Conceptual Modeling Meets Customer Journey Mapping: Structuring A Tool For Service Innovation
Conceptual Modeling Meets Customer Journey Mapping: Structuring A Tool For Service Innovation
Conceptual Modeling Meets Customer Journey Mapping: Structuring A Tool For Service Innovation
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1 author:
Markus Heuchert
University of Münster
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Markus Heuchert
Department of Information Systems
University of Münster – ERCIS
Münster, Germany
[email protected]
Abstract—Customer experience has become the main In a joint research project with a practice partner, we took
differentiator for competition in the digital age. Customer notice of this deficiency. We decided to address this gap while
Journey Mapping (CJM) is a technique that aims to understand also investing the initial aim of the project: The development
the customer's decision process and experience by taking a of a participatory CJ Mapping framework, enabling a broad
customer perspective and modeling his/her different steps. CJM group of personnel to take part in the CJ Mapping process. The
facilitates innovation by proposing new or improved services. In rationale behind this was that due to the customer-centricity of
a joint research project, we aimed at creating a CJM approach CJ Mapping [1], [5], [9], e.g., customer-facing employees,
that allows for the participation of a broad audience in the
service agents, or customers themselves should be deeply
creation process that especially has no experience in CJM or
integrated into the approach. However, these groups typically
modeling. When studying the related literature, it becomes clear
that methodological guidance in CJM is absent. While there are
have little experience in modeling, while excelling in
domain specific modeling languages for CJM, these do not knowledge about customer behavior gathered in the field.
include an overarching framework of how they should be Summarizing the theoretical and practical motivation, this
carried out in an organizational setting. In lieu of proposing “yet work is concerned with the research objective of designing a
another modeling language”, we present a framework for CJM framework for Customer Journey Mapping that promotes
that embeds a modeling approach in an overarching method. participation of non-modelers.
We utilized the Action Design Research method to tackle our
We use the Action Design Research (ADR) method [11]
problem with the particular focus on the participation of
inexperienced personnel. Then, we generalized the learnings
which pools the strengths of Design Science Research, i.e.,
from the development process into methodological guidelines. designing an artifact grounded in theory that solves a practical
issue [12], and Action Research, i.e., developing theory and
Keywords— Customer Journey Mapping, Conceptual tools through the interaction of academics and practitioners
Modeling, Action Research, Design Science [13]. Its aim is thus to create design knowledge by building
and evaluating an IT artifact in an organizational setting [11].
I. INTRODUCTION The framework for CJ Mapping can be seen as an IT artifact
Companies in the digital age are confronted with fierce [14]. ADR is composed of four stages: (1) Problem
competition originating both from the web and the physical Formulation; (2) Building, Intervention, and Evaluation; (3)
world [1]. The value for the customer no longer stems Reflection and Learning; and (4) Formalization of Learning.
primarily from products themselves, but from services [2]. As These are applied as follows.
a consequence, the customer experience has become the main Together with our practice partner, called “ServiceCo”
differentiator and has thus turned into a management priority here, we identified the lack of a framework for CJ Mapping
[3]. (1). Over a period of seven months, the framework including
Customer Journey (CJ) Mapping is a technique that aims the participatory modeling approach was developed iteratively
to depict the customer’s decision process by taking a customer in a series of meetings and workshops. This framework was
perspective [4], [5] and, thus, gain a better understanding of then applied in a pilot study (2). By continuously reflecting
the customer experience. The outcome of this technique is the results, the knowledge base was extended (3). Through the
called a CJ map. CJ Mapping facilitates innovation by insights gathered from the development of the framework, as
providing the basis for new or improved services [6]. Though well as its pilot study, we derived a formalized learning in
linked to the field of service science [5], its established form of methodological guidelines applicable to a broader
techniques are only applicable in a limited fashion to the CJ class of problems (4).
view [7]. For instance, the scope of CJ Mapping is larger Our contribution is twofold. First, research benefits from
compared to service design, as the whole CJ stands in focus the methodological guidelines for CJ Mapping. Second, the
instead of distinct services [8]. practice can use the developed participatory framework for CJ
As modeling is a central and necessary part to map the CJ, Mapping in business entities that might be lacking modeling
modeling languages were introduced by various scholars [7], experts.
