Diploma in Cyber Forensics and Information Security

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Program : Diploma in Cyber Forensics And Information security

Course Title: Cyber Forensics and Security

Course Code : 4282

Semester :4 Credits: 4

Course Category: Program Core

Periods per week: 4 (L:4 T:0 P:0) Periods per semester: 60

Course Objectives:
 To introduce computer forensics concepts, as well as techniques for identifying,
collecting, and preserving digital evidence consistent with industry standards and best
 An in-depth study of each phase involved in a forensics investigation process.
 To understand system and network security threats and the defenses against them.

Course Prerequisites:

Topic Course name Semester
Introduction to IT
Basic knowledge in Computer Systems I
Systems Lab

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

COn Description Cognitive Level
Understand basic ideas of Computer Forensics
CO1 and the forensic investigations 14 Understanding

Outline how to acquire data from devices and

CO2 the theory behind various types of data 15 Understanding
Describe how to perform analysis and validation
CO3 14 Understanding
of data, prepare reports and expert testimony

CO4 Summarize various security threats 15 Understanding

Series Test 2
CO – PO Mapping

Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7
CO1 2 2
CO2 2 2
CO3 - 1
CO4 1 3 3 1

3-Strongly mapped, 2-Moderately mapped, 1-Weakly mapped

Course Outline

Module Duration
Description Cognitive Level
Outcomes (Hours)
Understand basic ideas of Computer Forensics and the forensic
Explain basic concepts of Cyber
M1.01 2 Understanding

M1.02 Explain case law 1 Understanding

Explain developing computer forensics
M1.03 2 Understanding
Summarize Computer investigations-
systematic approach, and maintaining Understanding
M1.04 2
professional conduct
Explain procedures for corporate high tech
M1.05 3 Understanding
Explain types of data recovery workstations
M1.06 and software 2
M1.07 Explain Requirements for forensic lab Understanding
Contents:Introduction to Computer Forensics - history of computer forensics,
case law, preparing for computer investigations, understanding corporate investigations,
maintaining professional conduct. Understanding Computer Investigations - Preparing a
computer investigation, taking a systematic approach, procedures for corporate high tech
investigations, understanding data recovery workstations and software, conducting an
investigation, completing the case. Requirements for forensic lab certification-
determining the physical requirements for a computer forensics lab, selecting a basic
forensic workstation.
Outline how to acquire data from devices and the theory behind various
types of data acquisitions

M2.01 Summarize storage format 2 Understanding

M2.02 Explain Types of image acquisition 1 Understanding

M2.03 Describe validating data acquisitions 2 Understanding

Explain RAID data acquisition, remote network
M2.04 1 Understanding
acquisition,other forensic acquisition tool.
Explain various steps for processing crime and
M2.05 5 Understanding
incident scene
Describe storing of digital evidence and
M2.06 3 Understanding
obtaining a digital hash.
Series Test – I 1

Contents :Data Acquisition - storage formats for digital evidence, determining the best
acquisition method, contingency planning for image acquisitions, using acquisition tools,
validating data acquisitions, performing RAID data acquisitions, using remote network
acquisition tools, using other forensic acquisition tools.Processing Crime and Incident
Scene - identifying digital evidence, collecting evidence in private sector incident scenes,
processing law enforcement crime scenes, preparing for a search, securing a computer
incident or crime scene,Seizing digital evidence at the scene, storing digital evidence,
obtaining a digital hash.
Describe how to perform analysis and validation of data prepare reports and
expert testimony
M3.01 Explain analysis and validation 3 Understanding

M3.02 Compare types of data-hiding techniques 3 Understanding

Explain basic concepts of report writing,
M3.03 4 Understanding
report findings with forensic tool
Describe generation report findings with
M3.04 4 Understanding
forensics software tools
Contents : Analysis and validation-determining what data to collect and analyse, validating
forensic data, addressing data-hiding techniques, performing remote acquisitions.
Report writing for high tech investigations – importance of reports, guidelines for writing,
generating report findings with forensics software tools.

CO4 Summarize various security threats

Explain Security threats, sources , Email

M4.01 3 Understanding
threats, Web-threats
Summarize intruders hackers, insider threats,
M4.02 3 Understanding
cyber crimes
M4.03 Compare Active and passive attacks 2 Understanding
Compare Worms –Virus – Spam’s – Ad ware -
M4.04 2 Understanding
Spy ware – Trojan
Summarize IP, Spoofing - ARP spoofing -
M4.05 2 Understanding
Session Hijacking
M4.06 Compare Internal threats Environmental threats 2 Understanding
Series Test – II 1
Security threats: Introduction: Security threats - Sources of security threats- Motives -
Target Assets and vulnerabilities – Consequences of threats- E-mail threats - Web-threats -
Intruders and Hackers, Insider threats, Cyber crimes. Network Threats: Active/ Passive –
Interference – Interception –Impersonation
– Worms –Virus – Spam’s – Ad ware - Spy ware – Trojans and covert channels –Backdoors
– Bots – IP Spoofing - ARP spoofing - Session Hijacking - Sabotage-Internal threats
Environmental threats - Threats to Server security

Text / Reference

T/R Book Title/Author

Guide to computer forensics and investigation 4th edition by Amelia

Philip, Bill Nelsonand Christopher Steuart.
David Benton and Frank Grindstaff ,Practical guide to Computer
Forensics - Book Surge Publishing,2006, ISBN-10: 1419623877
Christopher L.T Brown Charles ,Computer Evidence: Collection &
Preservation - River Media publishing, Edition 1, 2005 ISBN-10: 1584504056
Elizabeth Bauchner, Computer Investigation ( Forensics, the Science of crime-
solving) – Mason Crest Publishers, 2005 ISBN-10: 1422200353
Keith J. Jones, Richard Bejtlich and Curtis W. Rose, Real Digital
Forensics - Addison-Wesley publishers, 2005 ISBN-10: 0321240693

R5 Swiderski, Frank and Syndex, “Threat Modeling”, Microsoft Press, 2004. 2.

William Stallings and Lawrie Brown, “Computer Security: Principles

and Practice”, Prentice Hall

Online Resources

Sl No Website Link

1 https://www.w3schools.in/cyber-security/cyber-forensics-and-incident-handling/
2 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/cyber-forensics

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