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Pe 1

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PE 1

The FITT principle means Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. These are the
most important considerations when designing a workout program that improves
one’s fitness levels and offers opportunities to overload the body, which
will result in better physical condition. These factors can be tweaked from time to
time to keep the body challenged and growing stronger. To avoid injuries or
overtraining, it is important to focus on only one variable at a time when it comes
to increasing one’s workload. The principles are used as a guide to minimize the
risk of injuries and promote the implementation of an active lifestyle.
The exercise program's frequency will depend on the type of exercise that best
suits you and will depend on your current fitness level. Recovery days are also
important for the body, as the body will need to undergo proper recovery. As a
result, as compared to athletes, beginners can do workouts less often. The
number of sessions may gradually be increased as the individual's fitness level and
stamina improves. Some people work out two or three times a day. However, this
is not a good way to plan a program (especially for beginners), since it can lead to
burnout and injuries.
The difficulty level of a workout is referred to as the intensity of the workout. It is
critical to set a task that is more complex than one is used to. The current level of
fitness and the amount of time allocated to an exercise session should be
considered. Each exercise has its own formula for calculating strength. According
to current studies, the most important aspect in improving health is exercise
After intensity, time is the variable that takes into consideration the duration of
the exercise program and the type of activity performed. High-intensity exercises
cannot be done for an extended period of time.
Furthermore, as opposed to strength exercise, a stretching regimen normally
takes less time to complete.
Finally, the fitness goal and current fitness level are affected by the type of
exercise. A routine should be tailored to a person's individual health objectives. A
person who wants to improve his or her endurance to jog for five kilometers, for
example, should make jogging his or her primary exercise activity, but there are
various ways to achieve this by also doing other activities .
There is no one-size-fits-all workout that is suitable for everyone, but one should choose from a
variety of options or experiences that he or she may enjoy.
Factors Definition
Frequency sessions held per week
Intensity depends on the difficulty level of an exercise
Time duration or distance that is achieved in the
course of a session
Type sort of activity that is required to achieve the goal

Table 2 illustrates common methods of monitoring intensity and duration according to the type
of activity
Exercise Intensity Time
Aerobic helps to hold the oxygen and elapsed time, distance
improves the heart rate, RPE,
talk test
Resistance percent of 1RM (one-repetition repetitions, sets
Flexibility while performing cardio elapsed time
tightness and discomfort will
Movement Screening for Muscle Weakness and Imbalance Evaluation
Individuals' daily routines and physical activities may be altered by repetitive movements made
over time. This can lead to inefficient activity and muscle imbalance. When muscle pairs have
differing strengths or the muscles covering the joints are close, muscle imbalance develops.
Chronic musculoskeletal disorders are the result of a muscle imbalance.
Movement screening may be used to determine whether or not there is muscle dysfunction
present. Squats, lunges, trunk rotation, and push-ups are examples of movement habits that
may reveal a neuromuscular deficit. Several muscle classes are used in these movement styles,
as well as many joints. Overactive or underactive muscles should be identified by observing
deviations from the right technique.
The squat is a type of movement that involves multiple joints. It may reveal a neuromuscular
weakness in the core muscles as well as the muscles in the lower extremities. Since it mimics
the preparatory process when jumping and the recovery process when landing, the movement
is common in sports. Starting with the hands on the back of the head and the feet shoulder-
width apart, the evaluation begins. By bending the hips and ankles, squat as low as possible
Body Part Correct Position for Squats
Shoulders Keep your elbows behind your ears throughout
the motion
Hips The trunk is flat without moving too far forward.
Knees The knees are secure and do not shift to the side
or in front.
Ankle The feet are firmly planted on the ground and
balanced with the elbows.
Quality When the legs are parallel to the ground, balance
is retained.

The lunge is another type of exercise that assesses movement control and lower-extremity
neuromuscular deficits. The purpose of the lunge is also to reveal the flexibility level of a person
and also gives an idea about balancing issues. To begin the test, place your hands behind your
head and your feet together. Take a huge step forward and bend your knees and shoulders to
gently drop your weight to the ground.
Body Part Correct Position for Forward Lunge
Shoulders Keep your elbows behind your ears throughout the action.
The trunk stays horizontal and longitudinal.
Hips The trunk stays horizontal and longitudinal.
Knees Knees, hips, and feet are also coordinated.
Ankle The lead leg's heel must be on the surface and behind the
lead knee, while the rear foot's heel should be off the
Quality When the lead thigh is parallel to the floor, balance is
Many sports that include throwing have trunk rotation as a typical exercise. Throwing motion activities
cause the deep abdominal muscles to compensate for the displacement of the body's center of gravity
outside of its natural range. To allow for a powerful throwing action, the abdominal area must stay rigid.

Moreover, because of inefficient movement, certain people are unable to perform these sport skills
movements. When doing trunk rotation, the lunge and twist is a tool to evaluate the efficiency of a
movement and equilibrium required during the movement. Crossing the arms and putting one hand on
the opposite shoulder is the first step in the exercise.

Maintain a straight forward stance with the elbows up. Take a huge step forward, then bend your knees
and shoulders to gently drop your body to the ground. Twist the trunk against the lead leg while the
lead thigh is parallel to the ground. Figure 2.8 depicts a lunge and twist exercise that incorporates trunk

Body Part Correct Position for Lunge and Twist

Shoulders The opposite elbow covers the lead leg, and the
hands are parallel to the floor
Hips When twisting, the trunk stays smooth and does
not curve.
Knees Knees, hips, and feet are also coordinated.
Ankle If the rear foot's heel is off the ground, the lead
leg's heel should be in line with the ground under
the lead knee.
Quality When the lead thigh is parallel to the ground,
balance is retained.

The push-up is a straightforward movement that examines the strength and endurance of the arms and
abdominal muscles, and improves range of motion of the shoulder joint. Starting with your hands
broader than your shoulder, perform the exercise. The weight is equally distributed between the hands
and feet, and the limbs are kept straight. Drop your body toward the ground by bending your elbows
while holding your shoulders, back, feet, and heels in a straight line. When the elbows have gone past 90
degrees or the chest has touched the earth, return to the preparatory position.

Body Part Correct Position for Push-up

Shoulders Elbows are wide open that is more than
shoulders and head will be placed in center.
Hips From head to buttocks, the trunk and core will
remain straight.
Knees Knees and thighs should be straight such that it
will not touch the ground.
Ankle Total body weight will fall on your forefoot.
Quality Chest will be facing the ground and maintain the
body balance.

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