hardcopy.

5.3 Drawings

5.3.1 All drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be in sufficient detail to indicate
the type, size, arrangement, material description, Bill of Materials, weight of each
component, break-up for packing and shipment, dimensions, internal & the
external connections, fixing arrangement required and any other information
specifically requested in the specifications.

5.3.2 Drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be clearly marked with the name of
the Employer, the unit designation, the specifications title, the specification
number and the name of the Project. /Consultant has standardized few
drawings/documents of various make including type test reports which can be used
for all projects having similar requirements and in such cases no project specific
approval (except for list of applicable drawings along with type test reports) is
required. However, distribution copies of standard drawings/documents shall be
submitted as per provision of the contract. All titles, noting, markings and writings
on the drawing shall be in English. All the dimensions should be in SI units.

5.3.3 The review of these data by the Employer will cover only general conformance of
the data to the specifications and documents interfaces with the equipment
provided under the specifications, external connections and of the dimensions
which might affect substation layout. This review by the Employer may not
indicate a thorough review of all dimensions, quantities and details of the
equipment, materials, any devices or items indicated or the accuracy of the
information submitted. This review and/or approval by the Employer shall not be
considered by the Contractor, as limiting any of his responsibilities and liabilities
for mistakes and deviations from the requirements, specified under these
specifications and documents.

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-10

5.5 All manufacturing and fabrication work in connection with the equipment prior to
the approval of the drawings shall be at the Contractor’s risk. The Contractor may
make any changes in the design which are necessary to make the equipment
conform to the provisions and intent of the Contract and such changes will again
be subject to approval by the Employer. Approval of Contractor’s drawing or
work by the Employer shall not relieve the contractor of any of his responsibilities
and liabilities under the Contract.

5.6 All engineering data submitted by the Contractor after final process including
review and approval by the Employer shall form part of the Contract Document
and the entire works performed under these specifications shall be performed in
strict conformity, unless otherwise expressly requested by the Employer in

5.7 Approval Procedure

The scheduled dates for the submission of the drawings as well as for, any
data/information to be furnished by the Employer would be discussed and
finalized at the time of award. The following schedule shall be followed generally
for approval and for providing final documentation.

i) Approval/comments/ As per agreed

by Employer on initial schedule**

ii) Resubmission Within 3 (three) weeks

(whenever from date of comments

iii) Approval or comments Within 3 (three) weeks of

Receipt of resubmission. **

iv) Furnishing of distribution 2 weeks from the date

copies (4 hard copies per of approval
substation and one scanned
copy (pdf format) for Corporate

v) Furnishing of distribution
copies of test reports

(a) Type test reports 2 weeks from the date

(one scanned softcopy in of final approval
pdf format plus one for corporate
centre & one hardcopy)

(b) Routine Test Reports -do-

(two copy for

vi) Furnishing of instruction/ As per agreed schedule

operation manuals (4 copies
per substation and one softcopy
(pdf format) for corporate centre
& substation)

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-11

(vii) As built drawings (Four sets of On completion of entire works

hardcopy substation & one
softcopy (pdf format) for
corporate centre & substation)


** shall be as per work program in clause 18.2 of SCC.

1) The contractor may please note that all resubmissions must incorporate all
comments given in the earlier submission by the Employer or adequate
justification for not incorporating the same must be submitted failing which the
submission of documents is likely to be returned.

2) All drawings should be submitted in softcopy form, however substation design

drawings like SLD, GA, all layouts etc. shall also be submitted in AutoCAD
Version. SLD, GA & layout drawings shall be submitted for the entire
substation in case of substation extension also.

3) The instruction Manuals shall contain full details of drawings of all equipment
being supplied under this contract, their exploded diagrams with complete
instructions for storage, handling, erection, commissioning, testing, operation,
trouble shooting, servicing and overhauling procedures.

4) If after the commissioning and initial operation of the substation, the

instruction manuals require any modifications/ additions/changes, the same
shall be incorporated and the updated final instruction manuals shall be
submitted by the Contractor to the Employer.

5) The Contractor shall furnish to the Employer catalogues of spare parts.

6) All As-built drawings/documents shall be certified by site indicating the

Changes before final submission.


6.1 General Requirement

6.1.1 Where the specification does not contain references to workmanship, equipment,
materials and components of the covered equipment, it is essential that the same
must be new, of highest grade of the best quality of their kind, conforming to best
engineering practice and suitable for the purpose for which they are intended.

6.1.2 Incase where the equipment, materials or components are indicated in the
specification as “similar” to any special standard, the Employer shall decide upon
the question of similarity. When required by the specification or when required by
the Employer the Contractor shall submit, for approval, all the information
concerning the materials or components to be used in manufacture. Machinery,
equipment, materials and components supplied, installed or used without such
approval shall run the risk of subsequent rejection, it being understood that the
cost as well as the time delay associated with the rejection shall be borne by the

6.1.3 The design of the Works shall be such that installation, future expansions,
replacements and general maintenance may be undertaken with a minimum of
time and expenses. Each component shall be designed to be consistent with its

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-12

duty and suitable factors of safety, subject to mutual agreements. All joints and
fastenings shall be devised, constructed and documented so that the component
parts shall be accurately positioned and restrained to fulfill their required function.
In general, screw threads shall be standard metric threads. The use of other thread
forms will only be permitted when prior approval has been obtained from the

6.1.4 Whenever possible, all similar part of the Works shall be made to gauge and shall
also be made interchangeable with similar parts. All spare parts shall also be
interchangeable and shall be made of the same materials and workmanship as the
corresponding parts of the Equipment supplied under the Specification. Where
feasible, common component units shall be employed in different pieces of
equipment in order to minimize spare parts stocking requirements. All equipment
of the same type and rating shall be physically and electrically interchangeable.

6.1.5 All materials and equipment shall be installed in strict accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendation(s). Only first-class work in accordance with the
best modern practices will be accepted. Installation shall be considered as being
the erection of equipment at its permanent location. This, unless otherwise
specified, shall include unpacking, cleaning and lifting into position, grouting,
leveling, aligning, coupling of or bolting down to previously installed equipment
bases/foundations, performing the alignment check and final adjustment prior to
initial operation, testing and commissioning in accordance with the manufacturer’s
tolerances, instructions and the Specification. All factory assembled rotating
machinery shall be checked for alignment and adjustments made as necessary to
re-establish the manufacturer’s limits suitable guards shall be provided for the
protection of personnel on all exposed rotating and / or moving machine parts and
shall be designed for easy installation and removal for maintenance purposes. The
spare equipment(s) shall be installed at designated locations and tested for

6.1.6 The Contractor shall apply oil and grease of the proper specification to suit the
machinery, as is necessary for the installation of the equipment. Lubricants used
for installation purposes shall be drained out and the system flushed through where
necessary for applying the lubricant required for operation. The Contractor shall
apply all operational lubricants to the equipment installed by him.

6.2 Provisions for Exposure to Hot and Humid climate

Outdoor equipment supplied under the specification shall be suitable for service
and storage under tropical conditions of high temperature, high humidity, heavy
rainfall and environment favorable to the growth of fungi and mildew. The indoor
equipments located in non-air-conditioned areas shall also be of same type.

6.2.1 Space Heaters The heaters shall be suitable for continuous operation at 230V as supply voltage.
On-off switch and fuse shall be provided. One or more adequately rated thermostatically connected heaters shall be supplied
to prevent condensation in any compartment. The heaters shall be installed in the
compartment and electrical connections shall be made sufficiently away from
below the heaters to minimize deterioration of supply wire insulation. The heaters
shall be suitable to maintain the compartment temperature to prevent

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-13 Suitable anti condensation heaters with the provision of thermostat shall be


Besides the space heaters, special moisture and fungus resistant varnish shall be
applied on parts which may be subjected or predisposed to the formation of fungi
due to the presence or deposit of nutrient substances. The varnish shall not be
applied to any surface of part where the treatment will interfere with the operation
or performance of the equipment. Such surfaces or parts shall be protected against
the application of the varnish.

