Research Paper On Commodity
Research Paper On Commodity
Research Paper On Commodity
The sharp increase in commodity prices, especially for energy and base metals
since 2002, has gone hand in hand with growing derivatives market activity
(Graph 1). The number of contracts outstanding in exchange-traded commodity
derivatives almost tripled from 2002 to 2005. Over-the-counter (OTC) trading of
commodity derivatives also grew rapidly. According to BIS statistics, the
notional value of OTC commodity derivatives contracts outstanding reached
$6.4 trillion in mid-2006, about 14 times the value in 1998 (BIS (2006)). At the
same time, the share of commodities in overall OTC derivatives trading grew
from 0.5% to 1.7%.
Along with the rapid increase in commodity derivatives trading, the
presence of financial investors in commodity markets has grown rapidly over
the past few years. While commodity market investment is still small relative to
overall managed funds, it is large relative to commodity production. In addition,
there are indications that the types of financial investors and the strategies they
employ have changed.
These developments raise the question of whether growing investor
presence has altered the character of markets that are of key importance for
the global economy. Understanding the nature of the changes in investor types
and strategies is an important step in this regard. The first part of this article
documents the increasing role of financial investors in commodity markets,
while the second presents some evidence about changes in the motivations of
market participants. The third section looks at the effect these changes may
have had on the dynamics of commodity prices. The feature concludes that
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
those of the BIS. We are grateful to Anna Cobau and Emir Emiray for excellent research
220 300 18
160 200 12
100 100 6
40 0 0
Jan 98 Jan 00 Jan 02 Jan 04 Jan 06 Jun 98 Jun 00 Jun 02 Jun 04 Jun 06
Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI) sub-indices, monthly averages; 1998–2002 average = 100.
Number of contracts outstanding, in millions. 3 Notional amounts deflated by the GSCI, June 1998 =
while physical characteristics, such as inventory levels and the marginal cost of
production, remain important, commodity markets have become more like
financial markets in terms of the motivations and strategies of participants.
Crude oil 93.0 34.4 14.8 27.2 67.0 73.6 3.2 3.9
Of which: NYMEX 59.7 30.6 14.7 28.5
ICE 30.4 41.5 0.0 –69.7
Gold 34.5 16.8 2.9 49.7 2.6 2.5 21.8 32.0
Of which: TOCOM 18.0 –12.4 0.3 .
COMEX 15.9 76.2 2.9 48.3
Aluminium 33.3 25.2 4.1 368.3 26.1 23.0 22.7 27.3
Note: NYMEX = New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE = IntercontinentalExchange, United Kingdom; TOCOM = Tokyo Commodity
Exchange; LME = London Metal Exchange; SME = Shanghai Metal Exchange.
Number of contracts, in millions. 2 Oil: millions of barrels per day; gold: millions of kilograms; aluminium and copper: millions of
tonnes. 3 Defined as financial activity in the two largest contracts converted to units of physical production, divided by production.
Sources: Commodity Research Bureau, The CRB Commodity Yearbook; Energy Information Agency, Annual Energy Review; GFMS;
US Geological Survey. Table 1
1 10
0 0
–1 –10
–2 –20
It is important to note that these calculations are all in US dollars and therefore the correlation
between commodity prices and exchange rate movements is not a consideration. To the
extent that commodity prices are in US dollars and other assets in the portfolio under
consideration are not, currency hedging may be important for obtaining diversification
12,000 18 1,800 12
8,000 12 1,200 8
4,000 6 600 4
0 0 0 0
95 97 99 01 03 05 95 97 99 01 03 05
Gold Copper
6,000 60 120 60
4,500 45 90 45
3,000 30 60 30
1,500 15 30 15
0 0 0 0
95 97 99 01 03 05 95 97 99 01 03 05
Number of contracts, in thousands. 2 Ratio to total open interest, in per cent. 3
Non-commercial long
positions. 4 Non-commercial short positions.
group includes participants who are not primarily using the market for hedging,
and encompasses a variety of subgroups. In 2003–04, the non-commercial
trading category for both natural gas and oil was dominated by managed
money traders (MMTs) (Haigh et al (2005)). This group includes specialised
investors such as commodity pool operators and funds advised or operated by
commodity trading advisers. Hence, it is likely to capture most financial
investors who are operating in centralised commodity markets.
