RN Innodisk SSD FW Updater
RN Innodisk SSD FW Updater
RN Innodisk SSD FW Updater
Important information
The following is important information that you must know when working with your switch:
Resolved issues
The following tables list the resolved issues in this release and in previous releases, if applicable.
Known issues
The following tables list the known issues in this release and in previous releases, if applicable.
NOTE: The output examples are for reference only. Your output may vary.
NOTE: Firmware update staging from NOS and ONIE is not supported for S3048, S4048, Z9100 & S6100.
You can update the firmware by using any of the following methods:
● Firmware update invoked manually from ONIE
● Firmware update using the USB
● Firmware update staging from NOS
● Firmware update staging from ONIE
WARNING: Do not power cycle or power off your switch when you upgrade the SSD image.
SATA Secondary controller FW update complete.
Power-cycling the system....
1. Boot into Rescue mode.
2. Copy the firmware update binary to the target.
Using SCP:
● ONIE:/ # scp <[email protected]> :/tftp/users/<name>/fw-updater.bin<space> .
● ONIE:/ # scp <[email protected]> :/home/<name>/fw-updater.bin<space> .
WGET supports HTTP and FTP options. You can use ONIE: / # wget if supported by the host server or machine. Using
● ONIE: / # wget --quiet http://xx.xx.x.xxx/tftpboot/users/<name>/fw-updater.bin
Use TFTP if the host or server supports this option. The .txt file must be present in the TFTP directory; for example, /
tftpboot/users/<name>/fw-updater.bin. Using TFTP:
● ONIE: / # tftp -g -r fw-updater.bin xx.xx.xxx.xxx .
3. Start the firmware update process using the onie-self-update command.
SATA Secondary controller FW update complete.
Power-cycling the system....
Verify firmware update
After you have updated the firmware, verify that SSD firmware are running the correct version with one of the below commands.
ONIE:/ # dmesg | grep "3IE3" | sed -n '1p' | cut -d ',' -f2 | sed "s/ //g"
ONIE:/ #
ONIE:/ # dmesg | grep 3IE3
ata5.00: ATA-8: InnoDisk Corp. - mSATA 3IE3, S16425cG, max UDMA/133
ONIE:/ #
2. Plug the USB storage device into the USB storage port on the switch.
3. Power up the switch to automatically boot using the ONIE: Rescue or update option.
4. Create a USB mount location on the system.
$ mkdir /mnt/media
6. Mount the USB media plugged into the USB port on the device.
7. Install the software from the USB, where /mt/media specifies the path where the USB partition is mounted.
$ onie-self-update /mnt/media/ssd-firmware-updater-3ie3-r0.
NOTE: These steps are for a switch with Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 installed.
For systems running software version 10.5.x.x or later, use Option 1. For systems running software version 10.4.x.x or earlier, use
Option 2.
Option 1
For systems running software version 10.5.x.x or later:
1. Download the SSD firmware file from a server using the image download <server-filepath/firmware-
filename> command in EXEC mode.
To view the pending firmware upgrade, use the show image firmware command. To cancel a firmware installation and
remove any pending firmware upgrades, use the image cancel command.
3. Reload the switch in EXEC mode.
OS10# reload
Option 2
For systems running software version 10.4.x.x or earlier:
1. Log in to Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 as the Linux administrator.
2. Configure an IP address for the management port to get the firmware updater over the network.
admin@OS10:/config/home/admin$ cd
admin@OS10:~$ sudo -i
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.
root@OS10:~# /mnt/onie-boot/onie/tools/bin/onie-fwpkg
** Pending firmware update information:
No pending firmware updates present.
8. Use the scp command to copy the firmware updater binary from the host to the target.
9. Use the add option of the onie-fwpkg command to stage the firmware updater from the OS10.
root@OS10:~# /mnt/onie-boot/onie/tools/bin/onie-fwpkg
** Pending firmware update information:
Name | Version | Attempts |Size (Bytes) | Date
======== ====+==== =====+==========+==============+====================
fw-updater.bin | x.xx.x.x-xx | 0 | 19314551 | 2018-02-17 03:19:35
11. Reboot your switch to enter ONIE update mode and start the firmware update.
Optionally, to set the next boot to ONIE mode, use the ONIE:/# onie-boot-mode -o update command.
Verify firmware update
After you have updated the firmware, verify that SSD firmware are running the correct version with one of the below linux
ONIE:/ # dmesg | grep "3IE3" | sed -n '1p' | cut -d ',' -f2 | sed "s/ //g"
ONIE:/ #
ONIE:/ # dmesg | grep 3IE3
ata5.00: ATA-8: InnoDisk Corp. - mSATA 3IE3, S16425cG, max UDMA/133
ONIE:/ #
onie-fwpkg command with 'add' option would queue the firmware update.
onie-fwpkg add <fw_updater.bin>
3. Boot back to ONIE update mode if you previously booted to Rescue mode.
After you boot into ONIE Update mode, the ONIE firmware updates infrastructure, locates the firmware update archive, and
proceeds to update the components.
If you were previously in ONIE Update mode and stopped discovery using the onie-discovery-stop command, restart
discovery using the onie-discovery-start command. This command causes the ONIE firmware updater infrastructure to
locate the firmware updater binary image and proceed with the firmware update.
The following is a list of ONIE staging command options:
ONIE:/mnt/onie-boot # onie-fwpkg
** Pending firmware update information:
No pending firmware updates present.
ONIE:/mnt/onie-boot #
ONIE:/mnt/onie-boot #
ONIE:/mnt/onie-boot # onie-fwpkg add ssd-firmware-updater-3ie3-r0.x.xx.x.x-x.bin
Staging firmware update: ssd-firmware-updater-3ie3-r0.x.xx.x.x-x.bin
ONIE:/mnt/onie-boot #
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
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