6.2.3 Ventilation opening

Wherever ventilation is provided, the compartments shall have ventilation openings

with fine wire mesh of brass to prevent the entry of insects and to reduce to a
minimum the entry of dirt and dust. Outdoor compartment openings shall be
provided with shutter type blinds and suitable provision shall be made so as to
avoid any communication of air / dust with any part in the enclosures of the
Control Cabinets, Junction boxes and Marshalling Boxes, panels etc.

6.2.4 Degree of Protection

The enclosures of the Control Cabinets, Junction boxes and Marshalling Boxes,
panels etc. to be installed shall provide degree of protection as detailed here under:

a) Installed out door: IP- 55

b) Installed indoor in air conditioned area: IP-31

c) Installed in covered area: IP-52

d) Installed indoor in non air conditioned area where possibility of entry of

water is limited: IP-41.

e) For LT Switchgear (AC & DC distribution Boards): IP-52

The degree of protection shall be in accordance with IEC-60947 (Part-I) / IEC-

60529. Type test report for degree of protection test, shall be submitted for


6.3.1 Each main and auxiliary item of substation is to have permanently attached to it in
a conspicuous position a rating plate of non-corrosive material upon which is to be
engraved manufacturer’s name, year of manufacture, equipment name, type or
serial number together with details of the loading conditions under which the item
of substation in question has been designed to operate, and such diagram plates as
may be required by the Employer. The rating plate of each equipment shall be
according to IEC requirement.

6.3.2 All such nameplates, instruction plates, rating plates of transformers, reactors, CB,
CT, CVT, SA, Isolators, C & R panels and FO communication equipments shall
be provided with English inscriptions and shall be approved by Employer.

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Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-14


All the first fill of consumables such as oils, lubricants, filling compounds, touch
up paints, soldering/brazing material for all copper piping of circuit breakers and
essential chemicals etc. which will be required to put the equipment covered under
the scope of the specifications, into successful Operation, shall be furnished by the
Contractor unless specifically excluded under the exclusions in these
specifications and documents.


7.1 The bidder shall note that the equipment offered by him in the bid only shall be
accepted for supply. However, the Employer or the Contractor may propose
changes in the specification of the equipment or quality thereof and if the
Employer & contractor agree upon any such changes, the specification shall be
modified accordingly.

7.2 If any such agreed upon change is such that it affects the price and schedule of
completion, the parties shall agree in writing as to the extent of any change in the
price and/or schedule of completion before the Contractor proceeds with the
change. Following such agreement, the provision thereof, shall be deemed to have
been amended accordingly.

7.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for the selection and design of appropriate
equipments to provide the best coordinated performance of the entire system. The
basic design requirements are detailed out in this Specification. The design of
various components, sub-assemblies and assemblies shall be so done that it
facilitates easy field assembly and maintenance.

7.4 The Contractor has to coordinate designs and terminations with the agencies (if
any) who are Consultants/Contractor for the Employer. The names of agencies
shall be intimated to the successful bidders.

7.5 The Contractor will be called upon to attend design co-ordination meetings with
the Engineer, other Contractor’s and the Consultants of the Employer (if any)
during the period of Contract. The Contractor shall attend such meetings at his
own cost at Employer’s Corporate Centre, Nepal or at mutually agreed venue as
and when required and fully cooperate with such persons and agencies involved
during those discussions.


8.1 To ensure that the equipment and services under the scope of this Contract whether
manufactured or performed within the Contractor’s Works or at his Sub-
contractor’s premises or at the Employer’s site or at any other place of Work are in
accordance with the specifications, the Contractor shall adopt suitable quality
assurance programme to control such activities at all points necessary. Such
programme shall be broadly outlined by the contractor and finalised after
discussions before the award of contract. The detailed programme shall be
submitted by the contractor after the award for reference. A quality assurance
programme of the contractor shall generally cover the following:

(a) His organization structure for the management and implementation of the
proposed quality assurance programme:

(b) Documentation control system;

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Turnkey Bidding Documents
Ghorahi-Madichaur 132 kV TLP 2-15

(c) Qualification data for bidder’s key personnel;

(d) The procedure for purchases of materials, parts components and selection of
sub-Contractor’s services including vendor analysis, source inspection,
incoming raw material inspection, verification of material purchases etc.

(e) System for shop manufacturing and site erection controls including process
controls and fabrication and assembly control;

(f) Control of non-conforming items and system for corrective actions;

(g) Inspection and test procedure both for manufacture and field activities.

(h) Control of calibration and testing of measuring instruments and field


(i) System for indication and appraisal of inspection status;

(j) System for quality audits;

(k) System for authorizing release of manufactured product to the Purchaser.

(l) System for maintenance of records;

(m) System for handling storage and delivery; and

(n) A quality plan detailing out the specific quality control measures and
procedures adopted for controlling the quality characteristics relevant to
each item of equipment furnished and/or services rendered.

The Employer or his duly authorized representative reserves the right to carry out
quality audit and quality surveillance of the system and procedure of the
Contractor/his vendor’s quality management and control activities.

8.2 Quality Assurance Documents

The contractor would be required to submit all the Quality Assurance Documents
as stipulated in the Quality Plan at the time of Employer’s inspection of



9.1 All equipment being supplied shall conform to type tests as per technical
specification and shall be subject to routine tests in accordance with requirements
stipulated under respective sections.

9.2 The reports for all type tests as per technical specification shall be furnished by the
Contractor along with equipment / material drawings. The type tests conducted
earlier should have either been conducted in accredited laboratory (accredited
based on IEC Guide 25 / 17025 or EN 45001 by the national accreditation body of
the country where laboratory is located) or witnessed by Utility or representative
of accredited test lab or reputed consultant.

The test reports submitted shall be of the tests conducted within last 10 (ten) years
prior to the originally Scheduled date of bid opening. In case the test reports are of

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the test conducted earlier than 10 (ten) years prior to the originally Scheduled date
of bid opening, the contractor shall repeat these test(s) at no extra cost to the

However, in case of instrument transformers, the following type tests should have
been conducted within 5 (five) years prior to the originally Scheduled date of bid

i) Lightning Impulse Test

ii) Switching Impulse Test

iii) Multiple Chopped Impulse Test (For CT)

In case the test reports are of these tests (for instrument transformers) as
mentioned above are conducted earlier than 5 (five) years prior to the originally
Scheduled date of bid opening, the contractor shall repeat these test(s) at no extra
cost to the Employer.

Further, in the event of any discrepancy in the test reports i.e. any test report not
acceptable due to any design/manufacturing changes (including substitution of
components) or due to non-compliance with the requirement stipulated in the
Technical Specification or any/all type tests not carried out, same shall be carried
out without any additional cost implication to the Employer.

The Contractor shall intimate the Employer the detailed program about the tests at
least three (3) weeks in advance in case of domestic supplies & six (6) weeks in
advance in case of foreign supplies.

Further, in case type tests are required to be conducted/repeated and the deputation
of Inspector/Employer's representative is required, then all the expenses shall be
borne by the Contractor.

9.3 The Employer, his duly authorized representative and/or outside inspection
agency acting on behalf of the Employer shall have at all reasonable times free
access to the Contractor’s/sub-vendors premises or Works and shall have the
power at all reasonable times to inspect and examine the materials and
workmanship of the Works during its manufacture or erection if part of the Works
is being manufactured or assembled at other premises or works, the Contractor
shall obtain for the Engineer and for his duly authorized representative permission
to inspect as if the works were manufactured or assembled on the Contractor’s
own premises or works. Inspection may be made at any stage of manufacture,
dispatch or at site at the option of the Employer and the equipment if found
unsatisfactory due to bad workmanship or quality, material is liable to be rejected.

