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140 fe can think ot a dipate in ae away that Ideal or point dipole. which size 22 +O and change J» in hh the dipole moment, p= qs 2a has a finite val dipole negligiy small ce is called an ideal or pont dipole Dipoles associated with individual atoms or molecttles may be treated as ideal dipoles. An ideal dipole ts specified only by its location and a dipole mom it has no finite size. in such. 123 piPote FIELD 36. What is a dipole field ? Why does the dipole field at large distance falls off faster than Vir? ? Dipole field. The electric field produced by ant electric dipole is called a dipole field. This can be determined by using (a) the formula tor thetield of a point charge and (b) the principle of superposition. Variation of dipole field with distance, The total charge of an electric dipole is zero. But the electric field of an electric dipole is not zero. This is because the charges + q and - gare separated by some distance, so the electric fields due to them when added do not exactly cancel cat. However, at distances much larger than the dipole size (r>>2a) the fields of + q and - q nearly cancel out. Hence we expect a dipole field to fall off, at larger distance, faster than 1/17, typical of the field due to a single charge. In fact a dipole field at larger distances falls off as 1/1 1.24 ELECTRIC FIELD AT AN AXIAL POINT OF A DIPOLE 37. Derive an expression for the electric field at any point on the axial line of an electric dipole. Electric field at an axial point of an electric dipole. As shown in Fig. 1.65, consider an electric dipole consisting of charges + qand — 4, separated by distance 2a and placed in vacuum. Let Pbe a point on the axial line at distance r from the centre O of the dipole on the side of the charge + g 1.65. Electric field at an axial point of dipole, Electric field due to charge —q at point P is E o Pp (towards left) 4ne, (r+ aye where p is a unit vector along the dipole axis from -9 to+g. Phe “ Electric fiekd due to charge , 4 “ "4 Pn 1 Amey (ray (omar, I bby, Hence the nt electric fiety mil Big FE, 4 1 |, Veg [ray (ry ge | 4" 4ar : Antiy (Pay?! 1 2p. or try (2 -? Here p= 4 2a= dipole moment For r>>a,@ can be ne} ‘lected compared jg 2 2p. ee a tna,’ P Clearly, electric field at any axial point of the dpe acts along the dipole axis from negative w yn charge ie, in the ditection of dipole momen (towards ry 1.25 ELECTRIC FIELD AT AN EQUATORIAL POINT OF A DIPOLE 38. Derive an expression for the electric feld a ny point on the equatorial line of an electric dipole Electric field at an equatorial point of a dipole As shown in Fig. 1.66, consider an electric dipole cons ting of charges ~q and +4, separated by distance 2s and placed in vacuum. Let P be a point on the equ torial line of the dipole at distance r from it ie, Fig. 1.66 Electric field at an equatorial point of a dipole ELECTRIC CHARGES. AND FIELD Electric field at point P due to + q charge is > tog L directed along, BP 1 any Pa Flectri field at point P due to —g change is pot 4 1 tne, 2 eg ifeted along PA Thusthe magnitucesof F, and Fy areequal ie, a Arty Fe a? Clearly, the components of E and E,, normal to the dipole axis will cancel out. The components parallel to the dipole axis add up. The total electric field Eis iS opposite to p. Fogua = (E_4 808 0+ E, c08 8) p =-2E, cosop (E,=E,) =-2 0s 0= 1 P - or aa P dae, (P+ where p)=2qa, is the electric dipole moment. If the point P is located far away from the dipole, r>>a then Clearly, the direction of electric field at any point con the equatorial line of the dipole will be antiparallel to the dipole moment p. 39. Give a comparison of the magnitudes of electric fields ofa short dipole at axial and equatorial points. omparison of electric fields of a short dipole at wxial and equatorial points, The magnitude of the electric field of a short dipole at an axial point at distance r from its centre is _12p | Eyal "Gar Electric field at an equatorial point at the same distance ris 1p Eun 7 Men ~ Fay Clearly, Exist = Faqua Hence the electric field ofa short dipole ata distance r along its axis is ttvice the electric field at the same distance ‘along the equatorial line 1.26 TORQUE ON A DIPOLE IN A UNIFORM