[9], [10]. Surprisingly, little attention is given to the modeling II. RESEARCH BACKGROUND
approach, viz. paying attention to the context and process
surrounding the modeling itself – irrespective of the language. This work strongly builds on (conceptual) modeling as the
An overarching method for CJ Mapping is absent in the theoretical foundation, as the creation of a CJ map can be
literature. This deficit is reflected in a “lack in common understood as a form of modeling [7], i.e., creation of a
methodological guidance“, which was voiced in a recent reduced, abstract representation of the real-world that serves a
literature review [5]. In this regard, the presentation of new certain purpose cf. [15], [16].
modeling languages provides little benefit. To avoid any confusion that surrounds the term “model”,
we use the following definitions by Wand and Weber [17, p.
corresponding methods to GPML contain drawbacks in CJ also explains the complex modeling method and grammar
Mapping as their main benefit of being known to many used.
modelers does not take effect at inexperienced modelers and
their constructs are very abstract. Unsurprisingly, DSML for III. BUILDING, INTERVENTION, AND EVALUATION
CJ Mapping outperform GPML in terms of methodical The global operating BPO provider ServiceCo stands in
adequacy [38]. the center of the ADR approach. Within the tides of the digital
D. Modeling Context for Customer Journey Mapping transformation, the classic labor-driven BPO business loses
ground due to automatization. ServiceCo, thus, became more
Surrounding the modeling method is the modeling consultative and in order to depart from being solely a
context, which describes the situation in which the modeling provider of working power for predefined services, new tools
occurs. Følstad and Kvale [5] provide a detailed view of the were required. To identify additional business at existing
modeling context (subsumed under “method” in their article). clients and explore new opportunities, a consulting product
By analyzing their 45 contributions, an overview of existing around the CJ was formed. In a quick shot, a persona-driven
modeling contexts is achieved. In general, two types of CJ Mapping was put in place but lacked a proper design for
modeling contexts can be identified: On the one hand, there use in the ServiceCo organization. In particular, a
are participatory settings like workshops, where multiple participatory approach was required, making use of the
persons engage in modeling activities. On the other hand, experience of customer service agents, which lack modeling
there are isolated modeling contexts in which a modeling expertise. As we wanted to focus on the results of CJ Mapping
expert works on previously collected data. While the former instead of training modeling experts, a rather intuitive
is especially suited for persona-driven CJ Mapping, the latter approach was needed so that a one-day workshop was
has a better fit to data-driven CJ Mapping. possible.
E. Overarching Methods for Customer Journey Mapping The lack of a framework for CJ Mapping became apparent
CJ Mapping entails different steps that include but are not when investigating the academic literature. The existing
limited to modeling. Yet, there may also be different steps of contribution of Moon et al. [6] was not fitting due to a data-
modeling, for instance, the modeling of a persona followed by driven approach. As a consequence, we developed a new
the modeling of the customer journey for this persona, which framework for participatory CJ Mapping. Here, a framework
produces different model scripts (cf. Fig. 1). Besides, one can is understood as an organizing structure [39] not only covering
think of a data collection step in the beginning and an analysis the mapping of the CJ but also proceeding and succeeding
step afterward, so that the input for the modeling is given and activities. The framework is structured according to the
the created CJ can have an impact on the company's services, elements in Fig. 1.
respectively. However, as of now, there is little to no research
The framework was developed in iterative workshops lead
on this process, which may be a reason for the lack of
by the core ADR team, which consisted of a researcher in the
methodological guidance voiced by Følstad and Kvale [5].
field of information systems and a consultant from ServiceCo.
One exception is the work of Moon et al. [6], which is Additional participants from ServiceCo joined workshops at
presenting a data-driven “design process for a Customer times to foster additional exchange of views. In each
Journey map” in a case study. While their focus is on the workshop, a prototype was discussed and revised, which laid
creation of the CJ map itself, they also describe their the basis for the subsequent workshop. Continuous evaluation
overarching method in terms of data collection and the use of of the prototype on a real case in between the workshops
the CJ map for service design: Through a large-scale assured practicability. The framework was finally applied in a
ethnographic study, they collect over 1000 user dairies. This pilot study. Fig. 2 shows the complete ADR process and the
data is then used to create CJ maps that are subsequently following presents the outcomes of the Building, Intervention,
analyzed and clustered into 25 categories of CJ maps. Finally, and Evaluation stage. [40]
they investigate how new business opportunities can be
A. Overarching Method
discovered by an “active” or “passive” approach. The former
is characterized by altering the CJ map, while the latter aims The overarching method constitutes the highest level of
at solving pain points identified in the existing CJ map. In a the framework and is surrounding all actions related to CJ
way, this approach corresponds to the to-be, respectively as- Mapping. Modeling is a major activity, yet not the only one.
is, CJ mentioned earlier. Their case study was conducted by There are other, preceding and succeeding activities existing.
experts and thus no participatory approach was taken. This Fig. 3 shows the overarching method consisting of eight steps
and divided into three segments: Pre-Workshop, Workshop,
Post-Workshop. The workshop is the fitting organizational
1 Problem Formulation
Lack of a methodological guidance in
Customer Journey Mapping
3 Reflection and Learning
2 Building, Intervention, and Evaluation Based on iterative
Framework for Customer Journey Mapping Workshops and the
consisting of an Overarching Method, Application
Modeling Context & Method & Grammar
Application at ServiceCo (pilot study)
4 Formalization of Learning
Methodological Guidelines for Customer Journey Mapping
Fig. 2. Action Design Research Process and Outcomes based on [11], [41]
framework here, as its defining characteristic is to create depth learning. This is why the modeling method should be
something novel in a limited time frame with a small group self-explanatory to a large degree, thereby minimizing the
size [41]. Especially the constructing aspect demarcates it time necessary for training.