9.4 The Contractor shall give the Employer/ Inspector written notice for at least three
(3) weeks in advance in case of domestic material & six (6) weeks in advance in
case of foreign materials being ready for joint testing including contractor and
Employer. Such tests shall be to the Contractor’s account except for the expenses
of the Inspector. The Employer/ inspector, unless witnessing of the tests is
virtually waived, will attend such tests within three (3) weeks in case of domestic
material & six (6) weeks of the date of which the equipment is notified as being
ready for test/ inspection. The inspection date shall be according to approved work

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9.5 The Employer or Inspector shall, within fifteen (15) days from the date of
inspection as defined herein give notice in writing to the Contractor, of any
objection to any drawings and all or any equipment and workmanship which in his
opinion is not in accordance with the Contract. The Contractor shall give due
consideration to such objections and shall either make the modifications that may
be necessary to meet the said objections or shall confirm in writing to the
Employer /Inspector giving reasons therein, that no modifications are necessary to
comply with the Contract.

9.6 When the factory tests have been completed at the Contractor’s or Sub-
Contractor’s works, the Employer/inspector shall issue a certificate to this effect
within fifteen (15) days after completion of tests but if the tests are not witnessed
by the Employer /Inspector, the certificate shall be issued within fifteen (15) days
of receipt of the Contractor’s Test certificate by the Engineer/Inspector. Failure of
the Employer/ Inspector to issue such a certificate shall not prevent the Contractor
from proceeding with the Works. The completion of these tests or the issue of the
certificate shall not bind the Employer to accept the equipment should, it, on
further tests after erection, is found not to comply with the Contract. The
equipment shall be dispatched to site only after approval of test reports and
issuance of CIP by the Employer.

9.7 In all cases where the Contract provides for tests whether at the premises or at the
works of the Contractor or of any Sub-Contractor, the Contractor except where
otherwise specified shall provide free of charge such items as labor, materials,
electricity, fuel, water, stores, apparatus and instruments as may be reasonably
demanded by the Employer /Inspector or his authorized representative to carry out
effectively such tests of the equipment in accordance with the Contract and shall
give facilities to the Employer /Inspector or to his authorized representative to
accomplish testing.

9.8 The inspection by Employer and issue of Inspection Certificate thereon shall in no
way limit the liabilities and responsibilities of the Contractor in respect of the
agreed quality assurance Programme forming a part of the Contract.

9.9 The Employer will have the right of having at his own expenses any other test(s) of
reasonable nature carried out at Contractor’s premises or at site or in any other
place in addition of aforesaid type and routine tests, to satisfy that the material
comply with the specification.

9.10 The Employer reserves the right for getting any field tests not specified in
respective sections of the technical specification conducted on the completely
assembled equipment at site. The testing equipments for these tests shall be
provided by the Employer.

9.11 The contractor has to involve a reputed independent third party inspection agency
for the Factory tests as per the specification (Section 3, Clause 5.2) and IEC
standard at the testing laboratory of Transformer Manufacturer before dispatch of
the power transformers supplied under this Contract. The factory tests shall be
carried out in presence of reputed independent third party inspector and NEA
personnel. Independent third party inspector shall bear full responsibility for
proper testing of all transformer and authencity of test result. Besides, they
shall have to declare in written that power transformers are/aren’t as per
contract. The involvement days of third party inspector/s shall not be less than 15

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Bidders have to propose the name of reputed independent third party inspection
agency along with their bid. All the cost of Factory tests as per the specification
and IEC standard and the cost of independent third party inspector/s shall be borne
by the contractor.

10.0 TESTS

10.1 Pre-commissioning Tests

On completion of erection of the equipment and before charging, each item of the
equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned and then inspected jointly by the Employer
and the Contractor for correctness and completeness of installation and
acceptability for charging, leading to initial pre-commissioning tests at Site. The
lists of pre-commissioning tests to be performed are given in respective sections
and shall be included in the Contractor’s quality assurance Programme.

10.2 Commissioning Tests

10.2.1 The available instrumentation and control equipment will to be used during such
tests and the Employer will calibrate all such measuring equipment and devices as
far as practicable.

10.2.2 Any special equipment, tools and tackles required for the successful completion of
the Commissioning Tests shall be provided by the Contractor, free of cost.

10.2.3 The specific tests requirement on equipment have been brought out in the
respective sections of the technical specification.

10.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining statutory clearances from the
concerned authorities for commissioning the equipment and the switchyard.
However necessary fee shall be reimbursed on production of requisite documents.


11.1 All the equipments shall be suitably protected, coated, covered or boxed and crated
to prevent damage or deterioration during transit, handling and storage at Site till
the time of erection. On request of the Employer, the Contractor shall also submit
packing details/associated drawing for any equipment/material under his scope of
supply, to facilitate the Employer to repack any equipment/material at a later date,
in case the need arises. While packing all the materials, the limitation from the
point of view of availability of Railway wagon sizes should be taken into account.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage during transportation,
handling and storage due to improper packing. Any demurrage, wharfage and other
such charges claimed by the transporters, railways etc. shall be to the account of
the Contractor. Employer takes no responsibility of the availability of the wagons.

11.2 All coated surfaces shall be protected against abrasion, impact, discoloration and
any other damages. All exposed threaded portions shall be suitably protected with
either a metallic or a non-metallic protecting device. All ends of all valves and
pipings and conduit equipment connections shall be properly sealed with suitable
devices to protect them from damage.


12.1 All metal surfaces shall be subjected to treatment for anti-corrosion protection. All
ferrous surfaces for external use unless otherwise stated elsewhere in the

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specification or specifically agreed, shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication.

High tensile steel nuts & bolts and spring washers shall be electro galvanized to
service condition 4. All steel conductors including those used for
earthing/grounding (above ground level) shall also be galvanized according to
Equivalent International Standards.


12.2.1 The minimum weight of the zinc coating shall be 610 gm/sq.m and minimum
average thickness of coating shall be 86 microns for all items having thickness
6mm and above. For items lower than 6mm thickness requirement of coating
thickness shall be as per relevant ASTM. For surface which shall be embedded in
concrete, the zinc coating shall be 610 gm/sq. m minimum.

12.2.2 The galvanized surfaces shall consist of a continuous and uniform thick coating of
zinc, firmly adhering to the surface of steel. The finished surface shall be clean and
smooth and shall be free from defects like discolored patches, bare spots,
unevenness of coating, spelter which is loosely attached to the steel globules,
spiky deposits, blistered surface, flaking or peeling off, etc. The presence of any of
these defects noticed on visual or microscopic inspection shall render the material
liable to rejection.

12.2.3 After galvanizing, no drilling or welding shall be performed on the galvanized

parts of the equipment excepting that nuts may be threaded after galvanizing.
Sodium dichromate treatment shall be provided to avoid formation of white rust
after hot dip galvanization.

12.2.4 The galvanized steel shall be subjected to six one-minute dips in copper sulphate
solution as per IEC.

12.2.5 Sharp edges with radii less than 2.5 mm shall be able to withstand four immersions
of the Standard Preece test. All other coatings shall withstand six immersions. The
following galvanizing tests should essentially be performed as per relevant Indian

- Coating thickness

- Uniformity of zinc

- Adhesion test

- Mass of zinc coating

12.2.6 Galvanized material must be transported properly to ensure that galvanized

surfaces are not damaged during transit. Application of zinc rich paint at site shall
not be allowed.


12.3.1 All sheet steel work shall be degreased, pickled, and phosphated in accordance
with the IS-6005/Equivalent International standard “Code of practice for
phosphating iron and sheet”. All surfaces, which will not be easily accessible after
shop assembly, shall beforehand be treated and protected for the life of the
equipment. The surfaces, which are to be finished painted after installation or
require corrosion protection until installation, shall be shop painted with at least
two coats of primer. Oil, grease, dirt and swaf shall be thoroughly removed by

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emulsion cleaning. Rust and scale shall be removed by pickling with dilute acid
followed by washing with running water, rinsing with slightly alkaline hot water
and drying.

