Chapter 7-8 Reviewer
Chapter 7-8 Reviewer
Chapter 7-8 Reviewer
The important
Investment feature of a commodity is that there is
I. INTRODUCTION very little, if any, differentiation in
that good whether it is coming from
People access to trade through the one producer and the same
internet, telephone, by mail order or commodity from another.
through department stores, and markets,
Absolute Advantage- The ability of an actor to produce
people had already engages in trade
more of a good or service than a competitor.
Import-substitution and export-
promotion. Comparative Advantage- The ability of an actor to
7.2 THEORIES OF INTERNATIONAL produce a good or service for a lower opportunity cost
than a competitor.
7.2.1 Gains from trade Arises because of expanded production,
- International trade begins with an autarkic through utilizing economies of scale
economy. resulting from larger markets, or
Autarkic economy- an economic system of self- technology transfers which helps the
sufficiency and limited trade. A state of affairs
production possibility frontier to expand.
in which countries do not trade, and only
Economies of scale- are important
acquire goods or services from within.
because they can help provide
Economy gain through 2 main avenues: businesses with a competitive advantage
consumption and production. in their industry. Companies will
Consumption Gains therefore try to realize economies of
scale wherever possible, just as
investors will try to identify economies
of scale when selecting investments.
Trade enables a country to purchase raw
materials and intermediate products not
available locally
Difference between Absolute and Comparative
- The country can produce the commodity
more efficiently (absolute terms)
- Commodity can be produced relatively
International trade tends to reduce the more efficiently (comparative terms)
prices of consumption goods, creating
welfare gains for consumers in importing
Production Gains
Trade enables the production and
reallocation of gains by allowing
countries to specialize in the production
of commodities at a relatively lower cost
either because of absolute advantage or
comparative advantage.
Production of commodities-
Commodities are the raw inputs used
in the production of goods. They may
also be basic staples such as certain
production of any commodity can gain from
international trade, specializing in the production
of the good in which it is has a comparative
Address the two aspects: applied to international 7.3.3 IMPORT SUBSTITUTION TRADE
- A country tries to stimulate the
production of a different array of
domestic goods by imposing taxes,
licensing, putting qoutas on or banning
With regard to intra-industry trade, theory states
- The consumer pays higher prices for the
that the more alike countries are in terms of
imported good (may tax si import) and so
relative factor endowments (H-O theory), the
he loses consumer surplus, and domestic
larger the share of intra-industry to total trade.
(insufficient) production is subsidized.
- Infant industry should be protected, thus,
domestic industries will eventually
become efficient producers on the world
- A working industrial policy that subsidizes
and organizes the production of strategic
substitutes, barriers to trade such as tariffs, an
overvalued currency that aids manufacturers
in importing goods, and a lack of support for
7.3 TRADE EXPERIENCE OF EAST ASIA foreign direct investment.
7.3.1 Pattern of Growth in International
Trade: Some facts
7.3.4 Outward-Oriented Trade Regimes
- Export Promotion in Asia and in
Newly Industrialized Economies