from other small-sized organizational frameworks such as to 4 & 5) Model Persona & Model Customer Journey: The
a seminar or colloquy [41]. A division of the participants into
modeling steps will be described in the following sections in
groups of 4-8 persons is found reasonable as the size should
allow for “productive co-operation as a group.” [41] A a detailed manner. Both steps are carried out as group work in
member of a group is either a coach or a participant. A coach the workshop. The aim of step 4 is to create the persona as a
(i.e., a consultant in the case of ServiceCo) has deeper first model script, which will then be used to model the CJ.
background knowledge in the method so that potential The following fifth step constitutes the central part of CJ
questions from the participants can be answered quickly. Mapping. Related publications focus on this step in an isolated
manner cf. [7], [9], [28]. Yet, “the most important work for
1) Prepare Workshop: The initial step encapsulates the
service design begins after the creation of the Customer
opening activities at the beginning of a CJ Mapping initiative.
Journey Map.” [6, p. 510] The resulting second model script
This includes a definition of the goal of the workshop, its
(CJ map) is used in the following steps as a basis for the
scope, and the composition of the participants. As the origin
identification of areas of improvement.
of the initiative is likely on a strategic level [9], yet executed
6) Identify Moments of Truth: Some touchpoints are
on the operational level, the goals need to be set at the
critical and hence call for more effort in optimizing the
beginning. Related to this decision is the scoping, which may
underlying services, while others are insignificant for the
include a certain customer segment (reflected in a persona) or
customer experience. The identification of these Moments of
the scenario in which the CJ is placed. Further, the
Truth is conducted via a voting mechanism. As the CJ map,
composition of the workshop is linked to the scope meaning
which consists of a sequence of touchpoints, is existing at this
that the participants should be knowledgable at the respective
point in the workshop, each group member receives tokens
topic. This means that participants can be customers in the
for voting the touchpoints with a high negative and positive
described scope, front-line employees, or the responsible
influence on the customer experience. The former are used in
back-office personnel. With the goals, scope, and participants
the subsequent step, while the latter serve as feedback for
in mind, the workshop can be prepared content-wise.
strengths in the current mode of operation.
Supporting activities (e.g., selecting, and inviting the
7) Work out Innovation Potential: Building on the
participants) need to be carried out in addition.
identified negative Moment(s) of Truth, this last step within
2) Collect Data: The second step aims at compiling the
the workshop seeks to address the issues identified previously
information available for the upcoming workshop. A
by reflecting on the design of new services or their
workshop is always limited in time and thus relying on
improvement. This conforms to the “passive” approach
preparation. This can include the interview of customers (in
described by Moon et al. [6]. Every group works out one or
case they are not among the participants) [5], market research
more innovation potentials. At ServiceCo, a schema is given
(how the competitors act), the collection of internal
to the groups to structure their proposal in the form “We
documents, or customer data [8], [22]. The extent of this step
believe (new experience) will solve (need/opportunity)
may vary significantly, e.g., when the goal is to explore new
triggered by (solution) results in (new attitude/result)” where
possibilities, there may be deliberately less information
a solution refers to a service which is offered by ServiceCo to
provided in the workshop and hence less data collection
its client company.
beforehand. The reason for this is that detailed information
At the end of the workshop, all groups present their CJ
provided ex-ante would bias the creative process as the
map, Moment(s) of Truth and innovation potentials. The
participants would focus on the utilization of available
coaches wrap-up the workshop and document the results for
the following step.
3) Train Participants: This third step marks the
8) Assess Innovation Potential: The last step takes place
beginning of the workshop. Following standard workshop
in the aftermath of the workshop. The rationale behind this
methods, a round of introduction may start the event which is
temporal shift is that the workshop is the wrong
followed by a presentation of the agenda, goal, and
organizational framework for a thorough assessment of the
procedure. The aim of this step is to equip the participants
innovation potentials identified in the workshop. This is due
with the necessary knowledge for understanding the task and
to the fact that detailed information about the particular
enabling them to apply the modeling method. An application
touchpoint, its service and dependencies are necessary in
of the modeling method stands in focus as opposed to in-
order to assess the feasibility of the innovation potential. At
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ServiceCo, the additional need for an internal review is developed in the workshops and are seen as a proposal. There
necessary, as the modeled CJ belongs to the client company are six different facets: personal facts (1), the character traits
and the business interests of ServiceCo and the client need to (2), likes (3), frustrations (4), the preferred communication
be in favor of the innovation. channels (5), and the brand relationships (6). While 1-4 aim at
The assessment of the innovation potential may contain describing the person, 5-6 are more concerned with the role of
the definition of relevant KPIs that measure the impact, the the customer. Each facet can have multiple attributes. As an
example in the airline industry, (1) may include attributes like
calculation of the business case, or technical analysis to “student”, “22 years old”, where (2) may list “extrovert”,
estimate the development costs of a new service. These “creative”. (3) and (4) cover aspects like “traveling” or
exemplary activities are not suited for completion in the “money issues”, respectively. (5) shows how to reach the
workshop, yet necessary to achieve support for the realization persona (e.g., “Whatsapp”) and (6) may list “bought last flight
of the innovation. because of low prices.”