12.3.2 After phosphating, thorough rinsing shall be carried out with clean water followed
by final rinsing with dilute dichromate solution and oven drying. The phosphate
coating shall be sealed with application of two coats of ready mixed, stoving type
zinc chromate primer. The first coat may be “flash dried” while the second coat
shall be stoved.

12.3.3 After application of the primer, two coats of finishing synthetic enamel paint shall
be applied, each coat followed by stoving. The second finishing coat shall be
applied after inspection of first coat of painting.

12.3.4 The exterior and interior colour of the paint in case of new substations shall
preferably be RAL 7032 for all equipment, marshalling boxes, junction boxes,
control cabinets, panels etc. unless specifically mentioned under respective
sections of the equipments. Glossy white colour inside the equipments /boards
/panels/junction boxes is also acceptable. The exterior colour for panels shall be
matching with the existing panels in case of extension of a substation. Each coat of
primer and finishing paint shall be of slightly different shade to enable inspection
of the painting. A small quantity of finishing paint shall be supplied for minor
touching up required at site after installation of the equipments.

12.3.5 In case the Bidder proposes to follow his own standard surface finish and
protection procedures or any other established painting procedures, like
electrostatic painting etc., the procedure shall be submitted alongwith the Bids for
Employer’s review & approval.

12.3.6 The colour scheme as given below shall be followed for Air Conditioning systems

S.No. PIPE LINE Base colour Band


Air Conditioning System

5 Refrigerant gas pipeline – at Canary Yellow -

compressor suction

6 Refrigerant gas pipeline – at Canary Yellow Red

compressor discharge

7 Refrigerant liquid pipeline Dark Admiralty -


8 Chilled water pipeline Sea Green -

9 Condenser water pipeline Sea Green Dark Blue

The direction of flow shall be marked by → (arrow) in black colour.

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Base Colour Direction of flow Band Colour

12.3.7 For aluminium casted surfaces, the surface shall be with smooth finish. Further, in
case of aluminium enclosures the surface shall be coated with powder (coating
thickness of 60 microns) after surface preparation for painting.


13.1 In accordance with the specific installation instructions as shown on

manufacturer’s drawings or as directed by the Employer or his representative, the
Contractor shall unload, store, erect, install, wire, test and place into commercial
use all the equipment included in the contract. Equipment shall be installed in a
neat, workmanlike manner so that it is level, plumb, square and properly aligned
and oriented. Commercial use of switchyard equipment means completion of all
site tests specified and energisation at rated voltage.

13.2 Contractor may engage manufacturer’s Engineers to supervise the unloading,

transportation to site, storing, testing and commissioning of the various equipment
being procured by them separately. Contractor shall unload, transport, store, erect,
test and commission the equipment as per instructions of the manufacturer’s
supervisory Engineer(s) and shall extend full cooperation to them.

13.3 The contractor shall have to ensure that the hard and flat indoor and outdoor
storage areas are in place prior to commencement of delivery of material at site.
Contractor shall also ensure availability of proper unloading and material handling
equipment like cranes etc. and polyester/nylon ropes of suitable capacity to avoid
damage during unloading and handling of material at site. All indoor equipments
shall be stored indoors. Outdoor equipment may be stored outdoors but on a hard
and flat raised area properly covered with waterproof and dustproof covers to
protect them from water seepage and moisture ingress. However, all associated
control panels, marshalling boxes operating boxes etc. of outdoor equipments are
to be stored indoors only.

Storage of equipment on top of another one is not permitted if the wooden packing
is used. Material opened for joint inspection shall be repacked properly as per
manufacturer’s recommendations.

During storage of material regular periodic monitoring of important parameters like

oil level / leakage, SF6 / Nitrogen pressure etc. shall be ensured by the contractor.

13.4 In case of any doubt/misunderstanding as to the correct interpretation of

manufacturer’s drawings or instructions, necessary clarifications shall be obtained
from the Employer. Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage to the
equipment consequent to not following manufacturer’s drawings/instructions

13.5 Where assemblies are supplied in more than one section, Contractor shall make all
necessary mechanical and electrical connections between sections including the
connection between buses. Contractor shall also do necessary
adjustments/alignments necessary for proper operation of circuit breakers,
isolators and their operating mechanisms. All components shall be protected
against damage during unloading, transportation, storage, installation, testing and
commissioning. Any equipment damaged due to negligence or carelessness or
otherwise shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.

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13.6 Contractor shall be responsible for examining all the shipment and notify the
Employer immediately of any damage, shortage, discrepancy etc. for the purpose
of Employer’s information only. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer
every week a report detailing all the receipts during the weeks. However, the
Contractor shall be solely responsible for any shortages or damages in transit,
handling and/or in storage and erection of the equipment at Site. Any demurrage,
wharfage and other such charges claimed by the transporters, railways etc. shall be
to the account of the Contractor.

13.7 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the equipment/material until the same
is handed over to the Employer in an operating condition after commissioning.
Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of the equipment/material
while in storage as well as after erection until taken over by Employer, as well as
protection of the same against theft, element of nature, corrosion, damages etc.

13.8 Where material/ equipment is unloaded by Employer before the Contractor arrives
at site or even when he is at site, Employer by right can hand over the same to
Contractor and there upon it will be the responsibility of Contractor to store the
material in an orderly and proper manner.

13.9 The Contractor shall be responsible for making suitable indoor storage facilities, to
store all equipment which requires indoor storage.

13.10 The words ‘erection’ and ‘installation’ used in the specification are synonymous.

13.11 Exposed live parts shall be placed high enough above ground to meet the
requirements of electrical and other statutory safety codes.

13.12 The design and workmanship shall be in accordance with the best engineering
practices to ensure satisfactory performance throughout the service life. If at any
stage during the execution of the Contract, it is observed that the erected
equipment(s) do not meet the above minimum clearances as given in clause 4.7.1
the Contractor shall immediately proceed to correct the discrepancy at his risks
and cost.

13.13 Equipment Bases

A cast iron or welded steel base plate shall be provided for all rotating equipment
which is to be installed on a concrete base unless otherwise agreed to by the
Employer. Each base plate shall support the unit and its drive assembly, shall be of
a neat design with pads for anchoring the units, shall have a raised lip all around,
and shall have threaded drain connections.


The Contractor shall supply with the equipment one complete set of all special
tools and tackles for the erection, assembly, dis-assembly and maintenance of the
equipment. However, these tools and tackles shall be separately, packed and
brought on to Site.


15.1 The sub-station auxiliary supply is normally met through a system indicated under
section “Electrical & Mechanical Auxiliaries” having the following parameters.
The auxiliary power for station supply, including the equipment drive, cooling
system of any equipment, air-conditioning, lighting etc shall be designed for the

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specified Parameters as under. The DC supply for the instrumentation and FO

communication system shall also conform the parameters as indicated in the

Normal Variation in Frequency in Phase/Wi Neutral

Voltage Voltage HZ re connection

400V + 10 50 + 2.5% 3/4 Wire Solidly Earthed.

230V + 10 50 + 2.5% 1/2 Wire Solidly Earthed.

110V 95V to 120V DC - Isolated 2 wire


48V _ DC _ 2 wire
system (+) earthed

Combined variation of voltage and frequency shall be limited to + 10%.


16.1 All equipment support structures shall be supplied along with brackets, angles,
stools etc. for attaching the operating mechanism, control cabinets & marshalling
box (wherever applicable) etc.

16.2 Support structure shall meet the following mandatory requirements:

16.2.1 The minimum vertical distance from the bottom of the lowest porcelain part of the
bushing, porcelain enclosures or supporting insulators to the bottom of the
equipment base, where it rests on the foundation pad shall be 2.55 meters.


