Diploma in Cyber Forensics and Information Security
Diploma in Cyber Forensics and Information Security
Diploma in Cyber Forensics and Information Security
Semester :4 Credits: 4
Course Objectives:
To introduce computer forensics concepts, as well as techniques for identifying,
collecting, and preserving digital evidence consistent with industry standards and best
An in-depth study of each phase involved in a forensics investigation process.
To understand system and network security threats and the defenses against them.
Course Prerequisites:
Topic Course name Semester
Introduction to IT
Basic knowledge in Computer Systems I
Systems Lab
Course Outcomes:
COn Description Cognitive Level
Understand basic ideas of Computer Forensics
CO1 and the forensic investigations 14 Understanding
Series Test 2
CO – PO Mapping
Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7
CO1 2 2
CO2 2 2
CO3 - 1
CO4 1 3 3 1
Course Outline
Module Duration
Description Cognitive Level
Outcomes (Hours)
Understand basic ideas of Computer Forensics and the forensic
Explain basic concepts of Cyber
M1.01 2 Understanding
Contents :Data Acquisition - storage formats for digital evidence, determining the best
acquisition method, contingency planning for image acquisitions, using acquisition tools,
validating data acquisitions, performing RAID data acquisitions, using remote network
acquisition tools, using other forensic acquisition tools.Processing Crime and Incident
Scene - identifying digital evidence, collecting evidence in private sector incident scenes,
processing law enforcement crime scenes, preparing for a search, securing a computer
incident or crime scene,Seizing digital evidence at the scene, storing digital evidence,
obtaining a digital hash.
Describe how to perform analysis and validation of data prepare reports and
expert testimony
M3.01 Explain analysis and validation 3 Understanding
Text / Reference
Online Resources
Sl No Website Link
1 https://www.w3schools.in/cyber-security/cyber-forensics-and-incident-handling/
2 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/cyber-forensics