The importance of MMTs seems to have grown significantly since 1994. ... confirm growing
importance of
Data available for the crude oil and natural gas markets show that the average
financial investors
number of MMTs trading has roughly doubled and their share of total open
interest in each of these markets has increased sharply (Table 2). In addition,
assets under management by commodity trading advisers are significant and
rose from about $20 billion in 2002 to about $75 billion by end-2005 (IMF
The share of non-commercial traders in aggregate has gone up from Share of financial
traders varies
about 17% in the second half of the 1990s to about 25% in the past three
across markets
years. This increase is mainly attributable to an upward trend in the share of
long positions held by non-commercial investors. While this broad pattern holds
across markets, the share of non-commercial positions varies considerably.
Since spring 2006, the share of open interest attributed to non-commercial
traders has fallen by almost 3 percentage points. This is consistent with a
withdrawal of investors during the period of falling commodity prices since May
last year, but also with an increase in the hedging activity of commercial
producers (JPMorgan Chase (2007)).
As regards OTC commodity derivatives markets, the available evidence Limited information
on OTC markets
also supports the notion of a rapidly growing presence of financial investors.
Net long positions of non-commercial traders are frequently used as a variable to capture
financial investor activity in commodity markets; see eg IMF (2006) and Micu (2005). By
defining the dependent variable as a share, factors that increase net long positions for
commercial and non-commercial traders have been controlled for. However, the dependent
variable cannot distinguish an increase in non-commercial net long open interest arising from
factors that have increased financial activity across all financial markets from an increase
arising from a portfolio shift towards commodity markets as a whole, or portfolio shifts
between individual commodity markets. These issues serve as qualifications to the
interpretation of the estimates.
This variable is defined as the difference between the spot price and the three-month futures
price, normalised by the spot price, averaged over the previous 12 months. To the extent that
roll returns encourage investor activity, the estimated coefficient on this variable should be
positive. All explanatory variables are included with a lag of one month.
Regression results1
Dependent variable: non-commercial long minus short positions, as a share of total open interest
Return2 Roll3 Volatility4 Interest5 Correlation6 Inflation7 Adjusted
Expected sign R2
+ + – – – +
Note: * indicates significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level; bold red indicates expected sign and significance; light red indicates
expected sign and non-significance; bold black indicates incorrect sign and significance; light black indicates incorrect sign and non-
The seemingly unrelated regression methodology was used to estimate these results on monthly data in order to allow for
contemporaneous correlation in the errors across equations. All variables are lagged once. Other lag structures were tested, but the
effectiveness of this strategy was limited by the relatively short sample period. 2 Monthly percentage change in the spot
price. 3 Twelve-month moving average of the spot price minus the three-month forward price, divided by the spot price. 4 Twenty-
month rolling standard deviation of the monthly percentage change of the three-month futures price. 5 Average of three-month
interest rates of Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. 6 Correlation between the
percentage changes in the spot price and in the Morgan Stanley world equity price index over a rolling period of five years. 7 The
difference between nominal and real US 10-year bonds.
Sources: Bloomberg; CFTC; Datastream; Goldman Sachs Research; national data; BIS calculations. Table 4
The crude oil futures curve has been backwardated around half the time since 1998. Over this
period, the natural gas market has been backwardated only 15% of the time, while copper has
been backwardated 34% of the time. The futures curve for gold has almost always been in
contango due to the large level of above-ground inventories. Since 1975, the gold market has
backwardated only four times (in August 1976, May 1983, March 1986 and January 1993).
30 4,000
15 2,000
0 0
0 3 12 15 24 27 0 3 15 27 63
The bold lines have been constructed by averaging the prices at each tenor within each time period. The
thin lines represent the futures curves associated with the minimum and maximum spot prices within each
time period. 2 In US dollars per barrel. 3 In US dollars per tonne.