17.1 All power clamps and connectors shall conform to ANSI/NEMA CC1/ Equivalent
International standard and shall be made of materials listed below:

For connecting, ACSR Aluminum alloy casting conforming to BS:1490/

conductors Equivalent International Standard

For connection equipment Bimetallic connectors made from aluminum alloy

terminals made of copper casting conforming to BS: 1490/ Equivalent
with ACSR conductors International Standard with 2 mm thick bimetallic

For connecting GI Galvanized mild shield wire

i) Bolts nuts and Electro-galvanized for sizes Plain, washers below

plain washers M12, for theirs hot dip galvanized.

ii) Spring washers Electro-galvanized mild steel

for item ‘a’ to

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17.2 Necessary clamps and connectors shall be supplied for all equipment and
connections. The requirement regarding external corona and RIV as specified for
any equipment shall include its terminal fittings. If corona rings are required to
meet these requirements they shall be considered as part of that equipment and
included in the scope of work.

17.3 Where copper to aluminum connections is required, bi-metallic clamps shall be

used, which shall be properly designed to ensure that any deterioration of the
connection is kept to a minimum and restricted to parts which are not current
carrying or subjected to stress.

17.4 Low voltage connectors, grounding connectors and accessories for grounding all
equipment as specified in each particular case, are also included in the scope of

17.5 No current carrying part of any clamp shall be less than 10 mm thick. All ferrous
parts shall be hot dip galvanized. Copper alloy liner of minimum 2 mm thickness
shall be cast integral with aluminum body or 2 mm thick bi-metallic strips shall be
provided for Bi-metallic clamps.

17.6 All casting shall be free from blow holes, surface blisters, cracks and cavities. All
sharp edges and corners shall be blurred and rounded off.

17.7 Flexible connectors, braids or laminated straps made for the terminal clamps for
bus posts shall be suitable for both expansion or through (fixed/sliding) type
connection of 4" IPS AL. tube as required. In both the cases the clamp height (top
of the mounting pad to centre line of the tube) should be same.

17.8 Clamp shall be designed to carry the same current as the conductor and the
temperature rise shall be equal or less than that of the conductor at the specified
ambient temperature. The rated current for which the clamp/connector is designed
with respect to the specified reference ambient temperature, shall also be indelibly
marked on each component of the clamp/connector, except on the hardware.

17.9 All current carrying parts shall be designed and manufactured to have minimum
contact resistance.

17.10 Clamps and connectors shall be designed to be corona controlled.

17.11 Tests

17.11.1 Clamps and connectors should be type tested as per NEMA CC1/ Equivalent
International Standard and shall also be subjected to routine tests as per NEMA
CC1/ Equivalent International Standard. Following type test reports shall be
submitted for approval as per clause 9.2 above except for sl. no.(ii) & (iii) for
which type test once conducted shall be applicable (i.e. the requirement of test
conducted within last ten years shall not be applicable).

i) Temperature rise test (maximum temperature rise allowed is 35°C over

50°C ambient)

ii) Short time current test

iii) Corona (dry) and RIV (dry) test

iv) Resistance test and tensile test

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18.1 All types of boxes, cabinets etc. shall generally conform to & be tested in
accordance with IEC-60439, as applicable, and the clauses given below:

18.2 Control cabinets, junction boxes, marshalling boxes & terminal boxes shall be
made of sheet steel or aluminum enclosure and shall be dust, water and vermin
proof. Sheet steel used shall be at least 2.0 mm thick cold rolled or 2.5 mm hot
rolled or alternately 1.6 mm thick stainless steel can also be used. The box shall be
properly braced to prevent wobbling. There shall be sufficient reinforcement to
provide level surfaces, resistance to vibrations and rigidity during transportation
and installation. In case of aluminum enclosed box the thickness of aluminum
shall be such that it provides adequate rigidity and long life as comparable with
sheet steel of specified thickness.

18.3 A canopy and sealing arrangements for operating rods shall be provided in
marshalling boxes / Control cabinets to prevent ingress of rain water.

18.4 Cabinet/boxes shall be provided with double hinged doors with padlocking
arrangements. The distance between two hinges shall be adequate to ensure
uniform sealing pressure against atmosphere. The quality of the gasket shall be
such that it does not get damaged/cracked during the operation of the equipment.

18.5 All doors, removable covers and plates shall be gasketed all around with suitably
profiled EPDM/Neoprene gaskets. The gasket shall be tested in accordance with
approved quality plan, BS: 4255/ Equivalent International Standard. Ventilating
Louvers, if provided, shall have screen and filters. The screen shall be fine wire
mesh made of brass.

18.6 All boxes/cabinets shall be designed for the entry of cables from bottom by means
of weather proof and dust-proof connections. Boxes and cabinets shall be designed
with generous clearances to avoid interference between the wiring entering from
below and any terminal blocks or accessories mounted within the box or cabinet.
Suitable cable gland plate above the base of the marshalling kiosk/box shall be
provided for this purpose along with the proper blanking plates. Necessary number
of cable glands shall be supplied and fitted on this gland plate. Gland plate shall
have provision for some future glands to be provided later, if required. The Nickel-
plated glands shall be dust proof, screw on & double compression type and made
of brass. The gland shall have provision for securing armour of the cable
separately and shall be provided with earthing tag. The glands shall conform to
BS: 6121.

18.7 A 230V, single phase, 50 Hz, 15-amp AC plug and socket shall be provided in the
cabinet with ON-OFF switch for connection of hand lamps. Plug and socket shall
be of industrial grade.

18.8 For illumination, a fluorescent tube, LED tube or LED (low power consumption)
of approximately 9 to 15 watts shall be provided. The switching of the fittings
shall be controlled by the door switch.

For junction boxes of smaller sizes such as lighting junction box, manual operated
earth switch mechanism box etc., plug socket, heater and illumination is not
required to be provided.

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18.9 All control switches shall be of MCB/rotary switch type and Toggle/piano
switches shall not be accepted.

18.10 Positive earthing of the cabinet shall be ensured by providing two separate
earthing pads. The earth wire shall be terminated on to the earthing pad and
secured by the use of self etching washer. Earthing of hinged door shall be done by
using a separate earth wire.

18.11 The bay marshalling kiosks shall be provided with danger plate and a diagram
showing the numbering/connection/feruling by pasting the same on the inside of
the door.

18.12 a) The following routine tests along with the routine tests as per IEC 60529/
Equivalent International Standard shall also be conducted:

i) Check for wiring

ii) Visual and dimension check

b) The enclosure of bay marshalling kiosk, junction box, terminal box shall
conform to IP-55 as per IEC 60529/ Equivalent International Standard
including application of, 2.0 KV rms for 1 (one) minute, insulation
resistance and functional test after IP-55 test.

19.0 Void.


20.1 Control and instrument leads from the switchboards or from other equipment will
be brought to terminal boxes or control cabinets in conduits. All inter phase and
external connections to equipment or to control cubicles will be made through
terminal blocks.

20.2 Terminal blocks shall be 650V grade and have continuous rating to carry the
maximum expected current on the terminals and non-breakable type. These shall
be of moulded piece, complete with insulated barriers, stud type terminals,
washers, nuts and lock nuts. Screw clamp, overall insulated, insertion type, rail
mounted terminals can be used in place of stud type terminals. But preferably the
terminal blocks shall be non-disconnecting stud type of Elmex or Phoenix or
Wago or equivalent make.

20.3 Terminal blocks for current transformer and voltage transformer secondary leads
shall be provided with test links and isolating facilities. The current transformer
secondary leads shall also be provided with short circuiting and earthing facilities.

20.4 The terminal shall be such that maximum contact area is achieved when a cable is
terminated. The terminal shall have a locking characteristic to prevent cable from
escaping from the terminal clamp unless it is done intentionally.

20.5 The conducting part in contact with cable shall preferably be tinned or silver
plated however Nickel-plated copper or zinc plated steel shall also be acceptable.

20.6 The terminal blocks shall be of extensible design.

20.7 The terminal blocks shall have locking arrangement to prevent its escape from the
mounting rails.

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20.8 The terminal blocks shall be fully enclosed with removable covers of transparent,
non-deteriorating type plastic material. Insulating barriers shall be provided
between the terminal blocks. These barriers shall not hinder the operator from
carrying out the wiring without removing the barriers.

