Water Safety
Water Safety
Water Safety
Safety Management
Level 1:
Water Safety
Awareness Module
Guided Learning Unit
Introduction....................................................... 1
Identification and Classification of Hazards...... 2
Identifying Risk and Implementing
Control Measures.............................................. 3
Group Management and
Activity Management......................................... 6
Casualty Recognition........................................ 7
Panicking Casualty........................................ 8
Non-Panicking Casualty............................... 9
Unconscious Casualty................................ 10
Rescue Principles............................................ 11
Lifesaving Rescue Techniques.................... 12
Rescue Priorities......................................... 13
Shout and Signal Rescue............................ 14
Throwing Rescue........................................ 15
Reaching Rescue........................................ 16
Reaching Rescue using Rope..................... 17
Wading Rescue........................................... 18
Entering and Exiting the Water.................... 19
Summary for the sequence of rescues....... 19
Learning Outcomes
The Level 1 Water Safety Awareness Module (comprising of a Self Study Unit and this Guided Learning Unit) is
primarily knowledge based. However, basic principles of rescue will be discussed and candidates will practise
land-based rescue techniques. By the end of the module candidates will be expected to:
• Identify a range of open water hazards
• Understand the effects of cold water immersion on the body
• Demonstrate a minimum level of water safety and personal safety awareness
• Show an understanding of legal requirements and duty of care applicable to group leaders
• Understand principles of water safety, group management and risk assessment
• Show an understanding of the principles of rescue and rescuer safety
• Understand how to manage a group safely around the water margins
• Understand key water safety issues
• Apply practical risk management skills and show confidence in applying appropriate controls
• Demonstrate competence in land-based ‘Emergency Response’ rescues
Classification of Hazards
Hazards can be separated into generic categories (as noted in the Self Study Unit). Following is a short guide to
assist in classifying hazards (Location, Environment, People, Activity). Please note the guide is not exhaustive.
Location Environment
Describe the location and environment. Is it urban with What is the water type (e.g. lake, river, beach) and what
ease of access and proximity to emergency services, or hazards will this environment present?
rural where more consideration will be required to plan
The natural environment presents many challenges due
and manage emergencies? The site may actually be in
to the dynamic characteristics of the elements and the
the wilderness with no access to external assistance (at
speed at which they can change (transforming from a
least for an extended period of time).
calm safe state to extremely severe and dangerous in
People the matter of minutes).
People can be the most unpredictable variable in
running an activity. Consideration should be given to
What will the client group be doing? Will the activities
the age, maturity and mental and physical ability of
conflict with other users? For lone workers, assess the
your client group. Also, it is important to be clear about
risk of the specific activities (e.g. sea conditions when
the extent of your authority and control. Other factors
water sampling).
Nature of activity examples:
• Group/ peer pressure
• Walking near water
• Physical fitness
• Pond dipping
• Experience
• Crossing water
• Competencies
• Paddling
• Behaviour – individual & group
• ‘Getting in’/Swimming
To evaluate the risk, the likelihood of an event happening (on a scale of 1 to 5) is multiplied against the severity
of the outcome if the event is realised (on a similar scale of 1 to 5). So, for example, an event with a likelihood of
occurrence scoring 3 against a severity of 5 would produce a risk rating of 3 x 5 = 15. Using the Risk Calculator
model below, where the product of the likelihood and severity are mapped, this score of 15 would fall into the red
zone meaning this risk is unacceptable and immediate control measures should be put in place.
Risk Calculator
IMPROBABLE (1) 1 2 3 4 5
REMOTE (2) 2 4 6 8 10
OCCASIONAL (3) 3 6 9 12 15
PROBABLE (4) 4 8 12 16 20
FREQUENT (5) 5 10 15 20 25
HIGH PRIORITY – The level of risk is unacceptable and cannot be justified on any grounds, immediate high level control measures should be applied.
MEDIUM PRIORITY – The level of risk is significant and medium level control measures should be applied to reduce the risk as soon as possible.
LOW PRIORITY – The level of risk is at a level where low level control measures suffice.