The following two subchapters complete the framework
The touchpoint itself is also described by attributes. In the
by describing the modeling approach. course of this research project, these attributes were subject to
B. Modeling Grammar and Method many discussions. Managing the balancing act between high
expressiveness and expedience regarding the particular use
Steps 4 and 5 in the previously described overarching
case lead to the conclusion that the attributes should not be
method deserve special attention as they create the model
fixed. Instead, it should be possible for the workshop
scripts that are the characterizing result of CJ Mapping. While
organizers to define the set of attributes when preparing the
the persona and CJ map are two separate model scripts, both
workshop, thereby allowing for more flexibility. However,
should not be considered in isolation, as the persona is the
through iterative development, it became clear that a certain
subject of the CJ. This is why we propose one integrated
set of attributes is useful for CJ Mapping in general. These are
modeling approach, which is currently absent in the literature.
called generic touchpoint attributes. It is recommended that
However, the use of isolated modeling approaches (e.g. [7],
all these types should be present in the used attribute set
[34]), is not ruled out, although integration is strongly
although their concrete instantiations might differ. These five
recommended based on our experience during development.
generic attributes are presented in the following.
The overall objective of the grammar and method is to
First, it is always required to describe the step that the
support the participatory approach so that the modeling is
customer takes, which is comparable to a narrative and also
simple and does not act as a deterrent for inexperienced
featured in other languages (cf. [7], [28]). This may be the
participants. Our work with practice in this project has shown
“noticing of an ad”, the “booking of a flight”, or the “driving
that unskilled modelers are unable to cope with the abstract
to the airport”. At some touchpoints, the customer is using a
GPML or existing DSML for CJ Mapping. This is not
service of the company, which is captured in the next attribute.
surprising, as they were either created and tested in an
The goal behind the inclusion of this information is, that CJ
environment with experienced modelers (e.g., [7]) or built for
mapping as a service innovation technique must provide the
use in an environment where training in the language is seen
links to the service architecture of the company to know in
as a prerequisite. Connecting these different approaches for
where to locate innovation measures.
persona and CJ modeling would even add complexity. Thus,
as a sub contribution, we design a DSML that integrates What is more, context information of the touchpoint can
persona and CJ modeling for a participatory approach. This is be added as an attribute. While Halvorsrud et al. [7] use a list
carried out in three steps [17], [42]: First, we define an abstract of symbols to cover contextual factors, we decided that the
syntax in a metamodel. Second, we propose a concrete syntax. sheer amount of symbols would overwhelm the participants
Finally, we apply it. and also limit their creativity. These context attributes may
include the channel of the touchpoint or the surrounding
The grammar is depicted in Fig. 4 as an entity-relationship
environment of the customer in terms of things or people. The
model [43]. The two boxes around the entity-relationship
intention behind these is to paint a clearer picture of the
model highlight the use of the entity types in the respective
circumstances at the certain touchpoints. The right degree of
steps of the overarching method, while the grey coloring
detail depends on the case, as e.g., a CJ for an online retailer
distinguishes explicit, i.e., actively modeled, from implicit,
i.e., not actively modeled, constructs: As the CJ is consisting
of sequentially ordered touchpoints, the touchpoints are used
to describe the CJ and the CJ itself is not modeled. A persona
is linked to a CJ but may be reused in multiple CJs. The facet (0,1) (1,1) (1,n) Customer (1,1) (0,n)
and generic touchpoint attribute are also not explicitly Touchpoint compo
ses Journey
modeled, but support the structuring of the touchpoint and
(0,1) (1,n)
persona attributes. Due to focus on attributes and the similar Sequ
(0,n) Generic (1,1)
Touchpoint Facet
structure of the grammar, discrepancies between modeling ence
might not require the same description of the environment as “creative cooperation during design processes.” [25] Due to
a CJ used at a brick and mortar retailer. the organization of the workshop into groups including a
coach, a guiding function is implemented. Otherwise, the risk
As a happy customer is likely a satisfied customer and of going in the wrong direction is too high.