20.9 Unless otherwise specified terminal blocks shall be suitable for connecting the
following conductors on each side.

a) All circuits except Minimum of two of 2.5 sq mm

CT/PT circuits copper flexible.

b) All CT/PT circuits Minimum of 4 nos. of 2.5 sq mm

copper flexible.

20.10 The arrangements shall be in such a manner so that it is possible to safely connect
or disconnect terminals on live circuits and replace fuse links when the cabinet is

20.11 At least 20 % spare terminals shall be provided on each panel/cubicle/box and

these spare terminals shall be uniformly distributed on all terminal’s rows.

20.12 There shall be a minimum clearance of 250 mm between the First/bottom row of
terminal block and the associated cable gland plate for outdoor ground mounted
marshalling box and the clearance between two rows of terminal blocks shall be a
minimum of 150 mm.

20.13 The Contractor shall furnish all wire, conduits and terminals for the necessary inter
phase electrical connections (where applicable) as well as between phases and
common terminal boxes or control cabinets.

20.14 All input and output terminals of each control cubicle shall be tested for surge
withstand capability in accordance with the relevant IEC Publications, in both
longitudinal and transverse modes. The Contractor shall also provide all necessary
filtering, surge protection, interface relays and any other measures necessary to
achieve an impulse withstand level at the cable interfaces of the equipment.


21.1 Sockets

All sockets (convenience outlets) shall be suitable to accept both 5 Amp & 15
Amp pin round plug as per Nepalese Standard. They shall be switched sockets
with shutters.

21.2 Hand Lamp:

A 230 Volts, single Phase, 50 Hz AC plug point shall be provided in the interior of
each cubicle with ON-OFF Switch for connection of hand lamps.

21.3 Switches and Fuses:

21.3.1 Each panel shall be provided with necessary arrangements for receiving,
distributing, isolating and fusing of DC and AC supplies for various control,
signaling, lighting and space heater circuits. The incoming and sub-circuits shall
be separately provided with miniature circuit breaker / switch fuse units. Selection
of the main and Sub-circuit fuse ratings shall be such as to ensure selective

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clearance of sub-circuit faults. Potential circuits for relaying and metering shall be
protected by HRC fuses.

21.3.2 All fuses shall be of HRC cartridge type conforming to IS: 9228/ Equivalent
International Standard mounted on plug-in type fuse bases. Miniature circuit
breakers with thermal protection and alarm contacts will also be accepted. All
accessible live connection to fuse bases shall be adequately shrouded. Fuses shall
have operation indicators for indicating blown fuse condition. Fuse carrier base
shall have imprints of the fuse rating and voltage.

22.0 Bushings, Hollow Column Insulators, Support Insulators:

22.1 Bushings shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with IEC-60137 while
hollow column insulators shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with
IEC-62155.The support insulators shall be manufactured and tested as per IEC-
60168 and IEC-60273. The insulators shall also conform to IEC-60815 as

The bidder may also offer composite hollow insulators, conforming to IEC-61462.

22.2 Support insulators, bushings and hollow column insulators shall be manufactured
from high quality porcelain. Porcelain used shall be homogeneous, free from
laminations, cavities and other flaws or imperfections that might affect the
mechanical or dielectric quality and shall be thoroughly vitrified tough and
impervious to moisture.

22.3 Glazing of the porcelain shall be uniform brown in colour, free from blisters, burrs
and similar other defects.

22.4 Support insulators/bushings/hollow column insulators shall be designed to have

ample insulation, mechanical strength and rigidity for the conditions under which
they will be used.

22.5 When operating at normal rated voltage there shall be no electric discharge
between the conductors and bushing which would cause corrosion or injury to
conductors, insulators or supports by the formation of substances produced by
chemical action. No radio interference shall be caused by the insulators/bushings
when operating at the normal rated voltage.

22.6 Bushing porcelain shall be robust and capable of withstanding the internal
pressures likely to occur in service. The design and location of clamps and the
shape and the strength of the porcelain flange securing the bushing to the tank
shall be such that there is no risk of fracture. All portions of the assembled
porcelain enclosures and supports other than gaskets, which may in any way be
exposed to the atmosphere shall be composed of completely non hygroscopic
material such as metal or glazed porcelain.

22.7 All iron parts shall be hot dip galvanized and all joints shall be air tight. Surface
of joints shall be trued up porcelain parts by grinding and metal parts by
machining. Insulator/bushing design shall be such as to ensure a uniform
compressive pressure on the joints.

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22.8 Tests

In bushing, hollow column insulators and support insulators shall conform to type
tests and shall be subjected to routine tests in accordance with IS: 2099 & IS: 2544
& IS : 5621/ Equivalent International Standard .

23.0 Motors

Motors shall be “Squirrel Cage” three phase induction motors of sufficient size
capable of satisfactory operation for the application and duty as required for the
driven equipment and shall be subjected to routine tests as per applicable
standards. The motors shall be of approved make.

23.1 Enclosures

a) Motors to be installed outdoor without enclosure shall have hose proof

enclosure equivalent to IP-55 as per IEC 60529/ Equivalent International
Standard. For motors to be installed indoor i.e. inside a box, the motor
enclosure, shall be dust proof equivalent to IP-44 as per IS: 4691/
Equivalent International Standard.

b) Two independent earthing points shall be provided on opposite sides of the

motor for bolted connection of earthing conductor.

c) Motors shall have drain plugs so located that they will drain water resulting
from condensation or other causes from all pockets in the motor casing.

d) Motors weighing more than 25 Kg. shall be provided with eyebolts, lugs or
other means to facilitate lifting.

23.2 Operational Features

a) Continuous motor rating (name plate rating) shall be at least ten (10) percent
above the maximum load demand of the driven equipment at design duty
point and the motor shall not be over loaded at any operating point of driven
equipment that will rise in service.

b) Motor shall be capable at giving rated output without reduction in the

expected life span when operated continuously in the system having the
particulars as given in Clause 15.0 of this Section.

23.3 Starting Requirements:

a) All induction motors shall be suitable for full voltage direct-on-line starting.
These shall be capable of starting and accelerating to the rated speed along
with the driven equipment without exceeding the acceptable winding
temperature even when the supply voltage drops down to 80% of the rated

b) Motors shall be capable of withstanding the electro dynamic stresses and

heating imposed if it is started at a voltage of 110% of the rated value.

c) The locked rotor current shall not exceed six (6) times the rated full load
current for all motors, subject to tolerance as given in IS:325/ Equivalent
International Standard .

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d) Motors when started with the driven equipment imposing full starting torque
under the supply voltage conditions specified under Clause 15.0 shall be
capable of withstanding at least two successive starts from cold condition at
room temperature and one start from hot condition without injurious heating
of winding. The motors shall also be suitable for three equally spread starts
per hour under the above referred supply condition.

e) The locked rotor withstand time under hot condition at 110% of rated
voltage shall be more than starting time with the driven equipment of
minimum permissible voltage by at least two seconds or 15% of the
accelerating time whichever is greater. In case it is not possible to meet the
above requirement, the Bidder shall offer centrifugal type speed switch
mounted on the motor shaft which shall remain closed for speed lower than
20% and open for speeds above 20% of the rated speed. The speed switch
shall be capable of withstanding 120% of the rated speed in either direction
of rotation.

23.4 Running Requirements:

a) The maximum permissible temperature rise over the ambient temperature of

50 degree C shall be within the limits specified in IS: 325/ Equivalent
International Standard (for 3 - phase induction motors) after adjustment due
to increased ambient temperature specified.

b) The double amplitude of motor vibration shall be within the limits specified
in IS: 4729/ Equivalent International Standard. Vibration shall also be
within the limits specified by the relevant standard for the driven equipment
when measured at the motor bearings.

c) All the induction motors shall be capable of running at 80% of rated voltage
for a period of 5 minutes with rated load commencing from hot condition.


An indicative list of tests is given below. Contractor shall perform any additional
test based on specialties of the items as per the field Q.P./Instructions of the
equipment Contractor or Employer without any extra cost to the Employer. The
Contractor shall arrange all instruments required for conducting these tests along
with calibration certificates and shall furnish the list of instruments to the
Employer for approval.