Review Date:
Site Description:
At the Site
As noted within Hazard Identification, it is good practice (if possible) to make a reconnaissance visit to a site before taking
a group there, to identify any hazards and safety arrangements. Managed sites should have operating procedures
which you should ask to see so that you are conversant with local hazards and emergency procedures. Facilities should
be actively managed and provide changing arrangements, washing arrangements and access to refreshments.
Water Management
SPECIAL NOTE: Where people are swimming freely in deep water, qualified Lifeguard cover must be provided. Where
controlled/programmed activity is taking place, it may be appropriate to facilitate with appropriately qualified supervisors/leaders.
Casualty Recognition
We have discussed how people get into difficulty in water and also how they drown. It is important to recognise
someone in difficulty in the water and realise that they do not always display the same characteristics. Contrary to
popular myth, people drowning rarely make much sound or splash about. The casualty will be attempting to keep
their hands in the water and silence comes from gasping for air. It is known as ‘Silent Drowning’.
The position of the casualty and their ability will determine how the rescuer assists them and what rescue aids are
required, in addition to the water environment and prevailing conditions being a significant factor.
There are three recognisable categories of casualties which, if identified correctly, provide you with important
information and help you to develop a safe emergency action plan.
Whilst the three categories seem clear and distinct, the behaviour and condition of a conscious casualty may
continue to change throughout a drowning or rescue situation. This means that you must always be vigilant to the
casualty’s actions and prioritise your safety at all times.
Casualty Recognition
Panicking Casualty
It is easy to assume that a panicking casualty will be easily recognisable because they will display obvious
panicking characteristics such as waving and shouting, but this is not always the case.
Some panicking casualties will not make any obvious signals for help as they focus on maintaining a clear airway
and staying at the water surface (although they may submerge repeatedly as they get weaker). This is part of the
shock response to the early stages of drowning, and it can make casualty recognition and categorisation much
more difficult.
Communication may be the clearest way to identify whether or not a casualty is in a state of panic. Panicking
casualties are not able to communicate effectively, either because they communicate very little (shock response)
or because their attempts at communication are so vigorous (shouting and waving) that clear messages between
the casualty and rescuer cannot be achieved.
Casualty Characteristics
Before Rescue
• Actions
Ineffective - ranging from no significant arm and leg movement (shock response) to frantic swimming actions.
• Communication
Ineffective - ranging from no calls for help (shock response) to desperate shouting and waving.
• Body position
More vertical than horizontal in the water.
During Rescue
• May not be able or willing to respond to instructions or assist in the rescue (may not grasp thrown aids).
• Likely to attempt to grasp at the rescuer.
• Will remain vertical in the water.
• May calm down once the head and shoulders are supported clear of the water.
Rescuer Implications
• High risk of casualty grasping at and clamping onto the rescuer.
• A good defensive stand-off position must be used if the rescuer enters the water (although entry is
not advised).
• Rescue aids should be used (although this may be difficult) and physical contact avoided.
Casualty Recognition
Non-Panicking Casualty
Non-panicking casualties may be more in need of assistance than rescue. They can be quickly identified as
‘non-panicking’ by their ability to communicate clearly. These casualties may be tired, weak, or injured swimmers,
so the rescuer must communicate clearly with the casualty to help them to decide what actions to take.
Non-panicking casualties can become panicking or unconscious casualties very quickly. Non-panicking casualties
still pose a significant risk to the rescuer if they enter the water.
Casualty Characteristics
Before Rescue
• Actions
Effective – using their arms and legs to maintain buoyancy and a clear airway.
• Communication
Effective – shouting and/or signalling for help.
• Body position
May have legs raised into a swimming or floating position, may turn onto their side or back.
During Rescue
• Likely to be able to respond to instructions.
• Likely to co-operate when support is offered (able to grasp rescue aids).
• May be able to rescue themselves (self-rescue) when given some support (an aid) and guidance.
Rescuer Implications
• Despite the apparent calmness, there is still a high risk of the casualty grasping at and clamping onto
the rescuer.