ELECTRIC FIELD 40. Derive an expression for the torque on an electric dipole placed in a uniform electric field. Hence define dipole moment. Torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field. AS shown in Fig. 1.67(a), consider an electric dipole consisting of charges +q and -q and of length 2a placed in a uniform electric field £ making an angle @ with it. Ithas a dipole moment of magnitude, peqxda Force exerted on charge + qby field E = E (along E) Force exerted on charge - qby field E =~qE (opposite to E) =+qE -qE Frou PepxE o Fig. 1.67 (@) Torque on a dipote in a uniform electric field. (6) Direction of torque as given by right hand screw rule, Hence the net translating force on a dipole in a uniform electric field is zero. But the two equal and opposite forces act at different points of the dipole. ‘They form a couple which exerts a torque. Torque = Either force « Perpendicular distance between the two forces te qh» 2a sin 0 (qx 2a) fb sin 0 or T= pF sin 0 (po gy» 2a) As the direction of torque t is perpendicular to > » both p and F, so we can write t p xB The direction of vector 1) is that in which a right handed screw would advance when rotated from p to - As shown in Fig. 1.67(b), the direction of vector t. is permeate, to, and points into the plane of Paper. When the dipole is released, the torque r tends to align the dipole with the field F i , tends to reduce angle 0 to 0. When the dipole gets aligned with E, the torque t becomes Zero. Clearly, the torque on the dipole will be maximum when the dipole is held perpendicular to E. Thus = pE sin 90° = pE. Dipole moment. We know that the torque, t= pEsin® If E=1unit, 6 =90°, then t =p Hence dipole moment may be defined as the torque acting on an electric dipole, placed perpendicular to a uniform electric field of unit strength. 1.34 COULOMB'S LAW FROM GAUSS'S THEOREM 51. Deduce Coulomb's law from Gauss’s theorem, Deduction of Coulomb's law from Gauss's orem. As shown in Fig. 1.86, consider an isolated positive point charge g. We select a spherical surface $ of radius r centred at charge q as the Gaussian surface, . Spherical Fig. 1.86 Applying Gauss’ theorem to a point charge. By symmetry, E has same magnitude at all points on $, Also E and dé at any point on $ are directed radially outward, Hence flux through area a is diy, = Edd = EdScos0? = Eds Net flux through closed surface S is a =fE a = feds=E fas 5 5 s = Ex total surface area of S= Ex 4” Using Gauss’s theorem, or or ‘The force on the point charge 4p if placed on surface S will be Faq E=-® dre 7 This proves the Coulomb's law. a fo PHYSICS-Xi) 1.36 ELECTRIC FIELD DUE TO A UNIFORMLY CHARGED INFINITE PLANE SHEET theorem to calculate the electric 1e sheet of charge. 1.35 FIELD DUE TO AN INFINITELY LONG CHARGED WIRE 52. Apply Gauss’s theorem to calculate the electric __ 83. Apply Gauss's field ofa thin infinitely long straight line ofcharge, with a field due to an infinite plan ‘uniform charge density of & Cm '. Electric field due to a uniformly charged infinite Flectric field due to an infinitely long straight plane sheet. As shown in Fig. 1.98, consider a thin, i wire, Consider a thin infinitely long straight infinite plane sheet of charge with uniform surface wire having a uniform linear charge density 4Cm~'. charge density «. We wish to calculate its electric field By symmetry, the field E of the line charge is directed at a point P at distance r from it. radially outwards and its magnitude is same at all points equidistant from the line charge. To determine field at a distance r from the line charge, we choose "indrical Gaussian surface of radius yIength [and ‘wth its axis along the line charge. As shown in Fig. 1.97, ithas curved surface 5, and flat circular ends 5, and. 5, Obviously, d8, || E, d&, 4 E and d8, 4 E . So only the curved surface contributes towards the total flux, aan char Plane sheet, chaige density o ™ Fig. 1.98 Gaussian surface for a uniformly charged infinite plane sheet. By symmetry, electric field E points outwards normal to the sheet. Also, it must have same magni- tude and opposite direction at two points P and P ‘equidistant from the sheet and on opposite sides. We choose cylindrical Gaussian surface of cross- sectional area A and length 