(a) Insulation resistance.

(b) Phase sequence and proper direction of rotation.

(c) Any motor operating incorrectly shall be checked to determine the cause
and the conditions corrected.


24.1 1.1 KV Grade Power & Control Cables

24.1.1 Applicable for PVC Control Cable

The manufacturers, whose PVC control cables are offered, should have designed,
manufactured, tested and supplied in a single contract at least 100 Kms of 1.1 KV

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grade PVC insulated control cables as on the date of bid opening. Further the
manufacturer should also have designed, manufactured, tested and supplied at
least 1 km of 17C x 2.5 Sq. mm or higher size as on the originally Scheduled date
of bid opening.

24.1.2 Applicable for PVC Power Cable

The manufacturer, whose PVC Power Cables are offered, should have designed,
manufactured, tested and supplied in a single contract at least 100 Kms of 1.1 KV
or higher-grade PVC insulated power cables as on the date of bid opening. Further
the manufacturer should also have designed, manufactured, tested and supplied at
least 1 km of 1C x 150 Sq. mm or higher size as on the originally Scheduled date
of bid opening.

24.1.3 Applicable for XLPE Power Cables

The Manufacturer, whose XLPE Power cables are offered should have designed
manufactured, tested and supplied in a single contract at least 25 Kms of 1.1 KV
or higher grade XLPE insulated power cables as on the date of bid opening.
Further the manufacturer should also have designed, manufactured, tested and
supplied at least 1 km of 1C x 630 Sq. mm or higher size as on the originally
Scheduled date of bid opening.

24.2 LT Switchgear

24.2.1 The Manufacturer whose LT Switchgear is offered should be a manufacturer of LT

Switchboards of the type and rating being offered. He should have designed,
manufactured, tested and supplied at least 50 nos. draw out circuit breaker panels,
out of which at least 5 nos. should have been with relay and protection schemes
with current transformer. He should have also manufactured at least 50 nos MCC
panels comprising of MCCBs (i.e. Moulded Case Circuit Breakers) modules of the
type offered which should be in successful operation as on originally Scheduled
date of bid opening.

24.2.2 The Switchgear items (such as circuit breakers, fuse switch units, contactors etc.),
may be of his own make or shall be procured from reputed manufacturers and of
proven design. At least one hundred circuit breakers of the make and type being
offered shall be operating satisfactory as on originally Scheduled date of bid

24.3 Fire Fighting System

The bidder or his sub-vendor should have designed, supplied, tested and installed
the fire fighting equipments for fire protection system of each type described in
BOQ shall comply to International Standard code (FOC, LONDON or NFPA,
USA etc).

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IEC-60060 (Part 1 to P4) - High Voltage Test Techniques

IEC 60068 - Environmental Test

IEC-60117 - Graphical Symbols

IEC-60156, - Method for the Determination of the Electrical

Strength of Insulation Oils.

IEC-60270, - Partial Discharge Measurements.

IEC-60376 - Specification and Acceptance of New Sulphur


IEC-60437 - Radio Interference Test on High Voltage Insulators.

IEC-60507 - Artificial Pollution Tests on High Voltage Insulators

to be used on AC Systems.

IEC-62271-1 - Common Specification for High Voltage Switchgear

& Control gear Standards.

IEC-60815 - Guide for the Selection of Insulators in respect of

Polluted Conditions.

IEC-60865 (P1 & P2) - Short Circuit Current - Calculation of effects.

ANSI-C.1/NFPA.70 - National Electrical Code

ANSI-C37.90A - Guide for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests

ANSI-C63.21, - Specification for Electromagnetic Noise and

C63.3 - Field Strength Instrumentation 10 KHz to 1 GHZ

C36.4ANSI-C68.1 - Techniquest for Dielectric Tests

ANSI-C76.1/EEE21 - Standard General Requirements and Test Procedure

for Outdoor Apparatus Bushings.

ANSI-SI-4 - Specification for Sound Level Metres

ANSI-Y32-2/C337.2 - Drawing Symbols

ANSI-Z55.11 - Gray Finishes for Industrial Apparatus and

Equipment No. 61 Light Gray

NEMA-107T - Methods of Measurements of RIV of High Voltage


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NEMA-ICS-II - General Standards for Industrial Control and Systems

Part ICSI-109

CISPR-1 - Specification for CISPR Radio Interference

Measuring Apparatus for the frequency range 0.15
MHz to 30 MHz

CSA-Z299.1-1978h - Quality Assurance Program Requirements

CSA-Z299.2-1979h - Quality Control Program Requirements

CSA-Z299.3-1979h - Quality Verification Program Requirements

CSA-Z299.4-1979h - Inspection Program Requirements


IEC-60076 (Part 1 to 5) - Power Transformers

IEC-60214 - On-Load Tap-Changers.

IEC-60289 - Reactors.

IEC- 60354 - Loading Guide for Oil - Immersed power


IEC-60076-10 - Determination of Transformer and Reactor Sound


ANSI-C571280 - General requirements for Distribution, Power and

Regulating Transformers

ANSI-C571290 - Test Code for Distribution, Power and Regulation


ANSI-C5716 - Terminology & Test Code for Current Limiting


ANSI-C5721 - Requirements, Terminology and Test Code for Shunt

Reactors Rated Over 500 KVA

ANSI-C5792 - Guide for Loading Oil-Immersed Power

Transformers upto and including 100 MVA with 55
deg C or 65 deg C Winding Rise

ANSI-CG, 1EEE-4 - Standard Techniques for High Voltage Testing


IEC-62271-100 - High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 100:

Alternating current circuit-breakers

IEC-62271-101 - High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 101:

Synthetic testing

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IEC-62155 - Hollow pressurized and un pressurized ceramic and

glass insulators for use in electrical equipment with
rated voltages greater than 1 000 V

IEC-62271-110 - High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 110:

Inductive load switching

IEC-62271-109 - High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 110:

Inductive load switching



IEC-60044-1 - Current transformers.

IEC-60044-2 - Inductive Voltage Transformers.

IEC-60044-5 - Instrument transformers - Part 5: Capacitor voltage


IEC-60186 - Voltage transformers

IEC-60358 - Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers.

IEC-60044-4 - Instrument Transformers: Measurement of Partial


IEC-60481 - Coupling Devices for power Line Carrier Systems.

ANSI-C5713 - Requirements for Instrument transformers

ANSIC92.2 - Power Line Coupling voltage Transformers

ANSI-C93.1 - Requirements for Power Line Carrier Coupling



IEC-60137 - Insulated Bushings for Alternating Voltages

above 1000V


IEC-60099-4 - Metal oxide surge arrestors without gaps

IEC-60099-5 - Selection and application recommendation

ANSI-C62.1 - IEE Standards for S A for AC Power Circuits

NEMA-LA 1 - Surge Arresters


IEC-60068.2.2 - Basic environmental testing procedures Part 2: Test

B: Dry heat

IEC-60694 - Switchgear and control gear

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IEC-60529 - Degree of Protection provided by enclosures.

IEC-60947-4-1 - Low voltage switchgear and control gear.

IEC-61095 - Electromechanical Contactors for household and

similar purposes.

IEC-60439 (P1 & 2) - Low Voltage Switchgear and control gear assemblies

ANSI-C37.20 - Switchgear Assemblies, including metal enclosed


ANSI-C37.50 - Test Procedures for Low Voltage Alternating Current

Power Circuit Breakers

ANSI-C39 - Electric Measuring instrument

ANSI-C83 - Components for Electric Equipment

NEMA-AB - Moulded Case Circuit and Systems

NEMA-CS - Industrial Controls and Systems

NEMA-PB-1 - Panel Boards

NEMA-SG-5 - Low voltage Power Circuit breakers

NEMA-SG-3 - Power Switchgear Assemblies

NEMA-SG-6 - Power switching Equipment

NEMA-5E-3 - Motor Control Centers

1248 (P1 to P9) - Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring

instruments & their accessories.