• A good defensive stand-off position must be used if the rescuer enters the water (although entry is not advised).
• Rescue aids should be used and physical contact avoided.
Casualty Recognition
Unconscious Casualty
Unconscious casualties can regain consciousness during a rescue and in doing so increase the risk that they pose
to the rescuer.
Depending on number of factors, including natural buoyancy, the casualty may be visible on the surface of the
water or submerged.
Casualty Characteristics
Before Rescue
• Actions
Completely limp, no movement.
• Communication
No communication, no signal for help.
• Body position
May be floating at any point between the surface and the water bed.
During Rescue
• No response to instruction or rescue.
• Direct-contact rescue required (if it can be safely performed).
• May regain consciousness during the rescue.
Rescuer Implications
• The casualty will not be able to assist with the rescue.
• The casualty will require a direct-contact rescue.
• Landing the casualty will be difficult so the rescuer should consider moving the casualty to the easiest point of
exit and calling for assistance throughout the rescue.
• Consider Life Support.
Rescue Principles
Rescuer safety is paramount and prevention is the best form of safety but occasions present themselves where an
intervention is required and a rescue has to be initiated. Drowning casualties perceive the Rescuer as a floatation
device and will grasp at and clamp onto the rescuer. This presents a very significant risk to the rescuer, limiting
their ability to swim. Evidence suggests that in some cases the rescuer gets into difficulty and also drowns.
The contact zone is the area around the casualty that presents the highest level of risk to the rescuer. The size
of the contact zone varies depending on the number of casualties and their characteristics. Very small or weak
casualties may be restricted in how far they can swim or reach towards a rescuer, whereas large or energetic
casualties may be able to reach towards a rescuer even when they are a few metres away from them. Even weak
swimmers can summon incredible strength when in panic and seize a rescuer.
During water-based rescues, rescuers should stop their approach before reaching the casualty and adopt a
Defensive Stand-off Position. This will allow the rescuer the opportunity to make a final assessment of the risks
presented by the casualty and decide on an action plan before attempting a rescue. As a rule of thumb, three
to four metres is considered a safe distance away from the casualty, although every incident is different and a
dynamic assessment of the risks needs to be carried out at the time and an appropriate position taken.
When managing a group, the activity must be carefully planned to minimise the need for an emergency rescue.
When prevention has not worked and the Leader is forced to make an intervention, there are a number of options
available to him/her.
ed – These are the most hazardous skills to the rescuer because they involve deep water, entering
into the contact zone, or direct-contact with the casualty
Amber – These skills are hazardous to the rescuer because they involve entering the water, reaching
into the contact zone, or indirect-contact with the casualty
Green – These are the least hazardous skills for the rescuer to use because they do not involve
entering the water and use non-contact methods of rescue. However, these skills still present a risk to
the rescuer
The traffic light level of each skill is not set in stone. The risk of performing a rescue skill can change depending
on the specific situation, and the skills of the individual rescuer.
For example, a reaching rescue is typically an amber level skill, but if the rescuer cannot make the rescue using
indirect-contact methods (with an aid), the level of risk may rise to red due to the heightened risk of using direct-
contact in the rescue.
Using the Emergency Action Model (Self-Study Unit) will help you to fully evaluate the risks and prioritise your
safety throughout a rescue.
When there is more than one casualty, deciding whom to save first can be a difficult decision. When reaching this
decision, there are two questions that you should ask yourself: who are the most likely to survive the emergency
situation if they are rescued promptly (conscious casualties), and who from this group of casualties requires the
most immediate assistance (casualties who are struggling to stay at the surface).
This is a Green Skill because the rescuer can stay out of the water, outside of the contact zone, and avoid
contact with the casualty.
Personal Safety
• Call for help before starting the rescue.
• Make sure the bank/beach area is safe.
• Keep back from the edge.
• Consider when the rescue attempt is too dangerous (and consider other options).
• Attract the attention of the casualty.
• Keep eye contact with the casualty.
• Clearly instruct the casualty by:
– Explaining and demonstrating (with your arms) the leg kicking movement.