2r with its axis perpendicular to the sheet. As the lines of force are parallel to the curved surface of the cylinder, the flux through the curved surface is zero. The flux through the plane-end faces of the cylinder is 4 = EA+ EA=2 EA a) Aan Gee Charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface, q=0A aafE. =[2. B+ [E+ [2.0 According to Gauss’s theorem, s 5 % $y = [ Eds, cos0° + { Ed, cos 90% f EdS, cos 90° % 5 ° & 2 3 2EA=S4 op feet = Eas, +0+0 &% 2a = Ex area of the curved surface Clearly, Eis independent of r, the distance from the or = Ex2el plane sheet Charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface, q = Al (i If the sheet is positively charged (o >0), the field Using Gauss's theorem, 6 =4/¢,, we get is directed away from it. a : (ii) Ifthe sheet is negatively charged (o <0} the field or E.2nrl o OE is directed towards it. & ney For a finite large planar sheet, the above formula Thus the electric field of a line charge is inversely will be approximately valid in the middle regions of proportional to the distance from the line charge. the sheet, away from its edges. oo 158 PHYSICS y le wld due to a ly charged thin op r 4. [For r= py Consider a thin spherical shell of An egR® I charge of radius & with unitorm surface charge density 7 fs fe q=4aR? gy ©. From symmetry, we see that the electric field at any point is radial and has same magnitude at points (ey When point P lies inside the spherical shell. As ig equidistant from the centre of the shell ic, the field is clear from Fig. 1.102(a), the charge enclosed by the spherically symmetric. To determine electric field at any Gaussian surface is zer0, ie, point P at a distance r from O, we choose a concentric sphere of radius ras the Gaussian surface. Gatcn / surface Gaussian Spherical shell charge densi Fig, 1.102 (a) Gaussian surface for inside points ofa thir spherical shell of charge. se Spherical shel urge density = 0 het Flux through the Gaussian surface, fg = Exar? GB Applying Gauss’s theorem, Gaussian surface for outside points of a thin spherical shell of charge. Ex 4nr’=0 (a) When point P lies outside the spherical shell. The E-0 [For r< R] total charge q inside the Gaussian surface is the charge °F con the shell of radius R and area 42? Hence electric feld due to a uniformly charged spherical shell is zero at all points inside the shell. q=4nR? Flux through the Gaussian surface, Figure 1.102(b) shows how E varies with distance r fy = Fx der? from the centre of the shell of radius R. E is zero from By Gauss's theorem, r= tor=R; and beyond r= R we have : q 1 = Exs q For r> Ri nae [For r> RI This field is the same as that produced by a charge q placed at the centre O. Hence for points outside the shell, the field due to a uniformly charged shell is as ifthe entire charge of the shell is concentrated at its centre. (b) When point P les on the spherical shell. The Gaussian surface just encloses the charged spherical shell Applying, Gauss’s theorem, Ex dar? = 4 Fig, 1.102 (b) Variation of E with r for a fy spherical shell of charge. ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELD 1.38 FIELD DUE TO A UNIFORMLY CHARGED INSULTING SPHERE” 57. A charge q is uniformly distributed within an insulating sphere of radius R. Apply Gauss’s theorem to jind the electric field due to this charge distribution at a point distant r from the centre of the sphere, where (a) r> R (hb) r=R (€) 0 R] cad This field is same as that produced by a charge 7 laced at the centre O. Hence for points outside the sphere fi to the uniformly charged sphere is as if the ¥ the sphere is concentrated at its centre. 