Sources: Bloomberg; Goldman Sachs Research; JPMorgan Chase; BIS calculations. Graph 4
Backwardation 2 200
0 100
–2 0
–4 –100
250 275 300 325 350 375 0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250
Inventories, in thousands of barrels Inventories, in thousands of tonnes
Spot price minus three-month futures price; for oil, in US dollars per barrel; for copper, in US dollars per
Market depth
The second question is whether the increase in the size and diversity of Financial investors
and market depth
financial investors has increased market depth. Greater market depth would
imply that transactions of a given size cause smaller fluctuations and, other
things equal, that short-term price volatility should decline. The prima facie
evidence on changes in commodity price volatility is mixed. Price volatility has
declined in the oil market, especially in the shorter maturities of futures
contracts where trading is particularly active (Graph 6). In contrast, it has
increased in the copper market. 6
Another approach is to look at the interaction of the trading behaviour of Interaction of
commercial and
commercial and non-commercial traders. Non-commercial traders will add to
market depth if they contribute to a two-sided market. This is the case if they traders …
act as counterparties to commercial traders’ hedging transactions or if they
take positions offsetting other financial investors.
The pattern of changes in the open positions of commercial and non- ... seems to have
reduced volatility
commercial traders supports the view that financial investors have, overall,
35 20
30 15
25 10
20 5
15 0
0 3 12 15 24 0 3 15 27 63
This highlights one of the limitations of the econometric work done earlier, insofar as changes
in investor activity cause changes in variables, such as volatility, that we have included as
explanatory variables.
2001 Copper
16 Natural gas 1.2
Crude oil
12 0.6
2003 2000
8 0
4 –0.6
0 –1.2
–0.3 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 Jan 98 Jan 00 Jan 02 Jan 04 Jan 06
The x-axis is the correlation between the changes in non-commercial long positions and commercial
short positions: the y-axis is the standard deviation of the spot oil prices. 2 Correlation between the
changes in non-commercial long positions and non-commercial short positions; 12-month moving average.
In order to gauge the position-taking of the investor groups on both sides of the market, we
consider correlations of long and short positions separately (ie we do not calculate net long or
short positions).
The presence of financial investors in commodity markets has increased
considerably during the past four years or so. While it is difficult to be precise
about the exact magnitude and composition of inflows, there is much evidence
that the investor base, and with it the range of instruments and strategies
employed in commodity trading, has broadened substantially. It is not clear to
what extent these changes reflect structural shifts in investor behaviour or a
temporary boom supported by a “search for yield”. In any case, a full reversal
of the trend towards a greater role of financial investors appears unlikely
against the backdrop of greater investor sophistication and a broadening range
of commodity-related financial instruments.
Commodity markets have become more like financial markets in some
respects. Financial investors are increasingly active on both sides of trades,
creating a kind of financial trading sphere. Yet the characteristics of physical
markets, such as inventory levels and the marginal cost of production, are still
important. A lack of liquidity especially in the long tenors of commodity
derivatives markets and physical limits to short selling in the spot market may
at times significantly affect market dynamics. These effects require further
While the increase in investor activity can be expected to bring benefits in
terms of market efficiency, the ongoing “financialisation” of commodity markets
raises issues similar to those in other financial markets. Among these is the
question of how to ensure robust market liquidity.
Bank for International Settlements (2006): Semiannual OTC derivatives
statistics, December.
Campbell, P, B-E Orskaug and R Williams (2006): “The forward market for oil”,
The Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, Spring, pp 66–74.
Erb, C and C Harvey (2005): “The tactical and strategic value of commodity
futures”, NBER Working Papers, no 11222, May.
JPMorgan Chase (2007): Energy markets grow up part II: who trades energy
now and how much does it matter?, January.
Micu, M (2005): “Declining risk premia in the crude oil futures market”, BIS
Quarterly Review, December, pp 50–1.
O’Connell, R (2005): “What sets the precious metals apart from other
commodities?”, gold:report, World Gold Council, December.