– Explaining and demonstrating a circular arm movement (doggy paddle arms).
– Encouraging and reassuring casualty.
• Guide them to a safe exit point away from danger.
• Continually reassess your personal safety, exit route and the casualty until the rescue is completed.
This is an Amber Skill because it requires the rescuer
to reach into the contact zone, and it requires either
indirect or direct contact with the casualty. Whenever
possible, an aid should be used to keep the contact
indirect, this enables the rescuer to release the aid (and
casualty) if they start to get pulled into the water.
This is an Amber Skill because it requires the rescuer to reach into the
contact zone, and it requires indirect contact with the casualty.
Personal Safety
• Call for help before starting the rescue.
• Make sure the bank/beach area is safe.
• Kneel or lie down when pulling the casualty to safety.
• Consider when the rescue attempt is too dangerous (and consider
other options).
• Attract the attention of the casualty.
• Communicate, tell the casualty to:
– Stay calm.
– Keep their arms and legs in the water and use them to stay at the
• Hold the end of the rope in the coiling/throwing hand between your
index finger and thumb, with your palm facing up.
• Run the other hand along the rope until it is outstretched in front of
your body.
• Returning the outstretched hand to the coiling/throwing hand, loop the
rope between the index finger and thumb.
• Repeat the action until enough rope is coiled for the rescue.
• Try to keep your coiling/throwing hand still during the coiling (to prevent
the coils from tangling).
• Throw the rope using an underarm throw keeping hold of one end, and
aiming over/past the casualty and upstream/upwind.
• Keep back from the edge and pull the casualty in:
– In calm water, get down onto one knee or lie flat.
– In flowing water, get down onto one knee or lie flat, hold the rope
firmly and allow the current to swing the casualty to the edge.
• Continually reassess your personal safety, exit route and the casualty
until the rescue is completed.
Definition of the Skill • If there are multiple rescuers, form a human chain.
A water-based, non-contact, indirect-contact or direct- • Take a buoyant aid for personal use (if available).
contact rescue, performed in standing depth water, • Avoid direct contact with the casualty (if possible).
with or without an aid. • Consider when the rescue attempt is too dangerous
(and consider other options).
This is an Amber Skill because it requires the rescuer Rescue
to enter the water, and either reach into or enter the • Attract the attention of the casualty.
contact zone. • Communicate, tell the casualty to:
To minimise the risks as much as possible, the rescuer – Stay calm.
should use non-contact and indirect-contact rescue – Keep their arms and legs in the water and use them
techniques in preference to direct-contact techniques to stay at the surface.
whenever possible. • Locate a reaching aid (if possible).
• Walk steadily toward the casualty:
Wading may also be used by the rescuer to increase
– Testing the water bed with the rigid aid.
the accuracy and distance of throwing rescues.
– Moving your feet in a semi-circular motion, checking
Suitable Casualty and Environmental the ground before transferring your body weight.
Characteristics • Secure the casualty (with as little contact as is safe,
• Panicking or non-panicking. preferably using an aid).
• Calm to moderate water conditions. • Return to the land by the same path used to reach
• Within standing depth water (not deeper than the the casualty, or by the safest route to a point of exit.
rescuers chest). • Continually reassess your personal safety, exit route,
• Unable to be rescued using a safer rescue method. and the casualty until the rescue is completed.
Personal Safety
• Call for help before starting the rescue.
• Use a rigid aid to test the waterbed.
• Stand side-on to any water flow with your legs spread
to at least shoulder width.
• Slide your feet in a semi-circular motion whilst testing
and keeping a firm footing on the water bed.
• Stay in contact with the land by holding onto a
secure object connected to or supported by another
rescuer on the land, such as a branch (if available).
A number of factors may be covered in a formal risk assessment. However, due to the changeability of the open
water environment and specifics of the casualty, the rescuer will need to make a dynamic risk assessment and be
clear about their action plan and communicate that to the team.
In the case of managing a programmed group activity, prior consideration should have been given to entries and
exits before entering the water. However, mitigation plans need to be in place as water environments can change
quickly requiring the rescuer to think and act fast.