2 (b) When the point P lies on the sphere. The Gaussian surface just encloses the charged sphere. Applying, Gauss's theorem, Ex 4nk? = 1 or 4 [For r= RI) Any R? (©) When point P lies inside the sphere. ‘The charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface is Sarl ay “4g RK 3 q oa 4 ao q=30P F (®) Gaussian surface for inside points of ‘an insulating sphere of charge. By Gauss’s theorem, or Exdart = or E = SAR’ 3 At the centre, r=i) and hence F =0. The variation of E with distance r from the centre of a sphere of uni- formly charged sphere is shown in the figure 1.19%(c) (0) Variation of E with + for a uniformly charge ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FELD, H 0 T $ Problems on Higher Order Thinking Skills Problem 1.4 ye). [Exemplar Problem) ‘io Charge -Qis induced om the inner surface and charge +Q is induced on the outer surface of the cavity, Surface charge density om the inner surface - -@ 4nk? Surface charge density on the outer surface - 2 (4) Top ew Ste tw and [Exemplar Problem) hon, The electric fields of protons and electrons bind the atoms to a neutral entity. Fields are caused by excess charges, there can be no excess charge on the inner surface of an isolated conductor. made from moment en the feo har; (iv) angle between the dipol these two CBSE Sample Paper 13] Solution, AS the two dipoles have equal dipole g, fie moments, so ve Li Problem 6. Oar = O65 aced some distance apart in vacuum (i) their dipole axes must have same direction ie,“ between 6=0° Problem 4. <; the electric field lines for a uniform der as shown in Fig. 1.1 i, in the presence of brass rod, the force between the two charges becomes zero. Problem 7. - (a) Which charge is positive ? Pt (b) Which charge has the largest magnitude ? Why ? Oo” PHYSICS y 0) De aid regione cerns othe poture ld the) When the spheres are slightly separated lactne field Ne ere the glass rod undisturbed, there is litle with (a) sana.) er Bit) ner CCAD? RET in ‘i of che 88 hon . Fig, L131). ae Gi) When the glass rod is. removed, there P redistribution of charge on each sphere, Tht > : a positive and negative charges will face ‘ father, as shown in Fig. 1.131(6), each queen yes : \ (ii) The charge on phere gets unio ~ Ns distributed as shown in Fig. 1.131(¢) yy 4, = r ows tracks of three , ks of thee char ww r “ al the sigs of cle has the highest charge to mag Sohanon (2) Charges Aand C are positive because: the lines of force are emerging out from them. (@) Charge Chas the largest magnitude because the ‘maximum number of field lines are associated with it. (0 @ Naw A No neutral point can exist between unlike charges A and B or between B and C. The neutral point exists between like changes A and C Also. the neutral point will be closer to the change with smaller magnitude. Hence, electric field is zero near (a) Suppose that a particle is attracted towards the charge 4 poste plate: what must the charge on it be? coostougieclose (0) Suppose, to particles ire identical curved trajectories, 7 : i Which of the following are necessarily true ? ym a sh Sg. LBD. Deri tat happen (i) They have same charge ; (ii) They have same ‘mass; (iii) The charges have the same sign ; (iv) They ‘have the same e/m ratio. \: (6) You are given the inital velocity v of a beam particle 4 / and the length of the capacitor 1. What other ‘measurement would enable one to find elm ? INCERT ; CBSE Dic) Solution. Particles 1 and 2 have negative charges because they are being deflected towards the positive (the spheres are slightly separated. and plate of the electrostatic field. (a) the glass red is subsequently removed. and finally Particle 3 has positive charge because it is being (Gi) the spheres are separated far apart ? deflected towards the negative plate. ae Acceleration acting on charge q in y-direction, ore A OB A OR A OB aaa 5» e ) ©) © ) ‘Therefore, deflection of charged particle in time! I] direction is Hoot ooh cocsetat Lt 2 @) (by in h=0 tepat an - hot m “o“, oe EER As the particle 3 suffers maximum edirection, 80 it has highest ch rato (@) Negative charge. iii) and (iv). The particles Safeco sign and samme ef rai, °° ATES OF (0) To find e/m, we measure ion in "Be to mass (q/m) the vertical displace- crosses the capacitor 1? ok Problem 10. Figure 1.133 shows three diferent patterns yf electric field lines. In each pattern, a proton is relenced fat point Pand then acc hy the electric fiet from erated towards the point Q d. Rank the patterns according to the linear rnomentum of the proton when it reaches 0, greatest frst. Q Fig. 1.133 i i closest Solution, The lines of force near point P are to each other in pattern (c) and farthest catia Patter (a), Consequently, electric field near point Pis strongest in case (c) and weakest in case (@). Momentum of proton at point Q in pattern (c) >Momentum of proton at point Qin pattern (b) > Momentum of proton at point Q in pattern (a) Problem 11. Plot a graph showing the variation of coulomb force (F) versus (4). where r is the distance ? 