customer satisfaction is key for a good customer experience,
emotions are also captured in an attribute. It can include Regarding the physical context of modeling, a paper-based
textual descriptions in form of thoughts “interesting ad, I need approach is applied. Each group models its persona or CJ map
a vacation anyway” and/or a scale capturing the degree of on movable walls, which are prepared to represent the
happiness or frustration. The rationale behind the latter is to required structure. This means, that the facets of the persona,
capture the emotional ups and downs during the journey [44] as well as the structure of the CJ map with the used attribute
that can later be used for the identification of the Moments of labels of the touchpoints (cf. right part of Fig. 5), are prepared
Truth. on the canvas. Colored post-it notes are used for the
touchpoint and persona attributes, which are visualized by the
Lastly, there should be an attribute holding a form of result grey boxes in Fig. 5.
or finding in order to either reflect on the customers’ behavior
at the touchpoint (i.e., whether the expectations were met or One key advantage of the modeling grammar and method
not) or the gained business insights through modeling this is that it can be applied without software tool support. As there
touchpoint. This information is essential for finally working are few rules to be enforced, it is applicable to perform the
out innovation potential and are depicted very explicit in the modeling physically on the canvas. Another benefit of this is
work of Rosenbaum et al. [9]. that it lowers the defensiveness of the participants towards
modeling, as we found that it embodies a more creative
Another rationale behind this listing of generic attributes approach instead of being constrained by a complex modeling
is that the modelers are guided through the modeling of each grammar and method.
touchpoint by filling out the attributes in the given order. As
the CJ can be visualized in a tabular form (cf. [45]), every D. Application
column corresponds to one touchpoint and the sequence of A pilot study was conducted at the end of 2018. The client
touchpoints can be realized by moving from left to right. Fig. 5 was a public institution for water sports located in Germany
illustrates this by an example for an airline where arrows and in its sector one of the largest players in Europe. Due to
behind the attributes are added to depict the procedure during the fact that the study was conducted with one of ServiceCo’s
the modeling. In the example, a customer fails to check-in due clients (referred to as ClientCo), a non-disclosure agreement
to a need for printing out the booking confirmation. limits the publishing of results from the study. However,
The used touchpoint attribute set in Fig. 5 conforms to the details are provided to the possible extent.
generic touchpoint attributes. The context is split into three Two consultants, who were trained in the method lead the
separate attributes and the emotional attribute has the label study from ServiceCo perspective. The client had already
Feeling for illustrating the flexibility. It is not mandatory to established outsourcing with ServiceCo so that internal
have each attribute present at every touchpoint (cf. People at documents of ClientCo were available. In the course of
Touchpoint 1) and there can be multiple values for each workshop preparation (1) the decision was made to focus on
attribute (cf. Things at Touchpoint 2). As the inheritance of two customer segments for ClientCo, namely senior citizens
touchpoint attributes adds unnecessary complexity to the and middle-aged swimmers. Data collection (2) was
model, the participants in the workshop are only confronted conducted through the screening of internal documents. The
with the used attribute set. The mapping of generic touchpoint overall goal of the workshop was to analyze the CJ for the two
attributes to used touchpoint attributes is decided by the segments in a descriptive way. Hence, the steps concerning
workshop organizers before the workshop as well as innovation potential (7 and 8) had to be excluded. While this
additional graphical annotations for the attributes (cf. Results). limits the conclusiveness of the pilot study, it still
C. Modeling Context demonstrates its applicability for the modeling of a persona
and CJ along subsequent activities.
The two modeling steps in the overarching method take
place in the same context, namely the workshop. Modeling in Workshop participants were six employees of ClientCo
a workshop setting is by no means a novelty. Its key element and the account manager of ServiceCo. The workshop was
is the co-design of an artifact which, in this case, is the persona conducted in German and lasted six hours. The two
and CJ abstracted as model scripts. Co-design is seen as consultants of ServiceCo acted as coaches and a single group
was formed. The participants were aged between 35 and 50.
Generic Used Touchpoint 1 Touchpoint 2 Touchpoint n
An operations manager, a customer experience manager, three
Touchpoint Touchpoint front-line employees, and the account manager were attending
Attribute Attribute
as participants. None of them had experience in modeling or
Step Step Book flight Checking in
CJ Mapping.
Booking Check-In
Service Service Service Service
The training of participants (3) started with an extended
Channel App
… introduction round including expectation management and a
Context People Other
travelers short icebreaker. Afterward, the goal of the workshop was
Things Smartphone ID;
Smartphone introduced to the participants, which was obtaining “business
Emotion Feeling
7; “that
was easy”
2; “why do I
need to print it?”
insights” for a better understanding of the customer as well as
Result Result X
Check-in the improvement of services for the two named customer
with ID
segments. No particular scenario was predefined. The
following introduction to CJ Mapping was presented swiftly
Fig. 5. Customer Journey Modeling Example and Generic Attribute Mapping by the consultants. By using a continuous example of a
fictional case, the participants saw how the persona and CJ total, the group created CJ maps consisting of 15, respectively
map was created before subsequently starting steps (4) and 13, touchpoints for the two personas.