Disconnecting switches

IEC-62271-102 - High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 102:

Alternating current disconnectors and earthing

IEC-60265 (Part 1 & 2) - High Voltage switches

ANSI-C37.32 - Schedule of preferred Ratings, Manufacturing

Specifications and Application Guide for high
voltage Air Switches, Bus supports and switch

ANSI-C37.34 - Test Code for high voltage air switches

NEMA-SG6 - Power switching equipment

Protection and control equipment

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IEC-60051: (P1 to P9) - Recommendations for Direct Acting indicating

analogue electrical measuring instruments and their

IEC-60255 (Part 1 to 23) - Electrical relays.


(P1 to P4) - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482.6mm

(19 inches) series.

IEC-60359 - Expression of the performance of electrical &

electronic measuring equipment.

IEC-60387 - Symbols for Alternating-Current Electricity meters.

IEC-60447 - Man machine interface (MMI) - Actuating principles.

IEC-60521 - Class 0.5, 1 and 2 alternating current watt hour


IEC-60547 - Modular plug-in Unit and standard 19-inch rack

mounting unit based on NIM Standard (for electronic
nuclear instruments)

ANSI-81 - Screw threads

ANSI-B18 - Bolts and Nuts

ANSI-C37.1 - Relays, Station Controls etc.

ANSI-C37.2 - Manual and automatic station control, supervisory

and associated telemetering equipment

ANSI-C37.2 - Relays and relay systems associated with electric

power apparatus

ANSI-C39.1 - Requirements for electrical analog indicating


Electronic equipment and components

MIL-21B, MIL-833 & MIL-2750

IEC-60068 (P1 to P5) - Environmental testing

IEC-60326 (P1 to P2) - Printed boards

Material and workmanship standards

ASTM - Specification and tests for materials

Clamps & connectors

NEMA-CC1 - Electric Power connectors for sub station

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NEMA-CC 3 - Connectors for Use between aluminium or

aluminum-Copper Overhead Conductors

Bus hardware and insulators

IEC-60120 - Dimensions of Ball and Socket Couplings of string

insulator units.

IEC-60137 - Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above

1000 V.

IEC-60168 - Tests on indoor and outdoor post insulators of

ceramic material or glass for Systems with Nominal
Voltages Greater than 1000 V.

IEC-62155 - Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and

glass insulators for use in electrical equipment with
rated voltages greater than 1 000 V

IEC-60273 - Characteristics of indoor and outdoor post insulators

for systems with nominal voltages greater than

IEC-61462 - Pressurized and un-pressurized insulator for use in

electrical equipment with rated voltage greater than
1000V – Definitions, Test methods, acceptance
criteria and design recommendations

IEC-60305 - Insulators for overhead lines with nominal voltage

above 1000V-ceramic or glass insulator units for a.c.
systems Characteristics of String Insulator Units of
the cap and pin type.

IEC-60372 (1984) - Locking devices for ball and socket couplings of

string insulator units: dimensions and tests.

IEC-60383 (P1 and P2) - Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage
above 1000 V.

IEC-60433 - Characteristics of string insulator units of the long

rod type.

IEC-60471 - Dimensions of Clevis and tongue couplings of string

insulator units.

ANSI-C29 - Wet process proelain insulators

ANSI-C29.1 - Test methods for electrical power insulators

ANSI-C92.2 - For insulators, wet-process porcelain and toughened

glass suspension type

ANSI-C29.8 - For wet-process porcelain insulators apparatus, post-


ANSI-G.8 - Iron and steel hardware

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CISPR-7B - Recommendations of the CISPR, tolerances of form

and of Position, Part 1

ASTM A-153 - Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on iron and steel hardware

Strain and rigid bus-conductor

ASTM-B 230-82 - Aluminum 1350 H19 Wire for electrical purposes

ASTM-B 231-81 - Concentric - lay - stranded, aluminum 1350


ASTM-B 221 - Aluminum - Alloy extruded bar, road, wire, shape

ASTM-B 236-83 - Aluminum bars for electrical purpose (Bus-bars)

ASTM-B 317-83 - Aluminum-Alloy extruded bar, rod, pipe and

structural shapes for electrical purposes (Bus

Batteries and batteries charger


IEC: 60896-21&22 - Lead Acid Batteries Valve Regulated types –

Methods of Tests & Requirements

IEC: 60623 - Vented type nickel Cadmium Batteries

IEC: 60622 - Secondary Cells & Batteries – Sealed Ni-Cd

rechargeable single cell

IEC: 60623 - Secondary Cells & Batteries – Vented Ni-Cd

rechargeable single cell

IEC: 60896-11 - Stationary Lead Acid Batteries – Vented Type –

General requirements & method of tests

IEEE-485 - Recommended practices for sizing of Lead Acid


IEEE-1115 - Sizing of Ni-Cd Batteries

IEEE-1187 - Recommended practices for design & installation of

VRLA Batteries

IEEE-1188 - Recommended practices for design & installation of

VRLA Batteries

IEEE-1189 - Guide for selection of VRLA Batteries

Battery Charger

IEEE-484 - Recommended Design for installation design and

installation of large lead storage batteries for
generating stations and substations.

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IEEE-485 - Sizing large lead storage batteries for generating

stations and substations

Wires and cables

ASTMD-2863 - Measuring the minimum oxygen concentration to

support candle like combustion of plastics (oxygen

IEC-60096 (part 0 to p4) - Radio Frequency cables.

IEC-60183 - Guide to the Selection of High Voltage Cables.

IEC-60189 (P1 to P7) - Low frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation
and PVC sheath.

IEC-60227 (P1 to P7) - Polyvinyl Chloride insulated cables of rated voltages

up to and including 450/750V.

IEC-60228 - Conductors of insulated cables

IEC-60230 - Impulse tests on cables and their accessories.

IEC-60287 (P1 to P3) - Calculation of the continuous current rating of cables

(100% load factor).

IEC-60304 - Standard colours for insulation for low-frequency

cables and wires.

IEC-60331 - Fire resisting characteristics of Electric cables.

IEC-60332 (P1 to P3) - Tests on electric cables under fire conditions.

IEC-60502 - Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables for

rated voltages from 1 kV upto to 30 kV

IEC-754 (P1 and P2) - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of electric


ANSI-Z551 - Gray finishes for industrial apparatus and equipment

SSPEC - Steel structure painting council

Steel structures

ANSI-B18.2.1 - Inch series square and Hexagonal bolts and screws

ANSI-B18.2.2 - Square and hexagonal nuts

ANSI-G8.14 - Round head bolts

ASTM-A6 - Specification for General Requirements for rolled

steel plates, shapes, sheet piling and bars of structural

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ASTM-A36 - Specifications of structural steel

ASTM-A47 - Specification for malleable iron castings

ASTM-A143 - Practice for safeguarding against embilement of Hot

Galvanized structural steel products and procedure
for detaching embrilement

ASTM-A242 - Specification for high strength low alloy structural


ASTM-A283 - Specification for low and intermediate tensile

strength carbon steel plates of structural quality

ASTM-A394 - Specification for Galvanized steel transmission tower

bolts and nuts

ASTM-441 - Specification for High strength low alloy structural

manganese vanadium steel.

ASTM-A572 - Specification for High strength low alloy columbium-

Vanadium steel of structural quality

AWS D1-0 - Code for welding in building construction welding


AWS D1-1 - Structural welding code

AISC - American institute of steel construction

NEMA-CG1 - Manufactured graphite electrodes


IEC: 437-1973 Test on High Voltage Insulators NEMA: 107-1964


Part - V Overhead Transmission Purposes

BS: 215(Part-II) Aluminum Conductors galvanized IEC: 209-1966

steel reinforced extra high

BS: 215(Part-II) voltage (400 kV and above)


P5:1992) overhead transmission purposes.

OCB No. PMD/EGMP/GKTLSS-078/79-01 Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

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