7 2uC) between the two charges of each pair of charges :(1 uC, 2uC) ‘md QHC,-3yC) Interpret the graphs obtained, Solution OAs F250 F versus 5 graph is 2 straight line for both pairs of charges. (2) For the pair(1 uC, 2uC), Fis repulsive. the graph OA has a +ve slope. For the pair (2uC,-3uQ) F is attractive, the graph OBhas a -ve slope. (iii) Clearly, F, =3 Feats’ the slope of OBis three times the slope of OA. points (a,0,0) and (0, 8,0) respe field, due to both these charges, Solution. Netelectric field at the point (0,0, c)due to the charges 4, and 4, is Fig, 1.135 But =naitck > 5 =(2+ey!? ee eee ore a . ne 2 1_|ay(-att ck) | g,(-bi+ ck) | tee eS Eo = eal ee (P+? | > Problem 13. (@) the sphere is replaced by a cube of same or different rolume, (i) @ second charge is placed near, and outside, the original sphere, (iti) a second charge is placed inside the sphere, and (i>) the original charge is replaced by an electric dipole ? By Gauss's law, @ =F. -i 3 0 (0) @ does not change because it depends only on the total charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface and not its shape or size (i) & does not change because the total flux is determined by the charge inside the surface and not on the charge outside (Gt) & will change because the total charge inside the surface has changed. (2) @ becomes zero, because a dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges and so the net charge inside the surface is zero. Problem 14. {CBSE Sample Paper 08} -2 -2 -@ +o D ¢] fp C A a} [4 a 7Q@0 -Q +2 = (0 In Fig. 1.137(), the electric fields E, and E, get added and also E, and E, get added. Hence there is a net field at the centre O. In Fig. 1.137(i, the Qe) 20) 4.0) a Ep Ee ¢ Ey je i Ey AD 7Q) = | PHYSICS fields E, and F, are equal and opposite and als ? and Z, are equal and opposite. Hence the net field the centre is zer0. (i In both figures 1.137()) and (i). the potential, due to positive charges are , the field is similar to that of a point [CBSE D 05, OD 14C] soluvion, (9 To determine the electric field at point a B, consider a concentric spherical surface of radius). a the Gaussian surface. By symmetry, the field E will have same magnitude at all points on this surface and will point radially outward. =e () The electric tield is acting only in and its ¥ and Z:components are zero, So bution for the given model of the ator, X-direction the flux passes only through faces M and N The magnitude of the electric field at the face M(x =0)is Ey = 5 Ave 2 Ba5x10<042%5=10NCT Flux, % 4417.08 010 (0.10)? c0s180° =-0.1NmCt The magnitude of the electric field at the face N(x=1em)is iy Sar+2 =15NC! = 5% 10x 0104255 15x(U.10)*x cos0°=0.5 Nm2C* Net flux through the cube, % = Oy + Wy =-0.1+ 0.15 =0.05 Nm2C7. (Gi Total charge enclosed within the cube, 49 = € yt =8.854 x 107? « 0.05 = 4.43 x 10° C, Problem 28, Clearly, OA= 00 =0 A=r, Thus 4OAC’ is equilateral. Hence Z AO0’ = 60° and 2 AOB=120°. Obviously, one-third Portion AO’ B of the ring lies in the sphere. Q Charge enclosed by the sphere, q= 2 From Gauss's theorem, electric fux through the sphere is 2 3ey Problem 29. wel ofan PS ar Figure 1.148 shows the An early model of atom, Asthe atom is neutral, the total negative _ sphere of radius R must be ~ Ze. If p is the nega. charge density, then we must have See nk 3 Aer? By spherical symmetry of the charge distribu, the electric field F depends only on radial distan, Point radial and not on the direction of 7’, It should imagine a sphetia| Zor p=0 or oo inwards or outwards. So we Gaussian surface of radius r centered atthe nudens (0) For < R. Flux through the Gaussian surface, = Ex dar? (Charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface, 49 Positive nuclear charge + Negative charge in a sphere of radius + =e yar Ss) 21 Applying Gauss's theorem, ¢ =4/ éy we get al oR Ex 4nr | The field E points radially outward, (i) For r>R. As the atom is neutral, the total charge enclosed by the Gaussian, surface is zero. BY Gauss's theorem, Ex 4m =9 E=0. (Pe . Both of the above cases give the same or (

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