The identification of the Moments of Truth (6) was
As there was one group but two personas and conducted after a short introduction to the task. The group
corresponding CJ maps, steps 4-6 were completed two times identified multiple similar negative Moments of Truth in their
by the group. The facets of a persona were slightly adjusted as CJ maps while the positive ones stood out more clearly.
part of the workshop preparation. “Likes” was changed to
“Needs and Goals” to be more specific towards ClientCo’s As stated earlier, the workshop did not explicitly include
offering instead of personal interests. The group had no issues step 7. However, based on the insights at the touchpoints, the
with understanding or handling the task and attached 25, resp. group created the basis for subsequent analysis of innovation
23 attributes to the two personas that were nearly evenly potential. Particularly the negative Moments of Truth had
distributed among the six facets. multiple insight attribute values attached, thereby indicating
that new knowledge about the issues was gathered. Examples
Before engaging in the CJ Modeling (5), the participants for these insights are for instance the lack of information on
were introduced to the method and attributes. As shown in the website, missing feedback mechanisms, or the awareness
Table 1, the used ones correspond to the generic attributes but of environmental responsibility. While these may sound like
show differences on a detailed level. First, their label was platitudes at first sight, the link to the respective touchpoint
partly adjusted but this is also due to the fact that the method creates a more viable innovation potential, as the field of
was developed in English, but the workshop was conducted in action is clear.
German. Hence, the German labels were translated again for
this paper and explain e.g., the label “action” for the generic The workshop ended with a summary and feedback round.
attribute “step”. While this may seem pedantic as the meaning The participants valued that the workshop was “well-
is essentially the same, the rationale behind this is that one structured” and included “ideas for improvement.”
should be open to changing labels and details in order to IV. DISCUSSION OF METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES FOR
comply with for instance the understanding of terms in an CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAPPING
organization. Complementary to the label, the participants
were given a question to be answered by the attribute.
ADR suggests that generalized outcomes should result
The generic emotion attribute was split into two attributes. from the fourth stage of the method (formalization of learning,
First, there was a textual description of the emotional state of cf. Fig. 2) [11]. The problem instance is generalized into a
the persona. Second, the participants were asked to draw an class of field problems (lack of methodological guidance in CJ
“emotional journey” [44] ranging from 0 (unhappy) to 10 Mapping) as well as the solution instance (the particular
(happy) thereby giving an immediate indication of the framework for CJ Mapping presented in chapter 3) is
emotional state throughout the CJ. reconceptualized into a class of solutions. This class
encapsulates frameworks for CJ Mapping in general and the
TABLE I. USED TOUCHPOINT ATTRIBUTES IN THE PILOT STUDY following presents methodological guidelines for their
Generic Used Touchpoint Attribute implementation. Their goal is to assist when undertaking a CJ
Label Question
Mapping initiative not bound to the context of this research.
Attribute The guidelines, shown in Table 2, are ordered by occurrence
Step Action What does the persona do? in a CJ Mapping initiative and discussed in the following.
Contact With what or whom does the
Which service is used by the MAPPING
Service Service
# Guideline Concerning
What is the emotional response of Choose the right organizational framework for
Emotion 1 Method
Emotional the action? your Customer Journey Mapping initiative.
Journey Define the scope and goal precisely and invite
2 Method
Are there insights for the company participants / build a team based on this decision.
Result Insight
from this touchpoint? Integrate the modeling of a persona and the
3 Modeling
customer journey.
Specify the required breadth and depth for the
The modeling method was conducted from top to bottom 4 Modeling
modeling of the touchpoints.
(i.e., starting with action and ending with insight for each Consider the trade-off between the expressive
touchpoint chronologically). It was observed that nearly all 5 power of modeling grammar and method vs. Modeling
attributes were filled at each touchpoint. The CJ maps covered
the entire customer process starting from the preparatory 6 Prepare the utilization of the results. Method
activities (packing of bags at home, getting to the water sports
facility) over the main activities around ClientCo’s services to
the terminating activities (going back home). A. Choose the Right Organizational Framework for Your
Customer Journey Mapping Initiative
The insight was left empty especially at the end of the CJ.
