Ppe Part 1 Notes
Ppe Part 1 Notes
Ppe Part 1 Notes
NOTE: There are PPE that cannot be Cost of opening a new facility
depreciated so “DEPRECIABLE” is not a major Cost of introducing a new product or
characteristic of PPE. service, including cost of advertising
and promotion
Cost of conducting business in a new
COST – is the amount of cash or cash equivalent location or with a new class of
paid and the fair value of other consideration customer, including cost of staff training
given to acquire an asset at the time of Administration and other general
acquisition or construction. overhead
Cost incurred while on item is capable
ELEMENTS OF COST of operating in the manner intended by
1. Purchase Price – includes non- management has yet to be brought in
refundable taxes and import duties. to use on is operating at less than full
a. Discount will be deducted on capacity
the date of acquisition whether Initial operating losses
taken or not by the Cost of relocating or reorganizing part
management. or all of an entity’s operations
2. Directly Attributable Cost – cost that are
Major spare parts, standby equipment and
necessary to bring the asset to its
servicing equipment are recognized when they
condition and location for its intended
meet the definition of PPE. (Whether or not in
can that it can be used in connection with an
3. Dismantling Cost (estimate) – will be
item of PPE).
happening later but will be included in
the cost. To avoid undervaluing of PPE. Note: If to support PPE, categorized as PPE.