19th Century Salon - V1-12
19th Century Salon - V1-12
19th Century Salon - V1-12
les Salons Bruxello-Gantoises
Embedding historical sources in modern-day performance of romantic music
7-8 December 2022 @ Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel/Erasmushogeschool
The 19th Century Salon offers performers chance to explore historical style, expression and
ensemble performance practices in ‘long' 19th century chamber music by working side-by-
side with leading international performer-scholars. The event is designed to bring together
musicians with an interest in 19th-century performance to make new connections, foster a
community and explore challenging ideas in a supportive and open environment.
Two days of immersive coaching, workshops, presentations and discussions will depart
from music practice in assigned chamber music groups, exploring new approaches to 19th
century music-making by playing alongside the course tutors. The salon will focus
extensively on the aspect of historical acoustic recordings as a source for artistic
exploration of Romantic music, and participating students and teachers will have the
opportunity to record an acoustic carrier (wax roll) in the run of the research days.
Participating students will be able to choose a work from an assigned repertoire list to
perform and discuss during the workshops.
Alongside presentations by the course staff and researchers from EHB and HoGent, each the
‘salon’ offers a space for discussion, readings, spontaneous music-making and sharing of
participants’ own research.
Dr. Aleks Kolkowski (violinist, composer, early recording specialist) -only 8/12 &
Dr. David Milsom (University of Huddersfield, UK) is a senior lecturer, violin and viola
teacher, and performer (on modern and period instruments). In addition to his work
leading ‘classical music’ performance at Huddersfield, he is involved in a considerable
amount of ‘grassroots’ teaching, and his work in the field of nineteenth-century string
performing practices has focused for some time on disseminative processes. This took the
form of an AHRC Fellowship with Clive Brown at Leeds (2006-9), performing in the light of
historical evidence, and more recently in his second major monograph, Romantic Violin
Performing Practices – A Handbook (Boydell, Woodbridge, 2020), which seeks to act as a guide
and commentary in order to enthuse a wider cohort in such experimental practices. His
most recent work has been in producing new recordings by acoustic processes, including
launch of ‘Austro-German Revivals’ (Pennine Records, 2022) with Inja Stanovic.
Low Strings
Dr. Emily Worthington is equally at home playing, talking about, and writing on music from
Haydn and Mozart to Mahler and Hindemith. Trained at the University of York and Royal
College of Music, she divides her time between performing on historical clarinets from her
own substantial collection, and researching and lecturing on the practice and culture of
musical performance from c.1750-1950 at the University of York, UK.
Emily is in much demand as a professional clarinettist specialising in period instruments
from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. She is regularly invited to perform as a guest
principal with leading ensembles around the world, including Anima Eterna, Les Arts
Florissants, Academy of Ancient Music, Gabrieli Consort and Players, Concerto Copenhagen,
Le Cercle de l’Harmonie, the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra and Spira Mirabilis.
Emily also leads Boxwood & Brass, a Harmonie specialising in performing Classical and
Early-Romantic wind repertoire on period instruments. Boxwood & Brass's recordings for
Resonus Classics have been called 'dazzlingly persuasive' (BBC Music Magazine), 'button-
bright' (Gramophone), 'revelatory' (Early Music Today) and 'joyous listening' (The
Dr. Jeroen Billiet is a horn player and researcher, currently professor of horn at Koninklijk
Conservatorium in Brussels, Belgium. His passion for historical instruments led him to a
career including solo horn positions with prestigious international ensembles as Il
Fondamento, les Musiciens du Louvre-Grenoble, le Concert d’Astrée and les Talens Lyriques. As a
researcher his main interest lies in the loop between context, repertoire and musical practice
in a multifocal context. He was host of the 51st International Horn Symposium in Ghent in
2019 and received the Punto Award from the international Horn Society in the same year.
Chamber music with piano/percussion/plucked strings
Dr. Inja Stanović is a Croatian pianist and a published author. Inja is a Lecturer in Music at
City, University of London. Her current research and artistic interests are early recordings
and their production, alongside historical performance practices.
Dr. Tom Beghin combines a career as performer with that of researcher and teacher. His
newest book, Beethoven’s French Piano (Chicago, 2022), follows a double CD with sonatas by
Beethoven, Adam, and Steibelt (EPR, 2020; winner of the Belgian 2020 Caecilia Prize).
Alumnus of the HIP doctoral program at Cornell University, he served on the faculties of the
University of Los Angeles, California, and McGill University. Since 2015, he has been Senior
Researcher at the Orpheus Institute for Advanced Studies & Research in Music, in Ghent,
Belgium. His research cluster, “Declassifying the Classics,” focuses on the intersections of
technology, rhetoric, and performance.
The 19th Century Salon
Enrollment: https://jeroenbillietehb.wufoo.com/forms/z13k7gkw09n9p40/
Wednesday 7 December – Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel
11:30-11:45 break
11:45-12:45 Specialist course 140 Strings (David & George)
41 Winds (Jeroen/Emily)
Experience acoustic recordings for your 150 Others (Inja)
own instrument group
David Milsom
Inja Stanovic
George Kennaway
9:30 -12:00 Workshop III – chamber music and solo Jeroen, Emily, George, David
works Detailed schedule below
13:30-14:00 Style
14:45-15:00 BREAK
15:30-16:00 Methodology
This seminar focuses on the practice-oriented use of historical source material in the
performance of music from the Romantic period.
Students, teachers and researchers from HoGent/KASKConservatorium, Koninklijk
Conservatorium Brussel and Orpheus Instituut will dialogue with external researchers
about their experiences, methodologies, research results and findings. This will be done
through practice-oriented workshops by international researchers, followed by a round-
table conference and a selection of practice-oriented lecture-performances.
The study day marks the beginning of the establishment of a cross-high school research
group within the field of performance practice of music from the Romantic period.
All Tutors +
Eddy Vanoosthuyse
Tom Beghin
Luc Vertommen
EMILY: 10:30-12:00 : clarinet workshop in A217 (clarinet class, 5th floor régence)
JEROEN & EMILY: 12:20-13h: Dvorak in A04
10:00 JEROEN
Septet (7 horns)
10:30 JEROEN
16:00-16:30 PIANO QUARTET