This paper describes the situation at ServiceCo and
One possible explanation for this is that the last touchpoints
focused on a workshop setting where it is capitalized on the
bring the “story” to an end and thereby showing less field of
knowledge of front-line employees. Depending on the purpose
action for the company. The participants completed the
of the CJ Mapping initiative, there can be other suitable
modeling task with ease, thereby corroborating the
organizational frameworks. Thus, the organizational
applicability of the modeling method among non-modelers. In
framework needs to be chosen with respect to the purpose. In
addition, the available resources are critical in this decision: D. Specify the Required Breadth and Depth for the
The available data, expert knowledge, or time constraints Modeling of the Touchpoints
affect the decision for the organizational framework. The mapping of the CJ is carried out by modeling the
For instance, if a large set of customer log data is to be sequence of touchpoints. Here, breadth refers to the coverage
analyzed (cf. [28]), experts would be able to work on it of aspects through attributes, while depth describes the level
individually or in a small team. Consequently, they would of detail within these aspects. With an aspect, we mean
utilize a different overarching method than presented here. virtually any property of a touchpoint that can be captured in
The focus of this work to workshop-based approaches is an attribute. Striking a balance between these two qualities is
perhaps the simplest way to conduct CJ Mapping as very little required, as the modeling operates under limited resources
prerequisites in terms of resources are needed: A small amount (time- and knowledge-wise). This is why not every aspect
of available data can be substituted by diverse participants, should be captured in an attribute and every relevant aspect
personas can be created in the workshop and the time should be presented in a meaningful level of detail. What
consumption is moderate. Certainly, it needs to be noted that needs to be covered is dependent on the particular case. For
the results of the simple approach might not be as reliable as instance, the aspects relevant for the improvement of a
more sophisticated approaches (cf. [6]). booking service at an airline are different from the aspects
relevant to the improvement of a check-in at a hotel. Clearly,
Further, the desired degree of creativity in the results is the used modeling grammar needs to be flexible in this regard.
important to consider. As people with different backgrounds
working together in a workshop inevitably bring more views One instrument for a meaningful specification of breadth
on the problem than a single person, it is likely that the and depth presented in this work is the set of attributes chosen
workshop setting will bring up more creative results. for the modeling of touchpoints. As the attributes are chosen
Alternatively, if a very accurate description of an as-is CJ is beforehand with knowledge of the use case, the attribute
desired, a single expert working on a data-driven CJ Mapping coverage of aspects can control for the breadth. Further, the
approach might be preferable. level of detail of an attribute can also be controlled by the label
of the attribute. On the one hand, a touchpoint attribute labeled
B. Define the Scope and Goal Precisely and Invite “Things used” will provoke more leeway (and hence details
Participants / Build a Team Based on This Decision. covered) than its subset “IT-Devices used”. On the other hand,
When the decision for the organizational framework is the touchpoint attributes “people” and “location” result in two
made (cf. Guideline 1), one needs to consider carefully the completely different modeled aspects, which increase the
precise goal and scope within the organizational framework. breadth. It is noted that the presented modeling grammar and
Otherwise, CJ Mapping entails the risk of creating a CJ map method in this paper incorporated this guideline.
that is not needed in the organization and hence not used. This E. Consider the Trade-Off between the Expressive Power of
can be counteracted with the definition of the scope and goal.
the Modeling Grammar and Method vs. its Expedience
Note that goal and purpose are not used synonymously here:
Whereas the purpose is bound to the initiative in general, the One should be aware that the results of CJ Mapping will
goal is linked to the CJ Mapping itself and thus more specific. not be comparable to e.g., a full specification of a business
process. It is in the nature of things that the CJ is not as
As an example from the airline industry, the purpose of the structured as a business process and, thus, less precision and
CJ Mapping initiative can be the improvement of the expressive power are needed for an expedient model
onboarding services (raised by a large number of complaints). representation.
Assuming that a workshop setting shall be used, the workshop
goal and scope need to be more precise in order to get the right The involvement of less experienced modelers calls for a
level of detail in the results. As an example, the customer simple modeling grammar and method in order to assure a
segments could be scoped through deciding which types of steep learning curve. This simplification will inevitably lessen
personas shall be modeled (like it was done in the pilot study). the expressiveness in favor of easier training on the use of the
Another mechanism is to focus on a particular stage of the grammar and method. Increasing complicatedness e.g., by
customer journey (e.g., focusing on the CJ before the adding model constructs or syntax requires more time for
booking). training and thus decreases simplicity to use.
Based on the scoping and goal definition, the participants While an experienced modeler easily applies a complex
of the workshop should be invited. The same applies to set up grammar and method thereby creating a comprehensive model
the team beforehand. This way, it is assured that the right script, it must also be readable and understandable by the
people – as part of the available resources – actively take part. addressee of the results. Apart from that, there is another issue
when considering less experienced modelers: They need to
C. Integrate the Modeling of a Persona and the Customer learn the language in order to create a model script in the first
Journey place. It is hence not only a question of the “literacy” of the
When developing personas in the course of CJ Mapping, consumer but also the “craftsmanship” of the modeler.
the persona is the subject of the CJ. Thus, their creation should Clearly, the presented approach focuses on a simple
be integrated modeling-wise and method-wise. First, their modeling grammar and method as it was the intention of
modeling grammar and method should be similar, so that the ServiceCo. Organizations should strive for one standard with
workshop participants can be trained easily in the application. a reasonable expressiveness, which is still expedient for the
We exhibited this by strongly relying on attributes in both intended producers and consumers of the model.
modeling methods and using a common modeling grammar.
Second, the methodological coherence of the overarching F. Prepare the Utilization of the Results.
method benefits when the development of the CJ and persona CJ Mapping is no end in itself. While a CJ initiative likely
are geared to each other instead of being two separate issues. has a triggering event or decision and consequently a purpose,
it needs to be specified what results are needed (cf. Guideline organizational contexts not touched in this Action Design
2) as well as their form (cf. Guideline 4, 5). While CJ Mapping Research project. Additionally, the guidelines may be used to
itself only fosters the service innovation, the final decision of foster research on embedding Customer Journey Mapping in
changing a service is made subsequently. In this sense, it is a the decision processes of an organization by pointing out
tool for decision support. Thus, it should also be prepared in a pitfalls that have been uncovered during the development.
way, that decision-makers can utilize it. This means that the
results should be condensed into a small report making the Every work comes with its limitations. We do not claim
case for the service innovation. that the framework is fitting to all varieties of CJ Mapping as
it was developed for persona-driven CJ Mapping and with
In addition, results can also be utilized apart from the focus on the participation of non-modelers. However, our
aspect of service innovation. In the literature, an increase in impression of working with ServiceCo is that this constitutes
stakeholder empathy with the customer [46] or general a major use case. Besides, it must be noted that the reliability
communicative purposes about the customer process in the of the results calls for additional applications. For now, a
company [5] are named. Especially the latter can be seen as single application has been conducted with the framework.
the root of the colorful and shiny CJ posters that played their Steps 7 and 8 of the overarching were not part of this
part to the buzz surrounding the word “Customer Journey”. application and need to be investigated further. However,
While one can question their contribution towards a deep during the development process, full coverage was achieved.
understanding of the subject matter, it cannot be neglected that Lastly, the framework, as well as the guidelines, focus on a
a bit of self-marketing is done in the organization with CJ workshop setting.
Mapping. Certainly, this should not be the only purpose of a
CJ initiative. But if CJ Mapping is conducted, the utilization Regarding future research, the shortcomings of this work
of the results in this way is a low hanging fruit. should be lessened by further applications of the method along
evaluation which paves the way towards general applicability.
V. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK While the guidelines proposed in this work diminish the lack
of methodological guidance, additional research is required to
During a joint research project with the global professional provide a solid base for Customer Journey Mapping and to
service provider ServiceCo, we aimed at designing a further spread its usage. As the understanding of the key
Customer Journey Mapping approach that capitalizes on the concept of a Customer Journey – the touchpoint – is varying
knowledge of a broad range of people in the organization. significantly among the different research fields, more clarity
When studying the literature, it became clear that no is needed to sharpen the definition of generic attributes.
approaches have been proposed hitherto that attend to the Lastly, data-driven Customer Journey Mapping requires
case. To address these circumstances, the Action Design additional methodological guidance.
Research method was used.
A great part of this work was dedicated to conceptual
A participatory framework for Customer Journey modeling which perhaps is not the first thing that comes to
Mapping was developed that strongly builds on conceptual mind when thinking about the “Customer Journey”. It is
modeling theory. However, complex modeling methods raise nonetheless a kind of model. Thus, in respect of the
high barriers to adoption among non-experienced modelers. It amalgamation of scientific disciplines in the course of the
is not feasible to train all people to become full-fledged digitalization, new techniques should capitalize on the
modelers, nor worthwhile. Against this background, we existing knowledge base – even from an alien discipline.
focused on a simple, yet theoretically sound modeling
approach that integrates the modeling activities in an ACKNOWLEDGMENT
overarching method.
The author thanks Mayleen Janette Micke for the ongoing
In cooperation with ServiceCo, a series of iterative support and discussions over the course of the project.
workshops were performed to design the artefact. The Moreover, Karsten Kraume is thanked for making this
framework was successfully applied to a large public research endeavor possible as part of the ERCIS Omni-
institution for water sports. Solving this problem instance is Channel Lab powered by Arvato. Lastly, this article is funded
indeed only one part of the contribution to practice. Moreover, by the RISE_BPM project (H2020 Marie Curie Program,
the framework enables practitioners to conduct Customer grant 645751).
Journey Mapping with ease due to its coverage of activities
before and after the modeling along the simple modeling REFERENCES
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